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141. The widespread outrage that followed the events in Selma, Alabama, helped Lyndon Johnson win passage of legislation dealing with A. desegregation of public accommodations. B. voting rights for African Americans. C. fair employment practices. D. housing discrimination. E. violence directed against civil rights workers.


63. The secretary of state of the Harding administration was A. Charles Evans Hughes. B. Charles Dawes. C. Henry Cabot Lodge. D. Henry Stimson. E. Cordell Hull.

A. Charles Evans Hughes.

148. What government body was created to help implement Executive Order 8802, which forbade discrimination by race in hiring government and defense industry workers? A. Fair Employment Practices Committee. B. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. C. Equal Opportunity Bureau. D. Fair Practices Commission. E. Right to Work Commission.

A. Fair Employment Practices Committee.

47. John Collier is associated with New Deal A. Indian policies. B. programs for African Americans. C. health programs for children. D. initiatives for the working class. E. administration of public works.

A. Indian policies.

100. The costliest battle in the history of the United States Marine Corps was the Battle of A. Iwo Jima. B. Leyte Gulf. C. Okinawa. D. Midway. E. Guadalcanal.

A. Iwo Jima.

105. In August 1945, the primary reason the United States dropped a second atomic bomb on Japan was because the A. Japanese did not immediately surrender after the first bomb was dropped. B. Soviet Union announced it would not enter into war against Japan. C. Japanese government announced that the United States had only one atomic bomb. D. emperor of Japan asked the United States for more time to consider surrendering. E. emperor of Japan declared that his country would fight to the death.

A. Japanese did not immediately surrender after the first bomb was dropped.

130. The Warren Commission investigation of the assassination of President John Kennedy concluded A. Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin of Kennedy. B. Jack Ruby killed Oswald on the orders of an unknown third party. C. An unknown second gunman shot from a "grassy knoll" behind the motorcade. D. both that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin of Kennedy, and that Jack Ruby killed Oswald on the orders of an unknown third party. E. None of these answers is correct.

A. Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin of Kennedy.

155. Puerto Ricans faced discrimination because, in addition to the usual resistance to immigrants A. Many of them were black. B. They entered the U.S. illegally. C. They often spoke only Spanish. D. They failed to form distinct communities. E. They refused to assimilate.

A. Many of them were black.

123. The HUAC investigation of Alger Hiss primarily helped the political career of A. Richard Nixon. B. Joseph McCarthy. C. John Kennedy. D. Ronald Reagan. E. Lyndon B. Johnson.

A. Richard Nixon.

6. To oversee activities in the stock market, in 1934, Congress established the A. Securities and Exchange Commission. B. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. C. Federal Reserve Board. D. Glass-Steagall Act. E. Federal Emergency Relief Association

A. Securities and Exchange Commission.

126. Joseph McCarthy burst to national prominence by charging that there were known communists in the A. State Department. B. Defense Department. C. Truman cabinet. D. Central Intelligence Agency. E. United States Senate.

A. State Department.

95. Which of the following statements regarding the internment of Japanese Americans in the United States during World War II is NOT true? A. The United States government has never admitted wrongdoing. B. The order for internment was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1944. C. Most of those interned lost all their property and possessions. D. The internment camps were essentially prisons. E. The relocation centers offered sub-par schools and minimal medical care.

A. The United States government has never admitted wrongdoing.

149. The U.S. promoted a rebuilding of the Japanese economy after the war: A. To ensure that Japan would be part of the anti-Soviet bloc. B. So that Japanese consumers would buy American goods. C. To provide work for demobilized American soldiers. D. As Japan's reward for joining NATO. E. To blunt the growing power of China.

A. To ensure that Japan would be part of the anti-Soviet bloc.

61. The 1937 economic slump was caused in part by: A. a sharp decrease in government spending. B. a sharp rise in private spending. C. the huge government deficit. D. the repeal of the Revenue Act of 1935. E. the announcement that Social Security payroll taxes would be postponed.

A. a sharp decrease in government spending.

80. In 1940, the "lend-lease" plan A. allowed the U.S. to loan weapons to England to be returned when the war was over. B. saw England agree to allow jobless Americans to enlist in the British military. C. saw England allow the construction of American military bases on British territory. D. saw the U.S. lend funds to the Allies so they could lease war supplies from the U.S. E. was extremely controversial and barely passed the Senate.

A. allowed the U.S. to loan weapons to England to be returned when the war was over.

64. The Washington Conference of 1921 A. attempted to prevent a global naval arms race. B. saw the Harding administration refuse to participate in it. C. sought to expand the global markets of the United States. D. ended as a diplomatic failure for the United States. E. attempted to create a world court.

A. attempted to prevent a global naval arms race.

78. In July 1940, opinion polls showed the clear majority of the American public A. believed Germany posed a direct threat to the United States. B. were strongly against any involvement by the United States in the war. C. thought the United States should immediately declare war on Germany. D. believed it would be a waste to aid England, as that nation would soon fall to Germany. E. believed Japan was a greater threat to the United States than the war in Europe.

A. believed Germany posed a direct threat to the United States.

36. All of the following groups were part of the New Deal political coalition EXCEPT A. big business owners. B. the working class. C. urban blacks. D. western and southern farmers. E. liberals and progressives.

A. big business owners.

142. In the 1960s, the philosophy of "black power" A. called for an increased awareness of racial differences. B. helped to unite the many different black civil rights groups. C. encouraged greater racial assimilation. D. disavowed the use of violence in the civil rights movement. E. was rejected by groups such as SNCC and CORE.

A. called for an increased awareness of racial differences.

137. In the early 1960s, the primary membership of SNCC was A. college students. B. Democrats. C. rural blacks. D. the urban poor. E. Catholics.

A. college students.

25. In the 1930s, industrial unionism was A. considerably strengthened by New Deal legislation. B. supported by the American Federation of Labor. C. opposed by labor leaders such as John L. Lewis. D. generally hostile to blacks and women. E. losing support among unskilled laborers.

