History 4

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What happened to most monks and nuns following the dissolution of the monasteries?

Most monks were pensioned Many took up new church jobs Nuns were allowed to marry

Which earls led the catholic uprising against Elizabeth I?

Northumberland and Cumberland

What was the Mary Rose and where is it now?

One of Henry VIII's war ships that sank almost immediately after putting to sea. Portsmouth.

What could be said to Mary Tudor's two main aims upon accession to the throne?

Bring Britain back to Rome Produce an heir

Where is the Society of Merchant Venturers based?


Following the dissolution of the monasteries, which six of the abbey churches were transformed in to cathedrals new dioceses

Bristol Chester Gloucester Oxford Peterborough Westminster (temporarily, then became a royal peculiar)

How did Elizabeth I assert her authority in court?

By creating an image of herself as an unobtainable figure of beauty. (court life consisted of pretending you were in love with the queen)

How did Cardinal Wolsey fund the building of his new college, Christchurch College, Oxford?

By dissolving 20 monasteries.

Of whom was it said that 'he had he gift of natural eloquence with a filed tongue' and 'that he was able to persuade all men to his purpose'

Cardinal Wolsey

Who could be described as as the 'arbiter of Europe' in the 16c?

Cardinal Wolsey

Who was the Papal Legate in England in Tudor times and what did that title mean?

Cardinal Wolsey Was the Pope's man in England - able to overrule the Archbishop of Canterbury

Who was Henry VIII's fifth wife, what happened to her and why?

Catherine Howard Executed Was believed to have spent time with men in private (a question on the royal bloodline)

Who brought Edward VI up protestant?

Catherine Parr

Who was Henry VIII's sixth wife and what was she said to have influenced Henry to do?

Catherine Parr To reinstate all his children to the line of succession

List Henry VIII's wives

Catherine of Aragon Ann Boleyn Jane Seymour Ann of Cleves Catherine Howard Katherine Parr

What are main areas in which the Thirty Nine Articles of 1571 distinguish the Church of England from Catholicism

Celibacy Transubstiation Indulgences Language of the church Images

Generally there was not much violence during the process of the dissolution of the monasteries. Give two places where the monks did resist and were punished as a result?

Charterhouse, London Glastonbury

What did Cromwell's men do with the ecclesiastical books, stained glass windows and statues during the dissolution of the monasteries?

Destroy them all!

What major differences did Edward VI make to the actual churches of the land during his reign?

Destruction of images Dissolution of chantries

What is the name given to the series of artillery fortifications built to defend the southern coast of England by Henry VIII?

Device Forts

Where did the Prayer Book Rebellion take place and which King supressed it?

Devon and Cornwall Edward VI

What act of change to religious affairs brought Edward a lot of money?

Dissolution if the chantries

Which part of Ireland was known as the pale?

Dublin and surrounds

Which of Edward VI's protectors bumped the other one off?

Dudley ousted Seymour and had him dispatched to the block.

Who was executed for the Ridolfi plot and why?

Duke of Norfolk He was due to marry Mary Queen of Scots

Whilst revolting against Elizabeth, which cathedral did the northern earls take over and what did they do there?

Durham Cathedral Held a catholic mass

Who was Elizabeth's last favourite and what happened to him?

Earl of Essex Executed in the Tower following a failed coup

Which of Edward VI's protectors established the first Somerset House?

Edward Seymour

Who were Edward VI's Lord Protectors?

Edward Seymour , Duke of Somerset John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland

Which King established the book of common prayer?

Edward VI

Under which monarch did parliament produce the Thirty Nine Articles and what was their main effect?

Elizabeth Set the Church of England out as a Protestant church.

Who was Walsingham and what did he 'discover'?

Elizabeth I's Secretary of State (aka her spymaster) The Babington Plot

What were the contrasting reactions of Elizabeth I and the people of London to the execution of Mary Queen of Scots?

Elizabeth wept bitter tears The people of London celebrated in the streets

What was the biggest issue facing the general populace of England and their land in the late 15c / early 16c?


