Heterogeneous mixture

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Freezing point

...of a solution will decrease when a solute is added

Boiling point

...of a solution will increase when the solute is added.


A colloid in which liquids that don't mix are spread throughout each other. Ex cream. Appear uniform but it's not

Solubility curve

A comparison of the solubility of a substance when the temperature of the solvent is varied

Homogeneous mixture

A mixture that looks uniform even when examined closely bc individual components are evenly dispersed and too small to be seen. All are solutions


A mixture where particles can settle out when allowed to stand. Filtered Are immiscible


A mixture with smaller particles of a suspension and they dispersed throughout each other. (Can't filter)

Non polar m

A molecule where electrons are shared equally in a covalent bond

Polar molecules

A molecule where electrons are shared unequally in a covalent bond


A process where ions are formed when a substance is dissolved in water


A solution with a large amount of solute.


A solution with a small amount of solute


A value that identifies the concentration of H+1 ions in a solution, which is used to determine how acidic or basic solution is

Strong acids

Acids that are completely ionized in aqueous solution (100%)

Weak acids

Acids that ionize slightly in aqueous solution.

Colligative properties

Any property that can be changed due to change in the number of particles in the solution 1.conductivity 2.boiling point 3.freezing point

Strong base

Bases that complete dissociate to form OH-1 ions

Weak bases

Bases that react with water to form the hydroxide ion and the conjugate acid of the base.


Compounds that form hydrogen compounds when dissolved in water


Compounds that form hydroxide ions when dissolved in water. OH-1

Unsaturated solution

Contains less than the maximum amount of solute to dissolve in a solvent

Supersaturated solution

Contains more than the maximum solute that can be dissolved at that temperature in a solvent

Saturated solution

Contains the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a solvent

Strong electrolytes

Electrolytes where nearly all the solute dissolves in the solvent and separates


Homogenous mixture of two or more metals

Heyerogenous mixture

Mixtures that dont have fixed compisitions. Can see the diff. phased

Salt refers to any ionic compound

Negative and positive. Metal plus nonmetal

Hydrogen bonds

Occurs when a hydrogen atom bonded to a highly electronegitive atom is attracted to a lone pair on an atom in another molecule

Neutralization Reactions

Reactions in which a acid and a base react


Solutes in solutions that will conduct electric currents

Non electrolytes

Solutes in solvents that will not conduct electric currents


Special material that conducts electricity. -it's determined based on the solute Ionic conducts and covalent won't conduct electricity

3 types of heterogenous mixtures

Suspension colloid Emulsion


The maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a 100 g of a solvent at a certain temperature and pressure.


The process of the solvent surrounding the solute for dissolving


The quantity of solute that is dissolved in a given volume of solution

Tyndall effect

The scattering of light due to particles in a mixture


The substance that dissolves the solute


The substance that dissolves. Separates into the smallest particles.


Ways to measure pH. They change colors in specific ranges to determine if a substance is acid or base

Weak electrolytes

When only some on the solute dissolves in solvent and separates


When the compound splits to form two new ions

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