Home Inspection Study Guide

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Installing floor trusses wrong-side-up weakens their ability to carry their intended load. .True . False


Water stains along the junction of the basement wall and floor most likely indicates: A leaking water heater A drain tile problem A high water table A faulty downspout or splash block

A drain tile problem

Step cracks above a window in a solid brick wall are most often caused by: A problem with the lintel Foundation settlement Loose brick ties Footing failure

A problem with the lintel

What roof condition might be part of the original design of the roof? A. A hump in the ridge line B. A sagging ridge line C. A sunken area in the roof surface D. Waviness in the roof surface

A. A hump in the ridge line

What is a counter flashing? A. A second layer of flashing that covers a bottom layer of flashing B. A bottom layer of flashing covered by step flashing C. The kind of flashing used at the rake edge of the roof D. A special ridge cover used with tile roofs

A. A second layer of flashing that covers a bottom layer of flashing

What type of roofing would not be appropriate for a roof with a slope of 5/12? A. Built-up roofing B. Wood shakes C. Cement tiles D. Asphalt shingles

A. Built-up roofing

Which gutters, if properly maintained, can be expected to last the longest? A. Copper B. Aluminum C. Plastic D. Wood

A. Copper

Case Study 2: You are inspecting a masonry chimney which is unlined. Masonry and mortar are in good shape on the exterior but the inside is soot covered. In the attic, you notice missing bricks and mortar in the chimney. For case study 2, what, if any, condition would you report as a safety hazard? A. Missing bricks in attic area of chimney B. A soot covered flue C. Unlined flue

A. Missing bricks in attic area of chimney

Finding granules from asphalt shingles in the gutters definitely indicates: A. Roofing has reached its useful lifetime. B. Roofing was improperly installed. C. Roofing has experienced excessive overheating. D. Roofing is showing some wear.

A. Roofing has reached its useful lifetime

Which of a roof's natural enemies can actually degrade organic ingredients in roof coverings? A. The sun B. The wind C. The rain D. Trees

A. The sun

If recommending repairs to a tile roof, the home inspector should warn the customer: A. To find an expert for the job. B. The repairs will be expensive. C. That repairs hardly ever work

A. To find an expert for the job.

Case Study 2: You are inspecting a masonry chimney which is unlined. Masonry and mortar are in good shape on the exterior but the inside is soot covered. In the attic, you notice missing bricks and mortar in the chimney. How would you report the flue in the inspection report? A. Unlined, have cleaned and re-evaluated B. Not evaluated, unlined C. Flue in good condition, not evaluated D. Unlined, in good condition

A. Unlined, have cleaned and re-evaluated

What is ice damming? A. When melting snow refreezes at the eaves trapping water behind it B. The use of a metal claw to hold ice until it melts C. A wire mesh installed over gutters to prevent ice from entering the gutters D. Keeping a roof warm to prohibit ice from forming

A. When melting snow refreezes at the eaves trapping water behind it

Case study 1: You are inspecting an asphalt shingle roof in the winter. Although the north slope of the roof is snow covered, the south side is not. The roofing is 15 years old but shows only normal wear and tear. Valley flashings are tarred. Do you walk on the south side of the roof? A. Yes B. No

A. Yes

When should attic vents be open? At all times All seasons but winter Summer only

At all times

In,the attic area, cracks or missing bricks in the unlined flue should be reported as: A. Not visible. B. A safety hazard. C. Not evaluated. D. Needs cleaning

B. A safety hazard

What is a drywell? A. A well that is no longer used B. A underground cavity that receives water runoff from the roof C. A concrete trough in the ground around the house that receives water runoff from the roof D. An unused underground oil tank

B. A underground cavity that receives water runoff from the roof

Which metal roofing does not need to be painted? A. Terne B. Copper C. Coated steel D. Galvanized steel

B. Copper

Slate and asphalt shingles look very much alikeA. True B. False

B. False

Which statement is true? A. Copper valley flashings should be used with wood shingles. B. Galvanized steel valley flashings should be painted. C. Roll roofing is not suitable for use as flashing. D. An open valley means no flashing is present.

