History 1302 Unit Two Quiz Questions

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Harding's 1920 campaign for presidency revolved around what saying?

"Return to Normalcy"

Because Franklin D. Roosevelt was not himself a deep thinker, he formed a _____________ to help him shape policy.

"brain trust"

_____________ are the payment of money for war damages.


Hoover was a member of what political party?


The _____________________ raised the tax rates on annual income of more than $50,000 during the Second New Deal.

Revenue Act of 1935

The _______ Trial is a classic example of modernism versus fundamentalism


The increasingly bold discussion about sex that occurred during the 1920s were a result of the writings of

Sigmund Freud

The biggest scandal of the Harding administration involved the

Teapot Dome

Which of the following was not part of the mass culture craze of the 1920's


During the Progressive Era, what was the most popular form of reform?


According to your textbook, the most scandalous event in the history of American art occured at

The Armory Show in 1913

Which of the following statement's regarding President Wilson's Fourteen Points is incorrect?

The Fourteen Points called for racial equality

The Twenty-First Amendment, passed in 1933 allowed

Americans to drink alcohol again

What two items led to a major change during the 1920s in how Americans spent their leisure time?

Automobiles, rising incomes

With the signing of the Treaty of ________ Russia ended its involvement in the Great War

Brest- Litovsk

When President Harding died, he was replaced

Calvin Coolidge

The fresh but untried American soldiers sent to aid the British and French during the Great War were nicknamed


The African American's first literary and artistic movement is known as

The Harlem Renaissance

Which statement regarding economists interpretations of the causes of the Great Depression is most accurate

Economists to this day debate the various factors that caused the Great Depression

What helped drive the consumer culture of the 1920s?

Effective marketing tactics

The increasingly bold discussions about sex that occurred during the 1920's were a result of the writings of

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The so called Arabic Pledge involved Wilson's stand to stop North Africa's fall into chaos during the war


Calvin Coolidge was notorious for his love of whiskey, poker, and women


Herbert Hoover refused to involve the government in efforts to relieve the effects of economic depression


Jazz music inspired rural youth to remember their culture's musical roots


T/F: Hemingway published his first novel, The Sun Also Rises, in 1922.


T/F: John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath told of Wall Street businessmen brought to their knees after Black Tuesday.


T/F: Progressives generally believed government should not interfere with big business.


T/F: The CCC addressed the problem of overcharging by doctors and others in the medical and health professions.


T/F: The NAACP favored militant protests over legal challenges as a way to end racial discrimination.


T/F: Women in "war work" were usually unable to keep their jobs after the war.


The Bonus Expeditionary Force was organized to secure the United States Mexico Border


Warren G. Harding was shot by the assassin Charles Guiteau


Fear of foreign terrorists and radicalism led to the ___________ at the end of the 1910s.

First Red Scare

In an attempt to lower the risk of war, the United States was party to the _____ who signed the document

Five- Power Treaty

How long did the conflict known as the Great War last?

From 1914 to 1918

Although publicly President Wilson urged Americans to remain neutral regarding the Great War, he personally favored

Great Britain and France

___________ and ____________ wanted Germany to pay for the entire financial cost of the war.

Great Britain, France

Thanks to the __________, African Americans saw greater acceptance and political rights during the 1920s in the North.

Great Migration

The movement of more than 400,000 southern blacks to northern cities during the war and through the 1920s was known as the

Great Migration

In 1937, President Roosevelt tried to add six new justices to the Supreme Court. Why?

He wanted to change the courts makeup to aid his policies

Wilson offended many in Congress when he did not choose __________ to accompany him to the peace negotiations

Henry Cabot Lodge

When Coolidge chose not to run for a second term of his own, the Republicans nominated

Herbert Hoover

Individuals labeled Mugwumps were best associated with which concept?

Honest government

Which of the following statements regarding the War Industries Board is incorrect?

I could force workers to work in specific factories

Fears of revolution were so widespread in post-war America that the U.S. attorney general created a government division to collect information on radicals headed by

J Edgar Hoover

Which ethnic group was forbidden from immigrating to the United States by the immigration laws passed in the 1920s?


In addition to the nickname "the Roaring Twenties," the 1920s have also been labeled the

Jazz Age

In his second presidential election in 1936, Democrat Franklin Roosevelt carried all the states of the Union except

Maine and Vermont

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was created to do what?

Make loans to struggling banks, life-insurance companies, and railroads

Which of the following statements regarding married women during the Great Depression is correct?

