History and Geography 4

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This politician's foreign policy was mocked in a letter written by Dupuy De Lome


This politician's successor dismantled his unpopular National Energy Program

Iriqouis Confederation

This polity negotiated the Treaty of Ft. Stanwix following violations of the Proclamation of 1763,


This settlement was first proposed by Sir Humphrey Gilbert, and after he drowned, his half-brother took charge of it.

Cross of Gold Speech

This speech was Given at the 1896 Democratic National Convention,


This state contains Wrangell-St.Elias National park


This state contains the steel producing Powder River Basin


This state is home to the Cahokia tribe,

South Dakota

This state is home to the iconic Corn Palace


This state saw a large "camp meeting" in 1801 at Cane Ridge


This state was represented by Paul Wellstone


This state was the origin of the "dry" movement, enforced by Carrie Nation

new Mexico

This state's Capulin Volcano National Monument is a certified Gold-tier International Dark Sky Park and is located east of the Sangre de Christo range of the Rocky Mountains.


This state's capital has the highest concentration of Basques in America

Missouri Compromise

Thomas Jefferson likened the debate over this law to a "fire bell ringing in the night."


A worker of this good, (*) Michele de Lando, was nominated by other workers of this good to become Gonfaloniere of Justice

Frederick The Great

Above a terraced garden, this man built a Rococo summer palace called Sanssouci.


Aelia Capitolina was constructed on top of the ruins of this city, which was (*) sacked by the Romans in 70 AD.


During this battle, Frederika Riedesel tended to the wounded while under fire in the cellar of the Marshall House

Montgomery Bus Boycott

E. D. Nixon (*) posted bail for the instigator of this campaign


In this country, the loss of Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros during the May Revolution led to the First Junta taking power.


In this country, the volcano (*) Paricutin suddenly emerged from a farmer's cornfield in 1943, while the taller volcano Popocatepetl is found adjacent to its capital city as well as Puebla


In this empire, provinces were divided into regions called sanjaks and different religious communities were partly self-governing under the (*) millet system

Prague Spring

In this home country of Klement Gottwald, Antonin Novotny was deposed in an event protested by (*)) Jan Palach's [PAH-lock's] self-immolation


The Battle of Talas River was an Abbasid victory against this empire, ending its domination of Central Asia

Atacama Desert

The Battle of Topater took place in this region near the cities of Iquique and Antofagasta

Wars of the Roses

The Battle of Towton paused widespread hostilities

Arthur Wellesley

The Catholic Emancipation Act was passed while he was Prime Minister,

Chinese Exclusion Act

The Cato the Elder-inspired phrase "Whatever happens, [these people] must go," ended every speech by noted scumbag Denis Kearney, who united his Workingmen's Party via a hatred of these people.


The Cherry Valley Massacre made some in this country fear "the Monster Brant".


The Chi and Mun Rivers flow through the Khorat Plateau before emptying into this river.


The Chimu people of this mountain range possibly emerged from its Moche civilization


The Chuvash people live primarily on an upland named after this river

Challenger Disaster

The Morton Thiokol Chemical Corporation was blamed for this event by the Rogers Commission investigating it,

Great Salt Lake

The Oquirrh ["oh-ker"] Mountains run underneath this body of water, creating its Antelope and Fremont Islands


This country's principal leader following its independence was Jose Francia, who was known as "El Supremo


This country's region of Finnmark is home to a minority group speaking a Finno-Ugric language


This country's tallest building, the Aspire Tower, is located in the West Bay Lagoon district of this country's capital city

North Korea

This country, which was devastated by a famine known as the Arduous March,


This man compared fortune to a lady who must be beaten


This man killed himself after he lost the Battle of Philippi because his ally Cassius prematurely committed suicide.

Alexander the Great

This man killed his general Cleitus the Black

William Wallace

This man killed the sheriff William Heselrig,


This president appointed Warren E. Burger to the Supreme Court to replace Earl Warren

Bacon's Rebellion

This rebellion fizzled out under John Ingram's leadership after its leader died of dysentery

Weimar Reubllic

This regime sentenced the Dutch communist Marinus van der Lubbe to death.


This region contains Los Glaciares National Park.

Kalahari Desert

This region is also home to the Dragon's Breath Cave.


This region is bordered to the north by the Gallatin mountains and to the east by the Absaroka range, in which its namesake river rises.


This region was explored by Francis Younghusband's expedition.


This region's Shoshone Lake as well as its namesake lake both lie south of its Grand Loop Road

Gobi Desert

This region's freshwater Bosten Lake is often taken as one end of its western boundary along with Lop Nur

Rio Grande

This river begins at the base of the San Juan Mountains.

Amazon River

This river is joined to another river system to its north by the Casiquiare canal.


This river is the ultimate drain of most of a highland region littered with many tabletop mountains called tepuis

Amazon River

This river's course is paralleled underneath the earth by a slowly flowing aquifer called the Hamza River

Rio Grande

This river's largest tributary begins in the Sierra Madre Occidental range and is known as the Conchos River


This river's only major tributaries are the Belikh and Khabur, and it forms Lake Hammar.


This state's county seat, Lewiston, is the furthest inland seaport in the Western United States and sits at the confluence of the Clearwater


This state's legislature was involved in the Yazoo Land Fraud, which resulted in the case Fletcher v. Peck


This state's western border is formed by the (*) Bitterroot Mountains


This state, which won the War of Chioggia against Genoa

Mexican-American War

A more lenient than expected treaty signed after this war led to the firing of diplomat Nicholas Trist.

New Mexico

A national park in this state has notable features like "The Big Room" and "Chocolate High,"

Puerto Rico

A small frog called the coquí [coh-KEE] is native to this island's mountainous Yunque [YOON-kay] rainforest

War of the Spanish Succession

Admiral George Rooke fought the Battle of Málaga in this war after successfully taking Gibraltar.


After this man's assassination at the Birla House, his nation's president gave a speech lamenting (*) "the light has gone out of our lives.

Alexander The Great

After this ruler's death, the Battles of Rhamnus and Crannon took place as part of the Lamian War.

Great Northern War

After this war one country experiences the Age of Liberty


After two of this empire's messengers were killed, this empire conquered the (*) Khwarezmian Empire


After winning the Battle of Opis, Cyrus the Great conquered this city from its king, Nabonidus


After winning the Battle of the Allia River under Brennus, a group of these people sacked Rome in 390 BCE.


His army killed thousands of Saxons led by Widukind at the Massacre of Verden


His correspondence with the Hittites is recorded in the Amarna letters.


In 1882, Henry Burke and Frederick Cavendish were killed in this city's (*) Phoenix Park

Oklahoma City Bombing

In a famous photograph of this event, the infant Baylee Almon was held in the hands of firefighter Charles Porter


In a ritual, a leader of these people legendarily kissed the feet of Charles the Simple


In a senate race, this candidate compared his opponent's voting record to that of alleged Communist Vito Marcantonio


In addition to Zhao Gao, an official from this dynasty issued the Ban Liang to standardize coins


In addition to that city of Kenora, Lighthouses such as Cove Island Light litter this province's Bruce Peninsula which is the site of the tourist-haven Sauble Beach.


In addition to the Battle of Stones River, this state was the site of a Nathan Bedford Forrest-orchestrated massacre of African-American troops at Fort Pillow

Francis I

In an extravagant meeting that lasted two weeks long, this ruler attempted to form an alliance with Henry VIII at the Field of the Cloth of Gold.

Peloponnesian War

In an incident from this war, a lunar eclipse convinced a commander to delay setting sail, leading over 20,000 troops to be killed or captured

Duke Of Wellington

In another battle, this general defended Hougoumont chateau shortly after the (*) Battle of Quatre Bras

Wounded Knee

In another event at this location, forces under James Forsyth attempted to disarm a (*) deaf man, which led to the accidental discharge of his weapon


In his first stint in public office as quaestor, this man captured the Numidian king Jugurtha.


In one anecdote recounted by Pliny, this figure takes one of the largest pearls in the world and dissolves it in a cup of vinegar before drinking it.

Ramses II

In one campaign, this ruler crossed the Dog River and conquered land as far north as Dapur in the region of Amurru


In this country, a car was launched over a building during Operation Ogre


In this country, the 19th of April Movement formed after the possibly fraudulent election of Misael Pastrana as president. The loser in that election gained control of this nation via a peaceful coup d'etat supported by the Liberals and Conservatives


In this present-day country, Metellus Pius was deadlocked against therogue general Quintus Sertorius for three years until Pompey's arrival


In this state, Lynn Davis led raids on gambling facilities at Hot Springs


In this state, the White League committed the Coushatta massacre

Whiskey Rebellion

Liberty poles were erected during this event to galvanize support, and this event began with an attack on (*) General John Neville's home of Bower Hill

South Africa

One ruler of this country was assassinated by Dimitri Tsafendas


One ruler of this dynasty used a large pool full of alcohol and trees with branches made up of roasted meat skewers for his personal entertainment.

Persian Empire

One ruler of this empire faced a rebellion by a man claiming to be his executed brother Bardiya.

Persian Empire

One ruler of this empire reportedly ordered his soldiers to whip the (*) sea after a storm destroyed two pontoon bridges.


One ruler of this empire was given shelter by Tahmasp in return for the cession of Kandahar

Alexander III

One ruler of this name persecuted the Jews through the May Laws

James II

One ruler of this name presided over the Trial of the Seven Bishops.


One ruler of this region kidnapped the sitting Roman emperor Valerian in battle in the 3rd century


One ruler with this personal name led a country whose forces were routed at Friedland, causing him to meet in a raft on the Memel River to discuss the Treaty of Tilsit


One ruler with this personal name led a country whose forces were routed at Friedland, causing him to meet in a raft on the Memel River to discuss the Treaty of Tilsit


One ship that attempted to reach this colony was the Sea Venture.


One side in this battle held the Balcarres Redoubt, but later lost the nearby Breymann Redoubt

Peloponnesian War

One side's commander in this conflict gave his Funeral Oration speech after his successful invasion of Megara.


One side's forces at this battle consisted of mainly the Fyrd militia and the( ∗ ) Housecarl royal guards.

Great Schism

One source of discontent leading up to this event included the Filioque clause

Aral Sea

One such island in this body of water, Vozrozhdeniya, also known as Rebirth Island, was used for nuclear testing by the (*) Soviet Union

Prussia and Austria

One war between these two countries ended after the Battle of Chotusitz only to resume two years later.

Nazi Party

Operation Anthropoid was an attempted assassination against a member of this group. "

Berlin Wall

Operation Rose was a secret plan marking out the location of this structure.

Hungarian Revolution

Operation Whirlwind was meant to stop this event

Indian Removal act

Opponents of this legislation included Jeremiah Everts and Davy Crockett

Tennessee Valley Authority

Opposition to this organization was led by Wendell Willkie, CEO of Commonwealth and (*)) Southern Corporation

Franz Ferdinand

Oskar Potiorek encouraged riots in the aftermath of this event. The Salonika Trial resulted in the execution of four people who helped plan this event, including one codenamed "Apis."


Outside Kyoto, one of these called Hiei [hee-ay] was home to many (*) monks.


Over 60 French nationals were killed in this city when a truck bomb struck a complex in its Ramel el-Baida neighborhood; that attack occurred simultaneously with a suicide bomb at a Marine Corps base that killed 241 Americans in 1983


Over half a million of these people almost toppled the Abbasid Empire in the Zanj Revolt


Pachacuti, a famed ruler of this empire, is thought to have constructed Machu Picchu.


Project Greek Island secretly built one of these structures at the Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia

new Jersey

The Pine Barrens are found in the south-central part of this state

3rd Century

The Plague of Cyprian broke out in this century


The Port Arthur massacre in this region led to stricter gun control laws in its country


The Portuguese first landed in a town named Elmina in this nation.


The Pothong River in this city is now home to the captured warship USS Pueblo


The Powder River Basin is a major source of this substance in its Interior Province


The Qajar Dynasty banned these people coming to Iran by water.


The Reamker (ree-um-kay) is this people's national epic

Space Shuttle

The Rogers Commission investigated an event that occurred in this program

Space Shuttle Program`

The Rogers Commission investigated an event that occurred in this program


The Romans built gold mines in this region at Dolaucothi after defeating the Silures ("sih-LOO-rays") and Ordovices ("OR-duh-WEE-kays"


The Royal Badge of Wales features four of these creatures with one paw raised.


The Ruak River joins this river in the Golden Triangle


The San Juan Strait became the actual border of this country after the Pig War


The Santa Cruz massacre in what was once this nation drew international support and attention leading the eventual independence of a small nation in its east.


The Saville Commission investigated a 1972 incident on this island in which soldiers shot at unarmed civilians


The Seinen war was an 1877 (*) rebellion of these people in the Satsuma Domain.


The Seven Grievances were issued against it by Nurhaci, who laid the groundwork for its eventual collapse


The Shire [SHEE-ray] and Kafue are among the largest tributaries of this river


The Siege of Tenochtitlan was won after Pedro de Alvarado destroyed one of these connected to Chapultepec (*) Springs


The Strait of Belle Isle in this location was first discovered in 1497 by John Cabot

Iroquois Confederacy

The Sullivan Campaign sought to destroy this polity for its support of the British during the Revolutionary War,

Voting Rights Act of 1965

The Supreme Court case Shelby County v. Holder found that a section of a law designed to make this action more common in 1965 was unconstitutional


The Supreme Court's first Second Amendment case, U.S. v. Cruikshank, resulted from this state's Colfax Massacre.


The T1 Northern and North Shore Line crosses this city's Harbour Bridge`


The Tarahumara people are native to the area around this nation's large Copper Canyon


The Ten Great Campaigns were carried out by the Qianlong ["CHIN-long"] emperor during this dynasty that used the Eight Banners military system.


The Ten Percent Plan was implemented during the period in favor of a policy proposed in the (*) Wade-Davis Bill


The Ten Thousand were originally hired to fight for Cyrus the Younger against his brother Artaxerxes II. Cyrus the Younger died in this battle when his forces were betrayed by Tissaphernes


The Three Kingdoms of Korea period was ended by a war between the Goguryeo and this dynasty


The Translation Movement was based out of an institution located in this city's center, which was known as the "Round City."


The Treaty of Passarowitz reversed the gains this polity made in the Treaty of Karlowitz.

Hanseatic League

The Treaty of Stralsund marked the defeat of Valdemar IV's attempt to shut this organization down by capturing Visby.


The Trinidad and Victoria were two ships this man used to name the Pacific Ocean in 1521.

New mexico

The Trinity missile test occurred in the White Sands National Monument in this state


The Troodos Mountains carve out one side of this island's northern Mesaoria plain


The Trucial States were a protectorate in this country


The UK began getting this good from the North Sea in 1971.


The UN Trusteeship Council helped this movement, which the Brazzaville Declaration preceded

Bangladeshi Genocide

The US government was made aware of atrocities in this conflict by the Blood Telegram


The US mediated a territorial conflict among Germany and Britain (*) in 1904 in this country that prompted the Roosevelt Corollary

Six-Day War

The USS Liberty was accidentally attacked during this war, spawning numerous conspiracy theories


The Umkondo Basin may replace the Marange fields as the primary source of diamonds in this country

The War of the Pacific

The United States government attempted to mediate this conflict at the Lackawanna conference.

affirmative action

The University of Michigan's application of this policy was partially upheld in cases named for Lee Bollinger


The Valladolid debates about this empire's Indians were between (*) Juan de Sepulveda and Bartholomew de Las Casas


The Venetians, who inspired this island's romance Erotokritos, called it Candia.

North Carolina

The first English baby born in the Americas, Virginia Dare, was born in what is now this state. She was born in Roanoke Colony

Mansa Musa's hajj

The man who led this event was depicted ten years later on a throne in the Catalan Atlas and had taken power from Abu Bakr II

The Philippines

The rice terraces of this country's Ifugao region are a UNESCO world heritage site


This city's overseas trade, which was managed by the India House, included the wine it exported to England due to the Methuen Treaty

Los Angeles

This city's police chief, William Parker, described the participants of that event in this city as acting like "monkeys in a zoo


This city's tyrants included Dionysius and Hieron

peasant's revolt

This event's leader was killed by William Walworth during negotiations with the king at Smithfield


This explorer names a body of water that would be the site of a victory for Thomas Macdonough over the (*) British during the Battle of Plattsburgh


This family eventually merged with the Holstein-Gottorp line


This man stated "I'm so happy I didn't sneeze" prior to a sanitation workers' strike


This man was engaged in the "Erie War" with Jay Gould and Daniel Drew

Henry Iv

This man was excommunicated by (+) Sixtus V, which hurt his claim to the throne along with the Treaty of Nemours


This man's rise to prominence was championed by Thomas A. Scott

Billy Graham

This man's son runs the Samaritan's Purse organization and is named Franklin


This man's top generals were Oenomaus and Crixus, and after plundering the city of Capua, he made his headquarters at Mount Vesuvius


" The Chech and Issaouane are examples of ergs located in this geographical feature

Susan B. Anthony

" This leader managed a newspaper financed by eccentric businessman George Francis Train called The Revolution.

Irish Republicanism

" Thomas Henry Burke and Frederick Cavendish were murdered in Phoenix Park by advocates of this cause known as the "Invincibles."


This country has the "wet foot/dry foot" policy

Tennessee Valley Authority

George Norris was the main proponent for this corporation


He made plans for the Poor People's March, carried out after his death,


Henry IV appeared before the seventh pope of this name


Many of this ruler's belongings were stored in a site known as KV62


Many people who live along this river worship a giant catfish found in it

pol pot

1This man called himself "Brother Number One"


Although Sertorious defeated this man in the Battle of Lauron


Another letter this explorer wrote was titled Mundus Novus

hENRY Clay

Charlotte Dupuy sued this man for her freedom after being a slave at his hemp plantation at Ashland.

Mau Mau Uprising

In response to this event, land was redistributed to families via theSwynnerton Plan


It contains Mount Damavand within the Alborz Mountains in its north, a


John Slidell and James Mason were taken hostage from one of this country's ships in the Trent Affair


One leader of this polity executed Piet Retief


The first-ever televised debates were held during this election,


Samuel Walker ordered 1,000 of these commodities and co-names one variant of them.


These people were helped by the Somerset case in England

Huey Long

This ally of Father Charles Coughlin


This conflict was preceded by the London Straits Convention.


The Kebra Nagast describes the lineage of this nation's former rulers

Robert the Bruce

This man murdered his rival John Comyn at Dumfries

Aboriginal Canadians

These people rose up in the North-West Rebellion


This country is home to the ELN, or National Liberation Army

Alexander the Great

This man had an affair with Hephaestion

Vladamir Lenin

This man implemented the New Economic Policy

Cecil Rhodes

. A political cartoon depicted this man as a giant straddling a continent and holding up a telegraph line


le. One side withdrew from Barber Field to the Balcarres Redoubt during this battle


. A ruler of this kingdom was mentioned by Einhard as gifting an elephant and water clock to (*) Charlemagne.

Peloponnesian War

: This war paused after the death of Brasidas for the Peace of Nicias.


. A type of pine tree named for a river on this island can live for up to 3,000 years and is known as the Huon Pine

Prussia and Austria

. A war between these two countries began after both sides were accused of violating the Gastein Convention


. A year earlier, his Piagnoni presided over an event where works by Dante and Ovid were destroyed

South korea

. Protests by labor groups and students in this country's Masan Harbor led to the start of this country's (*) April Revolution


. Queen Yaa led a revolt in this country after Frederick Hodgson demanded an artifact sacred to its people,


: Transportation around this territory is provided by a company named for a local variety of boat, the Umiaq ("OO-mee-ahk") Line


: Two female members of this occupation served under John Rackham and were named Mary Read and Anne Bonny.


A "bourgeois monarch" overthrew Charles X of this house, whom Legitimists favored.


A "little" version of this city hosts the annual Calle Ocho Festiva


. After John Schrank failed in an attempt to assassinate one candidate in this election, that candidate claimed he was as fit as a (*) "bull moose."


A 1540s war fought for the hand of this country's queen was called the (*) Rough Wooing


. After gaining power in the Corrective Revolution, one leader from this family ordered the Defence Companies to besiege the town of (*) Hama in 1982


A 1730 "Inspection Act" to regulate this crop was passed by the House of (*) Burgesses

Idi Amin

. After seizing power from Milton Obote, this man renamed his palace "The Command Post" and expelled 50,000 Asian from his country

Jefferson Davis

. After signing a $100,000 bond for this man's release, Horace Greeley lost thousands of subscriptions to his Weekly Tribune.


A 1783 volcanic eruptionwrecked this country


. Although later interactions were generally peaceful, these people killed and ate 70 Europeans in the Boyd Massacre in an act of revenge


one invasion of this country, named for a Sexagenary Cycle month, was the Imjin War

South Korea

. An attempted assassination of another leader of this country was conducted at the Blue House in 1968.


. At the Battle of Sabilla, a member of this family crushed a revolt of the Ikhwan, religious militia who had earlier propelled that man into power

puerto rico

. Bonds from this place were exempted from taxes by the Jones-Shafroth Act which also granted citizenship to people from this island

Charles II

. Both the Great Plague and Great Fire of London occurred during this monarch's reign


. Conservative advocates for this country's independence called for "Independence in the Shortest Possible Time," in contrast with the slogan "Independence Now" used by the Convention People's Party.