B. Galvanized steel valley flashings should be painted.

Identify the types of roofs marked 1, 2, 3. 4 as shown here: A. Gable, hip, mansard, shed B. Hip, gable, mansard, butterfly C. Hip, gable, mansard, shed

B. Hip, gable, mansard, butterfly

What does 2251b asphalt shingle roofing mean? A. It costs $2.25 per strip B. It weights 225 pounds per 100 square feet C. 225 shingles cover 100 square feet D. It lasts 22.5 years

B. It weights 225 pounds per 100 square feet

Case study 1: You are inspecting an asphalt shingle roof in the winter. Although the north slope of the roof is snow covered, the south side is not. The roofing is 15 years old but shows only normal wear and tear. Valley flashings are tarred.For case study 1, how would you report the condition of the roof? r A. Satisfactory B. Marginal C. Poor

B. Marginal

In the drawing above, what is the style of the roof on the small addition at the left? A. Hip roof B. Shed roof C. Gable roof D. Mansard roof

B. Shed roof

If there are splits in wood shakes directly under the gaps in the course above, the home inspector should look for: A. Loose nails at the splits. B. Softness and rot at the splits. C. Shakes butted too closely at the splits. D. Missing interlayment.

B. Softness and rot at the splits

Which of the following, according to most standards, is not part of the roof inspection? A. Flashings B. Solar systems C. Signs of leaks D. Garage roof

B. Solar systems

Why should an inspector be cautious about walking on a roof over a cathedral ceiling? A. They're usually dangerous because of the slope. B. The plywood sheathing may be delaminated due to poor ventilation.

B. The plywood sheathing may be delaminated due to poor ventilation.

What does a 3/12 slope mean? A. The roof has a 3' run for every 12' of rise B. The roof has a 3' rise for every 12' of run

B. The roof has a 3' rise for every 12' of run

According to the standards of practice, the home inspector is required to inspect attached accessories for: A. Proper installation. B. Their effect on the roofing. C. Their condition. D. Proper functioning

B. Their effect on the roofing

What is the overall objective of the roofing inspection? A. To identify the type of roofing material B. To identify major deficiencies in the roofing system C. To determine the slope of the roof D. To describe the material used as flashings

B. To identify major deficiencies in the roofing system

Roll roofing has the same materials as: A. Asbestos cement shingles B. Concrete tile C. Asphalt shingles D. Terne roofing

C. Asphalt shingles

Which condition might need to be reported as a safety hazard in your inspection report? A. Clogged weep holes in brick veneer wall B. Spalling brick C. Brick veneer detached from wall D. A rusted lintel over a window

C. Brick veneer detached from wall

What defects should be reported for the chimney shown in Photo #26 in the photo guide? A. Chimney cap should be extended over bricks, chimney cap is cracked, step flashing should not be used here B. Chimney cap is cracked, loose and missing brick, step flashing should not be used here C. Chimney cap should be extended over bricks, chimney cap is cracked, there are loose and missing bricks D. There are loose and missing bricks, chimney cap is cracked, step flashing should not be used

C. Chimney cap should be extended over bricks, chimney cap is cracked, there are loose and missing bricks

What is the item noted in the chimney drawing below? A. Parapet. B. Chimney chase C. Cricket D. Dormer

C. Cricket

What type of roof has a double slope on each side, where the bottommost slope is the steepest? A. Butterfly roof B. Gable roof . C. Gambrel roof D. Hip roof

C. Gambrel roof

Darkened or blackened wood shingles is an indication of: A. Wood rot B. Moss C. Mildew D. Water penetration

C. Mildew

Case study 1: You are inspecting an asphalt shingle roof in the winter. Although the north slope of the roof is snow covered, the south side is not. The roofing is 15 years old but shows only normal wear and tear. Valley flashings are tarred For case study 1, what do you report roof visibility in your inspection report. A. All B. None C. Percent 50% Limited by snow

C. Percent 50% Limited by snow

Case Study: You are inspecting a 2-car garage attached to the house at its east wall, where drywall is present. The brick veneer siding shows step cracks on adjacent walls at the northwest corner of the garage. Inside the garage, there is an offset crack in the concrete floor at that same corner. The ceiling joists are sagging where some lumber is stored. A patio abutting the south wall of the garage is tilted toward the garage. Upon testing, the vehicle door won't reverse when you put a block of wood under it. For the case study, what suggestion should be made to the customer? A. Replace veneer at northwest corner. B. Patch the offset crack. C. Remove the lumber stored in the ceiling. D. Tell the kids to stay away out of the garage.

