Massage Principles & Practice Review

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The simplest forms of life that can exist as independent sef-sustaining units are


Massage can temporarily alter the shape and appearance of __________ by flattening out adipose globuse located under the skin, making them seem smoother


Often referred to as the axis

Centrum or body

The weight-bearing part to which the intervertebral disks attach

Centrum or body

The largest region of the brain that governs all higher functions (language, memory, reasoning, and some aspects of personality) is the


The regions of the brain are the

Cerebrum Diencephalon Cerebellum Brain stem

The voluntary process of completing training in knowledge and skill by a nongovernment institution such as a trade school is called


Pertaining to the neck


Circular movement


Physical or harm sustained by the client due to lack of knowledge or sensitivity on the therapist's behalf is called

Client neglect

A metabolic disorder that is the result of a deficiency of the hormone insulin is called

Diabetes mellitus

Pertaining to a digit; fingers and toes


Straightening or increasing the angle of a joint


The muscle causing the desired action

Agonist or Prime mover

The parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is also called

Alarm response

The best way to learn massage strokes is from

An experienced and caring instuctor

Linea aspera


Lateral malleolus


Wate-soluble vitamins are

B & C

The pressure exerted by blood on an arterial wall during the contraction of the left ventricle is called

Blood pressure

Pertaining to the calf area of the lower leg


The endocrine system consists of the endocrine glands and their glandular secretions called


Wrist bones that are arranged in two rows of four bones


External auditory meatus

Frontal bone

Mastoid process

Frontal bone

Believed to respond to cold

Krause's end bubls

The connective tissue membranes that envelop the CNS are the


Membranes that line openings to the outer-side of the body

Mucous membranes

Located in almost every tissue of the body, the receptor for detecting pain is a


Which of the following is not a function of the nervous system

Nutrient Transport

Foramen magnum

Occipital bone

Cells located in bone that breaks down oseous tisue to maintain homeostasis


Pressure sensitive; responds to skin displacement and high-frequency vibration

Pacinian's corpuscles

Referring to the anterior surface or the palm of hand


Because it breaks down all catagories of digestible foods, the most important digestive gland is the


Which infectious agent can only replicate themselves within the cell nucleus of a living plant or animat host


Referrinto the walls of a cavity or an organ


Stretching can be done _______ by the therapist with no assistance from the client or _____ by the client with no assistance from the therapist

Passively / actively

Knee cap; largest sesamoid bone in the body


The chest area: bt the neck and superior to the respiratory diaphragm


Referring to the foot/feet


A network of intersecting nerves is reffered to as a


The area located on the posterior aspect of the knoee


The two positional considerations during the massage are

Position of the table; position of the client

Pertaining more to the back


Which of the following best decribes bile

Processed by using worn-out RBC's An emulsifier that also offers deordorizing properties Gives urine and stool their characteristic color

Proteins and formed elements of the blood are too large to cross the memebrans and are ______ by the bloodstream


Movement backward


"Christmas tree muscle"


An ordered repetition of strong and weak elements in the delivery of the massage strokes is


Long, slender, curved bones of the thoracic cavity


The "neurovascular entrappers" are pectoralis minor and the


Caracoid process


Referring to the shoulder blade area


Which of the following is NOT one of the 12 cranial nerves


Lateral curvature of the vertebral column in the thoracic region


The preferred position for pregnant women, the elderly, recent surgery clients, and a variety of other conditions is

Seated position

Which exocrine gland is associated with the hair follicle and screte sebum (fatty lubricant)

Sebaceous glands

The valves located b/t both ventricles and their adjacent arteries are the

Semilunar valves

Which are the three hamstring muscles

Semitendinosus semimembranosus Biceps femoris

The largest organ in the body by weight


Slow, held stretches, consisting of bringing a muscle to full extension and then maintaining the pressure necessary to keep the muscle in extension from 1 to 3 seconds, depending on the stretching idiology involved, is

Static stretching

What is the combination of water, friction, soap, or other disinfecting agents eliminate the presence of microorganisms called


Commony called the ankle bone


Which of the following is involved with spending body resources and preparing the body for emergeny situations


Which of the nervous system conserves body resources and represents a body calmness


The nervous system is divided into two major divisions

CNS (Central) PNS (perpheral)

Heel bone


The carcoplasmic reticulum stores copious amounts of


A saddle joint, permiting all movements except rotation

Carpometacarpal joint of the thumb

The largest and most complex joint in the body

Carpometacarpal joint of the thumb

Which region of the brain concerns muscle tone, coordinates skeletal muscles and balance (posture intregration and equilibrium) controls fine and gross motor movements


Although lymph nodes are located along all lymphatic vessels, they collect superficially in three areas on ech side of the body and are the

Cervical nodes, axillary nodes, and inguinal nodes

The work generally credited as being the first book in the field of sports medicine was

De Arte Gemnastica

Resembles gluteals in structure; abducts, adducts, and elevates the shoulder


The curve of the shoulder and upper arm formed by the large deltoid muscle


A typically short, narrow, and highly branched extension of the nerve cell that receives stimuli from the other neurons and that moves it toward the cell body


The spatial distance into the body's tissue that is achieved through pressure application is


