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___ is defined as planned, structured, and repetitive body movement.

- 30-40 percent

What is the process of cancer spreading from one organ or body area to others?

- Metastatic Cancer

How much alcohol do physicians think is safe for pregnant women to consume?


A driver is "usually impaired" at a blood alcohol concentration of 0.0_ to 0.0_ percent.

0.05 to 0.07

-With Type ____ diabetes, a person's own immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells in his/her pancreas.


-The 2020—2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest that calories from added sugars and saturated fats be limited to no more than what percentage of your daily calorie intake?


The CDC recommends HPV vaccination for both boys and girls beginning at what age?

11 or 12 years old

The 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend for adult show many minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week?

130 OR 300 MINUTES

Sexually transmitted infections disproportionately affect females and young people age

15____ to _24___.

Approximately ___ million Americans suffer from health disorders caused by tobacco.


A person with a body weight more than ____% above a recommended healthy weight is considered overweight.


-How long is the average menstrual cycle?

25-30 days

Theoretically, how many extra calories must a person expend beyond what they take-in to lose a pound of fat?

3,500 calories

To ensure safety, leftovers that have been properly wrapped and refrigerated should be eaten within ___ _______ days.


Naps are most effective for improving alertness if they are longer than __. _____Minutes.


-What percentage (range) of Americans aged 20 and over are obese?


What percentage (range) of a person's body weight is water?


-In the U.S., what percentage of all pregnancies are unintended?


-Eating food when drinking alcohol ____ ___ alcohol absorption.


Approximately what percentage of Americans consume alcoholic beverages regularly.


What is the percentage of alcohol in 100 proof whiskey?


How many minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise daily for children is recommended by the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans?

60 Minutes

About 2/3s of U.S. abortions are performed before the _ __th week of pregnancy.


A BMI between 18.5 and _____ is the range of lowest statistical health risk.


Removal and microscopic examination of a tissue sample to determine if cancer is present is a

A biopsy

What is high-intensity interval training (HIIT)?

A complete workout that combines both aerobic and strength training

-Define tolerance.

A phenomenon in which progressively larger doses of a drug or more intense involvement in an experience is needed to obtain the desired effects.

-Define "stressor"

A physical, social, or psychological event or condition that upsets homeostasis and produces a stress response

What is the difference between celibacy and abstinence?

Abstinence usually refers to the decision not to have penetrative sex. Celibacy is a vow to remain abstinent over an extended period of time.

Which type of immunity occurs when antibodies develop in response to a vaccine?

Active Immunity

List and describe the three phases of the general adaptation syndrome.

Alarm Stressor= Stressor disrupts body's stability, temporarily lowering resistance Resistance Phase= Body resources are mobilized to combat stressor, and body maintains a higher level of resistance Exhaustion Phase= Body runs out of adaptation energy stores for adjusting stressor, and resistance drops below normal

What is the leading cause of impaired driving in the United States?


What is a hypersensitivity reaction in which the body produces antibodies to a normally harmless substance?

An allergy

What is a substance that triggers an immune response?

An antigen

What is "online vigilance?"

An individual's degree of cognitive involvement with the online environment, including their constant monitoring of and proclivity to respond to online events.

-Restricting food intake to the point of self-starvation is characteristic of which eating disorder?

Anorexia Disorder

What is "Process addiction?" Know some examples.

Are behaviors that are known to be addictive because they are mood altering and, thus, a reward for the brain.

What is "enabling?"

Are people who knowingly or unknowingly protect addicts from the natural consequences of their behavior.

What are the vessels that carry blood away from the heart?


A type of autism spectrum disorder in which the individual is highly functioning-often able to succeed academically and professionally-is known as

Asperger Syndrome______

-Define "stereotyping."

Assigning a generalized and typically negative attribute to an individual of a different population group

The ratio of alcohol to total blood volume is the _


What are the factors affecting alcohol absorption?