What was England's status in Europe when Henry VIII acceded to the throne?

England was a second-rate power Main powers were France and Holy Roman Empire

Which King did Henry meet at the Field of Cloth and Gold?

Francis I

Who is commonly referred to as Elizabeth I's spymaster?

Francis Walsingham

Where did English Protestants emigrate to during Bloody Mary's reign?

Frankfurt, Strasbourg, Zurich, Geneva

What was a risk for your average peasant man that Flastaff is infamous for?

Getting drafted - 50,000 English soldiers fought in the wars of the 16c

Mary Tudor repealed most religious laws, but what did she not do?

Give back any of the monastic lands

How did Jane Seymour die?

Giving birth to Edward (future Edward VI) (she died as a result of the insanitary conditions of childbirth)

Where was Drake knighted?


What did the papal court, held at Blackfriars in 1528, set out to establish? How did it fare?

Whether Catherine of Aragon had had sex at age 16 on the wedding night of her marriage to Henry VIII's brother, Arthur. It did not succeed in establishing anything.

What did Henry gain when Cardinal Wolsey was stripped of his office?

Whitehall Hampton Court

Who was Elizabeth I's most chief secretary and Lord treasurer?

William Cecil

Who first translated the Bible in to English, when did he do so?

William Tyndale 1526

Which European port pretty much had a monopoly over the cloth trade up until the mid 16c?


What was the White Horse Inn in Cambridge otherwise known as and why?

Little Germany Was the meeting place if the first Protestants.

From which regions did Mary Tudor gain support to claim the throne?

London East Anglia

Which of Mary Stuart's husbands was murdered in mysterious circumstances?

Lord Darnley

What were the scottish nobles who wrangled with Mary Stuart known as?

Lords of the Congregation Scottish Lairds

Who were Henry VII's parents?

Margaret Beaufort Edmund Tudor, First Earl of Richmond

Who were James I's parents?

Mary Queen of Scots Lord Darnley

What was one of the major economic issues during Elizabeth I's reign? What exacerbated this?

Massive price inflation (partly brought on by the influx of silver from Spanish South America) More people were dependent on the money economy

Who was Queen Elizabeth I's key Archbishop of Canterbury?

Matthew Parker

Who did Henry VII use as advisors in place of the magnates / house of lords and why?

The Council Learned in Law The magnates had been weakened by the Wars of the Roses

What were the goals of the Wyatt Rebellion and what was one of the key events of tye aftermath?

To oppose Mary's marriage with Phillip II and stop britain becoming catholic The execution of Lady Jane Grey

Name Henry VII's children and their spouses

Arthur, m. Catherine of Aragon, (Spain were powerful and had just kicked out the moors) Margaret, m. James IV of Scotland; (Scotland were a strong country) Henry, m. too many to mention Mary, m. 1) Louis XII of France; 2) D. of Suffolk

What was the cost of war in the late 16c?

Total - £4m Army - £3m Navy - £1m

The population grew by around 1m in the second half of the 16c, what factors put a strain on this?

Bad harvests and repeated plagues at the end of the century

What was the purpose of the Court of Augmentations?

To handle the various financial and property problems brought on by the dissolution of the monasteries

Who was crowned Edward VI in Dublin?

Lambert Simnel

Who was the rival to Henry VII's throne that invaded from dublin with an irish and german army?

Lambert Simnel Claimed to be Edward IV's nephew

Where did Cardinal Wolsey die?

Leicester Abbey

What was the Population of England estimated to be c. 1550?


What was the population of England in 1550?


What was the Population of England estimated to be c. 1600?


What was the population of England in 1600?


What did Pope Pious V call Elizabeth I?

A 'b*****d, heretic and a w****e'

What kind of Cardinal could Wolsey be considered to be?

A Renaissance Cardinal

What exactly did Henry VIII seek from the pope regarding his marriage with Catherine of Aragon?

A dissolution

What was a Priest Hole and why were they created?

A place for hiding places for priests that were built into many of the principal Catholic houses of England during Elizabeth I's reign as a result of the persecution of Catholics at this time

How did Voltaire describe the Holy Roman Empire?

"neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire"

When and why did Henry start to seek a dissolution from the Pope of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon?

1526 No son produced and was too old for any more children Feared the prospect of no son having grown up in aftermath of Wars of the Roaes

When was Cardinal Wolsey replaced as Chancellor and who by?

1529 Sir Thomas More

What was the Amicable Grant and what happened to it?

A tax imposed by Cardinal Wolsey Led to uprisings and was eventually abandoned

How many Device forts did Henry VIII build, what were they and why did he build them?

30 A series of artillery fortifications built to defend the southern coast of England. His divorce left England isolated and European wars meant invasion was a real possibility. (they were designed to resist cannonballs and accommodate cannons to shoot out)

How old was Mary Queen of Scots when she was crowned queen and who was her father?

6 days old James V of Scotland

Cromwell created the Valor Ecclesiasticus before the dissolution of the monasteries, give the following figures that it established: - # religious houses - # monks & nuns - # acres of landed property belonging to church - Total income of the church

- 800 houses; - 10,000 religious (monks and nuns); - 2m acres - £160,000

What laws/acts did the Reformation Parliament pass?

- Act of Succession: disinherits Princess Mary - Act of Supremacy: makes King Supreme Head of the Church - Treason Act: words as well as deeds can now constitute treason

In what ways did Henry VII limit the power of the magnates?

- Relied on ministers from non-aristocratic backgrounds, e.g. Sir Reginald Bray. - Introduced laws against the holding of private armies. - Avoided Parliamentary taxation, instead squeezing the maximum out of traditional sources of income (land, fines, etc)

What did 'Enclosure' entail during the Tudor period and what were the effects?

- The conversion of open field / strip system into private holdings. (Often involving change of use from arable to sheep farming) - Communal rights to common land, meadows, forests, etc., were abolished. - Rural depopulation and unemployment (In some places entire villages were lost)

How many Oak trees did it take to build one of Henry VIII's man-of-war ships?


How old was Elizabeth I when she died?

70 yrs old

For how long did Lady Jane Grey 'reign'?

9 days

When Mary Queen of Scots arrived in England Elizabeth had three options - list them and state the problem with each one

1. Support Mary - meant war with Scotland 2. Throw her to the wolves - she's a queen 3. Send her to France - risky to involve catholic France 4. Just let her live freely - she's a catholic claimant to the throne (in the end the imprisons her, but under light house arrest)

How may revolts did Henry VII face upon his accession to the throne? Which one is commemorated in a plaque at Greenwich?

11 revolts (1486-1497) The Cornish Rebellion

How many ships were there in the Spanish Armada?


When was the Union of England and Wales?


In the dissolution of the monasteries, by which year were the smaller houses destroyed, and by which year were the larger?

1536 - smaller 1540 - larger

When and what was the Pilgrimage of Grace? Where did it begin, who led it and how many were hanged as a result?

1536-7 A major Catholic revolt against the reformation Began in Lincs Led by Robert Aske 300 hanged

When did Henry sack Beckett's shrine, how many cartloads of booty did he take away and what was the result?

1538 26 cartloads He was excommunicated

When was the first authorised version of the bible in English published, what was it called and who translated it?

1539 The Great Bible Miles Coverdale

Which year was Cromwell executed?


When were the French wars of religion?


In which decade of the 16c did fighting between English and Spanish ships in the Caribbean arise?


What year did Mary Queen of Scots arrive in England?


When was the St Bartholomew's Day massacre, where did it happen and who was massacred?

1572 Paris the Huguenots

When did Drake sail around the world?


When was Mary Queen of Scots executed and where?

1587 Fotheringay

When was the defeat of the Spanish Armada?


When was the Irish Nine Years War? What was it about, who won and what was one of the key outcomes?

1594-1603 Irish revolt against English rule Elizabeth The Plantation of Ulster

How old was Edward VI when he died?


What percentage of the land of the country belonged to the church at the point of the dissolution of the monasteries?


