Henrietta Lacks

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Stanley Gartler discovered there was no contamination of HeLa cells in any of the 18 most commonly used cell cultures


The Lackses trusted the doctor's at Johns Hopkis


The Tuskegee institute became involved in the mass production of HeLa cells to use in the syphilis study.


The term "informed consent" first appeared in court documents in 1989


George Gey was diagnosed with liver cancer.

false Pancreatic

What reason does Deborah give for not wanting Skloot to type out Henrietta's records word-for-word?

family privacy???

What obstacle almost kept Deborah from going to see her mother's cells?

her son was caught by the police

What did HeLa cells allow scientists to do for the first time?

perform experiments that would have been impossible with a living human

How was Gartler able to link contamination of cell lines to HeLa cells?

the presence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-A

How are different types of cancer cells categorized?

based on the cells they start from

George Gey's cancer cells were cultured to become the GeGe cell line


Why did Henrietta end up being raised by her grandfather?

Her father took her there after her mother died in childbirth

What stage of cancer was Henrietta at when she was diagnosed


What STD did Henrietta contract while receiving radiation treatments?

Acute gonorrhea

How old was Henrietta when she had her first kid with Day?


How old was Lawrence when Henrietta died?


What was Clover's population in 1998?


How was Cootie related to Henrietta?

1st cousin

What percentage of women initially diagnosed with carcinoma in situ later developed invasive carcinoma?


Give three descriptors to demonstrate why it would be easy to believe the Marvel super villain, Hela, Goddess of Death, was based on Henrietta Lacks.


What causes the confrontation between Deborah and Skloot?


Why do you think Deborah tells Skloot that she "just witnessed a miracle?"


How does Deborah respond after Gary's prayer?


What did Henrietta's first doctor assume the source of the lump on Henrietta's cervix was?

A sore from syphilis

All of the following happened when the family started to bury Henrietta's body except

An earthquake

When was she born?

August 1, 1920

Who were the common ancestors of the White and Black Lackses? Choose all that apply.

Benjamin lacks and albert lacks

What important misunderstanding about HeLa does Lengauer clarify for Deborah?

Deborah didn't know that her mother's cells were mixed up with cancer cells.

What made Day change his mind and allow the autopsy to occur?

Doctor's told him it would possibly help his children

What advice did Pattillo give Skloot about dealing with Deborah?

Don't be clinical Don't talk down to her Don't be aggressive DO be compassionate

Who was Lillian

Hela's youngest sister

According to Laure Aurealian, George Gey never actually met Henrietta Lacks.


Cervical cancer cells normally grow from erythrocyte cells.


The hela cells Mary cultured all died?


The pap smear did not improve the survival rate of women diagnosed with cancer


In Baltimore county, what day is Henrietta Lacks Day

February 1

How did Bobette find out about HeLa

From Gardenia's Brother in law

How did Rogers discover Henrietta's real name?

From Walter Nelson-Rees

Who developed the Pap Smear?

George Papanicolauo

How are Gladys and Gary related to Deborah?

Gladys is Deborah's aunt and Gary is Deborah's cousin.

Cootie thinks Henrietta's cancer could have come from all of the following EXCEPT

Having multiple STDs

What does Zakariyya blame on Henrietta's cancer cells?

He blames the cells for him being the way that he is. He thinks that they made him "mean"

What is Gary's spiritual explanation for why Henrietta's cells lived on after her death?

He explained that Henrietta was an angel sent by God to the world to help

What does Cootie think about the reason the HeLa cells were used to develop a polio vaccine?

He had polio and Henrietta wanted to take care of him when she was alive, but couldnt

Explain how Davon's heroic actions saved Deborah's life.

He saved her by keeping her awake and not letting her become unconscious

What motivated Michael Rogers to find the Lacks family?

He thought the contamination problem would make a good story

What motivated Pattilo to organize the HeLa Cancer Control Syposium?

He wanted to honor her by holding a symposium in her name

All of the following facts about George Gey's life support the assertion that he never personally profited from the development of HeLa Except

He was sued and lost everything by the Lacks

Why did Franklin Salisbury Jr. contact Deborah?

He was the president of the National Foundation for Cancer Research. He wanted to hold a conference in Henrietta's honor and he wanted to Deborah the story

What was Cootie's real name

Hector Henry

How was Day related to Henrietta? Answer all that apply.

Husband and first cousin

HeLa cells were useful for the study of viruses because they reproduced slow enough to watch the process in real time.


Explain the Hayflick limit.

It essentially means that cells can only divide a certain amount of times before the telomeres get so short that they can't divide.

What does Howard Jones' findings about Henrietta's medical records suggest about her cancer?

It had grown at a terrifying rate

All of the following is true of the Supreme Court of California's decision regarding the Moore lawsuit EXCEPT

It was Moore's duty to dispose of his waste or it became the property of the hospital or lab

Why did David Lacks take Henrietta to the public wards at Johns Hopkins instead of a closer hospital?

