History Final

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whirling dervishes

Sufi Muslims that spin in circles as they quietly/silently meditate/pray

a direct result of the invasions of europe after 700 was __________

disruption of trade

the Ottoman and Safavid empires shared the Muslim tradition of ________

the Sharia


the buying or selling of Church jobs


the chief builder of the Mughal dynasty

the split between Sunni and Shiite Muslims began with disagreement over ___________

the choice of a caliph


the document that guarenteed townspeople's rights


the pilgrimage to Mecca required of all able-bodied Muslims

Lay Investiture

the practice of a King appointing bishops


the practice of charging interest on loans


the prophet of Islam

which if the following did NOT result from the decline of the Roman empire? a.) the decline of Latin as a common language b.) the rise of new cities in Western Europe c.) the collapse of trade d.) a decline in literacy and learning

the rise of new cities in Western Europe

Nur Jahan

the wife of Jahanjir, a drug addict who couldn't rule because he was a drug addict. Nur Jahan ruled in his place

A statement like, "We can use reason to understand the proper role of both faith and reason, but faith is beyond the realm of reason" in __________

the writings of a scholastic

the Church taught that the way to achieve salvation was ________

to complete the seven sacraments

The main purpose of craft guilds was to ___________

train and protect guild members

Benedict's sister Scholastica wrote up rules for convents


True or false: Frederick I's nickname is based upon his red beard


True or false: guilds had the authority to regulate prices and wages


serfs were generally freed if they could live in a city for one year and a day


true or false: Jahanjir was a drug addict


true or false: Missi Dominici collected taxes, administered justice and checked roads for Charlemagne


true or false: Muhammad was probably illiterate


true or false: Scherezade is the princess in "The Thousand and One Nights" who tells the stories


true or false: a tithe was 10% tax paid to the Church


true or false: the Abassids moved the capital to Baghdad


true or false: the Kabaa contains a black stone



turkish ruler

during the Middle Ages, farming improved once peasants began ____________

using the 3-field system


wandering poet


was crowned Emperor of the Romans in 800


when a whole city/town is banned from doing the sacraments/going to heaven


when someone moves away from society to be isolated for religious/spiritual reasons


wrote the guidebook for monks

Charles Martel

defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Tours

Abu Bakr

the 1st caliph

the tithe and the sacraments were associated with ___________

the Church (Christianity)


the Mongol leader who conquered Persia and Mesopotamia

Al Khwarizmi

the Muslim mathematician who pioneered the study of algebra

Clovis converted to __________


Who wrote "The Divine Comedy"



English Treasury


Muhammad's first wife and first convert to Islam

The Concordat of Worms ended the struggle over __________

Lay Investiture


everyday language of the people


set up a palace school under Charlemagne

what are the five pillars of Islam

1. faith 2. prayer 3. charity 4. fasting 5. pilgramage to Mecca

which of the following rulers strengthened the Mughal empire by promoting religious harmony through tolerance? a.) Babur b.) Akbar c.) Jahangir d.) Aurangzeb


what was the capital of the Abbasid Empire


Much of the information we have concerning the Battle of Hastings was garnered through studying the _________

Bayeaux Tapestry

the monk who established strict rules for monastic life was named ___________


the Christian leader whose troops defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Tours was __________

Charles Martel

Who wrote "The City of Ladies"

Christine de Pizan

Who wrote "The Canterbury Tales"

Geoffrey Chaucer

contrast the Muslim culture with the Hindu culture

ISLAM: - "modern" religion - monotheistic - eat beef - believe in equality of all Muslims - quiet praying HINDI: - "Ancient" religion - polytheistic - don't eat beef - caste system (classes) - louder praying with singing and dancing

The concept that the Bible, not the Church was teh source of Christian Truth was proposed by ________

John Wycliffe

a religion that blended Muslim and Hindu beliefs was __________


which of the following results followed the Muslim invasion of India? a.) trade between India and the Muslim word decreased b.) many Hindus converted to Buddhism c.) Sultans introduced Muslim traditions of government to India d.) Hindu princes united against Muslim invaders

Sultans introduced Muslim traditions of government to India

Who wrote "Summa Theologica"

Thomas Aquinas

who replaced the last of the "rightly guided" caliphs (the answer is a group of people)


which language blends Arabic, Persian and Hindi


the invasions of which group seriously disrupted life in Europe during the 800s and 900s



a Frankish king who converted to Christianity


a crazy viking woarrior who may have taken drugs before battle

Avicenna is known for developing ____________

a medical encyclopedia


a month when Muslims fast from sunset-sunrise daily


a person who learned a trade from a master craftsman


a traveling monk


a wage-earning craftsman


an intricate design of curved lines that suggests floral shapes


association of merchants or artisans

which of the following beliefs is held by Muslims, Jews and Christians? a.) belief in reincarnation b.) belief in Jesus as the Messiah c.) belief in one God d.) belief in Muhammad

belief in one God

feudal justice was based largely upon __________

customs and tradition

which of these factors was NOT a major force in shaping the society of Western Europe during the Early Middle Ages? a.) the Roman heritage b.) the Roman Catholic Church c.) the customs of the barbarian tribes d.) the Eastern Orthodox Church

eastern Orthodox church

what word best describes Muslim trade


Friars lived in secluded and isolated monasteries


True or false: Dante Alighieri wrote "The Canterbury Tales", which describes a pilgramige to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket


True or false: Romanesque cathedrals are very light and airy


True or false: longbows helped to lead the French to victories at Crecy, Agincourt and Poitiers


True or false: the French feudal lords expected Hugh Capet to be weak


True or false: the Romanesque crypt helped to distribute the massive weight of a cathedral's roof


true or false: Sufi make up the majority of Muslims


true or false: the Sharia ensures the separation of church and state


advances in agriculture during the Middle Ages allowed peasants to produce ___________

food surpluses

as a result of the Treaty of Verdun, Charlemagne's empire was divided among ____________

his heirs

The Model Parliament was made of a __________

house of commons/house of lords

the renaissance began in ____________ (name of country)


under the feudal contract, a lord provided his vassal with ________


Which of the following were features of the Gothic style of architecture? a.) dark interiors and thick walls b.) rounded arches and domes c.) large windows and tall pointed arches d.) minarets

large windows and tall pointed arches

The new weapon that greatly helped the English in the Hundred Years' War was ________

long bow

the feudal contract was an arrangement by which a _________ and _________ both agreed to certain obligations

lord ; vassal

The Black Death resulted in all of the following EXCEPT __? a.) massive population drop b.) inflation c.) lower wages d.) anti-semitism

lower wages

before Muhammad became the prophet of Islam, he was a __________



money for investment

feudalism became a complex system because vassals sometimes ___________

owed loyalty to more than one lord


people that used reason and logic to support Christian belief


religious communites of non-Muslims in the Ottoman empire

the Vikings excelled in the technology of ____________


luther taught that the Bible ______________

should be the only guide for Christians

William Duke of Normandy was the illegitimate son of the daughter of a ___________


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