History Exam

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From 1973 to 1993, real wages

began to fall

(Q033) What new industry has led to an increase in prosperity for some Indian tribes?

casino gambling

(Q032) The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibited

discrimination based on disability.

President Richard Nixon sought to replace the polarized and hostile relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union with a new era of "peaceful coexistence" called


This long-time civil rights organizer called a meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina, in April 1960, out of which arose the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).

ella baker

(Q046) In western Europe and Canada, governments provide universal medical coverage for all citizens, but in the United States there was--in the 1990s and early 2000s--no universal medical coverage.


(Q055) The Enron Corporation became famous in the 1990s for its leading part in the computer revolution, especially in software.


(Q060) As president, Carter appointed fewer blacks to important positions than had Nixon.


By the end of the 1970s, the civil rights and sexual revolutions produced resentments that promoted the Democratic coalition.


In 1968, a "backlash" among formerly Republican voters against both black assertiveness and antiwar demonstrations helped to propel Richard Nixon into the White House.


In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court struck down all laws discriminating against homosexuals as a violation of the right to privacy.


President Lyndon Johnson grew up in one of the wealthiest sections of United States--the Central Texas Hill Country...


The number of workers employed in the manufacturing sector of the U.S. economy rose sharply during the 1970s.


(Q018) Pat Buchanan delivered a speech at the 1992 Republican national convention that declared cultural war against which of the following?


In May 1963, Birmingham police chief Eugene "Bull" Connor unleashed his forces against this group. The actions deeply affected President Kennedy, causing him to endorse the civil rights movement.


The 1968 Kerner Report blamed the widespread inner-city riots--occurring across the country from Harlem to Watts--on...

segregation, poverty, and "white racism."

(Q025) This piece of legislation reduced the tax rate on the wealthiest Americans to 28 percent, a sharp retreat from the idea that the wealthy should pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than other citizens.

tax reform act

(Q009) In 1973, long lines of cars appeared at American gas stations, which either ran out of fuel or limited how much a customer could buy as a result of

the oil embargo

Which of the following developments undermined the public faith in the effectiveness of the federal government?

the outcome of the Vietnam War

Which of the following cities is considered to be within the Sunbelt region, which experienced an increase in political power as a result of significant population growth during the 1970s and 1980s?

Houston, Texas

While not confirmed, it is assumed the assassin of John F. Kennedy was Sirhan Sirhan.


(Q034) Who did the Democrats nominate for president in 1972?

George McGovern

President Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger continued President Lyndon Johnson's policy of attempting to undermine governments deemed dangerous to American strategic or economic interests.


(Q004) President Clinton modified the military's strict ban on gay soldiers, instituting a policy, _______________, by which officers would not seek out gays for dismissal from the armed forces.

"Don't ask, don't tell"

(Q011) During what years did the Berlin Wall, the most prominent symbol of the Cold War, divide East and West Berlin?


(Q035) Approximately what percentage of Native Americans living on reservations have incomes below the poverty line?


The organization that launched the Freedom Rides, by which integrated groups traveled by bus into the Deep South to test compliance with court orders banning segregation on interstate buses and trains was called the...

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).

In this 1986 Supreme Court decision, the Court upheld the constitutionality of state laws outlawing homosexual acts.

Bowers v. Hardwick

Which was part of President Johnson's 1965-1967 "Great Society"?

Medicare and Medicaid

The U.S. Supreme Court ruling that an individual in police custody must be informed of the right to remain silent was..

Miranda v. Arizona.

Who was the marine biologist whose book Silent Spring spelled out how the insecticide DDT kills birds and other animals and causes sickness among humans, and who launched the modern environmental movement?

Rachel Carson

What was the 1978 Supreme Court decision that rejected the idea of fixed affirmative action quotas, but allowed that race could be used as one factor among many in admissions decisions?

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

Which was a reason that Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) rolls expanded rapidly during the 1960s?

a sharp rise in the number of poor female-headed households

In Reagan's second term, his relationship with Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev

improved slightly, but Reagan continued to call the Soviet Union the "evil empire."

(Q006) Which of the following was part of the Republican "Contract with America"?

less government regulation

What was the 1979 organization created by Virginia minister Jerry Falwell, devoted to waging a "war against sin" and electing "pro-life, pro-family, pro-America" candidates?

moral majority

(Q040) The percentage of the black population in prison stood five times higher than the proportion for white Americans; more than one-quarter of all black men could expect to serve time in prison at some time during their lives.


(Q045) By the mid-1970s--in consequence of women's changing aspirations and the availability of birth control and legal abortions--the American birthrate declined dramatically.


(Q071) In 2008, several states spent more money on their prison systems than on higher education.


By 1970, African-Americans accounted for nearly 50 percent of all welfare recipients.


By the 1990s, public schools in the North were considerably more segregated than those in the South.


In the spring of 1970, more than 350 colleges and universities experienced student strikes, and troops occupied twenty-one campuses in protest over the Vietnam War.


Many whites came to view affirmative action programs as a form of reverse discrimination.


The Reagan administration conducted a massive expansion of military spending during the 1980s.


The controversy over Roe v. Wade was a political hotbed that affected a range of issues from battles over nominees to judicial positions, and led to demonstrations at family-planning and abortion clinics.


U.S. soldiers killed 350 South Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai massacre of 1968.


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