C. Remove the lumber stored in the ceiling.

If there are offset cracks in a concrete patio, the home inspector should: A. Offer to come back and repair the cracks B. Suggest a structural engineer be called in to examine the cracks C. Report the cracks as a trip hazard D. Suggest outdoor carpeting to cover fibe cracks

C. Report the cracks as a trip hazard

Assuming the following roofing is in good condition, which could be walked on? A. Asbestos cement shingles B. Clay tiles C. Roll roofing D. Slate shingles

C. Roll roofing

Which roof covering most likely has the shortest lifetime? A. Cement tiles B. Metal roofing C. Roll roofing D. Single ply membrane

C. Roll roofing

In Photo #22, what condition should be reported? A. Drip edge flashing is missing. B. Roll roofing is not proper for this roof. C. Roll roofing should cover the drip edge.

C. Roll roofing should cover the drip edge.

. How might rafter spread be noticed from the exterior of the home? A. A hump-in the ridge line B. Waviness over the roof surface C. Separation of the soffits from the wall D. A sunken area on the roof

C. Separation of the soffits from the wall

The inspector finding tar used on a single ply rubber membrane roof should: A. Check to see if the tar seal is working. B. Check to see if the membrane is still securely fastened to the roof. C. Tell the customer tar should not be used with rubber roofing. D. Recommend the inspector come back to remove the tar.

C. Tell the customer tar should not be used with rubber roofing.

What does it mean if a chimney is unlined? A. There is no chimney cap covering the top of the chimney chase. B. There is no chimney chase present. C. The chimney chase itself serves as the flue. D. The chimney

C. The chimney chase itself serves as the flue.

Reporting the condition of the roof covering to be marginal means: A. The roof should be replaced now. B. The roof should be repaired now. C. The roof should be replaced within 5 years. D. The roof will reach its normal lifetime.

C. The roof should be replaced within 5 years.

Identify the roof components marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as shown here: A. Dormer, ridge, flue, crown, chase B. Valley, ridge, chase, crown, flue C. Valley, ridge, flue, crown, chase

C. Valley, ridge, flue, crown, chase

What condition should be reported as a major defect hi the roof structure? Loose gusset plates in the trusses Truss uplift Cracked rafters and delaminated sheathing . Waviness in the roof surface

Cracked rafters and delaminated sheathing

What is truss uplift? A. Where the roof load pushes the rafters upward B. Trusses at too wide a span C. Trusses that have had chords cut D. A bowing upward of the truss's bottom chord

D. A bowing upward of the truss's bottom chord

What is a sign of low quality slates? A. The presence of moss on them B. Brittleness C. Slipped shingles D. A ribbon of color in the slate

D. A ribbon of color in the slate

The home inspector is NOT required to report: A. Approximate age of the roof covering B. Number of layers of the roof covering C. The cost of replacing the roof covering D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The passage door between the house and garage should: A. Not have a window. B. Be fire rated. C. Be more than 4" above the garage floor. D. All of the above

D. All of the above

When inspecting roof structure from the exterior, the home inspector should: A. Make a complete tour around the house to view the roof from the ground. B. Eye the ridge lines from the ground. C. Look for distortions in the planes of the roof. D. All of the above.

D. All of the above.

Which statement is false? A. Some downspouts may go into the ground. B. Some houses may have been designed to work without gutters. C. Galvanized steel gutters should be painted D. Aluminum gutters should be inspected for rust.