A. considerably strengthened by New Deal legislation.

76. Following the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt A. declared that the United States would remain neutral. B. declared the United States would be the "arsenal of democracy." C. sent American military advisers to England. D. ordered a "preparedness" campaign much like Woodrow Wilson had in 1916. E. was unsure whether a majority of Americans supported Germany.

A. declared that the United States would remain neutral.

106. In designing the structure of the new United Nations, planners called for A. each nation on the Security Council to have veto power over the others. B. a General Assembly in which select nations would have voting rights. C. the president of the UN to be selected from one of the five major powers. D. membership to be limited to one hundred nations. E. Germany and Japan to be added to the Security Council after twenty-five years.

A. each nation on the Security Council to have veto power over the others.

71. President Franklin Roosevelt's "Good Neighbor Policy" A. expanded initiatives begun under Herbert Hoover. B. was designed to keep the peace in western Europe. C. limited land purchases of U.S. companies in neighboring countries. D. was abandoned by the United States at the start of World War II. E. gave nations allied against fascism preferential loan rates.

A. expanded initiatives begun under Herbert Hoover.

51. One of the major effects the New Deal had on the United States was how it A. fostered stronger and more varied interest groups. B. created a unified, government-controlled economy. C. created a harmonious, ordered economy. D. created laws that provided equal economic opportunity for all American workers. E. ended the Depression.

A. fostered stronger and more varied interest groups.

27. In the 1930s, the Congress of Industrial Organization A. grew out of a dispute within the American Federation of Labor. B. was less militant than the American Federation of Labor. C. would not accept women or blacks as members. D. confined its organizing to the steel and coal industries. E. refused to get involved in organizing the automobile industry.

A. grew out of a dispute within the American Federation of Labor.

107. In 1945 when Harry Truman became president, he A. had almost no familiarity with foreign affairs. B. believed Joseph Stalin could be trusted. C. was already drawing up plans for his "Truman Doctrine." D. looked to Great Britain to contain the Soviet Union. E. renounced the Yalta accords signed by Roosevelt.

A. had almost no familiarity with foreign affairs.

70. In 1932, the Hoover administration, in response to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, A. issued warnings to the Japanese government. B. imposed economic sanctions against Japan. C. sent financial aid to Chiang Kai-shek's government in China. D. sent Americans to Manchuria to train Chinese pilots. E. called for Japanese recognition of the Open Door policy.

A. issued warnings to the Japanese government.

116. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 A. prohibited the "union shop." B. expanded the Wagner Act. C. permitted the "closed shop." D. permitted states to pass "right-to-work" laws. E. was supported by President Truman.

A. prohibited the "union shop."

3. The Economy Act of 1933 A. proposed to balance the federal budget and cut government workers' salaries. B. ordered all federal agencies to cut their workforce by ten percent. C. gave immediate pensions to retired war veterans. D. provided an infusion of cash into the economy. E. gave the government authority to curb irresponsible speculation by banks.

A. proposed to balance the federal budget and cut government workers' salaries.

14. During its first year, the Civil Works Administration A. put four million people to work. B. provided relief funds but not relief work. C. planned for major building projects such as dams, airports, and power plants. D. made little progress in helping the jobless. E. was soon replaced by the Federal Emergency Relief Administration.

A. put four million people to work.

90. Regarding European Jewish refugees, between 1939 and 1945, the United States A. refused to accept large numbers of refugees. B. won an agreement from England to accept several thousand refugees. C. made many efforts to help refugees escape the Nazis but not to enter the United States. D. denied the Nazis were targeting Jews for murder. E. rescinded the provisions of the 1924 National Origins Act dealing with Jewish immigrants.

A. refused to accept large numbers of refugees.

128. One of the chief obstacles in John Kennedy's presidential bid in 1960 was his A. religion. B. public image. C. wealth. D. womanizing. E. lack of resources.

A. religion.

68. In his foreign policy for Latin America, President Herbert Hoover A. repudiated the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. B. repeatedly ordered troops into various Central American nations. C. canceled Latin American war debts owed to the United States. D. closely followed the policies of the two previous administrations. E. declared America would henceforth only recognize democratically-elected regimes.

A. repudiated the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.

59. The greatest failure of the New Deal was its inability to: A. restore economic prosperity and end record levels of unemployment. B. end segregation. C. be duplicated in Europe. D. prevent World War II. E. end partisan politics.

A. restore economic prosperity and end record levels of unemployment.

7. The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 A. sought to raise crop prices by paying farmers not to plant. B. set minimum prices for retailers purchasing farm products. C. provided farmers with free seed and fertilizer. D. offered financial incentives to farmers who improved their production yields. E. created government warehouses where farmers could store their crops and use them as collateral.

A. sought to raise crop prices by paying farmers not to plant.

97. During World War II, American women who worked outside the home A. tended to be older than women who worked in the past. B. were barred from unions. C. were not allowed to have children under the age of three in their care. D. both tended to be older than women who worked in the past, and were not allowed to have children under the age of three in their care. E. None of these answers is correct.

A. tended to be older than women who worked in the past.

22. All of the following programs were part of the "Second New Deal" EXCEPT A. the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. B. the Wagner Act. C. the Holding Company Act. D. the Social Security Act. E. the National Labor Relations Act.

A. the Federal Emergency Relief Administration.

4. The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 established A. the Federal Reserve Board in Washington. B. the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. C. the Securities and Exchange Commission. D. both the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Securities and Exchange Commission. E. None of these answers is correct.

A. the Federal Reserve Board in Washington.

125. In 1950, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were accused of spying for A. the Soviet Union. B. North Korea. C. China. D. Poland. E. Israel.

A. the Soviet Union.

109. Beginning in 1947, the United States' policy of "containment" was A. the basis for its foreign policy for more than forty years. B. first applied in Poland. C. an extension of the Atlantic Charter. D. both the basis for its foreign policy for more than forty years, and an extension of the Atlantic Charter. E. None of these answers is correct.

