Helping Skills ~ Hill (Final)

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Select the best disclosure for insight from the following responses:

"Leaving my ex-husband was initially devastating and empowering for me because I had never been on my own."

Select the best challenge from the following responses:

"You say you want to come to counseling, but you are late for every session."

Managing their own anxiety is often a problem for beginning helpers. Recommended suggestions for handling this problem include all of the following except:

Tell the client there really is no reason to be nervous

Humor is useful as long as:

The client feels that the helper is laughing with rather than laughing at

Caveats about using the insight skills do NOT include:

The client must be resistant

Some markers for knowing that the client is ready to move to action do NOT include:

The helper has some good ideas for how the client could change

Ellis believes that which of the following causes people to feel bad?

Their belief system

Which of the following is NOT a marker that the client is ready to move to action?

There is a rupture in the therapeutic alliance

Disclosures are used:

Throughout the three-stage model of helping

Helpers who do not trust their feelings or who are afraid of making clients angry may have difficulty using immediacy:


Historically, challenges have been referred to as confrontations.


Interpretations are important because they provide a conceptual framework that explains problems and offers a rationale for overcoming concerns


It is best to encourage clients to come to their own insights, if possible:


Resolving problems between the helper and client with immediacy can provide clients with a model of how to resolve interpersonal problems with loved ones:


The accuracy of an interpretation is not possible to determine, so helpers have to depend more on whether the client finds the interpretation helpful


The helper should first ask open questions to stimulate client insight before offering interpretations:


The two-chair technique can be very useful when there is a marker of a major conflict.

True / False ? ? ? ? ?

Select the best immediacy intervention from the following responses:

"It seems like I disappointed you when I forgot our session last week. Could we talk about your feelings?"

Select best interpretation from the following responses:

"I wonder if you are attracted to this woman primarily because she is so different from your first wife."

Select the best challenge from the following responses: (angry)

"I'm hearing you say that you aren't mad at him, but your voice sounds angry."

Samantha is talking about how much she likes her mother-in-law, but she seems to always have an excuse for why she cannot see her or speak with her on the telephone. Her helper says, "I wonder if you really like her. It seems that if you did, you would make some time in your schedule." The helper's response is:

A challenge

Markers that the client is ready and eager for an interpretation do NOT include:

A high level of client experiencing

In Ellis's cognitive therapy, ABC stands for:

A is the activating event, B is irrational beliefs, C is the consequent negative emotional reactions or behaviors

Research shows that on average helpers use challenges or confrontations:

About 1-5% of all helper statements

Which of the following is NOT an assumption of behavioral theories?

Action changes brain patterns

According to the textbook, the best interpretations are those that:

Are of moderate depth

The most helpful interpretations:

Are often developed by the client in collaboration with the helper when the client is ready

The role of the helper in the action stage, as discussed in the Hill text, is to:

Assist clients in thinking about action

When giving a challenge, a helper should:

Attend to the cultural background of the client

Josie, a beginning helper's frustrated because her clients resisting her insight interventions. She thinks that she may have to terminate the relationship. Of the following, what would not be a wise strategy?

Begin to generate action plans for her client

Immediacy has been described as:

Being in the moment with the client

Challenges are different from interpretations because:

Challenges raise awareness by pointing out discrepancies, whereas interpretations suggest underlying reasons

Which of the following is NOT a recommended coping strategy for helpers to use to manage difficulties that they might have in the exploration stage?

Chatting with the client before the session

Markers of readiness for immediacy are:

Client is acting unusually friendly toward you

Sources for interpretations do NOT include:

Countertransference issues

Dr. Brown says, "I remember when I was in college, I also felt really overwhelmed and anxious during finals because I never felt confident in my abilities." This is an example of what type of self-disclosure?

Disclosure of insight

The two major theorists in cognitive therapy are:

Ellis and Beck

The most frequently used skills in the insight stage are:

Exploration skills

Markers indicating client readiness to receive a challenge include:

Expressions of ambivalence, contradictions, confusion

Interpreting countertransference is one of the best types of interpretation


The transfer of learning from one situation to another is called:


Shaping involves:

Gradual training of a complex response by reinforcing closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior

Sources of data for developing interpretations do NOT include:

Helper's feelings toward the client

Dangers in using disclosures of insight do NOT include:

Helpers trying to be too empathic

In addition to helping clients with their goals, action is important because it:

Helps clients consolidate thinking patterns learned during the insight stage

Which of the following does NOT define an interpretation?

