History of Hip-Hop

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Do the right thing

31-year-old spike Lee begin filming "do the right thing" in bed-stuy Lee wrote and directed the movie, rejected by one studio that found the ending to controversial wanted to capture life on one racially tense and Brooklyn block on the hottest day of the year would become a polarizing force in an already use or them it kind of time Lee was also the lead as Mookie, Brooklyn guy in a Jackie Robinson jersey delivering pizzas, AB boy survivalist Italian American family who drove to bed story sal: nostalgia for the good all days of the Dodgers when black meant underdog not majority Pino: eldest son, struggled with the fact that his father chose not to sell the pizzeria even as bed stuy became unrecognizable Vito: youngest, liberal, naïve antagonist: politician radical with attitude, issuing demands for black faces on the pizzerias wall of fame sal refused Buggin out demand and turned off the radio, two teams for an impromptu protest in the pizzeria between sal and Raheem Raheem death by NYPD Mookie Took a stand and threw a garbage can through his employer's window leading to a riot as the block chanted "Howard Beach" stuttering :-) went through the flames to paint a postcard of them on the wall of fame movie ends with opposing quotes from the king and Malcolm X on the question of violence is protest but Lee offered no solutions, late and it's dead and generational rage and confusion greeted with panic, interracial Rylance, debate with Lee meant to say except black kids who would know the message is clear from the opening credits generational objections: Stan Lee Crouch compared to lead to Nazi propagandist, fairytale one expects of the racist The black community does any means necessary for money * forced politicians like Jesse Jackson into tragedies and to beg for redemption Spike Lee and public enemy the bland the precision of diplomacy but got messy fire starting art lead more in demand as a race man event even the congressional black leaders, who speaks for young black America and what did they have to say

The Bronx River

Africa had to convince brown use on the other side of the Bronx of peace The river remade the dividing line between African-American and Puerto Rican youth

remember watts

August 11 a routine drunk driving arrest into a night of rioting police stopped black brothers Marquette and Ronald Fry mother Rena Fry⚾️ came out to school the boys win dozens of police units came onto the scene market resisted the opposite tends to handcuff him, cops beat him with a baton, brother and mother tasseled with the cops and were arrested as well A hairdresser be in and arrested after spitting on a cops shirt next two nights police lost control of the streets, ambushed by rockthrowing youth, attacked by women who sees their guns, helicopters under sniper fire, systematic looting and the burning, credit records in a department store for us to go, grocery stores/furniture stores/gun and surplus outlets were next, ransacked and set ablaze gangs temporarily dropped their rivalries like the gladiators and the Watts ggang five police chief William Parker compared it to fighting the Vietcong and rioters as monkeys in the zoo six dead after LAPD and sheriffs office fired looters and under arms citizens National guard arrived the next day and the death toll peaked riding lasted five days and resulted in $40 million in damage and 34 dead Time of new beginnings: week after the riots the new nation of Islam was downtown mask shut up and destroyed by LAPD officers, searching for nonexistent limited weapons & of an office next to the Watts happening coffeehouse, bud schulberg opened Watts writers workshop there as a haven for some promising artist Anthony "Amde" Hamilton met hawkins through the workshop, recorded "the black voices: on the streets in watts", met Ricchard Dedeaux and Otis O'Solomon began her forming poetry with female pianist Dee dee o'neil "Wrapping black in a white world", cover a child of the revolution wrapping himself in his soldiers oversized uniform and embracing a shotgun, edgy poems with rage, drug addled and bullet rid of all the deaths, rise of ghetto warriors, black art that her baraka called for

1978 elections

Bucky Marshall, a gunman from the PNP-backed Spanglers Posse, ended up in the same penitentiary cell as same JLP gangsters and talked End 1977: Renegade soldiers from the Jamaican Defense Force ambushed an unarmed posse of JLP roughnecks and killed 5 5 got away and told The Gleanor Incriminated both PNP and JLP politicians, a coup or civil war was imminent *No political affiliations could save anyone from the army if this happened Marshall out of jail met with Claudie Massop, Seaga's man who was now the area don Announced a peace treaty at the boarder of JLP and PNP territories "This is from someone who has felt what its like in jail, too many youth are fighting and they will be killed. Everyone I grew up with is dead"

Enter the Dragon movie (73)

By Jim Kelly African-American activist character Williams gazed at Bruce Lee's Hong Kong home and said: "Ghettos are the same all over the world. They stink"

Arts rebels

Charlie Ahearn and twin John moved to New York City to become contemporary artists Charlie in rolled in the Whitney Museum's program, he and Jon became part of an artist movement there called co-lab become an activist and creating change by creating stuff found what he called "the deadly art of survival" showing kids practicing martial arts captivated by Lee Quinones handball court murals massive exhibition in time square widely reviewed, historic, new crop of graffiti inspired street artists were introduced in the show Introduced: Basquiat, Kenny Scharf, Keith Haring Got to work with Lee and FAB FIVE freddy

doing contradiction right

Chuck raised within his mothers embrace of black panther bringing back the black panther movement and communism did not adhere to traditional politics Stephney refused to join any political party Idols: Khallid Abdul Muhammad and Farrakhan Yo! Bum Rush the Show was named one of the best albums of the year by the British music press John Leland called Chuck boring, Chuck told a British reporter he went looking for him to "**** him up bad", dumped his critics in the same way it's been as racist cops/corrupt conservatives/black radio programmers * first shot in what would become an increase vituperative relationship with the American press but agreed to play a national writers union benefit with sonic youth to support the freelancers better fight for recognition against the village voices management they do contradiction right: publicly dissing music critics for what they've said about public enemy and then coming off by far the most militant in their solidarity with writers

Herc in the Bronx

Clive move to New York City with his mother in a tenement building he felt like a country boy and was marked because being Jamaican wasn't fashionable was told they were throwing Jamaicans in garbage joined the Five Percenters and Cofon Cats gang in junior high began running cross country and track friend Jerome Wallace was Jamaican American went to first Fridays youth dances at local Catholic schools and house parties accent started to change when tired of hearing them say what did you say reinventing himself creating a new identity such as graffiti taggers "Im here" rendered of the gangs obsolete

Bambaataa's Zulu Nation

Emblem: around a black face with wide eyes and lips to wear around their necks, taken from one of New Orleans oldest and most famous black Mardi Gras groups the Zulu Krewe civil rights groups had pressured them to disband for what they took to be offensive black face stereotypes Bambaataa pulled out what was precious and tossed the rest, he created new mythologies

Grand Wizard Theodore

Flash brought 13-year-old Theodore Livingston accidentally invented the scratch while answering his mom one night


Global fight against the racist South African apparatus of law and ideology that allows the white minority to maintain political and economic power over the native black majority blacks outnumbered the whites 5:1 climax of a century of anti-colonial and anti-racist resistance The black struggle in the American south for desegregation had inspired millions around the world against white rule and the children of civil rights, the young Americans who came of age during the late 70s and early 80s, never forget it

hip-hop nation

Gogo was a rhythm machine a while hip-hop was an idea machine with bottom less stories The culture was the call it hip-hop journalism was the response created it generations sense of itself journalists like Nelson George at Billboard we're ready to catch hip-hop as it burst into downtown consciousness most pioneer riders worked for underground papers and alternative weeklies sinister entrepreneurs like Tim car and Michael Holman wrote about the young scene, British designs like black echo/black music/jazz review/soul underground offering features, break beat charts and playlists American rock music tabloids like spin and Rolling Stones were covering hip-hop artists The Village voice by Doug Simmons, Greg Tate, RJ Smith, harry Allen devoted a special issue to hip-hop named "hip-hop nation" Point: this culture could to make you believe, delivers the shock of the new, bought and sold like gold but the minors represent a constituency, hip-hop locates there market potential and militancy in New York the nation was not yet born but hip-hop journalism might provide a nationalism to bring them together two white Jewish Harvard and juniors name to David Mays "gogo Dave" and Jon Shecter "J the Sultan MC" made a one page hip-hop music tip sheet called "the source" made the single for his Crimson baseball cap crew called big man on campus and landed a weekend radio show they called "street beats" on their campus station WHRB sold "the source" from their dorm room, main attraction was hot pics, rap singles shopping list maze build readership from a mailing list of listeners and industry folks he kept on his computer * The source did the work of assembling a national network for major labels to reach route friendly radio DJs/promoters/retailers in under a year became a full color covered magazine after graduating they moved operations to New York City Harlem grad Reginald Dennis added a 10,000 more people to the list of subscribers *"The most widely read/well respected rap music publication in existence" declared themselves "the voice of the rap music industry" or the rap insiders Had the authority of young heads on a mission hip-hop finally written from an insider's view epitomized hip-hop attitude like the baby boys dance, streetwise confidence, generational defiance; no army of parents/baby boomer culture acquitted critics/rock journalists couldn't understand

One last punch

Harry Allen ☺️ as the groups publicist, use the weekly faxes to strike back at the groups attackers and to force the discussion of PE back into the context of racism Harry used advance cassettes of the new album photo copies of author Frances Cess-Weslings "Cress theory of color confrontation and racism and "two decade old Afrocentric track that was enjoying popular revival and black communities well sing believe the roots of white worlds a premise leave lay in the white race is melanin a deficiency, neurosis over being a shrinking numerical minority led to them to establish a system of racial oppression

Cold Crush Brothers

Henry "big Bank Hank" Jackson was a Herc follower and a Bronx nightclub bouncer and became manager for a grandmaster Caz and the rappers who became the cold crush brothers what is making pizza to pay for Caz's sound system and rapped to one or Caz's tapes at the parlor when Joey Robinson told him to audition Three auditioned: Guy "Master Gee" O'Brien and Michael "Wonder Mike" Wright mediately signed them to be the first group on her new imprint "Sugar Hill records" *vault hip hop into the realm of pop The Sugarhill gang never had a DJ, never stepped on the stage until after their single became a Radio hit * tailor-made to travel, to be perfectly accessible to folks who have never heard of rap or hip-hop or the Bronx artisan labels scrambled to make more records, flash even recorded to increase their bookings

Downtown with liberal assumptions being tested

Henry managing the rock steady crew when Cooper showed him pictures of her next project, assignment to a riot in progress at Washington Heights subway station was in a riot they were dancing her and NYU dance professor Sally beans track down B boys at high school dance and wrap shoes Henry asked graffiti writers if they heard of folks who did a dance called rocking TAKE ONE member of the rocksteady crew brought crazy legs and frosty freeze to the studio, Henry asked if they wanted to perform at a graffiti slideshow at the common ground

Wailer's album "Catch a Fire"

Henzell's The Harder They Come soundtrack + Wailers album positioned reggae as rebel music in a different kind of urban black authenticity Dialogue between Third World roots and First World pop Stranded in Britain months before when manager abandoned them for an European tour failing to materialize Island Records Chris Blackwell (financer of the Henzell film) bailed them out and signed them Put them on tour, sent music back for over-dubs by rock session musicians Rabbit Bundrick and Wayne Perkins 1st song "Concrete Jungle" illustrated the perils and promise of translating Jamaican music for 1st world audiences, bleakness of the west Kingston yard "No chains around my feet, but im not free" Sold 14,000 copies in 1st year *Landmark in the globalization of Third World culture Marley on his way to becoming a worldwide con of freedom struggle and black liberation

end of innocence: the fall of the old school

Japanese youth rebellion: style tribes took over the park and establish the truth Africa is planet rock was being born another manifesto by Africa called "renegades of funk" saying no matter how hard you try you can't stop us now, every day people to change the course of history ideas came from the bottom up Hollywood it started acting targeted hip-hop exploitation flicks such as the two biggest movies breaking and beat street Breakin was a full length feature on Flashdance about an aspiring female dancer finding her self through the streets Beat Street by Steven Hager included all of the old-school pioneers, about the competitive drive/racial in class tensions/negotiations between uptown and downtown idea that hip-hop needed to be done is down for the kids: professional actors, change the names, choreographed dances, no cops * hip-hop reduced to kid friendly Broadway production, clean for prime time, one size fits all, but this bitch shiny thing all increase the craving for the real thing Michael Stewart: graffiti artist, was writing when a transit authority police man arrested him, beaten by the cops/tied up The committee against racially motivated police violence announced a congressional hearing, MTA said he became violent, possession of cocaine and marijuana, resisting arrest * Bring down the city corners office, MTA and policeman's union on the defense, mayor and governor and district attorney rattled, set up a new grassroots black power movement 11 cops involved in the arrest, no trace of drugs in his body only on him, choked by a nightstick, even though the medical examiner said he was beaten the court said he died of a heart attack, no evidence of physical injury causing death Elliot gross I miss handled the autopsy report in another case of Eleanor Bumpurs Who was an elderly black woman who was shot by police during an evection police department found an overwhelming number of cases of police brutality from white officers and citizens of color, half ended in death Took attorney Robert Morgenthau seven months to get three officers or second-degree manslaughter dismissed from grandeur is being tainted, then that the case had highly risky legal theory that the police constituted criminally negligent homicide The group red gorilla defense publicly bombed the office of the BPA six officers were acquitted of all charges post graffiti show by Sydney Janice gallery beginning of the end of the graffiti writers one-sided affair with the rich and famous Coen not appreciated by everyone, Janice later denounce the riders, artist think they were used jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring to stars Haring: Pop Shop to matt market his work, activist "U.S.A. for Africa"painting, Basquiat Heroin overdose and harr heroin overdose and Haring AIDS lead them to our world respectability, values of paintings escalated after the deaths Bernhard Goetz became a national hero for shooting for black boys in a subway car, all the liberals had been mugged * neglect feared, rescuing graffiti artist from the subway it was the folly of rich liberals wow the subway being rescued from graffiti was celebrated as an all American victory The final solution: a graffiti free subway system, clean cars, "free at last" put a stop to the dance was its marketing overkill, rap exploded but center shifted away from uptown, hip-hop heads cut loose from the clubs and entertainment industry, breakers went back to being drug dealers heroin and cocaine were both off-the-shelf pharmaceuticals and marketed as cure all's, heroin as a cough suppressant and a stronger form of aspirin, cocaine available and soft drinks like Coca-Cola World War II showed a decline in heroin problem but the cold war that followed it produced opium and cocoa products to advance counterrevolutions The battle against communist China and Vietnam had led to the Golden triangle or the Lawlers zone that filled with heroin Heroin production pushed thru air and sea by the CIA, American troops and ghettos heroin addiction Andean farmers smoked cocoa paste which led to the creation of rocks called Freebase then Ricky "Freeway Rick" Ross cur it with baking soda to make "Ready Rock" or crack Run DMC killed old school: songs about beating down style-butters and screwing cheap whores DMC performance turned into a private battlefield for la gangs *new bread of renegades, hip hop generation at childhoods end, into an era of rebellion

1977 Blackout

July 13 Looters to the streets in Crown Heights, Bedford-Stuyvesant, E NY, Harlem, Bronx 50 brand new cars out of show room 36 hours of retribution and redistribution No hurting or killing each other! Thousands of fires set

Joseph Saddler (Grandmaster Flash)

Kool Herc stayed ahead with the power of a sound system Africa with programming genius Joseph Sadler: no expensive equipment, deep record collection, or a posse. All he had was his style The fourth of five girls of Barbadian immigrants would search for radios and speakers to fix theorizing the turntable and mixer Thought Herc was sloppy : dropping the needle all over the place wanted it to lift the slices of record time out of the progression time, re-enclose a songs break in a perfect new loop Quick mix theory: cutting, backspin, double back

Martin Luther King Jr.

Later that year, he gave his "I Have a Dream" speech Harlem: street protests to white police vs black youth over education and poverty 60s/70s: King and Malcolm X were gone --> black dreams gone

Numbers in the Bronx

Lost 60,000 manufacturing jobs as the all moved to Detroit 40% of the sector disappeared Per capita to income dropped 2,430$ Youth unemployment rate 60-80% **Hip-hop culture rose from no work!

two videotapes

News footage of black civil rights protesters being attacked by police and dogs and fire hoses in Birmingham Alabama mobilize public opinion during debates over the civil rights act One video from an amateur camcorder and the other from a store surveillance camera service Rodney King beating by five police officers, done less than a year for trying to rob a Korean American owned store with a tire iron, out early for good behavior and became a construction labor, drug behind the wheel hog tied up by police, 56 baton blows and she stumps and kicks to the head and body video broadcasted nationwide within 24 hours two weekends later Latasha Harlins shot dead by Korean-American storekeeper soon ja du at a liquor Mart became a lawyer after her mother was shot in the killer got a light sentence put a bottle of orange juice in her backpack and went to the counter to pay for it, Harlans said she was trying to steal, Harlans swings at Du, soon throws a stool at Harlan's, Harlan's puts the bottle on the counter and begins to walk away and shoot her Store had been briefly closed for fear of Crip retaliation, had been held up more than 30 times, soon husband worked 14 hours the day before to many African-Americans the Du's where the symbol of Asian carpet baggers, liquor stores in the area sold to them by African-Americans who purchased them from Jewish owners after the Watts uprising, sold to Korean immigrants at more than double their investment, liquor stores poor substitute for grocery stores, supermarkets were the most expensive in the country politicians figured liquor was more important to inner-city residents than food, liquor store entrepreneurs didn't provide what people really needed but feel the void that no one else was willing to unwanted becoming easy prey for local thugs Black Korean alliance after four Korean merchants killed in one month, increase dialogue through programs Buescher session lead to 11 Korean American merchants to be killed in robberies media ignored the killings, black and Korean American civil rights leaders pleaded to not overreact

5. Knowledge

Of culture and self Articulate what hip hop is Pioneer: Afrika Bambaataa "Hip Hop is for everyone" no gender/race/etc

Gospel of Rastafari

People's nationalism against official Offered faith, history, prophecy, and redemption Followed traditions of Black nationalist Marcus Mosiah Garvey Renamed Haile Selassie "The Might of the Trinity" Selassie was a "god made flesh, King of Kings, redeemer and deliverer of the Black masses Indigenous fusion of messianism and millenarianism, anticolonialism and Black nationalism, gave the cause of "Black supremacy" spiritual/political/social dimensions

Jamaica and Hip Hop

Pioneer DJ Kool Herc and Bob Marley from here Herc: "They say nothing good came out of Trench town, but hip hop came!" Reggae is rap music's elder kin 70s: Marley and the roots generation reacted to the national crisis, global restructuring, imperial posturing, and street violence Energy into its culture Pulled global popular culture into the 3rd World

Babylon in Kingston, Jamaica

Reggae group Culture sand a vision of Babylon w lightning/earthquake/thunder two sevens had clashed Apocalypse was upon Babylon Next gen: give them an apocalypse and they would dance

Jamaica Festival Song Competition

Role in National Pride Instituted by Edward Seaga (conservative in the leading Jamaican Labour Party) who was the first music executive to record indigenous music Supported young island industry and fostered national identity by making stars of "ghetto-identifying" artists (Toots and Eric Donaldson)

The accidental birth of "Dub"

Ruddy Redwood of the Duke Reid was cutting dubplates when engineer Byron Smith forgot to pan up the vocals --> no vocals Took the uncorrected acetate and mixed the vocal and the dub Vocal-less riddim used as a B-side Reid realized he could cut costs by half --> one studio session could now produce multiple versions 1 band session could be recycled as a DJ version for a rapper *Diagram for hip hop: space opened for a break Sound of a rapidly fragmenting nation- troubling, strange, tragic, a slow-motion portrait of social collapse

A different kind of globalization

Salvadoran ex-gangbanger in LA named Alex Sanchez illustrated the stakes for the hip-hop generation Director of the peace organization homies unidos caught the violence between the Latino gangs working for peace in the most corrupt police precinct in the nation LAPD's rampart division US government trying to deport him to El Salvador for execution fillet edit San Salvador at age 6 to LA, refugee of brutal Civil War which came to global attention after the Reagan back right wing government assassinated six leftist opposition leaders is family obtain the green cards but Sanchez had run away from home joined the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang Who bumped heads with the largely Chicano 18th St. gang in and out of juvenile detention facilities and went to prison for Grandtheft auto, was handed to the INS for deportation stepped off the plane in San Salvador and saw a nearby hillside with the letters MS 13 San Salvador divided into curves just like LA, after the Salvadoran civil war right wing vigilante squads re-organize to launch a covert terrorist social cleansing program targets were criminals, Prostitutes, street children, transvestite rife with highly armed CIA trained right wing driven death squads and highly armed US street train criminal minded street games Sanchez wanted to get back to his son, nearly starved made his way back to LA was steered toward peace work by Magdaleno Rose-Avila Sanchez joined Homies as a volunteer, removed gang tattoos, turned his life around as a natural leader and no snitch so won youths respect prevented a war with a three-way phone call, took kids out of the street to church/camping/parks/theater, alternative to the traditional gang life of violence Sanchez politicize to be used by holding meetings at the Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, brought in civil rights attorneys to educate the youth on their rights with police stops, partnered with networks of gang peacemakers across the city rampart crash Pops harassed Sanchez and his youths, cops called it a front for a super gay and increased surveillance, targeted to anyone at the meetings then followed and beat them pastor said no to them spying on the meetings falsely penned a drive-by murder of a gang member on a 14-year-old at the meeting Hayden came to chair a state Senate investigation into police harassment and brutality with Sanchez is the star witness crash cop stormed in and search the crowd for Sanchez but Alex lesley, put a message on the street for him: Homies had six months to die threat of INS deportation but special order 40, LA executive order, for bid police intervention and immigration cases but police suspended the law at Will death squads in San Salvador illuminated criminal deportees Andy transnational Gangs we're directly threatened by homey's peace efforts five members of Homies deported to El Salvador and all were murdered Hayden brought Homies leaders to meet with INS officials and Salvadoran government officials to seek permanent visas but the INS refused even as the police chief confirmed that Sanchez's wife would be a great danger if he was deported crash officers arrested Sanchez with no charges just to turn him over to the INS

becoming the enemy

Spectrum city running out of steam, Franklin/hank/Chuck wanted to create their own myth Stephny. would be fired if he couldn't sign his best friend, Ruben offered a truck in our deal with flavor Flav and hank Spectrum city changed to public enemy fitting their underdog love and developing politics


Sputtered under the former colonial arrangements that were still dep on Banana farming needed price supports and protection Bauxite and tourist industries growing 1/3 were unemployed

Zulu king dancers

Started with five guys: Zambu Lanier, Kusa Stokes, Ahmad Henderson, Shaka Reed, Aziz Jackson Women added: Shaka Kings and Queens Female rappers: Queen Lisa Lee and Sha-Rock then Pebblee Poo

Musician Count Ossie

Taught Burru drumming, an African art that survived from slavery and came to the Kingston ghettos after slavery abolished Interplay of three drums (bass drum, alto fundeh, and the repeater) Repeater saved for the best drummer, added color/tension/protest/defiance DJ's (Jamaican term for rappers) later mimicked the play of the repeaters **Ossie gave the Rastas a medium for their message Mentored many important Jamaican ska, rock steady, and reggae musicians **Jamaican artists blended popular New Orleans rhythm-and-blues with elements of folk mento, junkanoo, and Revival Zion styles --> new sound

