History 262

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New Orleans

A large population of freedmen were required to remain on plantations through contract labor, with passes for any travel and other mobility.

Radical Republicans succeeded in passing a constitutional amendment for civil rights. Which of the following was NOT one of the provisions of the 14th Amendment?

All high-ranking Confederate officials were immediately restored to their public offices.

The rise of black churches in the South provided what benefits to freedmen communities? Mark all three (3) that apply.

Black churches offered worship, education, reform activism, and community welfare services. Black churches fostered independent leadership that allowed ministers to enter politics. Separation from white-controlled churches gave black churches greater freedom of worship.

Americans were avidly pro-immigration in the pre-Civil War America.


Jefferson Davis blames an assault on the South's institution of slavery on which actions by northern states? Mark all four (4) that apply.

Fanatical organizations excited among slaves a spirit of discontentment and discord, and also helped them to escaped their bondage. b) States worked to undermine the methods for returning slaves to their owners, by fining and obstructing the methods of capturing fugitive slaves. c) Northern states abolished slavery and then accumulated an anti-slavery majority power in Congress. d) the Republican Party was formed to prevent slave states from having any power in government, and for undermining the very existence of slavery.

Sea Islands

Freedmen who had taken over plantation lands for subsistence farming, but the land was taken from them by Union troops

Which of the following is true of the Fifteenth Amendment?

It give the right to vote to all males regardless of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Which of the following was NOT one of the results of "Radical Reconstruction" in the South?

It led to a much faster and more successful route to total racial equality in the South.

When it comes to the relationship between the states and the national government, Jefferson Davis prefers what compact?

J. Davis sees that states should be mostly independent from the national government, like the loose confederation of the Articles of Confederation.

The system of embedded racism and segregation that came to define race relations in the South was called

Jim Crow or Jim Crow South

In what way did Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction differ from the Republican plan?

Lincoln believed in offering leniency and forgiveness to most Confederate troops and officials based upon 10% loyalty margin in each state.

Which of the following was NOT one of the provisions of the Compromise of 1850?

New Mexico and Utah territories would be prohibited from allowing slavery.

Which of the following areas of the South were considered "in rebellion"?

North Carolina

Would the officers in Brewster's Massachusetts regiment have thought that the Civil War was fought against slavery or secession? Why?

Secession was one of the reason that was fought against in the first letter it talks about how captain was take the slaves back to their masters. Then at the end it talks about how he would rather die then give back a slave to their master.

How does Clara Barton respond to the criticism that the battlefield was too "rough and unseemly" for a woman?

She said that he was brought and unseemly for everyone not just women. She felt like she got blessing and health for all of the hard work that she was doing.

Which of the following is NOT one of the significant obstacles faced by Clara Barton as she tried to help wounded soldiers in Virginia in 1862?

Soldiers were laid so far apart that it was exhausting to get to every one.

The text describes many results of increased African-American mobility at the end of the War. Mark all four (4) of the following that are aspects of that mobilit

Southerners responded to black mobility by passing anti-vagrancy laws and curfews. Many former slaves migrated to cities where they could find more diverse job opportunities. Many former slaves journeyed to find their loved ones and family members who had been sold away in previous years.

What does the black soldier mean in his letter by "I am now fighting for the rights of the white man?"

That black soldiers are having to shoulder a greater financial cost for the war by not getting paid as much as white soldiers.

Which of the following marked the FINAL factor in the end of Reconstruction?

The Election of 1876 came down to a close call in electoral votes, pushing the decision to a compromise decision in favor of Rutherford Hayes.

Which of the following was NOT one of the responsibilities of the Freedmen's Bureau?

The Freedmen's Bureau established racially integrated churches to help foster equality between blacks and whites.

President Andrew Johnson's impeachment resulted in which action?

The Senate failed by one vote to convict Johnson and remove him from office.

Which of the following are true about the Underground Railroad? Mark all four (4) that apply.

The Underground Railroad was a network of safe houses and other secret hiding places along routes leading to the North and Canada. Harriett Tubman was a key leader, or "conductor" on the Underground Railroad. Abolitionist groups like the Quakers were heavily involved in assisting the Underground Railroad efforts. The Underground Railroad lasted between 1830 and 1860.

Which of the following is NOT true about the 1852 Election?

The Whig Party under General Winfield Scott showed very strong results because of its abolitionists platform.

What does Chesnut mean by the following observation: " . . .the Mulattos one sees in every family exactly resemble the white children-- & every lady tells you who is the father of all the Mulatto children in everybody's household, but those in her own, she seems to think drop from the clouds or pretends to so think

The white women know what was happen with black women. it embarrassing to them that their husband were not faithful to them they were raping the slaves in the back yard they felt like it was degrading it was to be lower their mistresses.

The Compromise of 1850 weakened the two national parties, and led to increased voting along sectional lines.


True or False. Jefferson Davis sees that the "right of property in slavery" is protected in the Constitution.


Davis Bend

Two plantations that tried to model "benevolent slavery" and slave autonomy, so Union troops awarded the land to the resident freedmen through lease.

The 1868 Republican candidate for presidency was whom?

Ulysses S. Grant

The Reconstruction Acts were best described as

abrupt and immediate changes for total restructuring of southern life and politics

The Gettysburg Address was given by Abraham Lincoln to dedicate a what?


The Jim Crow system consisted of all of the following elements EXCEPT which?


The Kansas-Nebraska Act did all of the following EXCEPT WHICH?

it led to Kansas being admitted peacefully to the Union as a slave state.

Aside from the challenges of Reconstruction, the administration of President U.S. Grant was plagued by what major problem?

political corruption

Which of the following was NOT among the "Black Codes" passed in southern states following the War?

prohibitions against freedmen working on their former masters' plantations

The Dred Scott decision was controversial because it

ruled that a slave was a slave no matter where he or she resided in the country.

The Gettysburg Address mentions all of the following concepts EXCEPT which?


Based upon Clara Barton's and Charles Brewster's descriptions, which of the following appear to have been among the most important provisions for soldiers in the Civil War?

socks and shoes

Sharecropping was based upon what conditions?

system of de facto slavery that kept black farmers tied to white landlords through indebtedness.

Which of the following was not one of the fears that Americans felt about increasing numbers of immigrants in the 19th century?

that immigrants overwhelmingly supported monarchies, and would work to restore a king to America.

President Zachary Taylor proposed what about slavery in the new territories?

that slavery be left up to the popular will of the people in those new states.

What is the "great, unfinished work" that the soldiers at Gettysburg left for the living to do?

that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Which part of the Compromise of 1850 proved to be particularly divisive and controversial in the North?

the Fugitive Slave Act

Lost Cause ideology was best described as

the idea that the South had the more virtuous cause in the War, but lost only because of physical and economic disadvantages.

The excerpt from Mary Chesnut's Diary is strongly critiquing what aspect of slavery?

the sexual relations between white masters and female slaves in almost every household

If most black soldiers are not fighting for money, what are they fighting for?

their rights and freedoms

Jefferson Davis compares the current condition of the southern states (the Confederacy) to what historic equivalence?

to the conditions of the American colonies under British rule.

Charles Harvey Brewster's letters show that the Union army officers and soldiers were divided over what issue?

whether to return slaves to their masters

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