History chapter 10

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What year did William Normrade conquer England?


________________, the first Russian state, ended in 1169

Kiren Rush

Who owned the land that serfs farmed?

the lords which provide shelter/ home

When did townspeople gain rights and why?

1100, they wanted there own laws and were willing to pay for them

In the Year _______ , the ____________ recognized government and obligations of the king and vasssals.

1215, Magna- Carte

King Henry II expanded the power of the english _________; he strengthened the power of royal courts and struggled for power over _______.

monoarchy, church catholic

What was the status of medieval vassals?

more money then others/ gain lands for there service and would craftspeople

The establishment of the ____________ brought represenative government to England.


When the Carlogian Empire was divided in 843 in _____ sections, the western Frankish lands formed the kingdom of ________.

three, France

where were Europes main medieval trading center?

towns in Flanders

What was the status of medieval women?

under control of men- fathers or husband- can play important rules manage the castle , food supply, finiacial advised husband

Who were the Norsemen, and what effect did they have on western Europe?

viking who built ships and invaded Europe

King Phillip II Augustus fought England dominance and gained control of several French territories, King ____________ was known for trying to bring justice to the poeple, __________ King _______ created a french parliament

Louis IV, PHillip IV

How did increased trade give rise to commercial capitalism?

as trade increased so did the demand for gold and silver slowly the economic system was based on money rather than barter

How did the concept of chivalry influence medieval life?

code of ethics- defend church, treat women with respect, treat captiver as quest

King Auto I and his successors attempted to rule both Germany and _________ as the _________ Empire.

holy land, roman empire

How did the use of iron medieval farming?

iron was crucial in making the carruca cheavy plow with plow because iron was expensive the community had to work together to get one

How was Caroligian Empire divided after Charlemagnes death in 814?

it was divided between his three grandsons into 3 major sections west frankish, esastern frankish and middle kingdom

Who were the nobility during the middle ages?

kings, dukes, barons, bishops

Caught up in disputes with _______ in Italy, and the ______ in German lands, the emperor had no real power in either part of his empire

pope, lords

What benfits id guilds offer craftspeople>

set standards for quality, set prices and determined the number of people could enter a specific trade

The ______ people of _______ Europe divided into three major groups, each which formed new kingdoms.

slavic, central

How did Feudalism develop?

the vikings were a threat to European people, Empire collapsed, people started lookig for a powerful lord, noble to protect them

What was the feudal contract?

unwritten rules that determine the relationship between a Lord and is vassal the Lord had responsibilities to his vassel

What were the rights and responsibilities of lords?

provide protection the serfs. Lords had political authority on the land

The Eastern Slavs who lived in present - day Ukraine and russia were conquered by _________ who were in turn conquered by_____________.

vikings, mongol

Some Eastern slavic people were converted to ________ by the missionary brothers ________ and _________ .

orthodox, syril and, methodious

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