4. B-Boy/Girl

Term by Kool Herc Funk style (campbell locking, popping, b-boying) "Battle Rocking" crews against each other, shows you can hit them but you don't "Down rocking" competitive floor moves Crowd originally chose who won by yelling loudest, then judges Pioneer: Rock Steady Crew in Bronx/Hampton Includes Crazy Legs

vibe and the triumph of the Urban

The source advertisers expanded beyond record labels to include Nike, Reebok, Sega, Bugleboy average reader was a 21-year-old male, over half black and a quarter white like rock 'n' roll: music driven lifestyle lived by an entire generation of young people Time warner plus Quincy Jones plus Russell Simmons discussed with mays, shecter, Bernard to buy the source wasn't going to be a big enough magazine for a hard core hip-hop magazine which was wrong, market for mainstreamed black music magazine ended after Time Warner lowballed them Took a $1 million investment from Time Warner and developed an upmarket hiphop magazine upmarket: wanted raw edges, slick style glossy Carol Smith as publisher, white 43-year-old founder of parenting magazine, never seen her do the right thing or boys in the hood Jonathan van meter as editor in chief, White/gay 29-year-old Simmons quit saying if they didn't hire one straight black man, Bible for the hip-hop community is dead advertising picked up the gap, swatch, Nintendo, Bennetton, Armani Exchange, Versace, Levi, Nike 54 ad pages "Vibe" mixed celebrity and investigative journalism with minimalist high concept photography and fashion spreads no street scene backgrounds, black backgrounds for icon making foreground some thoughts they turned hip-hop into the museum piece: cool but cerebral, artful but funkless, gorgeous but bourgeoisie hip-hop demand large so it thrived became consumer catalogs to the hip-hop lifestyle, offered aspirational quality triumphed over America in a way the civil rights movement never had: no matter their race/class/geography the kids wore the same clothes spoke the same language and listened to the same music Ice T and Chuck D: Triumph of cultural desegregation, white parents afraid of rap allowed white kids to get away without questioning their privileges of their whiteness journalists excepted a tribe called quest "industry rule number 4080": record company people are shady hip-hop pushed toward main stream hip-hop nationalism was about defending a generation that loved contradictions

over the rainbow

UC Berkeley during the anti-D the movement called United people of color summed up the third worldist philosophy at the same time cultural nationalist like Karenga and Molefi Kete Asante "Afrocentricity and "as an intellectual program that would be the center of Eurocentric educational buyers, we cover/reclaim at the last agent rates of African glory, reCenter, African thought and experience in the production of knowledge and self, emphasis on self-esteem and self actualization like the nation of Islam and the 5 %ers political rad to got out the vote for Jessie Jackson, second presidential run as a campaign of hope, lead a rainbow crowd in chance of "keep hope alive", synthesis of the civil rights and black power agendas/front of liberation movement save from nihilism by board box optimism jackson's campaign came out of nowhere but he was leading the polls accusation: said to black reporters "let's talk black talk", referred to Jewish people as hymies, and New York as Hymie town article: peace with American Jews eludes Jackson, being called anti-semitic defended by farrakhan, media combed his house for evidence of anti-Semitism Farrakhan Called Hitler "wickedly great", called the Jewish faith a "gutter religion" and "dirty religion" Government voted unanimously to censor Far but anything that he was speaking a deeper truth in the black community, both blacks and Jewish are suffering people, cannot define our self interest in terms of your self interest The anti-defamation league conflated anti-Zionism with anti-semitism Adolph read: Israel Farrakhan provided symbolic cover for issues closer to home dating back to Ocean Hills/Brownsville jackson's pro affirmative action and pro black empowerment could potentially upset Jewish privilege, "black talk" revealed that upwardly mobile blacks no longer perceived the Jewish middle-class as an ally but a threat Wisconsin primary crucial for Jackson and opponents New York City Mayor Ed Coach made his own Jewishness an issue in Beta Jackson jews crazy to vote for him, comments made extensive coverage, Jackson lost Wisconsin The Jewish defense organization called him a "black Nazi" Lost to New York getting 94% of the black vote while only 8% of the Jewish vote * The rainbow dream had been dashed against the rocks of the black Jewish problem bomb squad saluted it Jackson's decision to run again, sampled him introducing a protest song from the soul children at Wattstax didn't win and didn't go down fighting

Other gangs in South Bronx

West of third Avenue were the Ching-a-Ling's and the savage nomads in the heart of the burnt out south Bronx were the turfs of the ghetto Brothers the turbans the peacemakers the Mongols the Roman kings the seven immortals and the dirty dozen most of these groups were predominantly Puerto Rican East of the Bronx River the black spades consolidated the youth of the mostly African-American communities

Loop one: Babylon is Burning 1968-1977

Will be in quiz but not on midterm

Loop two: Planet Rock

Will be on the midterm

no words

activists came to peacefully through Madison is there causes of women's issues, immigrant rights, sweatshop labor, transportation policy, educational access 1000 of all colors gathered to March at the Belmont learning center, a new school in the largely Latino and Filipino neighborhood by downtown The learning center was a powerful somebody in the city, in an improv wrist inner-city area, desperately needed school, build to reduce overcrowding most expensive high school ever built in the nation at $200 million retail commercial development on school property, built over a Bandan oil wells with high toxicity of methane leaks so the side might literally blow up tens of millions spent on environmental mitigation but people just wanted to school closed * completed but unused, a monument to corporate pollution and municipal profligacy, don't need to be given choices that aren't really choices use gather to Marge toward downtown wearing shirts with the words "justice for you" or proclaim their affiliations with African student union, Asian left forum, MECha, or proclaimed passions like "The Ummah" "Freestyle Fellowship" "Chicana Nation" flatbed truck traveled in the outer lane, graffiti murals and a turntable ragged/drum/Congress Z and bass amplifier rappers and musicians on truck streamed hip-hop beats to DMX "ruff riders anthem" into the chant toxic schools got to go organize by Latino student organizers, environmental justice activist, teachers, parents, students elder youth veterans of the proposition 187 while the younger proposition 21 like Chicago 1968 :battle lines drawn between aging white establishment and young radicals at the Staples Convention Center, President Bill Clinton long ovations firetruck putting the longest economic expansion protests of 1968 came at the end of a seven year economic expansion during an eight year democratic rule only someone young or poor or of color control with Clintons triumphalism Bill Bradley the field presidential candidate said: don't give up idealism to be successful in America, don't be complacent, outrage over the undermining of our democracy/poverty of children/absence of healthcare/shame of racism, young people who believe that America can be just never give up and never sell out March toward the Ronald Reagan State building 20 cop cars behind them and riot cops armed with a rubber bullet guns/Teargas/shoulder vest ran alongside the March stopping to baton ready formation then to the next block to reassemble for young women began to dance and the movement ripples down the March line "This is how we protest non-violent" reached the state building and the daughters and sons of the revolution stopped and turned to face the office is above United in a single defiant gesture, stop the marching music, powder their heads and 1000 proud fists rose into the air

Bambaataas Theme

and electro version song based on John carpenters 1976 movie "Assault on Precinct 13" movie usher in a new genre: the urban horror flick heroes in this film defended themselves in a police station against waves of dark heavily armed gang member seeking revenge for their cop killed brothers

Rapture in Reagan's America

elected by a landslide in 1980, campaign trail took him through the dead land of Fort Apache to Charlotte Street John Fekners graffiti read "broken promises" and Reagan responded "I'm impressed with the spirit of hope and determination by the people to say what they have good night club was a communal sacred space against the Reagan era talk of war nuclear weapons, breaking ground of racial barriers The rapture was a small tribe moving to the edge of reshaping pop-culture, one believer was Ruza Blue or "Kool Lady Blue" starting hosting her own Thursday night "wheels of steel"parties at the Negril nightclub "Planet rock" hip-hop movement by Afrika Bambaataa "Master of records" told everyone best break records, use albums to send a message Hip hops universal invitation, sounded unlike anything else, showed inclusiveness, hip hop globalized Blue then I started performing at a roller rink in Chelsea called the Roxy, 20 times capacity of Negril, sign "come in peace through music" regulars: Bam, Africa Islam, grandmaster DST, jazzy Jay, grand Wizard Theodore, and grandmaster flash screening of sex pistols movie "the great rock 'n' roll swindle" turning point as a nightclub with a mixed scene diverse crowd Rock steady crew performance but people were not being paid fairly, exploited, white downtown crowd, cocaine Reagan's recession skyrocketed the unemployment levels to 30 million searching for work, unemployment 22%, poverty rates increasing, black poverty 36%, only one and five teams had a job in New York, only one in 10 African-Americans, lowest ratios of youth employment in the country "The message" was credited to grandmaster flash and the furious five, Robinson and Boote recorded the track even though flashthought it had no energy, lip singing along to a rap only Mill had helped compose, copy rights/trademark/executives and agents realignment two groups called the furious five were competing in civil court for the rights to the name *questions of ownership and authorship would become hip-hop generation obsessions grimiest most downbeat rap ever heard which match the rising discussed with the Reagan's era of benign to collect and hopelessness, truthful about the generations present and future The fun gallery by Dondi white: some calls to the galleries the new yard but could not master the art world the same way they had met with unfamiliar and uncomfortable straitjacket of preconceptions and expectations, saw graffiti artists as primitives Subway graffiti caused by all of the media attention, photography, anti-graffiti campaigns, gallery buzz no room left, artist started going over other peoples work and this structure of respect collapsed and graffiti's code of conduct ruined * Cruise mobilize to defend themselves in the spaces, beef spilled into block parties in the gallery shows Kool Lady Blue sent Bambaataa and the Soulsonic force (including rock steady) to england and france after drunks threw bottles at the double Dutch girls on stage they got applause, returned to photographers/journalists/fashion designers/label owners wanting to work with them wild style movie: no professional actors, Lee Quinones said he had to be paid, climax was reimagine of a Bronx park jam but went back to the people hip-hop came from adhern wanted it screened in time square so it was, cops looked at the screen and left timeless moment of wild style is the night before Reagan's morning in America

Young bohemia

graffiti had infected the young post hippies gathering in central park then into the heart of the park at the field behind the Naumberg bandshell The parkie scene embraced native and immigrant sons and daughters of philosophers and kings, hard hat workers and maids ZEPHYR (jewish kid from the upper Eastside) said it was an opening into a different world, extremely mixed * A safe space to experiment with drugs, sex, style cops had a hands off policy through graffiti the park scene began to mix with the punk era art activists of the East Village

The 7 mile circle

in the mid-1970s most of the youthful energy that became known as hip-hop could be contained in a tiny 7 mile circle heart: Crotona Park Youth movements come together revolutionary aesthetic: unleashing youth style as an expression of the soul, and mediated by corporate money, unauthorized by the powerful, protected and enclosed by almost monastic rights codes and orders

Death of Bob Marley

marley's camp was being trailed by CIA operative's Marley diagnosed with cancer but continued a hectic touring schedule because of obligations died on May 11, 1981


member of the crazy commanders New styles of flying footwork

hip-hop as urban lifestyle

mass marketers trying to reestablish brand preeminence advertising budgets plunging as white baby bloomers opted for value over brand Low cost big box retailers made a comeback companies like Nike/ Adidas/Pepsi search for new markets and discovered that Urban use of color or a more brand conscious, indeed brand leading, demographic than they had ever realized run DMC turned Adidas into a hip-hop brand with the song, Spike Lee and Michael Jordan took branding to the next level 2W & A Advance saw "she's got to have it and "wear spike lee stumped around in air Jordans paired him with Michael Jordan which propelled Nike past Reebok * success confirmed that niches were the future and a massive shift in taste was occurring: baby boomer to youth, suburban to city, whiteness to blackness Black advertising agencies pushed for urban marketing, idea from black radio describing itself as urban radio meaning "crossing over" "Urban" describe how cultural change emerging from cities like New York/Philadelphia/Chicago where young blacks seem to initiate style shelves emerging leaders of the rap industry were whites comfortable with a non-white world Monica when she ran Tommy boys operations, feminist/exit go go dancer, eye for Urban style Dave "Funken" klein led DEF jam started the first globally minded hip-hop a label called Hollywood/basic, artist from Zimbabwe and England and seminal ask Dante Ross was the first hip-hop ANR to leave the Indies for a major jump from DEF jam in Tommy boy to join rock oriented Elektra records, afrocentric rappers Michael Jackson the king of pop, broke the color line at MTV White production assistant Ted Demme creator of the "yo! MTV raps" with fab five Freddy as host net worth most watched show within months additional hosts Andre Dr. Dre Brown and radio host Ed "Ed lover" Roberts daily airings, within a year MTV went from no Rob videos to 12 hours of rap programming urban style no longer tripled up from multi racial networks but instantly available Tommy boy records lynch and boss Silverman not in record business anymore but in lifestyle business diversified into clothing, brand-name gear and partnered with lines like Carhart and Stussy that hip hoppers already made popular on the street * thought hip-hop was a passing youth fade, now earning money for records and in other products hip-hop had become the urban lifestyle

Authority versus graffiti

opportunity for hip-hop to be demonized had been in effect of benign neglect, mass media, and youth rebellion New aesthetic provoked the most extreme backlash Taki 183 moved graffiti from being a neighborhood teenage curiosity to an issue with national political implications mayor John Lindsay launch the first "war on graffiti" to defend support and protect the city called graffiti writers insecure cowards and had mental problems restriction of markers and aerosol paints, increase security measures and use of chemicals, solvents and paints to debtor graffiti, deployment of psychological measures graffiti was the most infuriating crime, demoralizing visual impact, money spending governments inability to deal with multiple real crisis of which bankruptcy was the most urgent these quality-of-life campaigns were symbolic, expensive, appeasement to voters even in death they used to 20 million to establish " the buff" a chemical washing of the graffiti trains left the trains until color, harmful as hundreds of workers became sick and one man died of long-term exposure The transit authority established a four-man anti-graffiti squad which quickly issued a miss leading "profile of a common offender" offender as male, black or Puerto Rican in that order, 13 to 16 years of age, carrie's package or a paper bag with long coat, student or lower social economic background * profile became it's own kind of sick through with bloody consequences surveillance and sweep techniques: thousands of arrests, stepped up intelligence of youths of color by monitoring their cruise, confiscating black books, interrogations, raiding writers homes public interest article by Nathan Glazer provide a justification for increasingly hysterical policing and punishment efforts against youths of color based on raw fear of the other all criminals and graffiti artists are part of one world of uncontrollable predators Harvard criminologist James Q Wilson into the world becoming "the broken windows theory" if one broken window was allowed to go and fixed a neighborhoods violent plunge into Fort Apache would soon follow * lead to a zero tolerance quality-of-life campaign of surveillance, harassment, propaganda that a new generation of mayors perfected * this reaction to graffiti would become one of the hinges on which the political's of abandonment would turn toward a politics of containment National hero: Bernard Hugo Goetz shots for black teenagers on a train

Reggae Pressure

reggae music was not only a socially stabilizing force it had become an important commodity Bob Marley's Hope Road residence became a magnet for whites browns and many more displaced suffers Marley was directly responsible for the economic fortunes of 6000 people

1. DJ

spun records, create sound, orchestrated music DMC: world wide competition, 6 minute set "digging" looking thru countless records Pioneer: Kool Herc (Clive Campbell) Inventor of the merry-go-round (2 same records to extend the break) Coined the term B-Boy as they "lost their minds on the dance floor at the break"

false start

tempo slowing down, style changing, run DMC's "it's like that and sucker MCs" harder beats with harder rhymes Single deal with the dance indie called Vanguard strength: trucks wordplay and presents, Hank and Keith's experimentalist drive, the cruise restlessness/raise conscious/collective intelligence First record "Yo! Bum Rush the Show" didn't sell a lot people talking about things that mattered, change in the air, something to happen

Chapter 11

things fall apart: the rise of the post civil rights era

our streets

two weeks before in Philadelphia activist joined the network of protesters to shut down the business district on the first day of the Republican convention workers rights, immigrationists rights, environment, corporate globalization, prisons, racial profiling chanted whose streets? Ours streets! 300 activist faced rows of riot cops and INS police on an highway offramp then horse back to cops beat and arrested hundreds on the deserted Ben Franklin Parkway abandon cop cruisers had deflated tires, paint bomb splattered, **** the police tagged across them set up a conversion center unused former swap building to prepare for the Democratic national convention 10 cops did a warrantless search, set up surveillance equipment in a rented apartment, since a ghetto bird to hover the building mc Arthur Parker was one of the cities hardest to drug trafficking centers but LAPD didn't beef up controls until the arrival of tens of thousands of DNC protesters cops gave out jaywalking tickets, Rhode Island license plate, cops raided house of a activist who posted her address offering help to out-of-towners looking for housing pulled the plug during the middle of a rage against the machine and Ozomatli concert outside to Staples convention Center leading to a mini riot police fired teargas marchers through the heart of pico union barrio Dominique Nisperos what is a Filipina with her crew of seven from the central valley town of Stockton White black Mexican and Chinese all sporting black T-shirts and baggy pants with black bandannas covering their faces Moonshine A black girl from New York hitchhiked across the country to be there Silvia Beltran and Oscar Sanchez held a picket fences of a charismatic Latino and words "free Alex Sanchez" at the doorstep of the rampart division Tom hayden the veteran of the 1968 democratic convention riots in Chicago stood on a truck in MacArthur Park and told the crowd Alex Sanchez a story Sanchez began a hunger strike to protest the prison conditions at terminal island crash units dismantled by LAPD The Staples convention center proposed to hire 10,000 new prosecutors and 50,000 employees to match the 100,000 added during the Clinton gore administration no discussion of community based solutions problem was not elite police units taken off the streets but peacemakers like Alex Sanchez under pressure from hayden's office the US attorney dropped it illegal reentry case, INS continue to press for deportation, released by a federal judge, allowed him to apply for citizenship status while locked up the gang homicides began to skyrocket in LA, new breed of gang members coming up to start the cycle again

A dub history of "boys in the hood

written by ice cube easy spots his car thief friend cruising around looking for autos Jack, catches crackhead friends JV trying to steal his car stereo, easy follows him to make peace, JD pulls his point22 automatic, easy kills him sees his girlfriend for a sexual interlude, pisses him off, slaps the hoe and her angry father girls Service to the boys, fathers were suckers and crackheads were marks kilo makes his trial appearance in there his is his girlfriend Susie takes up guns against the state, Susie as bullet proof, Barb Dwyer love * influenced by another 17-year-old brother named Jackson wow cube was younger, killed by sheriffs and prison guards in a 1970 Marin County Courthouse shoot out White and black prisoners at Solidad I had a minor fist fight, white prison guard OG Miller and did the fight by firing at three black inmates that were political activists, two died instantly, guards refused medical aid and the third was left in the yard to die political leaders named George, Fleeta Drumgo, John Clutchette we're framed for the murder that could bring George the death penalty George transferred from Solidad prison to San Quentin prison where the gas chamber for his execution was Jackson brought an assault rifle in the multiple weapons, tapped a gun to the judges head, took several jurors and the district attorney as hostage, walks with the three prisoners named John McCain, ruchell magee, William Christmas out to the van Garden shot at the van wounding the attorney and danger well killing the judge/Christmas/ McClain/ Jackson deputies began a nationwide search for Angela Davis who was accused of supplying Jackson with one of the guns, sent to prison on trumped up charges of murder/kidnapping/conspiracy during Davises trial, George was killed by prison guards in a prison break attempts "Boys in the hood and her recovered of the painful memory, anthem for the fearlessness/ruther list/data so heavily armed West Coast urban youth, a generation of Jonathan Jackson start of NWA: mercenary be boys suddenly a group, supergroup wright wrote about, image to hold up

Reggie Jackson

$3 million dollar offer to get home-run slugger Reggie Jackson, son of a Negro leaguer who received seven dollars a game Had not signed a black player in 9 years (Jackie Robinson) Opposed signing by Manager Billy Martin Refused to attend the press conference, benched him, called him "boy" Teammates resented salary, even if they had a multimillion as well Thought too flamboyant, showing off gfs in Rolls-Royce cars "This team all flows thru me" June game against Red Sox, he missed a fly ball and said "What'd I do, old man?" To news reporters: "Don't like how they treat me, i'm a N to them"

Suckas never play me

*Paradox: integration a made of black radio both obsolete and more necessary than ever Chuck angry that white critics were Excoriating him for his pro black nationalism and black radio remained in different to public enemies music and message Black radio reflected the desires of a professional class trying to make good in the white world, united the middle class and the so-called under class but in the crossover was now afraid of being "too black" Chuck and hairy issue of black radio exclusive, magazine targeted at black music executives * media is pushing a format the promises more music less talk, No hard/relevant information rap is Americans TV station, gives news on all phases of life chuck's most famous soundbite: black America CNN, pull a race fragmented by integration back together again want to let you blacks to expose themselves, space for a voiceless to represent themselves more truthfully at end of the article disclaimer: the interview with Chuck a D in no way reflects the views of Columbia records

folk art or youth uprising against invisibility

1. folk art museums and cultural institutions to nurture hip-hop in the small safe world 2. might lead to cultural economic and social significance but also backlash The older ones understood the tensions but favored authenticity over exploitation Cooper and Banes made presentations of folk culture and academic conferences, met with corporate event planners and civic art programmers, pit stories to magazines like the Smithsonian and National Geographic project failed due to limits by folklorist peers and rejected by magazine and book editors

DJ Kool Herc

1973 party near the Yankee Stadium and Cross Bronx Expressway Cindy Campbell set it up with her brother Clive aspiring DJ with access to a sound system aspiring goal for profit for clothes for school Clive had been DJ house parties for three years with his selector king George their father was a devoted record Collector mother took them to house parties father Keith Campbell became a sponsor for a local rhythm and blues band and invested in a new sound system Keith told The band that his son could play records during intermission but Clive started his own house party business and his father said he could not touch the system Clive set up the sound system to amps and make the sound louder- would play for father and use his system at his house parties Started off slow but then gave them the soul and funk breaks they wanted Clive Campbell was born the first of six children Keith was a community leader that drew attention of politicians but didn't choose sides between the JLP/PNP year before leaving to the US, remembers Edward Seaga started the West Kingston civil war then moved from Trenchtown to the upper-class neighborhood called Beverly Hills inspired by Cindy and her opportunities for public school that was free Keith went back to his beloved country and died while swimming and strong currents with a heart attack

The new corporate order

5210 the company is controlled US media landscape five companies controlled 80% of the music industry Chuck D called it 54321:5 corporations control retail, or dominant record labels, three radio outlets on all stations, two television networks, one video outlet Monopoly: absorb all profit potential local hip-hop undergrounds to be exploited mid 90s in these brought up squeezed out or rolled right over independent regional distributors take independent label records gold or platinum like Grandmaster Flash and the furious five, Magic Mike, Sugar Hill two remaining national independent distributors INDI and alliance financial difficulties and merged I am DIA operations closed, laid off 200 employees, filed for bankruptcy now no national independently owned distributor One stops like select oh hits in value record distributors and smaller local distributors and niche distributors struggled trigger was the massive shake out in music retailing major distributors squeezed in the distributors by offering chain stores deep discounts and incentives at the expense of in the retailers stores in chains close to leaving in the distributor stuck with millions and unpaid invoices and forced to fold 1996 in the record label market share peaked, out sold all the major labels Indian leader was ruthless records by Eazy-E but media monopolies went on buying binge used capital from parent companies to grab in the labels in the labels had three choices to survive the new market: cut deals with major label distributors, get comfortable with reaching a niche market through a crazy quilt of much smaller distributors, go under in the market plunge when millennials arrived: late 50s rhythm and blues and rock Indies owned up to half the market share, 60s number of record label on and firms dropped as majors absorbed to capitalize on the rise of the baby boomers major labels made big investments I had to pay off A decade before rap music and black film showed huge profits on tiny investments now adopted Hollywood studios blockbuster or bust mentality: bigger bets on fewer projects for bigger payoffs search for fast first week score by SoundScan executives forcing more units through their distributors into retail chains * studied narrowing of voices through major channels, decrease in the diversity of sound/opinion/ideas/news/art to mass audiences

The new vanguard

Key issue of the 80s was representation political radicals fought for multiculturalism and diversity, reverse the tide of negative images spike Lee produced box office hits called "she's Gotta have it" and "school daze" of unapologetic slices of black life but did not cater to black clichés or crossover expectations lees success made black filmmakers ready to receive cautious studio backing Chuck and harry Allen said a mass media as inherently hostile to black people * Allen or "the media assassin" coined the term hip-hop activism to describe how they could turn their culture into a weapon of resistance political radicals fight for civil rights and black power movement, stormed the machines of meth making, take over the media with their message using gorilla strikes such as pop music, rap radio, in the film, cultural journalism