D. Aluminum gutters should be inspected for rust

Which is the steepest roof? A. One with a 2/12 slope B. One with a 3/12 slope C. One with a 4/12 slope D. One with a 6/12 slope

D. One with a 6/12 slope

Given the type of roof shown in the drawing below, what elements contribute to protecting against water penetration? A. Splash block, parapet cap, slight slope to roof B. Tight connection in the downspouts, parapet cap, splash block C. Splash block, parapet cap, roofing in good condition D. Parapet cap, flashing between parapet wall and roof, roofing in good condition

D. Parapet cap, flashing between parapet wall and roof, roofing in good condition

Which siding becomes brittle in cold weather. A. Aluminum B. Steel C. Stucco D. Vinyl

D. Vinyl

Which statement about wood shingles is false? A. Wood shingles should be installed over solid or spaced planked sheathing. B. Wood shingles should be laid 1/4" to 3/8" apart. C. Wood shingles should be staggered. D. Wood shingles should be installed with an interlayment of felt between each course.

D. Wood shingles should be installed with an interlayment of felt between each course.

A member of a floor truss can be cut or removed only within 2' of the end of the truss. True False


An end notch cut into a beam where it rests on the foundation may be up to 1/2 the depth of the beam. True False


The home inspector should encourage the customer to: Follow along while the inspection is performed. Save their questions until after the inspection. Not purchase the house if a major defect is found.

Follow along while the inspection is performed.

Identify the members of the truss marked as B and C, in the drawing below. Web, top chord, gusset plate Top chord, web, bottom chord Gusset plate, top chord, web

Gusset plate, top chord, web

What type of roof truss is presented in the drawing above? Fink truss •' Howe truss Scissors truss

Howe truss

Identify the window components marked as A,B,C,D, in the drawing below: A. Upper sash, casing, sill, lower sash B. Casing, upper sash, lower sash, sill C. Casing, sill, upper sash, lower sash

Identify the window components marked as A,B,C,D, in the drawing below: A. Upper sash, casing, sill, lower sash B. Casing, upper sash, lower sash, sill C. Casing, sill, upper sash, lower sash

What purpose does a Palmer valve serve? It allows the homeowner to turn on the sump pump manually. It provides a turnoff for an underground oil tank. It allows water to flow from the sump pump away from the house. It allows water to flow from the drain tile system into the sewer.

It allows water to flow from the drain tile system into the sewer.

The wall framing method shown in the drawing above is an example of: Balloon framing Platform framing

Platform framing

Case Study: You are inspecting the basement of a new home. Photo #20 shows the condition of the west foundation wall. A^-' diagonal crack in the middle of the wall runs down to the footing and meets a vertical crack in the northwest corner. The crack is offset 3" and is pushing against the gas pipe at the top of the wall. The east wall is paneled. The south wall has random surface cracking. When you try the sump pump, you find it won't operate even when you pull up the lever. How do you identify the foundation in the inspection report? Poured concrete Block Stone Wood . Brick

Poured concrete

Which action is required by most standards of practice? Required to enter underfloor crawl spaces and attic spaces if the property has them. Required to probe structural components where deterioration is suspected. Required to report signs of repair work on the property. Required to report cracks in the foundation only if they are active cracks.

Required to probe structural components where deterioration is suspected.

Identify the framing members of the roof structure marked A, B, C and D, shown below. Ridge board, rafter, kneewall, collar tie Rafter, ridge board, collar tie, top plate Ceiling joist, ridge board, collar tie, kneewall Ridge board, rafter, collar tie, kneewall

Ridge board, rafter, collar tie, kneewall

In balloon framing construction, the wall studs rest directly on the: Foundation Sill Ledger


For which condition should the customer be advised to monitor the foundation wall? Cracks less than 1/4" wide showing little or no movement i Step cracks indicating foundation settlement Excessive bowing of the wall with no cracks All active cracks

Step cracks indicating foundation settlement

At what temperature should the unfinished attic be kept? Colder than outdoors Warmer than the house The same as the house The same as outdoors

The same as outdoors

Why is it important to report storage areas in the basement? To let the customer know the home inspector isn't snooping. To let the customer know that storage areas are available. To let the customer know that defects cannot be found in areas not visible. To let the customer know the homeowners are hiding defects behind the storage area.

To let the customer know that defects cannot be found in areas not visible.

Why should a dirt floor in a crawl space be covered? . To prevent dust from entering the ducts and piping in the crawl space V To prevent moisture from the soil being released into the crawl space To insulate the house above from cold released from the soil

To prevent moisture from the soil being released into the crawl space

Notches cut in the top of a joist may not be cut in the middle 1/3 length of the joist. True False


Insulation in the attic should be installed: With the moisture deterrent layer toward the attic space. With the moisture deterrent layer toward the heated portion of the house. Either way.