Collagen and elastin are fibers in cells of the


Which layer is know as the true skin


A metabolic disorder characterized by excessive thirst and urination and caused by a deficiency in antidiuretic hormone is

Diabetes insipidus

Factors that influence blood pressure and blood flow

Diameter of the blood vessels, resistance, and blood viscosity Cardiac output and blood volume Feedback from chemorecptors and baroreptors

The part of the brain that houses the thalamus and hypothalamus is the


Which muscle expands the chest cavity by pully the belly of the muscle down via the central tendon


The end of a long bone is called a


The three types of functional articulation are symarthrotic, amphiarthrotic, and


External and internal respiration takes place by which mechanism


Movement of dissolved substances from higher to lower concentration the require no energy


What is the mechanical and chemical process that occurs as food is converted into an absorbable state


The body system that involves the processes of ingestion, digestion, absorption, and defecation

Digestive System

Benefits of friction

Dilates capillaries, increases circulation, reduces swelling, loosens stiffness in joints by relaxing muscles, breaks down and coaxes apart adhered tissue, and freeing restricted areas

This is NOT a benefit of effleurage

Directly lifts the muscle belly away from the underlying bone

What is the process of removal of pathogenic microorgansms by a chemical or mechanical agent


Farther from the point of reference


Hormones that regulate the growth and secretory activity of other endocrine glands are called

Dominant hormones

Which of the following cavities contains the brain and spinal cord


The two main body cavities are called

Dorsal and ventral cavities

Foot hyerextension


The three dicision fo the small intestines, from beginning to end

Doudenum, jejunum, and ileum

What element of massage provides a professional atmosphere that supports the client's need for modesty and comfort, in a that provides access to individual body parts


The amount of massage lubricant is determined by the intent of the massage and the

Dryness of the skin

As urine is formed, it is collected in tubules and routed into larger papillary ducts called the

Ducts of Bellini

Which structure contains the sphincter Oddi and the major duodenal papilla


Which of the following statements is NOT true, regarding Esalen massage and Swedish massage

Esalen massage is designed to create and overall sense of well-being

Which division of the alimentary canal transport food to the stomach


Movement where the sole of the foot is turned outward


Which of the following is a function of the respiratory system

Exchange of gases

Which of the following is NOT a function of the muscular system

Exchanging of gases

Nerve impulses are accomplished by two characteristics of neurons

Excitability and conductivity

The distance traveled on the client's body or the length of a massage stroke is called


During this phase of pulmonary ventilation, air moves out of the lungs due to elastic recoil of the alveoli


The incomplete sections of the tracheal rings allow the esophagus to

Expand into the trachea when swallowing food and bolus

"tea drinkers muscle"

Extensor digitorum minimi

Which table accessory allows your client to keep his head and neck relatively straight when lying prone

Face rest

Endangerment sites

Femoral triangle Brachialis plexus Styloid process of temporal bone

Greater Trochanter


Guteal tuberosity


A tough, dense material that has the greatest tensile strength and that is found in the intervertebral disks, in the meniscus of the knee joint, and bt the pubic bones


A chronic inflammatory disease that affects muscle and related connective tissues


Fluids that cross from the glomerulus into the glomerular capsule are reffered to as


The movement of particles across the cellular membrane due to the force of pressure is called


Filtration of the blood and the formation of urine is a three-step process. what is the correct procedural order

Filtration, reabsorption, and tubular secretions

Also referred to as light effleurage, which of the following ancillary stroke is a very light fingertip tracing over the surface of the skin and is often a finishing move in massage

Finale feathering

The three basic catagories of vibration are

Fine, course, and wrining

Which structure, located in the afferent arterioles, monitors changes in blood pressure

Juxtaglomerular cells

Conditions or situations that merit caution and adaptive measures to ensure the massage is safe and that the client is comfortable are called


Situated below or tail end


The process of orally taking material into the body is called


The function of the digestive sysem are

Ingestion, Digestion, absorbtion, and defacation

Contaction and descending of the diaphragm causes


Breathing has two machanical phases


What is the moving attachment of a muscle called


Which of the following body systems is involved in protection of the body by acting as a physical, biological, and chemical barrier; in regulation of body temp; and in synthesis of Vitamin D

Integumentary System

These bones glide across one another to create a sliding motion

Intercarpal joint

Located bt the ribs; muscle of respiration


Chief cells produce

Intrinsic factor and hydrochoric acid

Mediated by the golgi tendon organs, this stretch reflex is stimulated by slow, low-force stretches, inhibiting regular muscle contraction, which allows for maximum stretching

Inverse stretch reflex

Movement where the sole of the foot is turned inward


Related tot he same side


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of blood

Is red in arteries and blue in veins

Ischial tuberosity


Skeletal muscle contraction in which there is an increase in tension but no change in muscle length


Western massage texts tend to use French term, primarily bc of the efforts of

Johann Mezger

A spontaneous reaction of pain or discomfort that may cause a client to wince, jump, pr verbalize upon application of pressure is the

Jump sign

For the MT to provide a safe procedure, she must be trained in human physiololgy and pathophysiology, first aid, CPR, and

Knowledge of endangerment sites

The phagocytic cells in the liver that eat bacteria and other foreign material out of the blood before sending it thorugh the hepatic vein is called