. During peacetime, the U.S. gunboat Panay was bombed by this country.


. During this battle, the boulder field Devil's Den was attacked by John Bell Hood's troops

Leopold II

. Robert Casement's namesake report first drew accusations that this man's (*) Force Publique had been cutting off the hands of field workers who failed to meet their quotas


A 1791 pamphlet by William Fox sought to encourage a boycott of this commodity among citizens of Britain


were the targets of the Myall Creek Massacre


y. Bull sharks populated this country's namesake lake by leaping up the rapids on the(*) San Juan River, which separates this country from its southern neighbor, Costa Rica.

Merovingian Dynasty

. Rulers from this dynasty, who were sometimes referred to as "long-haired kings", were forbidden from ruling if they had their hair cut


. Stede Bonnet joined one of these people who extracted tolls from the Pamlico Sound off the coast of North Carolina

Secretary of State

. Following the September 11 attacks, the promotion of democracy in the Middle East was stressed in the Transformational Diplomacy initiative under (*) Condolezza Rice's tenure in this position.


. Following this empire's loss at the Battle of Chaldiran, its ruler Ismail I lost his capital at Tabriz

Kublai Khan

. This leader's accomplishments include putting down Nayan's rebellion


. General Ma Yuan of this dynasty crushed a rebellion in which a woman fought holding a baby in one hand and a sword in the other.


. General Wojciech (*) Jaruzelski ("VOY-check YAIR-uh-ZEL-ski" declared martial law in the second year of this decade, partly to quell protests that began the decade before in the Gdansk Shipyards.


. This man came to power through battles against Nuestrians at Amblève and Vincy

Henry Morgan Stanley

. He personally led a botched expedition in 1886 to rescue a governor of Equatoria threatened by Mahdist troops named (*)) Emin Pasha

Louis Philippe

. He was overthrown in the February Revolution of ( ∗ ) 1848, and his July Monarchy was established after the overthrow of Charles X.


. Heinrich Müller ordered his forces to actively participate in this event


. In an interview with James Creelman, this leader claimed he would not run for office again in an upcoming election,

Marcus Aurelius

. In contrast to his extravagant co-emperor Lucius Verus, this man tried to rule modestly and morally

Freedom of the Press

. In one of the first American court cases involving this right, Peter Zenger's company was found not to have committed (*) libel against a New York governor.

Deng Xiaoping

. In suggesting the abolition of the people's communes, this leader stated that "it doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches the mice."


. In the Mundus Novus, this man informed (*) Lorenzo de Medici that the land that he discovered was not Asia, but a new landmass

Stonewall Riots

. In the aftermath of this event, described as the "hairpin drop heard round the world", rallies were held by both the Daughters of Bilitis and the Mattachine Society.

Peloponnesian War

. In the following attempt to recapture the city in this battle (*) Cleon died in battle


. In this province, a planned golf course on land that once belonged to the Mohawk led to the Oka Crisis.

Secretary of War

. It's not a judicial role, but after serving as the Governor-General of the Philippines, William Howard Taft was appointed to this position by Theodore Roosevelt

Bay of Pigs Invasion

: This incident was precipitated by the activities of Operation Mongoose


. Its official police was established in 1829, succeeding the (*)) "Bow Street Runners," and was made of "Bobbies" or "Peelers."


After this man married Cornelia, he was removed from the position of Flamen Diali


. John Bell Hood's Texas Brigade held back troops under Joseph Hooker at this battle, and William French received heavy casualties while fighting at Bloody Lane

Jewish Revolts

. Josephus was a prominent historian of these conflicts,


. Like its predecessor, this dynasty abandoned the nine-rank system, and instituted a self-rule system called Jimi


. Many of these people were opposed to the sale of land to the pakeha, the white man.

Philip II

. Margaret of Parma was a local governor for a king of this name, who also employed her son, the Duke of Parma, as a general.

Persian Gulf War

. On the Highway of Death, this war's loser, who called it the"mother of all battles,"

Marcus Aurelius

. One general who served this ruler in that conflict, Gaius Avidus Cassius, later rebelled against him after hearing false rumors of his death.

Louis XI

. One king with this name died in Tunis after being captured at the Battle of Fariskur

Gulf of Mexico

. One state's tourism is protected by the Sigsbee Escarpment and De Soto Canyon limiting industry in this water body.

Jury Selection

. One step in this process is a round of questioning called "voir dire."


After this man stole La Concorde, his old ship was renamed Mauvaise Rencontre by a group of French slavers

Marbury V. Madison

Charles Lee simultaneously represented the plaintiffs in this case and Stuart v. Laird.

Shay's Rebellion

During this conflict, Governor Bowdoin created a force led by Benjamin Lincoln.


E.D. Nixon co-founded this city's namesake "Improvement Association."


. Only one of these structures still has near its apex the original limestone that encased all of them. That one of these structures was built by Khafre and includes as part of its complex a (*) noseless statue of a sphinx.


. Practitioners of this nation's main religion have sacred places with hand washing basins and wooden blocks to write wishes on.

Zheng He

. A controversial 2002 work by Gavin Menzies claimed that this man discovered the (*) Americas, Australia, and the Northeast Passage


. A failed invasion of Mecca using these weapons took place during the "Year of [this weapon]," during which Muhammad was born.


. A former Governor of New Jersey sued a business partner for violating a monopoly on the use of these things in a case involving a young Cornelius Vanderbilt.


. A leader of this colony negotiated with Chief Tomochichi of the Yamacraw Indians to establish Fort Frederica and established a "trustee system" in this colony that banned lawyers.


. A monarch of this kingdom who was targeted by the Wilcox Rebellion is celebrated in the yearly Merrie Monarch Festival.


) After the Red Eyebrows rebelled during this dynasty, its capital was moved to Luoyang.

Little Bighorn

) General George Crook could not attend this battle due to being held up at the Battle of the Rosebud.

North Sea

) The western border of this body of water is partially formed by island groups which include the cities of Kirkwall and Lerwick


) This man exclaimed, "so I come here tonight to go to bed" in a 2:00 AM speech at the University of Michigan that introduced the idea of the Peace Corps


, ISIS claimed responsibility for a car bombing that targeted forces of this country's pro-Saudi president Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.

Olmec Heads

. A 1939 expedition led by Matthew Stirling popularized these objects in the US

Philip the fair

. A French king of this name expelled Jews from his country and eliminated the Knights Templar within the span of two years and was nicknamed "the (*) Fair


. A candidate during this election fulfilled his pledge to visit all fifty states despite a knee injury, and ran alongside (*) Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.


. Supporters of this ruler defeated the Portuguese-backed Joanna "la Beltraneja" at the Battle of Toro, ending the succession crisis created by the death of Henry the Impotent

Sri lanka

. The Anuradhapura kingdom was located in this modern-day country

Irish Potato Famine

. The Ballinlass incident was a notorious eviction during this event, in which Count Paul de Strzelecki was tasked with dispersing over four hundred thousand pounds.


. The Beveridge Report recommended the formation of this system

Mary Queen of Scots

. The Earl of Moray led the Chaseabout Raid against this woman after she married Lord Darnley

Saint Lawrence River

. The French-owned islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon are in a namesake (*) "gulf" at the mouth of this river,

Mount Kilimanjaro

. The Furtwangler and Rebmann glaciers are both receding ice masses atop this mountain

World Fair

. The Louisiana Purchase was celebrated with a 1904 event of this kind in St. Louis, which has been cited for the nationwide spread of (*) foods like the hamburger and the waffle cone


. The Moose's Tooth is located 15 miles southeast of this landmark


. The Pechenegs fought, often with Byzantine support, against the kingdom named for this city


. The Sanyo Main Line runs along this island's long coastline with the Seto Sea

French Wars of Religion

. The Treaty of Nemours prevented a king from taking power in the leadup to this war


. The Welland Canal connects this province's namesake Great Lake to Lake Erie.

Archbishop of Cantebury

. The first of them was a foreigner on mission from Gregory the Great, named Augustine


. The first president of this nation implemented the Guided Democracy system, causing a rift between him and Muhammed Hatta


. The inspiration for the poetry of Charles of Orleans came after his capture at this battle


. The longest green belt in the world stretches alongside this region's Tarim Desert Highway


. The loser at this battle had just crushed a revolt by the husband of Lampade (LOM-pah-day), Uthman ibn Naissa

Peace of Westphalia

. The negotiations for this treaty were delayed by the outbreak of the Torstenson War, named for a commander in the war that it ended.

Knights Templar

. The papal bull Omne Datum Optimum established this organization in 1139


. The philosopher Empedocles killed himself on this island by jumping into the volcano

Marbury Madison

. The plaintiff in this case sought a writ of (*) mandamus to receive his commission to serve as one of the "Midnight Judges" of John Adams


. The production of henequen fibers once made this region's city of Merida one of the wealthiest in the world


. The samosely were most heavily affected by this event, whose aftermath was mitigated by the Liquidators.


. The victorious commander in this battle set his forces into two columns, one of which was led by Cuthbert Collingwood

Ohio River

. The western border of this state is defined by the Miami River


. TheAbruzzi Spur is the most frequent route up this mountain


. These Arians took Carthage from the Romans.


. These groups must follow guidelines set by the Vicinage Clause


. This U.S. president appointed the Wolcott Commission to work out an international bi·metall·ism agreement with Britain and France, but a few years after that effort failed, this president signed the Gold Standard Act

Huey Long

. This author of (*) My First Days in the White House ousted Benjamin Pavy from office, leading this governor to be assassinated by dentist Carl Weiss in 1935.

Bunker Hill

. This battle saw naval engagements around Moulton's Point.

Second Continental Congress

. This body appointed the Committee of Five to prepare a document that would publicize the Lee Resolution

The Prince

. This book idolizes Cesare Borgia and advises rulers to be like a fox and a lion.


. This city became a capital under (*) Muawiyah

King philip's war

. This conflict, which was sparked by John Sassamon's death, saw the "Hungry March" led by Josiah Winslow


. This country saw conflict between the British colonizers and the native Ndebele people


. This country's island of Coiba is home to a namesake endemic species of howler monkeys

Shah Jahan

. This emperor commissioned Ahmad Lahori to create the (*) Peacock Throne, which is housed in the Diwan-i-Khas of another of his constructions, the Red Fort.


. This empire was created after its founder won the Battle of Kirina


. This group was targeted for extermination when Sir John Oldcastle used its ideals as support for a rebellion against Henry V


. This kingdom fought a war with the French Angevin dynasty that was sparked by the Sicilian Vespers


. This man exposed wasteful spending during the construction of Fort Leonard Wood as head of the Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program.


. This man owned the slave Enrique,


. This man served as Superintendent of Military Railways during the Civil War before creating the Keystone Bridge Company

Richard I

. This man was believed to be responsible for ordering Conrad of Montferrat's murder because of this man's support for Guy de Lusignan

jefferson Davis

. This man was the son-in-law of Zachary Taylor


. This man was told "I'm glad it was me instead of you," by accidental casualty Anton Cermak after an assassination attempt by Giusieppe Zangara.

Kublai Khan

. This man's troops crushed the remnants of the previous dynasty at Yamen

Charles V

. This man's unpopularity in a foreign country sparked the unsuccessful Revolt of the Comuneros, which he crushed and followed up by locking up his insane mother (*) Joanna


. This nation's decentralized Zemene Mesafint, or "Era of the Princes" concluded when Tewodros II came to power

Gustav Adolphus

. This non-Russian won the province of Ingria after he signed the Treaty of Stolbovo with Czar Michael Romanov


. This organization was the target of the Maxi trial

Prague Spring

. This period began with the removal of Antonin Novotny


. This ruler ordered the construction of a monument still left in carved bedrock, the Unfinished Obelisk at Aswan

Ivan IV

. This ruler was defeated by Stephen Bathory in the Livonian War, a

Charles i

. This ruler was supported by William Laud, who was one of his so-called "Divines," and launched the Bishops' Wars to extend this man's religious policies to Scotland.

Charles V

. This ruler's forces sacked Rome while fighting against the League of Cognac

Ramses Ii

. This ruler's sheltering of Mursili III angered Mursili's successor, Hattusili III, and he engaged in a battle in which the enemy had to swim across the (*) Orontes River

London Undergrounds

. While building this system, Sir Marc Isambard Brunel developed a shield for miners

Roman navy

. While little evidence remains, it is said that this force was heavily damaged via a large claw attached to a wall during a battle near Syracuse.

War of the Pacific

. While victorious at the battle of Iquique during this war, Admiral Miguel Grau died and his ship, the Huascar, was captured at the battle of (*) Angamos.

New York

. William Miller, a resident of this state, used a 2,300-day prophecy to conclude that the Second Coming would occur in 1843.

Mary Queen Of Scots

." That ruler of this name was executed after the (*) Babington plot was discovered by Frederick Walsingham.


.A chronicler during this dynasty served as court astrologer before his defense of his friend Li Lingled to his imprisonment and choice to become a eunuch


0. In this country, the assassination of populist Jorge Gaitan began a period of strife known as La Violencia.

Knights Templar

0. The Chinon Parchment, discovered in the Papal Archives in 2001, revealed that a member of this group who was executed actually was absolved of crimes by the Pope before his death

Secretary of Defense

1. One holder of this government position was one of the Ford "Whiz Kids,"

Jefferson Davis

: This man escaped conviction after being put under house arrest for participating in the Eggnog Riot at West Point


: This man's final illness was documented by Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo, an ambassador of Henry III of Castile

Jury Selection

: This process can be lengthened by a "challenge for cause" or through a "peremptory challenge," in which no reason needs to be supplied

Maria Theresa

1Her minister Gerard van Swieten attempted to dispel supernatural phenomena like vampires

Mary Queen of Scots

3. Forces loyal to this woman lost to the forces of William Kirkcaldy of Grange at the Battle of Carberry Hill.


4. During the rule of this dynasty, the explorer Zhang Qian brought back news of pomegranates and powerful horses after exploring the Ferghana Valley and making contact with the Yuezhi people

Labour Party

4. Upon election, this party implemented many reforms suggested by the Beveridge Report.

Kent State

: A photograph taken during this event depicts the 14-year-old runaway Mary Ann Vecchio kneeling over the body of Jeffrey Miller

Louis XIV

: A public works project during the reign of this ruler connected the Étang de Thau to the Garonne and was originally named for Languedoc

South Carolina

: During the Revolutionary War, this US state was led by John Rutledge, who would later be appointed Chief Justice by George Washington, but rejected by the Senate because of fears he was insane.


: During the trial surrounding this scandal, Martha Mitchell gained notoriety for maintaining her husband's innocence


: In one debate in this election, a candidate compared the U.S. to a "goldfish bowl before the world," and later in this election, Quemoy and Matsu were described as "two little pieces of real estate."


: In this modern-day country, the North Korean-trained Fifth Brigade led a four-year-long period ofpolitical terror known by a name which translates as "the early rain that washes away the chaff."

Korean War

: In this war, one side's aggressive "Home-by-Christmas" offensive was defeated after the other side's Second Phase Offensive forced battles in frigid locations such as a reservoir that reached negative 30 degrees Celsius


: One island in this nation was home to the mixed-race "signares" (sig-NAR-eez). That island, Goree (GOR-ay) Island, was once the largest slave trading center in Africa.

Maria Theresa

: One of this ruler's ambassadors, Gottfried von Swieten (SVEET-n), was a noted patron of the arts.


: The "Letter of the Six" was written to one leader of this country before he was replaced by the National Salvation Front


: The Dutch pirate Abraham Blauveldt gave his name to this country's city of Bluefields


: The European presence in this country began with the Portuguese landing in Elmina

Easter Island

: The mythology of this civilization features a birdman cult headed by the chief Make-make.

South Africa

: This country's Reunited National Party won a 1948 election under Daniel Malan despite heavily losing the popular vote due to gerrymandering


: This event caused the formation of the "Elephant Foot," from cooled black corium


A 1797 declaration by Paul I limiting these people's obligatory work requirement to just three days a week was largely ignored, and they were eventually required to provide payments for land that were abolished in 1907 under Nicholas (*) II.

Algerian War of Independence

A 1966 film by Gillo Pontecorvo retold one campaign of this conflict

Aral Sea

A 1971 smallpox outbreak in a settlement near this body of water caused the deaths of three people


A 2005 "Comprehensive Peace Agreement" ended this country's second civil war,


A 2010 cholera outbreak here was linked to contamination of the Meye River, a tributary of this country's Artibonite River.


A Belgian movement combining this ideology with Catholicism was led by Leon Degrelle and known as Rexism


A Cartouche surrounded important names in this system.

Peasant Revolts

A French occurrence of this type was led in 1358 by Guillaume Cale. That one of these was called the Jacquerie because of the nickname given to its participants.

Slaves of Brasil

A Muslim subgroup ofthese people revolted in the Malê uprising


A biography of this ruler was written by by Abu'l-Fazl, one of "Nine Jewels" at this ruler's royal court.


A book written during this time is basically just a collection of random lists and is known as the Pillow Book


A ceremony including the drinking of pig's blood that was led by Dutty Boukman was a precursor to revolution in this colony.


A chain linked to the Tower of Galata spanned a bay named for a "Horn" with this quality when the bay was the home to the Byzantine Navy.


A civil war broke out in this country after the Islamic FIS party won a majority in the 1990 election

Secretary General of the UN

A clerical job with the Wehrmacht led to controversy for (*) Kurt Waldheim, a holder of this position


A commander at this battle, (*) Johann Rall, was not actually drunk from holiday festivities


A corps of troops from this country pioneered the tactic of creeping barrage during the Battle of Vimy Ridge


A delaying tactic known as the Fabian strategy was used against this city after its victories at Lake Trasimene


A disagreement over a helicopter company led to the resignation of this leader's defense minister (*) Michael Heseltine

Charles Ii

A failed attempt to exclude this king's brother from the throne began after Titus Oates claimed that there was a "Popish Plot" to kill this king.

Boston massacre

A famous (*) depiction of this event features the sarcastic comment "Butcher's Hall" upon a row of buildings, and was inspired by an earlier engraving by Henry Pelham.


A fifteen year civil war in this country was known as the Bush War, and ended a majority white government under Ian Smith.

Benedict Arnold

A fleet assembled on the orders of this man was defeated at the Battle of Valcour Island on Lake Champlain


A general from this nation waged the "Long Campaign" before losing the Battle of Varna


A grain collection agency was converted by this man into his secret police, the Frumentarii


A group of hard-liners called the "gang" of this many people carried out the failed August Putsch against Gorbachev


A hereditary oligarchy known as the Family Compact ran this province and used the British aristocrats as their model


A jerky-like substance whose name means "beef rope" was eaten by the cowboys of this region. Those cowboys were called paniolo

Henry VII

A king of this name signed a free trade agreement benefitting his country's cloth merchants called the Intercursus Magnus


A knighted privateer with this surname was unaware of an existing peace treaty when he accidentally invaded Spanish Panama,


A large prison complex adjoins Courtroom 600 in this city's Palace of Justice, where a proceeding was prosecuted by Robert (*)) Jackson


A leader of this country used the slogan "Seek ye first the political kingdom" after being freed from prison by Charles Arden-Clarke


A legend about one of its early kings claims he fled across Lake Moeris on the back of a crocodile

Second Continental Congress

A letter sent to a member of this body notes that "all men would be tyrants if they could" and urged this body to (*) "Remember the Ladies."


A man nicknamed "the Green Dragoon" led a foraging party that fought Lauzun's Legion prior to this battle

Cyrus The Younger

A man of this name hired a Greek mercenary force in an effort to take over a country ruled by his brother, but instead lost his own life at the Battle of Cunaxa


A man of this name, along with Collatinus, Lucretius, and Valerius, helped overthrow the Roman monarchy and became one of the first consuls.


A map designed by Harry Beck for this city only uses horizontal, vertical, and 45 degree lines


A member of this organization was acquitted in the Supreme Court Case establishing the standard of "imminent lawless action" for restricting free speech, Brandenburg v. Ohio


A military position with this name was below (*) quaestor and aedile on the cursus honorum.


A minister known as "The Warlock" influenced a president of this surname during a period dubbed the "National Reorganization Process."

UK and Germany

A monarch of one of these two countries said that the people of the other country were as "mad as March hares."


A monument at Waterloo dedicated to William II features an iron statue of this creature


A newspaper called The Phoenix was published by this group


A peace treaty between this man and Nikephoros I allowed for the de facto independence of Venice.

South Africa

A peoples in this country led by Cetshwayo defeated Britain at the Battle of Isandlwana.


A plot to murder this ruler was uncovered in the High Treason Incident


A politician from this state wrote "Kind regards to Mrs. Fisher. Burn this letter" in one of the Mulligan letters

Robert The Bruce

A popular legend recounts how this man drew inspiration from seeing a spider spin a web while he hidin a cave on Rathlin Island


A popular republic was declared in this city after an invasion by Charles VIII of France seemed to fulfill earlier prophecies

Bay of Bengal

A port on this body of water is the site of the former Fort St. George


A pre-colonial people of this country worshipped the sun and moon in the form of Sué and Chía and were ruled by a zipa and a zaque

Iran Nuclear Program

A presidential tweet falsely claimed Bob Corker to have supported a plan regarding this program that he actually vehemently opposed


A primary candidate in this election asked why he was the "first in his family ever to go to a university" in a speech plagiarizing Neil Kinnock.


