History of Czech Culture

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Charter 77

-Created by Vaclav Havel and others protesting the arrest of Underground artists such as the Plastic People of the Universe -First signatures collected in December 1976 -Published on January 6th, 1977

What is the difference between an iamb and a trochee?

-Iamb: Stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable (stressed→ unstressed) -Trochee: Unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable (unstressed→ stressed)

Frank Zappa's relationship to the Czechs

-Very popular musician among the Czechs. -A huge influence on underground music.

Month and year of the invasion of Prague by Soviet tanks ending the Prague Spring

August 21, 1968

Plastic People of the Universe

Popular 6 member rock band in the Prague underground during the Communist takeover

Vaclav Havel: When was he president, when was he a dissident?

President: 1993-2003. Dissident: from Prague spring(1968) to the 1980s

Who was Karel Hynek Macha? (3 things)

(1810-1836) -National Poet of Love -Most Famous Poem: "May" -Wrote in Iambic Tetrameter

Who was Karel Jaromir Erben?

(1811-1870) -Writer/ Poet -Most famous work: Kytice (collection of traditional & folkloric poems) -Wrote in Trochee

Socialism with a Human Face (4 things)

-Coined by: Alexander Dubcek of the Czechoslovak Communist Party -Referred to a slightly different version of a potential communist state than the Soviets had envisioned -Placed greater emphasis on individuals (the "human face" instead of the state). -Meant greater freedoms and less oppressive policies with regard to work.

What is the Czechoslovak Legion?

-Volunteer Armed Forces fighting with Entente Powers during WWI who ended up in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution -Goal: win the Allies' support for the independence of Bohemia and Moravia

How many beers a day Jaroslav Hasek drank?

35 pints a day

The year Christianity was introduced to the Czechs and Moravians?


Month and year of Communist Coup after WWII

February 25, 1948

Art Nouveau (6 things)

-A decorative Art movement -Began in Western Europe in 1900 -Ended: 1905 -Themes: Symbolic & Erotic -Characterized by: Richly Ornamental Asymmetrical Style of violent or whiplash curves -A reaction to academic art of the 19th century

Munich Agreement (3 things)

-An agreement between the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy -Gave Germany control of the Sudetenlands -Signed September 30, 1938, but dated September 29th

Cult of Personality (4 things)

-Arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods, to create an idealized, heroic, & at times, god-like public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. -Parallels "charismatic authority". -Similar to hero worship, except it's established by mass media & propaganda. -Used by: Stalin, Mussolini, & Hitler in the 20th century

"The Thaw" (6 things)

-Began after Stalin's death in March 1953 -Initiated an irreversible transformation of the entire Soviet society with: Economic Reforms & international trade Educational & cultural contacts Festivals & Books by foreign authors Foreign movies, art shows, music, dances, & new fashions Massive involvement in International Sport Competitions Steps to free people from fear & dictatorship that climaxed in the removal of Stalin's body from Lenin's Mausoleum -Repression & censorship in Soviet Union were reversed -Millions of Soviet political prisoners were released from Gulag labor camps -Term came after Ilya Ehrenburg's novel "The Thaw" was published in 1954

Who was Jara Cimrman?

-Czech fictional character -Created by: Jiří Šebánek, Ladislav Smoljak & Zdeněk Svěrák. -Born to: Marlen & Leopold Cimrman -Made his first appearance on Radio December 23, 1966 -Playing the game on his real existence is part of his characterization. -Known as 1 of the best Czech playwrights, poets, composers, teachers, explorers, philosophers, inventors, detectives, mathematicians & sportsmen of the 19th & early 20th century

Socialist Realism (4 things)

-Developed in the Soviet Union, but later a dominant style in other socialist countries -Teleology-Oriented Realistic Art style -Purpose: advancement of the goals of socialism and communism. -Often glorifies roles of the meek & working class & the struggle for its emancipation.

Nikita Khrushchev?

-First secretary of the Communist party of the Soviet Union (1953-1964) -Responsible for partial de-stalinization of the Soviet Union -Denounced Stalin in "The Secret Speech" at the 20th Congress -Removed from power in 1964 & replaced by Brezhnev

What is Terezin? (8 things)

-Former military fortress during WWI -Adapted to a ghetto and concentration camp in 1940 -More than 150,000 Jews sent there at the beginning of the war -Only 17, 247 survivors at the end of the war -Concentration camp where prisoners of "special merit" were sent -Advertised the camp for its "Rich cultural life" -Nazis used this particular camp to fool the International Red Cross on two separate occasions of what was actually happening in the camps. -Children's Opera, Brundibar, and many other works of art were created here

Who Leonid Brezhnev was and what he had to do with the Prague Spring?

