History 1302 Johnson Lecture Test 2

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panama canal treaty

(1) BUNAU-VARILLA sets out to Washington as representative of Panama's Ambassador. (a) Guaranteed the independence of Panama. (b) Paid Panama ten million outright. (c) Paid $250,000 annually. (d) Panama granted to U.S. in PERPETUITY a zone 10 miles wide across the entire country for the construction of a canal. (e) U.S. granted right to fortify the canal.

direct democracy

(1) The INITIATIVE, which allowed the voters to propose measures they wanted to become law; (2) The REFERENDUM, which allowed the voters to make the final decisions on laws already passed by the legislature; (3) The RECALL, which allowed the public to remove from office an official who was not performing his duties satisfactorily; (4) The DIRECT PRIMARY. Which allowed voters to propose candidates for office, rather than having them picked by the party organization; and (5) The DIRECT ELECTION OF SENATORS, instead of having the Senators chosen by the legislatures. The direct election of Senators started in the individual states and became part of the Federal Constitution by the adoption of the SEVENTEENTH AMENDMENT in 1913.

hay-pauncefote treaty

(1) U.S. would construct the canal and protect it, but it would be open to all nations on equal terms. (2) British agree to set aside Clayton Bulwer Treaty.

platt amendment

(a) Cuba was to make no treaty with any foreign power to give up its independence. (b) Cuba would contract no debt that it could not pay out of its regular revenues. (c) That Cuba would allow the U.S. to intervene for the preservation of Cuban independence. (d) Cuba would sell or lease certain Naval Bases to the U.S.

seventeenth amendment

) The DIRECT ELECTION OF SENATORS, instead of having the Senators chosen by the legislatures. The direct election of Senators started in the individual states and became part of the Federal Constitution by the adoption of the SEVENTEENTH AMENDMENT in 1913

san francisco school board

. 1906 the SAN FRANCISCO SCHOOL BOARD passed a segregation law. (1) Japanese newspapers call this a national insult and demand action from Roosevelt. (2) Roosevelt had no authority. (3) Finally the segregation order is revoked when Roosevelt agrees to do something about Japanese immigration. (4) GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT : In return for revocation of the segregation orders, the Japanese government agreed not to issue Japanese laborers want to enter the U.S. passports. (5) Does not end discrimination and problems further complicated by the fact that the Japanese couldn't understand the separation of powers between state and federal government


. ROOT-TAKAHIRA AGREEMENT: (1) Recognized the status quo. (Implied) (2)Japan recognized U.S. control of the Philippines and U.S. recognized Japan's interest in Manchuria and Korea. (3) Both of the two powers would recognize independence of China and support the OPEN DOOR.

roosevelt's big stick diplomacy

. Roosevelt has two goals. (1) Construct a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. (2) Keep European powers from interfering in domestic affairs of Latin American countries. b. PANAMA CANAL (1) 1850 Great Britain and U.S. signed CLAYTON BULWER TREATY - both countries would jointly construct an inter-ocean canal. (2) U.S. loses interest because of Civil War. (3) Spanish American War revives interest - Oregon's 14,000 mile cruise points up the need. (4) Would do away with need of a 2 ocean navy.

russo-japanese war

. Russia and Japan have an argument over MANCHURIA and KOREA. b. 1904 Japan launches a surprise attack against Russia. c. Very successful but the heavy cost forces the Japanese to try to settle the war by treaty

yellow fever

. WALTER REED and WILLIAM C. GORGAS proved that YELLOW FEVER was carried by mosquitoes - two other doctors volunteered to prove this and died as a result.

clayton bulwer treaty

1850 Great Britain and U.S. signed CLAYTON BULWER TREATY - both countries would jointly construct an inter-ocean canal.

new panama canal company

1878 French company had obtained rights from COLUMBIAto build canal - went bankrupt (2) Reorganized as NEW PANAMA CANAL COMPANY, offered to sell its rights to the U.S. for 109 million dollars


18th amendment

corollary to the monroe doctrine

1904 in annual message Roosevelt announces the Roosevelt COROLLARY TO THE MONROE DOCTRINE (2) "the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the U.S., however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrong doing or impotence to the exercise of an international police power. (3) Applied to the Dominican Republic.