It was the only major hospital for miles that treated black patients.

What did Howard Jones note about Henrietta's lump? Select all that apply

It was unlike any he had seen Shiny and purple like grape jello bled at the slightest touch

Which of the following is not associated with the "town" of Clover?

Its in Northern Virginia

How did Deborah discover the truth about Keenan Kester Cofield?

Johns Hopkins?

What was Henrietta Lacks' birth name?

Loretta Pleasant

What string of events in 2009 suggest that if Skloot had not begun researching Henrietta's story a decade earlier, it may have been lost forever?

Lots of the family was dying and she wouldn't be able to get enough info.

Who discovered radium and its ability to kill cancer cells?

Marie and Pierre Curie

Where did the name HeLa come from?

Mary labeled all sample tubes with the first two letters of the patient's first and last name

When did George Gey die?

November 8 1970

When did Henrietta Lacks die?

October 4 1951

How long did Henrietta wait between first telling her girlfriends that "something didn't feel right" and going to the doctor?

Over a year

Henrietta Lacks' name became public knowledge after her family sued Johns Hopkins for taking her cells without them knowing


All of the following were used as test subjects for Southam's EXCEPT

People with Polio

Why did Deborah choose not to request a copy of her mother's medical records?

She was afraid what she might find and how it would affect her (Deborah).

How was invasive carcinoma treated?


Where was she born?

Roanoke, VA

Why was Deborah unable to attend the National Foundation for Cancer Research's Henrietta Lacks conference in New York?

She was unable to attend because her son was going on trial and Sept 11 happened and she had a stroke???

What specific things did Deborah ask Skloot to promise she would do?

She asked her to clarify that her mum's name was Henrietta and that she had five siblings.

What gift does Deborah give Zakariyya?

She gave him blankets and the picture of her mother's cells.

What did Howard Jones find "interesting" about Henrietta's medical history?

She had a term baby and 6-week check-up at the hospital but there was no mention of any abnormality of the cervix.

What does Pattillo tell Skloot about Elsie Lacks?

She had epilepsy and that she died age 15

Why wasn't Skloot excited about meeting Zakariyya?

She had heard that he was one of the angriest and most upset of the family about the whole situation

What can you infer about Elsie's treatment based on the description Skloot gives of the photograph of her?

She looked like she was mistreated because of the discoloration, bruises, and swollen skin.

What did Cootie say as Henrietta's body passed by

Sweet Jesus, let the poor woman rest. She's had enough

The lawsuit that set a legal precedent for patenting biological "products" such as cell lines was

The case of Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty

Explain the contribution that HeLa has made to research on the HIV virus and the AIDS epidemic.

The experiments performed with hela cells allowed scientists to figure out how the virus infected cells. It also helped them learn how to stop it.

Give two reasons you can tell that Elsie's photograph and autopsy are deeply troubling to Deborah?

The news was hard to believe. She was gritting her teeth and she didn't want to accept it.

Johns Hopkins built his hospital to serve the poor, but never intended for blacks and other minorities to receive free services.


What is the lacks position on suing over the use of HeLa?

There weren't really any laws governing the cells so they can't really sue. There wasn't enough money to start a lawsuit/ hire a lawyer.???

How did Deborah's death change the lives of her brothers?

They cared more about the science of Hela cells. Zakarayya also changed bc he learned about keeping his inner peace and he spent more time with the fam.

Why are HeLa cells able to live beyond the Hayflick limit?

They have an active version of telomerase during cell division. This prevents the incremental shortening of telomeres which causes aging and eventually death. This circumvents the hay flick limit.

Why did Deborah and Skloot travel to Crownsville?

They wanted to see Hela cells and they wanted to know how Elsie died.

According to Henrietta's cousin Cliff, what is "beautiful" about the idea of "slaveowning white Lackses being buried under their black kin?

They're spending eternity in the same place

Why did Ted Slavin start Essential Biologicals?

To allow people with valuable blood to profit from the research done

How did doctors justify using patients in public hospital wards as medical research subjects without obtaining their consent or offering them financial compensation?

To compensate for being treated for free

Why did researchers want DNA samples from Henrietta's family?

To test for Genetic markers to positively identify HeLa cells

Where does Skloot realize she needs to go after watching the BBC documentary and HeLa?

To visit he la's cousins in Clover

Cervical carcinomas are either invasive or noninvasive (TorF)


Dr. Telinde believed carcinoma in situ was an early stage of invasive carcinoma


Henrietta's doctor failed to tell her that the cancer treatments would leave her infertile.


The first time Rebecca spoke with Day he told her to let his old lady cells talk to her and leave him alone.


The pap smear allows for detection of precancerous cells


Gey sent Henrietta's cells to all of the following places except


What was the biggest problem faint cell cultures?

bacteria and other microorganisms could contaminate the cultures

Explain how HPV causes cervical cancer.