Identifies emotions that the client was not aware of

Jeremy and his helper had a good relationship until recently. His helper noticed a certain hesitance with Jeremy. He says, "Jeremy, I notice that you seem to be hesitant to open up with me lately." What type of intervention is the helper using?


Which of the following skills is NOT typically used for fostering awareness?


"I wonder if your problems in trusting your husband are related to the anger you felt at your mother for abandoning you when you were a child?" This intervention is an example of a (an):


Which of the following is NOT true about the helping skill of immediacy:

It is primarily used to facilitate exploration of feelings

Self-awareness is important for helpers for all of the following reasons, except:

It provides a growth experience for helpers

Which of the following theorists was NOT cited by the textbook as writing about immediacy?


Intentions for using challenges include all but which one(s) of the following?

Make them change their irrational beliefs

The concept of "baby steps," as used by this textbook, refers to:

Making small changes

Dr. Arbona tells his client, Minnie, that he cannot tell her what actions to take. Encouraging Minnie to determine her own actions is important because:

Minnie becomes responsible for meeting her goals and achieving the desired outcomes

Insight skills:

Need to be repeated many times in diverse ways

Which of the following is NOT a difficulty that beginning helpers tend to have in the exploration stage?

Not using enough interpretations

A helper can serve as a model for the client in many ways. A behavioral helper might label this type of learning as:

Observational learning

One of the following is NOT a step for using immediacy:

Offer a revised immediacy statement

Which of the following is NOT an example of two things a challenge can be between?

One's ideal and broken self

The O in S-O-R refers to:


Self-disclosures of insight should be used when:

Other insight skills would be too threatening

Helpful hints for using interpretation include all of the following, except:

Present the client with a thoughtful interpretation early on to facilitate exploration

If clients are actively involved in gaining insight, helpers should:

Probe with open questions to encourage them to attain their own insight

In the two studies cited (Hill et al., 2007; Knox et al., 2008), the most helpful intervention for helping clients gain insight into their dreams is:

Probes for insight

The two-chair technique comes from:

Process-experiential therapy

According to the textbook, the primary reason for using disclosures in the insight stage is to:

Promote insight

_______ comes after a behavior and reduces the probability that the behavior will occur again:


Behavioral theories are different from psychoanalytic theories because they:

Suggest that behaviors and cognitions are learned

According to the textbook, the best exploration tool for most clients is:

Reflection of feelings

Helpful hints for using immediacy include:

Using "I" statements

Helpers might guess that clients had explored enough when they can answer ALL BUT which of the following questions:

What are the client's career goals?

Circling is all of the following except:

When the client deeply ponders the helper's intervention

Beck and colleagues postulated which of the following?

a. Automatic thoughts and dysfunctional interpretations are the major sources of problems. b. Clients misconstrue events on the basis of faulty logic. c. We must replace irrational beliefs (B) with more rational cognitions (D). d. Clients often view themselves as having high self-efficacy. e. a and b (correct answer)

Daniela's client, Bruce, seems hesitant to move toward action. Daniela tries to use information and direct guidance to motivate her client. What might be happening in this scenario?

a. Bruce may not be ready to change. b. Daniela may be too invested in Bruce's change. c. More exploration may be needed. d. all of the above apply (correct answer) e. none of the above apply

Which of the following is stated in the book about cultural considerations in the exploration stage?

a. The exploration stage may fit better with Western than eastern cultures. b. Non-western cultures may prefer action to exploration. c. It is important to always discuss cultural differences in the first session d. a and b. (correct answer) e. all of the above

Which of the following is NOT a reason for using challenges?

a. They can help clients become aware of ambivalent feelings. b. They can help clients take responsibility for their actions. c. They can help nudge clients out of denial. d. They can help clients become aware of their defenses. e. None of the above apply. (correct answer)

Carlita has gained insight into her problems but cannot seem to move to action. What might be the reason(s) for this?

a. Understanding may be enough. b. Carlita may have gained intellectual, but not emotional insight. c. Carlita may not have the right skills to move toward action. d. Carlita may not have enough money to pay for therapy. e. b and c (correct answer)