A. the basis for its foreign policy for more than forty years.

139. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech A. was given during the largest civil rights demonstration in the nation's history to that point. B. was made shortly after Lyndon Johnson become president. C. saw King call for a significant shift in tactics in the quest for civil rights. D. was made before a joint session of Congress and the Senate. E. was given to commemorate passage of the Voting Rights Act.

A. was given during the largest civil rights demonstration in the nation's history to that point.

53. Franklin D. Roosevelt: A. was permanently disabled after contracting polio. B. was twice elected governor of Georgia. C. was born into a family of sharecroppers. D. supported the continuation of Prohibition. E. was a graduate of the Naval Academy.

A. was permanently disabled after contracting polio.

151. The Dixiecrats bolted the Democratic Party in the 1948 election because of Truman's position on: A. Labor unions. B. Civil rights. C. National health care. D. Soviet atomic bomb spying. E. Homosexuals in government jobs.

B. Civil rights.

159. What strategy in pursuing equal rights did LULAC share with the NAACP in the 1940s? A. Violent resistance to discrimination. B. Filing court cases to secure equal rights and opportunities. C. Using media coverage to raise public awareness. D. Mobilizing voters to elect politicians favorable to the cause. E. Boycotts, protests, and strikes to achieve better conditions for Mexican farm workers.

B. Filing court cases to secure equal rights and opportunities.

65. Which of the following nations was NOT a signatory to the Five-Power Pact of 1922? A. Britain B. Russia C. France D. Italy E. Japan

B. Russia

75. Germany began World War II in Europe days after. A. Germany's occupation of additional areas of Czechoslovakia. B. a nonaggression pact was signed between Germany and Russia. C. France promised Poland it would provide military support if attacked. D. Germany and Austria were unified. E. Hitler's violation of the Munich agreement.

B. a nonaggression pact was signed between Germany and Russia.

62. In early 1937, FDR proposed to reform the Supreme Court by: A. requiring justices to retire at age 70. B. adding up to six additional members. C. removing justices appointed by previous presidents. D. making justices regularly run for election. E. requiring Senate confirmation hearings.

B. adding up to six additional members.

113. In 1948, President Harry Truman responded to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin by A. sending American paratroopers into West Berlin. B. airlifting supplies to West Berlin. C. threatening war with the Soviet Union. D. encouraging the United Nations to pass economic sanctions. E. creating a blockade of East Berlin.

B. airlifting supplies to West Berlin.

147. The National Liberation Front was A. created by Ngo Dinh Diem. B. also known in the United States as the Viet Cong. C. an organization attempting to overthrow the North Vietnamese government. D. both created by Ngo Dinh Diem and also known in the United States as the Viet Cong. E. None of these answers is correct.

B. also known in the United States as the Viet Cong.

92. During World War II, the Fair Employment Practices Commission was created A. to help southern African Americans move to northern cities to take war jobs. B. by President Roosevelt to stop black protesters from marching on the capital. C. after serious racial rioting broke out in several northern industrial cities. D. and led by A. Philip Randolph. E. in response to significant protests led by the Congress of Racial Equality.

B. by President Roosevelt to stop black protesters from marching on the capital.

77. In 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt's decision to give fifty American destroyers to England A. was cancelled by Congress. B. circumvented the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts. C. was in response to requests by the U.S. Ambassador to London. D. both circumvented the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts and was in response to requests by the U.S. Ambassador to London. E. None of these answers is correct.

B. circumvented the cash-and-carry provision of the Neutrality Acts.

31. The Social Security Act of 1935 A. initially only offered a pension for retired workers. B. did not begin making payments to participants for years. C. covered all full-time working American citizens. D. was opposed by President Franklin Roosevelt as being too costly. E. originally included a program for universal health care.

B. did not begin making payments to participants for years.

1. In response to President Franklin Roosevelt's first days in office, the American people A. believed the Depression was largely over. B. felt a mixture of relief and hope. C. concluded the economy was not as bad off as they once had believed. D. felt the Hoover administration must be held accountable for the economic crisis. E. began to believe they had made a mistake in voting for Roosevelt.

B. felt a mixture of relief and hope.

146. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution A. resulted in a U.S. declaration of war on North Vietnam. B. gave President Lyndon Johnson wide latitude to escalate the conflict. C. called for 250,000 U.S. combat troops to be sent to Vietnam. D. both gave President Lyndon Johnson wide latitude to escalate the conflict, and called for 250,000 U.S. combat troops to be sent to Vietnam. E. None of these answers is correct.

B. gave President Lyndon Johnson wide latitude to escalate the conflict.

24. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 A. ended the labor practice of a "closed shop." B. gave government the authority to force employers to accept labor unions. C. enforced the labor practice of an "open shop." D. resulted in the Supreme Court's striking down of the Wagner Act. E. invalidated Section 7(a) of the National Industrial Recovery Act.

B. gave government the authority to force employers to accept labor unions.

20. In 1935, Senator Huey Long A. advocated a "flat tax" plan. B. had a strong record of progressive accomplishments. C. had as much popular support as Franklin Roosevelt, according to opinion polls. D. declared he would seek the Democratic nomination for president in 1936. E. advocated a $200 monthly pension for all Americans over the age of sixty.

B. had a strong record of progressive accomplishments.

119. The Supreme Court case of Shelley v. Kraemer (1948) dealt with A. voter discrimination. B. housing discrimination. C. communism in the United States. D. labor unions. E. Truman's plans for national health care.

B. housing discrimination.

104. Prior to ordering the use of an atomic bomb against Japan, President Harry Truman A. sent evidence of a test explosion to the Japanese government. B. issued an ultimatum to Japan to surrender or face utter devastation. C. warned the Japanese about the atomic bomb but sent no evidence of its effect. D. told Japan to evacuate Hiroshima or face the consequences. E. did not send any kind of message to Japan.

