history ch 2

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During her captivity, Pocahontas

converted to Christianity.

The Maryland colony was the vision of

George Calvert.

The first Pilgrim settlement in Massachusetts was known as

Plymouth Plantation.

Who among the following dominated Virginia politics as a royal governor of Virginia for more than thirty years?

Sir William Berkeley

From 1624 until 1776, which of the following controlled the colony of Virginia?

the crown

What was the main point of contention between backcountry and tidewater Virginians?

westward expansion

Which of the following statements regarding the relationship between the Puritans and local Indians at Plymouth are correct?

-After the first autumn festival, settlers and natives joined together in a Thanksgiving festival. -Trade and other exchanges with the Puritans were attractive to the natives.

The population of the Spanish colonies in North America during the 1600s and early 1700s typically included which of the following groups?

-Religious minorities -Independent ranchers -Catholic missionaries -Spanish soldiers

As a result of the Glorious Revolution, the colonies did which of the following?

-reestablished their representative assembiles -successfully thwarted the plan for colonial unification from above

Which of the following groups were excluded from Georgia by James Oglethorpe and the trustees who established the colony?

Africans, free or slave, whose presence might spark revolts Catholics, for fear that they might align with the Spanish

In 1688, when members of Parliament feared that James II would be succeeded by a ______ king, they invited his daughter Mary and her husband, William, to reign jointly.


Which of the following did not happen in Massachusetts or New England in the aftermath of the Glorious Revolution?

England's new rulers made a vain attempt to restore Governor Andros to power.

From the Spanish colony in ______, Spanish traders and missionaries began moving northward into ______.

Florida; Georgia

During the late 1600s and early 1700s, ______ posed the greatest threat to Spanish dominance in western North America.


The--------,--------- occurred in 1688, when William and Mary became joint sovereigns of England in a bloodless coup.

Glorious Revolution

Which of the following most accurately describes life in the middle grounds?

Indians and Europeans made concessions to each other and carved out ways of living with each other

With the collapse of the middle grounds,

Indians were subjugated and eventually removed from the territory.

Which of the following statements are true regarding the consolidation of New England under James II?

James II created a single Dominion of New England to increase control over the colonists. The governments of Massachusetts, the rest of the New England colonies, New York, and New Jersey were combined.

In the 1680s, French explorers traveled down the Mississippi River and claimed a vast territory, which they named -----for their king.


Which of the following statements about Florida after about 1700 is false?

Miami and Fort Lauderdale were the only areas of Spanish settlement left in Florida.

Between 1660 and 1673, the English government passed three ______ Acts to regulate trade in the colonies.


Which of the following best describes what happened in Georgia after the threats from Spain receded?

Oglethorpe lost his grip on the colony and an elected legislature loosened regulations.

Which of the following was a constant source of conflict under Oglethorpe's rule in Georgia?

Oglethorpe's heavy-handed regulation

Which statement about the agricultural economy of the seventeenth-century Caribbean colonies is not correct?

Planters were reluctant to plant sugarcane.

Which is not an accurate example of the ways in which colonial powers made use of Indians or slaves in their struggle to dominate the borderlands of the Southeast?

Spanish priests stirred up revolt among the Indians of the Carolinas.

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the area between the Carolinas and Florida was the site of which of the following?

Spanish-French tensions Spanish efforts to build forts English-Spanish tensions

Which of the following were major exports from the Caribbean colonies to the mainland during the 1600s?

Sugar Rum Slaves

Which statement about the Dominion of New England and Sir Edmund Andros is not accurate?

The success of the Dominion of New England was hampered by the appointment by Charles II of the unpopular Andros as governor.

Contest for control of North America was most clearly visible in the areas around the borders of British settlement.


Who did the "Glorious Revolution" bring to power in England?

William and Mary

Spanish missionaries and traders in the Southeast posed ______ to British colonial ambitions in North America.

a more direct threat than their compatriots in the Southwest

Though its founders had specific ideas in planning the Georgia colony, ultimately the colony's population included which of the following?

a smaller proportion of English settlers than any other American colony hundreds of poor English and Scottish tradesmen and artisans a relatively small number of debtors and released prisoners a small group of Jews, as well as religious refugees from Germany and Switzerland

A good example of the "middle grounds" in seventeenth-century America was the

area along the western borders of English settlement.