Markers that the client is ready for insight include:

a. a clear statement of awareness of the problem b. statement of a lack of understanding c. stated eagerness for understanding d. all of the above (correct answer) e. a and c

According to the textbook, the best time to use challenges is when the client is feeling:

a. anxious b. depressed c. stuck d. ambivalent e. only c and d (correct answer)

Psychoanalytic theorists postulate that interpretations:

a. are the central technique for producing self-knowledge and change. b. are valuable because they provide a discrepant view from that of the client. c. help change the way schemas are structured. d. help make unconscious material conscious. e. a and d (correct answer)

Ways to help clients own responsibility include:

a. asking them to say "I" rather than "you" or "everyone." b. asking them to say "can't" rather than "won't." c. asking them to say "I choose not to" rather than "I shouldn't." d. all of the above (correct answer) e. b and c

Summary statements in helping:

a. can be successfully applied at the beginning of a session. b. can be successfully applied at the end of a session. c. are ideally handled as a joint effort between helper and client. d. all of the above (Correct answer) e. b and c

Insight does not always lead spontaneously to action, because:

a. clients may not have gained adequate insight. b. clients may not have the skills to move to action. c. clients may not feel ready to change, may be afraid of trying new things, or believe they cannot change. d. all of the above (correct answer) e. b and c

Although restatements, open questions, and reflections of feelings can be used in most situations that arise to help clients explore, some situations do exist for which they are not the most appropriate interventions. These situations include:

a. clients needing specific information about what to expect in helping or about the helper's credentials. b. helpers needing specific information. c. clients needing normalization, reinforcement, or reassurance. d. helpers wanting to let clients know they have had similar feelings. e. any of the above (Correct answer)

Challenges can involve:

a. discrepancies b. contradictions c. irrational ideas d. humor e. all of the above (correct answer)

Markers that the client is ready for awareness include:

a. expressions of ambivalence b. contradictions c. passive-aggressiveness d. manic-depression e. a and b (correct answer)

Helpers do NOT use disclosures for insight to:

a. help clients attain realizations of which they had not been aware. b. be less threatening than with challenges or interpretations. c. help a client understand something more about him or herself. d. show that the helper also grapples with important human concerns. e. none of the above applies (correct answer)

For clients to incorporate insight interventions:

a. helpers may have to repeat them many times. b. clients need to work collaboratively with helpers to construct understanding. c. the helper must give interpretations. d. all of the above. e. a and b (correct answer)

At the end of the insight stage, clients should be able to:

a. identify patterns and make connections b. have a deeper understanding of their inner c. dynamics. see things similarly to the therapist d. do all of the above e. do only a and b (correct answer)

Important reasons for moving beyond insight to action include:

a. moving toward termination with the client b. consolidating new thinking patterns learned during insight c. helping clients attain their goals of changing specific thoughts, behaviors, and feelings d. all of the above e. only b and c (correct answer)

Situations that call for using immediacy include when:

a. progress is stalled in therapy. b. cross-cultural issues exist between client and therapist. c. long silences are present during the session. d. maladaptive behaviors or strengths of the client need to be pointed out. e. more than one of the above occurs (correct answer)

Immediacy is a type of:

a. self-disclosure. b. challenge. c. information. d. all of the above (correct answer) e. none of the above

The following are steps for doing the insight stage:

a. set the stage b. look for markers of client readiness for insight c. determine intentions d. follow up e. all of the above (correct answer)

Markers that the client is ready to move to action include:

a. the client has gained insight b. the client asked for action c. the client has a phobia d. all of the above (correct answer) e. a and b

Helpers' interpretations can be influenced by:

a. their cultural values. b. their life experiences. c. countertransference. d. transference. e. all of the above (correct answer)

Therapeutic reasons for using disclosures of insight include:

a. they have been found to be effective b. disclosures are sometimes less threatening than interpretations c. disclosures can alter the power balance d. all of the above (correct answer) e. a and b

To enable clients to recognize their maladaptive thoughts, Ellis:

a. used persuasion b. used challenges c. attacked the irrational thoughts d. all of the above (correct answer) e. b and c

Immediacy can be used:

a. when the client's behavior is maladaptive. b. when feedback would be helpful for the client. c. when there are problems in the therapeutic relationship. d. when the client is interested in learning about how she or he comes across. e. all of the above (correct answer)

According to Hill, interpretations are:

provide possible reasons

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