The new school rises

Record Public Enemy #1 did decently in the south in the Midwest but not in New York City mr. magic played it only once and said he hated it magics DJ named Marlon "Marley Marl" Williams was making them look played out with his sonic inventions apprentice to Arthur Baker, launched his own producing career with a classic single "soccer DJs I will survive" used a sampler to repeat and pitch up-and-down vocal snippets while trying to sample a voice for another song he caught a snare snapped, machines related rhythmic capabilities * sampler breakthrough forever altered rap production techniques versus Hank, erik, Keith making "public enemy number one" the old fashion way: drums in real time New school artists: Biz Markie, Da La Soul, JVC Force, Craig Mack, Serious Lee Fine, True Mathematics, Kings of Pressure

duck rock

album that followed, hip pops global vacuums signifier intake as their method, brought together popular and religious regional dance music The supreme teams hilarious radio Collins held the whole thing together hip-hop worldview allowed McLaren to sum up the whole music genre a decade before it's fixture in the first world pop marketplace and deconstructed it at the same time US: released by the pioneering world music label, kris Blackwell's island records video show dance performances and many outside of New York their first lives of the Be boy popping and DJing McLaurin played a British redcoats Mark shocked upside down and bleeding to death on a battlefield, the opening scene of Zulu redux dancers kicking up dust while wearing rocksteady style cotton tees with iron on letters that read Zulus on a time bomb influence from the sex pistols to make folk songs when really they were pop songs Inspiration such as the indestructible beat a South African guitarist and composer Marks Mankwane and vocal group called the Mahotella Queens went on egg knowledge and uncredited followed by a flood of lawsuits mcLorin self-serving imperialist as a new rockstar mythology was annoying, shredded context, stereo typical images Robert Farris Thompson Book on the diasporic links between African and African-American art and philosophy called flash of the spirit came out Africa had induced to make Lauren into the same world of rhythm and soul but he returns from his journey with less than half of the story that was scrambled *duck rocks notes mocked earnestness and anthropological discovery Anticipated and academic petrification of the hip-hop subject exploitative desire hip-hop devoured him: would not fully comprehend the lessons by Africa, failed attempt to remake Duck Rock Africa called him a culture vulture

Dwyer Junior High

became the central flashpoint for the Bronx gangs A boy harassed a savage nomad sister who called on the nomad president ben Buxton to back her up hundred to gather to see the perpetrator beat down teacher Manny Dominguez was convinced that the gang leaders were the most promising young people in the area and had a meeting with the gangs with the principles consent Dominguez's wife Rita Facher had gone down to the ghetto brothers clubhouse to demand that they leave her students alone but became interested in their lives and began interviewing them for the documentary flying cut sleeves Dominguez and Fletcher took the ghetto brothers the savage skulls in the savage nomads under their wings and held salons where they discussed youth crisis is Puerto Rican independence the criminal justice system and global issues ** The Bronx youth's in visibility was over as they were misunderstood you struggling to do right

1971 peace treaty and Bambaataas DJ start

brought together black and brown games in the South Bronx spades president Bam Bam personal commitment Hercs new cool offered him a way forward as a DJ two former spade had also become DJs: Kool DJ D and disco king Mario he apprenticed with both DJs then began throwing his own parties in the community center

end to the peace treaty

days after the boys club meeting NYPD's Bronx youth gang task force quickly opened police told the gangs that they were the biggest gang in the city and they would lose Group made from X Marines called the "purple mothers" who would attack and assassinate people Mercado, Ben Buxton President of the savage nomads, and Manny Araujo president of the turbans were all arrested Vincenty was shot in the face when he tried to stop a fight and when he recovered the youth services agency eliminated his job all proposals drawn up by the gangs for job services and recreation programs were done two days after the meeting Charlie Suarez was arrested on his AWOL charge, undesirable discharge, left with heroin addiction closed the ghetto brothers store front Melendez took a youth worker job with the community organization Manny Dominguez was fired from his job at the junior high Black Spades and Skulls were dispersing- drug market, motorcycle club, Bambaataa to disco parties, Blackie raising kids, Benjy Melendez death threats to wife and kids

Kool Herc's start

disco is shutting down and house parties declining because gangs like the spades were making them unsafe Cambells residents at Sedwick Av new party scene recreational no violence out of respect started at the rec room then moved to block parties New outside would risk fights so said first discrepancy im pulling the plug with immigrant friend Coke La Rock, started translating Kingstonian vibe competitive: father told him to hide the title of his records MERRY GO ROUND: two copies of the same record, back queuing a record to the beginning of the break as the other reach the end to extend the break *** gangs dissolving and he was popularizing a new hierarchy of cool Would create peace by calling them out on the mic Assembled his own click of DJs dancers and rappers and called them the "Herculords": Coke La Rock, DJ Timmy Tim, DJ Clark Kent the Rock Machine

harder intellect

dr. Dre from the crew original concept took over Stephneys show, gave to a classical piano playing William Ricco Drayton going by the name MC DJ flavor Richard Griffin, director of martial arts school came to be spectrum cities security with a team he called unity force expanded to TV after people taped their New York radio interview with run DMC mentor in a young African-American studies professor and jazz drummer named Andrei Strobert A drumming prodigy take the wrap rebels back to their roots by offering a class called the black music and musicians, first world music not stirred rap was only a different rhythm but not a new beat, control your image by developing your theme Chuck to be the one to flip records, have a harder kind of intellect, already wrote as if he had the freedom to say what folks couldn't

rocksteady crew at the Lincoln center

flyers by doze: " Breaking or otherwise known as B Boying it's a competitive war like Dan's making the opponent look bad The media including ABC's 2020 news magazine show came out to see it wanted to re-stage the battle between rocksteady and the dynamic breakers at the roller rink in Queens earlier in the year Plaza transformed into a massive safer, small raised stage with chairs all around as the battle intensified the circle and closed in the audience could no longer see so they left Battle of deteriorated into fights, questioning who actually won * rocksteady's biggest show had been rough but Henry had a sense of humor and no feeling of responsibility for them "I was a terrible manager in terms of finding gigs, put together a package but nothing" relationship would not last much longer

Afrika Bambaataa early life

grew up on the ground floor of one of the 15 story towers of the Bronx River projects mother was a nurse immersed international black culture and liberation movements uncle (Bambaataa Bunchinji) was a prominent black nationalist and family were devoted black Muslims

The South Bronx

halfway up the other Hill in this neighborhood that the maps call Morris Heights everything south of Fordham Road Stands a junior high school, PS 117 Two rows of 20 guys stood in the way... if a kid could make it past the swinging face and boots and chains and Baseball batch to touch the genie they could don the javelins colors A denim jacket with a hand painting of the green Genie on the back they earned their stripes up to the crowd and peace on the back a large hand painting of a bronze skin warrior wielding a spear

The new exploitation

hip pop out of its niche into the main stream blacks always represented in the media hip-hop crucial to content for the consolidated media, media consolidation affected hip pops content Woman in hip-hop lost the most: 1980s women's rappers like queen Latifah and Roxanne Shante establish their own personalities as equals with males successful female artists like missy Elliot and Lauryn Hill exceptions more skimpy dancers than woman rappers hip-hop feminism through joan Morgan, Tony Blackman, Rah goddess loyal and vocal opposition to hip-hop's masculinity musical counterpart in "Neo soul" movement. by Elliot and Hill, Mary J. Blige, Meshell Ndegeocello, put groove into music and love into lyrics * emblematic of the shift was Angie Stone a female rabbit pioneer in "the sequence" and returned as a singer neosoul: clever marketing strategy invented by Motown executive Kedar Massenburg package R&B artists never discovered disavowed of the term as a reflection of the sensitivity to the fickleness of the market and the cycle of cool created a space for voices to dissect the masculinist attitude and ideals projected in the hip-hop main stream unstable mix of million women March, style self improvement in Ames and gangsta rap era self-defense in the music Best a epitomized by Hill's hit "doo-wop that thing" Neo soul is hip-hop feminist critique in 2001 rap sales crashed but newcomers Alicia Keys and india.arie honored with many Grammy nominations celebrating a woman's worth, critical of male irresponsibility identity was on sale: France became sophisticated, Gabby asked sold a single line of clothes using different artists as standings for different niches media monopolies favorite artist who produced heads and goods, appropriation of dub logic biggest artists were brands themselves making lifestyles based on their own beings like Jay Z making movies/clothes/shoes/vodka Artist had to reject what they created and reinvent themselves The cycle of cool old is hip-hop story ever told Busy bee influence followers to wear certain clothes, run DMC commanded audience to throw white Adidas in the air all for branding hip-hop generation at the center of global capitalist process for revenue brands developed niches then niches each came out with his own set of brands political route to conscious rap and reinstalled as an alternative hip-hop style, cheaper marketing separated rappers for reaching a certain kind of market rappers message didn't bring audience together, things the audience bought brought the rappers together being labeled a conscious or political rapper by the music industry can download them to preach to a very small choir

The great divide

hip-hop generations cultural revolution toward engagement and exploitation, political revolution taking off Angela Brown was a childhood activist of campaigns for free black woman political prisoners North Carolina put a toxic waste landfill in the middle of a working class black community laid it on the road to prevent trucks from bringing in PCB tainted soil for the landfill Battle in warren county known as the opening shot in the environmental justice movement: anti-racist and environmental activism Bruyne formed the youth task force through the southern organizing committee to organize use from 10 states and universities into the environmental justice movement there were dozens of movements but the dialogue collapsed over the question of hip-hop culture and rap music exploited by C Dolores Tucker, all the cities first slumlord, taken by the city and giving to charities or abandoned marched with Martin Luther King Junior in Selma and ally of Jesse Jackson became the Pennsylvania security of state, highest ranking black woman official in the state history fired it by Democratic governor for using state and ploys to write personal speeches and collecting kickbacks from charities form the lobby called the national political Congress of black women, chairwoman of the Democratic national committee's black caucus Friends brought her back into the spotlight about the NPCB fight against gangsta rap, same media monopolies and rap misogynists, corporations not taking responsibility for images distributing and not discussing serious discussions by hiding behind the first amendment Tucker won the liberal and conservative wings of her party, welcomes cabinet member Bill Bennett and joined Republican candidate Bob Dole who made stew tonight/death row records/Snoop Dogg into pigeons for their culture war * compare herself to Martin Luther King and Rosa parks racial appeal that Insulted White Cult-cons from criticism spoke the most extreme fears of many middle class and age people of color, attracted blacks who supported police crackdowns and juvenile crime laws, mobilizing troops for attacks on youths of color convened and Senate Judiciary committee on gangster rap about the effects of violent and demeaning imagery in popular music on American youth, Tucker as the star witness, called for a broadening of the war on you: increasing law enforcement and correctional facilities have not reduced crime, Parental neglect and abuse and no positive role models, children as most neglected population, gangster rap triggers a crime wave, no jails or police programs to contain will help

Loop four chapter 18 becoming of the hip-hop generation: the source, the industry and the big crossover

hip-hop turn the world into planet rock and had 1 million men gathering on the national mall but it never conquered Washington DC is chocolate city Gogo was in braced in the black neighborhoods around white structures of global power in DC bands had never lost the nightclub scene, flesh and blood of musicians still ruled, DJs build the set brakes, dancers moved to two hours suites of covers and originals Chuck Brown was the godfather of gogo Learned to play blues guitar in prison for shooting a man in self-defense Night clubs were still segregated: whites went to big clubs downtown while blacks went to Go-Go's in cabarets/churches/community halls joined an Afro Cuban dance band named los Latinos Brown form of the first soul searchers band bringing together Latin and say divide church *Found out what band leaders in other cities wouldn't until too late: not the songs but the transition between the songs like breaks/shout outs/call and response were the bands main draw what cool her was doing for Bronx parties, Chuck Brown was doing for DC's gogo patrons short-circuited the rise of the disco DJ by reinventing the dance band format with gogo music Gogo and hip-hop music outside are genres in 1980s, inner city musical cousins gogo bands lifted rap hooks their jams well run DMC change the rap game, Chris Blackwell the owner of Island records and pictures arrived in DC to launch gogo like he had a reggae through a movie vehicle and the band signings but the movie "good to go" flopped *But despite best and efforts of chuck/EU/trouble funk/rare essence gogo never crossed over survived as one of the last independent/indigenous black youth cultures clothing companies and concerts bootleg or "PA tapes" purveyors sprung up, most compelling dance music of the decade to buy rare essence and backyard band go girl involved without the pressure of mainstream expectations, largely segregated world in a culturally desegregated era and a industrial area music for a post industrial area The primary engine gogo music was bands fierce competition after the 1980s hip-hop went global and gogo remained local Go go have a no good storylines instead used the rototom , hip-hop tell stories

Richie "Crazy Legs" Colon

leader of the rock steady crew Cousin Lenny Lee and neighborhood friend Afrika Islam was learning how to dance, Lenny took him to his first jam in the schoolyard near the heart of the 7 mile circle initiated into a secret Bronx kids society Jamet made him witness to the rise of hip pops five elements * Old schoolers debate love hip pop Sandra "lady pink" Fabara said I don't think graffiti is hip pop

A new black Moses

nation of Islam is Minister Louis Farrakhan fired the imaginations of in raged and disengaged like use, spoke out against the wickedness of the US government Weil White's saying that blacks were no longer oppressed he would say we don't have time to discuss whether racism exists called for slavery reparations, black men to save the race, reminded them of Elijah Mohammed's teachings of separation is the solution forcibly closed crack houses and took control of drug porn blocks against benign neglect Black leader ship returning to "the messiah complex"by Manning marable social movements left in the hands of Moses would say yes you can do this legitimized as a rare man: despise by liberals/conservative/white/mainstream blacks, unanimously censored by the US Senate, accusations of anti-Semitism and was treated as a pariah by the media Understood the prices of the generation abandoned and forcibly contained: Peace summits for gangs and visited jails theme: stop the killing, black men killing black man a design by the government Government planning in assault on the black community, playing into the hand of your enemy and using you to set up your own destruction, unite to defend themselves or be crushed * produced in the black under class a revolutionary consciousness

Michael "Lucky Strike" Corral and the savage skulls

once a member of the savage skulls gang now is Zulu king and a member of the Zulu nation wide council The savage skulls had it decorated denim jacket with cut off sleeves with a green and white school under a steel German war helmet savage skulls we're one of the most feared gangs in the Bronx they were brazen and reckless The First Division of the skulls had moved to abandoned buildings near Fort Apache if you were looking for protection or trouble you quit your clique and joined the skulls Skulls were second in size only to the black spades The skulls 16th division had taken over four blocks of abandoned buildings and transform them into their club houses One Day Michael and some friends went up to Little Italy looking for pet stores to buy some birds when 20 Italians brandishing bats in chains and yelling slurs at them another day him and Carlos or "Blue"took down some birds from a roof block away the owners came over to get them and they were two savage skulls named cubby and Ruben Blue joined the schools as soon as they asked and told Michael to also to become a savage school you played a game of Russian roulette for initiation Blue would be dead killed by rivals and left in the gang clubhouse Lucky would quit the schools and meet Afrika Bambaataa, a former black spade who is uniting blacks and Puerto Ricans in an organization called Zulu nation

politicians and bureaucrats

played a role in the development of style The first major anti-graffiti campaign began in 1972 it's inherent risk and removal catalyzed innovation and ingenuity The Metropolitan transit authority repainted 6800 car fleet in 1973: riders relieved of having to cover another riders existing piece, begin a golden age of style toy riders had their pieces covered, masters did not have to respect wack writing they were concerned with the advancement of style 1975 bankruptcy lead to graffiti everywhere imaginable "Throw ups" to color tags on steroids, cover other writers work ** shifted the kinging system from quality to quantity- demoralized many of the writers

The crisis

questioningly over public enemies involvement with the "do the right thing" film, Russell/Coen/bill Adler heard your falls from Jewish industry leaders, Russell free speech issue wow Averlera removed himself as PEs publicist said it everyone they worked with were getting threats even Griffs and Chuck's mother incident impacting their deal with MCA, pressure to Chuck to distance himself from graph returned home for the first time in months and to resolve their personal issues, hoping for Chuck to take control, convene to try to work out a consensus but the energy was low, Chuck reluctant to lead and wanted to differ to Hank Shockley but didn't want anybody handling him Griffs statements hit the network news casts, Chuck felt Hank and Bill were forcing him to choose between public enemy as an idea dreamed up at 5106 S. Franklin and the actual group that it had become, between the creation and the creators Chuck pissed off at Griffin, felt he knew the line not to cross with interviews but taking it there by himself, Hank and Bill played the interview and questioned Griffith about it, said he was having difficulties with the group and a bad day, comments were a cry for help but later said it was what he believed * crew was torn, some believe the Griff had tried to sabotage the group, either demand Griffs Alastair or publicly a firm about the group stand by him but they would do neither

peace meeting

ran by Eduardo Vincenty and Charlie Suarez all the black and brown gangs of the Bronx met at the boys club sniper cops perched on roofs nearby and television cameras photographers and reporters filed into the gym meeting of president vice president and warlords including Afrika Bambaataa girl games were locked outside in the December freeze Charlie Suarez started with the commandment I would like for the police to leave or we got nothing else to say began with accusations of invading tariffs and stolen colors The white men don't help us so we Gotta make it a better place to live Black Benji to his killer said you took away one of our brothers lives you don't want us to be a gang anymore I know you you said I want to get out alive Melendez said we're not a gang anymore or an organization we want to help blacks and Puerto Ricans to live in a better environment Peace Treaty: we are all brothers living in the same neighborhoods and fighting amongst ourselves will not solve our common problems we must work together so we signed this treaty pledge for peace and unity for all all of us who have signed will now be known as the family The terms- One: all groups are to respect each other, each member can wear their own colors on others turf without being bothered Two: if any click has a gripe against another click the president of each or to meet together to talk it out if this does not solve the problem then both will fight it out between themselves after that it is considered finished Three: four clicks outside of the peace treaty the president will meet with the click to explain the terms of peace they will be given the opportunity to join this band or be disbanded Four: The president of the family will meet from time to time to discuss concerns of the groups presidents in the center join hands and cold out peace they demonstrated a different kind of street justice administered within the codes of the gangs The gangs met with a consensus instead of blood it needing more blood as soon as it was over it was back to gangs fighting other games while other games left thinking it was an elaborate charade

Henry Chalfant

sculptor from the 50s in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania father ran a manufacturing firm while mother found a private care institution for handicapped children; evoked aristocracy and connection Felt alienated in the land of his ancestors, in a privileged white neighborhood movie with wife Kathleen to photograph graffiti on subways NAC told him to go to the riders bunch and they all befriended him, Chalfant opened his studio to them Sam Esses studio: graffiti for the art gallery Chalfant: Library of subway style, used a motor drive on his camera to shoot entire cars on a flat these photographs influenced others to rock your style which made the artists unhappy SKEMEs style from DONDI for example first displayed his photos publicly in an exhibition at the OK Harris gallery in Soho hundreds of graffiti writers arrived, tagged each other's books and storefront walls, forms new crews, secured affiliations and made plans

The case for PE

smiths column created a firestorm that demanded a resolution Chuck called Smith and yelled at him "any shit coming down on me will come down on you and that's a threat said he won't write no white boy liberal letter to the editor but he did and addressed to "all offended, concerned and unconcerned " PE stands for the rebuilding and the preservation of the black mind, purpose to make people recognize and repair the true state that we are in, Griffis timing/choice of words/attitude reflected is not representative of the PE or minister of information for the group, first black music group whose goal is to raise the consciousness level of black people and let them know the real enemy is a system, black family matter, official voice of the rap world/black and oppressed youth/many white youth, important summer, MTV cannot handle the mix of black and white culture, unnecessary noise in the quest for black power has halted progress for the future of the black mindset here, black power is a self-defense movement, does not mean antiwhite announced that Griff had been removed from the master of information position to be replaced by brother James "bomb" Allen of the S1W's would remain in the group but be relieved of spokes person duties, Chuck alone would handle all interviews

Planet Rock

soon hip-hop was not nearly all city it was global, a planet rock to Bambaataa it was always supposed to be this way, big and powerful each step was a steppingstone help to bring about this formation

chapter 15 the real enemy: the cultural riot of ice cubes death certificate

two icons of black power one past and present, female and male, progressive and nationalist Angelo why Davis and O'Shea ice cube Jackson ice cube returned home after a tour that ended in a police riot Torregrossa $650,000, Jerry heller told him 23,000 for the tour and 32,700 for the album and to leave it alone Pellerin lives in a half million dollar house and I'm still living at home with my mom he told Frank ocean, Jerry's making all the money and I'm not only two producers were messing with Colin Dr. Dre and the bomb squad mentors in Chuck and S1 W's, introduced him into nation of Islam,


two years after the Crotona Ave jam crazy legs was living in uptown Manhattan near the ghost yard he and cousin Lenny became members of the rock steady crew after battling 2 leaders Jimmydee and Jimmy Lee went through the city to find a challenge every remaining B boy like little man who eventually became a little crazy legs Wayne "frosty freeze" Frost was part of the rock city rockers, Jeffrey "doze" Green and Ken "swift" Gabbert where in the young city boys crazy legs recruited them all by battling them while Jimmydee gave them the name rocksteady crew and made crazy legs the leader * magnet for isolated brac styling use and a second generation supergroup, the last B boy standing got their own style from watching movies DOZE just saw dance in the South Bronx, outlaws dancing with radios on the shoulders, he and Ken honed in on the gangsters up rock and made that the core of their style frosty freeze came up with the new freezes while crazy legs and Ken Swift did the same for spins crazy legs says all the moves were by accident performed at skating rink's and parks, crews tried to battle them found them unstoppable expanded their membership to include kids interested in any of the old Bronx arts like SHY 147 and DONDI multifaceted crew with at least 500 people, then headed off to form their own crews or "expansion teams" while others became competitors * their vision of the Bronx oldschool would undeniably shape the hip-hop generation, revived the dance and old moves to invent bold new ones

Representing new black militancy 1989 version

we had commissioned public enemy to do the title track of "todo the right thing the movie" using the song "fight the power" video was to stage a young peoples march to end racial violence, fight the power T-shirts handed out, picket fences, marched to where the movie had been shot stayed with a large photo of Malcolm X, street demonstration/black pride march/rap concert Chuck: "1989! The number, another summer" * A seven minute short to promote a record/group/brand but established Chuck's cultural authority, Lee placed truck in the streets amidst the likeliness of black power fighters, one new black icon anointing another Chuck was reluctant to be seen as his generation was Malcolm X, wanted to provoke not lead, after this video the question would be out of his hands

Broadcast to niche model

when the source came on the scene Broadcast model: large companies like television networks and film/music created and pushed programming to mass audiences, one size fits all popular culture, centralized decision makers filtered through subcultures and repackaged for the main stream favored high capital investments, massive economies of scale, vast infrastructure's of production and promotion no criteria for top 20 except bribes New data tracking system called SoundScan transformed the music industry when Billboard magazine switched it's weekly record charts to the new program installed a bar code reading, point of purchase system to tally actual scales * results shocked the music industry call and Garth Brooks and skid row hit number one, NWA at number two, pop and rock acts tumbled off the charts The industry thought were niche markets like country/ metal/rap where the biggest things going rap industry because of years of major label prejudice remained under developed, found a list crossover potential Broadcast culture to limiting, fit into the main stream wanted control over their path choices, to define their own identities Niche model favored fluid, proliferating, self organizing grass roots underground with passionate audiences bronx be boys could be triumphant hiphop's fractal spread in the new decade felt inevitable


JLP: Nationalism, fiscal conservatism, conservative (market driven economy and individual responsibility) Banned black power literature and icons (like pan-africanist leader Walter Rodney from university of the west indies campus) Violently crushed political riots Seaga in politics for years PNP: leftist party Its primary goal was to represent the oppressed, landless mass of the people who needed to become a part of the conversation relating to basic needs. Manley was a new comer Seaga and the JLP officials turned up the heat on the Manley government in Parliament JLP gangs lit up PNP yards with cocktails and gunfire PNP gangs retaliated in fire for fire When firefighters arrived in a JLP community to youths tossing stones behind tires lit on fire, they left them to burn JLP + CIA working to destabilize PNP JLP green, PNP red Warfare peaked: gangster surrounded a tenement yard in W Kingston at Oranage Lane and set it ablaze while trapping 500 residents inside Gangs vs police shootout -> 11 died As elections neared and deciding who was responsible, hundreds more gunned down

Death that reversed Bambaataas course

1975 police killed his cousin Soulski in a bloody shootout police on patrol observed three men in a car acting suspiciously when they motion for the car to pull over the three men got out and walked to the rear end of the car all three men were armed, ordered the men to drop their guns but we're fired on instead, ran with police chasing them, lead to a shoot out Bambaataa still carries death certificate but doesn't speak much, believes something else happened A month after the Bronx cops shot a 14-year-old who had been joyriding in a stolen car police fired and the boy longed with a knife but autopsy showed he had been shot through the back * different crisis than Cornell Benjamins from the ghetto brothers: directed the gangs rage out word against the authorities Amsterdam news urged the spades not to retaliate and to let that justice system do its work other gangs offered support in case he chose to declare war on the cops at the request of community leaders Africa and his followers agreed to watch the white cops go to trial in both the police shooting incidents both cops were freed and Africa had finally reaches turning point withdrew to live instead of the final due or die attack on the police precincts

