HLTH 4100

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Which of the following is not a characteristic of a learning organization? A. There is a shared vision upon which everyone agrees. B. People sublimate their personal self-interest to work together to achieve the organization's shared vision. C. Members think of organization activities as independent activities. D. People openly communicate with each other. E. There is consensus on the direction of the organization.

Members think of organization activities as independent activities Exhibit 16-5 in Chapter 16

A group is most likely to tolerate deviation from a group's conformity norms by which of the following individuals? A. A high-status individual who does not care about the social rewards the group provides B. A high-status individual who is tightly integrated into the group's social structure C. A low-status individual who has only recently entered the group D. A low-status individual who strongly wishes to integrate within the group E. A low-status individual who is not well regarded by the rest of the group

A high-status individual who does not care about the social rewards the group provides p. 121

Political behaviors usually ________. A. lie outside of an individual's specified job requirements B. are counterproductive to individual goals C. are seen only in large organizations D. are frowned upon by organizational leaders E. are expected as part of each job requirement

A. lie outside of an individual's specified job requirements p. 185

Which tactic to overcome resistance to change is last on the list and is likely to harden resistance to change or lead to hidden revolts? A. Participation B. Building support and commitment C. Selecting people who accept change D. Coercion E. Education and communication

Coercion p. 249

The dark side of charismatic leaders can be seen when _______________. A. the lines between their personal interests and their organization's interests become blurred B. personal goals override the organization's goals C. they are intolerant of criticism D. they surround themselves with "yes people" who are rewarded for pleasing them E. All of the above

All of the above pp. 169 & 170

Which source of formal power can actually backfire? A. Reward B. Coercive C. Expert D. Referent E. Legitimate

Coercive p. 183

If management realizes that firing up employees can help them let go of the status quo to change, which method of overcoming resistance to change are they likely to use? A. Education and communication B. Participation C. Building emotional commitment D. Selecting people who accept change E. Coercion

Building emotional commitment p. 248

Which of the following tactics involves including an individual in the decision-making and planning process? A. Ingratiation B. Exchange C. Pressure D. Inspirational appeals E. Consultation

Consultation p. 184

Which tactic to deal with resistance to change can backfire if the targets become aware that they were used? A. Participation B. Education and communication C. Coercion D. Cooptation E. Building emotional support

Cooptation p. 248

You have decided to use Fiedler's LPC questionnaire to help your employees learn more about their leadership styles. Each of your employees has filled out and scored the instrument. It is your job to try to explain to them how to use the survey information. According to Fiedler's approach, your employees should assume which of the following about the leadership styles determined through using the survey? A. Each person's style is essentially fixed. B. Each person can use the information to change his or her style to a more productive style. C. Task-oriented leaders will not perform as well as relationship-oriented leaders in situations that are very unfavorable. D. Task-oriented leaders will perform better than relationship-oriented leaders in moderately favorable situations. E. Each person's style will change in accordance with the situation at hand.

Each person's style is essentially fixed. p. 163

Which of the following is not an organizational source of resistance to change? A. Structural inertia B. Limited focus of change C. Group inertia D. Fear of the unknown E. Threat to established power relationships

Fear of the unknown Exhibit 16-1 in Chapter 16

You have noticed that your boss is often asking you what types of peers you least like to work with. You suspect that he is trying to covertly determine your leadership style according to ________. A. the University of Michigan studies B. the Ohio State studies C. Fiedler D. trait theory E. LMX theory

Fiedler p. 163

Which model represents the theory that effective leadership depends upon a proper match between a leader's style of interacting with subordinates and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader? A. Leader-Member Exchange Model B. Fiedler's Contingency Model C. Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Model D. Vroom and Yetton's Leader-Participation Model E. The Ohio State studies

Fiedler's Contingency Model p. 163

Which of the following is not cited as a culture that creates a breeding ground for politicking? A. Cultures with unclear performance evaluation systems B. High-trust cultures C. Cultures with role ambiguity D. Democratic decision-making cultures E. Cultures with self-serving senior managers

High-trust cultures p. 187

An example of a source of individual resistance to change is ________. A. inertia B. structural inertia C. a habit D. threat to expertise E. a policy conflict

a habit Exhibit 16-1 in Chapter 16

As you have observed your department manager and her interactions with the department's employees, you have come to believe in LMX theory. Sarah and Joe get less of the manager's time. Sally gets fewer of the preferred rewards that the manager controls, and John has a relationship with the manager based on formal authority interactions. Rebecca is trusted. Jennifer gets a disproportionate amount of the manager's attention and is more likely to receive special privileges. The manager of this particular department is very goal oriented in his leadership style and also values employees who are goal oriented. Which of the following employees is also likely to be very goal oriented? A. Sarah B. Jennifer C. Joe D. Sally E. John

Jennifer pp. 165 & 166

________ acts as a counterbalance to sustain stability when an organization is confronted with change. A. Structural inertia B. Security C. Limited focus of change D. The threat to established power relationships E. Group inertia

Structural inertia Exhibit 16-1 in Chapter 16

Which of the following statements best characterizes self-managed teams? A. Their team members often have low levels of job satisfaction. B. Their team members prefer to work alone. C. Their productivity is generally low. D. The overall research on their effectiveness has not been uniformly positive. E. They tend to operate best in nonhierarchical societies.

