History Final

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Antebellum era reform movements such as abolitionism, temperance, and women's rights had their origins in all of the following except a. The Monroe Doctrine b. the second great awakening c. beliefs in human perfectability d. liberal european social ideas


By the mid-18th century, the fervor illustrated in the image above a. contributed to resistance toward imperial control b. stimulated the growth of ideas on race, leading to racial stereotyping c.led to the growth of autonomous political communities based on English Models d. Supported the accommodation with some aspects of American Indian culture


Over the centuries, the most effective means of 'civilizing' natives to Spanish culture was the a.mission system b.the encomienda system c.military occupation d. the distribution of mineral wealth


Seventeenth and eighteenth century English colonization differed from the Spanish, Dutch, and french because England a. Eventually established colonies based primarily on Agriculture b.Did not seek to acquire land from the native populations c. exclusively used African salve labor for mining and agriculture d. was dedicated to the religious conversion and assimilation of native populations


The European colonization model evidenced by the song above a. used trade alliances an intermarriage with american indians to acquire products for export to Europe b. established tight control over the colonization process to convert and or exploit the population c. sent colonists to acquire land and populate their settlements while having relatively hostile relationships with american indians d. Integrated a coherant hierarchal imperial structure an pursued economic aims


The Spanish and other European powers frequently justified the approach depicted in the image above on the bases of a. white superiorty b.technological demand c.academic evidence from Enlightenment scholars d.Poverty in african nations


The growth and profitability of Southern cotton did all of the following EXCEPT a. catapult the wealth of the average southern white above most Northerners b. Provide the raw material for manufacturing in New England c. Accelerate the internal movement of slaves from the southeast to the southwest d. Promote national and international economic ties


The increase of slavery in the new southwest during the antebellum era a. created new tensions over the spread of slavery b. was firmly opposed by both major political prties c. led to the resumption of importing slaves from Africa d. decreased the market value of cotton and slaves in the east


The sentiments expressed by Polk in the speech above were most similar to those of a. imperialists before the Spanish-American war b. President Wilson before World War I c. Americans during World War II d. Supporters of containment during the cold war


What was the most important 15th and 16th century goal of Spanish conquest and exploration as revealed by conquistadores? a.Increased wealth of Spain b.Promotion of empire c. converts to Christianity d.increased status


Which of the following Supreme Court cases is correctly identified a. Marbury v Madison- established the principle of judicial review b. McCulloch vs Maryland-Upheld the sanctity of private contracts c. Worcester v. Georgia-rule that states cannot tax the federal government d. Dartmouth v Woodward- established tribal autonomy on Indian lands


Which of the following correctly characterizes the war of 1812 a. The United States was able to reassert soverignty over its existing western lands and remove Britain's military presence b. Broad popular support for the war effort temporarily eased sectional divisions over slavery and economic policy c. The United States won a decisive victory against the British and gained valuable new land on the frontier as a result d, Federalist support for the war reinvigorated the party and allowed it to thrive for another 20 years


Which of the following events or processes in the 1840s or 1850s most directly contributed to the 'irritations' that jefferson warned about in the letter above a. The acquisition of new territory in the West and the US victory in the Mexican American War b. the growth of violent nativist movements aimed at limiting immigrants influence and power c. The movement of African Americans and Asians to the west d. Tje increased settlement in areas forcibly taken from american indains


Which of the following most directly resulted from the arrival of American crops in the Old World a. European population growth b.Widespread deadly epidemics c.The development of permanant villages d. Growing mistrust on both sides of the Atlantic


Which of the following was not a provision of Hamilton's financial plan? a. taxing the states to pay off the war debt b. paying the full amount owed on confederation bonds c. placing an excise tax on whiskey d. creating a national bank


Which region if the British North American colonies, nicknamed the "bread colonies," was the most ethnically, religiously, and demographically diverse? a.the middle colonies B the New England colonies C. The chesapeake colonies D. the southernmost atlantic Colonies


Based on the map above, in which region were American Indians the most mobile? a.the american southwest b.The Great basin and Western Plains C. California and the Northwest D. The Northeast and the Atlantic Seaboard


Based on the map above, what was the primary reason for the growth of the Colombian exchange? a.Europeans using their belief in white cultural superiority to justify their subjugation of Africans and American Indians b. Improvements in technology and more organized methods for conducting international trade c. European attempts to change American Indian beliefs on basic social issues d. Spains attempts to establish tight control over the process of colonization in the western hemisphere


