history week 2 chapter 6

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the philippines

Although the causes of the Spanish American war lay elsewhere, the most decisive battles of the war occurred in

william h seward

America developed the most aggressive foreign policy since the days of John Quincy Adams under which Secretary of State?

white planters

American economic actions in Hawaii protected the rights and power of


American missionaries not only took religion to foreign lands but spread American _____________ values as well.


Because of its importance as a naval base in the Pacific, President McKinley and Congress annexed what territory in July 1898?

markets, jobs

Extending American influence overseas would provide new ______ for American goods and new ______.

he apologized to the queen

How did President Grover Cleveland react to the attempt to annex the Hawaiian islands

a nation cannot be a world power without a strong navy

In his book The Influence of Sea Power upon History, Alfred Thayer Mahan argued

chile, venezuela

In which two Latin American countries did the United States demonstrate strong foreign policy decisions in the 1890s? [choose 2]


President Wilson intervened in the politics of the the nation of _____________, changing alliances and eventually bringing General John J. Pershing to the brink of war after following troops across the border.

the boxer rebellion

Resistance to foreign powers and the Open Door policy resulted in a Chinese revolt called


Secretary of State James G. Blaine believed that ____________ was indispensable to American interests.

its origins in european expansion

The American predisposition to expansion can be traced to

the rough riders

The Battle of San Juan Hill is most often associated with this group because of the account of the battle written by Theodore Roosevelt:

that america would be an imperial nation

The Election of 1900 guaranteed what?

a policy that insisted on foreign competion in all nations of the world

The Open Door policy helped developing nations. What was the Open Door policy?


The Spanish American War began because of a colonial revolt on the island of

anti imperialist league

The _______-______________ ______ was one of the most vocal groups denouncing the Filipino-American War.

gentlemens agreement

The _______________ _______________ was a deal in which the Japanese agreed to limit emigration of workers to the United States as long as the federal government agreed not to prohibit Japanese immigration.

platt ammendment

The _______________ ________________ restricted Cuban diplomacy and made them promise not to borrow money from European nations.

puerto rico

The acquisition of ____________ ______________ was a major goal of the Spanish American War.

james g blaine

The establishment of the Pan American Union was the result of which Secretary of State's goal to establish free trade between the nations of North and South America?


The greatest prize of East Asia was

the white mans burden

The idea that a nation had a responsibility to bring a better way of life to other ethnic groups was popularly referred to as

joseph pullitzer, william randolph hearst

The leaders in Yellow Journalism in the 1890s were [choose all that apply]

overthrew queen lilliokalani

To protect their economic interests white planters in Hawaii did what in 1893?

the united states was an authority

U.S. foreign policy in Latin America in the 1890s sent the message that

an unicorporated territory

Under the Insular Cases of 1901, the Supreme Court decided that Congress had the right to make Puerto Rico

justified american intervention in latin american affairs

Under the Roosevelt Corollary, the President

they needed to accept some parts of the american culture

Under what conditions could Filipinos hold office once a stable government was established? [choose all that apply]

they needed to receive an american education

Under what conditions could Filipinos hold office once a stable government was established? [choose all that apply]

the explosion of uss maine

What event in February 1898 convinced most Americans that the nation should go to war with Spain?

improved education, improved infrastructure, widespread poverty

What was some results of the American acquisition of Puerto Rico? [choose all that apply]

dollar diplomacy

What was the foreign policy of President Taft in relation to the Caribbean and Latin American nations?

the decision over what to do with the Philippines

What was the major point of debate over ratification of the Treaty of Paris at the end of the Spanish American War?


What was the most influential motivation in promoting American imperialism?

russian expansion into manchuria

What was the reason for the Russo-Japanese War?


When President Roosevelt found a place for the proposed Canal Zone, the land was a part of


Which group of people were often the first Americans to come into contact with other cultures?

all but granting independence

Which of the following is true of the Filipino-American War? [choose all that apply]

they wanted to eliminate regimes in the region

Which of the following was NOT a goal of the United States in relation to Latin America?

moving rapidly into canada and mexico

Which of the following was NOT a plan for American expansionism in the early nineteenth century?

the acquisition of cuba

Which of the following was NOT an accomplishment of William H. Seward?

henry cabot lodge

Which of the following was the Massachusetts Senator who advocated American expansion in the early 19th century?

woodrow wilson

Which of the following was the most interventionist President in history, in spite of his statements that he would not be?

east asia, south america

While European nations formed colonies in Africa, the United States established stronger relationships in ______ and _______.

the american press

Who was it that created outrage among the American people that eventually pushed the nation into war?

emilio aguinaldo

Who was the Filipino rebel leader against the Spanish and later against the Americans?

william howard taft

Who was the first Governor General of the Philippines?

social darwinism

____________ ___________, based on Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection, applied the laws of nature to society.

yellow journalism

__________________ is a journalistic technique that encourages publication of stories with little or no research.

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