The measure of energy expended while a person is engaged in sedentary activities, such as sitting on a sofa or digesting food is the ________ ___ metabolic rate


Reasons exercise reduces the risk of heart disease include: Improving _____ flow; strengthen the ______ muscle; increasing _______ cholesterol levels


A measurement based on the relationship between a person's height and weight that is highly correlated to the amount of body fat is the __________ __________ index.


-Define "internal locus of control."

Being present in the moment - Letting all your senses experience everything - Taking yourself back to a calmer place

What is a common reason that victims of elder abuse do not report it?

Being unable to report, due to physical or mental ability. Depending on the abuser for care and basic needs

Nicotine is a powerful central nervous system (CNS) stimulant? Or CNS depressant?

Both stimulant and depressant

What are the only contraceptive methods that also provide STI protection?


A major contributor to college students' lack of sleep is ___________ ___ devices.


The body's ____________ ________ muscles are the muscles of the back, abdomen, and hips


-What are the thin-walled vessels that are involved in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide?

Capillary Wall

Which nutrient provides a ready source of energy for daily activities?


The HPV vaccine reduces a woman's risk of what type of cancer?

Cervical Cancer

-What are some examples of Fertility awareness methods of birth control?

Cervical mucus method, calendar method, and body temperature method

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection can lead to ______ ____ cancer in women.


What are some symptoms of heart attack?

Chest pain or discomfort; Shortness of breath; Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, back, arm, or shoulder; Feeling nauseous, light-headed, or unusually tired

What substance is not soluble in water, is derived from animal-based foods and synthesized by the body, and while circulating in the blood, can accumulate on the inner walls of arteries and restrict blood flow?


Which lung condition involves inflammation and eventual scarring of the lining of the bronchial tubes?

Chronical Bronchitis

__________________ therapy is treatment for depression that involves correcting consistently pessimistic or faulty thought patterns.

Cognitive Behavior

-To ensure its effectiveness, the what kind of place should you store a condom?

Cold, dry place

What is social capital? Emotional support?

Collective value of all the people in your social network and the likelihood of those people providing social support when you need it

-The fertilization of an ovum by a sperm is called


What are the two contraceptive methods most commonly used by college students?

Condoms and Oral Contraception

-In relationships, the process of resolving differences peacefully and creatively is _____________ ___ resolution.

Conflict Resolution__

Define "exercise addiction."

Constantly increasing amounts of exercise, using exercise to regulate emotions, exercising despite pain and injuries, and withdrawl symptoms.

The primary hormone responsible for physiological stress responses such as increased heart and breathing rates is


What are some benefits of practicing "mindfulness?

Decreased Depression. Increased Emotional Regulation. Reduced Anxiety and Stress. Better Memory. Cognitive Improvements. Stronger Relationships. Better Physical Health. When to Use Caution

-A condition in which a person experiences a depletion of body fluids is _


Which form of birth control requires a contraceptive injection every 12 weeks?


The process by which addicts get an addictive substance out of their system as part of ending their dependence on it is


The process of freeing the body physically and cognitively from an addictive substance is known as


-Which blood pressure measurement is the lower number that represents the amount of pressure on arterial walls when the heart relaxes?

Diastolic Blood Pressure

Surgical abortions in the first trimester are typically done by what method?

Dilation Curettage

What is the difference between eustress and distress?

Distress is stress that negatively affects you and eustress is stress that has a positive effect on you

What is a disorder that occurs more frequently in babies born to mothers over the age of 35?

Down Syndrome

A _____________ family is one in which there is violence; physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; significant discord; or other negative family interactions.


In which type of sexual dysfunction does an individual experience pain during or after sex?


The implantation of a fertilized egg outside the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube, is called ___ ____ pregnancy.


What is the primary difference between emotional health and mental health?

Emotional health is the ability to cope with and manage emotions. It's also the ability to have positive relationships. Mental health is the ability to think clearly and make good decisions.

-A lung associated with smoking in which alveoli are destroyed is known as


Aerobic exercise is the best type of exercise for improving _______ ______ fitness.


What is "overload?"

Excessive amount of doing something.

-True or False: Most adults need only 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night, provided it is high-quality sleep.


True or False: Herpes can be cured in its early stages with proper antibiotic treatment.