The overall research on their effectiveness has not been uniformly positive p. 132

For an organization to be politics free would require that __________. A. all organizational members hold the same goals and interests B. organizational resources are not scarce C. performance outcomes are clear D. performance outcomes are objective E. All of the above

all organizational members hold the same goals and interests p. 186

Your colleagues at work are constantly talking about the vice president in your region. He is perceived throughout the organization as a ruthless man who is not to be antagonized. It is necessary for you to bring him a report, and you are very nervous about having to deal with him. The vice president's major base of power seems to be ________. A. reward B. coercive C. referent D. expert E. personal

coercive p. 182

According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader is likely to have job relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for his or her employees is ________. A. consideration B. matrix C. consensus building D. LPC E. maximization

consideration p. 161

You have brought in the local extension agent to explain demographics and the changing nature of the area in which you live. The method for overcoming resistance that you have chosen is ________. A. education and communication B. participation C. negotiation D. manipulation and cooptation E. coercion

education and communication p. 248

Based on the contingency theory, if the leadership style does not match the situation, you should ________. A. change the leader to fit the situation B. change the situation to fit the leader C. accept this circumstance as unchangeable D. either change the leader to fit the situation or change the situation to fit the leader. E. retrain the leader in a more appropriate style

either change the leader to fit the situation or change the situation to fit the leader. p. 165

The more a person has invested in the organization, the more that person has to lose if forced out and, therefore, is less likely to use ______________. A. his or her power B. politics C. illegitimate means D. defensive behavior E. All of the above

illegitimate means p. 186

Jerrod is relatively new to Xenon Corporation and wants to be sure that he makes a good impression on his co-workers and supervisor. He agrees with the supervisor's opinion most of the time and is always doing nice things for him. Jerrod makes sure that he associates with the "right" people and is constantly complimenting others about their good work. Jerrod is attempting to use ____________. A. politics B. impression management C. defensive behavior D. his power base E. interdependence

impression management p. 189

The power tactic of using flattery and creating goodwill before making a request is known as ________. A. ingratiation B. exchange C. inspirational appeal D. motivational appeal E. affective appeal

ingratiation p. 184

The most important aspect of power is probably that it ________. A. is needed to get things done in an organization B. is a function of dependency C. tends to corrupt people D. is counterproductive E. involves control

is a function of dependency p. 181

An organization that has developed the continuous capacity to adapt and change is termed a(n) ________. A. maladapted mechanism B. continuous improvement process C. innovative organization D. double-loop learning organization E. learning organization

learning organization p. 257

Joe comes to you with a request for funds for a project. He reminds you that company policy supports his position. He is using the tactic of ________. A. coalitions B. consultation C. rational persuasion D. legitimacy E. pressure

legitimacy p. 184

There is a greater likelihood of political behavior of the illegitimate kind when there is/are ________ within the organization. A. more resources B. less trust C. more executive opportunities D. less executive opportunities E. less satisfaction

less trust p. 187

The graphic portrayal of a two-dimensional view of leadership style by Blake and Mouton is known as the ________. A. least preferred co-worker scale B. leader-participation model C. autocratic-democratic continuum D. managerial grid E. matrix of discretion

managerial grid p. 162

Joan, your director of accounting, has created a team of seven employees from the accounts payable department who meet for three hours a week to discuss ways of improving quality, efficiency, and the work environment. This is an example of a ________ team. A. problem-solving B. self-managed C. cross-functional D. virtual E. task-resolution

problem-solving p. 131

Celebrities are paid millions of dollars to endorse products in commercials because the advertisers believe the celebrities have ________ power. A. personal B. referent C. expert D. legitimate E. star

referent p. 183

Research suggested that organizations could facilitate the change process by selecting people with high ________. A. uncertainty avoidance B. risk tolerance C. external locus of control D. authoritarianism E. dogmatism

risk tolerance p. 249

Your boss has been reading several books on leadership. You notice that every few months he is spouting a different approach and philosophy. You have been trying to keep up with him to figure out which "leadership theory of the month" he is studying. This month, he seems to be focusing on whether the managers are employee oriented or production oriented. You deduce that he has been reading ________. A. Hersey and Blanchard B. Vroom and Yetton C. Fiedler D. House E. the University of Michigan studies

the University of Michigan studies p. 162

Political activity is probably more a function of ________ than of ________. A. management's example; the organization's characteristics B. management's example; individual difference variables C. the organization's characteristics; individual difference variables D. individual difference variables; management's example E. individual difference variables; the organization's characteristics

the organization's characteristics; individual difference variables p. 187

All contingency theories are based on the idea that effective leadership performance depends on ________. A. the proper match between the leader's style and the control the situation gives the leader B. selecting the right leadership style based on the level of the followers' readiness C. using a leadership style that is appropriate to the situational conditions D. making use of the best path for the goal that is identified E. the "right" traits

using a leadership style that is appropriate to the situational conditions p. 163

Janice is your director of sales. Since her employees are located in Europe, Asia, and North America, she has decided to use instant messaging to tie her employees together in order to develop a marketing strategy for a new product line. This is an example of a ________ team. A. problem-solving B. self-managed C. cross-functional D. virtual E. task-resolution

virtual p. 132

All of the following may provide reasons to explain why politics is a fact of organizational life except ________. A. organizations are composed of groups with different values and goals B. there is the potential for conflict over resources C. resources in organizations are limited D. win-win scenarios are the norm E. decisions are often made in a climate of ambiguity

win-win scenarios are the norm p. 185

Which factors in the reward allocation process are likely to increase the likelihood that an employee will be motivated to engage in politicking? A. The use of objective criteria in the appraisal B. Use of several outcome measures C. A zero-sum approach D. Clear criteria E. All of the above

zero-sum approach p. 188

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