B. issued an ultimatum to Japan to surrender or face utter devastation.

56. The main purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps was to: A. train young men for the Army Corps of Engineers. B. provide work relief for young men. C. give young women an opportunity to earn money for higher education. D. promote conservation practices by the general public. E. build environmental education projects at the first national parks.

B. provide work relief for young men.

121. In 1951, President Harry Truman relieved General Douglas MacArthur of command because MacArthur A. publicly stated that an invasion of China would be a military disaster. B. publicly criticized President Truman's policy in Korea. C. refused to support Truman's plan to use atomic weapons in Korea. D. both publicly criticized Truman's policy in Korea and refused to support Truman's plan to use atomic weapons in Korea. E. None of these answers is correct.

B. publicly criticized President Truman's policy in Korea.

15. The Civilian Conservation Corps A. was racially integrated. B. put the unemployed to work on rural and wilderness areas. C. included women. D. mostly employed the jobless rural poor. E. passed Congress despite Roosevelt's ambivalence about the project.

B. put the unemployed to work on rural and wilderness areas.

129. In 1961, President John Kennedy saw most of his legislative success in the area of A. civil rights. B. tariff reductions. C. improved Soviet-American relations. D. tax increases. E. social spending.

B. tariff reductions.

40. During the recession of 1937, A. Congressional Republicans took most of the blame. B. the economy was as bad as during the worst period of the Hoover administration. C. industrial production faltered but employment remained steady. D. it became apparent that New Deal programs made little impact on economic conditions. E. Roosevelt tried to mitigate the damage by reducing spending.

B. the economy was as bad as during the worst period of the Hoover administration.

144. Under the terms of the 1954 Geneva Conference accords, Vietnam was A. permanently divided into two parts. B. to hold elections in 1956. C. to receive military aid from the United States. D. to be controlled by France. E. to unify with nearby Laos and Cambodia.

B. to hold elections in 1956.

28. During the 1930s, the sit-down strike A. was first used in the steel industry. B. was a new and controversial labor tactic. C. was upheld by the courts and state governments. D. was eventually broken by the Michigan National Guard. E. All these answers are correct.

B. was a new and controversial labor tactic.

132. In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson's Medicare program A. made benefits available on the basis of need. B. was similar in design to the Social Security system. C. appealed mainly to poor and working-class Americans. D. built on the success of his Medicaid program. E. angered doctors by forcing them to lower their fees.

B. was similar in design to the Social Security system.

45. African Americans employed by New Deal relief programs A. were paid the same wages as whites doing the same jobs. B. were among the first to be released when funds ran out. C. saw existing patterns of discrimination dismantled. D. were both paid the same wages as whites doing the same jobs, and among the first to be released when funds ran out. E. All these answers are correct.

B. were among the first to be released when funds ran out.

103. In 1945, the first atomic explosion in history took place in A. Hiroshima, Japan. B. the Bikini Islands. C. Alamogordo, New Mexico. D. the Salt Lake desert in Utah. E. Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

C. Alamogordo, New Mexico.

150. One of the few components of the "Fair Deal" that became law was: A. A national health insurance plan. B. Federal aid to education. C. An increase in the federal minimum wage. D. A national Interstate Highway System. E. Price supports for American Farmers.

C. An increase in the federal minimum wage.

153. Truman's most important practical contribution to the civil rights movement was: A. Introducing legislation based on the To Secure These Rights report. B. Integrating the armed services by executive order. C. Challenging the segregation laws in Washington, D.C. D. Appointing the first black Cabinet member. E. Supporting Japanese claims for internment camp reparations.

C. Challenging the segregation laws in Washington, D.C.

84. In World War II, one of the primary American commanders in the Pacific was A. Dwight Eisenhower. B. Omar Bradley. C. Chester Nimitz. D. George Marshall. E. George Patton.

C. Chester Nimitz.

152. In 1949, Jiang Jeishi was defeated and Mao Zedong took over: A. North Korea. B. Vietnam. C. China. D. The Philippines. E. Thailand.

C. China.

98. In the 1944 elections, A. Republicans gained control of the Senate. B. President Franklin Roosevelt was too ill to campaign. C. Democrats increased their control of the House. D. Thomas Dewey nearly won the electoral vote. E. Henry Wallace was elected vice president.

C. Democrats increased their control of the House.

82. The Tripartite Pact was a defensive alliance between A. the United States, England, and Russia. B. the United States, England, and France. C. Japan, Germany, and Italy. D. Japan, Germany, and Austria. E. England, France, and Italy.

C. Japan, Germany, and Italy.

157. The 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act finally allowed what group to become U.S. citizens? A. Native Americans B. Chinese Americans C. Japanese Americans D. Puerto Ricans E. Filipino nationals.

C. Japanese Americans

57. Codes of fair practice were part of: A. FDIC. B. HOLC. C. NRA. D. PWA. E. WPA.


13. Which of the following did NOT occur as a result of the Tennessee Valley Authority? A. Flooding was almost entirely eliminated in the affected region. B. The cost of power from private companies declined. C. Poverty in the region was significantly reduced. D. Water transportation was improved. E. Electricity was provided to thousands of new users.

C. Poverty in the region was significantly reduced.

9. The New Deal program that created utility cooperatives for rural Americans was the A. Resettlement Administration. B. Farm Security Administration. C. Rural Electrification Administration. D. Civilian Conservation Corps. E. Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act.

C. Rural Electrification Administration.

162. All EXCEPT, was true about Native Americans serving in World War II A. Were excellent code breakers. B. More than 25, 000 served. C. Served in segregated units. D. Served in integrated units. E. Received numerous military medals of honor.

C. Served in segregated units.

73. In 1937, after Japanese pilots sank the U.S. gunboat Panay in China, President Roosevelt A. called for an immediate military build-up in the United States. B. entered into an economic alliance with China. C. accepted Japan's claim that the bombing had been an accident. D. retaliated by bombing Japanese supply depots in China. E. delivered the "quarantine" speech.