True or False: If your education, attitudes, and values are significantly different that would INCREASE the likelihood of you choosing a particular person as a partner.


True or False: The majority of nighttime sleep is spent in REM sleep.


True or False: The prevalence of bulimia nervosa among teens and adults of all ages is about the same.


Which is the most energy-dense source of calories in the human diet...carbohydrates, proteins, or fats?


True or False: Schizophrenia is a mental illness with biological origins.


Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can cause significant brain damage and other impairments in the fetus; this condition is known as

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome__

-If caught early, the prognosis for colon cancer is good. Why?

Five-year survival rate

What are the components of the FITT principle that apply to all types of exercise?

Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type.

What are the well-documented risk factors for breast cancer?

Getting Older - Having Dense Breast - Reproductive History

To provide energy to cells, the body converts all forms of simple sugars into


What is "self-injury?"

Harming one's body.

What are the small stressors, frustrations, and petty annoyances that collectively can add up to a higher level of stress?


What is the difference between "life expectancy" and 'HEALTHY life expectancy."

Healthy life expectancy is the number of years of full health you enjoy without disability, chronic pain, or significant illnesses.

-What is the common name for a myocardial infarction?

Heart Attack

__________________________ has been the leading cause of death in the United States for more than 100 years.

Heart Disease___

-What is the sexual orientation of a person who feels romantic and sexual attraction to women?


High blood levels of what type of cholesterol appears to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, or cholesterol-clogged arteries?

High Density Lipoprotein

What are some tips for MINDFUL EATING?

Honor the food - connect with all your senses - don't skip meals Eat slowly, avoid overeating

-The physiological need to eat to sustain life is called


What is a condition in which blood continually pushes too hard against the inner walls of blood vessels?


Name the modifiable risk factors for CVD.

Hypertension - High Cholesterol - Obesity - Smoking

Research has shown that inadequate sleep decreases or increases leptin levels.


What term describes a person who does not exhibit exclusive male or female sexual anatomy?


Exercise ________________ _ is the amount of effort needed during a workout to improve some aspect of fitness.


What is the most dangerous method of administration for psychoactive drugs? What is the fastest-acting method?

Intravenous Injections

-Define mindfulness.

Is the ability to be fully present in the moment

What percentage of adult Americans engage in aerobic physical activity that meets the national guidelines?

Just over 50%

Define "food insecurity."

Lacking reliable access to sufficient food for all household members

What is the health insurance program jointly funded by the states and the federal government that provides coverage for low-income individuals and families?


-What is the federally funded health insurance program that covers 99 percent of the U.S. population age 65 and older?


Who is more likely to report LONELINESS, men or women?


- The amount of force that a muscle is capable of exerting is referred to as


A ___________ is a word repeated silently or aloud as part of meditation.


What are some symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

Mental confusion, stupor. Difficulty remaining conscious, or inability to wake up. Vomiting. Seizures. Slow breathing (fewer than 8 breaths per minute) Irregular breathing (10 seconds or more between breaths) Slow heart rate. Clammy skin.

Toxic forms of alcohol known as ______ _ may be a contributing factor to hangover.


-Define "monogamy" and "serial monogamy.

Monogamy is exclusive sexual involvement with one partner. Serial Monogamy is a person has a mongamous sexual relationship with one partner before moving on to another

Regular aerobic exercise improves the heart, lungs, and blood

Muscular Strength_______

Morphine, codeine, and heroin are examples of which TYPE of drug?


According to cancer experts, what percentage of some cancers could be prevented by engaging in regular physical activity and eating a healthy diet?


Define: self-esteem

Ones realistic sense of self-respect or self-worth.

-If you can perform regular moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity without excessive fatigue, you are considered to be


Explain the right of informed consent.

Patients have a right to make an informed, voluntary decision about their care.

Which body shape (apple or pear) represents a higher risk for heart disease?

Pear Shape

-What exerts the MOST significant influence on our development of a body image?

Peer influence

-What are some links between poverty and poor health?

People who live in poverty don't have enough money or recourse to go to hospitals or even go to a doctor checkup.