Kupffer's cells

An exaggeration of the normal posterior thoracic curve


The flattened portior of the vertebral arch


AKA the atlas


Oriented away from the midline


Widest muscle in the body; "swimmers muscle"

Latissimus dorsi

If Mrs. Brown's right shoulder is elevated, which muscle would you most likely find contracted

Levator scapula

The skeletal system is composed of bones, cartilage, joints, and


Whithin the cerebrum are regions named for the bones they lie beneath, these regions are called


Incoluntary firing or twitching in a muscle in response to the sensory stimulation (pressure) on the trigger point is

Local twitch response

The most widely distributed connective tissue, which is regardes as the packing material of the body

Loose connective tissue

An exaggeration of the normal anterior lumbar curve


Pertaining to the area of the back bt the ribs of the thorax and hips of the pelvis


The paired organs of respiration are the


Which of the follwing are bean-shaped structures that collect and filter lymph

Lymph nodes

The lymphatic system consists of

Lymph, lymph vessles, and the lymph organs

The juxtaglomerular apparatus consists of the

Macual densa and teh juxtaglomerular

Which of the following stuctures monitors the concentration of the fitrate

Macula densa

Sports massage is specifically tailored to the athlete and consists of two main catagories

Maintenance and event Maintenance and pre-event Maintenance and post-event

The most lethal type of skin cancer is

Malignant Melanoma

Mental foramen


The systematic and scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body is called


The four main muscles of mastication are

Masseter Temporalis Pterygoid medialis & lateralis

Infraorbital foramen


The most stationary attachemnt of a muscle is the


The reabsorption of water that occuurs in the renal tubule, returning into the peritubular capillary system, takes place by what mechanism


The muscle fiber arrangement with a central tendon and muscle fibers extending from the tendon diagonally is


The sac surrounding the heart is called

Pericardium/pericardial sac

The fibrous membrane covering bone that is the bone's life support system


Pertaining more to the outside or periphery or exernal


The largest serous membrane of the body


Where does water reabsorption occur

Peritubilar capillaries

Consists of a cycle of rhythmic lifting of the muscle tissues away from the bone or underlying structures with the hollow of the palms, followed by firmly kneading or squeezing the muscle with a gentle pull toward the therapist, ending with a release of the tissue


Usually located in the ileum and jejunum of the small intestines, these groups of lymphatic nodes combat pathogens

Peyer's patches

Most distal bones of each finger and thumb


Another name for the throat is the


Contraindications for massage

Phlebitis, thrombus, and varicosity

Sensory receptors that are sensitive to light stimuli are called


The medical field of physical medicine and rehabilitation is known as


How the body functions in normal body process is called


Electrotherapy and hydrotherapy are methods of


When a pathogen is abosrbed rather than "eaten" by these cells, this process is known as


There are six hip rotators; they are

Piriformis Obturator internus Obtuartor externus Gemellus superior Gemellus inferior Quadratus femoris

Pertaining to the bottom surface of the foot or sole


Extension or planting the toes in the earth


Which of the following are mechanisms for blood clotting

Platelete plug Coagulation Vasvular spasm

Repetitive motion injuries are cause by

Repeated flexing and extending of a joint against resistance and manual manipulation of tools or other equipment

Poor working posture and hand technique can increase stress on the joints creating

Repetitive motion injuries

Stretching that involves the therapist's applying gentle resistance while the client is actively engaging in the stretch

Resisted or isometric

Which of the follwoing body systems is involved with oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange, the sense of smell, and speech production

Respiratory System

The main muscles of respiration

Respiratory diaphram

Infections by fungal agents include

Ringworms and Thrush

Photorecptors that are very sensitive to dim light (night vision) and shades of black, white, and grey are


Four shoulder muscles collectively called the "SITS" muscles

Rotator cuff

Responds to deep and continuous pressure and heat

Ruffini's end organs

The two urinary bladder structures that allow for expansion are the

Rugae and transitional epithelium

The main part of the heart;s conducting system is the

SA node AV bundle AV node All are important parts of the conducting system of the heart

Torticollis affects which muscle


Which is the only muscle that moves the head but does not attach to any vertebrae


Pertaining to the sacrum or sacral area of the spinal column


Located bt the sacrum and the ilium

Sacroiliac joint

Seperates the two parietal bones

Sagital sutures

A clear, nondigestible, viscous fluid secreted by the salivary and mucoud glands in the oral cavity


Which is NOT a type of membrane found in the body


The functional contractile unit in muscle fibers composed of actin and myosin filaments is the


Longest muscle in the body' "tailor's muscle"


Fats are classified as

Saturated or unsaturated

Slow, light, and rhythmic movements are soothing to the nerves because they produce a low level of excitement to the nervous system, whereas vigorous movements

Stimlate the nervous system

The most widespread epithelium that is arranged in layers over the skin and that lines most of the hollow structures

Stratified squamous epithelium

The superficial layer of the epidermis is

Stratum corneum

According to Bonnie Prudden, MT's can be classified in which occupation

Strenous occupations

AKA as myotasis, which of the following involves elongating or extending the muscle tissue to its full length


When a muscle is extended


Which exocrine glands secrete sweat

Subdoriferous glands

Name the three salivary glands

Submandibular glands submaxillary glands sublingual glands

According to Dr. Travell the "ghost headaches" muscle


A muscle involved in frozen shoulder


What are the four rotator cuff muscles (SITS)