Married women luckily always had employed husbands to take care of them

The Popular type of art appeared in the early 1920's was known as


The group of journalists who drew attention to the abuses in society and published them in stories were known collectively as


Much as the New Deal ignored African Americans, it also ignored

Native Americans

A person who opposed immigration in the 1920s because it would dilute what it "meant to be a American" would be subscribing to what type of viewpoint?


Why was Warren G. Harding selected selected to represented the Republican party in the 1920 election?

The Republican Party could not agree on anyone else

What best explains United States citizens' overwhelming support for Coolidge in 1924?

The economy was going great, so why change?

Which of the following statements regarding America in the immediate aftermath of the Great War is correct?

The peace did not bring stability to America

What ignited the progressive movement?

The worst economic downturn in U.S. history

The first "progressive" president was

Theodore Roosevelt

How did radio and movies revolutionize the mass culture?

Through marketing and advertising, people were made aware of new products

As president, Warren G. Harding was actually more progressive than Woodrow Wilson in his attitudes and policies toward African Americans


By 1935 the NRA had become unpopular


FDR called the Social Security Act the most significant achievement of the New Deal


T/F: Although Warren G. Harding presided over what can be argued as the most corrupt administration in American history, he was never personally linked to any official wrongdoing.


T/F: During the 1920s, the ideas of scientists about the nature of the universe inspired modernist artists to try new techniques.


T/F: In March 1917, German submarines sank five U.S. vessels in the North Atlantic


T/F: Many of the most prominent progressives endorsed Roosevelt's bid to be the first president representing a third party, the "Bull Moose" Progressive party.


T/F: The Roaring Twenties pitted a cosmopolitan urban America against the values of an insular, rural America.


The Wagner Act helped dramatically boost union membership


The Big Four at the peace conference created all of the following independent countries except


The _____________ voted to reject the Treaty of Versailles that President Wilson had worked so hard on

U.S. Senate

What book brought to light the abuses in the United States meatpacking industry in the early 20th century?

Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

Marcus Garvey called this man the "most dangerous enemy of the Negro race" because his beliefs

W.E.B. Du Bois

Which of the following statements regarding Woodrow Wilson's involvement in negotiating an end to the Great War is incorrect?

Wilson was very popular among Republican congressmen

Wilson's Fourteen Points for post-Great War peace contained all of the following except

an increase in armaments

After the Armory Show, _________ became one of the nation's favorite topics of debate.


Henry Ford revolutionized the industrial process by perfecting the

assembly line process

Because Franklin D Roosevelt was not himself a deep thinker, he formed a __________ to help him shape policies

brain trust

In order to wage the Great War, the United States government did all of the following except

draft millions of young women

The purpose of the Works Progress Administration was to

employ out of work Americans

The purpose of the Works Progress Administration was to

employ out-of-work Americans

Women in the 1920s who rebelled against conventional dress, hairstyles, and what was considered to be "lady like were called


As a result of the Great Depression, the lives of American blacks often

got much worse

During the Great War, African American men fought

in racially segregated units

After World War I came to an end, the United States actively practiced ____________ in its relations with the rest of the world.


During the Great War, Wilson's administration organized the sale of ________, which guaranteed a fixed rate of return to fund the war

liberty bonds

Intellectuals and artists who believed that the 20th century was the turning point in human development were known as


When the United States entered the Great War, American troops were most needed

on the Western Front

Whereas Theodore Roosevelt's New Nationalism plan wanted to ________ trusts, Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom plan wanted to _______ them.

regulate; eliminate

The Securities and Exchange Commission

required all stock brokers to be licensed.

The purpose of the Emergency Banking Relief Act was to

restore confidence in American Banks

President Hoover believed the best ways to help the needy during the Great Depression were ________

self reliance and voluntarism

The first large scale federal experiment with work relief was

the CWA

The groups behind the YWCA and YMCA created the programs because

they believed that Christianity had gotten too far from the lower economic classes.

To protect their companies from becoming union shops, owners often employed the __________ contract.

yellow dog

The First New Deal lasted from

1933 to 1935

Ratified in 1920, the __________ rewarded women who had worked so hard during the Great War with the right to vote

19th Amendment

How many men roughly did the United States lose in combat in the course of its involvement in the Great War?


Which of the following was not a common reaction to the tribulations of the Great Depression

A massive increase in membership in the Communist Party

What was a Hoover blanket?

A newspaper

Which of the following groups had the highest rate of joblessness in the early years of the Great Depression

African Americans

President Roosevelt faced four major challenged when he first took office. They included all of the following except?

Aiding European governments abroad.

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