With the moisture deterrent layer toward the heated portion of the house.

In platform framing construction the wall studs rest directly on the: Sill Header Sole plate

\ Sole plate

Which of the following is generally not a structural part of the roof framework? Scissors truss Collar ties ridge board rafters

ridge board

What is the definition of a porch? A. A roofed extension of the house B. An independent platform attached to the house C. An above-ground platform protruding from the house D. A flat, paved area abutting the house

A. A roofed extension of the house

If there is a concrete block wall between the house and garage, there should be: A. A vapor" barrier on the house side of the wall. B. A vapor barrier on the garage side of the wall. C. Drywall on the garage side of the wall. D. A stucco finish on garage side of the wall.

A. A vapor" barrier on the house side of the wall.

When inspecting garage structure, the home inspector should look for: A. Cracked, rotted, or cut framing members B. Warping, twisted, or sagging framing members C. Delamination of sheathing D. All of the above

A. A vapor" barrier on the house side of the wall.

When the solvent in paint evaporates too quickly, what can be the result? A. Alligatoring B. Chalking C. Crazing

A. Alligatoring

What is not an example of wall sheathing? A. Building paper B. Tongue and groove planking C. Plywood D. Fibrous sheets

A. Building Paper

Twisted aluminum siding on the garage may be an indication of: A. Expansion and contraction B. Missing J channels C. Structural problems with the garage

A. Expansion and contraction

Case Study: You are inspecting a 2-car garage attached to the house at its east wall, where drywall is present. The brick veneer siding shows step cracks on adjacent walls at the northwest corner of the garage. Inside the garage, there is an offset crack in the concrete floor at that same corner. The ceiling joists are sagging where some lumber is stored. A patio abutting the south wall of the garage is tilted toward the garage. Upon testing, the vehicle door won't reverse when you put a block of wood under it. For the case study, what would you suspect is happening at the northwest corner? A. Foundation settlement or footing failure B. Veneer detached from walls C. Rafter spread D. Concrete slab not thick enough

A. Foundation settlement or footing failure

48. Why should a home inspector record the weather conditions on the day of the inspection in the inspection report? A. If snow covered, to explain why the roof wasn't inspected B. If raining, to explain why the exterior inspection was not performed C. If dry, to explain why the trim wasn't inspected for leaking D. If very hot, to explain why doors to an air conditioned home weren't operated

A. If snow covered, to explain why the roof wasn't inspected

What can be the cause of driveway pitting? A. Poor quality of materials B. Tree roots C. Uneven soil settlement D. Stones moving to the surface

A. Poor quality of materials

Window wells might be recommended if: A. Reverse grading is corrected leaving the basement window below grade. B. Any basement window doesn't have one. C. The basement window is leaking. D. Shrubbery is too close to the house.

A. Reverse grading is corrected leaving the basement window below grade.

What is the difference between wood shingles and wood shakes? A. Shingles are sawn; shakes are handsplit. B. Shingles are bigger. C. Shakes have to be double coursed; shingles don't. D. Shingles have to be painted; shakes don't.

A. Shingles are sawn; shakes are handsplit.

The home inspector should check overlaps where aluminum planks meet lengthwise to be sure: A. They're big enough to prevent water penetration. B. That flashing is present. C. They're not rusting.

A. They're big enough to prevent water penetration.

Even if garage trim is the same material as that on the house, it should be inspected. A. True B. False

A. True

What would riot be a cause of bulging or leaning in exterior masonry walls? Deterioration of the mortar Warping or expanding joists Rafter spread A. rusting lintel

A. rusting lintel

What may happen to the floor as a result of a load-bearing wall being offset from the supporting beam below it? \ The joists supporting the wall may be deflected. \ low spot may appear in the floor along the wall. . A ridge may appear above the beam. ). All of the above.

All of the above.

What is the proper grading for land around the foundation? A. l"per foot for 5" or 6" B. 1" per foot for 5'or 6' C. 5" per foot for 1'or 2' D. 5" per foot for 5'or 6'

B. 1" per foot for 5'or 6'

What is an acceptable height of risers, according to most building codes? A. About 1" 4 B. 7"to 8" C. 9"to 11" D. Any height is allowed.