Subscapularis Infraspinatus Supraspinatus Teres minor

Situated above or toward the head


Lateral rotation or outward rotation


Lying for or belly up in a horizontal, recumbent positon


Which of the rotator cuff muscles does not rotate the humerus


By what mechanism does the skon help in regulating the body's temp


A system of active, passive, and resisted movements of the body's various joints and muscles, most often just the artful and fluid presentaion of passive ROM is called

Swedish gymnastics

The junction b/t two neurons, or b/t a neuron and a muscle or gland where information is transmitted, is a


The neural structure where neurotransmitters are produced and stored is the

Synaptic bulb or nob

A muscle that assists the agonist or prime mover


The viscous lubricating fluid associated with articulation


Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of the cardiovascular system

Synthesizes Vitamins A, E, & D

In a blood pressure reading, the top number, which represents the pressure exerted on the arterial wall during active ventricular contraction, is called


Using bolsters, drapping, positioning the client, and adjusting the height of the massage table are all elements of

Table mechanics

Sustained digital pressure on specific areas in the muscle (trigger points) to relieve pain and discomfort is known as

Tender point

The fibrous cords of connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone


Inserts on the iliotibial band

Tensor fascia latae

What layer of connective tissue wraps around the entire muscle


The muscle that is responsible for the resisting or opposing action is called the


The bones of the skull, thorax, vertebral column, and the hyoid bone comprise the

Axial skeleton

Armpit; pyramid-shaped area formed by the underside of the anterior and posterior aspect of the shoulder


The nerve fiber that is a single cylindrical extension of the cell and carries impulses away from the cell body


Which of the following are basic components of a cell

Cytoplasm Mitchochondria Nucleus

Tissue that lines the internal and the external organs of the body and lines the vessels and body cavities

Epithelial tissue

The paraspinalis reger to the tranversospinalis and the

Erector spinae

The most numerous blood cell


Nestled in spheric pockets on the superior and lateral surfaces of the tongue are

Gustatory organs

Pertaining to the ey area


When a stimulus generates nerve impulse, it is conducted along the entire neuron neuron at its maximum capacity. this principle is the

All-or-none response

The balloonlike sacs made of epithelium are the


What are the building blocks for prtotein

Amino acids

The indentation in the medial aspect of the kidney, where the renal arteries, veins, and the ureters attach, is called the

Renal medulla

The two regions of the skeleton are the axial skeleton and the

Appendicular skeleton

What is the hair muscle called

Arrector pili

Vessels that carry blood away from the heart and have thick muscular walls are called


When two or more bones come together, this is know as


Who founded the ancient Greek "Methodist" school of thought, which supported a simplistic view of healing and restricted TX's to bathing, diet, massage, and a few drugs


Handwashing or other _________ _________ destroy pathogenic microorgansisms from the forearms, hands, and nails

Aseptic techniques

Referred to as the yes/yes joint

Atlantoaxial joint

Rferred th as the no/no joint

Atlantoaxial joint

A decrease in the size of muscle cells or wasting away of muscles


His 11th-century Cannon of Medicine was an especially famous medical text that compiled the theoretical and prcatical medical knowledge of the time


When blood pressure drops of the chloride ion concentration of the fitrate drop, the juxtglohumeral apparatus responds by secreting


If an athlete has fast twitch A muscles, they are more likely suited for


The four most common types of hormones

Steriod, peptide, biogenic amines, and eicosanoids



Xiphoid process


The "windpipe" is a common name for the


The primary function of erythrocytes

Transport oxygen and a small amount of carbon dioxide in the blood

AKA as the vertebral prominens

Transverse process

The lateral projections from the lamina

Transverse process

"coat hanger muscle"


At rest, respiration cycles occur in adults about

12-14 times a minute

A normal blood pressure reading is considered


How many bones are in the human the human body


The ideal massage room temp is

68-75 degress

Two origins and one insertion; upper arm

Bicps brachii

Another word for body mechanics is


The most popular massage table style is

A portable massage table

Some factors that affect respiration are

A sudden, severe pain an increase in body temperature an increase in carbon dioxide levels

When applying percussion/tapotement

Avoid after excercise because it can activate muscle spindles and avoid applying percussion over the kidney area bc it is not adequately protected by soft tissue

Fat-soluble vitamins are

A, D, E, and K

Movement away from the midian axis


Which of the following would not be considered a recent development in alternative medicine


Which of the following is a neurotransmitter

Acetylcholine dopamine serotonin All

Which of the following is involved in skeletal muscle contraction

Actin and Myosin

Movement of molecules such as ions against the concentration gradient from low to high in order to maintain vital processes such as nerve conduction is called

Active transport

The different kinds of movements which are used in Ling's System of Medical Gymnastics are

Active, passive, duplicated

Stretching that is a combined effort b/t the therapist and client is known as


The five adductor musclesof the lower extremity are

Adductor magnus Adductor magnus Brevis Gracalis Pectineus

A specialized form of loose connective tissue that provides fuel reserves for energy expenditure, insulation, and a cushoun around certain structures, such as the kidneys, heart, and some joints

Adipose tissue

High-pressure vessels from the renal artery renal artery that feed the glomerular capillaries are the

