History Final 2017 Ellis

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Which of the following best describes the Holy Roman Empire in the late Middle Ages?

A loose collection of states without a common hereditary monarchy, legal system, or coinage

How was the art of the Later Middle Ages important as a valuable source to understanding the attitude towards death?

A) It attempts to explain how men and women of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries thought about death. B) It illustrates the good and bad death motif of the time. C) A lingering death allowed the dying person a time to atone for his\her sins. D) Judgment scenes depicted saints or the Virgin Mary contending for the soul of the dying. E) All of these <<<

The Treaty of Tordesillas was able to prevent which of the following explorations?

A) The exploration of the coasts of both North and South America B) Amerigo Vespucci's travels to Argentina C) Spanish exploration in the Caribbean D) The crossing of the Isthmus of Panama E) None of these Ans: E

Which of the following describes the situation in India and the Indian Ocean as European traders first penetrated the region?

A) The main products traded were cottons, silks, and spices. B) The Chinese had recently discontinued ambitious expeditions into the area. C) Muslim descendants of Jenghiz Khan, the Moguls, were expanding their control of India. D) Trade networks often reflected the various political situations connected to the area. E) All of these Ans: E

In The Book of the City of Ladies, Christine de Pizan

A) addressed the querelle des femmes. B) stated that women appeared inferior because their education was inferior. C) stated that male critics could be countered by reason, prudence, and justice. D) stated that like sons, daughters should also be educated in the natural sciences. E) All of these Ans: E

France quickly recovered after the Hundred Years' War because the king

A) created Europe's first standing army. B) attracted the nobility to the royal court. C) created new law courts. D) consolidated the power of the throne. E) All of these

As new European states expanded overseas, they, like the Portuguese

A) created a network of isolated naval and trading stations. B) created substantial colonies. C) used slaves to produce commercially. D) would lead a search for gold and Christians. E) All of these Ans: E

In the late Middle Ages, the Scandinavian countries

A) had councils of leading landowners to limit royal power. B) had a substantial class of free peasants who were represented in popular assemblies. C) were closely tied linguistically, socially, and economically. D) had popular assemblies that had the right to elect kings, tax, and make laws. E) All of these <<<

Before European colonization, the peoples of the Americas

A) had mostly migrated from the Eurasian landmass. B) had developed agriculture independently about 3000 B.C. C) had created complex societies. D) lived in populous societies throughout the Americas. E) All of these Ans: E

Pico della Mirandola believed that

A) man's freedom to choose who he will become meant that human beings surpass angels in dignity. B) all philosophies contained some truth. C) an original, unified, and divine illumination preceded even Plato. D) divine wisdom could be found in Jewish as well as Christian and pagan mystical literature. E) All of these Ans: E

After the Spanish conquest, the lands of the former Inca Empire

A) provided vast amounts of gold and silver for the Spanish crown. B) experienced resistance to foreign rule until the 1570s. C) were reoriented away from the mountains to the coast. D) were reorganized under the new Spanish capital at Lima. E) All of these Ans: E

As the Renaissance matured

A) secular rulers used it to help define and celebrate their authority. B) it was blended with religion in a spectacular manner by the popes. C) it helped to transform the medieval knight into a gentleman. D) the use of elaborate and sumptuous courts was used to unify culture and ideology. E) All of these Ans: E

In the late Middle Ages

A) some women with a reputation for sanctity exercised a profound moral authority in society. B) convents probably outnumbered monasteries. C) independent communities of religious women, the Beguines, were suspected of heresy. D) moralists denounced the dumping of women into convents. E) All of these Ans: E

The northern Renaissance's attempt to blend humanism and religion included

A) the development of the Polyglot ("many-tongued") Bible. B) the rediscovery of early Christian authors. C) the belief that all philosophies and religions contained universal truths. D) material and studies that would later become a foundation of the Reformation. E) All of these Ans: E

Which of the following statements was not true of the Spanish colonial administration in the New World?

All Indians were enslaved and all Indian land was confiscated.

The conclusion that Columbus had reached a new continent instead of Asia was drawn by

Amerigo Vespucci.

Referring to the Chapter 13 feature, "The Global Record: An Inca Nobleman Defends His Civilization," which of the following statements did Felipe Guaman Poma use in describing the actions and impact that Christianity had on his people?

As court officials, Christian priests destroyed individuals and whole villages.

Which of the following statements describes how northern art changed in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries?

Austerity and an emphasis on vertical lines gave way to complexity and emotion, while ornate, vivid painting was replaced by an emphasis on depth.

