HIV/Musculoskeletal practice NUR212

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A nurse is providing teaching for a client who is scheduled for a myelogram. Which of the following statements indicates the client understands the teaching?

"I will need to keep my head elevated after the procedure."

A nurse is discharging a client who came to the outpatient clinic with an ankle sprain. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client understands the discharge instructions?

"I'll apply ice to my ankle today and tomorrow"

A nurse in a clinic is teaching a group of clients about preventing low back pain and injury. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client requires further clarification?

"I'll sit with my knees lower than my hips"

A nurse is preparing a client who has AIDS for discharge. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the discharge instructions?

"Prevent the spread of infection with good household cleaning practices."

A nurse is teaching a client who is scheduled for dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to screen for osteoporosis. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

"You will need to remove all jewelry before the test."

A group of nurses are discussing risk factors for transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from clients. Which of the following individuals should the nurse identify as being at the greatest risk for contracting HIV?

A phlebotomist who collects blood from clients who have HIV

A nurse is teaching a newly licensed nurse about the difference between a plaster cast and a synthetic cast. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching?

A synthetic cast is weighs less

A nurse is caring for a client following a right total hip arthroplasty. Postoperatively the nurse should maintain the right leg in which of the following positions?


A nurse working on an orthopedic unit is caring for four clients. Which of the following clients should the nurse identify as being at greatest risk for skin breakdown?

An older adult who has a hip fracture and is in Buck's traction

A nurse is caring for a client who has HIV-1 infection and is prescribed zidovudine as part of antiretroviral therapy. The nurse should monitor the client for which of the following adverse effects of this medication?

Aplastic anemia

A nurse is completing discharge teaching with a client following arthroscopic knee surgery. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

Apply ice to the affected area

A nurse is caring for a client who requires cold applications with an ice bag to reduce the swelling and pain of an ankle injury. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

Apply the bag for 30 min at a time

A nurse is teaching a client who has strained her back muscles while preparing to move to a new apartment. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include?

Bend at the knees when picking up an object

A nurse is caring for a client who has HIV. Which of the following laboratory values is the nurse's priority?

CD4-T-cell count 180 cells/mm3

A nurse in a clinic is assessing a client who has AIDS and a significantly decreased CD4-T-cell count. The nurse should recognize that the client is at risk for developing which of the following infectious oral conditions?


A nurse is teaching a client who has a prosthetic limb due to a right below-the-knee amputation about prosthesis and stump care. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

Dry the prosthesis socket completely before applying it to the limb

A rehabilitation nurse is caring for a client who has had a spinal cord injury that resulted in paraplegia. After a week on the unit, the nurse notes that the client is withdrawn and increasingly resistant to rehabilitative efforts by the staff. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

Establish a plan of care with the client that sets attainable goals

A nurse is presenting a community-based program about HIV and AIDS. A client asks the nurse to describe the initial symptoms experienced with HIV infection. Which of the following manifestations should the nurse include in the explanation of initial symptoms?

Flu-like symptoms and night sweats

A nurse is planning a presentation about HIV for a church-based group. Which of the following information about HIV transmission should the nurse include?

It is primarily transmitted through direct contact with infected body fluids

A nurse in a provider's office is assessing a client who has AIDS. The nurse notes that the client has multiple and widespread raised, purplish-brown skin lesions. The nurse should recognize that these findings indicate which of the following conditions?

Kaposi's sarcoma

A nurse is assessing an older adult client who has osteoporosis. Which of the following spinal deformities should the nurse expect to find in this client?


A nurse is assessing a client following the application of a leg cast for the treatment of a facture. If the cast is too tight, which of the following findings should the nurse expect to observe first?

Pallor of the toes

A nurse is teaching a client about medications that prevent osteoporosis. The nurse should instruct the client that which of the following medications is prescribed to prevent osteoporosis?


A nurse is assessing a client as a follow-up clinic visit for acute low back pain. A goal for this client is to use proper body mechanics at all times. Which of the following findings indicates the client is meeting this goal?

The client faces the direction of movement when sliding an object across the floor

A nurse is talking with a client who has to come to the clinic for HIV testing. The nurse should explain that, after the laboratory has the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) results, it will use which of the following test to confirm the diagnosis?

Western blot analysis

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