A primary candidate in this election travelled on a bus that the press labelled the "Straight Talk Express." That candidate accused the eventual winner of this election of courting "agents of intolerance" after a speech at Bob Jones University

San Francisco

A professor in this city named Sally Miller Gearhart campaigned against the Briggs Initiative


A rebellion by nobles of this dynasty was crushed by its usurper, (*) Empress Wu Zetian

Irish Potato Famine

A rebellion during this event targeted the town of Ballingarry, but was defeated by police forces

White Lotus Rebellion

A revolt from 1796 to 1804 is usually named for this color and was led by the same sect behind the Red Turban Rebellion


A revolution in this nation was sparked during a special performance of the opera The (*) Mute Girl of Portici.


A river in this state is nicknamed "The River of No Return," and flows near this state's Lost River Range


A ruler from this dynasty delineated the four main types of evil spirits in his book on black magic, the Daemonologie.


A ruler of this country hired a group of economists known as the "Berkeley Mafia" to help grow this country's economy

Mauryan Empire

A ruler of this empire killed 99 of his brothers to seize the throne.

North Sea

A sandbank in this body of water gives its name to the hypothetical land bridge Doggerland.


A savanna between this country's western border and the Rupununi River is said to be the former site of Lake Parime and El Dorado

Qin Shi huang

A strongman ordered to throw a metal cone at a carriage, a blind musician using a lead-tipped lute, and a man bearing a dagger wrapped in a map all attempted to assassinate this man

St. Louis

A terra-cotta office building in this city was designed by Dankmar Adler and a man known as the (*) "Father of Skyscrapers."


A thousand of them presented the king with the Millenary Petition, enabling them to receive a voice at the Hampton Court Conference


A town in Silver Bow County is named for the Continental Divide that runs from Canada through the west of this state


A two-way aqueduct in this city was designed in part by a poet whose name translates as "hungry coyote

Kublai Khan

A war between him and Ariq Boke laid waste to his empire's capital, later replaced by the city of Dadu

Gideon V. Wainwright

Abe (*) Fortas agreed to serve pro bono for this case


Abel Upshur died on this river when the "Peacemaker" exploded

Darius I

According to Herodotus, the slave Oerbares helped this ruler gain the throne by making his horse neigh after he exposed the conspiracy of the false Smerdis with six other nobles


According to legend, a golden one of these animals took a sword called Heaven's Will back fromVietnamese freedom fighter Le Loi


According to the Treaty of Brundisium, he was given all western lands except Africa

Nebuchadnezzar II

According to the historian Berossus, this ruler predicted the fall of his empire

Crimean War

After Prince Menshikov lost the Battle of Inkerman during this war, Lord (*) Raglan was able to begin the Siege of Sevastopol.


After World War II, a series of economic reforms in this place were called Operation (*) Bootstrap


After a dispute with this leader over the integration of Westland Helicopters, this leader's Defense Secretary Michael Heseltine resigned


After a failed assassination attempt, this politician cracked down of the Wafd Party, and he created the Liberation Rally party.


After a group of explorers identified Cameahwait ["kuh-may-ah-wait"] as this figure's long-lost brother, he gifted horses to those explorers. (*)

Napoleon III

After a homemade hand grenade missed his carriage, this leader survived an assassination attempt by Felice Orsini

Arthur Wellesley

After a publisher blackmailed this man over the memoirs of Harriette Wilson, he said, (*) "Publish and be damned!"


After a war in which this city was defeated at the Battle of the Aegates Islands, it expanded its empire into Spain.


After arguing over wearing homespun garments on the senate floor, two politicians from this state fought a rather non-violent pistol duel which left Humphrey Marshall and his opponent lightly wounded

Francisco Pizarro

After governor Pedro de los Ríos denied this man resources for an expedition, the king gave him permission to use military force in the Capitulation of Toledo

Mansa Musa

After his general Sagmandia captured the city, this ruler returned to his kingdom with the sons of the Gao king as hostages

William WallaCE

After his most famous victory, the skin of Hugh Cressingham was used to make a belt for this man's sword

Saddam Hussein

After invading a neighboring country, this man promised to initiate the "mother of all battles" if other nations interfered


After it was used in this state, the Enforcement Act was ruled unconstitutional in United States v. Cruikshank.


After its downfall, this city was effectively supplanted by Utica


After leading a charge against Oliver Howard's right flank, he and his replacement A.P. Hill were both wounded.


After one of these people was whipped by a sea captain, they killed and ate more than 60 crew of the Boyd.


After police raided a speakeasy in this city, angry patrons started the 12th Street Riot


After seeing fields of cattle with no herdsmen, the Xiongnu ("she-awng-nu") evaded an ambush planned by this dynasty's army at the city of Mayi.

Joining the EU

After settling a border dispute with Slovenia, Croatia will take this action in 2013.


After signing the Treaty of Ciudad Juárez with forces including Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa, this ruler was replaced by Francisco Madero as a result of the Mexican Revolution


After squashing a pathetic rebellion by Lepidus, this man began a propaganda campaign that a rival was controlled by an "Oriental paramour."

Sepoy Mutiny

After taking a city in this conflict, William Hodson shot three men dead outside what became known as the "Bloody Gate


After the Battle of Actium, Mark Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide in this city, where (*) Euclid and Eratosthenes performed research during the Hellenistic Period

Indian Removal

After the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, George Gaines oversaw this event.

Jewish Ghetto

After the ZOB engineered a (*) revolt in one of these places, Jürgen Stroop was forced to burn that area block by block


After the deadliest natural disaster in American history took place in this city, a 10-mile long (*) seawall was built to minimize future damage.


After the death of her husband, Ching Shih became a leader of these people.

Spanish Succession

After the destruction of a treasure fleet at the Battle of Vigo Bay during this conflict, Pedro the Pacific signed the Methuen ("muh-THOO-in")

Angkor Wat

After the empire that built this structure was sacked, it was replaced by the Bayon temple


After the empire that built this structure was sacked, it was replaced by the Bayon temple


After the treasure of the Abbey of Saint Martin was threatened, the winning commander answered the call of Duke Odo of Aquitaine for help


After this dynasty lost its capital Kaifeng to a Jurchen invasion, it entered its "Southern" period of rapid growth

Teapot Dome

After this event, Congress' power to compel testimony was reaffirmed in McGrain v. Daugherty

Henry V

After this king's death from dysentery, his wife Catherine of Valois remarried Owen Tudor

Lake Victoria

Albinos form a large percentage of the population of Ukerewe Island in this body of water


Alexander Hamilton led an assault on Redoubt 10 during this battle

Simon Bolivar

Alexandre Petion supported this man under the condition he abolished slavery in any of the lands he acquired


All members of this nation's parliament held the right to block any legislation, called the Liberum veto


Along with (*) Virginia, this state named some 1798 Resolutions, and this Virginia "backcountry" became a state in 1792.


Along with Alexander Parvus, he developed the theory of permanent revolution, and this man founded the Fourth International.


Along with Carl Shurz, this politician led opposition to Ulysses Grant's attempted annexation of Santo Domingo


Although he is not Sun Tzu, this man wrote a version of The Art of War

Frederick Barbarossa

Although he swore never to recognize Pope Alexander III at the Diet of Wurzburg in response to the machinations of Henry II, he eventually stopped his support of antipope Paschal III and gave in

Pancho Villa

Alvaro Obregon was victorious at the Battle of Celaya over this man's Division of the North.

Armenian Genocide

Ambassador Henry Morgenthau reported on resistance to this event in the city of Van


American forces comically landed among sunbathers on the beaches of this city in Operation Blue Bat in 1958 after President Camille Chamoun supposedly requested US "assistance."

Transcontinental Railroad

An 1862 act issued bonds to a company in this industry established by Theodore Judah and financed by the Big Four


An Adam Hochschild book titled for a king's ghost documents crimes in this country's colonial predecessor, which was also the subject of the (*) Casement Report.


An English tax on this good was known as the "Great Custom,


An Lushan, a general of this dynasty, rebelled against it and caused its emperor to flee from Chang'an

Native Americans

An activist group of these people opposed the 1956 Termination Act and killed two FBI agents in (*) Pine Ridge in the 1970s


An airstrip in this country's city of Port Kaituma was where the (*) Red Brigade assassinated Congressman Leo Ryan


An apparent one of these people named Johannes Junius wrote a letter to his daughter from jail, after he was caught up in an event in Bamberg named for its focus on hundreds of these people


An area in this country is known for its frequent flashes of lightning, and is located at the mouth of the Catatumbo River


An attack on the Hiryu prompted Vice Admiral Yamaguchi to go down with his ship at this battle

English Civil War

An attempt to end this conflict failed when one side refused to sign the Treaty of Newport.


An attempt to invade this state was stopped by men like Noble Jones at the Battle of Bloody Marsh, which occurred during the War of Jenkins' Ear

Sewer System

An early example of these systems was installed within every home in Lothal

Merovingian Dynasty

An early ruler of this dynasty defeated the Roman official Syagrius and was the first to unite all of his peoples


An empire ruled by these people included a school at Preslav where the Cyrillic alphabet was developed


An eruption of this ancient supervolcano, now a lake in Sumatra, may have caused a long global winter and a bottleneck in human population 70,000 years ago.


An expedition led by William Penn the Elder brought thisisland under the control of (*)) Great Britain


An international boycott of this country began in 1938 after its president invoked Article 27 of its Constitution of 1917, nationalizing a prominent industry.

Uk and Spain

An invasion by one of these two countries into the other's colony was halted at the Battle of Bloody Marsh.

Mediterranean Sea

An island in this body of water contains the megalithic temples of Tarxien and Skorba, believed to be the world's oldest freestanding structures until the discovery of Gobekli Tepe

Thirty Years War

An offshoot of this war was ended at the Treaty of the Pyrenees.

Suez Canal Crisis

An operation during this conflict had its original name changed due to British troops spray painting "H" on their vehicles while the French sprayed "A" due to a difference in spelling "Hamilcar."


Andrew Moray led a rebellion in the northern part of this country in the name of John Balliol.


Angry mobs made up of the Arrabbiati and Compagnacci fought with supporters of this man called the Frateschi in a clash at (*) San Marco's

Russian Revolution

Anna Anderson falsely claimed to be one person imprisoned during and executed after this war

Washington DC

Another building in this city was designed by (*) James Hoban and was made out of painted sandstone.

Spartacus's Revolt

Another commander in this war died at the Battler of the Siler River.

King of Sweden

Another holder of this position overthrew Augustus the Strong and placed Stanislaus I on the throne of Poland.


Another holder of this position, Formosus, was exhumed and tried posthumously.

Richard I

Another king with this first name negotiated with Tancred of Lecce to free his imprisoned sister Joan and fought the Battle of Jaffa


Another large city in this place frequently adorned buildings with a double headed axe known as the labrys.


Another leader of these people was Zara Yakob, and translation difficulties in the Treaty of Wuchale led to an invasion of these people, who were victorious at the ensuing Battle of Adwa.


Another leader of this nation hired the architect Es-Saheli and was a descendent of Faga Laye.


Another letter this explorer wrote was titled Mundus Novus, and he may have gone from the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in 1497 and 1498

James II

Another man defeated the Duke of Monmouth, leading to the (*) 'Bloody Assizes', and lost the battle of the Boyne.


Another member of this family was kidded for his "pactomania," which referred to his fondness for signing treaties


Another model of this quantity uses Slater's rules and divides the effective nuclear charge of the atom divided by covalent radius squared; that model is named after Allred and Rochow. A


Another river in this country is the (*) Cross River, which begins in neighboring Cameroon.


Another ruler of this country was forced to flee after he was defeated at the Battle of Methven


Another war between the British and this kingdom resulted in the capture of its King Prempeh I.

Dreyfus Affair

Antonio Panizzardi's homosexual affair with Maximilian von Schwarzkoppen was used to discredit the main figure of this event.


Anybody who found land with this product, often obtained on the Chincha Islands, could annex it by its namesake "Islands Act


Apollodorus of Damascus was supposedly killed for criticizing the design of the Temple of Venus and Roma that this emperor built where Nero's Domus Aurea once stood


Approximately 13,000 people briefly gained access to political office following a revolt led by people who worked with this good who seized the Palazzo Vecchio in 1378.


Arthur Harris of the Royal Air Force supported an attack on this city that Winston Churchill called a "mere act of terror.

Neville Chaimberlain

As Chancellor of the Exchequer, this politician pushed the "Imperial Preference" tariff that had first been proposed by his father, Joseph.


As a result of high sugar tariffs and dissatisfaction with the Salomon-Lozano Treaty, this country was invaded by a southern neighbor during the Leticia Incident


As part of the Gleneagles Agreement, Commonwealth countries agreed to protest this policy.


Assisted by chancellor Li Si, the first emperor of this dynasty organized massive (*) book-burnings and scholar-buryings


At an event in this city, 130 evenly-space anti-aircraft searchlights formed a "cathedral of light


At the Battle of Sorel during the Beaver Wars, he allied with the Algonquin and Huron tribes to defeat the Iroquois

Golden Horde

At the Battle of the Terek River, that leader Tokhtamysh was defeated by Tamerlane.

Julius Cesare

At the Lucca Conference, this man directed his allies to run for the consulship and, in return, extend his governorship by another five years.


At the Melbourne Olympics, this country's (*) water polo team was victorious over a larger one in the Blood in the Water Match.

Winter War

At the end of this war, the losing side leased the Hanko Peninsula as a naval base


At this battle, General George Sears Greene quickly captured and retreated from Dunker Church


At this battle, the First Minnesota regiment relieved the III Corps of Daniel Sickles, who lost his leg at the Wheatfield.

3rd Century

Aurelian helped end the crisis named for this century by bringing those empires back under Roman control.

Marcus Aurelius

Avidius Cassius organized a revolt after believing this man had died of illness.

Bull Run

Barnard Bee was killed at this battle, but not before noting that Thomas Jackson's brigade was standing "like a stone wall."


Competition from the spectacled caiman ("KAY-min") has helped drive this river's namesake species of huge crocodile to critically endangered status


Hipólito Yrigoyen led this nation through World War I, during which this country experienced a boom


Because he returned to this city after a business trip, Tsutomu Yamaguchi became the only officially recognized (*) "double" hibakusha


Before becoming king, the second French monarch of this name became King Consort of (*) Scotland by marrying Mary, Queen of Scots.


Before moving to Florida, Henry Flagler helped to jumpstart Standard Oil in one of this state's cities.


Before this battle, one side gained intelligence from two Shashu that falsely reported that the enemy army was in Aleppo

Rhode Island

Benjamin Church and Governor Josiah Winslow led this state in the Great Swamp Fight

West Germany

Benno Ohnesorg was killed by a policeman while protesting a visit by the Shah of Iran to this nation


Besides the Liberal Wars, another civil war in this nation, the 1383-85 crisis, was ended after the Battle of Aljubarrota.

Justinian I

Besides the Vandalic War, this man also fought a war with (*) Khosrau I, which he ended after paying 11,000 pounds of gold and establishing an "eternal peace."


Both empires of the Gokturks were defeated during this dynasty


Both the Liberal and Labour parties in the United Kingdom lost many seats partly due to the Zinoviev letter, ending Ramsay McDonald's first term


Bridges in this city include the MacArthur Bridge and the Ambassador Bridge


British forces held the Balcarres Redoubt but lost the Breymann Redoubt


Bulgarian writer Georgi Markov was poisoned by this organization using a (*) ricin pellet hidden inside an umbrella


By many accounts, the only female emperor ever interrupted this dynasty, which was attacked by a rebellion that lead to the execution of Yang Guifei, one of the Four Beauties

Dien Bien Phu

Béatrice ("bay-uh-TREES") was the first stronghold to be stormed by the victors in this battle.

South Dakota

Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickok are buried in the former boom town of (*) Deadwood in this state where in 1874 gold was found in the Black Hills


Callimachus was killed during this battle


Callimachus was killed during this battle, but his men saved (*) Miltiades' Athenian forces after their center line buckled

Red baron

Canadian Roy Brown is credited with killing this man at Amiens (AH-mee-EN), leading to this person's replacement as commander by Hermann Goring (GERR-ing).

Rhode Island

Canochet's Fort was in this modern-day state where Josiah Winslow won the GreatSwamp Fight


Cape Farewell is the only forested area on this island.


Cape Morris Jesup is regarded as the northernmost point in this region.

Hungarian Revolution

Cardinal (*) Mindszenty ["MEEND-sen-tee"] was freed from prison during this event

Sitting BUll

Caroline Weldon served as this leader's personal secretary but left shortly before he was killed by Lieutenant Henry Bullhead and Red Tomahawk

Susan B. Anthony

Carrie Chapman Catt succeeded this woman as head of the NAWSA

Ellis Island

Castle Garden was replaced by this location


Chancellor Bethmann Hollwegg commented that Germany was going to war over a "scrap of paper" after Germany violated a policy concerning this country


Chancellor Metternich fled (*) when this country revolted against Franz Josef,

Joining the EU

Charles De Gaulle once said "Non" to prevent the United Kingdom from taking this action


Charles II of Spain had this inbred family's namesake (*)) jawline

Gallipoli Campaign

Charles Monro replaced Ian Hamilton as Allied commander


Charles O'Hara presented the losing general's sword to the victor in this battle

DIen Bien phu

Charles Piroth committed suicide here with a hand grenade after failing to dislodge enemy artillery

Irish Potato Famine

Charles Trevelyan claimed that this event was "an all-wise and all-merciful Providence


Charles V gave this man the Victoria and the Trinidad

PEters the great

Civil services observed during this event inspired the Table of Ranks.

The Draft

Cohen v. California was ruled in favor of a man who showed up to a courtroom wearing a jacket making this practice the subject of obscenity

Little Bighorn

Commanders of the winning side included Gall and White Bull


Conquests of this man include his victory at (*) the Battle of Ankara and his capture of Delhi, the latter of which may have caused up to 200,000 casualties

Nicholas I

Count Von Ficquelmont helped steer the foreign policy of this man, who promoted Sergey Uvarov's "Official Nationality" doctrine of "Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality.

sUEZ cANAL Crisis

Countries secretly agreed to participate in this conflict in the Protocol of Sèvres.

Porfirio diaz

Cries of this ruler's earlier slogan "effective suffrage, no reelection!" arose against him after he reneged on a promise to (*) retire given in an interview with James Creelman


Croatian immigrant Anthony Lucas built a facility to produce this resource at the Spindletop


Cécile Renault planned to kill this man, so this man had Renault and her family executed


Dag Hammarskjold died in a plane crash en route to this country to negotiate a cease-fire with Moise Tshombe

Gold Rush

Dawson City became a (*) boom town following one of these events

Gold Rush

Dawson City became a boom town of over 37 times its current population after one of these events

Revocation of the Edict of Nantes

Days after it occurred, targets of this event were offered a ten-year tax holiday in a proclamation issued from Potsdam


Decades after his country secured a market for this product in England by the Methuen Treaty, the Marquis of Pombal created a national company to regulate its quality.

West Germany

Defector Werner Stiller helped this country identify "the man without a face," Markus Wolf.

Roger Sherman

Despite being originally opposed to the idea of replacing the Articles of Confederation, this man would go on to propose the Connecticut Compromise.


Devil's Garden is a feature of this state's (*) Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument


Doctors dubbed him "a sneeze away from death" after Izola Ware Curry stabbed him with a letter opener


Due to a blockade by a neighboring country, Mary Jackson led a bread riot in this country's capital


Due to provisions adopted in the overnight "Kitchen Accord," this region has not ratified its country's 1982 Constitution, an issue not changed by the 1987 Meech Lake Accord.


During Operation Colombo, this man's DINA secret police eliminated and abducted dissidents


During Red Cloud's War, these objects were used for defense by American soldiers at a namesake "Box Fight"


During WWII, Raoul Wallenberg saved thousands of Jews in this country by them issuing Swedish passports


During a joint operation with the CIA, (*) six American diplomats were freed in a mission known as"this country's" caper.

Boris Yeltsin

During a revolt against the previous leader of his country, the August Coup, this man gave (*) a speech atop a tank

Marcus Aurelius

During a successful campaign against Vologases IV, this emperor's forces sacked the Parthian capital of Ctesiphon


During an invasion of this country, one ruler created the largest trebuchet ever, nicknamed the "Warwolf". That invasion of this country featured a battle where Hugh de Cressingham died


During his Presidency, ten Marines were killed in a rescue operation on the Mayaguez.

Vasco Da Gama

During his expeditions for Manuel I, this person erected many padraos, including one still standing at Malindi.