B. 7"to 8"

What would not be a cause of a slider door rubbing during operation? A. Worn tracks and bearings B. A leaking seal in the window C. A sagging lintel above the door D. Distortions of the door frame

B. A leaking seal in the window

Which type of siding has the least ability to hold paint over long periods? A. Stucco B. Composition board C. Aluminum D. Plywood

B. Composition board

When should a retaining wall be inspected? A. If bo wing is noticed B. If it is holding back soil near the house or garage C. If there's evidence of water flowing through the wall D. Every retaining wall should be inspected.

B. If it is holding back soil near the house or garage

During the exterior inspection, the home inspector should: A. Inspect soil conditions. B. Inspect vegetation near the foundation. C. Inspect recreational facilities. D. Inspect for safety glazing

B. Inspect vegetation near the foundation.

Cupping and checking in wood plank siding is a sign of: A. Improper nailing B. Moisture retention C. Movement of the frame D. Crooked wall studs

B. Moisture retention

If a wall is moisture impermeable that means: A. Moisture is allowed to pass through the wall. B. Moisture will be trapped in the wall. C. Flashings are missing under the siding. D. The wall has insulation in it.

B. Moisture will be trapped in the wall.

What is the proper pitch for a patio? A. Perfectly flat B. Pitched away from the house C. Pitched toward the house D. It doesn't matter what the pitch is.

B. Pitched away from the house

Identify the stair components marked A,B,C,D, as shown in the drawing below: A. Tread, riser, run, stringer B. Riser, tread, nosing, stringer C. Riser, tread, run, stringer

B. Riser, tread, nosing, stringer

If tapping on a stucco wall causes a dull thud noise, the home inspector should suspect: A. Foundation settlement B. Stucco detachment

B. Stucco detachment

What is the fascia board? A. The portion of the roof that extends beyond the wall B. The flat trim board fastened to the outer edge of the roof rafters. C. The underside of the eave D. The lowest course in wood siding

B. The flat trim board fastened to the outer edge of the roof rafters.

Which of the following statements is false? A. The home inspector should probe porch ceilings and fascias for wood rot. B. The home inspector should not inspect the porch. C. The home inspector should report missing railings on a porch over 2' from the ground. D. The home inspector should report a porch floor that tilts away from the house as a defect.

B. The home inspector should not inspect the porch.

Why should deck floor boards be laid with space between them? A. To prevent cupping and checking B. To allow water to evaporate at the seams C. To eliminate the need for staining D. To provide water resistance

B. To allow water to evaporate at the seams

In which type of framing does the subfloor go only to the inner edge of the wall stud? Balloon framing Platform framing

Balloon framing

When talking to the customer, the home inspector should: A. Make sure the customer understands the chemistry of paint. B. Only report good things about the house. C. Be sensitive to the customer's level of understanding. D. Make uneducated suggestions about repairs.

C. Be sensitive to the customer's level of understanding.

Identify the components marked A,B,C, in the wood retaining wall shown in the drawing below: A. Anchor rebar, deadman, spikes B. Gravel fill, deadman, spikes C. Gravel fill, spikes, deadman

C. Gravel fill, spikes, deadman

The home owner can use bleach to test for: A. Rust stains on paint B. Chalking paint C. Mildew on paint D. Crazing paint

C. Mildew on paint

Which action is required by most standards of practice? A. Required to operate all windows on the home. B. Required to report whether the garage door remote control transmitter is working. C. Required to report whether the garage door operator will automatically reverse or stop when meeting resistance. D. Required to inspect all outbuildings.

C. Required to report whether the garage door operator will automatically reverse or stop when meeting resistance.

Case Study: You are inspecting a 2-car garage attached to the house at its east wall, where drywall is present. The brick veneer siding shows step cracks on adjacent walls at the northwest corner of the garage. Inside the garage, there is an offset crack in the concrete floor at that same corner. The ceiling joists are sagging where some lumber is stored. A patio abutting the south wall of the garage is tilted toward the garage. Upon testing, the vehicle door won't reverse when you put a block of wood under it. What, if any, condition would you report as a safety hazard in your inspection report? A. Firewall missing B. Step cracks in siding C. Safety reverse on door not operating D. None of the above

C. Safety reverse on door not operating

Which statement is true? A. Deck support posts can have their feet buried if the wood is pressure treated. B; A deck is built on the home's foundation. C. The home inspector should inspect the deck from underneath if possible. •D. A deck is usually not fastened to the house.