In the belief that it would help to create a more stable society in their Caribbean settlements, English settlers did which of the following?

created institutions like those at home instituted slave codes

The ______ program authorized Spanish colonists in the Southwest to force Indians to work for them and to pay them a yearly tribute or tax.


Identify the three Navigation Acts.

first (1660)- banned non-English trade for the colonies, and required sale of certain products exclusively to England second (1663) -provided that all goods shipped from Europe to the colonies had to pass through England for taxation third (1673) imposed duties on the coastal trade among the English colonies and provided for customs officials

In their attempts to create a prosperous agricultural economy, Spanish colonists in the Southwest

forced Indians to work and pay a yearly tribute.

Which of the following was a primary cause of a shift in the balance of power between Europeans and natives in the middle grounds?

increased English presence in the region

As the Spanish began colonizing California in the 1760s, ______ were established along the Pacific coast from San Diego to San Francisco.

missions presidios, or forts trading communitie

As head of a parliamentary committee investigating ______, James Oglethorpe became appalled by the plight of ______, and he founded Georgia partly to provide a refuge and new start for them.

prisons; honest debtors and other vulnerable people

Frontier areas in which settlers and Indians vied for control, with neither side able to establish clear dominance, are described as

the "middle grounds"

Which of the following make Georgia unique among English colonies in North America?

the combination of military and philanthropic motives behind its establishment the fact that it was neither solely a business venture nor a religious refuge

Which of the following best characterizes England's Caribbean settlements in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries?

vital to Britain and the Atlantic trading world

Which of the following was a major contributing factor to the "starving time" in Jamestown?

An Indian barricade kept colonists from moving inland.

What was the result of the treaty in which the English agreed not to settle west of of the Blue Ridge Mountains?

As the result of population growth, the English broke their promise.

The two most important New World destinations for English immigrants during the first half of the seventeenth century were

Bermuda and the Caribbean islands.

What was the conflict between the Dutch and English regarding the territory that became New York?

Both the English and Dutch laid claim to the area.

After Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, his son tried and failed to maintain his authority, with the result that

Charles II assumed the throne, beginning the Restoration.

Which of the following were more typical of northern Carolina than of the southern portion of the colony?

-Small farmers -Virtually no aristocracy -Backwoods farmers

Which of the following clashes intensified during Bacon's Rebellion?

-Whites versus Indians -Tidewater versus backcountry -Landless versus landowning -Lower classes versus the aristocracy

Which of the following are ways in which the Virginia Company enticed people to move to Jamestown?

-by offering stock to those who paid for their passage -by offering free passage to the poor, who then worked off the debt

Why weren't the natives a significant factor in the European colonization of the Caribbean islands?

European epidemics decimated native populations after Columbus's first visit in 1492.

Which best describes the outcome of Bacon's Rebellion?

The rebels were about to seize power when Bacon suddenly died.

The use of flintlock rifles was partly responsible for the high number of casualties on both sides of King Philip's War.


Unlike New York, New Jersey did not develop a class of wealthy landowners with large estates.


William Penn recognized the Indians' claim to land and reimbursed them for it.


The colonies in Connecticut were established to promote religious tolerance and freedom.


Which of the following statements about Rhode Island founder Roger Williams is false?

He envisioned the Rhode Island colony as a theocracy.

Which of the following best describes Nathaniel Bacon?

He was an aristocrat who led a revolt of backcountry men.

Which is true regarding Penn's relations with the Indians?

He worked to respect the natives and their culture.

In order to entice colonists to Virginia, the Virginia Company promised white male colonists a share in self-government, which resulted in the creation of the ______, the first elected legislature in the United States.

House of Burgesses

Where was the Mayflower Compact drawn up?

aboard the Pilgrims' ship

Africans in the Caribbean colonies of the 1600s typically did all of the following, except

adopt Christianity.