Afferent Arterioles

The position in which the body is erect and facing forward, the arms by sides, the palms facing forward, and toes pointing forward

Anatomical position

The study of structures of the human body and their positional relationships to one another is known as


Pertaining to the forearm; bt the wrist and elbow


Space in front of the elbow or at the bend of the elbow


The control of the water balance of the body is regulated by the secretion of

Antidiuretic hormone

Some examples of infectious agents are

Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa, and Viruses

The ability of the muscles, joints, and nerves to maintain static and dynamic stability, while having the capacity to adapt to change is called

Balance and flexibility

Stretches that are high-velocity, forceful repetitions of bouncing or bobbing motions which may cause tissue damage are called


Greates ROM is from

Ball-and-socket joints

Pressure sensitive receptors located in the carotid simus and in the aortic arch are called


Blood pressure is temporaily decreases by dilation of the ________ and by affecting the permeability of capillary walls

Blood capillaries

Ehich of the following best decribes the path of blood through the heart

Blood flows into the R atrium, into the R ventricle, to the pulmonary trunk; the blood returns from the lungs and enters the L atrium, then L ventricle andinto the aorta to all parts of the body

A semipermeable wall of blood capillaries and glial cells that prevents or slows down the passage of some drugs, other chemical compounds, and disease-causing organisms (such as viruses) from the blood into the central nervous system is the

Blood-brain barrier

The main visible part of the nail is the


A ball-like, masticated lump of food is


Which of the following is NOT a classification of connective tissue


Which stance is used most frequently when applying effleurage or any gliding stroke where length may be important

Bow stance

The two most basic foot stances when applying massage are the

Bow stance and the horse stance

Referring to the upper arm; bt the shoulder and the elbow


In which artery is blood pressure most frequently taken

Brachial artery

Because of its mechanical advantage the most effectivearm flexor


The central nercous system includes the

Brain cranium spinal cord vertebral column

The respiratory center is located in the

Brain stem

Deep friction can create an appropiate scar that is strong, yet does not interfere witht the

Broadening of muscles in contraction

The bronchi divide into smaller branches called


A saclike membrane that contains synovial fluid and is provided around joint to prevent friction is called


Pertaining to the cheek area


Compresses cheeks as in whistling or blowing a trumpet


Factors that can affect the amount of urine produced and excreted by the body are

Chemical (comsumption of coffee, tea, and carbonated beverages) Physical (physical activity) Nervous (anxious and other sympathetic nervous system reactions)

Taste and smell are interpreted by which sensory recptor


The first written accounts of therapeutic massage are found in


Which of the following hormone stimulates he contraction of the gallbladder and pancreatic enzyme secretion


A viscous semifluid blended in the stomach is called


Variations of friction include

Circular, cross-fiber, straight, rolling, chucking (linear), and wringing

Which of the following body systems transports and distributes respiratory gases, nutrients, antibodies, and hormones, and prtect the body through clotting mechanisms

Circulatory System

Which large collecting chamber is located inferior to the thoracic duct

Cisterna chyli

Acromion process


Collar bone; most frequently Fx


The sounds created by a beating heart are due to the

Closing of the heart valves

Often including principle for therapeutic relationships, professional behavior, and business policies which one of the following is a set of guiding moral principles that influence one's course of action

Code of ethics

A rhythmic pumping on a muscle belly to create a sustained increase in circulation and muscle relazxtion is called


Photorecptors that are used for color vision are


Nondisclosure of privileged information is referred as


The number one source of microorganism cross-contamination is by

Contact with human hands

Arteriolesclerosis, aneurysm, Ranynard's phenomenon, hypertension, multible sclerosis, diabetes, fever, rashes, poison ivy, sumac, impetigo, athletes foot, ringworm, scabies, abnormal lumps, warts, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, large or loose moles, lyphogranuloma, venereum, skin ulcers, areas where fereign objects are embedded in the tissues, abrasions, cuts, hematomas, and contusions are all

Contraindications for massage therapy

Related to opposite sides of the body; the right foot is _______ to the left foot


Referring to the ribs; the space near a rib or on a side close to a rib


An emotional reaction of therapist to the client's act of transference, often marked by a difficulty in maintaining professional detachment from the client is called


The peripheral nervous system consists of

Cranial nerves and spinal nerves

This is NOT a benefit of vibration of

Creates length in a muscle

Pertaining to the thigh or leg


Hormones secreted by the intestinal lining

Enterocrinin, Cholecystokinin, and Secretin

Which structure covers the trachea during swallowing


A contraction of a muscle while it is in the process of lengthening is called


The epidermis is made from which germ layer


An excellent stroke for assessing tissues is


application of purposeful, gliding movements that follow the contour of the client's body is


Soft and pliable cartilage that gives shape to the external nose, ears, and to internal structures such as the epiglotis and the auditory tubes

Elastic Cartilage

AKA the humeroulnar joint; a three-bone articulation

Elbow joint

Raising or elevating a body part


All of the following are functions of the urinary system

Elimination of metabolic waste Regulation of chemical composition of the blood Regulation of blood volume and blood pressure

Areas of the body that contain certain anatomical structures prone to injury, such as nerves, blood vessels, organs, and small, prominent body projections are referred to as