C. accepted Japan's claim that the bombing had been an accident.

131. Lyndon Johnson was similar to John Kennedy in his A. political career. B. family background. C. active use of power. D. personality. E. All these answers are correct.

C. active use of power.

93. In 1942, the United States and Mexico agreed to the braceros program, which A. increased the number of Mexican immigrants the United States would accept as new citizens. B. allowed United States businesses to establish war production factories in Mexico. C. admitted Mexican contract laborers into the United States for a limited time. D. accepted Mexican citizens into the United States armed forces. E. eliminated the tariff on goods produced in Mexico.

C. admitted Mexican contract laborers into the United States for a limited time.

79. The Burke-Wadsworth Act of 1940 A. reaffirmed the desires of isolationists to stay out of the war. B. approved sending U.S. weapons to England. C. approved the first peacetime draft in American history. D. saw the United States end all trade with any nation allied with Nazi Germany. E. repealed the 1935 and 1937 Neutrality Acts.

C. approved the first peacetime draft in American history.

124. In 1947, the Truman administration responded to Republican attacks that it was weak on communism by A. ignoring them. B. charging the Republicans with harboring communists within their own party. C. beginning an investigation into the loyalty of federal employees. D. blaming lax security on the Federal Bureau of Investigation. E. supporting passage of the McCarran Internal Security Act.

C. beginning an investigation into the loyalty of federal employees.

135. Great Society reforms A. were generally proven to be cost-effective. B. improved the lives of whites far more than blacks. C. contributed to the greatest reduction in poverty in American history. D. grew in popularity over the next decade. E. made no dent in reducing hunger in America.

C. contributed to the greatest reduction in poverty in American history.

88. The United States government acquired definite knowledge of the Holocaust A. prior to World War II beginning in Europe. B. before the U.S. had entered the war. C. during the first years after U.S. involvement. D. not until the last year of the war. E. not until after the war was over.

C. during the first years after U.S. involvement.

138. In 1961, the "freedom rides" sponsored by CORE attempted to A. bring northern civil rights activists into the South to register black voters. B. transport black children to formerly all-white schools. C. force the desegregation of bus stations. D. help move poor blacks out of the South. E. transport black workers to white-only businesses.

C. force the desegregation of bus stations.

54. Just before his election to the presidency in 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt was serving as: A. secretary of state. B. vice president. C. governor of New York. D. national chairman of the Democratic party. E. Assistant Secretary of the Navy.

C. governor of New York.

26. In the 1930s, the industrial union movement A. was most interested in attracting skilled laborers. B. decided it was better to organize by companies than by entire industries. C. grew more militant and powerful. D. saw many of its leaders take top executive jobs in major companies. E. became the dominant force in the American Federation of Labor.

C. grew more militant and powerful.

127. During Joseph McCarthy's investigation into alleged subversion in government, A. Republicans criticized his broad attacks on the Democratic Party. B. Dwight Eisenhower spoke against him after McCarthy attacked George Marshall in 1952. C. he never produced conclusive evidence that any federal employee was a communist. D. much of the public criticized his blunt tactics and coarse behavior. E. he drew particularly strong support from the "eastern establishment."

C. he never produced conclusive evidence that any federal employee was a communist.

18. In 1934, Dr. Francis Townsend attracted widespread national support for a plan that A. offered medical insurance for the poor and elderly. B. was strongly supported by Congress. C. helped pave the way for the Social Security system. D. guaranteed all able-bodied Americans over age twenty-one a full-time job. E. provided below-cost health care to children and pregnant women.

C. helped pave the way for the Social Security system.

48. Frances Perkins, the first female cabinet member in American history, was secretary of A. commerce. B. agriculture. C. labor. D. health and human services. E. education.

C. labor.

120. In 1950, the immediate cause of the Korean War was the A. decision by the United States to send troops to South Korea. B. triumph of communism in China. C. military invasion by North Korea into South Korea. D. division of Korea into northern and southern halves. E. military invasion of North Korea by China.

C. military invasion by North Korea into South Korea.

35. The election of 1936 A. saw Franklin Roosevelt opposed by the Republican, William Lemke. B. was considered "too close to call" by opinion polls in the weeks prior to the vote. C. produced a new and enduring coalition of voters for the Democratic Party. D. saw third-party challengers play a major role in the outcome. E. saw the Republican challenger pick up considerable gains in the formerly "Solid South."

C. produced a new and enduring coalition of voters for the Democratic Party.

117. President Harry Truman responded to the 1946 election results by A. deciding not to run for office in 1948. B. becoming more conservative. C. proposing a major civil rights bill. D. abandoning his Fair Deal. E. calling his opponents "soft on communism."

C. proposing a major civil rights bill.

5. In 1933, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation A. offered financial protection for stock investors. B. gave the government authority to transfer the funds of failing banks to strong banks. C. protected the assets of small bank depositors. D. protected banks from failing. E. prevented banks from speculating irresponsibly.

C. protected the assets of small bank depositors.

160. The case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka concerned A. prayer in public schools. B. federal aid to education. C. racial segregation in public schools. D. equal access to schools. E. voting rights.

C. racial segregation in public schools

43. Under the New Deal, African Americans A. were generally treated equally with other races. B. received no significant appointments in the Roosevelt White House. C. received more sympathy than under most previous administrations. D. were able to challenge many patterns of race discrimination effectively. E. found the government hostile to black aspirations.

C. received more sympathy than under most previous administrations.

115. The 1946 elections A. revealed growing public support for President Harry Truman's domestic agenda. B. saw the Democrats retain control of the House, but lose the Senate. C. saw Republicans win control of both houses of Congress. D. saw President Truman chastise Republican critics with the slogan "Had Enough?" E. saw Republicans argue that Truman aimed to roll back the New Deal.