During much of this period, political control rested with the shikken or regent


During one conflict in this nation, Angelina Eberly fired upon Thomas Smith with a howitzer as he attempted to remove papers from one building. That conflict is known as this nation's Archive War, and began in response to one of Mirebeau Lamar's policies


During one conflict, this people abandoned log houses in favor of thatched-roof structures called chickees

Wounded Knee

During one event at this location, Richard Wilson's GOONs were forced away by federal agents, and Russell Means demanded negotiations with the United States.

Hong Kong

During one invasion of this region, injured soldiers were massacred at St. Stephen's College.

Invasion of japan

During one of these events, the Eastern Route Army attacked without the aid of the Southern Route Army at the Battle of Koan


During the 15th century, several colonies in the Black Sea were governed by a Genoan firm in this industry named after Saint George

Puerto Rico

During the 1950's, gunmen from this place opened fire in the U.S. Capitol and earlier tried to assassinate Harry Truman at Blair House as part of a nationalist campaign

Crossing a River

During the Battle of Fredericksburg, Union forces performed this action while under fire from sharpshooters.


During the Bleeding Kansas Crisis, this man delivered the (*)) "Crime Against Kansas" speech, which verbally attacked Andrew Butler, one of the authors of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

Woman's Suffrage

During the Night of Terror, activists for this cause were beaten in the Occoquan Workhouse


During the Russo-Japanese war, the limitations of this industry on the Russian side contributed to their defeat, due to the proximity of the Japanese side.

Napoleonic Wars

During the economic depression following these foreign conflicts, mounted yeomanry charged into a crowd gathered to hear orator (*) Henry Hunt in Manchester


During the overthrow of this leader, the gates of San Marco were set on fire by rioters angry over the cancellation of a public trial-by-fire


During the progressive administration of Ivan Allen, Jr. this city labeled itself as "the city too busy to hate",


During the reign of Frederick the Great, thousands of mulberry trees were planted across Germany to aid in the production of this good.


During the rule of this dynasty, the explorer Zhang Qian brought back news of pomegranates and powerful horses after exploring the Ferghana Valley and making contact with the Yuezhi people


During this battle, the losing side stole a crown that belonged to the winning monarch


During this battle, the smaller Battle of Milliken's Bend secured Union control


During this battle, the so-called "Sacred Way" provided troops and supplies to this battle


During this century, the Plague of Cyprian devastated one city

Russo Japanese War

During this conflict, General Kuropatkin organized a retreat after losing 90,000 men in the Battle of Mukden


During this dynasty, a feudalism-like social structure based around four occupations, the fēngjiàn ["fung-jee-EN"] system, was codified by a duke from its ruling family


During this dynasty, its capital of Chang'an was the most populous city in the world, and woodblock printing was invented


During this dynasty, one emperor's dead body traveled alongside carts of fish to mask its smell

Assassination of JFK

During this event and its aftermath, James Tague received minor lacerations to the face,


During this man's presidency, the stabbing of two American sailors in Chile resulted in the Baltimore Crisis

Three kingdoms

During this period, a general supposedly sailed unmanned boats down a river to draw enemy arrow fire, then equipped his troops with the captured arrows


During this period, two Mongol invasions were thwarted by typhoons known as kamikaze

Mexican-American War

During this war, one politician received the nickname "spotty" because of his offering the spot resolutions against this war

World War I

During this war, the Committee on Public Information was led by (*)) George Creel

War of the Triple Alliance

During this war, the French Count of Eu led veteran troops to victory against mostly underage soldiers in beards at the Battle of Acosta Nu.

World War I

During this war, the Yser River was flooded at its mouth on the North Sea to prevent enemyadvances

Santa Anna

Early in his career he saved his country from Isidro Barradas, earning him the nickname of the "Hero of Tampico".

henry VII

Early in this man's reign, John de la Pole revolted, trying to pass off Lambert Simnel as the Earl of Warwick


Early inhabitants of this island included the Elymi

Charles martel

Edward Gibbon commented that without this ruler's most famous victory, "perhaps the ... (*) Koran would now be taught in the schools of Oxford."


Edwin Curtis denied his employee's right to form a union during a 1919 (*) police strike in this city.

West Germany

Egon Bahr served as secretary of state for this country and described relations with another country as "change through rapprochement

Little BigHorn

Eight days before this event, George Crook had been defeated at the Battle of the Rosebud, preventing him from helping this battle's losing side


Emi Koussi is the highest peak in the (*) Tibesti Mountains in this geographical region

San Francisco

Emperor Norton once reigned in this city


Emperor Xuanzong led this dynasty to its greatest extent


English sailor William Adams was "reborn" as a man in this profession so he could permanently serve a leader


Eric Delvalle (del-va-yay) attempted to overthrow a leader of this country whose paramilitary beat up Billy Ford and were known as the Dignity Battalions

Hungarian Revolution

Erno Gero wasplaced in power in the leadup to this event


Ethelbert was converted by Augustine, a monk dispatched to Kent by this pope


Eupen-Malmedy was awarded to this nation after one war in which its neutrality was called "a (*) scrap of paper"


Every member of Empress Lu's clan was killed during this dynasty.


Extensive slum clearance by its HDB in the 1960s has led to over 80% of this country's population living in public housing provided by its ruling People's Action Party

Russo-Japanese War

Fedor Keller was defeated in this war at the Battle of Motien Pass,

otto Von Bismarck

Ferdinand Cohen Blind slashed his own throat after failing to assassinate this politician.


Forces under the leader of this colony won the Battle of Bloody Marsh during the War of Jenkins'


Forces under this commander freed the Republic of Uzice

House of Orange

Following a French Invasion during the "disaster year," rioters loyal to this dynasty hanged Johan de Witt ("YO-han deh VITT").

marco polo

Following the Battle of Curzola, he was imprisoned and met Rustichello da Pisa, who wrote a book of this man's accomplishments titled Il Milione


Following the Battle of Fontenoy, the signers of the Oath of Strasbourg signed a treaty in this city which was later modified by the Treaty of Meerssen

Qin Shi huang

Following this man's death, two carriages carrying rotten fish were drawn behind this man's wagon in order to hide the smell of this man's decaying body

Jury Selection

For 10 points, give the term for this act of picking a group of people who determine the outcome of a legal trial.


For 10 points, name this "Great" king of Pontus.


For 10 points, name this Anatolian empire whose ruler Croesus was defeated by Cyrus the Great.

Roger Sherman

For 10 points, name this Founding Father, the only man other than Robert Morris to sign the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution

Secretary-General of the UN

For 10 points, name this chief administrative office of the United Nations, formerly held by Ban Ki-Moon and currently held by Antonio Guterres.

Council of Constance

For 10 points, name this church council of the early 1400's that executed Jan Hus (yawn HOOS) and ended the Western Schism

Gideon V. Wainwright

For 10 points, name this landmark 1961 case which stated that states must provide attorneys to those who could not afford one, incorporating the 6th amendment.


For 10 points, name this period followed by the Kamakura shogunate; the last period of Japanese classical history


For 10 points, name this rival of Marius, leader of the Optimates, and Roman dictator.

North Carolina

For 10 points, name this state that was the site of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse in the American Revolution


For 10 points, name this three-emperor dynasty that was succeeded by the Tang.

Louis XV

For a time, his finance minister was the incompetent Scottish economist John Law, whose policies caused the (*) Mississippi Bubble

Battle of Trenton

For ten points, name this battle in which the victorious Continental Army led by George Washington defeated Hessian soldiers on Christmas Eve


For unclear reasons, this man ordered his wife Fausta to besuffocated in an overheated bath

Pancho Villa

His Division of the North won the Battle of Zacatecas


Fort Caroline in Florida was established to shelter these people

Alfred The Great

Fortifications that this man designed are listed in the Burghal Hidage


Four lions sit atop the pillar this ruler had built in Sarnath


Four men were subject to this practice in the Chesapeake-Leopard affair,prompting Thomas Jefferson to sign the retaliatory Embargo Act

Thirty Years War

France's involvement in this war was finished under (*) Cardinal Mazarin

South Carolina

Francis Marion, and a man nicknamed the (*)) "Gamecock of the Revolution".

War of the Triple Alliance

Francisco Barroso won the most major naval battle of this war at Riachuelo


Frank Church and Jerry Brown led a movement called "anyone but" this election's winner


Frederick Funston captured this country's first president, (*) Emilio Aguinaldo


Frederick William protected these people in Prussia with the Edict of (*) Potsdam


Frederick William protected these people in Prussia with the Edict of (*) Potsdam

louis XVI

His advisor Maurepas appointedTurgot as finance minister


From this range's terminus at Lytton Mountain, the Fraser River flows between it and the Coast Range


Frumentius of Tyre traveled to these people, who were then led by King Ezana


Gajah Mada was an influential leader of this country's Majapahit ["mah-juh-pah-hit"] empire.


Garnet Wolseley sacked its imperial capital of (*) Kumasi

Justinian I

Gelimer. That conflict ended after one of this man's generals defeated Gelimer at the Battle of Tricamarum.


Gelon and Dionysius were among the tyrants of a city on this island


General Joaquin Lagos resigned after 56 residents of Antofagasta were killed by this leader's (*) "Caravan of Death


General John Maxwell declared martial law and executed a series of prisoners in this city's Kilmainham Jail

Louis XIV

Generals for this ruler included the Prince of Condé and Turenne, who won the Battle of the (*) Dunes

Stamp Act

George Grenville proposed this tax, which could not be paid in colonial paper money

Leopold II

George Washington Williams coined the term "crimes against humanity" in an exposé denouncing abuses committed in this colony by groups like the Force Publique ("poo-BLEEK"), who enforced rubber quotas


George Westinghouse invented the air brake for this industry

Coca Cola

Georgy Zhukov imported a "White" version of this substance despite a ban

Elizabeth I

Gilbert Gifford worked as a double agent to Sir Walsingham in order to protect this ruler from the ( ∗ ) Babington plot.


Gorm the Old's son christianized this country just before the year 1000,

Puerto Rico

Governor Rexford Tugwell helped organize urbanization in this place

North Carolina

Governor William Tryon was victorious in the Battle of Alamance in this state in 1771, which quashed the (*)) Regulator Rebellion


Grey Wolf assassin Mehmet Ali Agca attempted to kill Pope John Paul II during this decade

Joan Of Arc

Guillaume de Flavy stranded this figure outside the gates of Compeigne by lifting a drawbridge too soon


Gylippus organized a defense of this island

Hoover Dam

Harold Ickes (ICK-uhs) lambasted the eventual namesake of this project for "tak[ing] credit for something he had nothing to do with."

London Underground

Harry Beck's map of this system deliberately only used horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines.

Marcus Aurelius

He and his adoptive brother Lucius Verus ruled together after the death of his predecessor (*) Antoninus Pius

Charles I

He appointed the unpopular Archbishop of Canterbury, (*)) William Laud


He asserted the primacy of the republic over other forms of government in his Discourses on Livy.

Kublai Khan

He attempted to conquer Java

Pope John Paul II

He began the celebration of World Youth Day


He defeated a French army at the Janiculum Hill although he was later made a member of the French National Assembly for his efforts in the Franco-Prussian War

Simon Bolivar

He escaped an assassination attempted after issuing the Organic Decree of Dictatorship


He grounded several ships in Beaufort Inlet before seeking that pardon

Darius i

He had a servant remind him every day "Master, remember the Athenians" after suppressing the Ionian revolt they had supported, but his army was defeated by Miltiades at ( ∗ ) Marathon.


He had several projects built by Apollodorus of Damascus, including his namesake Market and Forum


He led his country through the Informbiro period,


He noted Cesare Borgia as a rare case of a successful (*) ruler who gained power through luck, rather than force

Vlad The Impaler

He outwitted Mehmed II in the Night Attack, but he later lost the siege of Poenari Castle due to the janissaries under his brother,( ∗ ) Radu the Handsome.

Porfirio Diaz

He overthrew Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada with a slogan of "No Re-Election."

Erwin Rommel

He rose to prominence after capturing a 10,000-man division retreating after Caporetto


He signed the Curtis-Crisp Act after vetoing a farm relief bill sponsored by Haugen and McNary


He was elected to his highest position by a kurultai after the death of his brother Mongke


He was killed fighting( ∗ ) Crassus at the Battle of the Siler River.


He was known for his villa at Tivoli


He was promised the title Admiral of the Ocean Sea in the "Capitulations of (*) Santa Fe", the agreement he made with Ferdinand and Isabella


He wrote a critique ofRoman history in his Discourses on Livy.


Henrich Kramer published a book centering on these people titled (*) Malleus Maleficaru


Henry D. Cogswell and Simon Benson were noted for building machines named for the fact that they did not contain this substance


Henry Morgan served as lieutenant governor of this island


Hikers on this island often walk the Overland Track in its Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair National Park


His education minister, William Forster, worked to set up school boards and secret ballot voting within the government of this man's nation.


His father of the same name fought in the civil war against his predecessor, but it was his mother, Livia Drusilla, that secured his rise to power


His predecessor in this position was a member of the Cossack Brigade who deposed the Qajar dynasty


Hobart's Funnies proved very successful in this event


Hobart's Funnies, such as the Churchill Crocodile, were modified versions of this weapon meant for amphibious crossings

Dreyfus Affair

Hubert-Joseph Henry slit his own throat after earlier forging a letter during this event.


Huge numbers of people in a colony controlled by this country died when they fled into the Omaheke Desert and were cut off from water


Hundreds of men fighting under James Archer were captured in McPherson's Woods during this battle

Cyrus the Great

I. An ancient cylinder named after this man has been described as the world's "first charter of human rights.q

New South Wales

In 1813, Gregory Blaxland found a way through the Blue Mountains, which lie to the west of this state's most populous city


In 1940, oil was discovered in this country's city of Dukhan

Dieppe Raid

In 1942, British and Canadian forces, under the command of Admiral Mountbatten, raided this French port.. A "pinch" mission led by Ian Fleming to capture Enigma machines may have occurred during this raid.


In 1964, the Freedom Summer campaign was initiated in this state to register African-American voters

north korea

In 1968, this country heightened Cold War tensions with the US by seizing the research ship Pueblo.


In 1971 this person's body was found in Milan under the name "Maria Maggi."


In 2019, protesters in the south of this country cut off the head of a statue of Pedro de Valdivia and replaced it with that of a (*) Mapuche fighter

Puerto Rico

In August 2015, this government defaulted on a payment to its Public Finance Corporation as it struggled with a 72 billion (*) dollar debt

Robert F. Kennedy

In Cape Town, a member of this family called for a "ripple of hope" in his "Day of Affirmation" speech

Napoleonic Invasion of Russian

In one of its last events, one force was decimated by cannonfire while struggling to cross two flimsy bridges over the Berezina River

Exiles to Australia

In one rebellion led by members of this non-Irish group, a battle known as its country's "Battle of Vinegar Hill" was lost by insurrectionaries who proclaimed "Death or Liberty.

Louis XIV

In order to boost his country's economy, this monarch banned Venetian glass exports

Henry VII

In order to legitimize his wife this man repealed the Titulus Regius


In reference to his illegitimate child, opponents of this politician answered the chant "Ma, Ma, Where's My Pa" with "Gone to the White House, ha ha ha!"


In the (*) Mukden Incident, a staged Japanese sabotage in this industry was used to justify the invasion of Manchuria. O


In the 1860s, General James Carleton forcibly removed members of this tribe to Fort Sumner in the Long (*) Walk to Bosque Redondo ("BO-skay ray-DOHN-doh").


In the 1930s, this country's path towards independence was defined in the Tydings-McDuffie Act

CSA and Uk

In the Battle of Cherbourg, the Kearsage sank a ship one of these nations had built for the other

The Draft

In the Confederate States of America, this practice was modified by the "twenty-negro law"

Charles II

In the Exclusion Crisis, Parliament tried to remove this king's brother from the lines of succession due to his Catholicism

poland and russia

In the early 17th century, Kuzma Minin and Dmitri Pozharsky defended one of these historic nations from the other, which had recently captured its capital after winning the Battle of Klushino. A

Six Day War

In the leadup to this conflict, U Thant's peacekeeping forces withdrew from a piece of land later returned in UN Resolution 242

Persian Gulf War

In the leadup to this conflict, the PR firm of Hill & Knowlton secretly hired a woman known only as Nurse Nayirah to give false testimony to Congress

Partition of India

In the leadup to this event, mobs gathered at the Ochterlony Monument on Direct Action Day


In the mud banks near this city, Welsh missionary Robert Thomas was killed when his ship, the General Sherman, was seized on a mission to open its country up to Western trade

Gideon V. Wainwright

In the retrial resulting from this case, the plaintiff in this case chose W. Fred Turner to represent him. L


In the sixteenth century, a rabbi called the Maharal allegedly used a shem to create a golem in this city.

Pearl harbor

In this battle targets included Hickam Air Field


In this city, the underprivileged killyrioi natives worked land owned by the foreign gamoroi elite.


In this colony, the Decree of 15 May was enforced by civil commissioner Sonthonax.

Six-Day War

Initial losses in it, including attacks on the (*) Bar Lev Line, hurt the military reputation of an eye-patch-sporting hero named Moshe Dayan.

Knights Templar

Innocent II's bull "Omne Datum Optimum" gave this group extraordinary privileges, including being exempted from all authority other than the Pope

King John

Innocent III excommunicated him because he refused to recognize (*) Stephen Langton as Archbishop of Canterbury.


Invasions by the Sea Peoples and the (*) collapse of civilizations such as Mycenae marked the end of the period named for this substance


It was founded as the DAP by Anton Drexler, who was sponsored by the Thule Society

Fall of Saigon

Irving Berlin's "White Christmas" was the signal to go to places such as the airport and the (*)) Defense Attaché Office to prepare for Operation Frequent Wind.


It was opposed by the Trung sisters and the Five Pecks of Rice movement

The Prince

It claims that the title figure must be both cunning like a fox and powerful like a lion, as evidenced by the success of Cesare Borgia


It consolidated its power after Rinus van der Lubbe was executed for an act of arson

Liberal Party

It criticized its opposition's support of the Ottoman Empire during the Midlothian campaign.


It forms near Three Forks where the (*)) Gallatin, Jefferson, and Madison rivers meet


It is often said that an interdict is a form of this process applied to a whole polity.


It was brought to an end by the Yellow Turban Rebellion,

Montgomery Bus Boycott

It was ended with the resolution of a lawsuit filed on behalf of Claudette Colvin that resulted in Browder v. Gayle

Montgomery Bus Boycott

It was ended with the resolution of a lawsuit filed on behalf of Claudette Colvin that resulted in Browder v. Gayle.

Spanish Inquisition

It was established by Pope Sixtus IV in 1478


It was established by the (*)) Treaty of Wedmore, which was signed by Guthrumand Alfred the Great


It was the first in the world to use paper money.


It was the first to standardize weights, measures, currency, and the small seal script

South Africa

It's not France, but this country's forces invaded a neighboring country during its civil war as part of Operation Savannah


It's not a colony, but Claudius and Trajan expanded Rome's chief place of this type, Ostia


Its city of (*) Peshawar lies southeast of the Khyber Pass


Its final ruler fought an invasion by Demetrius I and was assassinated by hisgeneral Pusyamitra


Its highest point, Kings Peak, is located in this state's Uinta Mountains


Its modern incarnation was foundedafter negotiations with the "Three Rajahs" by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi


Jabhat al-Nusra, has been responsible for the murder of Mohammed al-Saeed and a mass execution at Deiz ez-Zor in this country


Jacob Coxey led one of these events in support of unemployment relief


Jardines del Rey is part of this country's Sabana-Camaguey archipelago, and this country lies across the Gulf of Batabano from the Isla de Juventud


Jean-Fran¸cois Champollion finally deciphered this system.

Second Continental Congress

John Dickinson led this convention in writing and sending the Olive Branch Petition

Kent State

John Filo won a Pulitzer Prize for his photograph of Mary Ann Vecchio kneeling over Jeffrey Miller during this event


John Lambert wrote the Instrument of Government while serving under this man


John Loudoun McAdams developed a system for creating these structures


Jorge Videla, who began the Dirty War, became the leader of this country


Joseph Breen was responsible for applying a "code" to things produced here

Bunker Hill

Joseph Warren was killed during this battle

Brazilian Independence

José Bonifácio de Andrada mentored a leader of this cause who later removed his blue and white armbands at (*) Ipiranga Brook to show his support of it.

Nazi party

Jozef Gabcik and Jan Kubis killed a member of this group by throwing a tank grenade at his (*) Mercedes Convertible, leading to the success of Operation Anthropoid

Jefferson Davis

Judah P. Benjamin served multiple roles in this man's cabinet, which also included Stephen Mallory as (*) Secretary of Navy.

Tierra Del Fuego

Julio Popper recruited Croatian immigrants to found Porvenir during this archipelago's gold rush, in which its Selknam people were massacred


Jurong Island is home to this nation's petrochemical industry

Susan B. Anthony

Justice Ward Hunt ordered her to pay a hundred dollar fine for ( ∗ ) voting in the 1872 Presidential Election.

Hungarian Revolution

János Kádár ["YAH-nohsh KAH-dar"] replaced the leader of this event after his execution; that leader was Imre Nagy ["EEM-ray NAWJ"].