Endangerment sites

The ablility to carry out daily tasks efficiently with enough energy left over to enjoy leisure time pursuits and to meet unforseen emergencies is the difinition of


Bending or decreasing the angle of a joint


Puchlike depression in the skin that enclose the hair shaft are called hair


Massage your soapy hands and forearms

For 30 seconds

A hole or opening on a bone is called a


Because the right primary bronchus is slightly wider and has a slightly steeper downward angle that the left

Foreign bodyes more frequently lodge on the right side

Also known as nociceptors

Free nerve endings

Pain receptors

Free, nerve endings

A brisk, often heat-producing compresion stroke that may be delivered either superficially to skin or to deep tissue layers of muscle, depending opon the intention of the therapist, is referred to as Tapotement/Percussion


Supraorbital foramen

Frontal bone

Which of the fololwing planes passes through the body side to side to create anterior and posterior

Frontal or coronal plane

The pear-shaped sac lovated on the inferior surface of the liver that stores bile is called the


Inserts on the calcaneous; two heads


Through stmilutaion of cutaneous thermo and mechanorecptors, massage ihibits pain by interfering with nocicptive information entering the spinal cord. This phenomenon is called

Gate theory

The Swedish Moevement System was introduced into the US by

George and Charles Taylor

AKA as the scapulohumeral joint and the shoulder joint

Glenohumeral joint

Can be injured by direct blows and is commonly involved in shoulder serperation and shoulder dislocation

Glenohumeral joint

The curve of the buttocks formed by the large gluteal muscles


Identify the the three gluteal muscles

Gluteus maximu Gluteus medius Gluteus minimus

A series of 4 to 6 horizontal membranous sacs which is referred to as the "packing and shipping" plant of the cell bc it is associtated with the altering protiends and lipids is the

Golgi apparatus

Sensory receptors stimulated by both tension and excessive stretch and activate an inhibitory responses in the motor neuron are called

Golgi tendon organs

Variations of percussion/tapotement are

Hacking, tapping, and cupping diffused

Stimulation brings about erect hair

Hair-follicle receptors

The most important hygiene habit to help protect the public from the transmission of microorgansms is


The "center of gravity" whish is also a topgraphical and meditative point of reference

Hara or tan tein

Along the length of the large intestine there are a series of pouches called


Benefits through the stimulation of the circulation by masssage

Heat is generated, and the skin feels warm to the touch The skin appears hyperemic Added nutrients are available to tissues

BenefitS of massage

Helps releive colic, and istestinal gas Pmotes evacuation of the colon Increases urine output

Blood cells are formed by a process called


The main venous portal system, which collects blood from the digestive organs and delivers this blood to the liver for processing, is called the

Hepatic portal system

The father of modern western medicine is generally recognized as being


The human body's internal environment which remains relatively constant within a very limited range, is reffered to as


If there is any blood or tissue fluid seepage due to any superficial wounds, romove the linens with gloved hands and wash in

Hot water, detergent, and chlorine bleach

Bicipital groove


Deltoid tuberosity


Glenoid fossa


Greater tubercle


Suspended from the stuloid process of the tempral bone

Hyoid bone

Which one of the following responsesis an indirect reddening of the skin resulting from increased blood flow


An increase in the size and diameter of muscle cells without cell division


What is another term used to decribe the subcutaneous layer


A decrese in blood supply to an organ or tissue is referred to as


AKA as the coxal joint, or the hip joint, providing three-dimensional movement

Ilifemoral joint

Anterior superior iliac spine


Greater sciatic notch


Iliac crest


Which of the following is NOT an effect of the parasympathetic nervous system

Increased gastrointestinal motility

Which of the following are effects of the sympathetic nervous system

Increased heart rate Increased repiratory rate Inhibited salicationand gigestion

Certan massage strokes create minute muscle contractions by

Increasing circulation

Which one of the following respsonses results from pressure during a mssage (tissue being pulled, lifted, rubbed, and manipulated)


Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of the lymphatic system

Mechanically and chemically converts blood into a usable state

Receptors responding to air vibrations or sound waves that are transmitted into neural messages are


The healing of the body by means of manipulations is know as


In general, where do the flexors of the wrist originate

Medial epicondyle of the humerus

According to Perh Henrik Ling, gymnastics by which we try to alleviate or ovoercome the sufferings that have arisen through abnormal conditions are known as

Medical Gymnastics

The plane that goes longitudinally down the body, anterior to posterior, deviding the body into right and left


The majority of heart rate changes are controlled by the cardiac center located in a specialized portion of the brain called the

Medulla Oblongata

Often considered the most vital part of the brain, which of the following structures contains the respiratory center, the cardiac center, and the vasometer center, and which also controls gastric secretions and reflexes such as sweating, sneezing, swallowing, & vomiting

Medulla oblongata

Detects light pressure

Meissner's corpuscles

Which structure is responsible for making our skin pigmentation darker


Thin, soft, pliable sheets of tissue that cover the body, line tubes or body cavities, cover organs, or seperateone part of of a cavity from another, are known as __________ tissue


Detects pressure, has a longer more continous response

Merkel's disk

The total of all the physical and chemical processes that occur in a given oranism is