The Harder They Come movie

1972 by Perry Henzell Singer Jimmy Cliff played Ivan O Martin , a peasant making a trip from rural parish to the city Metaphor: newly freed nation into modernity Vincent "Ivanhoe" Martin was a real-life 50s Kingston outlaw who renamed himself "Rhygin" and summoned Jamaica's Maroon Pride Nation defining its postcolonial identity though homegrown music Ivan was to be exploited byb a greedy producer, reviled by a Christian pastor, and tortured/hunted by corrupt police Shoots down a cop and goes underground "I'm gonna get my share now" **new legend of Rhygin would frame the island's turbulent 70s

Portrayal of Rastas

Authorities: bizarre cultists DJ Kool Herc as a child was told that anyone with their hair twisted up was a "badman"

The baby skulls

Ray Abrahante (Rock Steady Crew and graffiti writer BOM 5) followed his older cousin into the gang but soon after he joins two ended up dead in the fingers pointed to the black spades hang out in the east Tremont neighborhood near the west bank of the river, where the Bronx River Parkway cut through a hook in the Cross Bronx Expressway where the east Tremont in the Bronx River houses met at 1 74th St. bridge was a no man's land and a no crossing zone A black tiger was spray painting BAM 117 and WRITERS INC Abrahante wrote his own tag: SPIDER but without writing skulls next to it The next day he wanted to tag the skulls name deep in spades territory, wearing full colors spades her old bottles at him and chased him, notice the tagger he met yesterday was watching Savage skulls falling apart, wanted a position of leadership, cousin told him it's no good for you and I'll fight whoever to get me and my cousin now Africa had a jam and invited everyone out, the cops put us up to this stuff, society put us here to fight against each other and kill us off * Zulu nation was integrating a new generation in the Bronx

poly culturalism and post whiteness

Robin DG Kelly and Vijay Prashad: multiculturalism co-opted by the state and capitalism 80s: pushed for inclusion and representation post chronic: corporate reinforce to backward notions of identity *Kelly coined the term poly culturalism to try to revive a radical vision of integration civil society did not need Eurocentrism or whiteness as its core to function integration as cultural layered and blended, lifted everyone urban marketing threatens the trappings of integration and preserved to the realities of segregation in any quality * wraps big crossover set of paroxysms of self examination in the hip-hop nation White Chicago graffiti writer William "UPSKI" Wimsatt in the article called "we use words like mackadocious" in the source ripped on the sudden influx of "Wagar's" into hip-hop culture from the success of "the source"and "MTV raps" rap audiences will be white and rap will become another platform for every white ethnic group followed with a book entitled "bomb the suburbs" that became an instant classic from rage over race and generation The suburbs as more than just an unfortunate geographical location but in unfortunate state of mind American state of mind founded on fear/conformity/shallowness of character and dullness of imagination suburbans have been bombing us for at least 40 years means celebrate the city, the ghetto and the few people who are running away from it * urban addressed through optimism, hip pop separated from marketing could be controlled and defined by generations, suburban people could unite with ghetto dwellers, whites learn to respect blackness not consume it Wimsatt wanted a world not just polycultural but post white

5 elements of hip hop

1. DJ 2. MC 3. Graffiti 4. B-Boy/Girl 5. Knowledge

Howard Beach

11 weeks after the congressional anti-apartheid victory: friend my dad American named Michael Griffith run over by a car and killed in Queens after being beaten and chased by a mob of whites shouting you're in the wrong neighborhood Friday after Christmas, his friend, stepfather, cousin went to far Rockaway to collect a paycheck for construction work Griffith did well returning back a crossed your make up day his Buick overheated so they hiked to the nearest town Howard Beach in darkness howard beach was a whites only, middle class enclave, blacks or Hispanics mainly came to their neighborhood it to Rob or rape them White youths grow by screaming racial slurs at them, returned after they ate with a dozen others cops called to report "threesuspicious black males"but saw them eating quietly and left crowded drunk yelling we don't belong here, step forward to leave, mob surged forward and began beating them ran away but the mob caught up with them, beat the young man with the bushes in the weeds, Griffith tried to cross the parkway but was struck by a car mayor Ed Koch compare the incident to a lynching and called it the most her Renda's incident, went to call for the formation of a new Kerner commissioner Boudet by residence when the media said the nation was still divided into two societies one black one white * Northern that racism is alive in time for action, rage with Dominant chord some invited Southern civil rights iPhones to give them advice in the north but others favorite and more militance defense and hope the new leaders with step forward wanted a later day Malcolm spoke to their present his stepfather, Cedric Sanders Ford escaped by playing dead Weil friend Timothy Grimes suffered a blow but ran away Grimes was beaten and then harassed by police and treated as a suspect 30-year-old Reverend Al Sharpton who was a boy preacher, teen community organizer, tour promoter for James Brown and Michael Jackson had lead a series of marches into Howard Beach marchers faced with angry white residence And young and young anti-apartheid activists like Lisa Williams let it 10,000 marchers to mayor coaches residence saying Howard Beach is Johannesburg "black power African power"

The Wasteland

Unreconstructed S Bronx (a set of ruins, infectious disease) Robert Jensen- "a condition of poverty and social collapse, not just a geographical place" **Mother Teresa (patron saint) made an unannounced visit Mayor's report "The S Bronx: A Plan for Revitalization": concern over security and safety of investments in the future, many give up and flee to other places Edward Logue: "A success story- 750,000 people have left for success in the suburbs" Professor George Sternlieb- "The world cannot operate well w/o the S Bronx, little there that people care for that cannot be replicated elsewhere" *Roger Starr (mayor official): end-game policy of "planned shrinkage" --> health, fire, police, sanitation, and transit services removed from the inner cities until all people had to leave Moses in retirement: "The Bronx slum is unrepairable, beyond rebuilding/storing. They must be leveled to the ground" Proposed moving 60,000 S Bronx residents into cheap, high-rise towers in Ferry Point Park

South Bronx: A Necropolis

"A city of death" Under Mayor Abraham Beame of NY

3. Graffiti

"Get up" being known "Going All City" tag travels everywhere, everyone can see Associated with gangs 2 forms: 1. Tag (name), fast/easy 2. Burner/Piece (Filled in, full drawings) slow/difficult Civil disobedience- wrote what they were upset about "Illegal Wall" shop owners paid artists to put something on their wall so others can't tag there "Black book" portfolios Call selves "writers" while the act called "bombing" "The Writers Bench" where they all met to show their black book work "Toy" sucky graffiti artist "Quality of life" offense "Make your mark IN society not ON society" campaign with posters and commercials using famous people Many drew Blondie (Debrah Hairy) as she was the first pop star in "Rapture", 1st time hip hop cross over in a pop song Would try to "wash" the subways, then paired them white Used double fences with razor blades and a dog between them to keep artists out Pioneer: Cornbread (Darrel McCroy) from Philly, Pennsylvania —> birth place of graffiti Started by writing his girlfriends name Taki 183: popularized repping where you are from Cap: drew over other people's work, even if he liked it Seen, Lady Pink, Skeem

Los Angeles black

gangster rap and post industrial games did not begin in Compton, rose out of the ashes in ruins of the 60s of the watts blacks had nowhere else to go other than the watts when blacks moved in the white smoke out, one blocks one by one, reverse blockbusting called "Negro invasion", The whites would pay any price to keep the colored folks out of their communities during the 1920s the KKK cross is at 10 ninth Street and Central Avenue, racial covenants and block restrictions by whites prevented blacks from moving into their neighborhood under legal threat of your vacation Los Angeles tried to annex watts in the mid-1920s World War II brought southern migrants into Los Angeles to feel needed for new workers, now African-American neighborhoods overwhelmed with demands for healthcare/schooling/transportation/housing racial discrimination kept rents artificially high, lead to overcrowding as slumlords exploited for families as single dwelling unit suddenly became four soon I had the highest concentration a public housing west of the Mississippi but World War II recession made much of black Los Angeles never recover Compton looks like a promise land with clean and pleasant houses and space to grow gardens Pacific electric railroad station home assignment: N! be out of Compton by nightfall now had a rough dividing line down Vermont Street separating the striving west side from the separate Eastside whites left and replaced by an aggressive zero tolerance police department under the leader ship of police chief William Parker Black youth clubs became protective gangs * Los Angeles new city: high wage job growth from the inner-city outsider ring 10 miles north and west of City Hall, after the war people of color were affectively excluded from the job and housings, blacks confined to living in the bottoms where there was a job scarcity, mass transit deprived, densely populated Underlined the cities first race riots called 1943's suit suit riot wear white sailors/ Marine/soldiers brutalized Chicanos and blacks from Venice Beach to East LA to Watts conditions worsened in a late summer heat wave that hit watts in 1965

The return of the local

"Straight Outta Compton" album with golden six weeks, recorded for under $10,000, priority did nothing to promote it, radio would not go near it beginning of a seed change in pop culture tastes: call the NWA's music gangsta rap, new black poetry and new punk rock White kids wanted to live vicariously through the music MTV band of the video, but became a cultural phenomenon inspired to do it yourself movement for anyone from the streets to create gangsta rap tapes, Learned hustling and distribution so people could hear their stories democratized rap and allowed the world to rush in Rakeem's open invitation to join the hip-hop nation "it ain't where you're from it's where you're at" republicans introduced the strategy of devolution: burden of health/education/social services from federal government back to the states and cities read the column Republican dominated states made it through the transition fine while blue column democratic dominated states fell into a brutal cycle of crisis and clean up mattered where you were from and where you were

Cross-Bronx Expressway

1953 by robert moses "Idea was to bypass Manhattan with the ugliness as much as possible" 7 mile, man-made trench cutting through East south Bronx to Manhattan Irish and Jewish families in apartments along this had months to relocate 200$ per room for compensation Huddled into condemned homes Led the white exodus out of the Bronx After WWII government investment, rose t unparallelly power Immortality fixed in the roads; monuments to efficiency Moses bulldozed over 60,000 residents "There are people in the way, that's all" Used "urban renewal" rights of clearance in Manhattan ghettos to condem entire neighborhoods (AAs, PRs, Jewish fam)


1968 heroin made a sudden dramatic return to the streets of the south east Bronx White gangs joined to pray upon youths of color Black in Puerto Rico gangs surged in response to the junkies in the white gangs and then they turned on each other

The rise of anti-racist movement

1984 the American anti-apartheid to movement begin to peak Jesse Jackson made South African the divestment a presidential campaign issue Randall Robinson the national coordinator of the free South African movement led a small group of protesters to the South African embassy in Washington DC and launched one of the starkest protest since the height of the civil rights struggle sat at the Embassy doors and over 3000 were arrested US campus protest into high gear: Columbia university students launched a three week take over of Hamilton Hall renaming it Mandela hole Biggest campus protest since 1948 run DMC performed to show it support * difference from the 60s: students of color played a central organizing and demand making role organizations led by young people of color like the student nonviolent coordinating committee, the black panthers, Third World studies correlations at San Francisco State and Berkeley Lane tomorrow weight but white males always dominated the student movement as leader ship by the mid-80s students of color were no longer marginal and led the protest apartheid gave students a color of frame to understand the power of whiteness and critique to the failures of the baby boomer generation civil rights and black power movement had left many promises unfulfilled movement unlocked the connections between campus struggles and communities, south African shantytowns reveal the links between the global and the local

search for new heros

1996 in social policy article, late black activist Lisa Sullivan the cofounder of the black student leader ship network and the first hip hop in the actuals laid out the politics behind Stephanie's claim of a vacuum existing of leader ship "Civil rights leaders is unresponsive and important to the plus civil rights., Krittiq against the. Is most pronounced a monks black youth, most believe that black leaders lack the capacity/desire/ingenuity to address the contemporary crisis that destabilize black working-class life and destroy black neighborhoods and families, consequence entire generation profoundly disconnected from black civic action and activism, future a black institutional and organizational leader ship with the vision/capacity/innovation necessary for the 21st is bleak" Hiphop in brace the ideas of the exiled and martyred icons of the past while rejecting the legitimacy of the living elders Chuck made the song "bring the noise" saying bear cons a profit and you have to listen to what he says to you, follow for now "Public enemy day" when they came to Philadelphia, gave them a parade, black panthers of rap *Leader ship being thrust on the hip-hop generation, problem of how black elite would directed rated where it would take the race in the new century would be entirely on their own Leadership being thrust on the hip-hop generation, problem of how black delete would direct it's rated where it would take the raise in the new century would be entirely on their own

Jackie Robinson

A blue Dodger After retirement, went into politics Honored with public housing projects Congressmen Adam Clayton Powell + Malcolm X at a Harlem rally Robinson denounced the congressmen for aligning with the Black Muslim "Answer for the N is not in segregation but in being in their rightful place (same place as any other American) in society Owner O'Malley not forgiven for pushing him out

Rapper's Delight

A no-name group using partly stolen rhymes, crew with no style first to tap hip-hop's platinum potential Black india label owner Sylvia Robinson's studio her and her son Joey have been trying to sign for that group but skepticism from Bronx luminaries like flash 15 minutes long and the full version was played by the one black music radio station called WILD Chuck D says it is too short to encapsulate all of the hip hop jam DJ cut that song behind him and he started lip singing as if it were his Song New York's hip-hop scene to black radio two American top 42 all over the globe Best selling 12 inch single ever pressed * first words "I said uh hip hop" ... to the Bronx kids the whole thing was a sham hip-hop artists making records failed as it didn't reach the true experience of their shows no improv no call and response audience participation Studio creation, sounded good not in parties but on live cassettes and boom boxes, universal a new not local help to revive the dying Bronx club scene, more passive experience than ever The boys disappeared, no one dancing, no crowd participation, DJ is no longer at the center of the music

"Tower in a park" model

Advanced thru modern architect Le Cornbusier as a "Radiant City" 1,200- 1,700 unit houses Moses: blackboard equation that neatly solved thorny problems (open space into the urban grid and housing for displacing the poor) with cost-efficiency Goals of "slum-clearance", business redevelopment, and decimation of union movement

housing authority essay writing contest

Africa won and the prize was a trip to India giving out flyers for the next party I was giving and forgot all about it Lost the trip, was GREAT because the following year I won the trip to go to Africa and Europe seeing black people working compared to what you hear in America about black people can't do this or that

Youth gangs

African-American, Afro-Caribbean, and Latino families moved into formerly Irish, Jewish, and Italian neighborhoods Preyed on new arrivals in school-yard beatings and street battles Black/brown: first for self-defense, then for power/kicks


After TAKI 183, took off Hugo Martinez: sociology student and youth gang advocate, organized the first graffiti association called United graffiti artists your name was your currency and you created value by making your mark in the niches or getting into mass production to an invisible generation fame itself was wealth liability and transformed into asset right of passage female pioneer: STONEY, tagged the Statue of Liberty ** first movement to break out of the 7 mile world desegregated: whites apprenticed themselves to Brox-based blacks ZEPHYR was a self described "hippie want to be and problem kid" Apprenticed with LSD OM and SHADOW of The Rebels finally got fame riding with the rolling thunder riders

The politics of getting mine

Amerikkkas most wanted just after bomb squad wrapped up "fear of a black planet", planet was a result of needing to regain control while most wanted it was the opposite wanting to exhale New targets of ice cube from police and street rivals to naïve pan African is Jock writing fans "Once upon a Time in the projects" how government handouts degraded of the week minded blackboard "You can't fade me" controversy with feminism, lyrics kicking the bitch in the tummy, and pregnancy with a girl he had a one night stand with, women as the neighborhood Hussey looking to pin a man for child support, turns out baby is not his taking care of yourself the only way to maintain self respect, survival of the fitness, weakness was feminized you brought birth to the male character he played, as fatherless, criminal antihero breaking out of south-central heading to the suburbs to launch a N invasion on the Caucasian shaved off his curls and took refuge in the nation of Islam, confident his next album called death certificate would be his masterpiece

The image Revolution

Angela why Davis grew up in an act of his household and wasn't intellectual prodigy, influenced by Malcolm X in the black panthers, returns to south-central LA to join the revolution rejected Karenga's US organization as anti-feminist enjoyed both s andCCC and the black panther party International hero after the Jackson trial and a leading light in the anti-prisons movement, professor in women's studies and African-American studies New her image was associated with representation of black nationalism that privileges those particular nationalism's, locked in a constant struggle through her Afro and black fist frozen in time

The divestment strategy

Anti-apartheid movement dates back to the 1963 the peak of the civil rights movement and the year after the CIA aided South Africa's white minority regime in their capture of freedom fighter nelson Mandela United church of Christ called for economic sanctions against the government who profited from gold and diamond mining industries educational campaign is an African-American communities 1971 the national Council of churches called upon general motors to the vest all of its direct investments in the south African economy interfaith Center and corporate responsibility helped organize shareholder resolutions against big companies like AT&T, Ford, Sears Randall Robinson turned Harvard Yard into a cemetery representing the victims of the universities investments, student protest arresting Mandela and banning his organization, the African national Congress, the south African government brutally quashed black resistance and expanded at security, surveillance, policing foreign corporate investment skyrocketed: US direct investments to South Africa totaled over $1 billion a year nixon's "tar baby option" sealed at North America participation in the regime making it official US policy to accommodate the white minority and support South Africa as a strategic anti-communist region use reshape the growing black consciousness movement and protest turned militant 76: south African troops fired on demonstrators leaving hundreds dead and in a crack down that followed over 1000 were killed The father of black consciousness, Stephen Biko, died of injuries in prison beatings more black and multi racial organizations were banned, newspapers clothes, hundreds jailed President Jimmy Carter recalled his south African ambassador and urged the tightening of t President Jimmy Carter recalled his south African ambassador and urged the tightening of the Arms embargo Ronald Reagan took office in 1980 and policy swung back toward Nixon style normalization as "constructive engagement", racist dictatorship Reagan: The white red team "reformist administration, and that they have a lemonade the segregation * apartheid regime declared a state of emergency or martial law to crush the rising black movement 30,000 protesters detained in 2500 killed

Haile Selassie visits

April 21st Greeted by more than a hundred thousand followers Herc watched on tv as they used any transportation to get to this "god" Came out, saw the people, went back on the plane and cried "didn't know he was worshipped that strongly"

The end of the American century

Bambara was a hip-hop ambassador sending the message to cities across the world, but they had been through two generations of hip-hop heads with own defiant youth countercultures, cultural revolution won Entourage of conscious rappers including Talib Kweli, Black Thought of the Roots, dead prez played a concert at the world conference against racism in Durban and south Africa Black August in Brooklyn as part of Malcolm X grassroots movement project to educate robbers and hip-hop audiences on the plight of black political prisoners US Secretary of State Colin Powell refused to attend, reflection of George W. Bush's disinterest in addressing racism Black August presence in south Africa was a protest against their government silence hip-hop movement in south Africa in the early 80s fueled the most dangerous farms of cultural protests rappers that decried the government got the threats, graffiti riders risked shot by government soldiers local tote for exchange of ideas and stories of struggle but instead treated like hired drivers rappers develop the Moses complex about loving the motherland and talking racism and reparations in the US The idea was supposed to facilitate the international cultural exchange between useacross the globe, supporting and promoting social consciousness and positive self expression used expensive stuff in their country but talked about how bad racism was in America rap as a new form of American cultural imperialism rappers were the most politically educated and committed of commercially successful North American artists complaints about issues of privilege, protest of US racism

Ghetto Brothers and the Black Spades and new gen gangs

Benjamin Melendez and friends formed The black spades were previously known as the savage seven that grew and adopted a new name New generation board games that were a different breed than the wanderer generation most were not optimistic or graduated from high school they all had to cut sleeves in Nazi patches idealized the Hells Angels The gangs provided shelter comfort and protection and channeled energies and provided enemies they worded of burden and gave meaning they turned the wasteland into a playground they were a family they were the real law on the streets as people would come to them to solve their problems instead of the police if you went through someone else's neighborhood you were either a target or you had to take off your colors The bigger gangs fragmented into many more leading to 100 different gangs claiming 11,000 members and 70% were Puerto Rican while the rest were black The ghetto Brothers gang was one of the most powerful with more than 1000 members Suarez was the leader also known as "Karate Charlie" from street fighting Benjamin Melendez was the vice president who founded the gang Know as "Yellow Benny" gave impromptu speeches as "The Preacher" actually started out as a family of those among Moses his lower Manhattan refugees Suarez "Charlie" was kicked out of the house by his grandmother and joined the Marines, but soon went AWOL and went back to the gang Benny conspired to make him president as he brought discipline and battle readiness to the gang Charlie administered punishment while Benji was the one that intervened Benji had become a supporter of the Puerto Rican socialist party and was pulling the group toward politics they criticize the quality of healthcare question why you said no jobs or recreation available to them and to create heavy-handed policing they forced slumlords to allow them to clean and set up a free breakfast program and free clothing drive they referred to themselves as the People's Army Melendez had come up with another name to describe the new activities the South Bronx defense of unit let's stop this gang stuff and form an organization for peace *** Cornell Benjamin known as black Benji had become the third staff leader of the ghetto brothers Black Benji was the peace counselor

The edits

Bernard and mays's relationship deteriorated, militant and marketer relationship barely speaking editorial and business side it divided campus, may propose the to go to lunch, ask Bernard what he needed to do to make things right, Bernard asked him to take care of stock certifications as they were working without proper ownership papers Me exerted right as publisher to insert a three page feature on the Almighty RSO The article press release in titled "Boston big shots" was ghost written by me Bernard made a resignation letter and called all editorial staffers for an emergency Sunday night meeting and passed out a copy of the letter thought Bernard shouldn't resign but me, Bernard leave later in the week and fax resignation letter out, rest of staff would resign in solidarity Shecter and Bernard would meet with me to admit what he would done in record of the conversation, next day confronted me Shecter Debated with me instead of letting him confess, used arguments from his unreleased resignation, may realize staff was planning to expose him, called Scott Who left a threatening voicemail for Schecter: keep your mouth shut you sellout white boy, don't play with us, we knew you before there was any source Bernard, Dennis, Schechter took the tape to the police: they could make an arrest but he would be back on the street in a day and my escalate the situation agreed to deliver a writ that would begin a conflict/resolution process at the RSO press today at RCA Schecter never showed up so Bernard and Dennis walked it up to the press suits where Scott and three others from the crew were, Bernard told Scott you can't threaten our people like that Scott asked if they were trying to embarrass them on their press date, for rushed for David Davis and exchange blows but Bernard and Dennis caught the elevators down headed back to the office Scott called me and discussed what to do, Bernard's resignation letter came through the fax machine Bernard: made a mockery of my efforts to protect our staff and taking a stand against the rising tide of violence in the hip-hop nation, destroyed every bit of the magazines integrity, tenet of journalism of a wall between the editorial and business ventures, push to change the shape of the editorial version to not step on toes to build your entertainment empire which is unacceptable faxed to 750 industry offices, staff was gone

The rewrites

Bernard to the press: fight for a magazine that speaks directly to a hip-hop nation from people who are a part of that but already lost, standards and codes upheld against the threat of corruption were crumbling Bernard and Dennis found an investor willing to put up 3 million for a buy out but couldn't force Mays to sell without Ed Young I did nothing to salvage the situation, received their stock certificate a move for strike and pimp slap Mary had to build an editorial staff from scratch, told everyone he would listen almighty ROS oh renamed made a man, no records became hits me as a manager landed major label deals and new fans each new record released created a struggle between me and his editorial staff, walk out protest, may rebuild again but his entertainment Empire grew: the source magazine radio network, all hip-hop our television program, hits compilation CDs, music awards, the source.com, youth foundation, bought back Bernard and Schechter shares Bernard and Dennis launched XXL Magazine to compete with the source may partnership with the Rolling Stones, weener refused to pay a 15 million for a quarter ownership of the company May new goal: build of the time warner of this generation FBI investigation into stocks in murky past, to made men convicted of stabbing Boston Celtics star Paul pierce wreckage of our past should not be used to judge the path of our future, media slandered our name in time for a vicious attack to stop Scott preparing for the release of another record while the source continued the editorial staff lineup May as the cofounder, Scott revealed they were cofounders, didn't give him a dollar but love loyalty my honor and vision

