History 102 Midterm

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(Q035) What was the name of the organization that advocated a workers' revolution to seize control of the means of production and abolish the state?

Industrial Workers of the World

Which statement accurately describes sharecropping?

It allowed a black family to rent part of a plantation, with the crop divided between worker and owner at the end of the year.

(Q005) Which of the following was a feature of American involvement in World War II?

It took the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor to shock a reluctant nation into entering the war.

(Q016) The congressman from Nebraska who was the Democratic Party nominee for president in 1896 and who called for the "free coinage" of silver was

William Jennings Bryan.

(Q016) Dollar Diplomacy, the U.S. foreign policy that emphasized economic investment and loans from American banks, rather than direct military intervention, was the policy of

William Taft.

(Q005) The event marking the end of four centuries of armed conflict between the continent's native population and European settlers and their descendants was called

Wounded Knee.

(Q028) The term "Progressive" that came into common use around 1910 describes

a loosely defined political movement of people who hoped to bring about social and political change in American life.

(Q005) The Committee on Public Information (CPI) flooded the country with prowar propaganda, describing Germany as

a nation of barbaric Huns led by an autocratic Kaiser aligned against freedom.

(Q032) Who led a rebellion against the U.S. military occupation of Nicaragua in the late 1920s?

augusto sandino

(Q043) Franklin Delano Roosevelt entered the presidency in 1933 with a complex, detailed blueprint for dealing with the Great Depression.


(Q044) By 1900, measured by its acquisition of new territories, the United States was an imperialist power, the equal of Great Britain and France.


(Q033) The Progressive-era economic system based on mass production and mass consumption came to be called


(Q010) From 1910 to 1916, the price of a Model T automobile approximately


Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony opposed the Fifteenth Amendment because

it outlawed discrimination in voting based on race but not gender.

(Q021) Of the great ideologies that had arisen in nineteenth-century America, which, by 1920, had proven most powerful?


(Q026) At the beginning of 1929, most American families had accumulated

no money in their savings accounts

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

prohibited federal and state governments from denying any citizen the vote because of race.

(Q019) This region of the country had a huge impact on national policy, altering and molding the New Deal welfare state.


(Q029) In which industry did Andrew Carnegie make his fortune?


(Q012) The initial flurry of legislation during Roosevelt's first three months in office is called

the "Hundred Days."

(Q002) A major success for Germany and its allies during World War II was

the "blitzkrieg" campaign.

(Q029) What was the name of the labor organization of principally white, male, skilled workers that arose in the 1880s and was headed by Samuel Gompers?

the American Federation of Labor

(Q014) The industrial revolution in the United States took place principally in

the North and the Midwest.

(Q035) What was the name of the 1899 policy established by Secretary of State John Hay regarding China?

the Open Door policy

(Q010) In 1938, Roosevelt referred to this region as "the nation's No. 1 economic problem."

the South

(Q024) The desire for both victory at home against segregation and victory overseas against the Germans and the Japanese came to be called this by African-Americans during World War II.

the double-V

(Q035) Which of the following U.S. government policies arose from the eugenics movement?

the increase of immigration restriction

(Q029) In the 1944 case of Korematsu v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that

the internment of people of Japanese descent was not based on race.

(Q041) Over 100 million records were sold each year during the 1920s.


(Q043) While many were troubled by the ongoing slaughter overseas, most Progressives regarded wartime mobilization as an extraordinary chance to remake American society.


(Q045) Both the Baptist and Methodist religions divided into northern and southern branches after the Civil War


(Q045) Eighty percent of Japan's oil came from the United States prior to 1941. Correct Answer


(Q046) By 1918, the wealthiest Americans were paying 60 percent of their income in taxes.


(Q047) In 1903, when Panama declared its independence from Colombia, the United States stationed a gunboat off the Panamanian coast, preventing the Colombian army from taking back the area.


(Q052) After 1870, a "new imperialism" arose, dominated by European powers and Japan.


(Q061) As late as 1940, only 3 percent of adult black southerners were registered to vote.


(Q070) In 1900, the Foraker Act declared Puerto Rico an "insular territory," meaning it was different from previous territories in the West.