filipino uprising

A FILIPINO UPRISING against the U.S. showed that they did not wish to be annexed

humanitarian program

Although the Progressive movement eventually developed a HUMANITARIAN PROGRAM for the under privileged, it was originally described as "a bulwark against the anarchy of the UPPER AND LOWER SCUMS OF SOCIETY."

dollar diplomacy

Americans should invest in Latin America in order to head off European investors and if our investments were endangered send in the Marines - do so in NICARAGUA in 1912 - stay until the 1920's. (taft)

john l. stevens

An American instigated revolt broke out and the U.S. Minister to Hawaii JOHN L. STEVENS, assured its success by ordering U.S. Marines to take over to "Restore order".

city manager plan

Another plan for better city government was the CITY MANAGER PLAN. Here, the city commissioners hired a nonpolitical specialist in city government (the Manager) to run the city's affairs.

dispute over canadian fisheries

Canadians seized U.S. ships and U.S. shut ports to Canadians - dispute subsided.

admiral dewey

First victory was not in the Caribbean, but in the Pacific - ADMIRAL DEWEY sailed into MANILA Harbor in the PHILIPPINESand destroyed the Spanish Pacific

gentleman's agreement

GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT : In return for revocation of the segregation orders, the Japanese government agreed not to issue Japanese laborers want to enter the U.S. passports.

treaty of washington

HAMILTON FISH, Sec. of State a. Settled by arbitration the "ALABAMA CLAIMS" U.S. received $15 million. b. NEWFOUNDLAND FISHING RIGHTS were settled to satisfaction of both U.S. and Canada temporarily. c. BOUNDARY AT VANCOUVER was settled by arbitration.

sakhalin island

Japanese expected large Russian payment and SAKHALIN ISLAND - get only half of Sakhalin.


McKinley had tried to avoid war at first but he was swept by public opinion. U.S. Minister to Spain WOODFORD had gotten Spain to agree to most of the U.S. demands but it happened too late and war was declared.

william howard taft

McKinley sends a commission headed by WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT to form a government. Taft appointed Governor - very popular

robert lafollete

Of all the political reformers, ROBERT LAFOLLETE of Wisconsin was the most effective, turning his state into a laboratory for progressive innovations.


One who is devoted to the promotion of human welfare and the advancement of social reforms.

bering sea seal controversy

Problem arose over Canadian poachers. The U.S. declared the Bering Sea a closed sea - said Canadians were wiping out the seals - almost led to war with Great Britain.

relations with great britain

RELATIONS WITH GREAT BRITAIN - U.S. opinion of Great Britain was wary because: A. Had fought two wars with her. B. England's attitude during the Civil War. C. England's superior attitude towards the U.S.

general "butcher" weyler

Spain sends GENERAL "BUTCHER" WEYLER who uses the CONCENTRATION METHOD - a great number of Cubans die.

dupuy de lome

Spanish minister DUPUY De LOME criticized McKinley, Hearst prints this in the New York Journal

george w, goethals

Surgeon-General WILLIAM C. GORGAS in wiping out the threat of Yellow Fever.

treaty of paris

TERMS OF TREATY OF PARIS: 1. Spain cedes to the U.S. Puerto Rico and Guam. 2. Spain recognizes the independence of Cuba. 3. Spain would sell to the U.S. for $20 million the Philippines.


THE MUCKRAKERS. These members of the progressive movement were very important in stirring up public resentment against the existing evils of the time. They were given their name by THEODORE ROOSEVELT who compared them to the character in PILGRIM'S PROGRESS who was so busy digging in the muck that he did not have the time to look up to heaven. The name stuck and became a badge of honor. Muckraking was a literature of exposure and protest whose roots went back to the 1880's and '90's. Many of the crusading journalists and novelists had their findings first published in serialized form in magazines and then in books.

insular cases

The Insular Cases are a series of opinions by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1901, about the status of U.S. territories acquired in the Spanish-American War. The Supreme Court held that full constitutional protection of rights does not automatically extend to all places under American control.

