Honors US History 1 Lewis and Clark/Louisiana Purchase Quiz

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Collecting and cataloging new plant and animal species

Monroe agrees, he brings this deal known as the Louisiana purchase treaty back home to Jefferson, in doing so he puts Jefferson in a very unique constitutional predicament.

Did Monroe agree to the Louisiana Purchase agreement?

They knew which fork to take because the Hidastas had told them to look for waterfalls, this meant that they were still on the right river and heading in the right direction to get to the source of it. They often used the natives as wealths of information and without them they wouldn't have been able to get through this journey,They were very helpful all throughout. If they mistakened the stream they would be discouraged and they wouldn't be able to keep exploring this season.

10. In June of 1805 they resumed their travels. They continued westward on the Missouri River until they reached a fork. How did they know which fork to take?

It was important for the expedition to find the Shoshone Indians because they needed to obtain their horses before the cold weather set in. They couldn't travel on water during the winter so they needed these horses from the natives to continue on.

11. Why was it important for the expedition to find the Shoshone Indians?

Sacagawea recognized places from her youth to guide them to the Shoshone, but they remained elusive. Lewis went out with a scouting party to find them, they needed them in order to succeed. Clark and the other men went on planning to reunite once the shoshone was found. When negotiating, Sacagew recognized her brother who became the chief of the shoshone. They were very lucky and they got their horses.

12. Who did Sacagawea recognize when negotiating with the Shoshone?

Lewis and Clark were surprised about how long the mountain range was and how tall it was. They were also surprised with the hazardous weather conditions and how there were no game on these mountains to feed their men. It was much more dangerous and difficult to survive than they expected. There were high mountains in every direction, as far as they could see, they suffered due to cold, hunger, and fatigue. It was treacherous, they didn't expect the mountain to be that bad.

13. What surprised Lewis & Clark about the mountains they encountered?


14. When they finally emerged from the mountains, they met and stayed with the Nez Perce Indians. During this stay they recuperated and built dugout canoes. Now they were traveling ______ (UPSTREAM or DOWNSTREAM) on the Columbia River.

They decided where to stay by voting on the location of a winter campsite. They took everyone's opinion and went by a majority rules voting system to figure out where they should settle for the winter before continuing on with their journey and eventually returning home.

15. After 1 and 1/2 years they finally reached the Pacific Ocean. They were forced to spend their 2nd winter away from home. How did they decide where to stay?

The weather at Fort Clatsop was there were only 12 days without rain the whole time they stayed there. It was constantly raining and they were homesick, they just wanted to see their loved ones after a long journey and a successful one.

16. What was the weather like at Fort Clatsop?

The important development that changed the size and shape of the United States and made their journey more important was the Louisiana Purchase. This was when Thomas Jefferson purchased the entire Louisiana Territory for $15 million from Napoleon. Jefferson wanted to make sure this investment was worth it so he sent Lewis and Clark to explore it.

3. Before the expedition got under way in 1804, what important development changed the shape and size of the United States and made Lewis & Clark's journey even more important?

The main mission of the expedition was to explore the Missouri River and find the Northwest Passage. JEfferson wanted to open this area up to settlers, but before they could do that they had to figure out what was over there and the danger that could arise from it. The Northwest Passage was the sea route between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

4. What was the main mission of the expedition?

Jefferon's instructions about how to deal with Native Americans was to be friendly with them. He didn't want any animosity between the Americans and the natives, they were to create peace and prevent any sort of conflict so they could continue to pass through without interventions of the US government or help from anyone else. They didn't want to get caught in a war.

7. What were President Jefferson's instructions to Lewis & Clark about how to deal with the Native Americans?

Lewis and Clark told them that their land was owned by the US government, but they meant no harm and would be peaceful as long as they were peaceful. THey wanted to be cordial with them and remain the precedent of peace with natives that Washington set to prevent any further problems. They would also give them medals and small gifts to get on their good side.

8. What message from President Jefferson did Lewis and Clark give each of the tribes they met?

One arrangement they made during the winter that was critical for their eventual success was Lewis packed the specimens he was finding throughout the trip to bring back to Jefferson and explain the local flora and fauna of the land. Clark was also making detailed maps during this time so they could navigate the land better and make their lives easier once they would be able to get back out on their journey again. Another arrangement could be them deciding to take Sacagawea along with them who served as a translator, although this isn't physical preparation she was very helpful all throughout the journey.

9. Lewis and Clark spent their first winter with the Mandan and Hidatsa Indians. During their 5-month stay, they spent their time preparing for the journey ahead. Describe the one arrangement they made during the winter that proved critical to their eventual success.