Before the arrival of Europeans, Great Basin and Western Plains Indians A. developed larger permanent communities b. Responded to a lack of resources by developing mobile lifestyles c. Became dependent on agriculture and maize cultivation d. created strong trade networks among North American tribes


Colonial intellectual resistance to 18th century British imperial control was often based on a. anglican doctrine b. the enlightenment c. the Great awakening d. nativism


During the 17th century, which of the following was the primary cash crop of the Chesapeake colonies? a.Rice b. Tobacco C. cotton D.sugarcane


In the British North American colonies between 1607 and 1750, political communities based on English models, economic ties, and legal structures led to a. strict obedience to british rules and regulations b. Anglicization in the british colonies c.Strong and consistent enforcement of the Navigation Acts by England D. A lack of religious diversity and pluralism


In the map above, Southwest American Indian communities benefited most from a.the spread of the maize culture b.the introduction of livestock c. a more mobile lifestyle d. the encomiendia system


The North American colonial settlements referenced in the passage above tended to a. be economically, religiously, and ethnically diverse b. establish like-minded, close-knit, homogenous communites c. be dedicated to converting American Indians to Christianity D.develop staple crop economies based on slave labor


The expansion of national borders during the antebellum era most directly led to a. wide-scale federal funding of internal improvements b. national debates over how to use the new territories c. much greater foregin trade with Latin America and Asia d. Increased European immigration to the South and West


The letter above was most likely written in response to a. the purchase of louisiana territory from France b. Passage of the missouri compromise c. Efforts to promote the American System d. Governmental attempts to force the removal of American Indians


The most divisive issue in regards to western expansion during the antebellum era was a.the removal of Indians b. the extension of slavaery c. free homesteads for settlers d. property qualifications for voting


The song above was most likely a 17th century artifact from European colonization efforts of the a. English b. French c. portuguese d. spanish


Thomas Paine's Common Sense was a.written in response to the declaration of independence b. a widely read criticism of continued British rule of the colonies c. directly responsible for King George III formally declaring the colonies in rebellion d. seen as too radical by many of the founding fathers


WHich statement best describes the state of American art and literature in the early 1800s? a. It was widely respected and fashionable in Europe b. It blended European styles with regional American tastes c. It was highly original and creative and critically well recieved d. it was virtually nonexistant since most Americans were illiterate


What contributed most to the process illustrated in the maps above? a. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 b. The outlawing of the international slave trade c. The overcultivation of arable land in the Southeast d. The rise in the number of free African Americans in the South


Which of the following best describes "republican motherhood" a. it glorified femininity and the woman's role in the house b. it encouraged women to install virtue and civic values into their sons c. it promoted the notion of separate spheres for men and women d. it led large numbers of middle class women to demand greater equalty


Which of the following contributed the least to the growing colonial sentiment toward independence in the 1770s? a. Anger over numerous attempts to tax the colonists and colonists perceived lack of political representation in parliment b.Frustration over the British governments' refusal to send troops to protect the colonies from Indian attacks c. an emerging ideology of resistance based on English common law, ENlightenment ideals, and Whig political thought d. A growing sense of american identity and grassroots movements of laborers, aritsans, and women


Which of the following developments least strengthened the increasing economic linkage of the North and the Midwest during the antebellum era a. the growth of canals b. the spread of plantation agriculture c. the federal attempts to create a national economy d. the shift to market production


Which of the following early American political parties most vocally championed the "common man" welcomed immigrants, and benefited from the expansion of voting rights to most white males? a. the federalists b. the democratic-republicans c. the whigs d. the democrats


Which of the following livestock introduced by the Spanish had the greatest impact on Great Plains Indian settlement patterns? a.Cows b.Horses c.Pigs d.Buffallo


Which of the following most directly prompted the arguments in the speech above? a. The French withdrawal from North America and renewed Indian attacks b. Disagreements over the French Revolution and foreign policy c. Internal unrest and backcountry rebellions against federal taxation d. Debates over calls to abolish slavery and expand democracy


Which system employed by the Spanish advanced the goals of both converting American Indians to christianity and exploiting their labor? a.socialism b.Ecomienda c.mercantalism d.capitalism


During the 1840s and 1850s, which set of immigrant groups arrived in unprecedented numbers, resulting in a nativist backlash in popular culture a. Scots-Irish and Welsh b.Dutch and French c. Irish and German d. Italians and Greeks


Seventeenth and eighteenth century french and dutch colonial relationships with american indians were based primarily on a.the mining and refining of precious metals b. the production of cash crops under plantation agriculture c.trade alliances centering on the fur trade d.extreme hostility which prevented meaningful trade or commerce