Which of the following statements is not true in describing Petrarch?

Because of the study of Greek and Roman theology, Petrarch denounced the Catholic Church.

Referring to the Chapter 12 feature, "The Global Record: Gentile Bellini Travels to Meet the Turkish Sultan," how did the Muslim Turks, and especially Mehmed II, react to Gentile?

Because the Emperor considered himself a miracle, he forbade any portrait of himself.

Petrarch was a

Classical scholar with an exalted idea of ancient Roman values.

Which of the following was fundamental to the religious reform movement of this time?

Correct doctrine and orderliness in personal behavior was pursued.

Which of the following does not describe the role of art during the Renaissance?

Emphasis on social criticism

The Hundred Years' War was caused by all of the following except

English superiority in population and wealth.

Which of the following, in regard to the Hundred Years' War, is not true?

For the first time in military tactics, villages were not affected.

Which of the following did not result from the Teutonic Knights' push to the east?

Germanization of the lands of eastern Europe not controlled by the Mongols

Which of the following statements is not true?

God disregarded faith as entrance into heaven

Which of the following is not a part of John Wycliffe's theories on heresy?

He believed that Christians should not question church pronouncements and hierarchy.

Referring to El Greco's The Burial of the Count de Orgaz, how does the painting express the Christian understanding of death?

Important saints are symbolically acting on the soul's admission into heaven.

By sailing west, Columbus hoped to find

Japan, gold, and potential Christians.

The marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella led to all of the following except

Jews were forced to immigrate to the New World.

All of the following are true of the German peasants' revolt except that

Luther supported the peasants to the end

Which of the following statements correctly describes the unified Castile-Aragon after the royal marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand?

None of these (E)

In the Chapter 14 feature, "The Written Record: Martin Luther's Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nations," which of the following is not one of his criticisms?

Only the pope is the master of the Holy Scriptures

In the decades immediately preceding the Black Death, Europe experienced

Overpopulation, a significant cooling of the climate, famine and social unrest, and low wages, high taxes, and increased cost of living among lower classes. (ALL OF THE ABOVE)

The Renaissance had a significant impact on all of the following except


Which of the following did not aid in the Spanish transformation of New World culture?

Spanish respect for native culture

Referring to the Chapter 14 feature, "The Visual Record: A Reformation Woodcut," how is the image of the wife and women not depicted?

Symbolically, a religious figure is seen giving special power to the man

Which of the following is not a true statement in describing the importance of tribute to the Aztecs?

Tenochtitlan was the center of religious activity and prohibited any human sacrifice inside its walls.

What important developments in geography helped to foster European discovery and exploration?

The Catalan World Atlas

Based on the native portrayal of Hernán Cortés, in Chapter 13, what is the native version of the coming of the Spanish?

The Spanish are seen greeting the Aztecs with a fully armed Spanish military in the background.

Which of the following explains why the English monarchy had difficulty establishing itself?

The War of the Roses led to factional rivalry for the throne.

Referring to the Chapter 11 feature, "The Global Record: A disputation," which of the following was not a part of a typical Turkish disputation or debate?

The debaters are not allowed to refer to any other prophet but Muhammad.

Which of the following did not contribute to the rise of Moscow?

The policy of never cooperating with the Tatars

Which of the following statements is not true in regard to exploration of the Atlantic before Columbus?

Trips out of sight of land were never attempted before Columbus.

Which of the following statements best describes the Italian humanist attitude toward women?

Women could be educated, but only in a passive way; they could be patrons of scholarship but not its producers.

All of the following are true of Sir Thomas More except that he was

a Dominican friar

The Spanish initially considered the native population of the West Indies, the Tainos, to be

a gentle, compliant, virtuous people who would make good Christians.

The aftermath of the Black Death brought all of the following changes to the European economy except

a permanent improvement in the economic status of women.

The founder of the Reformation, Martin Luther, originally was

an obscure German theology professor deeply troubled about his own salvation.

The works read by Europeans dealing with distant lands included all of the following except

authentic letters from Prester John

Among the domestic animals brought from Europe that produced the greatest change in the New World were

cattle and horses.

Leonardo da Vinci was known for

chiaroscuro painting and analytical observation.

Humanist fascination with education produced all of the following except

co-educational schools.

After conquering Constantinople in 1453, the Ottoman Turks did all of the following except

continue to push into Europe while neglecting their lands in the Middle East.

Caravan routes and trade networks were closed to Europeans in the fourteenth century because of

conversion of the Mongols to Islam and the rise of the Ottomans.