How old was Lady Jane Grey when she was 'crowned'?

17yrs old

How long did we hold Calais for and who was responsible for us losing it?

200yrs Philip II (Mary Tudor's husband)

How many Protestants did Bloody Mary burn at the stake?


What did the Elizabethan Settlement of Religion consist of?

Act of Supremacy of 1558 asserting monarch as supreme governor as opposed to head of the church Act of Uniformity of 1559 which included new book of common prayer

What Acts did parliament pass to enforce the book of common prayer?

Acts of Uniformity

Who was crowned and who was born in 1533?

Ann Boleyn Princess Elizabeth

Why did Sir Thomas More resign from his post as Chancellor?

He was opposed to Submission of the Clergy.

Which English monarch has been described as "the most consummate businessman that has ever sat on the throne of england"?

Henry VII

Who was the Cornish Rebellion an uprising against?

Henry VII

Which King established plantations in Ireland?

Henry VIII

Henry VIII's Reformation Parliament, which sat from 1529 to 1536, fundamentally changed the nature of Parliament and of English government. How and why?

Henry used Parliament to justify and back up his separation from Catherine and Rome, thereby assenting it's assumption of responsibility for the whole of the temporal side and much of the spiritual side of the life of the Church. Parliament became omnicompetent, that is, no area involved in the government of the realm was outside its authority.

What happened to Anne of Cleves?

Her marriage to Henry was amicably annulled She lived out her days in Hever Castle

What was the key event that lead to Henry VIII's desire to divorce Anne Boleyn?

Her second child miscarried and was supposedly deformed, leading Henry to think her cursed.

What was the King's 'great matter'?

His divorce from Catherine of Aragon.

What philosophical movement laid the foundations for the reformation?


What was the income Henry got from the dissolution of the monasteries and what was the cost of his wars of that time?

Income: £1.5m Outgoing: £2.2m

What action by the pope resulted in Elizabeth I tightening the laws on Catholics in England?

Issued a papal bull calling for Elizabeth to be overthrown

What was the significance of the Crown of Ireland Act in 1541?

It made Henry VIII king of Ireland

What was unusual about henry VII's claim to the throne?

It was via a retrospectively legitimate and via the female line

Who faced each other at the Battle of Flodden and who won?

James IV of Scotland and Henry VIII Henry won. (James was Henry's brother in law, he had amassed the biggest army Scotland had ever seen which was completely wiped out - James was also killed himself)

When Mary Queen of Scots fled to England, who remained as monarch of Scotland?

James VI (eventually to be James I) under the protectorate of the Scottish Lairds

Who was Henry VIII's second wife and how did she come to his attention?

Jane Seymour The Seymours were a noble family and active at court and pleased to push their sister in to his gaze

Who helped Edward VI change his will on his deathbed, what was the effect of the change and why may he have wanted it?

John Dudly, Duke of Northumberland Names Lady Jane Grey as his successor She is married to Northumberland's son (also protestant)

Which is the only Archbishop to have a shopping Centre named after him?

John Whitgift

Who were Mary Stuarts' husbands?

King Francis II of France Lord Darnley Earl of Bothwell

List Wolsey's titles

Papal Legate Lord Chancellor Cardinal Archbishop of York Bishop of Lincoln, Tournai, Bath and Wells, Durham, Winchester Abbot of St Albans Alta Rex in Rome Alta Pap in UK

Which Pretender claimed to be Richard Duke of York, one of the Princes in the Tower? Who helped him invade and who defeated him?

Perkin Warbeck Helped by James IV of Scotland Henry VII

Who was Mary I's not-so-popular King?

Philip II of Spain

What was Privateering? What made it 'legit'?

Piracy, basically! Having the Queen's permission to attack Spanish ships. (they were given a special document from the queen to grant them the right to attack and rob ships of other countries you were not at war with)

From which Pope did Henry VIII seek a dissolution of his first marriage and who's influence prevented it being given?

Pope Clement VII Charles V (German Emperor)

By whom was Henry VIII given the title 'Defender of the Faith' and why?