Since the 15th and 16th centuries, what has been the most enduring legacy from Spanish conquest and exploration of the Americas a.Increased wealth for spain b.Promotion of a large empire c.converts to Christianity d.Greater standing in the world


Some of the concerns expressed in the passage above were best echoed in the legislative reforms supported by which of the following political parties? a. the federalists b. the whigs c. The Democratic Republicans d. The Republicans


The Democratic-Republicans favored a. protective tariffs b. closer relations with England c. states' rights d. a national bank


The arguments expressed in the passage above most clearly warn against the perceived dangers of a. democracy b. republicanism c. a strong central government c. limited government


The atlantic slave trade grew dramatically in the 18th century because of a. a surplus of indentured servants b. limited demand for colonial goods c. the difficulty of effectively enslaving native peoples d. special funding from European nations to subsidize slavery


The excerpt above best serves as evidence of the a. influence of Enlightenment ideals b. difficulty of creating a multiethnic American identity c. bitter political debates of the 1790s d. challenges faced by traditional imperial systems


The excerpt above is best understood in the context of which of the following A. the spreading of European conflicts to north america b. The emergence of autonomous political communities based on English models c. the shared labor market of the Atlantic economy in the 18th century d. A strong belief in British cultural superiority


The ideas expressed in the excerpt above can be best understood in the context of debates over a. the authority of different branches of the federal government b. the scope of the federal governments role in the economy c. the relationship between the federal government and state governmetns d. how to match democratic political ideals to political institutions


US foreign policy during which of the following time periods was most closely aligned with the ideas expressed in the speech above a. Expansionism prior to the Civil War b. Imperialism prior to the Spanish-American War c. Neutrality prior to world war one d. containment prior to the korean war


What did the forced relocation of American Indians and the internal slave trade both have in common a. they were in direct violation of specific Supreme Court rulings b. Most Northern migrants to the frontier were firmly opposed to each C. they were driven by efforts to exploit the nation's natural resources d. Most Whigs strongly supported both, while most democrats strongly opposed both


Which European approach to colonization is most consistent with the arguments in the excerpt above? a. using trade alliances and intermarriage with american indians to acquire products for export to europe b. establishing tight control over the colonization process to convert and or exploit the native populations c. sending men and women to acquire land and populate settlements while having relatively hostile relationships with native inhabitants d. integrating a coherant hierarchal imperial structure and pursing economic aims


Which colony in the mid-17th century passed legislation protecting the rights of Catholic colonists to worship freely? a.New York b. Massachusetts bay c.Maryland D. Virginia


Which deadly epidemic most devasted Mexican Natives and was the subject of numerous 15th and 16th century primary accounts of disease? a. measles b.Influenza c.Smallpox d.Syphillis


Which of the following exposed the inability of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation to put down civil unrest and prompted calls for a new, stronger central government a. The Stono Rebellion b. The Whiskey Rebellion c. Shays' Rebellion d. The Regulator uprisings


Which of the following is least representative of the 16th and 17th century european converts to practices? a. a desire for new sources of wealth, increased power and status, and converts to christianity b. attempts to change American indian beliefs and worldviews on basic social issues such as religion, gender roles, and the family c. rapid and substantial growth of evangelical and fundamentalist christian churches and organizations d. the embrace of different social and economic goals, cultural assumptions, and folkways, resulting in varied models of colonization


Which of the following treaties is correctly matched with its description a. Jay's Treaty-ended the war of 1812 b. Treaty of Ghent - settled boundary disputes with Canada c. Adams-Onis treaty- aquired florida from Spain d. Webster-Ashburton Treaty- ended the Quasi-War with France


Which of the following was an outcome of the American Revolution a. It generated a new spirit of equality, dramatically improving relations with Indian tribes b. It halted the westward movement of settlers for a generation c. It inspired a number of other independence movements d. It was widely condemned overseas for protecting the interests of colonial elites


Which of the following was not true about the 1820 Missouri compromise? a.it allowed Maine to enter the union as a free state and Missouri to enter as a slave state b. It barred slavery north of the 3630 line in future states from the Louisiana Purchase territory c. It successfully kept the issue of slavery from becoming a national debate until just a few years before the Civil War d. It temporarily settled the issue of slavery but was eventually weakened and ultimately overturned


the excerpt above most clearly reflects the a. limitations of the Articles of Confederation b. growth of a more participatory democracy c. fears many people had of centralized federal power d. challenge posed by democracy to traditional imperial systems