-General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) -Presided over the country from 1964 until his death in 1982. -Leadership is said to mark the beginning of an era of economic & social stagnation that eventually led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 -Authorized the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia to stop the Prague Spring

20th Party Congress

-Held February 14-25, 1956 -Known for Khrushchev's "Secret Speech" -Began by Khrushchev asking all to stand in memory of Communist leaders who had died since the previous congress. -Hints of a new direction were gradually mentioned over the next 10 days

Who is Reinhard Heydrich?

-High ranking German official -One of the main architects of the Holocaust -Assassinated in Prague in 1942

Who is Alexander Dubcek?

-Lived from November 27, 1921 - November 7, 1992 Slovak politician and, briefly, leader of Czechoslovakia (1968-1969). -Attempted to reform the communist regime during the Prague Spring. -After the overthrow of the government in 1989, he was Chairman of the federal Czech-Slovak parliament.

What was the Yalta agreement?

-Meeting after World War II between the United States, the United Kingdom and Soviet Union to re-establish the nations of Eastern Europe. -Controversial because the Soviet Union basically took control until the 1990's

What was Normalization? (5 things)

-Name commonly given to the time period 1969-87. -Characterized by the initial restoration of the existing conditions before (Prague Spring) the reform period -Firm rule of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, and subsequent preservation of this new status quo. -Sometimes used in a narrower sense to refer only to the period 1969 to 1971. -Official ideology of normalization is sometimes called Husakism after Czechoslovak leader Gustáv Husák.

What was the Prague Spring? (4 things)

-Period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia during the era of its domination by the Soviet Union after World War II. -Meant to give Czech citizens more personal freedom & bring back a degree of political democracy -Began: January 5, 1968, when Alexander Dubček was elected First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, -Ended: August 21, 1968 when the Soviet Union & all members of the Warsaw Pact, with the exception of Romania, invaded the country to halt the reforms.

Who is Neville Chamberlain and why did the Czechs hate him?

-The British Prime Minister -Agreed to the Munich Agreement which gave Hitler part of Czechoslovakia.

What is Lidice?

-Village in the Czech Republic just northwest of Prague -Completely burnt down by the Germans after the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich

Current population of the Czech Republic

10.5 million

When was the first Czechoslovak Republic


What is the Slav Epic? (2 things)

20 large canvas painting by Alfons Mucha Depicted historical Czech/Slavic events

When did Cyril and Methodius do it?

9th century

What is Cimrman's "acoustic constant"?

Bakh bakh yukharay Kaabrt Yoy Hoy-dala-ridy Ya, ya, yupy, yupy ya Bag-dad, Bag-dad

Alfons Mucha's style.

Beautiful women in full portrait Unfurled hair Curves Jewelry Complicated folds Circles Flora

Years of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

Began: March 15, 1939 Ended: May 13, 1945

Two major geographical regions of the Czech Republic

Bohemia and Moravia

Cyril and Methodius

Byzantine Greek brothers

What does CD stands for?

Cimrman's disk

What did Cyril and Methodius do?

Created the first Slavic alphabet: Cyrillic or Glagolitic; also brought Christianity to the Czechs and Moravians

Who is Max Brod?

Czech author/journalist Friend of Kafka and Hasek. Kafka's Literary Executor Kafka instructed him to burn all of his work when he died

The origin of the word "Bohemia"

From the Czech tribe, Boii, who lived in the region from 700 BC - 0

What happened to the Czech language after the Battle of White Mountain in 1620?

It was banned and German became the official language

What does Kafka mean in English?


Who wrote "The Armless Pickpocket"?

Jara Cimrman

First Czechoslovak Republic (3 things)

Lasted from 1918-1938 Formed after World War I First President: T.G. Masaryk

Who is Alfons Mucha?

Lived from 1860-1939. Large part of the Art Nouveau movement (1900-1905). Known for his distinct style Themes were symbolic and often erotic

Who is Josef K.?

Main character in Franz Kafka's book The Trial

Year of Stalin's death

March 5, 1953

What MP3 stands for?

Me Pisne - 3rd edition (Mé písně 3)

Significance of Tomas Masaryk's middle name

Middle name: Garrigue. It was his wife's maiden name

Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia Assassinated by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo Led Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia Central Powers & Allies declared war on each other, start of WW1

What are the Sudetenlands?

The German speaking regions of Czechoslovakia Given to the Germans with the Munich Agreement

First President of the First Czechoslovak Republic

Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk (1918-1935)

What group of Slavic languages does Czech belong to?

Western Slavic branch

What and when was the Czech national revival?

When: 1780 - end of 19th century Attempted to bring Czech language, culture, and national identity back to life Lead to the first Czechoslovak Republic

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