Bill Clinton

Ken Starr investigated this man's alleged role in Vince Foster's suicide and the Whitewater scandal.


King Louis-Philippe tasked Marshal Jean-de-Dieu Soult ("zhawn-day-d'yoo soolt") with quashing a series of revolts among producers of this commodity known as canuts ("can-oots")


King Wu founded this dynasty, during which Mozi, Han Fei, Laozi, and Confucius lived.

Congress of Vienna

Krakow became a free city as a result of this event


Lane Kirkland was awarded the Order of the White Eagle for holding a hunger strike supporting this organization, which caused the fall of the Kania regime

Gobi Desert

Large amounts of copper and gold are mined in the Oyu Tolgoi mine in this region.


Legend says that one of these places was created because (*) Amytis of Media was homesick


Legend states that shipmen travelling near the town of St. Goar along this river were distracted by a sirens from a nearby cliff


Leo Amery quoted Oliver Cromwell in attacking this man's foreign policy by saying "in the name of God, go!"

Franco-Prussian War

Leon Gambetta attempted to organize one side's defenses in this war, but fled in a hot air balloon.

Elizabeth I

Leonard Dacre was a prominent member of a movement aiming to dethrone this monarch called the Rising of the North.

Francis I

Leonardo da Vinci spent his last years under the patronage of this ruler, who brought the Mona Lisa to his country


Lewis and Clark located the "Three Forks of the Missouri" in this state.


Liu Bang, later known as Emperor Gaozu, established this dynasty which dealt with the Trung sisters rebellion.

Peterloo massacre

Lord (*)) Sidmouth introduced the Six Acts, including the Seizure of Arms Act after this event


Lord Cobham conspired with this governor of Jersey in the Main Plot against James I

Gideon v. Wainwright

Losing attorney Bruce Jacob stated that his strategy in this case was to tie it to Betts v. Brady


Louie Witt was filmed in this city opening an umbrella on a sunny day, while Clint Hill was filmed desperately running towards an (*) automobile

Secretary of Defense

Louis Johnson, Robert Lovett, and Charles Wilson were three of the first five holders of this position


Luigi Pernier excavated a mysterious multi-symbol disc produced by this civilization


Luis Carrero Blanco reformed this man's government

Shay's Rebellion

Luke Day and Job Shattuck were pardoned for their role in this event, which was put down by the combined forces of Benjamin Lincoln and James Bowdoin at (*) Petersham


Luray Caverns are located in this state's (*) Shenandoah Valley


Lyon ("lee-ON") was a historical center for production of this commodity in France


MEChA campaigned for the rights of these people whose immigration to the U.S. had been curtailed by an "Operation" led by Joseph Swing

Cuban americans

Many children of this ethnicity were helped by the US government as part of Operation Peter Pan.


Many of this culture's ruins, including a palace falsely claimed to be the "house of the double axe," were excavated by Sir (*) Arthur Evans

Little Bighorn

Major Marcus Reno's troops were saved by the arrival of reinforcements under Captain Benteen at this battle, but the losing side got stuck at Minneconjou Ford

Cuban Missile Crisis

Major Rudolf Anderson became the only combat fatality during this event


Many Welsh immigrants settled this region's Chubut Valley in the 1870s


Marie curie discovered an element in this group


Mary Read and Anne Bonny served John Rackham in this occupation.

King Philip's War

Mary Rowlandson wrote her slave narrative during this war


Massacre ensued after this man asked Pedro de Alvarado to celebrate a religious festival`

storming of the bastille

Mayor Flesselles was executed for refusing to aid this event's participants


Mayor Flesselles wasexecuted for refusing to aid this event's participants, some of whom were crushed to death trying to obtainarms from Les Invalides


Members of the Auxiliaries and the FIC killed 15 people at a sporting event in Croke Park in this city in retaliation for the killing of members of the Cairo Gang earlier that day


Members of these groups can be removed through a peremptory challenge


Members of this ethnic group killed and ate about 70 Europeans in the Boyd massacre

Second Continental Congress

Members of this group like John Dickinson sent the (*)) Olive Branch Petition.


Members of this profession typically traveled through Baikonur, a facility in southern Kazakhstan

Buddhist Monks

Men of this [emphasize] primary profession known as sōhei made a base at Enryaku-ji ("EN-ryah-koo-JEE"), from which they assaulted Kyoto


Men operating these things such as Horace E. Bixby had the difficult job of avoiding (*) tree snags


Men who worked in this profession in the Rocky Mountains often attended an annual Rendezvous from 1825-1840


Mirim Lagoon is in this country


Monarchs who lived in this city would traditionally pass through its "Powder Tower," into its Old Town,


More electricity will be provided for this country by the Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu River

Atilla The Hun

Most of the information we have on this ruler comes from Priscus


Motifs in this culture's artwork include the elongated man


Mount Fitz Roy is the tallest peak in this region, which contains the (*) Perito Moreno Glacier


Mount Hokata is the tallest of the Hida Mountains on this island


Mount Ossa is the tallest mountain on this island.

The Philippines

Mount Pinatubo, located on this country's island of Luzon, violently erupted in 1991, killing 847 people


Muhammad Al-Idrisi created one of these things for Roger II of Sicily, which was accompanied by a large silver disk that has since been lost.

Senkaku Islands

Name these islands that, though administered by Japan since 1895, have been claimed by China and Taiwan. In 2012, Japan purchased three of these islands from their private owner, sparking protests in China.

Phoenix Park Murders

Name this 1882 crime where Lord Frederick Cavendish and Thomas Henry Burke were stabbed to death by a group of Invincibles


Name this 1914 battle in which German forces began the process of removing a Russian invasion force from East Prussia by encircling and defeating the Second Army under Alexander Samsonov, who shot himself.

Shah Jahan

Name this Mughal Emperor, whose forces were unable to recapture Kandahar during the second Mughal-Safavid War

The Ten Thousand

Name this group of mercenaries, whose improbable return from the heart of Persia was celebrated in the Anabasis.

First Fleet

Name this group of ships, which was under the command Arthur Phillip. They probably brought smallpox to the local population after landing in Botany Bay.

Loving V. Virginia

Name this landmark 1967 case which struck down anti-miscegenation laws nationwide.

Tiberius Gracchus

Name this tribune of the people, a reformer and brother of Gaius, who was beaten to death with table legs on the Capitoline hill after his proposed Lex Agraria land reform bill failed.


Namur is the capital of this region


Naval assistance from the (*) Comte de Grasse was crucial to one side's victory in this battle


Naval support to the winners of this battle was provided by the Comte de Grasse and the Comte de Rochambeau.


Nazi engineers designed the Varda Viaduct along one of this country's main rail lines, which traverses the Taurus Mountains on the way to Adana

Robert the Bruce

Near the River Forth, this man defeated a force attempting to relieve a siege of Stirling Castle andwon a decisive victory over Edward II at the Battle of Bannockburn


Near the city of Jinja, the Owen Falls Dam, which creates the Nalubaale Power Station, regulates the primary outflow of this lake.


Near the end of this dynasty's reign, the Battle of (*) Red Cliffs was lost by Cao Cao


Nestor's Primary Chronicle records that this city was conquered by Oleg of (*) Novgorod.

Court-Packing Scheme

New officials called "proctors" were proposed in this initiative

Khmer Rouge

Nic Dunlop described his quest to find a leader of this government's Santebal secret police force.


Norman Borlaug is often credited as the "father" of a (*) Revolution of this color.

Hoover Dam

Norwegian-born sculptor Oscar J.W. Hanson designed a memorial commemorating 112 worker deaths during this project, many from carbon monoxide poisoning in four horrifyingly-hot diversion tunnels

Aral Sea

Nuclear tests were performed on its Vozrozhdeniya Island


Officials of this dynasty include the Neo-Confucian Zhu Xi


One combatant at this battle was the juggler Taillefer.

West Germany

One leader of this country was forced to resign after his aide Gunter (*) Guillaume was revealed to be a spy

Human Sacrfice

On Mount Llullaillaco, several (*) mummies were found showing the Incas used children during these events

Nikita Kruschev

On a trip to the (*) United States, this man met Iowa farmer Roswell Garst


On that same mission, this future governor of (*) New South Wales during the Rum Rebellion made a harrowing 3,600-mile journey to Timor after losing the confidence of Fletcher Christian


On the recommendation of Mark Twain, Helen Keller's college education was paid for by a man who got rich from this resource named Henry Rogers.

Eighteenth Amendment

One act passed in support of this amendment was formulated by Wayne Wheeler, though that act was not named for Wheeler but instead for a congressman from Minnesota.


One campaign in this dynasty led to the genocide of three-quarters of the Dzungar people

The Prince

One chapter in this work concerns the diversities of the armies of Hannibal and Scipio Africanus.

Brown V. Board

One companion case to this case named Bolling v. Sharpe arose due to conditions in the District of Columbia.


One conflict fought over this resource was known as "the war of soldiers without clothes," due to its participants' economic destitution, and saw the German immigrant Hans Kundt lead one side at two bloody battles at Fort Nanawa


One conflict in this state was initiated by an attack on its namesake resident, Thomas Cresap,


One document compiled by this man's Special Counsel, Charles Colson, was leaked by Daniel Schorr.


One empire based in this province was led by Queen Zenobia after


One empire's rulers lived in this city's Palace of the Golden Gate


One enemy of this dynasty was a half-Sogdian who declared himself an adoptive son of imperial consort Yang Guifei


One event in this city affected supporters of Sten Sture and was carried out by (*) Christian II


One event in this country began after Hungarian pastor László Tőkés criticized this country's Systematisation Policy

Merovingian Dynasty

One rule of this dynasty repelled invaders at the Battle of Tolbiac


One governor of this state protested against President Grover Cleveland's use of federal troops in the (*) Pullman Strike.


One group involved in this event, which included E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy, was formed after a previous action by Daniel Ellsberg

PM of Canada

One holder of this position succeeded in passing Goods and Services Tax, though his Charlottetown Accord and Meech Lake Accord were both rejected


One holder of this title employed the mercenary Sir John Hawkwood in a conflict against Florence known as the War of the Eight Saints.

Henry V

One king of this name agreed to marry Catherine of Valois as part of the Treaty of Troyes

Richard Ii

One king of this name calmed an angry crowd by saying "I am your captain, follow me" shortly after having Wat Tyler killed


One leader of these people was defeated by Robert Napier near Magdala and was called Theodore II.


One leader of this country undermined his own authority when he told James Creelman in an interview that he would retire and let someone new become leader


One leader of this country was declared dead after he disappeared while swimming at Cheviot Beach; that leader was Harold Holt

Shay's Rebellion

One leader of this movement, Job Shattuck, marched with a group of 200 men on the Middlesex County Courthouse


One mayor of this city hosted parties at the Manoogian Mansion and resigned due to corruption charges


One member of this ethnic group who died at the Siege of (*) Savannah is called "the father of the American cavalry

Alexander II

One monarch of this name was injured by a train derailment at Borki.


One mountain range stretches from the Serbian border to the Black Sea, is the Balkan range.


One noble with this name took rule after the death of his father Roger II and fought against his chancellor Maio of Bari

India's Partition

One of the boundaries this event created is known as the Radcliffe Line


One of the first of these things was built for Robert R. Livingston and was named for New Orleans

Battle of Trenton

One of the preliminary moves in this battle was the taking of Assunpink Creek

Roman Civil War

One of these conflicts was ended by the Battle of Munda

jAPANESE invasions of korea

One of these events began after thousands of soldiers from a neighboring country helped suppress the Donghak Rebellion

Herero Genocide

One of these events started with the issuing of a document called the Vernichtungsbefehl after Lothar von Trotha won the Battle of Waterberg.

Peasant Revolt

One of these occurrences ended at Smithfield when the sitting Lord Mayor of London, William Walworth, committed murder


One of these people was the last Confederate general to surrender when the Civil War ended. That man, Stand Watie, succeeded as leader of these people a man who refused to sign the Treaty of New Echota and was named John Ross

Federalist Papers

One of these texts states that "Ambition must be made to counteract ambition"

Federalist Papers

One of these texts states that "If men were angels, no government would be neccessary"


One of these things was nicknamed Fulton's Folly prior to its successful voyage to Albany


One of this city's residents was condemned and executed at the Council of Constance


One of this country's emperors committed suicide after the Battle of Magdala during a British expedition led by Robert Napier. T


One of this country's landmarks is named after the American aviator who crash-landed on it in 1937


One of this modern nation's monarchs from the House of Wettin battled a rebellion which ended after a "Silent" meeting adjudicated by foreign troops.

Sulieman The Magnificent

One of this ruler's admirals decisively defeated forces under Ferrante I Gonzaga at the Battle of Preveza.


One queen of this country was nicknamed "Minerva" and caused controversy when she refused to marry and converted to Catholicism, becoming a nun in Rome


One revolution erupted in this country after the exile of Saad Zaghlul

Ohio River

One river in this state was described as "ooz[ing] rather than flow[ing]" and having "no visible life" in a Time magazine article written after it caught fire; that river is the Cuyahoga.


Part of this country's capital is on the island of Amager, where the Oresund Bridge connects it to Malmo


Patricio Aylwin succeeded this man as president of his country


Paul (*) Rusesabagina saved more than one thousand people in this country

North Carolina

Penelope Barker organized a group of women to protest the Tea Act in the Edenton Tea Party, which took place in this modern-day state


People from this general region established land divisions called wapentake ["wawp-en-take"] and created free landowners called sokeman

Chinese Exclusion Act

People of this ethnicity benefited from the Magnuson Act of 1943 which largely repealed the 1875 Page Act

president of Mexico

People were chosen for this position by "dedazo", which allowed the current holder to choose his successor

Louis Philippe

People who did not meet the voting requirements were told to "get rich" by his minister, Francois Guizot


Pericles' father Xanthippus underwent this action due to the schemes of a politician who would later undergo it himself after leading the victorious (*) navy at Salamis


Philip Vera Cruz resigned from this man's organization after he endorsed Ferdinand Marcos


Phillip II created a league named after this city


Phrygian Caps of this color became a symbol of the French Revolution.

Lewis and Clark Expedition

Pierre Cruzatte accidentally shot the captain of this group


Ploiești and Grozny (*) were sites making this good in WWII.

Chesapeake Bay

Pony Penning occurs annually in Assateague Island in this body of water


Poor weather prevented the losing side's retreat to Gloucester Point in this battle.


Pope Adrian I asked him to conquer the Lombards early in his reign

Persian Gulf

Ports on this body of water include Dhahran and Dammam.


Prior to one early battle in this state, (*) Lew Wallace controversially marched his troops away from the fighting, thereby reaching Pittsburg Landing late

Thirty YeaRS wAR

Prior to this war, one side was engaged in the Uskok War


Protestors against this country's monarch alleged that its secret police carried out the Cinema Rex fire, killing 420 civilians


Race riots at Belle Isle Park and Woodward Avenue occurred in 1943 and 1967 in this city

Seti I

Ramses succeeded his father, who was known by this name

Armenian Genocide

Raphael Lemkin was inspired to coin one term after this event, during which many participants were forcibly marched to Deir ez-Zor

Knights Hospitaller

Raymond II of Tripoli gave this group the castle of Krak de Chevaliers


Reinforcements under A. P. Hill arrived from Harpers Ferry near the end of this battle after( ∗ ) Ambrose Burnside captured a namesake bridge.


Rellious reformers during this dynasty staged the failed Gapsin Coup in an effort to eliminate social privileges for this dynasty's (*) yangban class.

Soviet-Afghan War

Representative Charlie Wilson implemented the CIA's Operation Cyclone during this war.


Riots against the pass laws led to this Sharpeville Massacre against this policy

Bill Clinton

Riots in Fort Chaffee occured after the Mariel Boatlift in this governor's state


Riding the steed Buraq, Mohammad travelled from this place during the (*) Night Journey

World Fairs

Robert Moses led the corporation that ran one of these events in 1964 in Flushing Meadows Park,


Roberto Burle Marx helped design a city in this country which contains the Plaza of theThree Powers and the Monumental Axis


Roger B. Chaffee was one of three people in this profession who died in a 1967 (*) electrical fire at Cape Kennedy


Rome. A man with this family name lost the Battle of Philippi against the forces of Octavian and Mark Antony

Rwandan Genocide

Romeo Dellaire and Jacques Roger Booh-Booh were criticized for inaction during this event


Roméo Dallaire led a failed peace-keeping mission to stop this event.

Marco Polo

Rustichello da Pisa wrote a book about this man based on (*) stories told by him in a Genoese prison


Sanderson's calculations of this property uses the reciprocal of atomic volume.


Rómulo Gallegos was president of this country for nine months before being ousted by a coup in 1948, which put Marcos Jiménez in power for ten years

Taiping Rebellion

Rudolf Wagner demonstrated that one leader of this conflict was influenced by Liang Afa's Good Words to Admonish the Age. That same leader during this conflict built up his following in the Thistle Mountains and had an influential meeting with Issachar Jacox Roberts


S. A river in this state is nicknamed "The River of No Return," and flows near this state's Lost River Range

Buddhist Monks

Saichō and Hōnen were two of these people who respectively brought the Tendai and (*) Pure Land schools to Japan


Sailing with Alfonso de Ojeda two years later, this explorer found Lake Maracaibo, which reminded him of Venice


Salah Jadid was held in Mezzah Prison after being overthrown by a member of this family who controlled his country's branch of the Ba'ath Party.


Samuel Slater developed the Rhode Island System of factories processingthis crop.

Bunker Hill

Samuel Graves provided artillery support during this battle


Schmidt Hammer Lassen designed the Black Diamond library in this city which also contains the Frederiksberg and Amalienborg palaces


Scholars consider the beginning of this empire to be when As-Saffah defeated Marwan II at the Battle of the Great (*) Zab River.


Scribes from this civilization first used reed styluses before its Early Dynastic Period


Secretary of Treasury Benjamin Bristow helped break one scandal during this man's presidency

St. Louis

The brewer Ellis Wainwright lends his name to a skyscraper in this city partially designed by Louis Sullivan.


Senator William Giles opposed this man's appointment of Albert Gallatin as Secretary of State


Sennacherib was murdered by his own sons after he sacked this holy city

Weimar Republic

Several communist militias led the brief (*) Spartacist Uprising in this country


Shang Yang instituted compulsory military service in this dynasty


Sima Qian wrote the "Records of the Grand Historian" about this dynasty's history

Three Kingdoms Period

Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang appear in a narrative about this period by Luo Guanzhong that begins with the Yellow Turban Rebellion and fictionalizes Liu Bei's victory over Cao Cao at the Battle of Red Cliffs

Roger Sherman

Simeon Baldwin, succeeded him in a post of which he was the inaugural holder; that post was Mayor of (*) New Haven, Connecticut


Sir Colin Campbell's Highlanders formed a "Thin Red Line" during this war's Battle of Alma, which was followed by a foggy battle at Inkerman


Small groups of these people were called iwis, and ate plants similar to potatoes, called kumara

South china sea

Some of the small pieces of land in this body of water are the Scarborough Shoal and Macclesfield Bank

Taiping Rebellion

Some veterans of this conflict later joined a group founded in Honolulu, Hawaii and was named to Revive the country it primarily took place


That expedition was organized by this dynasty's Emperor Wu, who sought an alliance against unending (*) Xiongnu raids along the northern Chinese border

Thirty Years War

Spanish forces won a decisive victory in this war at the Battle of Nordlingen under the leadership of the future emperor Ferdinand III


Storms that hampered James VI's return from Denmark to Scotland inspired him to persecute these people in North Berwick


Species that are endemic to this country and are seen as national symbols include the cat-like fossa

Applachian Mountains

Springer Mountain is the southern end of an important entity in these mountains

Elizabeth i

Spymaster Francis Walsingham uncovered a plot led by Anthony (*) Babington to assassinate this ruler


Standard Oil Founder John D. Rockefeller's Partner, Henry Flagler Worked in this industry


Stede Bonnet's crew and ship defected to this man, who may have deliberately careened two vessels at Beaufort Inlet


Student protests forced a party of this name to cede power to the Civic Forum, ending Gustav Husák's term as president of his country

Roman Civil War

Sulla fought two of these conflictsagainst Gaius Marius


Supplanted by the Zhou Dynasty at the Battle of Muye was, for 10 points, what first archaeologically verified dynasty of China, which came to power in the 18th century BC?

James Madison

Supporters of nullification cite a document he wrote, the Virginia Resolution

John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson

Supporters of one of these men responded to the "Coffin Handbills" by accusing the other of providing young girls to the Czar while serving as (*) Ambassador to Russia


Supporters of this movement in London protested in bad weather during the Mud March.

Stone Wall

Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson were two perpetrators of this event


Texas representative Charlie Wilson supported covertly funding guerillas in this country


Textile worker Valentina Tereshkova was the first female member of this profession

Catherine II

That admiral, Alexei Orlov, also won the Battle of Chesma, which gave control of the Aegean Sea to this leader's country.

Boer War

That army also faced hard losses during the Black Week in this conflict


That battle was fought at Dan-no-Ura, and it led to the ascent of (*) Minamoto no Yoritomo after the Genpei War


That governor, John Peter Altgeld, pardoned the anarchists involved in the killing of seven policemen in the Haymarket Square Riot in this state

Nat Turner

That leader's plan was to march to Jerusalem, the seat of Southampton County


The "Black" version of this political faction titled a book about a successful slave rebellion by C.L.R. James.