"pitchfork ben" tillman

The rights of citizenship guaranteed by the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments were ignored. Southern Populist and progressive leaders, such as "PITCHFORK BEN" TILLMAN of South Carolina and TOM WATSON of Georgia resorted to demagogic exploitation of the RACE ISSUE in order to win the votes of the poor whites. Several thousand blacks were lynched during this period.

tom watson

The rights of citizenship guaranteed by the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments were ignored. Southern Populist and progressive leaders, such as "PITCHFORK BEN" TILLMAN of South Carolina and TOM WATSON of Georgia resorted to demagogic exploitation of the RACE ISSUE in order to win the votes of the poor whites. Several thousand blacks were lynched during this period.

city commissioner plan

The traditional system of a single mayor gave way to the CITY COMMISSIONER PLAN. This was a group of elected officials who ran the city jointly; each was responsible for a specific function of administration (e.g., Police Commissioner).

true blue saloon

Two U.S. sailors from a U.S. warship which was visiting Chile, were killed in a drunken brawl in the TRUE BLUE SALOON while on leave in a Chilean port - war was averted only by a formal apology by Chile. Hurt Latin American relations.

us warship nashville

U.S. WARSHIP NASHVILLE arrives Nov. 2nd or Nov. 3rd - Panamanian leaders stage a revolt.

reciprocity treaty

U.S. got rights to a naval base at PEARL HARBOR.

monroe doctrine

U.S. pledged to ward off all European encroachment in the American hemisphere.

pearl harbor

US has a naval base on this harbor in hawaii

venezuela boundary dispute

Venezuela and BRITISH GUIANAhad been feuding over their boundary. Gold was discovered in the disputed region. U.S. offered to arbitrate the dispute, Britain refused. Cleveland and Olney issued a threat to forcefully settle the dispute (we had population of 70 million). Britain involved in the Boer War accepted (also Canada would be vulnerable, Britain afraid of Germany etc...) - result of arbitration was British received most of the territory 1899.

woman's suffrage

WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE. The agitation for women's suffrage, which had begun three-quarters of a century earlier, increased with the great numbers of women being employed in factories, stores, and offices. By 1914, 11 states had approved the right of women to vote, but it was not until 1920 that it became national with the adoption of the NINETEENTH AMENDMENT. The large part which women had played in World War I did a great deal to strengthen their cause.

business expansion

Wanted to expand business beyond national borders. a. Example HAWAIIAN PLANTERS b. UNITED FRUIT COMPANY c. Some blamed the Panic of .93 on LACK OF MARKETS for industrial goods

russell alger

War Department under RUSSELL ALGER was inept, no organization, troops were supplied with woolen uniforms to fight in the tropics, not enough tents or blankets heavy equipment in unmarked boxes was misplaced by the railroads. POOR FOOD - many men died of FOOD POISONING, called canned beef "ALGER'S EMBALMED BEEF" - unsanitary conditions

progressive movement

With the decline of the POPULISTS (who had been basically rooted in the agrarian Midwest), the reform movement moved to the urban centers. This new movement was called the PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT. Its leaders came primarily from the rising urban middle class, who were, in the main, college-educated, self-employed professional men or small businessmen.

yellow journalism

Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers

"alabama claims"

a series of demands for damages sought by the gov of the us from the uk for the attacks upon the union merchant ships by the confederate navy

boxer rebellion

a. Chinese resent European greed and a patriotic society called the BOXERS stirred up hatred against "FOREIGN DEVILS". b. 1900 full scale rebellion breaks out - Boxers joined by some government troops attack and massacre Europeans including missionaries. c. Europeans in Peking take refuge in the British legation - they are relieved by an International expedition made up of the leading nations and including U.S. troops. d. Rebellion ruthlessly put down.

1917 jones

a. Puerto Ricans are made citizens of the U.S. b. Executive council becomes an elected Senate. c. The government was still appointed.

teller amendment

added to the treaty of paris stating that the U.S. had no designs on Cuba and would withdraw upon freeing Cuba from Spain.

purchase of alaska

alaska was purchased from russia for $.02/acre. it doubled the size of the us by peaceful purchase. it was called seaward's folly, icebox because he was the guy who pushed for it. the klondike goldfield paid for alaska 50 times over.

pan-american union

an information bureau

general rufus william shafer

army Commander weighed 300 pounds - old Indian fighter.