Pope Leo X For a pamphlet he wrote condemning Luther

Which pope excommunicated Elizabeth I?

Pope Pius V

Who was the last Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury?

Reginald Pole

What was the effect of the Third Act of Succession?

Reinstated Mary and Elizabeth to the line of succession after Edward.

Name some of Elizabeth I's suitors

Robert Dudley Philip of Spain Francois, Duke of Anjou

Who was the first man rumoured to be a suitor of Elizabeth I?

Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester

What four chartered companies were given monopolies over trading by Elizabeth I and what were their trading areas?

Russia Company - exports cloth - imports fur and timber. Eastland Company (Baltic trade) - exports cloth - imports timber, tar, flax, linen, corn. Levant "Turkey" Company - exports cloth, tin, lead - imports cotton yarn, silk, spices, wine, currants. East India Company - Spice Trade

How were puritans dealt with during Elizabeth's reign?

Sacked, imprisoned and exiled.

How did Elizabeth raise funds in the face of major debt?

Selling of royal land Selling of monopolies Selling of interests in Privateers

What did Elizabeth have to say about the execution of Mary Queen of Scots?

She said that she signed the warrant under false pretences and did not know it was going to happen.

What danger did Mary Queen of Scots pose to Elizabeth?

She was next in line to be Queen of England, and she was Catholic. (if Boleyn was illegitemate then mary queen of scots was next in line)

Who was the first Englishman to sail around the world? In which ship?

Sir Francis Drake The Golden Hinde

Who were the top Privateers of Elizabeth I's reign?

Sir John Hawkins Sir Francis Drake

Who, around 1562-8 began to supply slaves to the Spanish Main for their colonies?

Sir John Hawkins Sir Francis Drake

Who was Henry VII's most influencial minister and what was his most lasting achievement?

Sir Reginald Bray The Henry VII Lady Chapel, Westminster Abbey

What did Pope Julius II grant Henry VII?

Special dispensation to allow his son Henry to marry his brother's widow

Where is Henry VIII buried, who is he buried next to and why?

St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle Jane Seymour Henry buried next to her not because of their relationship being a loving one but because she produced a boy so that was the marriage that god probably smiled upon

Where did parliament meet during Elizabeth I's reign?

St Stephen's Chapel, Westminster

What did the Vagabonds and Beggars Act of 1495 decree? What wider set of laws is this a part of?

That idle persons should be placed in the stocks and then returned to the hundred where they last dwelled or were born. (they would be whipped out of town if not in their home town) The Tudor Poor Laws

How did the venetian ambassador describe Ann Boleyn?

That she was not particularly beautiful but had piercing black eyes and knew how to use them. (she was also v intelligent - spoke many languages for example)

Who were the Puritans in England believe?

That the Church of England did not differ enough from Catholicism.

What was the significance of the 'submission of the clergy' and when did it happen?

The King was granted legislative power over the Church of England. 1532

Who were the Lords Deputy of Ireland?

The Kings ruling representative in Ireland in the high Middle Ages.

What is the only 16th century warship on display anywhere in the world? Where can you see it?

The Mary Rose Portsmouth

Which society had a virtual monopoly on the wool trade in the 16c?

The Merchant Venturers

Where will you today find the remaining pages of the Valor Ecclesiasticus?

The National Archives in Kew

What was the richest part of the Spanish Empire in the late 16c?

The Netherlands

What was the major Catholic revolt against the reformation called?

The Pilgrimage of Grace

What success did Wolsey have in trying to get the Pope to grant a dissolution of Henry VIII's wedding?

The Pope granted allowance for a papal trial to be heard against Catherine

Which country's uprising did Elizabeth's support lead us in to war with the Spanish?

The Protestant Netherlands

What was the name of the plot to kill Elizabeth I and install Mary Queen of Scots on the throne that involved the Duke of Norfolk?

The Ridolfi Plot

What happened at the Convocation of 1532 and in which which chapel did it occur?