The European diet was changed by New World foods such as

corn, potatoes, and tomatoes

The Great Schism included all of the following except

doctrinal causes.

Pope Leo X and Emperor Charles V

excommunicated Luther and placed him under imperial ban

The beginning of Spain's overseas exploration began with the

final event in the Reconquista, the fall of Muslim Granada.

Although greatly outnumbered by the Aztecs, the Spanish

found numerous allies among tribes whose people had been taken for Aztec sacrifices.

Late medieval explorers hoped to find

gold and Christian allies against the Turks

During the years of the Black Death, the flagellants were

groups of self-scourging penitents originating in Hungary.

By the end of the fifteenth century, most of the city-states of Italy

had fallen under the control of powerful families or of foreign powers.

The "Prince of Humanists," Erasmus, developed a "Philosophy of Christ" that

held that the true essence of Christianity was the life and actions of Christ and that each person was good and rational.

During the period of great crisis, the church came into conflict because

in the aftermath of the papal crisis, the papacy was forced to redefine its place in the political sector.

As Spain penetrated into the New World

it colonized and reorganized the lands it seized.

Inca civilization included all of the following elements except that they

lagged in irrigation and bridge-building.

In the last phase of the Hundred Years' War, Joan of Arc

led French troops to victory at Orléans and Charles to his coronation at Reims.

The crises of the late Middle Ages

led to a dramatic economic, social, and political recovery in the fifteenth century and the cultural ferment of the Renaissance.

The movement called the Renaissance included all of the following except

major advances in the treatment and diagnosis of disease.

In The Book of the Courtier, Castiglione advised all of the following except that

martial and religious values were no longer fashionable.

Humanists outside of Italy were

more interested in religious reform

Portugal's commercial empire in the East was based

on fortified, strategically placed naval bases

In humanism, the center of intellectual life was

poetry, history, and rhetoric based on ancient Greek and Roman forms and values.

All of the following statements involving Petrarch's defense of humanists are correct except

reading the classics translated into Latin destroys any pagan influence.

All of the following are true of Michelangelo except that he

rejected Platonism as irreligious.

Religious brotherhoods

required peaceful and charitable relations with fellow members.

Among the differences between Luther and Calvin was the latter's conviction that

salvation comes through God's grace, but it is part of progressive sanctification.

Machiavelli believed

that government must be based on power and that the end justifies the means.

Unlike Luther, Zwingli believed

that town governments should take the lead in reforming a community.

The Babylonian Captivity of the papacy resulted from

the attempts to limit the power of the pope within France.

The feast of Corpus Christi honors

the body and blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

All of the following statements describe the evolution of painting as a major art form during the fifteenth century except

the church and society were against any kind of religious figures in painting

The invention of movable type by Gutenberg resulted in all of the following except

the first mass production of playing cards and woodcuts.

Technical innovations that made sailing easier in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries included

the fly compass and the astrolabe.

The Columbian Exchange was

the interchange of diseases, plants, animals, and some cultural elements between the Old and New Worlds

In his On the Falsely Believed and Forged Donation of Constantine, Valla proved that

the language in which the document was written indicated it was an eighth-century forgery.

Luther rejected Catholic teaching on

the priesthood and the interpretation of Scripture.

The Janissaries were

the sultan's crack troops, originally kidnapped Christians trained to be intensely Turkish and Islamic.

The spread of humanist culture was greatly aided by

the use of printing

All of the following apply to the Hussites except

their movement ended with defeat at the Council of Constance.

All of the following statements are true of the Aztecs except that

they lived in peace with their neighbors.

All of the following are true of the Brothers and Sisters of the Common Life except that

they were a sect of flagellants that organized following the Black Death

The revolutionary Ciompi were

unskilled workers in Florence's woolen industry.

Because of the Treaty of Tordesillas, Portugal

unwittingly gained rights to Brazil.

Italian humanists tended to believe that realities, such as government, were essentially static and that if change occurred it was by chance (fortuna). Most believed that fortuna could only be countered by


The architectural work of Brunelleschi

was based on his study of Classical buildings.

The Black Death

was brought to Europe by Italian merchants traveling from the Black Sea, may actually have been anthrax or a "hemorrhagic plague" similar to ebola, continued to return to Europe periodically, is being studied through the DNA remains found in mass graves...All of the above

Catholic missionaries, especially Bartolomé de Las Casas, argued that the Indians

were rational human beings and should be protected from exploitation.

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