History Unit 5

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Numerous political supporters felt that this candidate should have won the election because he had more electoral votes, winning the greatest share of the popular vote.

Andrew Jackson

first railroad to carry passengers

Baltimore and Ohio

Steamboat travel was the safest way to travel to the West because the rivers were clear of obstacles.


The Industrial Revolution started in the United States after the English sent merchants to the United States to show Americans how to develop new machines.


The South wanted tariffs to protect its industry.


When the Supreme Court ruled that Georgia had no legal basis for removing the Indians from Georgia, President Jackson honored the ruling and ended the forced removal.


invented the loom

Frances C. Lowell

A large part of the factory labor force was made up of women and children.


Which invention by Eli Whitney dramatically changed agriculture in the South?

cotton gin

Most of the settlers traveling to the West floated on ______ whenever possible.


The coming of the ______ slowed the building of canals in the 1830s and 1840s.


the process of leaving the Union


placing supporters in office

spoils system

By 1850, the South was totally committed to a society based on slavery and ______.


used to raise and lower canal boats


The highway that enabled thousands of settlers to make the journey to the Northwest Territory was the ________ Road.


invented the reaper

Cyrus McCormick

The Erie Canal was the effort of:

DeWitt Clinton

was elected President in 1824

John Q. Adams

first highway in the United States

Lancaster-Philadelphia Turnpike

According to the Missouri Compromise, Maine was admitted to the Union as a _______ state, and Missouri entered as a _______ state.

free slave

In the election of 1824, which of the following elected John Quincy Adams as President?

House of Representatives

Held that a state could declare a law null and void if that law was harmful to the state.

Doctrine of Nullification

The "father of mass production" was:

Eli Whitney

father of mass production

Eli Whitney

invented the sewing machine

Elias Howe

connected Buffalo and the Hudson River

Erie Canal

As factories increased in number, cities became smaller.


was Jackson's successor, elected in 1836

Martin Van Buren

supported Adams

National Republicans

Cumberland, Maryland, was connected to Vandalia, Illinois, by the:

National Road

The Erie Canal made what city a leading seaport?

New York

Stated that the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional and, therefore, were not enforceable in the state of South Carolina.

Ordinance of Nullification

built first successful steamboat

Robert Fulton

The telegraph was perfected by:

Samuel F. B. Morse

perfected the telegraph

Samuel F. B. Morse

started first textile factory in Rhode Island

Samuel Slater

In what way did the cotton gin affect the South?

Slaves became more important and valuable. Southern attitudes about slavery hardened. Cotton became the principal southern crop.

connected Charleston and Hamburg

South Carolina Railroad

to buy land with hard money only

Specie Circular

A large part of the factory labor force during the Industrial Revolution was made up of women and children.


Corduroy roads were roads made out of logs to cover swampy places.


In the early 1800s, farmers did not use metal plows because they believed the metal would poison the soil.


Labor organization was slow because it was regarded as unpatriotic.


Railroad engines were originally so feeble that a horse was occasionally carried along as a spare in case of difficulty.


The Erie Canal connected Buffalo, New York, with the Hudson River.


The Erie Canal took eight years to build, and it cost $7 million.


The Jacksonian Era was characterized by the idea that every individual was important.


The National Road allowed thousands of settlers to make the journey to the Northwest Territory.


The Portage Railroad carried canal boats over the mountains in Pennsylvania.


The most dramatic change in agriculture in the South was the invention of the cotton gin.


The turnpike was a toll road which could only be used on rainless days.


prohibited growth of slavery in new territory

Tallmage Amendment

How did the Erie Canal affect the United States?

Westward expansion was aided. More employees were available for northeastern factories. Shipping costs between the Great Lakes and New York City were cut to a tenth.



those who invest money in industry


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