Define social network.

Person you know who can provide social support when needed

Define each of the dimensions of health.

Physical Health - Social Health - Intellectual Health - Emotional Health - Spiritual Health - Environmental Health

What do you eat if you follow a vegan diet?

Plants and fruits.

A _______. ____ drug is defined as having the potential to alter a person's mood or behavior.


In a fitness program, lifting an amount of weight that is moderately greater than what you are accustomed to is an example of _


According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, which type of love combines commitment and intimacy?


-REM sleep is named for which physiological activity that occurs while dreaming?

Rapid Eye Movement

Define "remission."

Reduction or disappearance of a disease

What are the three facets of human spirituality?

Relationships, Values, and Purpose In Life

What is "yo-yo" dieting?

Repeated lost and weight gain

As a treatment for sports and fitness related injures what is the RICE formula?

Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation

What is "drunkorexia?"

Restricting food calories to compensate for the calories consumed from drinking alcohol.

When is the BEST time for a man to perform a testicular self-exam?

Right after a hot bath or shower

Which theory holds that our bodies fight to maintain our weight within a particular narrow range?


What is the sleep disorder in which breathing is interrupted many times during sleep?

Sleep Apnea

What are "social determinants of health?

Social, economic, and physical conditions in the environments in which people live that affect a range of health, functioning, and quality of life outcomes and risks

-How does social support help reduce stress?

Strengthen our existing ties and widen our network

What characteristics are likely to influence your response to stressors?

Stressful situation can influence your response to stressors

Which bacterial STI occurs in stages over a period of years?


Which blood pressure measurement is the upper number that represents the amount of pressure on arterial walls when the heart contracts?

Systolic Pressure

-True or False: A key reason that U.S. divorce rates are declining is that the number of couples who cohabit instead of marrying has Increased


-True or False: A lung disease is any disorder in which lung function is impaired.


-True or False: All U.S. patients have the legal right to access their medical records.


-True or False: Experts predict that more than 1 in ____ Americans will develop diabetes by the year 2050.


-True or False: Having a child is linked to a reduced risk for ovarian cancer.


-True or False: If you smoke, your risk for developing lung cancer depends MOST IMPORTANTLY on the amount you smoke each day.


-True or False: More than half of all deaths due to gun violence in 2020 were suicides.


-True or False: One result of the coronavirus pandemic was an increase in drug abuse that in turn led to an increase in overdose deaths.


-True or False: Polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) is one of the most common causes of female infertility in the U.S.


-True or False: Sexual identity is based on biological sex characteristics, gender identity, and sexual orientation.


-True or False: Smokeless tobacco users are significantly more likely to develop oral cancers than nonusers.


-True or False: Social isolation increases the risks for high blood pressure and poor immune function.


-True or False: The high rate of overweight and obesity among Americans is due to biology, environment, and lifestyle.


-True or False: You should seek expert medical care if you experience unexplained sudden weight loss.


American Indians/Alaska Natives have a higher rate of diabetes than any other U.S. population group. This difference in diabetes rates is an example of a health


True or False: A key reason for the resurgence of measles and mumps infections is a public backlash against vaccinations.


True or False: A person with strong core muscles has a more stable center of gravity and reduced chance of injury.


True or False: An allergic response begins with exposure to an antigen.


True or False: Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem in the US.


True or False: Appetite is more psychological than physiological.


True or False: As romantic relationships evolve, PERSONALITY increases in importance as a relationship factor.


True or False: Central adiposity (fat) is the factor MOST likely to increase an individual's risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


True or False: During the first six months of 2020, while the COVID-19 pandemic spread throughout the United States, rates of rape, burglary, and robbery decreased.


True or False: Exposure to sunlight during the day improves sleep by regulating the sleep-wake cycle.


True or False: Half of all regular smokers die of smoking-related diseases.


True or False: High-fiber diets may help decrease the risk of colon cancer, heart disease and obesity.


True or False: Homicide by a current or former intimate partner is the leading cause of death among pregnant women in the United States.


True or False: Homicides are among the five leading causes of death for persons aged 1 to 44.