William Clark

A skilled mapmaker and outdoorsman chosen to explore the Louisiana Territory

Meriwether Lewis

Army captain appointed by President Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Territory and lands west to the Pacific Ocean

Napoleon's great loss came with Russia, almost a decade before Napoleon lost in RUssia he was losing to another enemy. This is known as the Haitian Revolution.

Before Napoleon loses to Russia what occurs?

Jefferson goes to congress and says that when he looks at the constitution there's a necessary and proper clause for the presidency, and that's what he did. He thought it was for the good of the country so he acted without the permission of congress

How did Jefferson claim that he didn't violate the constiution with the Louisiana Purchase?

They made a deal with Napoleon without asking COngress for permission, Jefferson Was in violation of the constitution here.

How did Jefferson violate the constitution through the Louisiana Purchase?

They traveled a total of 8000 miles.

How far had they traveled? (Total miles)

It took them 6 months, to return back home to St. Louis. Most had assumed they were dead because the trip took so long.

How long did it take them to return to St. Louis?

They had been gone for 2.5 years.

How long had they been gone?

. Congress appropriates 10 million dollars for the acquisition. They put money aside for the president to use. This reaffirms Congress' power of the purse and a great example of checks and balances

How much money did COngress give Jefferson, what did this exemplify?

Thomas Jefferson, West, Missiouri

In 1802, President ____ _____(of the US) commissioned an exploration to go through the interior of North America to the _____ Ocean. To begin with, they were to follow the ____ River to its source.

They followed the Missouri River along this journey. They brought along men who could work well along the rivers and had experience, they also had to sacrifice years of their life to this journey.

In May of 1804, the expedition departed from St. Louis. What river did they follow?

No one knew there was value in western America, we didn't know about this territory, all the value at that time was in New Orleans, no one could have predicted what we did in that territory and settle it like we did.

Is the lousiiana territory unknown?



Napoleon comes back to Monroe and says he wouldn't do it, he wouldn't sell New Orleans for ten. He said he would sell the whole Louisiana territory for 15 million dollars

WHat's Napoleon's counter offer to the Americans buing New Orleans?

Prior to Napoleon becoming emperor, France controlled santo domingo. This is modern day Haiti and Dominican Republic. At the present time santo domingo is a french territory that Napoleon has ambitions for,

What area did France control before Napoleon became emperor?

The challenges the river posed to the group was the back breaking work of moving on to gear up the river against the full flood of the Missouri River. There were many obstacles and their ships or equipment often broke the boat. THere were also many storms almost breaking the boat. Another challenge the river journey posed to the group was they could potentially come across other ships and cause issues with them if they weren't careful. They had to tread lightly in this new territory. The river was also full of creatures they weren't used to and didn;t know about which posed another challenge. They also had it navigated along with native Americans and not causing any problems with them. They had to be peaceful with them and make sure they respected their land. The river was powerful and unpredictable.

What challenges did the river journey pose to the group? (At least 2)

Jefferson tells congress his plan before Monroe leaves, they appropriate money. Jefferson as president can't have money, he had to ask congress for money because they control the purse

What did Jefferson ask COngress for before Monroe left for France?

So he puts together the greatest expedition fo American history, it was the core of discovery

What did Jefferson do to make this purchase worth it?

Monroe works in the Jefferson administration, Jefferson asks Monroe to lead a delegation to France where he can sit down with Napoleon and buy New Orleans

What did Jefferson want Monroe to do?

Monroe, who represents Jefferson, spent 5 million dollars more than congress gave him. Monroe who represents Jefferson signs the treaty

What did Monroe do while he was representing Jefferson?

It starts with the transformation of power in Europe. In 1799 Napoleon overthrew the directory. The directory was the government that we dealt with during the XYZ affair, it was the ruling government of france for 5 years. Napoleon now is the main power broker of french politics, originally napoleon after he overthrew the directory was known as the consultant.

What did Napoleon do in 1799?

Jefferson goes against his own constitutional interpretation and tells Congress to ~deal with it~

What does Jefferson tell Congress about him violating the constiution?

Before Monroe Leaves, JEfferson says to Monroe that he got 10 million dollars but he didn't have to use it all, they can't go above that number.

What does Jefferson tell Monroe about the money he got?

In 1802/803 Haiti revolted Against Napoleon to the point that he lost.

What happened in 1802/3?

Napoleon was sharing power with other elected officials; he wasn't running France; he was part of the government of France. However, by 1804 they decided enough was enough. He became emperor

What happened in 1804 with Napoleon?

Marbury v. Madison, Jefferson is schooled about constitutional law twice.

What happens the same year as the Louisiana Purchase?

He offered 10 million just for the city of new orleans, Napoleon counter offers and says he'll just sell the whole thing.

What is Napoleon doing economically by offering the entire Louisiana territory for 15 million?