The survival of the Jamestown settlement was, in large part, due to

agricultural techniques developed by the Indians and borrowed by the English.

By permitting a representative assembly for the colony's southern counties, Pennsylvania's 1701 Charter of Liberties had the unintended consequence of

creating a new colony, Delaware.

In 1629, England's king Charles I ______, a state of affairs that remained in effect until 1640.

dissolved Parliament

What did the colonies of New York and New Jersey have in common?

ethnic and religious diversity

Native Americans helped white settlers survive in the New World, but tensions soon developed due to which of the following?

the white colonists' appetite for colonial expansion the white colonists' view of the natives as a threat to creating a godly community

The government of the early Massachusetts Bay colony is best described as a


Virginia's first profitable crop was


Which of the following most increased the demand for slave labor in Virginia?

tobacco farming

In the English Civil War, the king's supporters were known as the ______, and supporters of Parliament were known as the ______.

Cavaliers; Roundheads

Religious dissenters in Massachusetts Bay formed colonies that later became


Which of the following statements regarding the flintlock rifle is not correct?

Indians were reluctant to abandon the old matchlock rifle in favor of the flintlock.

The winter of 1609-1610 at Jamestown became known as the "______ time."


Contest for the control of North America was most evident in

the middle grounds.

The Pequot War resulted in

the near elimination of local Indian tribes in the Connecticut Valley

Which of the following established stability in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

the prevalence of families

What was the most important effect the Restoration had on America?

the resumption of colonization efforts

True or false: Because Protestants were outnumbered by Catholics in Maryland, its founders established a policy of religious toleration that assured freedom of worship to all Christians.


Which statement regarding the grant of land given by Charles II to William Penn is not correct?

Fearing that Penn would develop dictatorial powers, the king sharply limited his authority in the colony.

The Puritans were called "Separatists" because they

sought to separate from the Church of England.

Which of the following was a serious problem for the settlers at Jamestown?

Many colonists became sick because they lacked prior exposure to malaria and other local diseases.

The Pequot War was the result of hostilities between the Pequot Indians and English settlers in the

Connecticut Valley.

Who became leader of the Powhatans after Chief Powhatan died?


A dissenting English protestant sect, the Quakers, was responsible for the efforts that eventually established the colony of


______ was an important crop in southern Carolina, which led to an economic dependence on ______.

Rice; slave labor

Which statement about the foundation of New Jersey is not correct?

The king seized New Jersey from its proprietors when it proved highly profitable.

Which best explains the connection between tobacco and territorial expansion in the Chesapeake area?

The profitability of tobacco crops spurred demand for more land.

Which of the following statements about land distribution in early Maryland is accurate?

The proprietor, Lord Baltimore, retained absolute authority over land distribution.

Which of the following statements about King Philip's War is not correct?

The war brought an end to Indian resistance against white settlement in New England

Why did the settlers of the Maryland colony promote religious tolerance?

They could not adequately populate the colony with only English Catholics.

The Plymouth colony survived in large part due to assistance from the


Who among the following was an outspoken evangelist who started and led a Quaker colony in America after receiving a royal grant?

William Penn

Which statement about Pennsylvania's 1701 Charter of Liberties is not correct?

William Penn remained in Pennsylvania to see that its provisions were implemented.

Which of the following was a major factor in the inability of early settlers to build a real community in Jamestown?

Women had not been recruited for the expedition.

Under the new policies of the Virginia Company in 1609, poor people were

given free passage if they agreed to serve the company for seven years.

Which of the following was a result of Bacon's Rebellion?

increased reliance on black slaves for labor

In order to grow tobacco on a large scale, the British

needed more farmland. had to draw on Indian expertise.

Which of the following was a way new settlers could receive headrights from the Virginia Company?

paying for the passage of another settler

The backcountry gentry most resented Berkeley's

refusal to allow settlers to move farther west.

Which of the following are true regarding the use of indentured servants and African slaves in early Virginia?

-Most indentured servants were English immigrants. -At first the colonists may have expected the Africans to be freed after a term of service.

