History Chp. 2(4th Grade)

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What area did Francisco de Coronado explore?


Who was Motezuma?

Aztec's ruler

What great Indian tribe lived in what is now Mexico?


Name three powerful countries with claims in the New World during the years of discovery.

England, Spain, and France

Who searched for the cities?

Franscisco de Coronado

What natural wonder did Coronado discover on his journey?

Grand Canyon

What were the three important things Cartier did for France?

He opened the way for a valuable fur trade, he made a lasting and valuable friendship between the French and Indians, He gave France a claim to part of the New World.

What Spanish soldier conquered the Aztecs?

Hernando Cortez

Who discovered the Mississippi River?

Hernando de Soto

What was Canada first called?

New France

What was the first successful French settlement in America?


What queen permitted English pirates to attach Spanish ships?

Queen Elizabeth I

Who helped found Quebec?

Samuel de Champlain

What legendary place did the Indians describe to the greedy Spaniards?

Seven Cities of Cibola

Who was the most famous"sea dog"?

Sir Francis Drake

What was the first permanent European settlement in America?

St. Augustine, Florida

What was Cartier searching for?

a waterway through North America to the Pacific

What was Hernando de Soto really searching for?


What were the English pirates called?

sea dogs

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