The once prosperous Confederate General Braxton Bragg returned from the Civil War to find he had lost everything and lived for some time with his wife in a slave cabin.


(Q024) President Herbert Hoover's 1932 Reconstruction Finance Corporation did which of the following?

offer aid to homeowners threatened with foreclosure

(Q014) What was the name of the railroad car company against which workers struck in 1894?


(Q040) The amendment to the United States Constitution that provides that United States senators will be chosen by popular vote rather than by state legislatures is

the Seventeenth Amendment.

(Q016) The effort undertaken on the part of the federal government to supply cheap electrical power for homes and factories in a seven-state region, preventing flooding, and putting the federal government in the business of selling electricity by building a series of dams was called

the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).

The House of Representatives approved articles of impeachment against President Andrew Johnson for violation of what law?

the Tenure of Office Act

(Q047) Women's freedom in the 1920s was characterized by unapologetic use of birth control methods such as the diaphragm.


(Q048) In 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt arranged an "executive agreement" that gave a group of American bankers control over the finances of the Dominican Republic.


(Q049) Immigrant women were largely confined to low-paying factory employment.


(Q049) President Woodrow Wilson authorized more military interventions into Latin America than any other president in American history.


(Q049) Section 7a of the National Recovery Administration recognized the rights of workers to organize unions.


(Q050) Consumerism was a principal component of the American character in the 1920s.


(Q052) On December 29, 1890, soldiers killed between 150 and 200 American Indians, mostly women and children, near Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota.


(Q060) The 1905 Niagara movement derived its name from the fact that a group of black leaders met at Niagara Falls, Canada, since no hotel on the American side would accommodate them.


(Q061) The Haymarket Affair resulted in the hanging of four convicted anarchists.


(Q061) Toward the end of World War II, evidence existed that Japanese officials would accept surrender if Emperor Hirohito could remain on his throne.


(Q063) After the Immigration Act of 1924, a new category existed: illegal alien.


(Q063) The Road to Serfdom was written by economist Friedrich A. Hayek, who stated "planning leads to dictatorship," alluding to the idea that even the best-intentioned government efforts to direct the economy posed a threat to individual liberty.


(Q064) The 1890s saw a widespread imposition not only of disfranchisement, but also of segregation in the South.


(Q066) The 1930s produced an outpouring of books and essays on freedom.


(Q066) The Federal Reserve System (1913) and the Federal Trade Commission (1914) were major examples of the remarkable expansion of the role of the federal government in the economy during the Progressive era.


The laws and amendments of Reconstruction rejected the idea that citizenship was an entitlement of

whites alone.

(Q039) Nearly all the states during the 1890s adopted the secret or

"Australian" ballot.

(Q011) In addressing the sense of crisis in the nation, Franklin Delano Roosevelt sought to reassure the public in his inaugural address, declaring

"the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

What two Christian denominations commanded the largest African-American following in the South after the Civil War?

Baptist and Methodist

(Q018) In anticipation of the repeal of Prohibition, one of Roosevelt's first acts on taking office was to sign this legislation.

Beer and Wine Revenue Act

(Q018) June 6, 1944, the day on which nearly 200,000 American, British, and Canadian soldiers landed in Normandy, in northwestern France, is known as


(Q027) What 1893 United States Supreme Court decision authorized the federal government to expel Chinese immigrants without due process of law?

Fong Yue Ting v. United States

(Q016) Which of the following is attributed to William "Big Bill" Haywood?

He was accused of instigating the murder of a former anti-union governor.

(Q003) Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

Kansas Exodus; Booker T. Washington's Atlanta Cotton Expedition address; Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case

(Q003) Congress passed this legislation in 1941, which authorized military aid so long as countries promised to return it all after the war. The passing of this act allowed the United States to funnel billions of dollars' worth of arms to Britain, China, and later the Soviet Union.

Lend-Lease Act

(Q027) Franklin Roosevelt appointed this person, a prominent educator, as special adviser on minority affairs.

Mary McLeod Bethune

(Q001) Twice vetoed by President Coolidge, this bill enabled government purchase of agricultural products for sale overseas in order to raise farm prices.

McNary-Haugen bill

(Q020) The new agricultural empire producing wheat and corn for national and international markets arose in the

Middle Border.