C. saw Republicans win control of both houses of Congress.

52. One long-term consequence of the New Deal was in how A. the government effectively redistributed the wealth among the American people. B. it demonstrated that sufficient government spending could resolve economic emergencies. C. the national government assumed a responsibility for the basic welfare of the people. D. the influence of the government on the economy became greater than that of private businesses. E. the government substantially transformed the distribution of power within American capitalism.

C. the national government assumed a responsibility for the basic welfare of the people.

145. In 1956, scheduled national elections for Vietnam were cancelled because A. the communist government in North Vietnam refused to participate. B. a leading presidential candidate was assassinated. C. the pro-Western government in South Vietnam refused to hold them. D. the United Nations asserted it would be impossible to prevent election fraud. E. actions by the National Liberation Front (NLF) prevented free and open elections.

C. the pro-Western government in South Vietnam refused to hold them.

46. New Deal policy toward American Indians A. continued past government policies. B. favored Indian assimilation into the larger white culture. C. was grounded in a commitment to cultural relativism. D. encouraged Indians to own land as individuals, rather than collectively. E. led to a considerable decrease in tribal lands.

C. was grounded in a commitment to cultural relativism.

66. The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 A. was an alliance between France and the United States against Germany. B. was to be enforced with multinational trade embargoes. C. was signed to wide international acclaim. D. stated that an attack on one nation was an attack on all nations. E. was an alliance between France and the United States against Japan.

C. was signed to wide international acclaim.

44. The most influential advocate for African Americans in the Roosevelt administration was A. Frances Perkins. B. Harold Ickes. C. Harry Hopkins. D. Eleanor Roosevelt. E. Mary McLeod Bethune.

D. Eleanor Roosevelt.

154. In Morgan v. Virginia, the United States Supreme Court ruled segregation was unconstitutional on/in: A. National housing projects. B. Defense industry jobs. C. Colleges. D. Interstate buses. E. Public restaurants.

D. Interstate buses.

161. Executive Order 9066 A. Placed Mexican Nationals in concentration camps during World War II. B. Ordered the relocation of undocumented Mexican immigrants back to Mexico. C. Gave political asylum to Cubans fleeing Fidel Castro. D. Ordered the internment of Japanese American citizens during World War II. E. Ordered the deportation of Japanese American citizens back to Japan.

D. Ordered the internment of Japanese American citizens during World War II.

99. In August 1944, the Allies liberated from German occupation the city of A. Rome. B. Warsaw. C. Stockholm. D. Paris. E. Amsterdam.

D. Paris.

158. The Jones Act of 1917 granted U.S. citizenship to: A. Filipinos. B. Chinese immigrants. C. Illegal Mexican immigrants. D. Puerto Ricans. E. Guatemalans.

D. Puerto Ricans.

156. In the late 1940s, the Supreme Court ruled in the Mendez and Delgado cases that A. Language was not a barrier to citizenship. B. The separate but equal doctrine applied to Mexican Americans. C. Mexican Americans could not be excluded from jury lists. D. Segregation of Mexican Americans was unconstitutional. E. Mexico was not required to build a wall on the border.

D. Segregation of Mexican Americans was unconstitutional.

108. President Harry Truman initially decided to "get tough" with the Soviet Union A. following the end of the war in the Pacific. B. once the United States had successfully used the atomic bomb. C. at the Potsdam Conference. D. after his first few days in office. E. after it became clear Stalin was supporting communist forces in China.

D. after his first few days in office.

118. In 1949, President Harry Truman succeeded in getting Congress to pass A. civil rights legislation. B. nationalized health care. C. federal aid to education. D. aid for public housing. E. significant tax cuts.

D. aid for public housing.

33. The Works Progress Administration provided federal assistance to A. artists and sculptors. B. actors and directors. C. writers and musicians. D. all of these: artists, sculptors, writers, and musicians. E. All these answers are correct.

D. all of these: artists, sculptors, writers, and musicians.

143. Malcolm X A. denounced the Black Panthers. B. was assassinated by white racists. C. advocated nonviolence to end segregation. D. belonged to the Nation of Islam for a time. E. argued in favor of integration.

D. belonged to the Nation of Islam for a time.

110. In 1947, the Truman Doctrine A. asserted it was the obligation of the United States to support free peoples around the world. B. assumed the Soviet Union would continually attempt a global expansion of its authority. C. was originally invoked to provide aid to Greece and Turkey. D. both asserted it was the obligation of the United States to support free peoples around the world, and assumed the Soviet Union would continually attempt a global expansion of its authority. E. All these answers are correct.

D. both asserted it was the obligation of the United States to support free peoples around the world, and assumed the Soviet Union would continually attempt a global expansion of its authority.

19. Much of Father Charles Coughlin's outspoken criticism of the Roosevelt administration revolved around the issue of A. the right of labor to organize in unions. B. giving public relief jobs to women with children. C. the repeal of prohibition. D. changing the banking and currency system. E. taxing excess corporate profits and surplus riches.

D. changing the banking and currency system.

50. In the American West, New Deal programs A. were limited and had a minimal impact on life. B. focused on the few large cities. C. led to a change in existing racial relations. D. disproportionately benefited the region in funding. E. drew considerable opposition for their environmentalism.

D. disproportionately benefited the region in funding.

41. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 A. signified the start of a new round of New Deal legislation. B. sought to eliminate hiring discrimination based on race, but not gender. C. did not include a provision regarding working hours. D. established a national minimum wage. E. created an enforcement mechanism to protect unions' right to organize.

D. established a national minimum wage.

10. The National Recovery Administration of 1933 did all of the following EXCEPT A. establish a minimum wage for labor. B. make child industrial labor illegal. C. set a standard for the maximum hours one could work in a week. D. increase competition between companies. E. set floors under prices

D. increase competition between companies.

136. In February 1960, the first "sit-in" demonstration protesting segregation was held at a A. church. B. swimming pool. C. movie theater. D. lunch counter. E. bus station.