The biggest crossover

Bill Adler: Russell's first hires, 32, met cultural radical name is John Sinclair Johnson Claire: post World War II whites who wanted to route them self in the authenticity of African-American culture, black musicians as a model of liberation for young whites formed the white panthers and is there a 10 point program .1: full endorsement of the black panthers program to: total of souls on the culture by any means necessary Russell Simmons hired Adler to do publicity for his ask, promote black culture everywhere Russell Simmons: son of civil rights activists, center of the party, bridge to black and white taste Rick Rubin: white teen cultural rebellion, Simmons partner, hard-core aesthetic MTV excluded black artists, Columbia threaten to boycott * winning meant desegregation radio and music videos Stephny maintained old white rock radio contacts, crucial to DEF jam success DEF jam to pull off a racial crossover Stephny convinced rock radio to play run DMC's cover of Aerosmith walk this way, Beastie Boys onto rap radio hip pop offering a more radical more successful desegregation plan with vast social implications mentioned, not a passing novelty, culturally monumental creating new revolutionaries DEF jams feet of pop integration unleashed a wrap signing blitz, wrap not a fad

Natty Cult-Nats vs Rap Rebels

Bill stephny a "art-N" tried to get his homey's to join the Black rock coalition but they weren't having it, not broader minded, Bill tried to straddle the line between the black belt in the East Village Village boys critic Greg Tate, a cofounder of the black rock collision, parents cultural nationalist so grew up around black superheroes wanted to be a black comic book artist like Chuck D Barakas book Black music influence became a father, move to New York City, try to make it as a writer raised on cultural Nationalism but agreed with the political radicals about the jiver parts like sexist, anti-semitic, Black supremacist, pseudoAfrican mumbo-jumbo * called himself a reconstructed cultural nationalist change the Village voice into a central Oregon of a new black public intellectualism, radical multiculturalism "It takes a nation of millions to hold us back"out in another black New York cultural renaissance * Tate was one of the earliest and loudest supporters of public enemy, defended Chuck being a "bullshit artist" saying he has a poetic mind nation of millions dramatic sized black identity that hadn't been there since the 60s public enemies ideology from revolutionary nationalism to cultural nationalism to cultural radicalism do you humanizing others will not set black people free

Garvey as "Black Moses"

Born 1887, mother wanted to name him Moses After a visit to Panama (inspiration from Booker T. Washington's Up From Slavery and conditions of black farmers and canal workers) he returned to Kingston to preach black redemption and repatriation Founded the United Negro Improvement Association in 1914 "Wake up Ethiopia! Wake up Africa! Let us work towards the one glorious end of a free, redeemed, and mighty nation. Let Africa be a bright star among a constellation of nations" Left for Harlem after caught using organization funds to pay for living US futher exploited when became a political target of a young Justice Department official J. Edgar Hoover

The alternative to black power

Brian Turner was a young white SoCal transplant, make a living in LA music industry at Capitol records special markets department, left to start his own label called priority records, sold 2 million units of the California raisins but needed a real artist eazy-E's manager Jerry Heller had his office in the same building, receiving rejection for being too violent and two Street, Heller walked to Turner's office about his new rap project of "boys in the hood" and "**** the police" signed NWA as priorities first act * this was about the strength of Street knowledge

The return of hip-hop activism

Brown and youth task force had enough: took a family argument public, sweet blog/new presence/profiling were in adequate that youth culture needed to be regulated and content contained encouraged elders to turn on their children task force organize the Atlanta hip-hop community, forums to defend hip-hop and constructively critique it brought artists with elders/lawyers/scholars/activist/poets Active response in activism the arts and the record industry credited for the foundation of the rap industry and hip-hop activism others to embrace and transform not confront/isolate/marginalize but bring a sense of community and responsibility "Hip-hop activists" culture and politics came together, reclaim and define their generational identity hip-hop generation as politically active as the civil rights generation activism below the national radar while life and death struggles happened at the local level where activist fought in the streets neighborhood school board City Hall state legislators and corporate offices Russell Simmons forming the hip-hop summit action network to bring together rappers academics music industry leaders civil rights leaders and politicians to push for social change Chicago/Brooklyn/Oakland activist used graffiti, break boy, DJ Ing to educate and organize around education gentrification and juvenile justice issues Louisville bought book bands and youth curfews, bay area and Bronx stop the expansion of juvenile detention facilities, Albert cookie tossed out city council members supporting a highway through native lands, campuses fought for labor unions/living wages/against sweatshops and companies invested in the prison industry

Panthers to crips

Bunchy Carter was the leader of this slausons and Slauson renegades Southern California leader of the black panther party, most dangerous black man in LA/community organizer/corner rapper/Street N Study it and plan the revolution at UCLA, panthers and Karengas US organization fighting for control of the UCLA is black studies department Black student union meeting ended with organizations firing at each other in Campbell hall Carter and Jon Huggins shot dead, called assassinations or year later the beef squash, LA police arrested Pratt the new panther leader on false charges and sent away for life watts writers workshop destroyed to the efforts of FBI double agent who was the workshops publicist Panthers and Slausons had died with bunchy Raymond Washington, a follower of carter, formed the "baby avenues", carrying on the legacy of a feeding local gang calls the avenues imitated a gangasta limp by walking with a cane and builds the gang wore black leather jackets to mimic the panther style, go change to beating other black use for their jackets Crip: From a corruption of cribs or Crypts, from the "cradle to grave", Asian American victims description of her attacker saying "Crip with a stick" Crippen made robbing and stealing then developed into a way of life expelling gang members from school lead to them recruiting more people in different areas, now 18 black gangs youths on Comptons Piru Street organize themselves into groups they called pirus or bloods getting fashion shipped it to cholo style, Crips blue bloods red so many crib sets they went to war with each other calm down in the late 70s when they worked in factories, started back up when job is taken away cocaine hit the streets in the 1980s 1980s Raymond Washington was dead in prison killed by arrival, 155 games claim 30,000 members across the city

Reporter Bill Moyers

CBS report: The Fire Next Door Followed a Bronx fire company (burning buildings, families out on the street, neighborhood kids helping firefighters) Aftermath: elderly Mrs. Sullivan waiting for a moving truck that never came with her few belongings being robbed Family living in a burnt down building ** His conclusion: "Our problems at home paralyze our will and we don't approach a disaster like the death of the Bronx with the same URGENCY and COMMITMENT we carry to problems ABROAD" President Carter went to visit the four square blocks of dead city Gangs that claimed the turf were gone "See which areas can still be salvaged"

The sound of the batter ram

Cheap symbol of the new repression was the better ram, a V 100 armored military vehicle equipped with a massive battering ram that police used to barge into suspected crack houses A lot of action with the drug war in full swing Summer of 85, Toddy Tees tape called the batter ram was the most popular cassette on the streets: working class family Man life interrupted * first tape to describe the changing streets from watching a crack house live on television hung out in the garage of a local rap legend named mix master spade, like Lonzos empire where south-central wrap talent gathered never became more than a local rap hero at spades house Todd and advance to wrap school with kids that called them selves Compton posse end it for good after LA County sheriffs raided the house, spayed and seven others engage the sheriffs in a shoot out, sheriffs Compton skated $3000 in cash/Mac 10/25 gallons of PCP hip-hop close to the underground economy because it was being made by youth who were not exploitable but expendable

never walk alone

Chuck D as "the new Bob Dylan", did more interviews than any other rapper to that point influenced by how run DMC was treated by the media Harry Allen became the cruise publicist and "director of enemy relations" British tabloid music Chris called public enemy the worlds most dangerous band, music so good it was scary, rap advocates radicalism of the black panthers in the black Muslims and that the white medias role was simply to transmit these messages rappers as youth role models trucks view of history: some leaders killed off/sold out/lead, propaganda as if things had changed, blacks couldn't understand how they'd suddenly got these advantages and fails to teach their young what they had been taught, loss of identity as they thought they were excepted as Americans but they still faced a double standard public enemies theme was black collectivity values: strength, unity, self-defense, survival skills violence became their primary and most misunderstood metaphor White journalist resistance lead to free styling their message

closing the circle

Chuck as to Miles Davis as Rakim to Coltrane soul began with unusual flattery to its audience, apology for keeping them waiting, active deliverance "I know you got soul" dropped only weeks after yo, Chuck and Hank realized that her Pops aesthetic and political development had seven weeks celebrated, retreated to 510 S. Franklin to close the circle that Eric B and Rakim began I knew they had to do something aggressive marley's method or flowed with the possibilities of new technology, privileging sampling and mixing over arranging but bomb squad mapped out the samples in the song ski instructor, Kyle, played them by hand as if they were a band, tension, mirrored the real worldview "Rebel without a pause" was a black riot, Stephanie took the record it to the places that had just PE and watched room exploded follow up "bring the noise in "Chuck ripped black incarceration and the death penalty in compared to critics contamination of his support for Farrakhan and to being shot by cops, captured the tensions of the time and externalized them public enemy the new definition of black power

over the edge

Chuck learned his media skills from DEF jam/rush publicist a bill Adler Chuck included Griffin in public enemy interviews at first but then took the primary press roll again, eventually had to delegate some media duties back to grist as he refused to be manager anymore riff Retoria could begin to overheat, lead of the discussions like a wild goose chase jumping all over the place, opinions confrontational known as explosive as reported by Melody maker in its issue "if the pollen signs took up arms, went to Israel, killed all the Jews it be all right" * Chuck traces the beginnings of 1989 to melt down to this very moment

Black Benjies murder

Cornel Benjamin Ambassador of GB, makes peace with other clubs Suarez called all the divisional leaders demanding war on the presidents Melendez was firm that the ghetto brothers needed to maintain peace when black Benji died he went for peace and if you go out there to declare war it will make his mission in vain Melendez left for the hospital while Suarez prepared for war then went out looking for the seven immortals and the Mongols The one who killed black Benji was a guy named Julio a leader of the seven immortals who had once been a ghetto brother when Suarez put a gun into Julio's mouth Melendez stepped in between they are models and Mongols were beaten but were not killed Black bending his mother said no revenge ben t left for peace ghetto brothers led by Melendez call for a truce meeting to be held on the evening of December 8 at the Bronx boys club Hollywood depicted him as militarized instead of trying to make peace he was trying to take over the city "60,000 soldiers versus 20,000 police"

Readable vs Unreadable

DONDI AND SEEN: Best known for their large precise and readable words with their bold and elegant designs DONDI's whole car "Children of the Grave" photographer Martha Cooper shot during its creation * artistic blueprint for hundreds of years jumping into the graffiti scene wild style: deconstructing the word in less readable forms, including their names and letters, abstraction PHASE 2 and KASE 2

Benign Neglect

Daniel Patrick Moynihan (NYs Democratic senator): "They don't want housing or they wouldn't burn it down" Wrote a memo to President Richard Nixon citing data on fires and denouncing the rise of radicals (BP): "The time may have come that the issue of race could benefit from a period of benign neglect" Nixon "I agree!" **Justified reductions in social services to the inner cities --> further fuel for the backlash against racial justice and social equality Removed 7 fire companies after 68 70s budget crisis: more laid off Led to more fires Within a decade 43,000 houses (4 square blocks a week) 73-77: 30,000 fires in South Bronx **Fires of abandonment

Michael Manley

Democratic socialist PNP canidate For 1972 election, went to political rallies with his "rod of correction", a staff handed down to him by Haile Selassie Recognition of the influence Rastafarianism held among the poor Reggae as the "people's language" and picked Wilson's "Better Must Come" as his campaign theme PNP won Manley's democratic socialist government brought key reforms (lowered voting age to 18, secondary and university education free, national minimum wage When he went to reestablish relations with Cuba and build solidarity with leftist leaders in Caribbean and Africa --> CIA surveillance intensified, First World leaders withdrew aid and investment $23 million in aid from US to $4 in 4 years World-wide oil crisis recession --> economic chaos Prices tripled and wages declined by 1/2 Pay check bought 1/6 what it used to High labor union strikes, three hundred strikes in 7 years North America refused to renew aid loans Debt doubled in 5 years to $2 billion US (90% of the country's gross domestic product) PNP finally agreed to emergency loans from the IMF Caused goods shortages and massive layoffs, wiped out entire industries PNP raised taxes, businesses fleed Guns: gun violence between rival gangs Manley placed the island "under heavy manners": expanding police power to search and raid, stepping up police-military operations Established a Gun Court: gunmen and illegal firearm traffickers faced mandatory indefinite sentences 76 Manley pronounces a State of Emergency (martial law) Violence was politically motivated Gangs divided and marked their turf Gang leaders useful to politicians: delivered a yard's votes and fought the ground war Politicans then granted jobs, favors, and programs to the area Youths into work-groups or militants

Martha Cooper

Dondi White brought Martha Cooper (A news photographer for the New York post) to meet Chalfant The two were aware of each other's work and were jealous of each other until they met Henry shot the trains as if they were already in the museums, Cooper contextualize them as they rushed through the Grammy backdrop of the dying city or bottom up urban renewal together they begin making a case for graffiti, the art world was ready for it Esses studio closed —> Fashion Moto store front gallery in the South Bronx, graffiti art success for America by crash, new museum at Greenwich Village * no longer an expiration date on graffiti, Riders considered making a living out of it, gallery owners ventured out of there save Manhattan turfs with their checkbooks "The fire down below" by public defender Richard Goldstein The Village voice announce the art world new alignment with Street culture in this cover story featured portraits of the riders and Henry's iconic photos of classic trains

The moment of truth

Dre and snoop dominated video and radio for two years Marketing agencies between broadcasters and niches confused corporations how to re-branding themselves for new generations rap industry flushed with money hip-hop as a competitive field after post riot creative explosion came to target over negative coverage or reviews, wrappers and handlers issued threats that became physical attacks Bernard, Davis, Shecter strengthened the magazines code of ethics: handle the situation right then, defend it, step onto them if they step on anyone on staff, anyone who threatens would not receive any coverage first on the list was the Wu-Tang Clan freelancer because he didn't like the cartoons created a strained relationship between the editorial and business halves of the source editorial side and forced code of ethics so complaints went to the business side like Mays entry of the vibe into the market showed it shortcomings: David may frustrated with being late, publisher shouldn't just sell ads May launch to "the source musical words, the rap Grammys" to move the source from grass roots into the glamorous life

Marley's show

During the tribal wars in the 60s: Wailers made the song "Simmer Down" telling the rudies to "control your temper" Bob Marley + Lee "Scratch" Perry at the Black Ark to record another track to cool down the ghetto called "Smile Jamaica" Agreed to do a free concert named that on Dec 5 PNP scheduled election day for Dec 20 Sent armed guards to watch Marley's compound Enraged Marley who had supported the PNP, but was not disgusted with where politricks had led the country 2 nights before the show, armed guards disappeared 6 assassins then entered the mansion Rita Marley was shot in the head and manager Don Taylor took 5 bullets for Bob Bob's chest was grazed as a bullet hit his left arm Night of the show: Marley wheeled into National Heroes Park where a crowd of 80,000 gathered (including Manley and PNP entourage) Marley played an amazing concert Then left for the Bahamas in a self-imposed exile (JLP and CIA may have been behind it) **Violence was striking near the heart of the people

Graffiti in hip-hop

Extreme alienation of a generation under the shadow of the baby boomers continual distraction only stroked their creative fires style was the way to the fire Hostelworld pink says it is a way of defining what our generation is like Piece by NOC 167: The deadly third rail, "style wars" rose out of missed, cat riding a dragon next to a portrait of the writer as a young rebel that had already beating the transit cops and the toys summed up the graffiti's mission: no matter how hard you try you can't stop me now style used technology, excepted method and technique, aspire to science, self-defense into skill and skill into art, invented it self violently and pulled beauty it would make you friends and they would make you enemies, brings down the brute force of authority, never leave you neutral radicals tried to destroy convention and into shock, demand commitment and discipline, risk everything to bring the new into being

The bottoms

Fire stone/ Goodyear/General Motors clothes manufacturing plants in south-central, 131 plants shut down, 124,000 unemployed, job shifted to service and information industries past the 10 mile ring California voters past proposition 13: property taxes and dramatically altered state and local government financing launched a national tax revolt, cycle of state budget crisis, K-12 system tumbled while college and universities became in accessible to the working class and the poor "Armed response" security fences and forces sprung up in commercial buildings and around gated communities, chief Daryl gates army on Santa Monica freeway Reagan recession of 83 unemployment rate hit 11%, 50% for use in south-central, half of south-central's children live below the poverty level, infant mortality in watts was tripled the rate * mirrored the South Bronx in the 70s was the south-central in the 80s, growing number of inner-city Nexuses where the industrialization/devolution/Cold War adventurism/drug trade/gang structures and rivalries/arms profit-sharing/police brutality combining To destabilize poor communities and alienate massive numbers of youth

Ahearn and Freddy's movie

Freddy wanted to make sure that they weren't perceived as folk artists Two introduced by Mudd Club and Co-Lab Diego Cortez at the Times Square show Freddy wanted to make a movie about graffiti and he knew Lee Q would give them $50 to do a mural outside of his building * start of the movie wild style immersed themselves into the culture and went to a party let a fire chief rocker busy bee and DJ break out everyone thought he was a cop Busy bee leads him onto the stage to the microphone, he's my movie producer, we're making a movie about the rap scene met with writers Crash and Daze to meet eins at the fashion Moda no one had ever heard of fashion Mota even though it was only two blocks from the riders bench crash organized the graffiti art success for America show that made it fashion Mota become one of the capitals of graffiti in a month Freddy used to walk everywhere and recruit anyone even whites so grandmaster flash had his first taste of playing for an audience that wasn't typically black fab invited Africa down to play at club 57, fab brought Bam and his Zulu nation DJs jazzy Jay and Africa Islam to play at the other venues "Beyond words: graffiti-based rooted and inspired work"at the mudd club Punk, subway graffiti, street art scene Photos by Cooper and Henry hung next to canvas is installed by lee performers: cold crush Brothers, The fantastic freaks, Africa is jazzy five MCs to perform New night club elite: hip hoppers plus rockers plus parkies plus freaks downtown team called of the pinheads, mix of people from the mud club * cultural crossover was in

Black as the new black leader ship

Greg Tate and Shakthi continuing the tradition of Adam Clayton Powell Junior, Jackie Robinson, Malcolm X. by talking the black liberation struggle in personal terms political to cultural, street corners to media integration began to offer a new kind of power Break in the leader ship development made them not only mirrors to the people but their leaders rappers made this stop the violence movement gang fights at concerts lead to a boy being stabbed to death and two teenage girls trampled violence was on the rise in rock concerts but the media suddenly had a new reason to stigmatize use of color and calls for rap show bans spread violence came home to the black belt: one youth killed a dozen others hurt at a Saturday night homecoming show for Eric B and Rakim/kool moedee and Doug E fresh at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum included a benefit record, video, book, rally around the theme stop the violence by Scott la rock * less a movement than a media event, never intended to be a political campaign against the black on black crime that was reserved for civil rights organizations like the urban league to build stop the violence meant to count to spend the mainstream media, reassure the entertainment businesses, show that rap artist could be responsible and not hip-hop with a self policing and stable industry mini compared rappers griots: The myth makers, praise singers, oral historians, social critics of SeneGambian society, not leaders but Messiah's, a separate cast/outcast class rappers had ability to move the media like no one else since the Panthers, Stephny and Baraka and mutabaruka said a rapper should be held to revolutionary standards of leader ship, but Stephanie argued if our leader ship is to be determined by an 18-year-old without a plan then we're in trouble Chuck: I'm not a politician I am a dispatcher of information, intend to have cultivated 5000 black leaders

The biggest street beat comes to black suburbia

Hank Boxley was a famous DJ like the Africa bambaataa of Long Island his mobile DJ unit called spectrum city was one of the best known sound systems in the black belt Carlton RidenhourStarted writing rhymes after the blackouts of 1977 inspired by cassettes while working at summer jobs, both came of age as the nascent Long Island seen hit a transition point popcorn the city growing up and moving away from the big street beat, a young Island hip-hop constituency was forming as the center of new energy Black flyers, Carlton offered to re-design and became MC as a Chuck D, greatest party emcees of all time Harold to make Gregor became an animator with Chuck, called himself harry Allen a hip-hop activist and media assassin Bill Stephney to Adelphi: asked Chuck and Hank to join his radio show, internship at WLIRFM, gave Chuck and Hank a Saturday night wrap show called the "super spectrum mix hour" reports of a riot at one of their gigs, police helicopter and cop cars surrounded them

hip hop popularized two years later

Henry not prepared for graffiti becoming huge internationally Henry and Copper Had to discuss how breaking had drastically change from a folk art form to the hottest entertainment of New York's nightlife and sparked world wide interest rejection letters from their book proposal discussing why graffiti rapping and breaking is not taken seriously because it diverges drastically from the proper Euro American high culture our educational system and poses Norman Mailer's book "the faith of graffiti" was the last word on the subject their book "subway art" was finally excepted and published in 1984 by a London-based house Thames and Hudson movie "style wars" by Henry with the support of American and British public television, foundation of government art grants, Nathan Glazer captured the youth movement in a moment of high flux as listed on the brink of becoming a generations of global culture short video but Henry ran out of money and the rocksteady group blew up the downtown scene and we're no longer available wife Kathy told his graffiti writing friends what he was living through and shifted the focus to graffiti successful run on PBS stations across the country but most popular in West Coast markets never returned after a single showing on the PBS outlet in New York * documentaries sympathetic per trail of graffiti artist was deemed irresponsible encourage vandalism and asked if they regret being part of a process that has destroyed Urban folk culture

The gangsta needs the revolutionary

Leyla Turrkan sat Angela Davis and ice cube together, presented as an inherited or of the black radical tradition bohemian party hanging out with graffiti writers, promoter for black uhuru on the red door David Mills forced her to deny that she and Adler ever tried to build up public enemy as politicians or social activists Davis only heard a few tracks from the unfinished album but not the most controversial called "black Korea" so add a fundamental disadvantage Angela: I think you exclude sisters from your thought process ice cube: but the black man is down, black woman can't look up to the Blackman until we get up Angela: why can't we look at each other as equals ice cube: then it's going to be divided Angela: people talk about the drug problem without mentioning that the majority of practices in our community are women, talk about progress in the community of both brothers and sisters ice Q: the sisters have held up a community I think about everyone he will be dismissive about building alliances with women/Latino/Native Americans, " do you have people who fight for integration, I want equal rights" cube recites Farrakhan analogy: there's the chicken and the chicken hawk, the ant and the ant eater, enemies by nature, that's what we've got to instill in our kids

always between: the black middle class

Made it to Long Island but it wasn't the promised land Black public schools had academic programs and resources that were inferior to those in white schools, poorly equipped, teachers less experienced and underpaid, test scores low, drop out rate hi, do you students go to college 3/4 of blacks wanted to live in integrated communities while 55% of whites preferred to live in mostly white neighborhoods fights between black and white use in Franklin Square called Krush Groove (movie), attracted a black crowd to a white town might be frightened with the feeling of being in between all the time double consciousness located by the burden of class, could also be liberating call me economic and cultural ideas for blacks, could certainly help them by lifting your expectations/illuminate their alleged pathology's/bright in their life chances but they did not need integration to succeed

Malcolm X

Malcolm X to Robinson: "Never shown appreciation for support by the N masses, but are faithful to your white benefactors"

Robert Moses

Man responsible: Robert Moses Most powerful, modern urban builder of the time Led the white exodus out of the Bronx Transform Manhattan to a center of wealth, connected directly to suburbs thru the heart of neighborhoods in the outer boroughs Allow people to transverse the Bronx from the suburbs of New Jersey thru upper Manhattan to Queens in 15 minutes Most difficult road ever built (113 streets crossed, 5 transit lines, 1 subway, 3 railroads, 7 express ways" 60,000 Bronx residents in the crosshairs!!!!

