History 1700 Final

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The ____ Amendment prohibited states from depriving any male citizen of equal protection under the law, regardless of race


The ____ Amendment protected blacks' right to vote


The _____ Amendment granted women the right to vote in all the states


The first United States president to be impeached in the House of Representatives was:

Andrews Jackson

On September 17, 1862, the "bloodiest single day" of fighting in American history occurred at:


General Lee surrendered his army to General Grant at the courthouse in:

Appomattox, Virginia

Why was Vicksburg essential?

Capturing the city allowed the Union to control the entire Mississippi River.

Enacted in 1882, ______ was the first immigration law to ban a certain race of people from coming to America

Chinese exclusion act

By analyzing the New York City draft riots, what can be determined about the Civil War?

Civil war was a rich mans war and a poor mans fight

In what way was Reconstruction policy a success?

Established promising amendment protection for all

Although well intended, the New Deal for Native Americans resulted in a series of forced assimilations


Emperor Hirohito was tried as a war criminal and sentenced to death along with General Tojo


Overall, despite good intentions the Marshall Plan was not very successful.


Proposed by Woodrow Wilson to promote peace through collective security, the League of Nations was created in 1920, and the United States was the first member


The America First Committee campaigned for Americans to be the first to go to war against Nazi Germany


The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed slaves in border states fighting on the Union side


The only people killed during the German Holocaust were the Jewish people


What time period most influenced the New Deal?

First World War

During the Allied occupation of Japan, ______________ introduced reforms designed to convert Japan into a democratic country.

General McArthur

While standard of living rose for many Americans after the Civil War and huge fortunes were amassed by industrialists, significant societal problems developed. Mark Twain called the era a ___________ Age.


Who became the first African-American Senator in 1807?

Hiram Revels

______ the systematic state-sponsored killing of six million Jewish men, women, and children and millions of others by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during WWII


What inspiration did Martin Luther King Jr. gain from Mahatma Gandhi?

Idea of peaceful Civil Disobedience

In contrast to the American Federation of Labor, the Congress of Industrial Organizations fought for:

Industrial Democracy

The declared president of the Confederate States of America was:

Jefferson Davis

________, founder of the Standard Oil Company gained control of 90% of the petroleum refining capacity in the US by eliminating competitors through buyouts and aggressive business practice

John D Rockefeller

Which of the following elements of President Wilson's Fourteen Points most resembled the commissions Progressives had instituted back home?

League of Nations

What was ironic about the election of Andrew Jackson?

Man from state was President

The Battle of _____ was a turning point in the Pacific Theater of WWII


Which of the following least symbolized the growing autonomy of working women with regard to their consumerism?

Military service

________ is an anti-foreigner sentiment in the US that fueled a drive against immigration (feeling of hatred toward those not "American")


When "Fifty-four forty or fight" did not result in gaining all of the Pacific Northwest, who most likely would have been the angriest?

Northern Democrats

What was Lincoln's hidden weapon that allowed the military to quickly transport troops and supplies over long distances like never before?


The first state to choose secession was:

South Carolina

What was a result of the expanding Union economy?

The size and spending of the government increased tremendously

What did the members of the new United Nations Security Council all have in common?

They were all part of the allies that won World Word II

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860 without any southern electoral votes


After Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, FDR issued Executive Order 9066. As a result, over 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry were uprooted and confined to remote camps farther inland for most of the war.


By 1880, a majority of Americans worked in nonfarm activities.


Chinese immigrants, often performing dangerous tasks, played an important role in the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad


During the 1920s, labor lost over 2 million members


During the Battle of Leyte Gulf, over 2,000 kamikaze pilots crashed their aircraft into U.S ships.


Franklin D Roosevelt was the only US president to serve more than two terms


Picture bride refers to the practice of Japanese immigrants to Hawaii and the West Coast, selecting brides from Japan via a matchmaker, who paired bride and groom using ONLY photographs and family recommendations of the possible candidate.


Social Security was instituted during the Great Depression


The Congress passed the first national conscription law in 1863, but the rich people could buy their way out of the draft by hiring a substitute for $300


The most common Civil War battlefield surgery was the amputation


The percentage of families at or below the poverty rate fell during the 1950s


Wade-Davis Bill, a program proposed for the Reconstruction of the South written by two Radical Republicans, was voted by Lincoln and never took effect


On May 10, 1869, the Union and Central Pacific Railroads joined their rails at Promontory Summit, _____ Territory


What would John Winthrop most likely criticize about antebellum America?

Utopian societies promoting free love

Which of the following Second New Deal measures came closest to meeting the demands of the Congress of Industrial Organizations for the workplace democracy?

Wagner Act

The scale of Civil War bloodshed was comparable to that of which other conflict?

War of triple alliance

In the first half of the nineteenth century, the United States gained the most territory through:

War with Mexico

The Compromise of 1850 established all of the following statutes EXCEPT:

abolition of slavery

Black codes:

arrest jobless African Americans Ban African Americans from owning land Prohibit African Americans from owning firearms ALL OF THE ABOVE

In the controversial Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court declared that

black are not US citizen

When assessing the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, what can be determined about this issue?

both congress and president accused the other of unconstitutional acts

PUSH factors for immigration include:

change in economy religious tolerance in homeland starvation ALL OF THE ABOVE

Results of the Kansas-Nebraska Act included

congressional admission of both territories as new slave states in the Union

What broad popular sentiments did the Ku Klux Klan express in the 1920s?

control of nation should be returned to native born protestants

Treaty of Versailles (1919)

established 9 new nations broke up Austro-Hungarian ottoman empire forces $33 Billion to allies ALL OF THE ABOVE

In the 1950s what did the term "totalitarianism" describe?

fascism, nazism, communism

The Freedmen's Bureau:

help African Americans adjust to freedom set up schools provide food and clothing ALL OF TH ABOVE

What could be one possible reason why Robert E. Lee invaded the North in 1863?

hoped to deliver knockout blow to the North

According to Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, how could corporations have prevented the Great Depression?

increasing workers wages

The purpose of the D-Day invasion was to:

liberate France from German control

Causes of World War I include:

nationalism imperialism alliance system ALL OF THE ABOVE

What taste of freedom did women enjoy in World War II?

perks of doing mens jobs

PULL factors for immigration

plentiful land abundant jobs high wages ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which of the following trends of the 1920s did fundamentalists support?

prohibition of liquor sales

The ascendancy of the American Federation of Labor during the 1890s reflected:

shift from broad reform goals to more limited goals

Passed by Congressed in 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution outlawed

slavery everywhere in US

Lincoln used the ______________ to communicate with his generals and other officers to keep tabs of what was going on at the battle front.


The Manhattan Project was the code name for:

the atomic bomb

Unsanitary conditions in the meat packing industry were sensationalized in ______, a 1906 novel by Upton Sinclair

the jungle

The "March to the Sea" (Atlanta, GA to Savannah, NC) was the culmination of Union General William Sherman's 1864 campaign and was a devastating example of "_________ war"


Apart from the racial identity of victims, what typically triggered the lynch violence of southern white mobs?

victims alleged sexual conduct

John Wilkes Booth, an actor who killed Lincoln:

was shot to death in a barn by union soldiers

The idea that change comes slowly can be evidenced by what event during Reconstruction?

women were excluded from the suffrage movement

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