HIST 1376 Learnsmart Chapter 04

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Which of the following were provisions of the Coercive Acts?

-closing th port of Boston -requiring colonists to board troops -reducing the powers of the Massachusetts colonial government

By what means did the French try to control their empire in North America?

-feudal estates -fortresses -Mississippi plantations -trading posts

Which inflammatory measures did Charles Townshend steer through Parliament in 1767?

-imposing new taxes on imports -disbanding the New York Assembly

Although the colonies in 1754 were reluctant to cooperate, they had successfully worked with one another with regard to matters such as

-intercolonial trade. -road construction. -a colonial postal service.

Grenville's program succeeded in antagonizing

-northern merchants with increased taxes and restraints on commerce. -settlers who resented the closing of the West to land speculation and fur trading. -southern planters by raising taxes and preventing land speculation.

Although they remained largely passive during the French and Indian War, the Iroquois were formally allied with the _____.


The American theater of the Seven Years' War was a conflict among the

British, French, and Iroquois.

The _____ Indians actively worked on behalf of the Proclamation of 1763.


What was the most important effect of the Mutiny Act, the Sugar Act, and the Currency Act on the colonists?

Colonists viewed them as an attack on colonial political power.

Women participated in the colonial resistance in part through the

Daughters of Liberty.

Which of the following U.S. cities were established by French explorers and colonizers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

Detriot, Michigan

The French and Indian War began where George Washington attacked a detachment near Fort _____ in what is now _____.

Duquesne; Pittsburgh

The Stamp Act crisis subsided largely because the

English backed down.

True or false: Provincial governors were the most powerful figures in the colonies.


Match the following dates and events:

French and Indian War began -1754 Seven Years' War began -1756 William Pitt brought the war under British control -1757 the fall of Quebec -1759

The _____ led to a growing power of the English Parliament over the king.

Glorious Revolution

The conflicts among the English, French, and Iroquois in North America were part of a longer series of conflicts between the English and French that began just after _____ in England.

Glorious Revolution

The House of Burgesses rejected the most extreme proposals introduced by Patrick _____, a passionate critic of British policies.


Which of the following statements about the English constitution is not correct?

It establishes fixed, unchangeable rules presented in a codified list.

What effect did the French and Indian War have on the American colonies?

It forced them to cooperate for the first time.

In Parliament, _____ took a hard-line approach to the colonies by pushing the Conciliatory Propositions.

Lord North

Which of the following statements regarding the Iroquois in the aftermath of the French and Indian War is not correct?

They retreated, and the British quickly assumed control of the Ohio Valley.

True or false: The Iroquois Confederacy maintained its autonomy from control by either the French or the British.


Why was it necessary for the British to issue the Proclamation of 1763?

White settlers had begun moving into tribal lands.

Resistance to imperial authority was most concentrated among


Grenville's administration did all of the following in the colonies, except

attempt to abolish colonial legislatures.

The dramatic assault on Quebec in 1759 marked the

beginning of the end of the war.

In response to Charles Townshend's attempt to tax and control the flow of goods, Boston merchants helped organize a(n) _____ of all goods subject to the tax.


After the Iroquois granted trading alliances to the British, the French responded by

constructing new fortresses in the Ohio Valley.

The day-to-day administration of colonial affairs by England's government in the 1700s tended to be


The French had better relations with native peoples than did the English because the French

did not challenge native social customs.

The British wanted to avoid warfare on the frontier for fear it would

disrupt trade.

On the night of December 16, 1773, 150 Boston men disguised as Indians

dumped the cargo of several ships into the harbor.

Which of the following describes the general nature of the internal rebellions that occurred in the colonies in the 1760s?

farmers against landowners

Americans viewed constitutions as

fixed and permanent.

The midnight rides of Paul Revere and William Dawes were significant because they

gave Americans at Lexington and Concord warning of the British forces' approach.

The enormous debt incurred in the French and Indian War prompted many British to call for

imperial reorganization of the colonies.

The Coercive Acts were intended to _____ Massachusetts.


Lord North assumed that Americans would support the Tea Act becuase it

lowered the price of tea.

The citizen-soldiers of Massachusetts were known as


Unlike William Pitt, George Grenville maintained that the colonies

needed to help pay for their own defense and administration.

In 1754, a group of delegrates from Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, and New England met to Albany to

negotiate a treaty with the Iroquois.

Which of the following was not a colonial act that incited resentment among the British after the French and Indian War?

publishing editiorials and cartoons critical of England

The period between the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party is best characterized as a time of

relative calm.

Which of the following was not one of the major decisions made by the First Continental Congress in September 1774?

resolution that the king recognize the colonies as a single political entity

The Currency Act of 1764 required the colonial assembiles to

stop issuing paper currency.

In Massachusetts, _____ became increasingly important centers of resistance in the 1760s and 1770s.


The Stamp Act unified the colonies because it

taxed everyone.

The first phase of the French and Indian War began when

the French attacked Fort Necessity.

The events at Lexington and Concord are most significant because

they marked the beginning of the American Revolution.

The Grenville program succeeded in

uniting colonists in opposition to the British government.

The British adhered to _____ representation, whereby everyone had a voice in Parliament, even if they had no elected representatives.


Under the Proclamation of 1763, white settlement west of the _____ was forbidden.

Appalachian Mountains

When did the First Continental Congress convene?

September 1774

How did George III contribute to conflict between England and the colonies?

-He appointed unstable coalitions of ministers. -He was determined to reassert the authority of the monarchy. -He suffered from bouts of insanity.

How many people died in the Boston Massacre?


What did the Virginia Resolves declare?

-that only the Virginia assembly could tax Virginians -that Americans had the same rights as the English

In 1763, England found itself desperately in need of revenues because of which of the following?

-the cost of many years of fighting -the need to administer new territory in North America

In 1773, the British East India Company

-was on the verge of bankruptcy. -was sitting on large stocks of tea that it could not sell in England.

The _____ was a response to fears that settlement in the upper Ohio Valley would spark war with the Indians.

Proclamation of 1763

The _____ were the western boundary of French-claimed territory in North America at the end of the seventeenth century.

Rocky Mountains

In 1772, ______ proposed the creation of a "committee of correspondence" to publicize grievances against England.

Samuel Adams

In the summer of 1765, members of the newly organized _____ terrorized agents attempting to enforce the Stamp Act.

Sons of Liberty

The _____ Act imposed a tax on printed documents.


James Otis persuaded his colleagues in the Massachusetts assembly to bring together what became known as the _____ Congress.

Stamp Act

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