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what were the main causes of the Russian revolution

czar nicholas II in power stayed with autocracy even though times changed. Ignored future continued with the past. The Russo-japanese war caused social unrest in russia and bringing in industrialization had negative effects low wages poor living conditions all stirring in revolutionary movements in russia

command economies were economic systems directed by capitalist entities.


to achieve power and the leadership position stalin..

forced his rival into exile

The five year plans included all of the following measures except

forging ties with foreign economies

the main goal of the bolsheviks was to

free russia from the power of the tsar

How did tsar Nicholas II respond to the Bloody Sunday protest

he established a representative assembly

how did stalin bring russia into the modern world after the devastation of war and revolution

industrialization, new factories that produced steel electricity chemicals tractors and other things, low wages allowed for the modernization to b e profitable

What were soviets under Russia's provisional government?

local councils

This type of organized violence against Jews was encouraged by Alexander III


this was overthrown by the Bolshevik revolution

provisional government

the provisional government made the mistake of deciding too

remain in WW1

Unlike lenin who spoke up about a global uprising of workers

stalin's goal was simply socialism in one country

why did russia fall into civil war

the peasants were tired of waiting for land reform

How did czars Alexander III and Nicholas II deal with calls for reform?

they resisted all efforts for reform

stalins idea of the societ process was through

top down government control of every aspect of econimic political and social life

Problems in dealing with the middle class challenged and divided the Mensheviks and bolsheviks


the disastrous events on the eastern front during WW1 were the final blows that forced major political change in Russia


This is another name for the Revolution of 1905

Bloody Sunday

this group masterminded the revolution in november 1917


Lenin and the Bolsheviks devoted themselves to

Destroying capitalism through revolution

First Russian Parliament


He was the last Romanov czar of Russia

Nicholas II

This man's influence on Alexandra enraged the nobles


what impact did russia's involvement in WW1 have on the russian gov

all the above are true

Who were the Bolsheviks?

Members of Russia Parliments

what socilaist quote is offten associated with Stalin

Socialism is one country

How did the Russo-Japanese war show the czar's weakness?

all of the above are true

as opposed to his reform-minded father, he was determined to strengthen ¨autocracy¨, orthodoxy, and nationality¨ in Russia

Alexander III

He was the major leader of the Bolsheviks and his major slogan was peace land and bread


Czar Nicholas II abdication led too which of the following

a strong provisional government with wide support

Stalin's idea of Soviet progress was through

a top-down government control of every aspect of economic, political, and social life

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