can't hold it back

Marley mall's roommate, a DJ from the black suburbs of queens named eric barrier his rapper from the 5%ers named William Griffin Junior who called himself Rakim Allah about to graduate from high school when I mutual friend introduced him to eric B Barrier asked moral to record, made a demo "check out my melody" rakim had lyrics/battle rhymes from the 5%ers poetics, took them out in three sets of seven Shan and marl didn't understand the guy, gave him a beat 10 bpm faster, made of the song "Eric B is president" lyrics describe the active rhyming as if it were a pitbull on a long leash, and undertow pulling into a deep ocean of words raps coltrane Musical family, Brooklyn to wyandanch (One of the oldest in the black belt, most trouble) graffiti writer and stuck up kid, never smile, serious as cancer, rhetorical questions Joined the nation of gods and earths better known as the 5%ers, founded in Harlem by the former student minister of the nation of Islam, Clarence 13 X, core believe from the loss found lesson number two like bambaataa, Retene on a life mission to lift the word from the streets into the spiritual 360° I revolve, a cipher you must complete it

graffiti as a successful public performance Hugo

Martinez created the unity graffiti artists, commission, and a downtown exhibition at the Razer gallery UGA got a lot of publicity from a Newsweek article and sold canvases for as much is 2500 but after two years it fizzled out due to slacking patronage and internal discord in the 1980s modernism was dead in the art world needed something authentic and passionate something innocent to feel deeply again, the real world upper Manhattan and Europeans bought anything graffiti Jean-Michel Basquiat had never painted on a train and went from homelessness to international stardom getting as much as $10,000 a canvas teenage bombers skip school to pocket $200 for a quick canvas were pushed by dealers to give them more complex work and make statements ZEPHYR painted and unfurling American flag and slammed a big wild style Z, new idea of American graffiti pink displayed a feminist take on war, psychological repression, and sex work crash fostered the link between pop and graffiti Lee move toward an intense social realism, abandoning words and cartoons for harrowing scenes most influential Opened new visual languages: DONDI PHASE2 RAMMELLZEE AND FUTURA PHASE 2: do you constructing letters into hardlines, third eyes, horns, drills, spikes, Egyptians, geometrics RAM: struggle, letter in words as armored vehicle in a militarized world DONDI: High priest of wild style played with letters arrows and faceless kids as representations of himself in the world FUTURA: militant, precise line and understanding of industrial design and fonts with a special sense of the abstract in the fantastic Called Watteau or Kandinsky of graffiti others used him to denounce the entire movement as empty and direction list became of the most famous in-house performance graffiti writer of the "wheels of steel" night at Negril and the Roxy * The movement as a genuine disruption of form in the history of art, new expression of art that was very real so strong it could hurt people, worst kind of white liberal guilt and a bizarre flirtation with the repressed other

2. MC

Master Ceremony Tech from Jamaican dance hall music art form "Toasting" shouting people out in the audience Then speaking in rhyme (rapping) A rapper does while an MC lives the culture Cipher: circles where MCs battle and B-boys dance in the middle "The Dozens": your momma jokes, originally started in slavery to talk badly about the master without him knowing 1st: Kool Herc was his own DJ and MC Pioneer: Coke La Rock, speaking in rhyme Pioneer: Shy Rock Supernatural: rhyme off the top of his head, given ideas by audience Earliest MC battle: Busy Bee vs Kool Moe Dee On the street of Harlem World Busy Bee: celebrity club rapper, took other people's rhymes, words made up Moe Dee: serious, own rhymes *Lyrical vs party rappers "This is my trophy" "you can't beat Moe Dee" Spontaneous, called out Bee ** Birth of the lyrical MC Mix tapes born thru jams: recorded on tape, copied, floated around city, reaches radio

The RSO and the mind squad

May have been the almighty RSO which is everything we all hated/people accused/can't be a part of may and raymond "ray dog" scott, leader of almighty RSO, became close friends Mays and Shecter met the Almighty Roxbury Street organization rap crew at a rap show in Harvard RSO DJ Deff Jeff joined them on WHRB radio show Lost their show as Scott, DJ is going past their allotted time by five minutes Scotts rep: two RSO associates murdered, crewmembers in drug and murder investigations, Shecter never a good idea for me to manage Scott but to violated his own "publishers credo" almighty RSO song "one in the Chamba" A protest song against the police killing of two young black men, advocated a cop killing Boston police patrol man's association and all of her North freedom alliance threatened a lawsuit Tommy boy dropped the group, record generated no interest at radio or retail May lost deal with flavor unit and never found another finished five song EP called "revenge of the bad boys" for September release mind squad of covered the "1 inch hombre and "controversy and included Scott in their gangsta rap summit but the EP wasn't worth it Scott concluded new staff members like editors Robert Marriott and carter Harris weren't showing him respect staff complained they would snatch records and shout at them, mady asked for coverage and write a final edits Scott threatened Harris and marriott saying "if I don't get at least four I'm putting Ns in body bags" Scott also threatened me, Bernard said call the cops, may refused, threats seized Preparing for the November issue, Bernard editorial decrying rapper violence and defining the values he felt hip-hop generation should uphold: If too thin skinned for criticism don't put music or videos on the radio for public discussion and consumption, hip-hop can't be built unless we hold each other too high standards Kyler homeboys care enough to let you know your Slippin, best for you and the whole crew crew, if too thin skinned for criticism don't put music or videos on the radio for public discussion and consumption, hip-hop can't be built unless we hold each other too high standards Kyler homeboys care enough to let you know your Slippin, best for you and the whole crew, if you haven't learned that already grow the **** up

King Tubby

Most influential dubmaster Born Osborne Ruddock Elaborated with Perry to demonstrate the possibilities of dub on the 1973 album "Blackboard Jungle Dub" "King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown" album: musical innovation and political disintegration Version of Jacob Miller's "Baby I Love You So": left the melody, drums, and guitar in shards Broke up the words "Baby I-I-I-I" transforming the longing into prison Ghostly echo + laughing to hang like a haunting Miller's cry dissolved in a barrage of oscillations, a plunge thru a trap door Version of The Abyssinians' "Satta Massa Gana" was the Rastafarian anthem Title meant "give thanks and praise" to Haile Selassie while the harmonies yearned for "a land far away" Tubby gutted the song to a bass pulse and drum accent, basic chords twisted, drums dropped like thunder Dreamland alliance of Rastas and democratic socialists disintegrating, utopia looted by thugs and left to global change *Music of the crossfire lifted out of the progression on time, politics, and meaning Dub embraced contingency, everything up for grabs Declaimed, distorted, or dropped out at the razor's edge of a moment Gave a clipped, fragmented voice to horrors the nation could not articulate

1977 World Series

NY Yankees vs LA Dodgers East vs west coast Four top hitters: two white and two black Yankees had taken one game Robinson in the 2nd game had not been on base Down by 4 runs: smoke bombs, firecrackers, cups by drunks, fans across the field, fights, Public 3 School aflame "The Bronx is burning, look at the skyline" -Howard Cosell, broadcaster

Zulu Nation

New motto "peace love unity and having fun" Took knowledge from everyone to make up lessons seven infinity lessons order the basic foundational principles for a member, code of conduct, directives to the Zulu way of life Origins of the Zulu nation and is south African antecedents, bronx River view of the origins of hip-hop Drew on the black Muslims advocation of a glorious original African past, but not racial segregation used black panthers call for self-defense but dropped demand for housing and employment and evolving document elemental in their creative power: four was the foundation number representing air water earth and fire and rhythm itself Africa took Hercs party and turned it into the ceremony of a new faith

transformation of the organization

New vision: organize as many as I could to stop the violence, went to different areas and told them to join us and stop fighting ** returned the Bronx to an era of style, celebration, and optimism Flip the back to the 50s games: satin jackets and nice names then graffiti artist painted aerosol paintings on the back of jackets *reestablished credibility The job of a Zulu is to survive in life, to open minded dealing, teach other truth, respect those who respected them, never be the aggressor or oppressor, peace with self and others, fight those who fight against you

chapter 19 New World order: globalization, containment, counter culture at the end of the century

New world order: 90s talk in 5% Street ciphers and Zulu nation study sessions Revelations eminent, sound fit the mood as claustrophobic and swarming through Wu-Tang Clan, mob deep, outcast, company flow Youth trooped in cities in camouflage jumpsuit and combat boots and called each other "souljahs" Streetside book vendors business with old history's like howard zinn's People's history of the United States and award Churchhill is the co-Intel pro papers and mysteries tracks like the illuminati is 666, secrets of free Mansary, the unseen hand "New World order" by President George Herbert Walker Bush's phrase used in speeches to justify US military action against Saddam Hussein Berlin wall fell, communist threat beating, president mobilized against new enemies please for us on American ghettos and fighter screams toward Baghdad, Bush: opportunity to forge ourselves and future generations of New World order, where the rule of law governs the contacts of nations presented itself as one of "cell therapy" a lockdown nation connected with resistance destroying addictions and military trained assassin's, social conformity and computer chip implants, black helicopters, gated projects in concentration camps conspiracies shorthand for grasping the astonishing pace of change: school closures, university tuitions heightened, youth curfews and sweeps and Urban zero tolerance campaigns, big brother technology and racial profiling, prison building boom and incarceration rates high goodie mob: they were bushes enemy every street sold or carried a copy of Emma William Cooper's "behold a pale horse" a survivalist a Bible Cooper a white radio broadcaster and hero of the right wing patriot movement sheriffs who came to arrest him received a bullet in the head, other shot Cooper on Arizona desert * his book written for high Plains tax protesters in Freeland patriots but readership on the streets Secret transcripts and memories meant to document the creation of a one world government and its efforts to enslave the masses Cooper compelled to roll white militia men and ghetto use of color: worldview grafted post Cointelpro conspiracy onto New World order paranoia Cooper: Armageddon there: book as late pass and lesson plan his proof was old: Jews as illuminati behold a pale horse a firm to their realities like no media could would argued that drug war legislation in the federal emergency management agency act foundation for suspension of constitution and permanent establishment of a police state was a version of Farrakhan's message of state pressure feels like martial law Cooper spoke of CIA ops that smuggle drugs into the ghetto to finance covert political operations Gary Webb and covered evidence of a crack pipe line from Nicaragua to LA by US government back to supporters of the Contras his "dark alliance" series in the San Jose Mercury news web media blackballing but fax confirmed investigations by Congress and CIA Cooper's world view into the main stream through rap songs then into social consciousness when the ex files and motto "the truth is out there" debuted Fox Mulder: One world government, master race plotters, alien abductive, Secret torture chamber's, Tuskegee style bioterror experiments as history of the Cold War where the struggle between the leaders and the people Russell Simmons: hip-hop moves as an army but who when where moving against spectral as molders enemies, no one knew how to define attacks or where they would come from * planet rock New World order: the war on youth was being driven to new heights of hysteria and repression, government deregulation and globalized media monopolies were colonizing and branding hip-hop counterculture spirit

Savage Nomads

Not prejudice on race "Crazy Joe" President "Fly" Gangs Gestapo- keeps other gang members in line, punished them by putting them in his jail cell for several hours or days with no light (2 doors) Also known as the 2nd story man as he scaled walls of apartments for burglary Nomads protected a store during the black out, people loaned them money and helped them before

chapter 14 the culture assassin's: geography, generation, gangsta rap

O'Shea Jackson of Ice Cube Jackson return central Los Angeles in 1988 Group called CIA or criminals in action with Tony "sir jinx" Wheatob and a Daryl "K Dee" Johnson Yves after dark night club in Compton, owned by Allonzo Williams wright met and Antoine "DJ Yella" and Andre "Dr. Dre" young Eric Wright was in the crowd every weekend prowling for talent, drug dealer to make quick cash on rap and Dr. Dre told them to wrap filthy, dirty down X-rated rhymes, made the base ice cube

Gang wars

One side toward peace one toward more blood even as the ghetto brothers moved publicly toward revolution they became embroiled in growing conflicts three ghetto brothers were shot in the clubhouse leaving one paralyzed and the president of the savage nomads was stabbed they assumed it was the Mongols behind it but gave out beatings to anyone in their ways such as the javelins the dirty dozen and the turbans gang wars by segregated races such as blacks against whites The black spades in the savage skulls irrupt it into a rumble at a movie theater it was the largest black versus the largest Puerto Rican gangs in the Bronx Social workers and peace organizer for the Youth Services Agency secures truce commitments from dozens of gangs Suarez and Melendez met with gang leader ship and hosted in formal Friday gatherings at one of their apartments were to bring to the ghetto brothers clubhouse at three games the Mongols the seven immortals and the black spades were jumping local youth we're here to talk peace crashed a pipe on black Benji's head then the gang members ciphered around him stomping cutting and beating him to death

Lee "Scratchy" Perry

Owner of the backyard studio in the Kingston suburb of Washington Gardens For five years, recorded many harmony groups, singers, and DJs in the Black Ark Music: Junior Murvin's "Police and Theives", The Heptones "Mr. President", and The Congos' "Children Crying" would soon reverberate across the globe Used aging analog machines like the Echoplex (inspired by Osborn Ruddock) to turn sounds over and back into themselves like Mobius loops Melodies became fragments that became signs

The enemy strikes back

PE staging a come back after media silence check issued a press release, group back in effect, James Norman now the minister of information, Griffin as supreme Allied achieved of community relations griff still a source of tension landed a record deal with Luther Cambell's Luca records and left the group Now trucks words were under scrutiny: "told of the rab to get off the rag" and "crucifixion ain't no fiction so-called chosen frozen apologies made to whoever please still they got me like Jesus" JDO and ADL read new boycotts lead editorial to the boycott: Jews to boycott public enemy, others should not expect the sympathy and financial support from Jews * PE important enough to compel mainstream tabloids to pronounce judgment, measure of how far the cultural radicals had moved in just a few years Chuck called people paranoid and offended lyrics: Jews didn't crucify me the media did I'm not comparing myself to Jesus overshadowed the fact that the album "Teradelm" contains the most personal lines Chuck had ever used all attention on allegedly anti-Semitic middle versus re-affirmed his ideal that rap had the power to unify and confront through a revelation of the mind: the murder of abusive Hawkings, Labor Day anti-police riots at the annual Black Greek festival in Virginia Beach were thousands had chanted fight the power would not confirm that some of the lines were aimed toward his own crew but toward everyone

Black panthers

Panther leader of Fred Hampton was forming alliances with the powerful Blackstone rangers, the mau maus, and the black disciples gang gangs should give up robbing the poor terrorizing the weak hurting the innocent to become a powerful force for revolution in a March 1968 memo J Edgar Hoover laid out the objectives of the FBI COINTELPRO operation against the Black Nationalist-Hate groups his goal was to prevent the long range growth of militant black nationalist organizations especially among youth The FBI and the police agencies carried it out 348 arrests 21 Panthers were arrested on charges of conspiring to set up Easter day bombs in the shopping district but the charges did not stick in after two years the panther 21 walked free

Black Ark burnt down

Perri's black art had become a center for the Boboshanti an Orthodox rasta sect let it by Prince Emmanuel Edwards adhered to the ideal of black supremacy Bobos helped perri and his arc could help disseminate their message the way Marley did for the 12 tribes Perri rejected the bobos shaved his budding dreads and turned away rasta groups and visitors he dismantled the studio painted graffiti tags and crossed out words and pictures with Xs in the summer of 1983 the black arc burned to the ground perry said he did it himself perry said a reggae music is a curse the ultimate destruction ** fevered dreams of progress had brought fires to the Bronx and Kingston The hip-hop generation was born in these fires

6th game of the 77 World Series

Reggie Jackson to the plate He had already had 2 homeruns -> brink of championship 3 homeruns this game Yankees won 8 to 4 Fans rushed onto the field after him Tore off seats, grabbed sod and 2nd base, threw bottles at police, cops gave a man a concussion "We're number one!" Captain Thurman Munson "You're too slow N party is over, i'll see you next year wherever I may be' "I won't be back here, but you know who stuck up for you when you needed it"

Dub vs Violence

Sang of clashes, war, a distant and free African skies, and a plead for relief from the violence borne of "isms and schisms" Ex: The Abyssinians' "Satta Massa Gana", The Mighty Diamonds' "Africa", Bunny Wailers "Dreamland" Leroy Smart's "Ballistic Affair" was a tragic dispatch from the fire-scarred danger zone of 7th St, the militarized border between Rema and Concrete Jungle, a PNP yard whos Junglist gang was thought to be behind much violence "Watching Babylon burning red hot" The Harder They Come's Ivan was being pursued by police and enemies Left graffiti tags "I was here but I disappear" Politics could not erase him, celebrating survival Dub reggae directly into the heart of the darkness Perry's "Revelation Dub": time kept by a hi-hat and Romeo's vocals reduced to a hum, words and warnings could not be trusted Later versioned "Three Little Birds" by Marley Dub answered: what kind of mirror is it that reflects everything but the person looking into it? Compelling circularity: exploded in the dancehall when the yards exploded with violence "B-side" to the visions of the democratic socialist dreamers or the apocalyptic warnings of the Rasta prophets Steve Barrow: "Dub represents literally/figuratively 'the other side', up/down A side/B side. It's a dialectical world

"Burnt Down Bronx"

Slumlords now owned the apartments Made more money by refusing heat or water to tenants, withholding property tax, and destroying the buildings for insurance *Created it's own economy Slumlords hired rent-a-thugs to burn buildings down for as little as 50$ Collected 150,000 in insurance policy Insurance companies profited by selling more policies Even on vacant buildings, fire paid Thieves went thru the burnt building for copper pipes, fixtures, and hardware Insurance agents made commission based on number and $ policies sold The final stage of capitalism is arson

Roots and Radical

Sound system was crucial to the success of musicians and politicians JLP and PNP parties listened to the releases messages Fall 68: JLP banned Black power literature and icons (pan-African leader Walter Rodney) from university of the West Indies campus Violently crushed political riots Babylon shitstem clamored for change Suffer anthems took over sound systems Demanded JBC radio to play them

Sound Systems

Sound systems had replaced live bands, and Perry went to them to find work Powerful amplifiers and speakers Only needed a selector and records Competitive: fought for audiences, sent thugs to shoot up their rival's dances/ destroy equipment, clashed live in the same hall, distinguished with "specials" or records the others didn't have, selectors went on trips to America for exclusives Expanded in the 60s: began to record local artists onto exclusive acetates or "dubplates"

Rivals against graffiti rock

The afternoon before the show everyone gathered for a dress rehearsal at the common ground interrupted by a Dominican crew from Washington Heights called the ball busters fight between Puerto Ricans and Dominicans violent dispute over graffiti turf between the rocksteady crew in the ball busters someone yelled there was a gun and rammellzee and his DJ crew pulled out machetes, Henry called the police, ball busters chased a rocksteady toward the subway station The Salsoul Brothers to protect the common grounds * violence had cost of the common grounds owner to pull the plug so Henry had to send the people showing up for the night club away


The black panther party for self-defense staged Free Huey rallies Mexican American high school students in LA marched against racism in the schools launching the Chicano youth movement Black power leaders Stokelu Carmichael and H. Rap Brown joined anti war protests to shut down columbia university campus students of color hoisted the banner of the third world liberation front demanding a college of ethnic studies at San Francisco State Martin Luther King Jr. was shot dead on April 4 Bobby Hooten was shot dead on April 6 Bobby Kennedy was shot dead on June 6

Bambaataa and gangs

The first gang that caught his attention was a group founded there called POWER an acronym that stood for peoples organization for a war and energetic revolutionaries Took up the black panthers rhetorical but had less lofty or less urgent purpose of protecting Bronx River from bring over run by the black spades he listed, but when the group again a war on the white gangs and escalated violence and police repression drove their leaders underground Power only remaining claim to history is to be the first game named on the 1971 peace treaty as a spade he made his reputation by being afraid to cross tariffs to forge relationships with other gangs spades president: Bam Bam, made him a warlord responsibility for building the ranks and expanding the turf of the spades The spade soon became the biggest gang

nearing the cross roads

The source grew and the tensions that hip-hop downtown patrons had seen taking shape became it central dialect caught between wanting to exploited generations market potential in representing its potential militancy beginning: a rabbit industry trade magazine, regional seen columns in exchange for street promotion insider intelligence gave the magazine a backbone of legitimacy wow industries used Magazine as a roadmap through the music as a vehicle to promote their new high-risk signings changed: regional columns became a casualty of the increased emphasis on following features/reviews/issue advocacy journalism now "the magazine of hip-hop music, culture, politics" editorial staff called "mind squad" created the template for hip-hop magazines: record release states, quotable's, controversial five Mike record ratings guide, fashion and models, new artists James Bernard's "doin the knowledge": became a stylistic blueprint for generations tough political writing, hip-hop Jens been on the issue of the day like crime incarceration aids politics mind a squad of committed, daylong debates about what belongs in a magazine but still her complaints but wall between the business staff and editorial staff is sacred, "It is our responsibility to strictly police the integrity of our editorial content to bring a clear and unbiased coverage" James Bernard became a co-editor in chief, Chris Wilder became senior editor, Reginald Dennis became music editor female voices: Kierna mayo and dream Hampton formed the most integrated staff's in the history of magazine publishing but the content became decidedly blacker such as using Malcolm X on the cover year end wrapup Rodney King and Latasha Harlans convened for a heated staff discussion used ice cubes death certificate as a starting point: anti-Semitism, black/Jewish and black/Korean relations, misogyny, homophobia The source gave you a sense of hip-hop nation beyond their ciphers, break battles, studios, graffiti yards that was populated by others exactly like them journalism had opportunity to center plain speaking, added value of free speech and shit talking, aesthetics of boom BAP, celebrate different kinds of beauty, take the money Dave Mays became Jann Wenner and created the magazine "the Rolling Stones of the next generationand ", process of a strange men from the minds of life The source was successful, leveraged across websites/TV shows/record albums/televised gala annual award show outsold the Rolling Stones

Seaga new political move

Then the Minister of Community Development and Welfare Previously: JLP leader, music executive, cultural patron Back-O-Wall ghetto: west Kingston yard where camps of Boboshanti and Rasta sects thrived Voted for the opposing party (People's National Party) Seaga wanted it cleared July 12: armed police w tear gas/batons/rifles, bulldozers Built a new housing project named "Tivoli Gardens" with JLP supporters Expand and protect JLP turf by recruiting and arming young badmen in a gang called "the Phoenix"

One Love Peace Concert

Twelve Tribes of Israel, Marshall, Massop, and ranking PNP don "Red Tony" Welch went to see the man who 1st brought them together- Marley Asked him to return to Jamaica to headline Benefit would raise money for the most suffering PNP and JLP ghettos and could curtail the possibility of a civil war or military coup Marley agreed and returned, walked thru yards encouraging the peace treaty April 22nd thousands packed into the Kingston's National Stadium hear top musicians: Dennis Brown, Culture, Mighty Diamonds Jacob Miller and band Inner Circle "Peace Treaty Special": most popular tune, rocker-style tribute to Marshall and Massop and tribes Wailers say "Jamming" and Marley invited the political leaders onto the stage "Show the people you love them, show them you will unite" Manley and Seaga shook hands, Marley clasped their hands and put them above their heads to show everyone *Thru music Marley had brought together a trinity of power and restored unity to the young nation

reaction and victory

Violent reactions from the right: at Dartmouth conservative students attacked the shanties in the shanty boilers, Stanford's shantytown was destroyed, University of Utah and Johns Hopkins University they were set ablazeYell and Barkley and ended with police destroying the camps and beating peaceful demonstrators bloody * reenacting the daily violence of the townships and strengthening public sympathy for the protesters protests let it to divested universities, Congress passed the comprehensive anti-Appleseed act of 1986 which band any new investment in South Africa and ended arms sales and military aid Reagan vetoed the bill but Congress needed to override his veto Nelson Mandela freed after three decades in jail, four years later stood as the first elected black president of the country, paid a tribute to American anti-apartheid activist by consciously invoking the memory of Dr. King "free at last" but Americas energy had disbursed **The end of apathy is remembered as the centuries last great victories in the American struggle for desegregation

Strictly underground

Wimsatt appealed aspirations of the hip-hop generation: intellectual honesty, independent minded Ness, realness sold it by hand to every race to him at hip-hop nationalism was about staying true to yourself and your peers, backing up your words with your life College campus as the hub of the local underground vibrant hip-hop underground around every college radio station supported it enterprising networks of radio shows/break boys/MC/DJs/poetry slam/clothing stores grassroots groups like the bay area hip pop coalition became a model for underground radio DJs and artists into the main stream Independent music networks generated million dollar grossing artist and labels do it yourself energy lead to hip-hop journalism exploding bedroom projects handed to industry insiders some began as free newsprint offerings all offered low-cost ads that attracted new pool of major label promo capital and local/independent start up's some became newsstand sellers * proliferated after the source dumped its regional reports hip-hop ready to blow out of its niche into the main stream, bigger opportunities last question whether reaching market potential and banning potential militancy could remain its goals