Hand bones bt carpal bones and phalanges


Bones bt tarsel bones and phalanges


The brain stem contains

Midbrain Pons Medulla oblongata

Lymph flow depends entirely on the

Milking action of the skeletal muscles

At the apex of the renal pyramid, there is a small expanded duct called the

Minor calyx

The oval-shaped organelle that lies within the cytoplasm and is considered the cell's "power plant"


Another name for the bicuspid valve is the

Mitral valve

Carbohydrates are classified as

Mono-, di-, tri-, and polysacharides

The motor neroun and its associated muscle fibers are called the

Motor unit

Which of the following tissue type is very vascular and has the special ability to contract and elongate to produce movement


A buildup of lactic acid, minute tears as a result of overexertion, or stiffened connective tissue due to lack of oxygen-rich blood

Muscle soreness

A state of continous, partial contraction of muscles resulting from systematic stimulation of the nervous system

Muscle tone

The body system that creates movement, internal mobility (motility), and the heat

Muscular System

A collection genetically transmitted diseases characterized by the progressive atrophy of skeletal muscles without any indication of neural degeneration or damgae

Muscular dystrophy

Skin color variations exist due to the amount of oxygen and bilirubin in the blood and specialized cells in the stratum spinosum and stratum germinativum called


The simplest unit of a muscle fiber is called


This reflex is activated when a muscle is pulled and there is a resultant contraction of the muscle

Myotatic stretch reflex

NCMTM was accredited by the

NOCA (national organiztion for competency assurance)

To properly clean underneath the nails, use a

Nail brush

What structure is heavily keratinized, forming thin hard plates and locatedon the distal ends of the fingers and toes


The mechanism regulating the amount of hormones secreted by endocrine glands by stimulating the opposite response is the

Negative feedback system

The vast, intricate network of minute vessels in the nephron is referref to as the


A group of implule-carrying fibers connecting the brain or the spinal cord with other parts of the body is a


Which of the following connective tissue cells support, nourish, protect, and organize the delicate neurons


Trigger point therapy and myotherapy are methods of

Neuromuscular massage

A collective term for vast range if chemicals that facilitate, arouse, or inhibit the transmission of nerve impulses b/t synapses is


Chemicals that facilitate, arouse, or inhibit the transmission of nerve impulses across synapses are


Posterior surface of the head


Largest air-containing spaces in the skull' ;acated in the jawbone

Occipital bone

Superior nuchal line

Occipital bone

The lobe that contains a center for visual input is the

Occipital lobe

Variations of petrissage are

Ocean waves, fulling, and skin rolling

The three worst substances for your table and accessory vinyl are

Oils, alcohol, chlorine bleach

What three muscles form the thenar eminance

Opponens pillicis Abductor pollicis brevis Flexor pollicis brevis

Pertaining to the mouth region


The "winking muscle"

Orbicualris oculi

The "kissing muscle"

Orbicularis oris

Endocrine glands

Produce secretions that diffuse directly into the bloodstream

Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeleton system

Produces melanocytes

Functions of the liver include

Production, storage, and breakdown of glucose and hemoglobin and production of bile Production of amino acids, blood plasma proteins, fibrinogens (blood-clotting substance), and antibodies, storage of vitamins A, D, E, K, Iron and copper, and other compounds used by the body

The number of functional RBC's as well as their oxygen carring capacity, is increased by the application of massage by

Promoting the discharge of RBC by the spleen and stimulating stagnant capillary beds

Medial or inward rotation


Lying face down


What two primary functions do universal precaustions serve

Protect the client and the therapist

Food is disassembled into six components; they are

Protein, Carbs, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water

Movement forward


Nearer to the point of reference


Which of the following epithelium has the appearance of being stratified bc the cells possess different heights, so that not all cells reach the free sruface

Pseodostratified columnar epithelium

Which of the following are the three muscles of the iliopsoas

Psoas major Psoas minor Iliacus

Pertaining to the region of the pubic symphysis or gental area


Superior pubic ramus

Pubic bone

Within the cardiovascular system, the two circuts based on the areas of the body they serve are the

Pulmonary and systemic

The expansion effect that occurs in arteries when blood is pushed forward due to contraction of the left ventricle (and that can be felt when arteries are located close to the surface) is called


The triceps brachii attaches on what bony marking

Radial tuberosity

This joint allows wrist the wrist to flex, extend, adduct, and abduct, but true circumduction is not permitted

Radiocarpal joint

Allows pronation and supination of the hand

Radioulnar joint

Bicipital tuberosity


Angiotension II has what effect on the urinary system

Raises the BP through vasodilation Stimulates the release of aldesterone, causing sodium retention and the reabsorption of more water into the blood plasma

Massage tables that are too wide make it difficult for the therapist to

Reach across the massage table

When a muscle receives a message to contract and its antagonist receives a message to relax

Reciprocal inhibtion

Which of the following elements of intamacy does NOT exist in the therapeutic relationship


The four major abdominal muscles are the

Rectus abdomin Transverse abdominus Internal abdominus obliques External abdominus obliques

Identify the four muscles of the quadriceps femoris

Rectus femoris Vastus intermedius Vastus medialis Vastus lateralis

The primary purpose of a massage lubricrant is to

Reduce friction

An instantaneous,involuntary response to a stimulus originating from either inside or outside the body is a


