HOI Exam

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Neco II

(610-595 BCE)


(Armageddon) -A major city guarding/connecting the narrow pass between Egypt & Assyria (symbolic countries in the Hebrew past) -Many great wars have been fought there for control over the pass -The site inspired the 'End Times' battle - the cosmic crossroads


6th King, in the north, builds a capital city, Samaria- he does "evil in the sight of the Lord."


A Babylonian king who conquered Jerusalem,and built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon


A joyous festival in early spring that recalls the Jews' being saved from destruction, as told in the Book of Esther


A king of Judah who destroyed all his father Hezekiah's reforms and persecuted the worshipers of the True God. After many disasters, he repented and turned back to God.

Northern Kingdom

A kingdom formed by the ten northernmost Tribes of Israel.


A priest who led the returned exiles in Jerusalem and gathered together the books of the Old Testament.


A reforming king of Judah who returned the people to the worship of God. During his reign the Book of the Law was found in the Temple, where it might have been hidden during Manasseh's persecutions.

Asherah pole

A tree with carvings to mark her presence


An Assyrian king who told people to bring back writings and collected about 20,000 cuniform tablets were now found form him. Made a huge library in Nineveh


An organized massacre of a particular ethnic group.

Sargon II (722-705 BC)

Assyrian King dispersed israelites

Tiglath-Pileser III

Assyrian leader who reestablihed control over Mesopatamia; led Assyria to height of power; deported Isreal in 722bc.


Capital of Northern Kingdom


City on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt founded by Alexander. It became the capital of the Hellenistic kingdom of Ptolemy. It contained the famous Library and the Museum and was a center for leading scientific and literary figures in the classical and postclassical eras.


Descendants of a mixed population of Israelites who survived the Assyrian deportations and various pagan settlers imported after the northern kingdom fell.

Robert Estienne

Divided chapters into verses


Egyptian king and supporter of Jeroboam. Captured Jerusalem, where he pillaged the temple and royal palace, and carried away Solomon's "shields of gold."


Elijah's devoted disciple, who continued his mentor's mission in Israel


Esther's relative who refused to bow to Haman; helped Esther save the Jews

The Golden Calf Cult

False worship


God will judge the sinful and spare the righteous


God will utterly humble those who proudly oppose His people


God's chosen people


Hebrew prophet mentions 12 minor prophets


High priest who discovered the Book of the Law in the Temple during its renovation under King Josiah


Hosea's son: "God scatters," referring to coming judgment

Babylonian Exile

In 587 BC, the Babylonians pillaged Judah, destroyed the Temple and the city of Jerusalem, and banished the people in chains to serve as slaves in Babylon. The Exile lasted until 539 BC.

Johann Gutenberg

Invented the printing press


Jeremiah's scribe


Jewish house of worship


Jewish leader who led the people home


King of Israel appointed to destroy Ahab's family; had Jezebel thrown down to death

Alexander the Great

King of Macedonia who conquered Greece, Egypt, and Persia


Last king of Judah before Babylon destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in 586 BC


Nebuchadnezzar takes him to Babylon, Jehoiakim's son


One of the four great assyrian kings, destroyed Babylon and built Ninevah


Prophet of social justice




Queen of Persia


Rebuilding the temple

Stephen Langton

Responsible for CHAPTER DIVISIONS in the OT and NT Archbishop of Canterbury


Ruler of Athens who zealously sought to spread Athenian democracy through imperial force


Southern Kingdom

King's Highway

The ancient road running along the Transjordan plateau from the Gulf of Aqabah to Damascus.


The collection of Jewish rabbinic discussion pertaining to law, ethics, and tradition consisting of the Mishnah and the Gemara.


The denial of God and the repudiation of faith


The great prophet who challenged the pagan rulers of Israel. He was taken up to Heaven in a fiery chariot.


The great prophet who guided the reforms of Hezekiah. His prophecies often refer to the coming of the Messiah.


The term for people who lived or were born in ancient Judea.


The weeping prophet


The wicked king of Israel. Led by his Phoenician wife Jezebel, he established the cult of Baal and persecuted the worshipers of the True God.


Threatened Nehemiah's Life, opposed the building of walls.

The Bronze Snake

When God punished the murmurs of the Israelites in the wilderness by sending among them venomous snakes who bit the people and many died. Moses, upon their repentance, was commanded to make a serpent of brass, whose polished surface shone like fire, and to set it up on the banner-pole in the midst of the people; and whoever was bitten by a serpent had but to look up at it and live.


Woman recognized as a prophet who confirmed that the book found in the temple by workers during Josiah's reform was God's word


a blending of beliefs and practices from different religions into one faith


a semi-nomadic and pastoralism people who originated in what is now modern Syria during the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Large groups migrated to Mesopotamia where they intermingled with the native Akkadian (Assyrian and Babylonian) population.

Hezekiah's Tunnel

a water tunnel in Jerusalem, that provides a conduit for water from the Gihon Spring to the Pool of Siloam

Assyrian Empire

ancient Mesopotamian empire 934-609

School of the Prophets

assembled to worship, pray and ask God for wisdom


battle for supremacy between Egypt / Babylon 605

the fate of the ark of the covenant

captured by the philistines

Shalmaneser V

deported the tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel


in power with alex the great


last king of the northern kingdom

Jereboam II

longest reigning king of Israel (786-746 BCE), who brought the northern kingdom to the peak of power.


means "my messenger"

Medes and Persians

migrated from central Asia to Persian before 1000 BCE were Indo-European speakers and shared cultural traits with Aryans challenged the Assyrian and Babylonian empires


one known for wisdom and accurate judgment; from a wise leader in the Old Testament who was able to read the handwriting on the wall


one who brings bad luck; an OT prophet who ran from God and sailed to sea. When a storm arose, he admitted that he was the cause, and the sailors threw him overboard, where he was swallowed by a large fish.




prophet while rebuilding jerusalem, building of walls



High Place

site (often elevated) of a sacred shrine. Called bamah in Hebrew.


skin disease,Nehman


son of Darius; became Persian king. He vowed revenge on the Athenians. He invaded Greece with 180,000 troops in 480 B.C.


the ethnic group claiming descent from Abraham and Isaac (especially from Isaac's son Jacob)


unpaid labor (as for the maintenance of roads) required by a lord of his vassals in lieu of taxes


where the Israelites renew the Covenant, and where Joshua dies

Bethel and Dan

where the two golden calves were, Dan in north

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