During the Jefferson administration we acquired this territory and we grew by a half. America was from the Atlantic ocean up until the Mississippi, from this we double in size. The rest of the country is controlled by Mexico

What is the Louisiana Purchase?

Through his brother, Monroe makes Napoleon the offer, he says that he was there to buy New Orleans for up to ten million dollars.

What offer did Monroe make?

Fear of invasion

What reason for Jefferson being worried about Napoleon is this? Napoleon started to invade all these other nations, including Spain. This worried TJ, Spain owns Florida and areas near the Louisiana Purchase territory, we were concerned that Napoleon would make his way over here and he's a thr

Is the Pinkney treaty still valid.

What reason for Jefferson being worried about Napoleon is this? .The other immediate concern is the Pinckney treaty, this is the treaty that gave Spain protection over Florida, it opened up the Mississippi River. Now that Napoleon has invaded Spain, is the Pinckney treaty null and void? Will Napoleon honor this treaty that we had with Spain?

Meriwether Lewis was a skilled soldier and woodsman. He could fight for himself in the wilderness and was able to lead his team with his qualities as a soldier. He knew how to survive and was up for any challenge. He was a man of courage and had qualifications implanted by nature for this expedition.

What skills did Meriwether Lewis have?

William Clark was a former military commander, he was an expert mapmaker, and river man. He was a proven leader, Lewis asked Clark to join the expedition, they worked well as leaders and knew how to get their team through any tough situation they may have stumbled upon.

What skills did William Clark have?

Shortly after signing the treaty, congress says that this better be worth it to spend 15 million dollars

What was Congress' resposne to Jefferson's argument that he didn't violate the constiution?

The Louisiana Purchase

What was the most famous event from Thomas Jefferson's presidency?

This voting situation was unusual because slaves and females were also counted in the vote. At this point in time, usually only the white men were counted in voting due to their "superiority" but Lewis and Clark included everyone on the expedition, which was very odd for the time. This was the first time in US history that a slave or a woman was allowed to vote.

What was unusual about the way they made this decision?

When Monroe gets into Paris Napoleon isn't there, he meets with Napoleon's brother.

When Monroe gets to Paris what happens

. Napoleon has no chance of ever coming to the western hemisphere instead of holding onto this territory he would never use, he just decided to sell it. Without Haiti it's worthless to him

When Napoleon lost Haiti what happened?


When was the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The Louisiana Purchase

Where does James Monroe get his claim to fame?

1. Napoleon does this because he wants money

Which reason for Napoleon selling Louisiana is this? Napoleon is fighting a continental war against everyone he needs money to fund his wars. He needs the money to fight England and Russia, he has the largest army on the planet and needs money to support it.

Lewis and Clark

Who did Jefferson commission to explore the Louisiana Territory?

Touissant L'Ouverture

Who was known as the Haitian George Washington?

he understood the calamity of this deal. Monroe asked Jefferson if he really wanted him to walk away from Napoleon. If he had walked away that would have been dangerous for the country, he had to defend the decision.

Why did Jefferson have to go against his own beliefs in the case of the Louisiana purchase?

1. Napoleon does this because he wants money 2. Knowing that Napoleon can't do anything with the Western hemisphere now he just decides to sell the whole damn thing

Why did Napoleon sell Louisiana for just 15 million dollars?

New Orleans is the gateway to Mississippi, whoever controls New Orleans controls the route in and out of the Mississippi. Napoleon owns New Orleans and the entire Louisiana purchase territory, if we buy new Orleans from him we still have access to the river and our trade would not be threatened.

Why did we want to own New Orleans?

The Democratic Republicans believed in a strict interpretation of the constitution, but he took the federalist perspective here. When it came to the bank and everything else he was a strict constitutionalist. Now he contradicted himself. Jefferson goes against his own party and constitutional interpretation

Why is Jefferson citing the necessary and proper clause contradictory?

1. . Napoleon started to invade all these other nations, including Spain. This worried TJ, Spain owns Florida and areas near the Louisiana Purchase territory, we were concerned that Napoleon would make his way over here and he's a threat to our borders and take over Spain 2.The other immediate concern is the Pinckney treaty, this is the treaty that gave Spain protection over Florida, it opened up the Mississippi River. Now that Napoleon has invaded Spain, is the Pinckney treaty null and void? Will Napoleon honor this treaty that we had with Spain?

Why is Thomas Jefferson scared that Napoleon is becoming emperor?

Congress, not the president signs treaties. Only Congress can sign them the president negotiates.

Why is it a problem that Monroe signed the Louisiana Purchase treaty?

, Haiti was napoleon's gateway to the west. He'd need a place to launch his operations to invade the US, from Haiti he could move towards North america.

Why was Haiti so important to Napoleon

This river was so important to us because of trade, it's America's great commercial highway.

Why was the Pinkney treaty so important?

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