(Q025) What was the book in which Henry George proposed a "single tax" on real estate that would replace all other taxes?

Progress and Poverty

The phrase "forty acres and a mule" is derived from

Sherman's Field Order 15.

Which man was a leader of the Radical Republicans?

Thaddeus Stevens

(Q046) The Knights of Labor regarded inequalities of wealth and power as a growing threat to American democracy.


(Q033) What was the Red Line Agreement of 1928?

a U.S. and European effort to divide up oil regions in the Middle East and Latin America

(Q031) In the era from 1870 to 1890, the label "the Gilded Age" originally derived from

a derogatory name from literature meaning covered with gold but what lies beneath is of little value.

What was a major cause of the decline of Reconstruction?

a growing perception among northerners that southern blacks were unfit for equal citizenship

(Q006) After breaking Japanese codes, the American navy was forewarned about the timing of this attack and prepared for an ambush. This battle proved to be the turning point of the Pacific naval war.

battle of midway

In the summer of 1865, President Andrew Johnson ordered nearly all land in federal hands

be returned to its former owners.

(Q011) During the Progressive era, economic production shifted from capital goods to

consumer products.

(Q037) What were critics of immigration worried about during this time period?

declining birth rate among white women

The Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871

defined crimes that deprived citizens of their civil and political rights as federal offenses.

(Q018) In 1890, the distribution of wealth in the United States was

disproportionate, as the top 1 percent of Americans owned more property than the remaining 99 percent.

One of the main purposes of the Freedmen's Bureau was to

ensure a working system of labor relations between former slaves and former slaveholders.

(Q039) War mobilization lifted the industrial Northeast out of the Depression but left the economies of the South and the West virtually untouched.


(Q054) In 2012, Congress passed a Resolution of Regret apologizing for exclusion laws passed against Mexican people wanting to enter the nation in the late 1800s.


(Q056) The creation of parks like Yellowstone and Yosemite allowed Indians who hunted and fished there to remain as part of the heritage of the land.


(Q058) Settlement house workers, social scientists, and Progressives in general placed demands for black suffrage at the forefront of their efforts.


(Q061) Federal programs such as the Agricultural Adjustment Act helped nearly all sharecroppers live better, more productive, and more profitable lives.


(Q036) In 1928, Democratic candidate Alfred E. Smith was the first Catholic to be nominated for president by a major party.


(Q038) Following America's entry into the war, the federal government assumed vast powers to oversee the national economy.


(Q040) By 1929, 80 million Americans went to the movies each week, and almost 5 million owned radios.


(Q041) By 1890, the majority of the remaining Indian population had been removed to reservations scattered across the western states.


(Q053) By the early 1890s, a pension system for Union soldiers, their widows, and children consumed more than 40 percent of the federal budget.


(Q055) One result of Muller v. Oregon was that women were still considered weak, dependent, and incapable of enjoying the same economic rights as men. Correct Answer


(Q057) Herbert Hoover preferred "associational action" to government intervention in directing regulatory and welfare policies.


(Q057) In the late nineteenth century, black women were largely excluded from jobs as secretaries, typists, and department store clerks.


(Q059) As a delayed response to the severe Panic of 1907, Congress created the Federal Reserve System in 1913, consisting of twelve regional banks.


(Q059) W. E. B. Du Bois asserted the need for the "talented tenth" of the African-American community to step forward and take the lead in education and training to challenge inequality faced by black Americans.


(Q068) The Sixteenth Amendment made the income tax constitutional.


(Q058) In 1924, Robert La Follette ran as a candidate of a new Progressive Party, which called for a reduced taxation of wealth and governmental ownership of the railroads.


(Q062) At the Battle of Little Big Horn, General George Armstrong Custer's troops were victorious.


(Q067) The Underwood Tariff increased duties on imports and decreased the graduated income tax on the richest 5 percent of Americans.


(Q072) As part of the 1907 Gentlemen's Agreement, Japan agreed to end migration to the United States except for agricultural workingmen to aid in the food for troops.


Robert Smalls was a black senator who served one unsuccessful term before being replaced by a white senator in 1900.


The Ku Klux Klan sought to uphold the American ideal of equality and justice for all.


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