C. The home inspector should inspect the deck from underneath if possible.

Case Study: You are inspecting a 2-car garage attached to the house at its east wall, where drywall is present. The brick veneer siding shows step cracks on adjacent walls at the northwest corner of the garage. Inside the garage, there is an offset crack in the concrete floor at that same corner. The ceiling joists are sagging where some lumber is stored. A patio abutting the south wall of the garage is tilted toward the garage. Upon testing, the vehicle door won't reverse when you put a block of wood under it. For the case study, what should be inspected carefully based on the pitch of the patio abutting the garage at the south wall? A. The fascia boards on that wall B. Bracing of studs in that wall C. The sill along that wall

C. The sill along that wall

What is the main objective of the inspection of exterior components of a property? A. To identify major deficiencies on the exterior B. To report exterior safety hazards C. To describe materials used on the exterior D. To determine the pitch of the grading

C. To describe materials used on the exterior

What is clapboard siding? A. Wood planks laid vertical with battens B. Wood planks laid vertical with scarfed joints C. Wood planks laid horizontally and overlapped D. Wood planks laid horizontally in shiplap style

C. Wood planks laid horizontally and overlapped

When inspecting garage structure, the home inspector should look for: A. Cracked, rotted, or cut framing members B. Warping, twisted, or sagging framing members C. Delamination of sheathing D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Nails that don't grip in vertical plank siding may be caused by: A. Deteriorating paint or finish stain. B. Nails that are too long. C. The absence of wall sheathing. D. An improper nailing base.

D. An improper nailing base.

What is usually the cause of a balcony that tilts downward when weight is applied? A. Rotted flooring members B. Loose railings C. Missing balusters D. Cantilevered joists that can't carry the load

D. Cantilevered joists that can't carry the load

When performing an exterior inspection, which of the following would you list as a safety hazard in your Inspection report? A. Rotted soffit, mildew on paint surfaces, flammable insulation in garage B. Corroded metal grills at window wells C. Negative grade, rotted soffits, rotting boards on porch Starrs D. Missing railing on deck 4' above ground and rotted boards on porch stairs

D. Missing railing on deck 4' above ground and rotted boards on porch stairs

Which action is required by most standards of practice? A. Required to walk on the roofing at every inspection. B. Required to observe attached accessories such as lightning arrestors and antennae. C. Required to inspect underground piping connected to downspouts. D. Required to report the methods used to observe the roofing.

D. Required to report the methods used to observe the roofing.

On which type of exterior wall structure would you definitely not find wall sheathing? A. Newer platform frame homes B. Older platform frame homes C. Balloon frame homes D. Solid masonry homes

D. Solid masonry homes

What is glazing? A. A gas such as Argon between lights B. A sticky plastic inner layer between lights to hold pieces of glass if the window breaks C. The putty or compound used to hold glass in the sash D. The window pane itself

D. The window pane itself

Which of the following, according to most standards, must be inspected in the exterior inspection? A. Storm windows B. Garden sheds C. Awnings D. Wall cladding

D. Wall cladding

Which of the conditions can be caused by poor ventilation in a crawl space? Deterioration of framing members Cracks in the foundation wall An uneven crawl space floor Water penetration in the foundation wall

Deterioration of framing members

Which of the following is a sign of water penetration through the foundation wall? A rotted girder or joist Efflorescence on the wall Water stains around the floor drain Delamination of the subfloor

Efflorescence on the wall

Identify the components marked A,B,D,H, in this construction drawing below. Sill, stud, top plate, sole plate Header, bracing, top plate, sill Header, bracing, sole plate, sub floor

Header, bracing, top plate, sill

For which type of foundation cracking should a structural engineer be recommended? Cracks of any width All active and inactive cracks Shrinkage cracks Horizontal cracks with movement