What it is like in Jamacia

Wrong side of car/road All animals are free-range Teenagers flood the streets Urban Development Park: speakers around a stage Smoke from mountain fires and food carts Dance: political fortunes rise/fall, society made/undone No control by political parties The People's Space


Youth movement seem to look like a single culture like Africa had envisioned years before with the Zulu nation first wave of Downtowner's like the white baby boomer outsiders, young white bohemian dropouts, white art rebels, black post jazzsters were enthralled they were the earliest adopters, please themselves closest to the fire, central in bringing hip-hop to the world


answer to no one, showing improving, distinguishing and originality, bigger wilder boulder, make people notice you

The limits of gangstacentrism

as a nation of millions signal the end of the civil rights era, death certificate primary impulse was to dance on the grave Central role in defining the gangster aesthetic and find the politics of gangsta centrism as a way to speak to the young guns of south-central since bunchy Carter left the Slauson's for the Panthers cube positioned himself between of the street N and the conscious black Song close with carbs launching a bloody crack down on the streets, invert in the real life FBI accusations and countered on tour with NWA, commenting on gangsta cheeks move into the main stream, unite or parish message cubes enemies now included race traders had to be tougher than tough, life was a front, of all his problems nine would be more failed and his ability to imagine an alternative that felt harder/more compelling than that single tragic slice of Crip wisdom

The clash

across the Atlantic, punks great idealists recorded it in an album called "the magnificent seven" thrilled to find that it was a hit on the black radio station WBLS With Don Letts, went to Times Square to film writers, B boys, rappers, boombox renegades came a long way after they issued it "white riot", a revolutionary statement of solidarity with the west Indian immigrant rebels of the 76 Nottinghill carnival riots set to play eight nights at an aging Times Square disco called the bonds international with a mural painted by FUTURA on the eve of their opening the fire department threaten to shut down the club for over selling the shows which led to a white riot when mounted police met the punks in the street agreed to perform 11 additional gigs and book to grandmaster flash and the furious five * rather than achieve a cultural crossover it threatened to widen the gap crowd shouted their discussed and through beer cups and spit even when dress down in street clothes The American punks wanted the right to remain exclusively their own and talked about their fans and interviews poorly

Frederick Brathwaite FAB 5 FREDDY

african-American raised in the do or die bedstuy Black genius frequently visited his family's house like bud Powell, Thelonious Monk, Clifford Brown, and his grandfather Max Roach his grandfather had been an associate of Marcus Garvey, his father was in the audience when Malcolm X was shot Born with an awareness of walking proudly through history wanted to become a serious artist but searching for an art form he could organize his own worldview around the same way his father saw his world through jazz went to mobile DJ scenes and the Metropolitan Museum of art Tagged BULL 99 and SHOWDOWN 177 move into the art world but keep the integrity of what graffiti was Inspired by Lee's work and wanted to meet him, went to his high school classroom, meet me outside after school Lee was shy and elusive while Freddy was confident and cool Freddy met the rest of the fabulous five truly painted trains and walls and publicized graffiti in the downtown art scene appeared in the village voice article about graffiti then landed his first graffiti art show in Italy collected cassettes of all the rap crews

representing at new black militancy

after COINTELPRO Black radicalism went underground public enemies logo: silhouette of a young black man in a gun sight PE and Boogie Down Productions album covers to depict the return of the black radical New cultural radical vanguard, demanded to be heard as the expression of a new generations definition of blackness Williams and integrationist supported arm to self-defense thrown out of the NAACP, ideas helped theorize the shift from civil rights nonviolence to black power confrontation Huey newton put his concepts into motion using a California law that allowed individuals to carry loaded firearms in public Black panthers stormed into the California state capital when a white legislator try to overturn the law public enemy called themselves the "black panthers of rap" on the cover of yo! bum rush the show the punchline was the governments responsible

The black belt in the resegregation of Long Island

after World War II African-Americans moved to the suburbs of Queens to the black belt and out post for many New Yorkers trying to escape the ravages of urban America wow white ethnics moving out from their sectors of New York City to escape blacks and Latinos public enemies members moved to the black belt in the early 70s, only 8% of black New Yorkers lived in the suburbs Bill Stephney's father was Ted Stephney became sports illustrated magazine's first black editor integration orders issued by New York State education officials made communities look more attractive to black homeowners White homeowners encouraged to sell their homes and upgrade to new developments in the north and east side, exploited fears to double their sales in a practice known as "blockbusting" neighborhood that Chuck's family moved into was affordable and went from 90% white to 90% black * victories of the civil rights and black power movement expanded the black middle-class with the middle class was now just a segregated as it's under class counterparts were

The moment of indecision

although David Mills reported on the letter in the Washington Times it was never officially released but after Smith's account of his phone call with Chuck had hit the new stands a suspension seemed in adequate Adler encouraged Chuck to do more than to spend Griff, two of them and Bill Stephanie convene to write up a statement and press conference the next day Hank and Bill went off to do their own thing and Griff was out but PE still did not hit rock bottom statement: "The black community is in crisis, Griffs comments are not in line with public enemies program we are not anti-Jewish we are not anti-anyone, we are pro black, Griffs responsibility as a minister of information was to faithfully transmit these values to everybody but he sabotaged them, we try to deal with this problem in Trinity but were unsuccessful, Griffin is no longer a member of public enemy, my responsibility to discipline my brother if he's offended anyone, we apologize our policy is not to offend anyone but the system that works against us 24 hours a day" first anyone in the group besides Hank and Bill heard of Chuck's decision *received praise from Jewish leaders and the mainstream media including at New York news deli immediately but not in the black community: some felt truck statement proof that Jews were running things, riff counter intelligence agent? Armand white the only black in the room asked if he wasn't caving to white pressure whites believed Chuck stance on black Jewish relations was a crucial test, dismissed the event as a rap show meant to smooth white ruffled feathers Chuck isn't good for anything except recording mine was pointless confections, first to fight PE had to face and they've crumbled * three most upsetting facts: Griff had never apologized to the crew, black fans felt Chuck had sold Griff down the river, youth might be learning the wrong lesson from the whole episode but taking any kind of stand was futile The next day in interviews with Kurt loder for MTV news and WLIB Chuck announced since they got sandbagged the group is over today chucks bunny as a political statement they were going out by boycotting the music industry they had rob them of self determination Final statement called "the real story" while supporting Griffin is a brother they pointed blame back at him, ended up in the trash while PE was still on the drawing board Hank made a plan to have a born date and a death date, beauty and having an album called "the day PE died" minister Farrakhan told him to be silent and hope to ride the situation out, returns to Long Island


at the second annual source music awards Suge knight called out puff and bad boy rap the fastest growing sector of the music industry but was out of control The sources collapse: prophecy of a new kind of predatory/mercenary/get it while you can and pause in the hip-hop nation Beef between death row and bad boy, Tupac and biggie Rose to a high stakes spectacle competition to paranoia, greed to violence, bloody climax to end by guns DJ kool herc I want to stage to receive his recognition and make things right grandmaster flash and jam Master Jay stood by him want to thank God for me being here/alive/drug-free to see this day, stabbed and almost killed at a party, in the Bronx at 1520 Said Wick Ave. is where it started and went worldwide, a lot of heroes died eight no sense in killing each other over this music, Love each other for this, I gave respect to get respect and all I asked for was respect

Subway graffiti

authorities took their work as a guerrilla war on society beginning of the daily circuit of alienated labor, way of getting people to work, transporting clones, trains were clones * riders replace to the circular logic of trades with their own older gen: PHASE 2, RIFF, TRACY 168, BLADE new gen: DONDI, KASE 2, SEEN * style as confrontation: imposing themselves in bigger more unavoidable ways

The interview

band had been on tour on the road for months and personal issues increased tensions between the group Chuck left the split in the ranks alone to handle itself but it never did Chuck sent Griff to meet with a black reporter David Mills griff said he did not wear gold chains because of Jewish support for apartheid said the Jews are responsible for the majority of wickedness across the globe

Lady pink

began by tagging her boyfriends name (KOKE) after he was sent back to Puerto Rico by his parents excepted it into the high school of art and design other famous writers like Tracy 168, Daze, and Lee Quinones had already been through those halls riders table: best got the best table, where they would sit while others stood, no one went to class "You can't do that you're a girl" "Meet us inside the ghost yard" ghost yard was a vast train depot in Manhattan on the Harlem River, servicing shop, built on a graveyard, graffiti cruise turned into violence contested ground for girls: had to prove they were pacing their own pieces, expected to be somebody's girlfriend and the guy is putting it up pink said it is outlaw artwork, not training fine artists for a museum, training criminals

Whole car

biggest were two 10 car whole train productions By CAINE 1, MAD 103, FLAME ONE's Freedom Train , FABULOUS 5's Christmas train FAB 5 FREDDY tribute to Warhols famous Campbell's soup cans offering a pop soup a dada soup and futurist soup next to a Fred soup

Racial tension

by the mid-70s Puerto Ricans had begun adopting the B boy dance jam is back then were close to 90% African-American Zulu kings crew, mainly Puerto Rican cruise: Salsoul, Trac-2, Rockwell association, The Bronx boys or the disco kings, crazy commanders (Spy, the man with a thousand moves),

The enemy implodes

by the time they shut the fight the power video, public enemy was beginning to unravel, decision making core of Chuck/hank/bill coming apart Hank in demand because of a run of number one singles through his bomb squad production, bill duties as vice president of DEF jam, Beastie Boys suing the label for unpaid royalties, label artists accusing Stephanie of playing favorites with public enemy Rumors about leaving DEF jam lead to a number of offers coming in, most serious a proposal from MCA records or trucks personal ideal of black business Chuck and Bill formalize the deal then set up a new label called soul or the sound of urban listeners and waited for truck to return from tour Chuck became the de facto leader of the crew, the mediator :him and Hank were the musical axis, him and Flave were the focal sonic and visual points, him and Griff confronted the media griff became the road manager and resented flavor for ignoring group rules that were complicated by his addictions, Griffin kicked him in the chest becoming increasingly isolated from the crew: wanted more involvement with the bomb squad, larger role as a minister of information, presented Chuck's role as chief spokesperson

The splintering of the civil rights coalition

civil rights movement foundering: collapse of the black Jewish coalition beginning of the civil rights movement in 1909: black and Jewish lawyers found the NAACP two and a racist lynchings moves through black singer and activist Paul Robeson's pronunciation of anti-Semitism Nazi is him and racism FBI chief J Edgar Hoover listed him as a subversive climax: Bob Dylan's "the times they are a changing" discovery of three murdered at freedom summer activists at old Jolly farm in Mississippi do US activist went South and became targets of black leaders New York never experienced the movement the same way the south did Two weeks after President Lyndon Johnson signed the civil rights act, protests in Harlem in bed story started from a police killing of a black team and turned into a riot two weeks after President Lyndon Johnson signed the civil rights act, protests in Harlem and bed story started from a police killing of a black team and turned into a riot jewish businesses first to burn Brooklyn's ocean hill in Brownsville school district headed a 95% African-American and Puerto Rican community against the mostly Jewish American liberal teachers union Black activist school board installed a new superintendent and five new principles that were all black United Federation of teachers whose contract was up went on strike replaced the union teachers with teachers of color from the community which led to a clash between the Jewish union teachers and the black community actors but the teachers union won the board was dismantled and a black superintend it was forced to resign * The Community control movement disintegrated and black Jewish relations in the city would never be the same

The case of hip-hop radio

creative tension between hip-hop's role as a commodity in the global media industry is the lifeblood of a vast network of local underground's hip-hop primary content for new globally constellated media, tension between cultures true believers and captains of industry San Francisco's KMEL FM countries leading urban stations, "the People's station", personality of the streets as hip-hop itself, social issues of the hip-hop generation didn't become mad because of been lightened corporate philosophy in an area blessed with the strongest campus and community radio networks and commercial markets in the country KMEL in the middle of the night, rock format * change from a rock format to a contemporary hits format, first crossover pop station in the nation to target young multi racial audiences with hip-hop house and Dancehall music needed street credibility so used to college and community radio jocks and local artist to recruit listeners, pushed KMEL to play cutting edge music and offer community oriented programming using progressive edgy multicultural and inclusive music *imitated: community affairs talkshows, summer jam concerts pioneering introduced rap careers of Tupac Shakur, hammer, digital underground, Too $hort, E-40 and local slang like "fa sheezy" into the hip-hop nations lexicon Bay area became the number to hip-hop market in the country upstart station KYLD challenged KMEL, Michael Martin as program director said they were lazy influential shows like sway and techs wake up show, Joe marshals street soldiers, Davey Ds Street knowledge formed used mix show DJs to break new artists resulting in national hits for local artists and a massive growth in the local urban radio audience landmark of the regulation: Congress passed the 1996 telecommunication act, pro media monopoly stance, affected the radio business by removing station ownership caps and unprecedented wave of consolidation public airway is dominated by less than a handful of companies who laid off hundreds of community programming and standardize playlist across the country average listening time plunged FCC chair Reed Hundt justified: fostering innovation and competition in radio but both ended ending of the ratings war by Evergreen media purchasing KMEL's competitor KYLD, stations under the same roof then $24 billion deal in which KMEL inKYLD where two of hundreds of stations into the hands of clear channel communications lead to layoffs, fewer musician programs, smaller promotions for staff and no community affairs department, staff responsibilities doubled, worked harder clear channel benefited from going from the 40 stations to 1240, 28% share of all radio revenues and 27% of all radio listeners Word/payrolls for overpaying for radio properties Technology replaced engineers and DJs Radio industry tenant was that radio was local "Voice tracking and "jocks would pre-record vocal drops and listener calls to send out to other stations *future of profits was in global monopolies affective consolidation was in the radio sound: playlists had exact same songs, Michael Martin executive programming both stations Martin that wanted it if you are songs for a bigger ratings, power 106 has huge ratings and spins one record 16 times a day, hit so the hits in the audience comes to you to hear the hits mirroring playlist left local/new/independent artists unable to compete with six-figure major label marketing budgets and were squeezed out mix show DJs hired to be the taste makers and break records were subject to executive approval specialty shows illuminated, local personalities fired, KMEL's community affair program reduced after 911 on air personality and hip-hop activist Davey D was fired, station blamed economic woes, company overpaid for market share and desperate to reduce costs, sinister silencing key activist voice KMEL is target audience of the use of color launch protests against the station people station had become a target of the peoples anger

spin cycles

effort at damage control, the crew invited Mills to meet them, S1W James Norman said we've got no time to get hung up on Jewish people, we're battling trying to regain a black consciousness for our people Chuck did not show up and called Mills trying to dial back Griffs comments but Mill wasn't buying it, put it in his article people aren't ready for the truth, it's all right to be derogatory, don't be derogatory to most of the people in the business as 90% of the businesses operated by Jews who started it Mills faxed it nationally to newspapers and music magazines like a Rolling Stones and spin with the help of the Washington Times publicist, re-published on the front page of the New York tribune RJ Smith ran excerpts of the Mills/great dialogue verbatim, Chuck said that group has a right to speak as an artist, called the international jew "bullshit" and Griff had done his research and was just looking for someone to debate him i've been to that point no one in the group took the claim seriously, they were not anti-Semites they were philo-semites

The war on gangs

do urban consensus around local government was more is more while federal was less is more Los Angeles the home of the war on games changing began in Westwood Village a short distance from UCLA is fraternity Row A rolling 60s crib named Durrell Dewitt "baby rock" Collins spot it in enemy, two Asian Americans named Karen Toshimq and Eddie Poon caught in the crossfire, toshima died at UCLA the next day, became a symbol of the cities racial divide, Close game violence, one death in Westwood was more important to City Hall than hundreds in East in south-central Los Angeles police chief Daryl gates and City Hall leaders voted to add 650 police officers to LAPD, largest department size in history emergency summit on gang violence and pushed for millions in emergency funds for a new military style operation on the gangs call of the gates operation hammer, sweeps in black and brown communities war on gangs to south-central, 88 officers with helicopters traded their fire power on to apartment buildings rampage to the buildings with axes, round up residence and beat dozens of them, spray-painted LAPD rules and roll in 30 S die delivering a message that there was a price to pay for selling drugs and being in a gang member, Normandie Beach/DDay none of the dealers complained to the police lived in these two buildings, Red Cross Chels the residence operation hammer massive failure from the start 90% released from charge, 11 million in brutality settlements with less than 2,000,002 gang intervention programs, half of all young black males in south-central

dancing to banging

downtown club called radio, local rappers ice T and DJ Africa Islam, diversified New York style the boy went off there but west coast styles dominated the dance floor like popping, the robot by boogaloo Sam when radio faded live hip-hop parties spread through the average of a popular sound system called Uncle jams army led by Roger "uncle jam" Clayton Army fatigue's, Egyptian costumes, 32 speakers in the shape of pyramids things went bad: dance cruise to gangs like the rolling 60s Crips and grape Street boys, play list of sensual funk to Rogers "so rough so tough", the freak dance replaced by the Crip walk, violence with weapons

The aesthetic's of excess

dr. Dre used "amen" revived by Curtis Mayfield, made a break to take on a brutal/menacing efficiency, creating a hybrid it production style * hip-hop's braggadocio was about to enter a new era ice cube betrayed himself as an untouchable rebel without a cause Reagan's economy illuminated youth programs: tough love/denial/getting used to having nothing excess was the essence of NWA's appeal, take it all now techno pop groove by and uncredited Arabian Prince called "something to dance to" that was more G rated, B-side to gangsta gangsta, pop crossover

Malcolm McLaren

earnest folkies were only worthy of being Pranked, authenticity was a bad word but exploitation was not carrot tops London art student making a career of anarchic fun making member of the sex pistols after the collapse of the sex pistols and bow wow wow, McLaurens first serious project was a send up of global folk dances called duck rock around the world collecting ethnic dance music on a tape recorder future wasn't global rhythms or what marketers would later call world beat Owed world view to Afrika Bambaataa arrived in New York City the same summer as the clash met Michael Holman A downtown club promoter and one of the rocksteady crews new managers Took him to the Bronx River community center for a Zulu nation throwdown * hip-hop was wise you could dance to it but best of all it was dangerous scared when witnessing all of his stereotypes were confirmed and came up with a plan for how to exploit them Plans: asked Afrika, The Soul Sonic Force, and The Rock Steady Crew to open for Bow wow wow, will visit zulu townships of south africa his partner in London, Vivian Westwood, made a line of ethnic hobo clothing Ruza Blue Open the night club called Negril where she booked the Zulu nation DJs in the rocksteady crew DJ crew to front the project: Worlds Famous Supreme Team, two man crew of the 5 Percenters names Just Allah the Superstar and Cee Divine the Mastermind unleashed a single called "Buffalo gals" collaborator Trevor horn and try to replicate the feel of Africa is funky brakes featured the rock steady crew dancing, dondi white painting a piece, West Woods models looking like hobos * first corporate synergy plan: a video, radio show, a nightclub, a clothing line already for consumption

more war

explosion of rage against a decade of expanding war on youth Mayor Rudy Giuliani implemented a zero tolerance campaign on routing out low level quality of life crimes like the broken windows theory same day use/poor and homeless/people of color zero tolerance model spread it to urban centers, empowered lawless cops Haiti an immigrant named Abner Louima was arrested when police broke up a fight outside of a nightclub in Brooklyn, raped her with a broom handle in the bathroom of the precinct NYPD's street crime units mobilized into poor neighborhoods at the borders of business districts, frisked mostly young male brown and black, supposed to stop nuciant crimes Report of rape for street crime unit cops, Amadou Diallo reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet and was shot at 41 times and died those cops were acquitted, undercover cop approached Patrick Dorismond asked where he could buy drugs, kid it didn't answer, cop persisted in a scuffle broke out, kid shot dead in the chest, policeman provoked funeral marchers by arriving in riot gear and moved in with batons to make arrests, bottles thrown at cops and angry street protests the following month biggest police scandal in America in the rampart division of LA The crash or community resources against street hoodlums anti-gang unit, brought in members gang style, had a crash pad it for prostitutes to screw and get high, stall and re-sold confiscated cocaine, planted guns and drugs on getting members, left many paralyzed or dead lawlessness was overlooked, zero tolerance only worked in one direction proposition 21 in California or the gang violence and juvenile crime prevention act: easier to unseal confidential juvenile records, try young juveniles as adults and sent to adult prisons, increased punishment for juvenile crimes and expanded sentencing under three strikes, could wire tap young people they identified as gang members and force them to be registered like sex offenders juvenile crime rates at their lowest since the 60s but it's 21 past with 62% of the vote six years of valid attacks fueled the widespread politicalization of youth activists school walk out against proposition 187, largest Latino student protest 1999 Jasmine Dela Rosa organizer with the bay area as third eye movement attended the biggest North American demonstrations in decades, protests in Seattle at the meeting of world trade organization proposition 21 painted the New World order in bold Californians joined activists from Seattle Boston and New York City, anti-corporate globalization protest at the World Bank and I am at meetings in Washington DC take a stand at the 2000 presidential election season


fab five Freddy: the people that came from the outer boroughs that were really just dumb and ignorant white kids that were really racist want to fight and cause problems for everybody

Journalist Richard Goldstein

famously made the case for graffiti in a New York magazine cover story graffiti kids are the healthiest and most assertive people in the neighborhood, have to invent his life *"Graffiti was the first genuine teenage Street culture since the 50s"

End of the treaty

five days before the concert army soldiers fired on a peaceful ghetto march for better sanitation three demonstrators killed The leader of the central peace counsel who had called for an end to police corruption led to the island in fear for his life Police stopped and searched a taxi Claudie Massop was riding in then executed him in a hell of 50 bullets in 1980 the GLP was victorious in the polls. 900 people would die in election year violence

Robert Keith "cowboy" Wiggins

former Bronx River black spade wood moved to the south Bronx started hanging out with flash, realized he was good with the Mic he would praise DJ flash and command to the crowd Linked with the Grover Brothers: Melvin "Melle Mel" and Nathaniel "Kidd Creole" Rewrote songs with more intricate lines, finishing each other's rhymes, unexpected melodies and harmonies moved into a club called the back door where they enlisted the Casanova crew as they're back up posse grew: grandmaster flash and the three MCs became the furious four and finally the furious five * people cared less about speaker size than showmanship and style flashes tricks: flipping around, scratching with his elbows, cross fading with his back bone


from three decades of top down urban renewal, Third World dislocation and white flight more than 1.2 million whites had a band in the city poverty rates skyrocketed pop culture mirrored the segregation movies like a badge 373 and fort Apache looked into blacks and Latinos that reinforced race and class hatred more often then they raised empathy Puerto Rican and black activists led by the former Young Lord Richie Perez and other veterans of the black and brown power movements boycotted films and demanded more faithful and truthful media representation

hip hop in a new era

graffiti off the subways onto the streets and highways and freight trains: new wave of police crack downs and fights The boy, a dance style that had already died once in New York disappeared again and replaced by a succession of bad dances like the whop the reboot the Cabbage Patch and other dances they got people back on the dance floor but each one disappeared faster than b-boying had rap provided it to be the ideal form to come modify hip-hop culture: endlessly novel, reproducible, malleable, perfectable rams got shorter, more precise, tailored to pop song structure, rap gangs shrink DJs still often build first but no longer enjoyed the eminence or the central musical role their billing implied New technology like drum machines and sampling technology mimicked and extended the DJs musical capabilities . Of stylistic development through the rise of the rap producer, the arrival of some rappers, increasing flow of capital toward hip-hop music rap eclipsed all the other movements: expanded to incorporate many more pop perspectives, rappers being recognized as "the voices of the generation", black nationalist to direction, representing itself as a rap thing/serious thing/black thing unlikely hotbed of the new energy was in the black belt of Long Island