The Submission of the Clergy (the ratification of the edict that the King now legislates for the Church of England) St Catherine's Chapel, Westminster Abbey

What was the key document set out by parliament in 1571 that established the Church of England as a Protestant church?

The Thirty Nine Articles

Where was Anne Boleyn executed? What generosity was she spared?

The Tower of London Execution by sword

What did Cromwell create to assist with and enable the dissolution of the monasteries?

The Valor Ecclesiasticus

Which Inn is known as Little Germany and what is its claim to fame?

The White Horse Inn, Cambridge Birthplace of the Reformation in england

What did the Convocation agree regarding Henry VIII in 1533?

The annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.

What were the main items disputed by Martin Luther?

The authority of the pope The indulgences for sins Ability to have bible in language of the people

What were some of the key items of Henry VIII's 'Six Articles'?

The belief in transubstiation Celibacy of the clergy Confession

When Henry VIII offered the Irish Chiefs 'surrender and regnant', what was he offering them?

The chance to have representation in the House of Lords etc in exchange for accepting him as their king and their lands being held in fee of him.

What was the significance of the Union of England and Wales in the 1530s

The end of the Marcher Lords Wales had representation in parliament Wales fell under English laws The decline of the Welsh language

What was The Great Bible?

The first authorised version of the bible in English (1539)

Who put on mystery plays?

The liveries / trade companies

Why did Elizabeth's attempt to take Cadiz fail?

The sailors all got drunk on Spanish wine and caught dysentery

What was the 'Great Debasement'?

The silver content in coinage was diminished by around 20%. (Henry made around £500k)

Which Archbishop of Canterbury secretly married Henry VIII & Ann Boleyn?

Thomas Cranmer

Who did Henry VIII install as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1532?

Thomas Cranmer

Who wrote the Book of Common Prayer and when?

Thomas Cranmer 1549 & 1552

Who were the Oxford Martyrs?

Thomas Cranmer Nicholas Ridley Hugh Latimer

Name some of the people who gathered at the White Horse Inn (aka Little Germany)?

Thomas Cranmer William Tyndale Stephen Gardiner Matthew Parker

Who was Henry VIII's architect of the dissolution of the monasteries?

Thomas Cromwell

Who created the Valor Ecclesiasticus and what did it entail?

Thomas Cromwell A survey of the finances of the church in England

Who set up the marriage of Henry & Ann of Cleves? Who painted her and what did Henry say when he met her?

Thomas Cromwell Hans Holbein the Younger "I like her not."

Who was appointed Vicegerent in Spirituals in the 1535? What did the post mean?

Thomas Cromwell That he was second only to the King in church matters.

Who were beheaded in 1535 for refusing to pledge an oath to Princess Elizabeth?

Thomas More Bishop John Fisher (beheaded under the new Treason Act)

When did the sweating sickness occur and what major impact did it have on englidh royalty?

Tudor times (1485-1551) It claimed Arthur, Henry VII's son.

What role was Thomas Cromwell appointed to in order to enact the Dissolution of the Monasteries?

Vicegerent in Spirituals

Which was the last monastery to be closed in the dissolution of the monasteries?

Waltham Abbey in 1540

What event around the 1550's led to the growth of merchant companies in England?

War in the Netherlands, leading to disruption of their control over the cloth trade with the East.

What was remarkable about Cardinal Wolsey's childhood?

Was the son of a butcher (from Ipswich!) Gained his degree from Oxford aged 15

What method did Henry VIII employ regarding the Royal mint to make some extra cash? What was it called and how much did he make?

Watering down the silver content of the coinage. The great debasement. £500k

How big was Henry VIII's navy?

c.40 Royal war ships

What kind of ship did the English use when fighting the Spanish Armada in Calais?


How much of the population is estimated to have lived in poverty during the tudor period?

up to a third

In what specific areas did the puritans feel the Church of England was too close to Catholicism?

vestments kneeling; the sign of the cross; rings; bells; music; stained glass statues.

What was Henry VII's wealth at the time of his death?


How much did the Court of Augmentations make from the sale of building materials during the dissolution of the monasteries?


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