D. lunch counter.

81. In 1941, the Atlantic Charter A. was signed in Washington D.C. B. was completed by senior military officials in the United States and England. C. saw President Roosevelt agree to an eventual invasion of Europe to drive out the Nazis. D. saw the United States and England claim to share common principles. E. gave American merchants ships the authority to fire on German submarines.

D. saw the United States and England claim to share common principles.

39. In response to economic indices in the summer of 1937, Franklin Roosevelt decided A. that there should be a sharp increase in New Deal spending. B. the federal government would never be able to end the Depression. C. the federal work programs would have to be continued indefinitely. D. that he should try to balance the federal budget. E. that Social Security should be expanded to include agricultural and domestic laborers.

D. that he should try to balance the federal budget.

114. President Harry Truman's Fair Deal called for A. a retraction of many New Deal programs. B. an end to public housing. C. a freeze on the minimum wage to combat inflation. D. the creation of national health insurance. E. an end to the Fair Employment Practices Act and other wartime measures.

D. the creation of national health insurance.

30. In 1937, regarding the organizing of industrial labor, A. small steel companies more quickly unionized than did large steel companies. B. the effort to organize the steel industry proved easier than in the auto industry. C. the "Memorial Day Massacre" saw striking U.S. Steel employees killed by police. D. the great majority of strikes were settled in favor of the unions. E. a key strike against Republic Steel of Chicago succeeded in winning union recognition.

D. the great majority of strikes were settled in favor of the unions.

38. President Franklin Roosevelt's proposal to expand the Supreme Court A. had little effect on future rulings by the Court. B. did little political damage to his administration. C. drew significant support from conservatives. D. was eventually defeated in Congress. E. gained Roosevelt the support of southern Democrats.

D. was eventually defeated in Congress.

34. In the 1930s, the New Deal generally gave A. work relief to both men and women. B. cash assistance to both men and women. C. work relief to women and cash assistance to men. D. work relief to men and cash assistance to women. E. both work relief and cash assistance to men and women.

D. work relief to men and cash assistance to women.

101. Evidence of Japan's desperation to continue the war in mid-1945 included A. the sending of thousands of pilots on suicide missions. B. nighttime attacks by Japanese troops against American lines. C. the loss of over 100,000 Japanese lives at Okinawa. D. both the sending of thousands of pilots on suicide missions, and nighttime attacks by Japanese troops against American lines. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

11. During the first year of the National Recovery Administration, A. industry saw prices rise. B. industrial production declined. C. large producers consistently dominated the code-writing process. D. both of these occurred: industry saw prices rise, and industrial production declined. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

111. The United States was motivated to develop the Marshall Plan due to A. a humanitarian concern for European people. B. a desire to contain communism in Europe. C. a desire to create strong European markets for American goods. D. both a humanitarian concern for European people, and a desire to create strong European markets for American goods. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

112. The National Security Act of 1947 created A. the National Security Council. B. the Central Intelligence Agency. C. the Department of Defense. D. both the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

16. In 1934, strong criticism of the New Deal came from A. the political far right. B. the political far left. C. dissident populists such as Huey Long. D. both the political far right and the political far left. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

21. The "Second New Deal" was launched in response to A. the growth of popular protests across the nation. B. the persistence of the Great Depression. C. growing political pressures. D. both the persistence of the Great Depression and growing political pressures. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

67. The Dawes Plan of 1924 A. called for the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments. B. was designed to help England and France make their debt payments to the United States. C. called for Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. D. called for both the United States to lend money to Germany to meet its reparation payments, and Britain and France to reduce the amount of German reparation payments. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

85. The Battle of Midway in 1942 A. saw the United States suffer great losses. B. was a stunning defeat for the Japanese navy. C. lasted four days. D. both lasted four days and was a stunning defeat for the Japanese navy. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

91. During World War II, the effectiveness of German U-boats and underwater mines was ended by the development of A. acoustic countermeasures. B. sonar. C. centimetric radar. D. both sonar and centimetric radar. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

96. During World War II, Chinese Americans A. were drafted in a higher proportion than any other national group. B. received a favorable image in U.S. government propaganda. C. saw the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Acts. D. both received a favorable image in U.S. government propaganda and saw the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Acts. E. All these answers are correct.

E. All these answers are correct.

86. After 1943, the United States advanced on Japan primarily with the aid of forces from A. England and France. B. the Soviet Union and China. C. the Dutch and the Soviet Union. D. England and the Soviet Union. E. Australia and New Zealand.

E. Australia and New Zealand.

74. The Munich conference of 1938 was precipitated by a crisis over A. Austria. B. Poland. C. Hungary. D. Belgium. E. Czechoslovakia.

E. Czechoslovakia.

69. As part of his foreign policy, President Herbert Hoover moved to withdraw American troops from A. Mexico. B. Cuba. C. Venezuela. D. Colombia. E. Haiti.

E. Haiti.

49. Which of the following statements regarding the New Deal and women is NOT true? A. The New Deal sanctioned sexually discriminatory wage rates. B. New Deal relief agencies offered relatively little employment for women. C. Women were encouraged to leave the workplace to help men get jobs. D. Many occupations dominated by women were excluded from Social Security. E. In general, women were major critics of the New Deal.

E. In general, women were major critics of the New Deal.

87. During World War II, the first Axis country to be defeated was A. Germany. B. Spain. C. Austria. D. Japan. E. Italy.

E. Italy.

102. In 1939, the first steps toward the creation of an atomic bomb were taken by A. the Soviet Union. B. Great Britain. C. the United States. D. Japan. E. Nazi Germany.

E. Nazi Germany.

89. During World War II, Allied bombers targeted A. the crematoria at Auschwitz. B. the railroad lines leading to Auschwitz. C. the guard towers and Nazi bunkers at Auschwitz. D. both the crematories at Auschwitz and the railroad lines leading to Auschwitz. E. None of these answers is correct.