Horizontal cracks with movement

which of the following is not part of the structural inspection? Foundation walls Roof framing members Interior finish materials . Girders and floor joists

Interior finish materials

Which can cause a floor to be bouncy? . A downstairs partition built parallel to the joists . A partition built between the joists Shrinkage of the outer wall Lack of proper bridging in the joists

Lack of proper bridging in the joists

What should be suspected if a brick veneer wall has a bow to it? Loose brick ties Blocked weep holes Spalling ,. Loose header rows

Loose brick ties

At which communication step should the home inspector be particularly careful about not making any uneducated guesses? Telling what is being inspected Telling what is being looked for Telling what is being done Telling what is being found Making suggestions about dealing with the findings

Making suggestions about dealing with the findings

Where should insulation in an unfinished attic be laid? Between the rafters Behind the knee wall On the floor Over the collar ties

On the floor

Which construction method is common in barns and churches? Balloon framing Platform framing Post and beam construction

Post and beam construction

Vertical cracks in the foundation wall extend- ing down to the footings can be caused by: Soil pressure against the wall Improper backfilling Settlement of the structure Overloading the lintel

Settlement of the structure

"What sign indicates that a foundation crack is still active? Random cracking over the wall's surface Deteriorating mortar in the wail A pilaster constructed to support the wall Sharp edges to the crack

Sharp edges to the crack

Case Study: You are inspecting the basement of a new home. Photo #20 shows the condition of the west foundation wall. A^-' diagonal crack in the middle of the wall runs down to the footing and meets a vertical crack in the northwest corner. The crack is offset 3" and is pushing against the gas pipe at the top of the wall. The east wall is paneled. The south wall has random surface cracking. When you try the sump pump, you find it won't operate even when you pull up the lever. For the case study, which wall if any would you report as not visible? The north wall The south wall The east wall The west wall

The east wall

Which statement is false? The home inspector is not required to enter the attic if access is obstructed. The home inspector is not required to enter the attic if entry will damage property. The home inspector is not required to enter the attic if dangerous conditions are suspected. The home inspector is not required to report the methods used to observe the attic.

The home inspector is not required to report the methods used to observe the attic.

Perimeter vents in a crawl space should be: Closed at all times. Open in winter and summer, closed in spring and fall. ) Open in spring and fall, closed in winter and summer. . There is little agreement about when to keep vents open or closed.

There is little agreement about when to keep vents open or closed.

What is the overall purpose of the structural inspection? To report signs of water penetration To check for code compliance To recommend inspection by a structural engineer To identify major structural deficiencies

To identify major structural deficiencies

What is the function of a knee wall in an attic? To support the roof sheathing '• To prevent the roof rafters from sagging To prevent the roof rafters from spreading , To provide a surface for attaching insulation

To prevent the roof rafters from sagging

What condition in the attic can cause plywood roof sheathing to delaminate? Too heavy live load on the roof Too much moisture in the attic No H-clips connecting the sheathing Warping and buckling

Too much moisture in the attic

When inspecting ledger strips in the basement ceiling structure, the home inspector should: Be sure gusset plates are in place and not rusting. Check their connection to support columns for crushing. Watch out for nails pulling out and for sagging and cracking. Look for cracked joists at the tenons.

Watch out for nails pulling out and for sagging and cracking.

Case Study: You are inspecting the basement of a new home. Photo #20 shows the condition of the west foundation wall. A^-' diagonal crack in the middle of the wall runs down to the footing and meets a vertical crack in the northwest corner. The crack is offset 3" and is pushing against the gas pipe at the top of the wall. The east wall is paneled. The south wall has random surface cracking. When you try the sump pump, you find it won't operate even when you pull up the lever. For the case study, how would you report basement moisture (refer to Photo #20)? Water stains are normal Water stains at wall and floor need to be further evaluated to determine the cause Do not report them Have concrete floor removed to determine the cause

Water stains at wall and floor need to be further evaluated to determine the cause

What type of roof truss is used in vaulted or cathedral ceiling structures? Fink truss Howe truss Scissors truss

scissors truss

The source of most of the water leaking into basements can be attributed to: • Surface water Ground water

• Surface water

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