The "Ethical Policy" sought to improve the welfare of this country's people while it was under colonial rule

Irish Potato Famine

The "Gregory Clause" forced people in this country to relinquish all but a quarter acre to receive aid

Kansas Nebraska Act

The "Peoria Speech" was directed against this piece of legislation


The "Triple A" death squad was founded in this country shortly after right-wing snipers perpetrated a 1973 massacre at the Ezeiza Airport against the left-wing Montoneros

Northern Ireland

The "blanket" and "dirty" protests at this region's Maze Prison culminated in a hunger strike led by (*) Bobby Sands


The "five eternal principles" guided its legislative council, called the (*) Sejm.


The "ghetto clearance" of this city's Josefov district ended in 1912.


The "rendezvous system" saw "mountain men" get this good in the Rockies

Warring States Period

The (*)) Hundred Schools of Thought blossomed during this period, which chronologically follows the Spring and Autumn period.


The (*)) Overland Campaign in this state


The 10th of October Manifesto was created by Carlos Manuel de Cespedes during this country's war for independence


The 1320 Declaration of Arbroath asserted its independence


The 1892 Homestead Strike was at a plant making this good


The 1947 "Finger Plan" concerned the redevelopment of this city along five corridors


The 1949 Asbestos strike occurred in this province in a town called Asbestos

Iran nuclear Program

The 2013 Geneva Interim agreement temporarily halted parts of this program


The Adriatic port of Zara futilely asked for this country to protect it during the Fourth Crusade


The Age of Liberty was this empire's history until the Great Northern War. I

Duke of Wellington

The Catholic Emancipation Act was passed while he was Prime Minister


The American merchant ship General Sherman was destroyed by this country after attempting to (*) trade with it, and

Rio Grande

The Amistad Dam joins the Devils River to this major river while another tributary is from the Pecos River

French Resistance

The Appeal of 18th Speech was made by one member of this movement


The Babri Mosque was destroyed in this country

Hong Kong Handover

The Basic Law was written seven years prior to this event and enforceable for fifty years after this event as per the One Country, Two Systems policy


The Battle of Dunbar resulted in the capture of this country's king John (*) Balliol

Gallipoli Campaign

The Battle of Scimitar Hill ended this campaign's August Offensive

Darius I

The Behistun [buh-HISS-tun] Inscription describes the rise of this ruler and justifies his assassination of Bardiya [bar-DEE-yah].


The Black Hundred carried out nationalist assassinations for this country's monarch, who signed the Basic Laws of 1906.


The Black War was a (*) genocide against these people


The Buyid Dynasty sacked this polity's capital and remained in control for over a century, after which the Buyids were replaced by the Seljuk Turks.

Mary Queen of Scots

The Casket Letters and her affair with David Rizzio are sometimes presented as evidence that she was involved in the death of her husband Lord Darnley.


The Christina River, named after a queen of Sweden, flows through this state's largest city


The Church of the Tithes replaced a pagan temple in this city after amass conversion, according to a history attributed to the monk Nestor, the Primary Chronicle


The Congress of Angostura resulted in this nation's unification with several of its neighbors, but that broke up in 1830


The Congress of Tucumán declared the independence of this country

Joining the EU

The Copenhagen Criteria determine whether a country can complete this action.

North Sea

The Delta Works were made following a 1951 flood of this body of water to protect land around the mouths of the (*) Maas and Scheldt rivers


The Democratic nominee argued against about putting a "crown of thorns" on the "brow of labor" in a speech supporting free silver, the Cross of Gold speech


The Dominican Friar Tomás de Torquemada was for many years the personal advisor to this ruler


The Duke of York and Lord Camoys helped lead the winning side in this battle.


The capital of Luoyang was established by the founding emperor of this dynasty, Emperor Gaozu,


The Durham Report urged for the union of this modern-day country's two parts

English Civil War

The Eleven Years' War was interrupted due to this conflict.


The First Nations leader (*) Tecumseh was killed in this province during the Battle of the Thames (TIMS) in the War of 1812.


The Freedom Summer occured in this state


The Funj Sultanate was located in this country

Benjamin Franklin

The Galloway plan built off of a plan developed by this man at a meeting led by James DeLancey.

Stonewall Riots

The Genovese crime family owned the central setting of this event


The German-trained Jaegers made up the White Guards during this country's civil war.

The Philippines

The Katipunan was a revolutionary organization in this country.


The Grand (*) Alliance countered this dynasty during the Spanish Succession

Greek independence

The Great Powers ratified the London Protocol two years after troops led by Edward Codrington defeated the naval forces of Ibrahim Pasha at the battle of (*) Navarino in the war for this cause.

Baltic Sea

The Gutasaga describes the history of an island in this body of water which contains Visby

Rhode Island

The HMS Gaspee was burned off its coast.


The Hoare-Laval pact was a secret plan to end this country's independence

The Philippines

The Hukbalahap insurgency advocated for communism in this nation


The Hungarian engineer Orban cast several (*) giant cannons used in a siege of this city


The International Seaplane Fly-In is hosted every September at this state's Moosehead Lake


The Irgun, without the approval of the Haganah paramilitary, bombed this city's (*) King David Hotel

Annexing Poland

The January Uprising and the November Uprising prompted this action to be completed a different time.


The Kaduna River flows through a city that is home to this country's only military academy.

Aral Sea

The Karakum Canal played a role in the evaporation of much of this lake


The Liao dynasty ruled to the north of this dynasty

Great Salt Lake

The Lucin Cutoff is a railway which splits this body of water in half through (*) Promontory Point.


The Lydians pioneered the use of electrum in these objects

South China Sea

The Macclesfield Bank is a sunken atoll that can be found in this body of water


The Meech Lake Accord was designed to persuade this province to accept the 1982 Constitution Act


The Mexican people were asked "to face the consequences of a decision," which they "would neither have sought nor desired," after Lazaro Cardenas's 1917 nationalizing of (*) foreign-owned infrastructure in this resource within his country

Missouri River

The Milk River flows into this river

Whiskey Rebellion

The Mingo Creek Association and newspaper editorials signed "Tom the Tinker" radicalized participants in this event

Challenger Disaster

The Morton Thiokol Chemical Corporation was blamed for this event by the Rogers Commission investigating it, which included among its members Richard Feynman


The Murat River feeds into this river


The Nestorian minister Alopen was the first to bring Christianity to this country, around 655 CE


The Neuquen River runs through the province of Rio Negro in this region

West Virginia

The New River Gorge Bridge, the longest steel span in the Western Hemisphere, is a popular destination for BASE jumpers in this state


The Nok tribe in the northern part of this country settled on the Jos plateau and the southern boundary of the Nok people is at the confluence of the Benue and Niger rivers.


The Ostend Company was founded in this nation

Peloponnesian War

The Peace of Nicias was signed during this war, but failed to bring a lasting peace.

Affirmative Action

The Philadelphia Plan was one example of this policy


The capital of this nation is at the confluence of the Gombak and Klang Rivers


The Wakarusa War occurred here during a time that also saw John Brown lead a massacre at Pottawatomie


The Wallace Line runs through this country


The Wilson-Gorman Tariff, passed during this man's presidency, enacted the first-ever peacetime income tax.


The Y Wladfa settlements in this country's Chubut Province are home to many of its Welsh-speakers


The Za Qu River is its primary source


The actual Roman conquest of this region began under Claudius, whose general Aulus Plautius served as its first governor

persian Gulf War

The air campaign in this conflict was led by Chuck Horner, which led to a victory at The Battle of Khafji

oKLAhoma city bombing

The alias Robert Kling was used to rent a truck for this event


The appearance of the group behind the Hamburg Massacre, the "Red Shirts", influenced voters in this election

Indus River Civilization

The archaeologist R.D. Banerji discovered their most famous location

Saddam Hussien

The army of this leader's country invaded its eastern neighbor after a dispute over the Shatt al-Arab waterway in a war in which (*) chemical weapons were used against the Kurds


The assassination of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan led this country into a period of unrest known as (*) La Violencia


The best known leader of this tribe, which signed the Treaty of Payne's Landing, was tricked into attending a peace conference by Thomas Jesup.


The case (*) United States v. Cruikshank resulted from this state's Colfax Massacre.


The celebration of the Carneia festival was Sparta's excuse for not fighting in this battle


The churches and (*) mosques of this country were burnt down after it was declared the "first atheist state on Earth."

England and Scotland

The churches of these two countries were unified by the Solemn League and Covenant.


The coalition opposing Charles VIII was named after this city,


The commander of a naval force attempting to conquer this island waited 27 days to retreat after seeing a lunar eclipse

Aral Sea

The construction of the Dike Kokaral across the Berg Strait split this lake

Thirty Years War

The deaths of three brothers from the House of Gonzaga led to the War of the Mantuan Succession during this war


The diary of Nicolo Barbaro is a primary source on events involving this city


The difficulty Hmong refugees have in adjusting to the practice of this profession in the United States is the subject of Anne Fadiman's book The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down.


The east of this country primarily consists of the Ouaddaï ["wah-DYE"] region and it is the site of the Ennedi Plateau

Red Sea

The eastern shores of this body of water contain its largest port city, where the Kingdom Tower is being built


The exiled ruler of one side in this battle, Hippias, advised this battle's losing side

New Jersey

The film "Street Fight" chronicles a campaign for mayor of a city in this state.


The film Triumph of the Will by Leni Reifenstahl commemorates this city's large-scale rallies, where in 1935 a law forbidding marriage between Germans and Jews was introduced

South carolina

The first Jewish Patriot death occurred in this state at Ninety-Six, which the British abandoned prior to the Battle of Eutaw Springs.

The Prince

The first half of this book is an analysis of new, hereditary, and ecclesiastical (*)) states


The first king from this house established the Court of the Star Chamber to try nobles.


The first monarch of this name used his victory at the Battle of Gaza to control parts of Lebanon not already ceded to him following the Battle of (*)) Ipsus in 310 BCE

Pope John Paul II

The first phase of the Bojinka plot consisted of assassinating this figure


The first use of the term "communism" in English was in a conversation by Goodwyn Barnby about a leader of this political group who was executed in a failed coup d'etat against Paul Barras.

Scottish Independence

The first war over this cause developed out of the succession crisis after Alexander III's death


The flagship of one side in this battle, the Bucentaure, was captured along with its commander, Pierre-Charles (*) Villeneuve [vee-ya-noov].

Mt. Vesuvius

The forces of Gaius Glaber were ambushed by slaves rappelling from vines in this location at the beginning of Spartacus' Revolt.


The founder of this dynasty narrowly avoided assassination by a blind lute player, and was earlier targeted by Jing Ke while head of one of the Warring States.

Golden Horde

The founding ruler of this polity was almost defeated when an escaped slave warned his enemy Bela IV of an upcoming attack during the Battle of Mohi


The front runner for the nomination of one party in this election, Champ Clark, lost his momentum after he was endorsed by Tammany Hall


The immense manpower required to grow this crop led to the implementation of the headright system.

Mobile Bay

The ironclad CSS Tennessee engaged Rear Admiral David Farragut's entire force in this 1864 Union naval victory

Robert the bruce

The kingship of this successor to John Balliol was the subject of a letter directed to Pope JohnXXII, called the Declaration of (*)) Arbroath

Chinese Americans

The labor leader Denis Kearney ended speeches by saying "whatever happens," people of this ethnicity "must go."

New South wales

The lachlan and macquerie river lie in this state and are named after the country's 5th colonial governor

Siege of Vienna

The largest cavalry charge in history occurred during the relief of this battle and was led by the Winged Hussars of Jan III Sobieski ["yan soh-bee-yes-key"]

National park

The largest of these places is named Wrangell-St. Elias


The largest one of these objects is located near the summit of the Auyan-tepui mountain in Canaima National Park


The last ruler of the preceding dynasty, who tortured citizens to please his consort Daji, was defeated by this dynasty's founder at the Battle of (*) Muye ["moo-yeh"]

Great Northern War

The leader of the losing side in this war was killed at the Siege of Fredriksten


The leader of this country's G40 political faction attracted controversy when she was accused of using an extension cord to assault a model.


The legal status of Korea was one of the subjects of an agreement between this president and Katsura Taro.

Puerto Rico

The legislation PROMESA aims to restructure this place's debt


The legislative body of this empire, the Gbara, which was established under a constitution called the Kouroukan Fouga

Mary Queen Of scots

The likely forged Casket Letters implicated this ruler in the death of her widely disliked husband Lord Darnley.


The liquid drop model was proposed by this scientist, who theorized that alpha decay was caused by particles quantum tunneling out of the nucleus

gREAT northern war

The losing side of this war entered a period of democracy known as the "Age of Liberty" after signing the Treaty of Nystad

Atacama Desert

The main river that passes through this area is the Loa River.


The majority of the world's Pemón language speakers live in this country's Canaima National Park, which is the site of many sandstone mesas known as tepuisV

French Resistance

The maquis were the rural faction of this group


The march 1st movement in this country was promptly crushed


The mercury required to process this good was found in (*) Huancavelica in modern-day Peru


The mortal enemy of this religious group was William (*)) Laud, the Archbishop of Canterbury

Peter The Great

The most famous ruler with this name established the Table of Ranks


The murder of one of this group's members by the Chicago Police and the FBI led to the Weather Underground's declaration of war on the US government


The naming of the "Year of the Elephant" refers to a failed attempt to enter this place.

South Africa

The northeastern part of this country contains the Highveld region, which is bordered by the Greater and Lesser Karoo regions.


The northernmost part of this state is the Apostle Islands, the largest of which is Madeline Island.

Thirty Years War

The occupation of one polity involved in this war was affirmed by the Treaty of Stettin


The oldest one of these places that still stands in the United States is located in Newport, Rhode Island.

Assassination of JFK

The only civilian injured in this event was James Tague


The only leader to abdicate from its throne was Abubakari II,

San francisco

The original UN charter was signed in this city

Denis Kearney

The passage of the Chinese exclusion Act was heavily supported by this head of the Workingman's Party of California who coined the slogan "The Chinese Must Go


The pastor at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in this city, Martin Luther King Jr., led a citywide campaign after a NAACP secretary was arrested in 1955 for civil disobedience.


The popular Going-to-the-Sun Road runs through a national park in this state


The prefect Sextus Afranius Burrus was an early advisor to this man, who sent his general Corbulo to fight the Parthians,


The proscriptions were issued by this man after his first march on Rome

Mauryan Empire

The second ruler of this empire was born after poisoned food intended by an advisor to build the founding ruler's immunity was accidentally eaten by his pregnant wife instead


The second-ever ecumenical council was held in this city, and confirmed the Nicene creed.

Greek War of Indepdence

The secret society (*) Filiki Eteria is responsible for inciting this war


The shi, or scholar gentry, occupied the highest rank in this dynasty's fengjian feudal system


The sixth king with this name was called "the Fat" and was advised by Abbot (*) Suger, who worked at Saint Denis.


The smallest of these structures was built for Menkaure

Karakum Desert

The so-called "Door to Hell", a football-stadium-sized cavern that has been burning natural gas for over fifty years, can be found in this desert that spans much of Turkmenistan


The so-called Casiquiare ("ka-see-kee-AH-ray") Canal flows [emphasize] south from this river into the (*) Rio Negro, linking it to a larger system to the south.


The state of Mato Grosso do Sul contains the largest of these ecosystems, the Pantanal, which along with the (*) Amazon is the native habitat of the giant otter.

Catholic Emancipation

The success of this cause came via a Duke of Wellington-supported Relief Act in 1829.


The sugar-producing region of Demerara is one of this country's three original counties

Pacific ocean

The sunny city of Arica lies on a "bend" or "elbow" abutted by this body of water


The taotie motif was prevalent during this dynasty

Federalist Papers

The tenth of these works describes how the union serves as a "safeguard against domestic faction

election of 2000

The top-finishing third party candidate in this election referred to his opponents as "Tweedledee and Tweedledum".


The trade of this commodity was largely (*) banned in 1990 following a pro-ban push from CITES countries.

Peloponnesian War

The two halves of this war were separated by a six-year truce, the Peace of Nicias


The typically elderly residents of this place are termed "samosely," and an object at its center is nicknamed the "sarcophagus


The typically elderly residents of this place are termed "samosely," and an object at its center is nicknamed the "sarcophagus."

Weimar Republic

The ultranationalist group Organisation Consul assassinated an official of this country

Challenger Disaster

The victims of this event were said to touch the face of god

Battle of Trenton

The victorious side in this battle launched its attack with the phrase "Victory or Death," leading to a surrender in an orchard after the death of Johann Rall


The winning party nominated a man who said of his eventual running mate "I am ashamed to say. Who is Wheeler?"


The wounding of Genonese mercenary captain Giovanni Giustiniani resulted in the scattering of forces defending this city


The writing system of this state's official language will change from the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin alphabet due to Presidential Decree 569.

Rough Riders

Their original commander, Colonel Leonard Wood, was transferred before their best-known engagement, where this unit helped take Kettle Hill in an assault on San Juan Heights.

Election of 2000

Theodore Olsen and David Boies debated the Equal Protection Clause in a case that emerged in this election over issues such as "hanging chads";

Punic Wars

These conflicts saw the Battle of Ilipa

Iroquois Confederacy

These people fought the Huron and other Algonquian ("Al-gon-ki-an") tribes in the Beaver Wars.


These people founded the Natalia Republic.


These people launched a short-lived 1815 uprising at Slachter's Nek.


These people may have had writing, as demonstrated by the Cascajal Block


These people were discriminated against following the (*) Sleepy Lagoon murder


These people were instructed to put their "bodies upon the gears" in a speech by Mario Savio


These people were targeted in the Myall Creek Massacre and Battle of Pinjarra


These people's namesake "King Movement" is meant to emulate the monarchy of European settlers, whom they call pakeha


These people's namesake "King Movement" is meant to emulate the monarchy of European settlers, whom they call pakeha.


These people's raids from the Carpathian Basin were ended at the Battle of Lechfeld by Otto the Great

Indus River Valley

These peoples were succeeded by cultures named for the ochre-colored pottery they produced, as well as one named for a burial site, Cemetery H.


They were defeated at the Battle of Vouille (voo-YAY) by (*) Clovis I while staying in Gaul, after they set up a capital at Toulouse


This Confederate general lost the junction of Five Forks, which supplied Petersburg


This Country Contains the McMahon Line on its northern border

Pierre Trudeau

This PM instituted the official (*) bilingualism policy and secured the approval of his country's Charter of Rights and Freedom after succeeding Joe Clark.


This Pennsylvania native wrote extensively under pseudonyms like Mrs. Silence Dogood


This President's foreign policy included providing battleships to Argentina and supporting the Zelaya regime in Nicaragua

Revocation of the Edict of Nantes

This action built on the (*) forced relinquishing of fortresses that the Peace of Alais had mandated after the Siege of La Rochelle


This activist joined Filipino workers in the Delano grape strike

Eighth amendment

This amendment prohibits excessive fines and bail. For 10 points, name this Bill of Rights amendment that prohibits the government from inflicting cruel and usual punishment


This author praised Hannibal's sternness while dismissing Scipio's forbearance, mocking a genre intending to "mirror" the title character


This battle resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Troyes.


This battle was followed by the Battle of the River Berre near Narbonne.

Great Salt Lake

This body of water is home to Antelope Island, which becomes Antelope Peninsula when the water level dips too low.

LAke Victoria

This body's outflow supplies the Owen Falls Dam, which is located near the city of Jinja.

The Prince

This book encourages risk-taking by saying that "fortune is a woman; and it is necessary, if one wants to hold her down, to beat her."


This borough contains the rockaway peninsula


This capital city has greatly benefited from the BTC pipeline


This capital city has greatly benefited from the BTC pipeline

Marbury V. Madison

This case was decided a week before the related Stuart v. Laird

Woman's Suffrage

This cause suffered a blow when Minor v. Happersett held that it could not be enacted through the Fourteenth Amendment's citizenship clause


This city contains Saint Vitus Cathedral


This city experienced quasi-dynastic rule by the Magonid family


This city hosted a 1954 meeting that created the SEATO defensive alliance, which John Foster Dulles helped organize.


This city massacred a group of its slaves at Taenarus near Mount Taygetus


This city practiced the system of syssitia, where citizens would donate a percentage of their food to be redistributed


This city was (*) looted by Brennus's Gauls in 390 BC


This city was known as the "Playland of the Americas" when Meyer Lansky and other (*) mobsters controlled its casinos.

Washington DC

This city was once home to its own prime meridian which ran through the Old Naval Observatory.