True or False: Leaving a diaphragm, tampon, or cervical cap in for an extended period of time increases the risk for toxic shock syndrome.


True or False: Loneliness is a risk factor for depression and substance abuse.


True or False: Many people who engage in compulsive sexual behavior have a history of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.


True or False: Most compulsive gamblers seek a high from the excitement even more than from money.


True or False: Over-the-counter drugs can't be misused.


True or False: People are at increased risk for suicide if they identify as LGBT.


True or False: People who have experienced intense trauma may find them especially challenging to experience.


True or False: People with a physiological dependence on a substance, such as an addictive drug, will experience either tolerance or withdrawal, but not both.


True or False: Predictability is a fundamental element of trust.


True or False: Psychoactive drugs enhance, suppress, or interfere with neurotransmission.


True or False: Regarding women and alcoholism, women get addicted faster with less alcohol use than men.


True or False: Research examining the relationship between substance abuse and violence indicates that alcohol consumption is a major factor in domestic violence at all levels.


True or False: Research has not demonstrated a clear link between exposure to violent media and a propensity to engage in violent acts.


True or False: Self-Disclosure involves sharing feelings and information as a means of getting to know a person.


True or False: Sexual orientation is based on biological, psychological, and socioenvironmental factors.


True or False: Sexually transmitted infection can occur during unprotected oral-genital stimulation.


True or False: Sleep-deprived individuals may be at greater risk of overweight and obesity because sleeping less is associated with eating more.


True or False: Studies have shown a connection between spiritual well-being and both physical and psychological health.


True or False: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends routine circumcision of male newborns.


True or False: The Health at Every Size philosophy contends that self-acceptance, healthy eating, and exercise are more important than BMI.


True or False: The number of U.S. adults electing to remain single is increasing.


True or False: Vaccinations and antibiotics were the key contributors to increased life expectancy in the early 20th century.


In 2020, which U.S. age groups experienced the highest levels of stress?

Teens and Young adults.

-List and define the stages of the cycle of intimate partner violence.

Tension Building, Incident of acute abuse, and Remorse/reconciliation

What act requires institutions of higher education to collect and report data about sexual crimes on their campuses?

The Jeanne Clery Act

-Define the "medical model" of health.

The medical model, in which health status focused primarily on the individual and his or her tissues and organ

What is the body organ that secretes the hormone insulin?

The pancreas

What is the most commonly reported reason that children are bullied in school?

Their body image

What is the PRIMARY reason that regular smokers continue to smoke?

They are addicted to nicotine

What are some reasons that marijuana is administered therapeutically?

To reduce appetite for weight control

What is "sexual prejudice?"

Treating someone unfair due to their gender

-True or False: Consumption of alcohol is the number-one cause of preventable death among U.S. college students.


What type of female sterilization procedure involves tying off or cauterizing certain structures of the reproductive system?

Tubal Ligation

Which type of diabetes develops slowly and occurs when the body either loses its ability to produce enough insulin or cannot respond to the insulin that is available?

Type 2 diabetes

What is gestational diabetes?

Type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy in women who don't have diabetes

A surgical sterilization procedure that involves cutting the vas deferens is a


-What are the vessels that carry blood to the heart?


The common cold is caused by which type of pathogen (viral or bacterial)?

Viral illness

The most serious form of heat-stress illness is

Wild Fire Smoke____

Can chronic sleep deficiencies increase the risk for Type 2 diabetes?


Hepatitis B can lead to _______ cancer.

_ Hepatitis

A person would be diagnosed with obesity if he/she had a body mass index of_______________ or higher.


The process by which an individual's body increases its metabolic rate to compensate for an increased food intake is known as

_Adaptive Thermogenesis____

Giving of oneself out of genuine concern for others is__________________


____ increases the risk for many types of cancer.

_Being overweight or have obesity_

The various methods used to prevent conception are known as


Sleep deprivation related to COVID-19 is referred to as


A cause of infertility in which uterine tissue is implanted outside the uterus and blocks the fallopian tubes is


The lining of the uterus is the


The long-term wear and tear on the body caused by the stress response is


A _________ ___ is a rise in body temperature that occurs in response to invading pathogens.