When infected with HPV, the body generally prevents the body from doing serious harm. However, the virus can survive and eventually convert some of the normal cells of the cervix into cancerous cells.

What is a basic rule about biology with regards to cells?

a normal cell can only divide a finite number of times before dying

After witnessing the amount o physical and emotional anguish that Deborah is in, Gary begins to preach and lay hands on Deborah. a. What burdens does he ask to be lifted from Deborah? b. Where does he ask the burden to be placed?

a) The burdens of the cells, and just everything that came along with it. b) Onto miss rebecca

As Henrietta's cancer progressed, tumors could be found every where except her


Somatic cell fusion happens when one cell eats and digest another one.


According to State Attorney General Louis Lefkowitz, what do people have an "inalienable" right to?

determine what shall be done with his or her own body

A second sample of cells taken from Henrietta survived in culture just like the first despite her body being contaminated with toxins normally removed in urine.


What is informed consent?

full disclosure of facts regarding procedures

How did prison change joe?

he became muslim and less angry

What does Zakariyya believe about his birth?

he believed his birth was a miracle

What was Chester Southam concerned that HeLa cells might do?

infect the people working with them

Why did Henrietta's doctors need to ask for permission from her family to remove tissue sample after death?

it was illegal to do so w/o consent on a corpse

Explain the significance of the gift that Skloot delivered to Deborah at their first meeting?

it was the first time she was given a picture of her mother's cells

Which of Henrietta's Children did Ethel beat the most


Deborah did all of the following to Cheetah because he was abusive EXCEPT

kill him

All of the following are effects of radium EXCEPT

kills bacteria

How did Henrietta tell Margaret and Sadie she was feeling towards the end of her radiation treatments?

like the blackness was spreading inside of her

What was Henrietta's final request?

make sure her children were taken care of

Why were the hospital records from the 1950s and earlier disposed of?

most papers were contaminated

What crime did Joe commit?


What obstacle kept Deborah from realizing her dream of returning to school?

not enough money, poor health?

An immortal cell line is capable of all of the following EXCEPT

prolonging the life of a human being

What did Lillian "convert" to?

puerto rican

How did Deborah react after reading about her mother's death?

she basically lost it

All of the following are true of Henrietta's decline according to Sadie EXCEPT

she became bitter

How did Bobette respond to Deborah;s pregnancy?

she cried

What information about her mother was Deborah unwilling to share with Skloot?

she didn't want to share her mother's medical records so that her mum would have privacy

Why did doctors stop giving Henrietta blood transfusions?

she had to make up her deficit

What did Mary, Gey's assistant realize when she saw Henrietta's painted toenails?

she was a real person

What did Cofield do when he realized that the Lacks family had blocked his access to their family records?

started a lawsuit against the family

How did Skloot finance the research for her book?

student loans/ credit cards

What unique qualities did HeLa cells have that allowed it to contaminate cultures without researchers being aware? Choose all that apply

they could travel through the ventilation system they could travel on unwashed hands and testubes they could float on dust particles

All of the following are characteristics of HeLa cells made them ideal for use in the polio vaccine>

they dont need a glass surface to grow on they lack anchorage dependency they are more susceptible to the virus than any cell ever cultured before

Why specifically did the Jewish doctors at the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital object to Southam's cancer study? Select all that apply

they knew of what the Nazi's had done to Jewish prisoners He wanted it done without consent They knew about the Nuremberg trials

HeLa Cells were like normal cells in all of the following ways EXCEPT

they obey cell checkpoints

Why did Zakariyya decide to participate in research studies at Johns Hopkins?

to get a place to stay and to get money

What was the purpose of the Nuremberg code?

to govern all human experimentation worldwide

Why did the Lacks family think the doctors were taking their blood

to test for the cancer gene

Henry Harris and John Watkins discovered internal signals that regulated genes of cells in 1965 by using cell fusion.


Howard Jones realized that Henrietta Lacks had been misdiagnosed on her type of cancer when he reviewed her medical records.


In outer space, HeLa cells grew more powerful and divided faster


It was first and incorrectly reported that the HeLa cell line came from Helen Lane and the cells were cultured after she had died.


Neutralization test is used to determine a vaccine's efficacy by mixing blood serum from newly vaccinated children's w/live polio virus and cells in culture.


Scientist fused human and animal cells to study what genes do and how they work.


Sonny Lacks believed his mother's cells will be used to help other's because she was always and taking care of others when she was alive.


The American Type Culture Collection was created to create pure, uncontaminated cell cultures


Viruses reproduce by injecting bits of there genetic material int a living cell and reprogramming that cell to produce the virus.


What was the official cause of Henrietta's death?


Why did Deborah decide to go back to school?

wanted to learn more about the science of hela cells

What is benevolent deception?

when doctor's withheld fundamental information from their patients

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