This city was the site where scientific information known as "Dutch learning" entered the country it is located in


This city's (*) Gerousia, or council of 28 elders, was established by Lycurgus


This city's Jewish Ghisolfi family helped found the Bank of St. George, which was granted control over colonies in Gazaria and the Taman Peninsula


This city's cothon is an example of an ancient circular harbor


This city-state practically ceased to exist following the loss of its ruler Cleomenes III at the Battle of Sellasia to the forces of an Achaean League`

Mayan Calendar

This civilization's spiritual rituals were recorded in the Chilam Balam manuscripts and were based on a 260-day cycle that was extended by the Long Count system


This clash included a chaotic night-fighting portion that saw limited radiocapabilities, and began with a skirmish between Franz Hipper and (*)) David Beatty

joan of arc

This commander's greatest victory came after the Battle of Herrings.


This commodity was produced by Carlos Manuel de Céspedes in a country where it was often produced on farms called colonos

Angkor Wat

This complex is unusually oriented east to west, suggesting that it may have been built for a king's funeral

Six-Day War

This conflict was preceded by a border raid at Samua called Operation Shredder

Mexican Revolution

This conflict was slated to start at 6pm on November 20 according to the plan of San Luis Potosi.


This country achieved equal status in the Ausgleich


This country carried out the Retribution operations and used aircraft cable to seize a multi-ton radar dish during the War of Attrition


This country contains the opal mining town of Coober Pedy


This country employed the Financier John Law which later led to the Mississippi Bubble.

West Germany

This country experienced a string of murders and hijackings by the Red Army Faction in fall 1977


This country lost Soviet support following its 1977 invasion of a western neighbor in the Ogaden War.


This country moved its capital in 1997.


This country saw a battle at Rouse Hill during its Castle Hill Rebellion

Soviet Union

This country was administrated partly by the GOSPLAN


This country was forced into a war over that region following the death of its final king from the House of Oldenburg, (*) Frederick VII


This country was occupied by the British for five months during the Paulet (paw-let) affair


This country's 1542 New Laws were unenforced


This country's 1974 Eurovision entry "And After the Farewell," was used as a signal for a coup by the (*) Armed Forces Movement


This country's 19th of April Movement or M-19 supported former dictator Gustavo Rojas Pinilla.


This country's Amalienborg Palace is a winter home for its royal family.


This country's Pantanal wetlands are in its state of Mato Grosso


This country's President Joko Widodo has proposed moving this country's capital to the province of East Kalimantan, which is across the Makassar Strait from the island of (*) Sulawesi


This country's Unit 731 dropped bubonic plague bombs on Chinese cities


This country's anarchic Era of the Princes was ended by Emperor Theodore II.


This country's army shot at its AVH secret police in a clash over control of a radio building in its capital


This country's communist party, the PKI, was blamed for the failed 30th of September coup against its first president


This country's first prime minister modernized it through the Witte system. T


This country's military suffered a major defeat at Cartagena in a war which began when Spanish 'guarda costas' attacked its ships.

South Africa

This country's northeast is home to the world's largest "green" canyon, Blyde River Canyon,


This country's northern neighbor possesses five enclaves within this nation, including the disputed islet of Perejil


This country's northern neighbor possesses five enclaves within this nation, including the disputed islet of Perejil.

Marco Polo's travels

This event was sparked by a request for some oil from the lamp of the Holy Sepulcher


This decade saw the "Roman Question" answered with the creation of the Vatican City in the Lateran Treaty.

Great Chicago fire of 1871

This disaster, which was less deadly than a simultaneous event in Peshtigo, (*) Wisconsin


This dynasty and its successor made the taotie (tao-t'YEH) motif, which depicts a hideous ogre


This dynasty began following Liu Bang's victory over Xiang Yu and the state of Chu


This dynasty began the construction of the (*) Grand Canal


This dynasty built the first Great Wall. Its founder ended the Warring States Period, was buried with a terracotta army, and was named Shi Huangdi [shur-HWAHNG-dee].


This dynasty completed its conquest of Vietnam under the general Ma Yuan after defeating the (*) Trưng Sisters


This dynasty decisively lost the Battle of Salsu to Goguryeo


This dynasty eventually fell under control of the Buyids and Seljuks after power started to devolve to autonomous localities


This dynasty lost power after its (*) "immoral" King Zhou (joh) was defeated at the Battle of Muye (moo-YEH)


This dynasty was centered around its capital of Anyang, where excavations have uncovered (*) oracle bones that were used for divination


This dynasty was established following the defeat of Jie at the Battle of Mingtiao


This dynasty was established following the defeat of Jie at the Battle of Mingtiao, and it fell following the Battle of Muye


This dynasty was founded by (*) Li Yuan, and it was briefly interrupted by the rule of Wu Zetian, China's only female emperor


This dynasty was founded in the aftermath of previous Qin dynasty by the rebel leader Liu Bang


This dynasty was the first to adopt (*) Legalist ideas and was accused by Sima Qian [SU-mah chyen] of burying Confucian scholars alive and burning their texts

Song Dynasty

This dynasty was the first to create a standing navy, which was destroyed at the Battle of Yamen.


This dynasty's firstruler defeated the previous dynasty at the Battle of Muye, a victory that Jiang Ziya helped King Wu achieve


This dynasty, which was centered on the city of Anyang, lost power after its (*) "immoral" King Zhou (joh) was defeated at the Battle of Muye (moo-YEH)


This election was the first in which the (*) District of Columbia possessed electoral votes


This emperor defeated Decebalus at the Battle of Sarmisegetusa in modern-day Romania.

Marcus Aurelius

This emperor fought a lengthy series of wars against the Quadi and Marcomanni tribes, during which he kept a detailed collection of his private thoughts.


This empire controlled the silver mines of Zacatecas


This empire defeated Louis II at the battle of Mohi


This empire moved north of the Tugela River after losing a devastating battle to forces commanded by Andries Pretorius


This empire's general, Kitbuqa, was executed by Mamluks after losing the battle of Ain Jalut.

Kamakura Shogunate

This entity first seized power by winning the Battle of Dan-no-ura as part of the Genpei War against the rival Taira Clan

Hungarian Revolution

This event grew violent after demonstrators at the Radio Building were fired on by members of the AVH secret police.

Teapot Dome

This event led to the Supreme Court ruling in McGrain v. Daugherty, which stated that Congress had the power to compel witness testimony

Rhode island

This event occurred in 1772 when a British vessel that had been enforcing the Navigation Acts ran aground near Newport, Rhode Island.

Cuban Missile Crisis

This event took place following the failure of Operation Zapata

Cuban Missile Crisis

This event took place following the failure of Operation Zapata.

Partition of India

This event used the Radcliffe Line commissioned by Lord (*) Mountbatten

Montgomery Bus Boycott

This event was led by the pastor at the (*) Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, who would found the SCLC soon afterwards


This general quelled the rebellion of the sohei by destroying their fortress atop Mount Hiei


This general was elected consul for the first time in 88 B.C. after his success in the Social War

Khmer Rouge

This government was chronicled by Francois Ponchaud in his memoir Year Zero

Khmer Rouge

This government's Santebal was overseen by Comrade Duch, who also ran the infamous (*) Tuol Sleng prison


This group carried out the Border Campaign, which failed since they failed to gain support from nationalists in the area of their campaign.


This group employed COINTELPRO against "subversives" like Martin Luther King, Jr.

Swiss Guard

This group protected Louis XVI at Tuileries and were massacred.


This group published a poster using an image from the film High Noon


This group sang the folk tune "Hey, Johnnie Cope, Are Ye Waking Yet?"


This group won a battle near the River Blackwater called the Battle of Maldon,


This group's military forces withdrew from Kirkuk in October 2017

Marcus Aurelius

This husband of Faustina the Younger was tutored by Fronto


This man called his second wife a "disease of my flesh" before exiling her to Pandateria


This island was home to the settlement of Brattahlid beginning in the 10th century

Gustavus Adolphus

This king obtained the territories of Livonia and Estonia from Poland due to the Treaty of Altmark

Henry IV

This king's opponents tried to replace him with his imprisoned uncle, before this king crushed them at the Battle of Ivry ("ee-VREE").


This kingdom's earlier rulers included David the Builder and Queen Tamar


This kingdom, whose ruler al-Mansur became unpopular after the murder of Abu Muslim, was dominated by the Barmakid family in its early days.


This kingdom, whose ruler al-Mansur became unpopular after the murder of Abu Muslim, was dominated by the Barmakid family in its early days.

Kublai khan

This leader employed mangonels built by two Muslim engineers in the successful siege of Xiangyang.

Deng Xiaoping

This leader introduced the Household Responsibility System to help revive township and village enterprises, part of an effort to build so-called "socialism" with his country's "characteristics."

Winston Churchill

This leader notoriously allowed the Soviet Union to take control of the Balkans by signing the "percentages agreement."


This leader proposed the "Percentages" agreement, which divided up Eastern Europe into spheres of influence

Deng Xiaoping

This leader set up Special Economic Zones like Shenzhen as part of reforms to encourage export-led development


This leader told the Committee for the State of Emergency "do what you want, but report my opinion" when they imprisoned him in his vacation home during the August Coup

Milton Obote

This leader's second rise to power ended in a conflict sometimes called the Luwero War


This leader's secret police conducted a car bombing in Washington D.C. to assassinate Orlando Letelier


This location is covered in a silk cloth known as the kiswah


This man caused a scandal when he divorced his first wife in favor of his first cousin Porcia

Marco Polo

This man accompanied the "Blue Princess" Kököchin on a journey to Persia.


This man and Gaspar Gorricio wrote a book that claimed that the Garden of Eden must be discovered for the Second Coming of Christ to occur.

Marco Polo

This man and his brother delivered a letter to Pope Gregory X that requested oil from the Holy Sepulchre


This man appointed Macro as the head of the Praetorian Guard as a replacement for a man he had executed, Sejanus

Nebudchanezzer II

This man assumed the throne after winning the Battle of Carchemish

Nebuchadnezzar II

This man assumed the throne after winning the Battle of Carchemish, in which he defeated Egypt to conquer Syria and Phoenicia


This man attempted to formally legalize his leadership by passing the Organic Laws


This man began his political career with help from Tom Pendergast


This man built a pontoon bridge over the Thames to win the Battle of Worcester

Leif Ericson

This man built the settlement of Brattahlid beginning in the 10th century


This man defended a criminal code which decriminalized consensual homosexual acts by stating "there's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation."

al capone

This man employed James Belcastro during the "Pineapple Primary," which led to a political victory for his ally "Big Bill" Thompson


This man ended the inconclusive Iberian War by signing the Eternal Peace with Khosrau I.


This man established Santa Maria de la Antigua at Darien, the first stable settlement in the Americas

Peter The Great

This man established the Kunstkamera, his country's first museum, to preserve natural and human curiosities

Charles II

This man forbade clergymen from living near a parish they were expelled from in the Five Mile Act

Henry Clay

This man fought a duel with John Randolph, and he unsuccessfully attempted to send delegates to the Congress of Panama

Andrew Johnson

This man had a disastrous speaking tour known as the "Swing Around the Circle" campaign

Kublai Khan

This man installed Wonjong as the ruler of the Goryeo dynasty of Korea.


This man is shown seated reading the news behind a charkha wheel in a photo by Margaret Bourke White while he was imprisoned.


This man is the founder of the Republican People's Party

James Madison

This man kept James Wilkinson as the governor of the Louisiana Territory despite his incompetence.

Ho Chi Mihn

This man launched the August Revolution in his home country against the Japanese-collaborator Bao Dai.

Martin Van Buren

This man led the Bucktails, a group of Senators who opposed George Clinton


This man led the Hunters of the North to victory while his allies won the Battle of Magenta

Gustavus Adolphus

This man nearly drowned in the Battle of Vittsjö during the Kalmar War.


This man noted that free government "adheres to America's soil" in his Bunker Hill Address.

Chester Arthur

This man offered Roscoe Conkling a seat on the Supreme Court, who refused to serve after being confirmed by the senate.


This man offered the U.S. Government twenty million dollars in order to back out from the Philippines


This man ordered police to (*)) "shoot to kill" during the MLK riots

Deng Xiaoping

This man proposed the policy of "One Country, Two Systems."


This man put down the Kronstadt Rebellion and opposed the idea of "socialism in one country

JP Morgan

This man put up money for the Wardenclyffe communications tower designed by Tesla.

John Jay

This man ran against George Clinton to become the second governor of New York


This man received help from longtime partner Diego Almagro, but he was killed by Almagro's forces in the Battle of (*) Las Salinas

Arthur Wellesley

This man referred to his troops as "scum of the earth" after they broke rank to loot the retreating French army at the Battle of Vitoria


This man reformed his nation's army through the Cardwell Reforms


This man replaced Erich von Falkenhayn in a high military position


This man resigned shortly after the Norway Debate.


This man responded to the death of his mentor by declaring "the light has gone out of our lives.


This man restored Roman power in Greece and Asia Minor in the Treaty of Dardanos in 85 B.C. after defeating the Pontic king Mithridates.


This man sailed alongside Alonso de Ojeda in his second voyage, and mapped several constellations during his fourth voyage under the service of Portugal.


This man sent Vicente de Valverde to convert one ruler to Christianity, but that ruler responded by (*) throwing the Bible to the ground


This man sent statues made of wood instead of pure gold to the Mitanni king Tushratta, leading to conflict between those two men

Lloyd George

This man served as Chancellor of the Exchequer in the HH Asquith Administration

Victor Emmanuel II

This man served in battle under his father Charles Albert, who'd abdicated after losing the Battle of Novara to the Austrian-backed Joseph Radetzky.

Thomas Becket

This man succeeded Theobald to his most notable position,

Robert the bruce

This man supported the overthrow of a king nicknamed "empty coat" for the ripping-off of his seal after the Battleof Dunbar


This man thrice served as Chancellor of the Exchequer under Lord Derby's minority governments, the third of which eliminated rotten boroughs and gave workers the right to vote by passing the (*) Second Reform Act that this man championed.

Qin Shi huang

This man thrice visited a northeastern island and sent two sea voyages led by a court sorcerer in search of an elixir of life.

Richard I

This man took over Cyprus after his fianc´e, Berengaria, and his sister were shipwrecked there

Guy Fawkes

This man took the alternate alias John Johnson

Frederick The Great

This man used a diversionary cavalry charge to outflank the four-mile-long front of Charles of Lorraine at the Battle of Leuthen

Justinian I

This man waged a war to restore Hilderic to the throne after he was deposed by his cousin Gelimer.


This man was Chancellor of the Exchequer under both Ramsay MacDonald and Stanley Baldwin.

Porfirio Diaz

This man was advised by a group of technocrats called the cientificos.

David Livingstone

This man was aided by the doctor John Kirk


This man was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer by Stanley Baldwin, a man whom he subsequently replaced as Prime Minister.

Toussaint L'Ouverture

This man was arrested after being misled into a meeting with Jean-Baptiste Brunet, whereupon this man declared, "[...] you have cut down only the trunk of the Tree of Liberty."

Pancho Villa

This man was assassinated after going into town without his bodyguards called the "Dorados," upon which he apocryphally said "Don't let it end like this

Pancho Villa

This man was assassinated after going into town without his bodyguards called the "Dorados," upon which he apocryphally said "Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something."

Winston Churchill

This man was awarded the Nobel Prize for works including a four-volume history series spanning the (*) Gallic Wars to the second Boer ("Burr") War.


This man was consul withBibulus


This man was defeated at a battle also named (*) Greasy Grass Creek by the Sioux leaders Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull,

William Wallace

This man was forced to flee after losing at Falkirk,a year after Andrew Murray helped him crush Edward Longshanks' armies at Stirling Bridge


This man was given the power to appoint a new chamber of government in the Humble Petition andAdvice

Richard I

This man was killed by an arrow shot during a siege of the castle of Chalus


This man was opposed by the Irreconcilables

Benito juarez

This man was president when his country was victorious at the Battle of Puebla

Cyrus The Great

This man was succeeded by a son who died from accidentally stabbing himself in the thigh, Cambyses II.

Marcus Aurelius

This man was taught by Fronto


This man was the owner of Paul Jennings

Pope John Paul II

This man was the subject of the third Secret of Fatima

Neville Chaimberlain

This man wished for Lord Halifax to replace him after stepping down from one post

P.G.T. Beauregard

This man withdrew from a siege led by Henry Halleck at Corinth.


This man won popular support as mayor of Buffalo after he vetoed a street cleaning bill that would have selected a higher bidder due to political connections.

pol pot

This man worked with Ieng Sary, Nuon Chea, and "Comrade Duch," who operated a facility in a former high school usually known by a numerical abbreviation.

John Brown

This man wrote "the crimes of our guilty land will never be purged away but with blood"

Benjamin Franklin

This man wrote for his brother's paper under the pen name "Mrs. Silence Dogood."

Vladimir Lenin

This man wrote the book Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism,


This man's association with the khlysty (KLEH-stee) religious group forced him to move to Kazan, where he became friends with many clergy figures

Kaiser Wilhelm II

This man's build up of his country's navy included the construction of the Kiel Canal in his country's north


This man's crew scholar Maximilianus Transylvanus claimed his slave Enrique plotted a dinner massacre in the court of Rajah Humadon

Kaiser Wilhelm II

This man's declaration of support to the Sultan led to a dispute that was ultimately settled by the Algeciras Conference after he visited Tangier


This man's forces won the Six Days' Campaign against two armies.

Louis Philippe i

This man's foreign minister François Guizot repaired relations with Britain after the Egyptian invasion of Ottoman Empire.


This man's government agreed to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence with a country that later defeated his nation in a 1962 war


This man's government passed the Official Languages Act and pushed for a Charter of (*) Rights and Freedoms during the patriation of his country's constitution away from British authority.


This man's ideas inspired guerrillas called Montoneros

Benito Juarez

This man's namesake law subordinated religious courts to civil ones and prompted Conservative backlash that led to the (*) War of the Reform.

pol pot

This man's orders were carried out at places like Choeung Ek.


This man's overtures to Filipinos backfired when he met with Ferdinand Marcos, thirteen years after he helped end the (*) Bracero program


This man's political enemies were eliminated by his personal police force, the Bravi, and he issued the Plan of Tuxtepec


This man's popularity greatly decreased after pictures showed this man's hired hands beating Walter Reuther ["ROO-thur"] in the "Battle of the Overpass

Bacon's Rebellion

This man, who was succeeded by John Ingram, criticized the government for nepotism and monopolizing the beaver trade in a "Declaration of the People."

Bonus Army

This march of thousands of disgruntled veterans demanding the payment of their pension assembled on Anacostia Flats in Washington, D.C., only for Hoover to order them to be driven out with military force


This modern-day country gained its independence with the Tydings-McDuffie Act

Henry VIII

This monarch fought the Rough Wooing against his northern neighbor and faced a rebellion called the Pilgrimage of Grace.

Peter the Great

This monarch gained access to the Black Sea with the successful Azov campaign against the Ottoman Empire

Charles Ii

This monarch granted William (*) Penn a land charter in America.

Charles V

This monarch secured a peace treaty with the French in the "ladies' peace" signed at Cambrai

Elizabeth I

This monarch suppressed the Steelyard, a Hanseatic trading outpost in their country.

Queen Victoria

This monarch was brought up under John Conroy's oppressive Kensington System.

Elizabeth I

This monarch was the subject of Regnans in Excelsis, which was issued by the Pope.


This mountain range contains the province of Cuyo


This mountain's Fake Peak, found on Ruth Glacier, was the subject of Frederick Cook's false claim that he summitted this mountain in 1906

Philip II of Spain

This name belonged to a man who tried to annul his marriage to Ingeborg, a sister of Canute IV, and gained the territories in the Treaty of Le Goulet


This nation included the southern 10 of 17 provinces in the Austrian Netherlands


This nation joined a military alliance with Germany under the leadership of Risto Ryti.


This nation struggled for sovereignty with groups like Sarekat Islam, and it gained independence under "Guided Democracy" with the leadership of Mohammed Hatta and Sukarno


This nation's Bohol province is home to over a thousand hills that turn brown during the dry season, an attraction known as the Chocolate Hills.


This nation's Siwa Oasis


This nation's largest city contains the Malecón 2000, a boardwalk on the Guayas River.


This non-American agency employed Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen

Sultan of the ottoman Empire

This office sat atop a government metonymically called the Sublime Porte

Doolittle Raid

This operation began aboard the Hornet


This organization sprang from predecessors such as KOR and was influenced by the essay Theses on Hope and Hopelessness

Knights Templar

This organization triumphed at the Battle of Montgisard,


This organization was designed during a secret meeting on Jekyll Island held between Nelson Aldrichand leading businessmen


This organization was thanked with Never in the field of human conflict was (*)) so much owed by so many to so few


This overall campaign included engagements at Big Black River Bridge and (*) Champion Hill

liberal party

This party's leader was accused of "killing" General "Chinese" Gordon and was called the British Father of (*) Irish Home Rule

Time of Troubles

This period included a massive defeat to the Winged Hussars at the Battle of (*) Klushino


This period was dominated by the Fujiwara clan, and it began after Emperor Kanmu moved the capital to Kyoto


This period was followed by the Kenmu Restoration


This person guided James Montgomery's forces in the raid on Combahee Ferry


This person used the Massachusetts national guard to restore Edwin Curtis to office during the Boston Police Strike

David Livingstone

This person's small expeditions and light travel enabled him to live peacefully at Ujiji

Great Society

This plan created the Office of Economic Opportunity, which administered its Head Start program

Pierre Trudeau

This politician attempted to add equal voting rights to his country's constitution by drafting the Victoria Charter,


This politician chaired the Select Committee on Slavery and Freedom that created the Freedmen's Bureau.