Which statement regarding New York in the 1600s is not correct?

Despite the colony's great diversity, James made a disastrous attempt to impose Catholic rule on its inhabitants.

Which statement about Anne Hutchinson is not correct?

She called for an end to all established authority.

Which of the following is true of the territory that Charles II granted to his brother, the Duke of York, in 1664?

It was already claimed by the Dutch.

Which of the following best describes the headright system?

It was an effort by the Virginia Company to entice new workers to the colony

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the Massachusetts Bay Company?

It was established by a charter granted by Charles I.

For which of the following reasons did the Pilgrims choose Plymouth as a site for their settlement?

It was too late in the year to sail farther south. It lay outside the London Company's territory.

To whom was Pocahontas married?

John Rolfe, an Englishman

In 1630, ______ commanded an expedition of 17 ships and 1,000 people bound for New England, the largest single migration of its kind in the seventeenth century.

John Winthrop

Which statement explains how Bacon's Rebellion spurred the rise of slavery in Virginia?

Landed elites imported more slaves because they feared growth among the white lower classes.

Which of the following statements about the Quakers is not correct?

Like the Puritans, the Quakers subscribed to the ideas of predestination and original sin.

What was a result of Anne Hutchinson's outspoken opposition to male clerical authority?

She was convicted of heresy and sedition and banished from the colony.

Which statement about Pocahontas is correct?

She was kidnapped by the English and eventually married and had a son with an Englishman.

Which of the following best characterizes the teaching of Anne Hutchinson?

Salvation comes from God's grace alone and not from good works

Which statement regarding John Smith's role at Jamestown is not correct?

Smith refused to work with or learn from the Indians.

The first settlers to Maryland established the village of

St. Mary's.

Why was the institution of slavery different in New York than in other colonies?

The Dutch West India Company granted slaves "half freedom."

Which of the following best explains what John Winthrop meant by a "city upon a hill"?

The Massachusetts settlers viewed themselves as an example to the world.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about life on Plymouth Plantation?

The Pilgrims developed a profitable trade in fish and furs.

Which statement regarding the Puritans' emigration from England is not correct?

The Puritans sought to find a colony where all people would be free to worship as they wished.

Which of the following statements about the establishment of the Carolina colony is not correct?

The proprietors hoped to populate the colony with inexpensive expeditions from England.

Which of the following are reasons that the English opposed the Dutch presence in America?

There was a commercial rivalry between the two nations. It provided bases for Dutch smugglers that evaded English laws. Dutch territory served as a wedge between the northern and southern English colonies.

Which of the following accurately characterize the religious views of Massachusetts Puritans?

They regarded material success as evidence of divine favor. They were pious and serious. They favored thrift and hard work

Which of the following statements about societies that existed around the borders of British settlement is accurate?

They were places where European and Indian cultures interacted and neither side had a military advantage.

The strict rules and laws of the Massachusetts Bay colony produced a wave of critics who eventually left it to establish new colonies.


Which of the following distinguished Roger Williams and the Rhode Island colony from the Massachusetts Bay colony?

a belief in the separation of church and state a belief that the Indians owned the land that the colonists occupied

What did not influence the rise of slavery in the Caribbean during the 1600s?

a belief that Africans made ideal agricultural workers

Which of the following caused Maryland to modify its land grant procedure and adopt a headright system?

a labor shortage

What happened in the aftermath of Chief Powhatan's death?

a leadership vacuum among the Powhatans

In 1624, the Virginia Company

became defunct.

Which two of the following were incentives to colonization offered by the Carolina proprietors?

religious freedom for all Christians a measure of political freedom, with a representative assembly

A 1637 war in Connecticut between English settlers and Indians in the region was known as

the Pequot War

During the early history of Jamestown, power in the region was held by

the Powhatan Confederacy.

After an initial period of peaceful relations, tensions arose between white settlers and Native Americans in New England because of

the colonists' increasing demand for more land.

In the Pequot War, King Philip's War, and other conflicts in New England during the 1600s, Indians made notable use of which aspect of military technology?

the flintlock rifle

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