____________________foods are foods believed to have additional health benefits beyond the basic nutrition they provide.


A ___ ____ is the term used to describe a conception as of the third month of pregnancy.


Young adults (ages 15-24) are most likely to die from


Chewing tobacco can lead to a condition characterized by leathery white patches inside the mouth known as


____________________ involves concentration on a point of focus such as a sound, breath, or attention itself.


The onset of the first menstrual period is called _


The permanent cessation of menstrual periods is called


Stress is a ______ __ and physical response to real or perceived threats to well-being.


__ syndrome" is a cluster of conditions that strongly increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


Carbon ____ _____ diminishes the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells.


_ are the constituents in food that the body requires to function properly.


-A person washing his hands more than 50 times a day because of an ongoing fixation on germs; he might be suffering from


-A person who experiences flashbacks after a violent mugging might be suffering from


-A muscle's ability to perform contractions for a length of time is muscle


The interaction of two or more drugs at the same receptor site in which one blocks the action of the other is called


The external female genitalia are collectively referred to as the


The minimum amount of energy the body uses to maintain vital functions is known as the _______ _________________ rate.

__Basal Metabolic___ _

-The use of force to control and maintain power over another person in the home environment is

__Domestic Violence

A hormone referred to as a "cuddle chemical" that boosts feelings of satisfaction and attachment is


Principles that guide the choices individuals make in their lives are


_________________stress is significant, long-term stress that can produce negative effects on multiple body systems.


Violence that occurs between two people in a current or former marriage or sexual or dating relationship is

___Intimate Partner Violence__

The human heart is about the size of an adult's __


The sac that contains the testes is the

__scrotum_ _________.

The relatively ineffective method of birth control known as coitus interruptus is also called the ____________ __ method.


Individuals who practice extreme food restriction motivated by an intense fear of gaining weight have the eating disorder known. as ___________ nervosa.


One problem with the BMI measurement is that it does not account for varying levels of _____________ mass

_body composition____

Women who use oral contraceptives and also smoke are at a higher risk of blood ___________ __ and hypertension.


The difference between hours of sleep needed and actual hours slept is called sleep


An individual with an eating disorder commonly may also have an _______ _______ disorder.

_depression or anxiety_

Delay in seeking medical care for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) increases the risk of permanent damage and scarring that can lead to

_ectopic pregnancy_

Menstrual flow is actually sloughed-off ______________ ___ lining.


-A rise in a woman's basal body temperature signals that____________________ has occurred.

_fertile days_

-The primary action of insulin is to stimulate cell transport structures to take up ____________ from the bloodstream and carry into the cell.

_glucose and amino acid___

-One of ______________ adult Americans suffer from some type of cardiovascular disease.


Overall, the leading cause of death for Americans is

_heart disease_______________.

"The achievement of the highest level of health possible in each of several dimensions" is the definition of

_high level wellness___________________.

The physiological state in which all body systems are in balance and functioning normally is called


Gender ______ _ is our personal awareness of being masculine or feminine


The most common nutrient deficiency in the world is ____ __________ deficiency.


__ are a unit of measure of the energy obtained from food.

_kilocalories __

An androgynous person has a combination of both traditional____________ and ____________ traits.

_masculine _____ and ___feminine__

Using a drug for a purpose other than that for which it is intended is called drug


-Recent neurological studies have linked body image disorders to poor ________ ________ regulation.


Among American adults, the second most commonly abused type of drug, after marijuana, is

_prescription medication_

-Driving while drowsy is a form of ____. ___ driving.


An individual whose BMI is 42 would be classified as _____ ____ obese.


Children who have experienced sexual abuse are at increased risk for anxiety disorders, depression, and __________. __ attempts.


Having a gender identity that does not match one's biological sex is known as being


-Define carcinogen. Give some examples.

a substance, organism or agent capable of causing cancer

-What are the characteristics of metabolic syndrome?

abdominal obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), hyperglycemia, and hypertension

Cortisol is secreted by the ______________ glands.