The new style

ice cube and Dr. Dre were not active gang members, cube bust out of his hood or because he was a jock, Dre said banging didn't pay but the streets were changing: affects of Reagan's southern hemisphere foreign policy made millionaire entrepreneurs, illegal arm dealers, freeway rick; a lot of fire power out there; Number of gang homicides doubled but the music of the west coast wasn't changing, about prince style expensive purple leather suits and slick drum machines like the world class Wreckin cru right gave $900 to bail Dr. Dre out but had to agree to produce tracks for rights new record label called ruthless, working off the bonds to get his car back LA rap hits in artistic dead end: Ronchi cartoonish sounding or imitating serious as cancer New York cube made a rap that was packed with local detail and violence to the extreme, HBO refused to do it saying the track was some "West Coast shit" eazy-E born: Dre suggested that right manager tried of the track then they all begin recording "boys in the hood"

super rapping

if rappers delight turns hip-hop into popular music then super rapping shows how pop began to destroy what hip-hop was hunting silence then The Fab five would normally pause in. To grandmaster flash but he was MIA pacing the studio like a coach coach The fab five would normally pause and point to grandmaster flash but he was MIA pacing the studio like a coach *hip-hop was a live performance medium dominated by the DJ now it was a recorded medium dominated by the rappers overwhelming sense of release, rappers exuberantly pouring rhymes onto wax for the world and eternity hip-hop music moved away from the parks and the community centers and clubs into the lab hip-hop refined: fit the standard of the music industry, exploit the new product which led to smaller cruise and shorter songs

choosing sides

nWA's limit of free speech provoked out rage in sympathetic quarters political and cultural rights became hip-hop progressives influenced by their elders Third World liberation politics but adapting to transforming land people pop cultures present first boycott against NWA from community radio DJs and hip-hop writers influential college radio shows boycotted by DJs Davey Dave and Kevin "kevvy kev" Montague, used called in radio debates and spread to other hip-hop shows across the nation to hip-hop progressives NWA sounded militantly incoherent, about misogyny/homophobia/violence NWA stepped up wraps dialogue and reaction was the point, defiant and confident seems to be what the masses of their generation wanted, lined up with the right enemies like the Christian rights/FBI/baby boomer demagogues * NWA to force every hip-hop progressive to confront their relationship to the music and choose sides straight Outta Compton crossover to white audiences: gangster rap more than the new punk rock but lightning rod for the suppression of youth culture start a further reversal 1990 source cover a story: Eazy-E amy 9 mm at the reader, "the gangsta rapper: violent hero or negative role model" with a fierce to be inside The culture wars stroked the political wars, what is oppressive and wrongheaded crime legislation Progressives argued media needed to be opened to unheard voices, ice cube in NWA calls themselves journalists positioning themselves between the main stream in those voices, no one else speaking for the brother on the corner * straight Outta Compton marks the beginning of hip-hop's obsession with the real, rappers had to present with all unpredictability/contradictions/instability many young hip-hop progressives had their own NWA moment of surprise and surrender went out rage trying to empathy, to give up the certainty of the past/in brace their generation and future/a millennial impulse was brewing

enraged and disengaged

neoconservatives: backwards in history of liberalism, worker safety and environmental protections under mind, labor unions week, battling poverty money into military responsibility no longer social but individual ratification of the fittest not just survival Reaganomists and trickle down theory, tax cuts for the wealthy and big businesses would stimulate the economy Federal taxes to15% or half, annual tax revenues dropped, Multinational corporation's swelled increase in military budget to support cold war even though Reagan promised balanced budget tax burden shifted to middle class and the working class taxpayers, low inflation monetary policies kept unemployment rates high, families of colors hit the hardest as white families owned 11 times the amount of wealth Gap between rich and poor was higher than any time since the Great Depression redistribution of wealth back to the wealthy 1987 stock market crash **Faith in democracy into cynicism, election turnout planners, fleeting from politics, giving up on the possibility of larger unity

Chapter 13 follow for now: the question of post civil rights black leader ship

public enemies adopted James Brown's aesthetic through repetitive repetition bottom of cover had a quote from the bar Kays at watt stacks: freedom is a road solemn traveled by the multitude coming of age in a state of an unending war flavor Flave "cold Lampin" Made a dark humor of the ever present danger of instant death "the city in the sun" Is the album that is the 80s

fear of a non-black planet

people who say ice cube things all women are bitches and hoes aren't listening to the lyrics or situations, don't get past the profanity avoided a direct answer: moved on since the 60s, same situation as far as getting a piece of the rock is concerned, the language of the street is the only language I can use to communicate with the streets Conversation between Davison cube. It to fishers around gender end generation but also class and education students of color in California naturally found a racial solidarity across class lines affirmative action turned the states public universities into the nations most diverse campuses, middle-class students attend the university of California well working class students went to California State University and community college affirmative action backlash led by black neocon ward Connerly led to the golden era of access drawing to a close california's African Americans felt they were losing economic/political/social ground to the Chicano/Latino/Asian American communities under LA mirror Tom Bradley and state assembly speaker Willie Brown blacks left south-central and Compton for San Bernardino and Riverside, reverse migration to the new self wild waves of new immigrants replaced them in the inner city, Latinos about to surpass blacks as a numerical majority most whites a banded the bottoms long ago, crumb snatching lead to interracial violence Chuck D's favorite book asked Blackman: obsolete single dangerous?


picked up by kids to young to get to the clubs, used to be private, outdoor jams to the open ciphers showed individual dancers styles aggressive, battle scars,thin line between dance and martial arts, competitive for dominance styles had their roots in the games rival gangs warlords would dance battle to decide where the rumble was going to be held up rock: new meaning to the Apache line, rivals lined across from each other, head to head as if stabbing or battering each other same spirit that gave rise to New Orleans Mardi Gras's Indian gangs: segregated blacks came out in the masked Indian or blue colored hands-on costumes to confront other games dance battle between big chiefs or from the pioneering African-American jitterbuggers who emerge from pool hall gangs like the Jolly fellows similarities two forms of Angolan and Brazilian capoeira, cuban rumba or Chinese gung fu crazy legs: our media influence was James brown types of moves: baby freeze, body spins like swipes the backspin and the heads been, chair freeze ** each time a B boy stepped into the cipher they wrote their own generational narrative


probably going on outside 7 miles over by live like a set tapes past hand to hand but hip-hop was a fad that was passing High school kids graduated and started calling it kiddie music Moved into drinking age uptown nightclubs More sophisticated version of Bronx beat by adapting bronx rap stiles and mixing techniques DJ hollywood, Pete DJ Jones, Eddie Cheeba new DJs wanted to establish a wrap and make a living but the economics of music changed only carried of the records around while the car and crew carried The sound system producers scouted the clubs trying to figure out if Rap could be financially viable Flash and the furious five at the top of everyone signing wish list but/refused to meet with any record label heads, record didn't guarantee money like getting on stage did

pointing fingers

reflects frustration about communities, races history and structure of the country which foster social and economic equality and leave it to the victims to fashion solutions Bakewell: blacks were tired of Koreans who would not hire community members, took money out of the community, latino and Asian community leaders not sure of intentions lead black protest against construction sites employing Latino workers, 110 day boy caught after Korean-American shot and killed an African-American attempting to rob the shop Forest to the owner of Chungs to sell the store to an unnamed black investor Korean entrepreneurs versus black welfare dependence, videos manufactured a race war in which Korean American newcomers singled out for destruction as a convenient scapegoat for the structural and racial injustice in LA cutthroat media market tailor-made incidence for TV ratings especially when involving Koreans *Korean American civil rights and business leaders refuse to be baited into pointing fingers at African-Americans: heart of the racial conflict is economic struggles, don't compare our suffering to African-Americans, do you face many of the same problems Instead of pleaded to African-Americans for some equanimity: racially motivated incident if a black victim but not if Korean two weeks later death certificate hit the streets

The backlash

right wing backlash against NWA News letter "focus on the family Citizen" had headline: rap group NWA says kill police police departments faxed the song lyrics, tour dates canceled, cops refused security for NWA shows, subjected to drug searches FBI Milt Ahlerich letter warning priority records on "**** the police": encourages violence against and disrespect for the law enforcement officer, advocating violence and assault is wrong, violent crime unprecedented hi, officers dedicate their lives to the protection of citizens, discouraging integrated to these officers further immobilized police along the tour route, tour promoters try to secure an agreement for the bands not to perform a song Cuba tried to perform the song but the cops rush the stage and the group fled Music critic David in March and publicist Phyllis Palak put the story and a cover article in the village boys, through organization music in action mobilize the ACLU and Industry leaders formally protested, FBI backed off after letter written to Congress person

A world of danger

securing more narrow forms of power Black silver rights leader ship bolted it to get a number of blacks into elective office but lost behind on electoral politics and media advocacy youths of color were abandoned and there was no longer a goal to develop young leaders closed opportunities for urban use of color * trickle down economics and local taxpayer revolts starved local governments and encouraged sub urban sprawl leading to racial resegregation Northern cities such as Detroit Chicago in New York: all African-Americans lived under conditions of increasing racial and economic isolation William Julius Wilson "under class": hey segment of communities of color permanently locked into poverty and joblessness Young whites who made the most segregated group of all, 60% of black and Latino students attend the dominantly minority schools, white student attended schools that were well over 80% white leading to heat incidents

first fallout

three weeks after Millatti maker article, Chuck to new music seminar in New York City to find crowd holding flyers that read "don't believe the hate" and listing some of graphs more out rages quotes John Leland whom Chuck threatened in NMR sat with Chuck for an interview Chuck: a whole Lotta shit out of nothing/paranoia, people think I got the ability to turn the country around, back Griff whatever he says he can prove his comment about white people meeting with monkeys and killing all Jews it was taken out of context, by western civilization standards and I was what we have been doing including invasion, conquering, killing griff is the appearance of rationality//sobriety/thoughtfulness/soft-spoken, voice, goofy as shit about the Jews are in a conspiracy to destroy the black man * Grant defended himself through the book by Henry Ford called "the international Jew" Henry Ford established two cities outside of Detroit, one for whites only called Dearborn and the other was black workers only and it was called Inkster "I'm sorry Bill it's in the book"

Bensonhurst: The rise and fall of black power

two months after "do the right thing" and public enemy collapsed, Bensonhurst happened 16-year-old bed to store a resident yusuf hawkins on subway with three friends to see Pontiac G 2000 in the primarily Italian Brooklyn neighborhood Parallels to the Howard Beach incident, mob of white males, girl threatened her black and Latino boys were coming around to party with her, white boys were preparing to chase the outsiders out of their hood "Hell with beating them up, I'm gonna shoot the N" and hawkins received four bullets to the chest and died reverend Al Sharpton marched into Bensonhurst chanting "no Justice no peace" against a mob Sony Carson and his sons hip-hop group called X clan and the black watch movement led demonstrators through downtown Brooklyn towards the Brooklyn Bridge, bottle throwing and baton standoff with the police leaving 44 cops injured * after years of racist killings and street reactions the black power activist were hitting a rhetorical and tactical standoff jackson's presidential run failed but demographics kept the rainbow dream alive, more than half non-white city President David Dinkins elected the cities first black mayor but the gorgeous mosaic described in his campaign never happened boycott of two Korean stores: Korean Americans were the new Jews not aimed at the Koreans themselves but at the attitude of people coming into a community and taking advantage of the system Korean Americans bought or rented from Jewish or Italian Americans who then became their wholesome suppliers, koreans complained of discriminatory prices and treated them in a racist manner, physical confrontation led Koreans to boycott against white wholesalers flat bush boycott continued for eight months leaving Korean and African-Americans tense well the relation between blacks and Jewish reached a new low after a hit-and-run killing of a black boy by a Jewish driver

Graffiti rock

wanted to present graffiti, Dj, rapping, B boying together but the term hip-hop was not being popularly used "Using music wrapping and dance graffiti artist transform the static image into a unique performance dynamic. Sculptor/photographer henry Shalfont coordinates graffiti artist in a multifaceted performance event rocksteady decided to stage dance battle against each other Banes and Cooper landed a cover story in the Village voice titled "to the beat y'all: breaking is hard to do" **that was the first major story on B boying started in the Bronx or Harlem, started with the Zulus or Charlie rock or from Joe from the Casanovas who taught it to Charlie rock Breaking means going crazy on the Dancefloor it means making a style for yourself, A ritual combat that transmits aggression into art * rocking instead of fighting was the most enduring myths of hip-hop

Chapter 12

what we got to say: black suburbia, segregation, utopia in the late 1980s Frank owen: "DEF jam is the ultimate suburban record label and quote, Russell Simmons and Rick Rubin were creating the first black music that hasn't had to dress itself up in showbiz Glamour and upwardly mobile Moore's in order to succeed, leading the battle against the gentrification of black music suburban rappers are more broad, rap about regular every day life public enemies single "you're going to get yours" about facing down racial profiling, active defiance within the historical context of Robert Moses is expressway fuel segregation/Levittown's racial covenants

The Post gangster crossover

wow LA recovered from the riots, Dr. Dre dropped "the chronic" television brought middle America closer to generations range, ice T brought media multinational Time Warner closer to the establishments rage past triple platinum with Dray and snoop's videos for "Nuthin' but a G thang" and "let me ride" dray and snoop reassuring, present signified differences between the ghetto any exurbs needed not to be measured in social indicators but in degrees and cool dr. Dre is song craft was the focus not his sociology Dre hailed as "Spectrorian" G Thang and let me ride celebrated as all American music songs about getting peace and truth parties, freedom without worrying about cops are enemies The chronic wanted to drive hard-core rap into the pop stream * yo! MTV raps was feeding but these two songs propels the posed gangsta aesthetic into heavy rotation doggy style by Dray and snoop change the inner-city blues for smoothed out roughness and gangster parties, sold more The chronic and doggy style achievements as they synthesized contradictory vectors and distilled a shift in corporate thinking as a paradigm shifts were not a bad thing hip-hop offered away this elusive generation could be assimilated/categorized/made profitable rap exploitation and new corporate multiculturalism

2 dates place him in time and place

1. 1971 the year of the Bronx gang truce first bus to Stevenson high school from the eastern white edge of Soundview as part of a court ordered desegregation order appearance of black students cause the white gang members to organize and racial war broke out across the school grounds 2. 1981: he was in the middle of a different kind of desegregation, a voluntary one Took up the music and culture of the black and brown Brox into the white art crowded punk rock clubs of lower Manhattan

Trinity DJs

1. Kool Herc 2. Afrika Bambaataa: coined the term hiphop, warlord of the black spades, won a writing contest for UNICEF and went to South Africa, saw how they settle their differences by choosing the best and doing activities against each other, stopped violence BAD PERSON: created Zulu Nation that was molesting children 3. Grandmaster Flash: electrician that added a light switch to the sound system, created the mixer -Quikmix theory: stickers on record to know where to put the needle down -Punch phrasing: cut straight into a new record -Perfected scratching that was made by Grand Wizard Theodore ** Grand Wizard Theodore invented the scratch (by accident when mom told him it was too loud), Grand Master Flash perfected the scratch, and Grand Mixer DXT popularized it in "Rockit" (people didn't know about scratching until this, performed at Grammies) DJ Qbert- pioneer of turn tablism (making it an instrument), the Fader (turns sound on and off), and beat juggling (using 2 records) Bambaataa: No white people ever going to shows, invited Punk Rocks, went out and told people to check it out", eventually went to downtown clubs Mix Maser Mike- interstellar (alien) sounds, believed he had an interaction of light beams

Political Organizations- Black Panthers

Black Panther Party and the Young lords Competed for the hearts and minds of these youth gangs Later invited contestant, fatal pressure from authorities Black and Brown Power Movements--> defocused range and exhaustion Militants turned guns on themselves Black panthers started in LA and Chicago as African Americans fighting for rights how gangs got started: started as political then went violent believed in first amendment to bear arms would it be protected by police so had to protect themselves Fred Blackman believed in power to each race Fred Hampton (chairman of BP) started a free breakfast for Chicago kids that lead to an investigation by Hoover Hoover declared the black panthers of the number one threat to the US and created open season Counter Intelligence Program (Cointelpro) thought they were terrorists, "panthers have a hit out on you" to start fights/killings Hampton sent to prison for stealing ice cream bars for kids released from jail as he was a good man and it was a small case police raided turned to a shoot out, police burn the cereal and caused a fire on the third floor police boarded it up but the community help to rebuild ball 1969 Chicago trial where African-Americans were gagged in court ordered by the judge William O'Neill paid it to be an inside source to know the locations of weapons and people BP expected police so they fortified their office December 4: 14 policeman rated at 4 AM 2 leaders including Hampton were killed while others were charged with assault and attempted murder police report saying they shot first and created a shoot out, Ryan Boyer said all bullets were toward BP, brought people from the community into the house to prove speech by father, kids saying "I am Fred Hampton", death was not in vain investigation showed 90 shots by police toward BP BP suit a government for violation against civil rights we're given $1.8 million out of court

Concert of 21st century dancehall stars

Candle Sound System, local "foundation sound", spinning classics Bob Marley before he was a superstar, everyone knew the words Dennis Brown met with rising lighters

gang legacies

africa's moves were not received well by all, some of the organization didn't like what we were doing they became known as the Gestapos where as others became the Casanova crew hells angels influence of the Nazi symbolism ran through the gangs of the early 70s Gestapo's or the inner core cliques of the fiercest members acting as elite intelligence and battle units writers known to put the symbol next to their name One named her self Hitler II Africa called them the stuck up kids, gangsta style because havoc

Africa Massacre

at the Africa correction facility inmates were tired of overcrowding no sleep equipment and rat droppings in their food rioted and took correction officers prisoner for equal rights police murdered everyone even the correction officers

Fire at the Cambells

baby brother striking matches and lighting pieces of paper on fire and throwing them out the window fire fires put it out but went in other rooms to search and steal money (3-4 hundred in coins) temporarily relocated to the concourse plaza hotel visited after he moved to watch his friends DJ 1960: James Brown's career peaked and prevented the riots after the death of Martin Luther King Jr 1970: black mirrors took over burnt down cities and black radio stations stopped playing James Brown

parties in the Bronx

benign neglect so no worries of permits and police crowd control due to turfs and violence Area crews block the DJ, kept peace, other crews out * example: Grandmaster Flash secured the Casanovas, invitation to Africa's parties required for DJ Kool herc to play at in the early 70s angel dust was popular Africa had his clique and rappers hang flyers that said "stop smoking that dust y'all" dealers in Harlem sent Hitler's to harm them but everyone at the party protected him

Young Lords

brought their purple berets from East Harlem across the river to the south Bronx but gang leaders were not impressed The savage skulls leader Felipe "Blackie" Marcado told his gang members politics is only about bullshit Fort Apache cops wanted to stop the savage skulls cops were seen beating down residence including a skull member members of the young lords joined angry residents to encircle the police and then threw a bottle and started a hell to break loose skulls and young lords found a common enemy, after 4/5 days of fighting the cops "y'all aren't too bad they told us you were communists and you were here to hurt the city" The Lord sees it in x-ray truck from the Lincoln to test for TB Hospital and placed it in the city to provide free services for the community then they staged a full scale takeover of the hospital Skulls and nomads served as the first line defense Young lords re-focused on exporting their revolution to Puerto Rico Puerto Rican's sold of their land for what they thought was a lot of money but wasn't resorts and hotels for profit built on their land Puerto Ricans who sold we're not benefiting from the tourism and were angry of how the US was testing bombs in Puerto Rico "US territory" Young the Lord stood for Puerto Rican independence


corn bread was credited with popularizing tagging of the Philly subways trying to attract the attention of Cynthia his protégé top cat brought the gangster style of lettering Taki 183 put his street number after his name strike against their generations invisibility to be known amongst their peers for originality Clive first known as "Clyde as Kool" Kool from TV cigarette commercial when a guy doesn't let his girl touch his cigarette EL MARKO AND SUPER KOOL revolutionized by drawing full masterpieces

Junkies and pushers

gangs crusade to push to rid the streets of junkies and pushers The gangs reemergence had coincided with the sudden availability of south east Asian heroin why are the junkies that they had 24 hours to leave then things would get violent in 1971 the savage skulls declared war we took it out any junkie We saw then the junkie massacre began as soon as open season was declared the ghetto Brothers savage nomads Roman kings the brothers and sisters and the black spades all came down for a piece of the action it was said that it was a way of helping the community but it was really about pride preservation and club rules and going all the way

bronx River organization

he created it as an alternative to the spades move resembled the ghetto brothers transformation "We are not a game we are a family. Do not start trouble" formed a strategic alliance with disco king Mario's chuck chuck city crew at Bronxdale Dropped the Bronx River prefix and evolved into a vehicle for his expanding gatherings and parties Bambaataa followed Kool Hercs break centered instead of song centered style rhythmic analog to his peacemaking facility through sound his set list had the same kind of inclusiveness and broad mindedness he was aspiring to build through the organization

Zulu movie

he imposed his own order on the chaos of representatives 1964 movie Zulu by Michael Caine about the 1879 season of Rorkes Drift and Natal, South Africa unlikely triumph of 100 redcoats defending a lonely call in all outpost against an onslaught of 4000 Zulus not a single black role of any consequence ending: Zulus routed the British camp with a pan of hundreds of dead redcoats strewn across the African plain Zulu mass marriage ceremony and victory dance Zulus remain a primitive undifferentiated mass saw images of black solidarity: although many of them fall they just don't quit, continue their assaults and succeed in setting the outpost on fire africans fighting for a land that was theirs against the British imperialists

1977 end of herc

hierarchy of cool: the man with the records had replaced the man with the colors violence didn't end but energy was released from the bottom of society competitors divided the Bronx into a new kind of grid Fan Aaron O'Bryant from drug selling to promoting parties, wanted to get Herc to battle, Herc says he could rent himself and get competitors New arrivals after the blackout lure away his crowd rivals: Bambaataa, Grand Master Flash, DJ AJ (aaron) fight at a nightclub, tried to mediate the situation, was stabbed four times, backed into a little shell history behaved as if it resets to year zero: Marley assassination attempt, games, killings, abandoned buildings Herc stripped down and let go of everything

Ismael Maisonave

owner of a small latin label called Salsa International/ Mary Lou Records Benjy and Victor Melendez recorded their original Ghetto Brothers Power Fuerza and signed a 500 dollar contract message: if the ghetto brothers dreams come true the little people will be little people no more and make their own mark in this world harmonized pop with Latin back beat "Viva Puerto Rico Libre" funk style, political Album recorded in ONE TAKE Never sold many copies or moved beyond the Bronx but signaled an important shift Ghetto Brother Power from celebrating being young and free now played at Friday block parties **turf grid was disintegrating, gangs were dissolving, block party was the space of possibility

Ansaaru Allah Community

spoke alienated youth leaders: Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam and Dr. Malachi Z. York (Islam Isa or As Sayyid Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi) They leach: "you're not a 'N', You're not colored. Wake up and love yourself. Respect your own. turn back to Africa." redemption calls gave his anger of focus: "I wasn't agreeing with what white people said. The white man is the devil. As you get older and wiser you see why he did that they are inferior and whites are superior, start saying they are of gods"

Clyde as Kool to Kool Herc

started getting stronger and classmates called him Hercules for his bullish power drive to the hoop herc short for Hercules

Afrika Bambaataa

was like the Godfather put his speakers out the window to play music Center of the Bronx River next to the community center is where he lived told him his name was Zulu for affectionate leader and would leave them where they didn't know they were ready to go created universal Zulu nation organization Claude Levi-Strauss called him as someone who lives twice Samuel Teini asleep one as a man in history and separately as a myth above temporality Black spade warlord who became the master of records preacher of the gospel of the four elements: DJ, MC, the b-boying, and graffiti and knowledge Zulus are about having right knowledge, wisdom, over standing, sound of reasoning, meaning that we want our people to deal with factuality versus beliefs Born in Manhattan to parents of Jamaican and Barbadian descent but refuses to disclose his true name or birth year (most likely April 57) because it might have hurt his credibility with young fans BAM-BAATAA, BAM 117, BOM 117 Zulu nation's infinity lesson number to explain to the original Bambara was a late 19 century Zulu leader who led an anti-tax revolt against the British colonial authority in south Africa mystical: after calling on them to abandon the signs and objects of European culture (except guns) told them a resurrected witch doctor had given him a potion that made him bulletproof it's about finding the spirit in the music and learning how to flash it he is the Promethean firestarter of the hip-hop generation godfather, original gangster, post civil rights peacemaker, black riot rocker, conspiracy theorist, Afro futurist hip-hop activist


whites got white picket fences, white only suburbs while working class strugglers got house rising prices, isolation, and crime-ridden parks 1/2 whites gone to Westchester county and NE Bronx county Ownership in NJ and Queens and Long Island Promise of new ownership of 15,000 new apartments in Moses' Co-op CIty

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