open door

asks each nation to do 3 things: 1. respect the trading privileges and vested interest of other nations 2. allow the chinese tariff to continue to be collected by chinese officials 3. make no discrimination charging ports dues and railroad rates

friendship treaty with japan

by COMMODORE MATTHEW PERRY broke isolationism of Japan

portsmouth, new hampshire

concerning the russo-japanese war: Delegates meet at PORTSMOUTH, NEW HAMPSHIREin August 1905.




emperor in mexico. the mexicans rebelled and they chewed the french army to pieces through guerrilla warfare. after the civil war, the us sent troops there and told them to get out and everyone did except maximillian so he was arrested and shot in a firing squad

pan american congress

first of a series of conferences between U.S. and Latin American countries - formed PAN-AMERICAN UNION

rough riders

group made by theodore roosevelt


harbor in the philippines

ida m. tarbell

history of the standard oil company

mckinley tariff

hurt the American sugar growers by putting a 2 cent per pound bounty on their sugar since Hawaii was then a foreign country

wilson gorman tariff

imposed a high duty on Cuban sugar, causes a severe depression and so war breaks out again.

patrick egan

in the revolution in chile U.S. Minister PATRICK EGAN chose sides - chose losing side - feeling toward U.S. ran strong.

emperor in mexico


latin america policy



puerto ricoBecomes a COMMONWEALTH. (1967) referendum held - 3 choices. (1) Independence (2) Statehood (3) Commonwealth

queen liliuokolani

queen of hawaii. she was upset about the amount of foreigners and thought they were taking over hawaii. us marines were called into hawaii to restore order & they arrest the queen & they tried to annex hawaii but cleveland was against it.



japan, britain, france, germany

required spheres of influence in which they exploited their natural resources in china

"make the dirt fly"

roosevelt said this about the construction of the panama canal

business expansionists

saw opportunities for their markets

hamilton fish

secretary of state

john hay

secretary of state sets forth the open door policy.

james g. blaine

secretary of state under garfield and harrison

william h. seward

secretary of state who advocated for the purchase of alaska and the midway islands

napoleon III

set up hapsburg maximillian as emperor in mexico

foraker act

sets up a civilian government


sunk with 260 lives lost.

boundary disputes

the U.S. tried to mediate several boundary disputes between Latin American nations, including Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Guatemala, Bolivia and Peru - had a paternal attitude.

white man's burden

the idea that the Nordic or Anglo-Saxon man was superior to the dark skinned peoples of the earth and it was his destiny to rule and guide them. BROOKS ADAMS view - civilizations rise and decline.

sino-japanese war

the japanese attacked the chinese-japan defeats china which was shocking to everyone because of how small japan is. made people aware of the fact that china was weak.

lincoln steffens

the shame of the cities, the shame of the states

aquisition of somoa

us & germany divide up the island. the germans wanted to aquire samoa and they sold arms to the tribes at war & after a german officer raped a samoan princess, he was punished accordingly. this upset germany and they declared war on samoa. it ends up that germany take half and us take other half.

joseph wheller

us general

treaty with china

us's first trade treaty. the idea that china will become our number one trade partner.

"butcher" weyler

uses the concentration camps, but is unable to feed the people so starvation and diseases occur.

emilio arguinaldo

was a Filipino revolutionary, politician, and a military leader who is officially recognized as the First President of the Philippines (

joseph pulitzer

was a Hungarian-American newspaper publisher of the St. Louis Post Dispatch and the New York World. Pulitzer introduced the techniques of yellow journalism to the newspapers

william randolph hearst

was an American newspaper publisher who built the nation's largest newspaper chain and media company Hearst Communications and whose flamboyant methods of yellow journalism influenced the nation's popular media by emphasizing sensationalism and human interest stories.


was sought after for it's location, and possible business opportunities.

henry demarest lloyd

wealth against commonwealth

the influence of sea power upon history

written by admiral alfred t mahan

admiral alfred t. mahan

wrote THE INFLUENCE OF SEA POWER UPON HISTORY argued that all the great powers in history had been nations with great navies. The U.S. should then build her navy: a. To prepare to protect the proposed Isthmian Canal. b. Defend trade routes. c. Win in the struggle between East and West - wanted the U.S. to acquire as many islands as possible to provide rest stops and coaling stations for our ships and to provide a source of raw materials and trade outlets

commodore matthew perry

wrote the friendship treaty with japan

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