-Rape that involves a stranger is classified as _____. _______ rape.


Regarding the ABCDE rule for melanoma, what does each letter stand for?

asymmetry, border, color, diameter and evolving.

What are some warning signs of suicide?

being closed off marks in their body - distant - drug or alcohol abuse - depression

A disease that begins slowly, progresses over a period of time, and is most likely treatable, but not curable is a


Another term for penile-vaginal intercourse is

coitus or copulation

According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, love involves intimacy, passion and


What are the five components of the CERTS Model for Health Sexuality?

consent, equality, respect, trust, and safety.

According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, the most complete, ideal type of love is __ ________ ___ love.


are intense feelings or patterns of feelings that people experience.


The science of _____________ studies how behavioral choices influence our cells' ability to use genes.


Areas of the body that, when touched, lead to sexual arousal are known as


The typical-use failure rate for a contraception method takes into account human

error_ ___.

-What is orthorexia nervosa and what are some symptoms of it?

extremely focused - and often obsessive - over the quality and purity of their food.

_ is a person's ability to reproduce.


-The range of motion that a joint or series of joints can achieve is _


Circumcision is the surgical removal of the


The form of a sugar that is stored in the liver and muscles and broken down when the body requires a burst of energy is


-A key reason that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration declared partially hydrogenated oils unsafe for consumption is that they have been linked to an increased risk for _____ ________ disease.


The ideal cholesterol ratio for an individual would include (high or low) HDL cholesterol and (high or low) LDL cholesterol.

high HDL cholesterol and low) LDL cholesterol.

What is the most common sleep complaint?


Relationships characterized by behavioral interdependence, need fulfillment, emotional attachment, and emotional availability are considered _ ____ relationships.


The last stage of liver disease that can result from years of heavy drinking is _

liver cirrhosis_

A relationship in which the partners are sexually involved only with each other is an _____ ____ relationship.


What are some common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome?

mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue, irritability and depression.

Another name for opioids is

narcotics or painkillers______

Define "risk factor."

negative health outcomes

What are some symptoms of nicotine withdrawal?

nicotine craving - anxiety - insomnia - anger, frustration, and confusion Hunger or increased appetite

The restful, restorative period (stage) of sleep is _______ _____ sleep.


self efficacy

one's sense of competence and effectiveness

-The disruption of ________ ________. __ results in jet lag

our internal biological clock

-Disease-causing agents are called


What is the relationship between sleep and obesity?

people who get too little sleep have a higher risk of weight gain and obesity than people who get seven to eight hours of sleep a night.

Dietary fats that are solid at room temperature are made up mostly of _____ ____ fatty acids.


-Sexual penetration without the victim's consent is considered


The U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges made ___________ _________ marriage legal in all 50 states.

same sex_

The system of tubules atop the testes where sperm reach maturity is the

seminiferous tubules

What are symptoms of bipolar disorder? Panic disorder? Phobia?

severe mood swings, ranging from extreme highs and lows.

Your __________ _. __________is based on biological sex characteristics, gender identity, and sexual orientation.


What are the symptoms of asthma?

shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing

What do the testes manufacture?

sperm and testosterone

Life expectancy in the early 1900s was largely determined by a person's

susceptibility to infectious diseases

emotional intelligence

the ability to perceive, express, understand, and regulate emotions


the ability to understand and share the feelings of another

-The TNM cancer staging system is based on what three characteristics of the patient's disease?

the extent of the tumor (T), extent of spread to the lymph nodes (N), and presence of metastasis (M).

learned helplessness

the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events

-Explain the PLACEBO EFFECT.

the idea that the brain can trick the body to fake a treatment to actually work

The World Health Organization defines violence as _

the intentional use of physical force or power against oneself or another person or group

The main site of alcohol metabolism is the _

the liver

-Define satiety

the sensation that you have had enough to eat; determines the length of time between eating episodes

-Results from an American College Health Association study indicate that most college students feel tired or sleepy _________ or more days a week.


-True or False: Determinants of health are a range of factors in a person's life that influence his or her health status.


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