After Columbus's arrival in the west indies, Spanish religion and Christian conversion were often used as a rationale to a.racially mix populations b.trigger extensive demographic change c.transform the diverse environment d. Justify the subjugation of American Indians


All of the following contributed to the ratification of the Constitution except a. Federalist promises to quickly amend the Constitution with a Bill of RIghts b. popular frustration over economic difficulties and the limitations of the Articles of Confederation c. lowering the required number of states needed to ratify the constitution to nine d. the unanimous support of all of the major patriot leaders and founding fathers


As Spanish labor demands grew, the labor source for imperial production transitioned to a.Spanish peasants b.Indentured servants c.Indians d.African slaves


As a result of the process illustrated above, what major shift occurred in the Spanish colonies encomienda system? a. There were many new converts to Christianity b. The Spanish began debating the proper treatment of American Indians c. Social, religious, political, and economic competition with other European nations developed d. Indian labor was gradually replaced with African Slavery


In the late 19th century, Great Plains tribes illustrated in the map above experienced a.Numerous calls for reform b.Heated controversy over allowing or forbidding slavery in newly acquired territories c.Dispersal to small reservations d. An end of American Indian tribal identities


In the passage above, Columbus likely mentioned the American Indians interest in glass beads and weapons a.to demonstrate the social diversication among societies in these areas b.as an example of their largely mobile and nomadic lifestyles c.to prove the cultural inferiority of racially mixed populations d. because it exemplified the very different worldview of american indians


One impact of the widespread cultivation of cotton and other cash crops in the south was the a. creation of a more economically and socially egalitarian society in the South b. increasing economic isolation of the South from the rest of the country c. rapid growth of textile mills and other manufacturing throughout the south d. increased political power the South was able to wield in Congress


The Articles of Confederation suffered from all of the following weaknesses except a. requiring a two-thirds majority vote to pass the legislation b. lacking an executive branch and federal court system c. disallowing direct taxation of the states or individuals d. Prohibiting amendments to the original articles


The XYZ Affair, Sedition Act, and Convention of 1800 a. reinforced American isolationism and non-involvement in European affairs b. convinced Jeffersonians that the Federalists were eager for war with France c. led to debates over how to interpret the Constitution and balance power among the three branches of the federal government d. demonstrated the challenges America faces as a result of the French Revolution and the spread of its ideals


The author of the excerpt above was most interested in a. participating in the fur trade with native communities b. generating great wealth for the king in england c. converting american indians to christianity d. justifying the takeover of american Indian lands


The concerns expressed in the letter above can best be understood in the context of a. federal efforts to control American Indian populations b. competing ideas about geographical boundaries c. concerns over the rights and responsibilities d. Debates over the extension of slavery into the western territories


The ideaology of the supreme court as characterized in the ruling above was most similar to Supreme court rulings in which of the following time periods a. The late 1850s b. The late 1800s c. The early 1930s d. The late 1960s


The legislation above was passed in response to which of the following challenges? a. the constant fear of Indian attacks along the border b. the limitations of the Articles of Confederation c. the potential for loyalist criticism and sabotage d. the threat posed by foreign alliances and entanglements


The sentiments expressed by Columbus in the excerpt above best support which future Spanish goal? a.Shifting the Spanish economy from feudalism to capitalism b.Organizing new methods for conducting international trade c.implementing a plantation based agricultural system d.Attempting to change American indians beliefs and worldviews


The speech above best reflects which of the following continuities in United States history? a. debates over the relationship between the executive and legislative branches b. debates over the relationship between federal and state governments c. debates over how to properly interpret the constitution d. debates over the proper role of political parties


Which 18th century religious movement in the British colonies most clearly signified growing religious independence, diversity, and uniqueness? a. Puritanism b. deism c. the enlightenment D. The great awakening


Which colonial trend from the 17th and 18th centuries is best illustrated by the image above? a. The spread of enlightenment thought b. the anglicanization of the British colonies c. Puritan seeking to establish a community of religious believers d. Protestant evangelism


Which of the following connected the Great Lakes to the East Coast and fueled the economic rise of New York City? a. The transcontinental railroad b. The National Road c. The Cumberland Gap d. The Erie Canal


Which of the following continuities in United States history is best demonstrated by the excerpt above? a. the debate over voting rights and citizenship b. the debate between federal and states' rights c. the debate between executive and legislative power d. the debate over the balance of liberty and order