E. None of these answers is correct.

83. In 1941, prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, A. Japanese troops attacked the Philippines. B. the Japanese developed a new, unbreakable communication code. C. Japan tried to repair relations with the United States in order to restore their flow of supplies. D. President Franklin Roosevelt ordered Japan's diplomats to leave Washington. E. President Franklin Roosevelt froze all Japanese assets in the United States.

E. President Franklin Roosevelt froze all Japanese assets in the United States.

23. During the "Second New Deal," President Franklin Roosevelt A. moved away from altering the income tax. B. called for greater civil rights for American minority groups. C. introduced government-funded unemployment checks. D. rejected legislative attempts by Senator Robert Wagner to strengthen labor. E. became more willing to attack corporate interests openly.

E. became more willing to attack corporate interests openly.

17. In 1934, the American Liberty League was formed A. to help win public support for the more controversial New Deal programs. B. by western business leaders who felt ignored by the New Deal. C. to unite southerners who opposed the New Deal's support of unions. D. by a coalition of radical and semi-radical organizations, including the Socialist Party. E. by wealthy conservatives who strongly opposed the New Deal.

E. by wealthy conservatives who strongly opposed the New Deal.

2. In 1933, two days after he took office, President Franklin Roosevelt A. took the country off the gold standard. B. ended prohibition. C. sent the National Industrial Recovery Act to Congress. D. presented to Congress a relief plan for the unemployed. E. closed all banks.

E. closed all banks.

134. The Immigration Act of 1965 A. ended the strict limits on the total number of immigrants to be admitted each year. B. allowed people from all parts of Latin America to enter the United States on an equal basis. C. had little impact on the character of the American population. D. maintained strict restrictions against immigrants from Africa. E. eliminated rules that gave preference to immigrants from northern Europe.

E. eliminated rules that gave preference to immigrants from northern Europe.

37. In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt's call to expand the Supreme Court came from A. complaints by several justices that they were being overworked. B. a desire not to have to choose between two different popular candidates for Chief Justice. C. a Democratic plan to gain for the party permanent control of the federal government. D. his opinion that the Court needed to review a larger number of cases. E. his desire to change the ideological balance of the Court.

E. his desire to change the ideological balance of the Court.

72. The Neutrality Act of 1935 A. sought to protect America's international trade agreements. B. prevented Americans from traveling on ships of warring nations. C. did not prevent the United States from intervening when Italy invaded Ethiopia. D. was passed by Congress with recent acts of Nazi aggression in mind. E. included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict.

E. included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict.

133. Only weeks after taking office, President Lyndon Johnson declared a "war" on A. racism. B. crime. C. intolerance. D. illiteracy. E. poverty.

E. poverty.

140. Legislation to prohibit segregation in all public accommodations was A. proposed and approved during the Kennedy administration. B. proposed and approved during the Johnson administration. C. proposed by Eisenhower and approved during the Kennedy administration. D. proposed by Johnson and approved during the Nixon administration. E. proposed by Kennedy and approved during the Johnson administration.

E. proposed by Kennedy and approved during the Johnson administration.

29. During the 1937 sit-down strike of General Motors, the federal government A. actively sided with the strikers. B. actively sided with the company. C. assumed control of the plant. D. negotiated a settlement through federal arbitration. E. refused to intervene in the dispute.

E. refused to intervene in the dispute.

60. In the case of Norris v. Alabama, the Supreme Court: A. upheld the state's Democratic white primary. B. overturned a state law restricting the sale of petroleum products beyond certain quotas. C. upheld Alabama's claim that the Scottsboro Boys were not entitled to public defenders. D. dealt a major blow to FDR's New Deal. E. ruled that the systematic exclusion of blacks from juries denied Scottsboro defendants equal protection of the law.

E. ruled that the systematic exclusion of blacks from juries denied Scottsboro defendants equal protection of the law.

42. By the end of 1938, A. the nation had largely emerged from the Depression. B. President Roosevelt began what became known as the "Third New Deal." C. Congress had come to accept the need for further reforms. D. the American public had come to strongly oppose the New Deal. E. the New Deal had largely come to an end.

E. the New Deal had largely come to an end.

58. All of the following were objectives of the Tennessee Valley Authority EXCEPT: A. the production of cheap electric power. B. opening rivers to boats and barges. C. flood control. D. soil conservation and forestry. E. the development of Smoky Mountain National Park.

E. the development of Smoky Mountain National Park.

122. In 1947, the first target of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was A. labor unions. B. the Democratic Party. C. the State Department. D. the American Communist Party. E. the movie industry.

E. the movie industry.

94. In 1942, when the United States interned Japanese Americans in "relocation centers," A. all of the affected Japanese were American citizens. B. the West Coast of the United States was not an important military region. C. all of those affected were first-generation Japanese immigrants. D. the move was protested by California Attorney General Earl Warren. E. there was no evidence that the Japanese Americans were a domestic security risk.

E. there was no evidence that the Japanese Americans were a domestic security risk.

55. Which of the following were NOT members of the "brain trust"? A. professors. B. planners. C. policy makers. D. administrators. E. union members.

E. union members.

12. The Tennessee Valley Authority of 1933 A. saw private farmers and business leaders dominate its planning process. B. was the most controversial program of the early New Deal. C. was one of the costliest failures of the Roosevelt administration. D. was headed by former electricity magnate Samuel Insull. E. was an experiment in regional planning by the federal government.

E. was an experiment in regional planning by the federal government.

8. The Agricultural Adjustment Act A. favored small farm operations over large ones. B. fostered further instability in the agricultural economy. C. protected tenant farmers. D. failed to improve farm prices. E. was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

E. was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

32. The Works Progress Administration of 1935 A. gave federal relief money to those deemed "unemployable." B. displayed very little flexibility or imagination. C. provided mostly "make-work" jobs to the unemployed. D. was under the direction of Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins. E. was much larger than previous programs of its kind.

E. was much larger than previous programs of its kind.

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