Which structure consists of two or more neurons, at least one of which is sensory and at least one of which is a motor, innervating a muscle, gland, or organ

Reflex arc

Bones are classified according to shape. Which of the following is NOT one of the four classifications


Hormones act as catalysts in biochemical reactions and

Regulate the physiological activity of body cells

In which section of the kidneys are the nephrons located

Renal cortex

The soft, outer region of the kidneys is called the

Renal cortex

Nail care includes keeping nails clean and

Short and neatly trimmed

AKA pavement epithelium, __________ is a single layer of thin, flat cells that are close together, attaching at their edges

Simple squamous epithelium

Characteristics of normal urine are

Slightly acidic, amber colored, and Odorless

Most of digestion and absorbtion takes place in the

Small intestine

The major type of muscle of the GI tract is the

Smooth muscle

What is the muscle in the lower leg that spans two joints


Within the peripheral nervous system, there are two specail divisions that supply impulses to smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, skin, special senses, some proprioceptors, organs, and glands. They are also reffered to as the involuntary nervous system. These two divisions are the

Somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous systerm

The word ancillary refers to

Something that is auxiallry or supplementary to standard

Rate of motions or how fast a massage movement is being executed


Sella turcica

Sphenoid bone

A ring of muscle fibers that regulates movement of materials from one-compartment of the gastrointestinal tract to another is called


The three tracts of the erctor spinae goup, from medial to laters are

Spinalis Iliocastalis Longissimus

The largest lymphatic organ that filters blood and destroys bacteria is the


When the client is in the supine position, the most frequently supported areas are the

The posterior cervical region and the posterior knees

Sensory receptors that are sensitive to temperature changes are


According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Himan Needs, touching skin contact is listed as having which order of importance


In which burn classification are both the skin and subcutaneous tissues destroyed


Pertaining to the thorax or chest


The two main lymphatic ducts are the

Thoracic and right lymphatic

Which duct collect the majority of lymph

Thoracic duct

The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is called

Thoracolumbar outflow

When the stimulus is of sufficient intensity to generate a nerve impulse, it is reggerred to as a

Threshold stimulus

Which of the following are fragmented parts of megakaryoblasts/megakaryocytes and help to repair leaks in the blood vessels through clotting mechanisms


The organ that aids in the maturation process of T lymphocytes or T Cells is the


Medial malleous


Posterior lower leg muscle; attaches on the tibia, fibula, and interosseous membrane

Tibialis posterior

Cotents of the oral cavity include the

Tongue, teeth, gums, and salivary ducts

The type of contractions that occur in most sphinctars are


Lymphatic organs inlcude the

Tonsils, appendix, lymph nodes, thymus, and spleen

Which of the following is a term used to describle the laying of hands on the skin without movement


Three origins and one insertion "boker's muscle"

Triceps brachii

The three layers of both arteries and veins are

Tunica intima, media, and adventitia

The "universal donor" is which type of ABO blood group

Type AB

Olecranon process


Referring to the area of the midabdomen or navel


Which of the following is retained by the body and returned to blood plasma

Urea and Ammonia

Which small tubular structure transports urinary bladder out of the body during micturition


The storage resevoir for urine is the

Urinary bladder

When diameter of the vascular lumen enlarges, it is called


Vessels that return blood to the heart and posses valves are the


Suspended from the inferior protion of the cecum is the

Vermiform appendix

Pertaining to one or more vertebrae of the vertebral or spinal column


A rapid shaking, trembling, or oscillating movement applied with full hands, fingertips, or mechanical device for the purpose of inducing relaxation is


The pitch of the voice is produced when air passes over the

Vocal cords

Within the larynx, three paired cartilages attach to and support the

Vocal cords

The loudeness of sound is called


Color perception is based on the differences in the

Wave length of light

Disinfect your massage table

When it comes in contact with body fluids

The scientist who demonstrated that blood circulation in animals is impelled by the beating of the heart through arteries and veins was

William Harvey

The clien may refuse the massage for sanitation reasons if

You have an open wound or you have and infection

Reflexology is AKA as

Zone therapy

Tempral process

Zygomatic bone

Muscle that draes the corners of your mouth up into a smile or grin

Zygomatic major

The best method for turning the client over because it provides the best mobility and cover

anchoring method

Pertaining more to the front


When using electrical units to provide vibratory massage

avoid applying vibration on one area for more than 15 minutes

Pertaining to the femur or the thigh area; bt hip and knee


Transmission of pathogens can occur by

ihalation direct contact of mucous membranes direct contact eith brocken skin

Gas exchange b/t the blood and the tissues is called

internal/tissue respiration

Universal precautions may include

madatory hand washing the use of gloves laundering of linens and uniforms

Orented more toward or near the midline


The basic impluse-sonducting cells that act like tiny sense organs are the


Active movements are those performed by


Most superficial anterior neck muscle


The kidneys are positioned behind the abdominal peritoneum. This can also be referred to as


Phospholipids reducing surface tension and contributing to elasticity of pulmonary tissue is/are


The autonomic nervous system is further divided into the

sympathetic and parasympathetic

A synergist to the latissimus dorsi

teres minor

During the massage, expose only

the area being massaged

Which one of the following systems is NOT involved in wast elimination

the muscular system

Pertaining to the outer coverings of a body cavity or organ


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