Which of the following is not an example of Manifest Destiny? a. the annexation of texas b. Attempts to purchase California c. Negotiations over the Oregon border d. Demilitarizing the Great Lakes


Who, as a governer of the Massachusets Bay colony, claimed that Puritans should establish a "City upon a Hill"? a. John Wesley B.Lord Baltimore C. Roger williams D. John Winthrop


Passage of the above legislation was most consistent with the sentiments of a. British laws passed after the end of the Seven Years' War b. Thomas Paine's Common Sense c. the Declaration of Independence d. the Articles of Confederation


The Indian removal act of 1830 a. led to the infamous trail of tears b. was upheld in Cherokee vs Georgia c. paid indian tribes market rates for their confiscated lands d. was passed over president jacksons angry veto


The most economically profitable commerce between European colonies in North America and native populations between the 16th and 18th centuries was based on a. the fur trade b. the slave trade c. the mining of precious metals d. commercial fishing


What was the impact of the "miraculous plague" mentioned in the excerpt above? a. it stimulated cultural and demographic change b. it led to European accommodation with some aspects of American indian culture c. it increased British colonists acceptance of intermarriage with native peoples d. It collapsed the fur trade and lessened access to trade goods


Which of the following groups would most likely have supported the arguments in teh excerpt above? a. the federalists in the 1790s b. the democratic republicans in the early 1800s c.Jacksonian democrats in the 1830s and the 1840s d. States rights advocates in the 1850s


Who was the famous black abolitionist who wrote an autobiography of his/her former life as a slave? a.frederick douglas b. sojourner truth c. Richard allen d. david walker


The excerpt above was most clearly written in response to a. compromises at the Constitutional convention over representation b.debates over the ratification of the United States constitution c. concern that hereditary privilege would replace individual talent d. fears of the impact of revolutionary ideas from France, Haiti, and Latin America


Which of the following did not result from the supreme court ruling above or similar rulings by the supreme court in the early 1800s a. the recognition of federal power over state laws b. the promotion of regional interests over national concerns c. the assertion of the primacy of the judiciary d. the court determining the meaning of the constitution


fifteenth and sixteenth century spanish exploration and conquest created a racially mixed culture known as a.mulatto b.mestizo c.chicano d.Latino


As a consequence of the new European crops and livestock brought to America as part of the Colombian Exchange illustrated above a.American Indians began the spread of maize cultivation from present day Mexico northward into the American Southwest b.Most native societies developed a mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer economy c. there were far-reaching effects on native settlement patterns as well as on economic, social, and political developments d. native peoples and Africans in America maintained their political and cultural autonomy


Despite England's superior military, industrialized economy, and larger population, the colonists were ultimately able to succeed in their war for independence because they possessed all of the following except a. greater familiarity with the land b. superior political leadership c. overwhelming popular support d. a deep ideological commitment


Pre-Colombian Southwest Indians were most noted for which environmental transformation practice? a.draining swamps b.burning grasslands and forests c.irrigation d.overhunting and extinction of herd animals


The concerns articulated by Dorthea Dix in the excerpt above were most similar to those of a. social darwinists in the late 1800s b. nativists in the 1840s and 1850s c. progressives in the early 1900s d.conservatives in the 1970s and the 1980s


The encomienda system primarily relied on labor from a.African slaves b.spanish indentured servants c.American Indians d.women


The excerpt above can best be seen as an example of the United States seeking dominance over the North American continent through a. military actions b. judicial actions c. diplomatic efforts d. the expansion of slavery


Which of the following best describes the Monroe Doctrine a. It was a treaty with England in which the British promised to confine all of their future colonization to the Eastern Hemisphere b. It was an attempt to relocate American Indian tribes on the Great Plains to reservations and begin the process of cultural assimilation c. It was an american pronouncement to European countries not to interfere with independent nations in the western hemisphere d. It was an economic policy by President Monroe to revive the American Economy by lowering tariffs and promoting manufacturing


What was the most effective long-term response of African Slaves to the treatment depicted in the image above? a.Sustained revolts and violence against European culture and social structures b. The creation of alliances with native communities to resist colonization and slavery c.Enculturation and subordination to European culture d. Cultural and linguistic adaptions to achieve a degree of cultural preservation and autonomy


Which of the following antebellum era historical developments was least likely to have spurred efforts such as those described in the excerpt above a. the influence of the second great awakening b. the spread of liberal social ideas from europe c. romantic beliefs in human perfectability d. the progresss toward a new unified national culture


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