Boris yeltsin

This politician issued vouchers to citizens as part of a "shock therapy" program designed by his prime minister Yegor Gaidar

Joe Biden

This politician may have plagiarized portions of his speeches from British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock

Otto Von Bismarck

This politician negotiated the Reinsurance Treaty to bolster the Three Emperors League

Gerald Ford

This politician once told New York City to "drop dead


This politician was nearly assassinated by the student Ferdinand Cohen-Blind


This politician's campaign manager, William Dudley, bribed groups of voters dubbed the "blocks of five."

Secretary General of the UN

This position was first held by Trygve Lie, and one holder of this office died when his plane crashed in Zambia;

The Draft

This practice was opposed by the "Baltimore Four" and the "Catonsville Nine", who poured blood over and burned certain objects.


This president denounced William Seward after for claiming that he was a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle

Jimmy Carter

This president described a "crisis of confidence" during his (*) "Malaise" speech, which he gave in response to criticism of his actions during the energy crisis.


This president's Secretary of War Russell Alger was heavily criticized for purchasing "embalmed beef" from Chicago meatpacking companies

Louis XIV

This ruler banished Jews from his country's colonies and established rules for slavery in the Black Code.


This ruler built the city of Amarna with the intention of moving the (*) capital city from Thebes

Peter the Great

This ruler came to power with the backing of the Naryshkin family.


This ruler deified his lover Antinous, who drowned in the Nile

Elizabeth I

This ruler established diplomatic relations with the Ottoman Empire with the chartering of the Levant Company


This ruler exiled his daughter, Julia, to Pandateria to demonstrate harsh punishments for citizens who did not follow his strict marriage laws

Richard i

This ruler forgave his killer by saying "live on, and by my bounty behold the light of day," after dying whilst besieging the castle Châlus-Chabrol

Cyrus The Great

This ruler inscribed the world's first charter of human rights onto a clay cylinder.


This ruler instituted the zabt as part of his empire's revenue system with the help of his minister Todar Mal

Mansa Musa

This ruler reluctantly kissed the ground in front of the Mamluk sultan Al-Nasir Muhammad.

Mansa Musa

This ruler rose to power after Abu-Bakr II sailed out to the Atlantic Ocean and never returned

Elizabeth i

This ruler seriously considered a military alliance with Sultan Murad III and chartered the little-known Levant Company to trade with the Ottomans.

Alfred The Great

This ruler was chronicled by Asser

Mary Queen of Scots

This ruler was defeated at the Battle of Langside and forced to flee the country

Emperor Mejji

This ruler was opposed by the Ezo Republic, which was defeated at the battle of Hakodate, ending the (*) Boshin War


This ruler was succeeded by his advisor Ay ["eye"].

king tut

This ruler was succeeded by his advisor Ay ["eye"].


This ruler's armies conquered the Zan people of Georgia but suffered losses to a group led by Totila

Richard i

This ruler's coronation led to the death of Jacob of Orléans as part of a massacre of Jews


This ruler's empire collapsed after his son Ellac was defeated at the Battle of Nedao.

Vlad The Impaler

This ruler's father was overthrown by John Hunyadi, who later employed him as an advisor.q


This ruler's forces won the battle of YaLU river

Cleopatra VII

This ruler's sister Arsinoe IV was scandalously murdered on the steps of the Temple of Ephesus

Charles martel

This ruler's victory at one battle was exaggerated in the chronicles of Fredegar

Darius I

This ruler's war against the Scythians is described on the fifth column of the trilingual Behistun Inscription

Great Lakes

This system's North Channel and Georgian Bay bound its (*) Manitoulin Island to the north and southeast respectively


This tribe killed over a hundred troops in the Dade Massacre


This tribe was led by Alaric I in a 410 sacking of Rome

Chester Arthur

This vice president's relationship with the president was strained after the president appointed James G Blaine as secretary of state

Spanish Succession

This war began when Philippe, Duc d'Anjou was announced as the candidate for kingship by Louis XIV ("the fourteenth").

Grand Chaco War

This war contained the battle of Fort Nanawa

War of Austrian Succession

This war included battles to take Fort St. David although the invading French forces were then forced to defend Pondicherry

Russo-Japanese War

This war included the low-casualty battle of Motien Pass

Soviet-Afghan War

This war was prompted by the overthrow of Mohammad Daoud Khan in the Saur Revolution.

Sultan of the Ottoman Empire

This was the office most famously represented by a monogram called the tughra

The Prince

This work cites an apocryphal story about Agathocles massacring the Syracusan senators as an example of "wicked means."

The Prince

This work recommends eliminating the bloodline of a royal family to conquer a kingdom that revolves around a king, an example of which is the Persian Empire of Darius III.

The Prince

This work warns against the dangers of flatterers

The Prince

This work was Written for Lorenzo de'Medici


This writer's best known work states that "There are three classes of intellects: one which comprehends by itself; another which appreciates what others comprehended; and a third which neither comprehends by itself nor by the showing of others."

Archbishop of Cantebury

Thomas Cranmer held this position while editing the first two versions of the Book of Common Prayer.

Nat Turner

Thomas Gray took the Confessions of a leader of this event


Those warriors of the Shona people, which currently reside in Mozambique and this country

Simon Bolivar

Though he swore never to remarry after his wife's early death, this statesman carried on notable affairs with Pepita Machado and Manuela Sáenz


Though oral tradition maintained by griots ["GREE-ohs"] holds that this empire's founder remained pagan, Ibn (*) Battuta claimed that he converted to Islam. T

maria theresa

Though they did not end forced labor, this ruler limited working hours for peasants through the Robot Patents


Though this process can occur immediately or latae sententiae, Canon 1425 states that it usually is administered ferendae sententiae by a panel of three judges


Thousands of communists in this country were killed after a failed coup carried out the (*) 30th of September Movement


Thousands of foreign nationals fled this country following threats from GIA terrorists and a 1992 coup against the FIS party


Thousands of peach trees belonging to this tribe were destroyed in the Canyon de Chelly ("shay") by Kit Carson's troops

Saddam Hussien

Three months after Operation Scorch Sword against this man, Osirak was destroyed in Operation Opera.

Soviet Union

Three years earlier, this country's leader had written the article "Dizzy From Success."


Troops stationed at McConkey's Ferry were the only division of the winning side to show up to this battle, unlike those under the command of John Cadwalader and James Ewing.


Tigranes was an ancient king of these people


To avoid being recognized on a train, this illiterate woman and subject of the biography She Came to Slay pretended to read a newspaper


To commemorate this battle, 500 goats were sacrificed every year for several decades


To recover in time for this battle, one general used rhubarb, garlic, and liquor to rub his wounds when his horse fell on him at Ligny [lih-NYEE].


Tortoise shells and oxen scapulae were used by this dynasty to create oracle bones

Human Sacrifice

Training troops and collecting resources for these events were goals of the "flower wars.


Troops from this country massacred thousands of secessionist at the Wagalla Airstrip. That massacre was part of the larger Shifta War which was fought to maintain control of this country's Northern Frontier District


Tushratta married his daughter to this leader hoping to ally against Suppiluliuma I.


Two factions during this country's age of liberty that differed on their stance towards Russia were the (*) caps and the hats


Two years later, thousands entered this state's capital at the end of the "March Against Fear, " which was initiated by James Meredith

6 day war

UN resolution 242 attempted to resolve territorial disputes caused by this conflict


Unarmed nobles of this city were massacred at a festival on the orders of Pedro de Alvarado

Secretary of State

Under Bill Clinton, the first woman to hold this position was Madeleine Albright


Under Liuvigild's son Reccared, these people rejected the teachings of the bishop Ulfilas whenthey switched from Arianism to Catholicism


Under his influence, (*) Sandro Botticelli gave up painting

Maria Theresa

Under this monarch, the Wenzel Anton von Kaunitz negotiated a shift in alliances as part of the (*) Diplomatic Revolution


While carrying (*) T-shirts that read "Jim Crow Must Go," a civil rights activist in this state was murdered in his driveway by Byron de la Beckwith


Until about 250 BC, the Chavin culture thrived in what is now this country

Stamp Act

When it was repealed, Parliament simultaneously passed the (*) Declaratory Act to maintain taxation rights over the colonies, even though the colonies were "without representation."


Vicente de Valverde, who explained to him the "Requerimiento", convinced him to convert to Christianity, which led to his death by strangulation in lieu of burning at the stake


Virginia lieutenant governor Alexander Spotswood dispatched Robert Maynard to pursue him, leading to this man's death at a clash in Ocracoke Inlet


Volcanoes in this nation include Pichincha, Illiniza, Cotopaxi, and Chimborazo.


Wairau bar is the earliest archaeological site of these people,


Wang Mang attempted to form his own dynasty during this period, only to be killed by members of the Red Eyebrows Movement


Wang Mang interrupted this dynasty with the Xin dynasty

Vasco Da Gama

While plundering all ships carrying pilgrims, this person ordered the ship Miri to be sunk with all aboard.


While pursuing the retreating army in this battle, many of the victor's cavalry were killed at the Malfosse


While undertaking his twenty-four day fast in Phoenix, Arizona, this man came up with the slogan (*)) "Yes, one can."


While visiting China in 1966, the first leader of this country was overthrown by Joseph Ankrah


William Adelin, the presumed heir to the English throne, died during one of these events, causing the (*) Anarchy.

Sinking of the Titanic

William Alden Smith led a Senate investigation into this event

Eighth Amendment

William Brennan identified four principles in evaluating a clause from this Amendment during the case Furman v. Georgia, including one that asks if an action is (*) "degrading to human dignity."

Crimean War

William Howard Russell served as the first war correspondent in newspaper history while covering this conflict


William Lovett and Feargus O'Connor were both leaders involved in this cause.


William Wilberforce famously campaigned against this practice


Winston Churchill criticized the "un-British" response to protestors at Jallianwala Bagh in this city by its (*) "butcher," Reginald Dyer


With Erich von Ludendorff, this man helped lead the Eighth Army to defeat the Russians at Masurian Lakes and (*) Tannenberg


With Gaspar Gorricio, this man wrote an apocalyptic Book of Prophecies

Deng Xiaoping

With Zhao Ziyang and Hu Yaobang, this man outmaneuvered (*) Hua Guofeng for power

Cecil Rhodes

With his buddy Charles Rudd, he tricked King Lobengula into signing an unfavorable treaty

Peasant Revolt

With the help of the radical preacher John Ball and the mysterious Jack Straw, one of these broke out in 1381 over a new poll tax and was headed by (*) Wat Tyler.


Within a span of three weeks, Sara Jane Moore and "Squeaky" Fromme each tried to shoot this man


Xiang Yu and Liu Bang vied for power after this dynasty's fall,


Yang Guifei was a concubine reluctantly executed by Emperor Xuanzong in this dynasty.

Lawrence V. Texas

[10] This 2003 Supreme Court case overturned Bowers v. Hardwick, ruling that the 14th Amendment made unconstitutional a Texas sodomy law.

Battle of Blair Mountain

] Coal miners in Logan County, West Virginia initiated this largest labor uprising in U.S. history in 1921.


`Legend says that one of these places was created because (*) Amytis of Media was homesick


`Morgan Tsvangirai, the head of the Movement for Democratic Change who ran against this man in 2000, called on him to resign after army raids on November 15, 2017 placed him under (*) house arrest.


`The victors of this battle took Redoubts 9 and 10, an effort in part led by Alexander Hamilton.


a wavy pattern characterized the type of this material produced in (*) Damascus.


a. At the end of his career, he led the Army of the Vosges in the Franco-Prussian War


a. This state contains the delta of the Apalachicola River, which lies west of the tourist center of Panama City.


early in this man's reign he executed four consuls including Lucius Quietus

John brown

after the sacking of Lawrence, this man led an attack where his men hacked five settlers to death near Pottawatomie Creek in Kansas

Alexander I

another monarch of this name signed the Treaty of Tilsit on a raft, making a truce with Napoleon

jefferson Davis

contributed to American victory at the Battle of Buena Vista as the leader of the Mississippi Rifles

UK and USA

d, another conflict between these two nations occurred after a fight between the Leopard and the Chesapeake

Charles I

d. Edward Coke drafted a document that opposed this ruler's policies and affirmed the right of habeas corpus.

Benjamin Franklin

d. This man recounted how he held "three great puffy rolls" while meeting his future wife, Deborah Reade


during the War of Jenkins' Ear it was the site of the Battle of Bloody Marsh


during the presidency of that leader of this surname, Jose Lopez Rega utilized the Triple A to combat left-wing insurgents such as the (*) Montoneros

Lake Erie

e Maumee and Sandusky rivers empty into this lake which is home to Presque Isle, the site of a crucial (*) Oliver Hazard Perry victory during the War of 1812


e. The Clearwater River flows through this state's city of Lewiston, and three lava fields can be found in its (*) Craters of the Moon National Park


for 10 points, what region of Southern France on the coast of the Mediterranean?q


forces under George Armistead withstood a 25 hour bombardment at its Fort McHenry in this state


g. This man testified against Orville Grant and Secretary of War William Belknap during the trader post scandal, which led to Alfred Terry taking over his command.


geriatric third-party ticket in this election of Simon Bolivar Buckner and John Palmer caused the Democrats to lose Kentucky

P.G.T. Beauregard

he also lost one battle after taking control when his superior,( ∗ ) Albert Sidney Johnston, died

Nelson Mandela

he co-founded the militant group Umkhonto we Sizwe, meaning (*) "Spear of the Nation."


he employed a secret police known as the Securitate.

New Deal

he later opposed this program in Schechter Poultry Corp. v. U.S


he lent his name to a (*)) defensive line that spanned from Verdun to Lens

Jefferson Davis

he once threw money from his pockets to pacify women who were rioting for bread.


he was able to defeat John Fremont at Cross Keys during the Valley Campaign


he won election against an opponent whose supporters described this man's party as backing "Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion";


his Treasury secretary, William McAdoo, created twelve (*) decentralized, regional banks


his region is home to Lake Manasarovar, the source of the Karnali River


is empire's first dynasty claimed descent from Bilal ibn Rabah, the first muezzin.

Marco Polo

is story was recorded in a book titled The Million, which Rustichello da Pisa wrote after meeting him in a Genoese prison


island's Minami Alps and Akaishi Mountain Range are found within the Chudu region


it began after the Minamoto clan defeated the Taira clan in the Genpei War


it massacred a group of mutinying soldiers trapped in "the Saw" during the Mercenary War

Shay's Rebellion

it was dispersed by the combined forces of James (*) Bowdoin and Benjamin Lincoln.


itemployed COINTELPRO against "subversives" like Martin Luther King, Jr


its southern expansion was halted at the Battle of the Maule.


non-zero electric dipole moment for it would violate PT-symmetry.


ministers." The Gapsin Coup and Imo Mutiny both took place in this country

Hundred Years War

n this war, Ry and Crotoy were sites where the Earl of Shrewsbury won, but he was later captured at the Battle of Patay


n. Another member of this group founded the colony of L'anse aux Meadows

Cyrus The Great

n: As an infant, this man was saved by Harpagus, who later helped this man seize power from his grandfather Astyages.

Eli Whitney

n: This man allegedly came up with the idea for his most influential invention at the suggestion of Nathanael Greene's widow, Catherine.


the Conscription Crisis of 1917 brought on by Robert Borden's promised to enlist one-sixteenth of this country's population


this dynasty's Emperor Jing dealt with the Rebellion of the Seven States

War of the Spanish Succession

qTwo years after the conclusion of this war, Cardinal Giulio Alberoni helped engineer the War of the Quadruple Alliance to retake Sicily.


this leader spent three days "resting" under house arrest in Foros during the August Coup

Jimmy Carter

this man accomplished the SALT II talks with Leonid Brezhnev.

Sun Yat Sen

this man created the "revival movement" for his country while in Honolulu


this man led his army through the Third Servile War, which he lost after being betrayed by Cilician pirates.


this man participated in an action that occurred after two hours of artillery barrage on Cemetery Ridge

Leif Ericson

this man sailed past Helluland and Markland before reaching a region rich with (*)) grapes

Nebuchadnezzar II

this man took over Syria and Phoenicia after a victory at the Battle of Carchemish


this man was accused of poisoning the bishop Aloysius Stepinac

Charles V

this man won the Battle of Muhlberg against the Schmalkaldic League


this man's secretary of State, William L. Marcy, wanted to buy Cuba, leading to the( ∗ ) Ostend Manifesto. T


this navy's leader was killed in Operation Vengeance


this pharaoh's mortuary temple is known as Djeser-Djeseru.

Atilla The Hun

this ruler along with his older brother signed the Treaty of Margus

Qin Shi Huangdi

this ruler connected his country's two main waterways with the Lingqu canal.

Charles I

this ruler's advisers supported strict policies that were known as "Thorough.

Rough Riders

this unit lost eight men at that battle of Las Guisimas


thousands entered this state's capital at the end of the "March Against Fear, "


three of these structures belonging to Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu were built near Giza

Korean War

qA commander on one side of this war proposed dropping 30 to 50 (*) nuclear bombs on an opponent in order to create a radioactive wasteland and was criticized for rudeness to his country's leader at Wake Island

Sepoy mutiny

qHugh Rose laid siege to the city of Jhansi during this conflict after its ruler refused to abide by the (*) Doctrine of Lapse

Secretary General of the UN

one holder of this office died when his plane crashed in Zambia; that man was Dag Hammarskjöld


one man with this name partnered with the husband of Lucretia to overthrow Tarquin the Proud, the last king of (*) Rome.

Thirty Years War

one of the leaders who signed the Treaty of Lubeck, which ended one country's involvement in this conflict


one scandal during this election included a bribe from the Union Pacific Railroad exposed by the Mulligan letters

The Draft

opposition to this program led to the burning of the Colored Orphan Asylum.


people volunteered as "Four Minute Men"to make short propaganda speeches for this war


qSima Guang opposed Wang (*)) Anshi's reforms of this dynasty.


qThis notable philhellene created the Panhellenion League of city-states


q. The Katipunan was a revolutionary organization in this country


r. Inspired by the Haitian Revolution, Muslims in this country rose up in the Malê ["MAH-lay"] Revolt


r. One of its earliest leaders was John White, the grandfather of the first European child born in the New World,( ∗ ) Virginia Dare.

Shah Jahan

r. One of this emperor's sons boldly attempted to fuse Hindu and Sufic traditions and was Dara Shikoh

Coral Sea

r. This battle thwarted Operation Mo, which was later reattempted later the same year by an advance through the Kokoda Track


r. This country's fascist Integralist movement was crushed by a leader whose apparent involvement in the Rua Tonelero scandal prompted his (*)) suicide.


s. The Hall of the Ambassadors is the largest room in this structure from which Washington Irving wrote a namesake book of tales.


senator George Hoar unsuccessfully advocated for the rights of people living here who lost power in the Newlands Resolution.


t. One group was fined four hundred million dollars in damages after this event, and insurance payments to its victims were confiscated.

Queen of England

t. One holder of this position was executed for the alleged plotting of Wyatt's Rebellion and had only held this position for (*) nine days

East-West Schism

t. The turning point of this event was precipitated by Humbert of Silva Candida.


t. This event's pretext was Herschel Grynszpan's assassination of (*) Ernst vom Rath


tHIS dynasty ended a system in which land was doled out based on family size, the equal field system

First Battle of Bull Run

thaddeus lowe aided one side in this battle with his reconnaissance blimp the enterprise

Russian CIvil War

the "Mad Baron" Roman von Ungern-Sternberg attempted to establish his own independent state to the south.

eLECTIon of 2000

the 5 to 4 decision in that case allowed( ∗ ) Katherine Harris to certify the winner of twenty-five electoral votes from Florida

Berlin Wall

the Alexanderplatz Demonstration opposed Erich Honecker's stance that it would stand for a "hundred more years."


the Channeled Scablands are a series of coulees along this river


the Macabebe Scouts here were led by General Frederick Funston


the Two Penny Act limited the amount an Anglican minister could make off of this commodity.


the bishop Abel Muzorewa briefly served as the leader of this country


the losing commander built fortifications at Gloucester Point.


the lute player Gao Jianli nearly assassinated one of this dynasty's emperors


the most famous man with this family name partnered with Cassius to preserve the Republic by carrying out an event on the Ides of March.

San Francisco

the most notable Victorian houses termed "Painted Ladies" are in this city.


the only marine iguana are both native to this geographic location


the south central region is covered by the Rhodope mountains.


these peoples converted from Arianism to Catholicism under the reign of Reccared I.


this country had a prime minister named Robert Schuman who proposed the European Coal and Steel Community


this dynasty regained (*) Vietnam from the Trưng Sisters


this dynasty suppressed the Zanj slave revolt.

Charles V

two years earlier, arquebus-equipped troops under Fernando Francisco de Avalos won a critical victory for this monarch south of Milan over King (*) Francis I.


y. This dynasty's King Wu defeated the previous dynasty at the Battle of Muye.

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