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For analyzing technical skill levels, the best source for job information may be ____, who have vast experience rating a wide range of jobs. A. HR executives B. incumbents C. supervisors D. line managers E. external job analysts


For tests that measure abstract qualities such as intelligence or leadership skills, validity would best be established by _____ validation. Question options: A. criterion-related B. content C. concurrent D. construct E. predictive


The process of defining how work will be performed and what tasks will be required in a given job is known as _____. A. job rotation B. job evaluation C. job design D. job enrichment E. job extension


What do achievement tests measure? Question options: A.The ability of a person to perform well under pressure B. A person's existing knowledge and skills C. The ability of a person to acquire skills D. The future achievement potential of an individual E. The attitude of an individual


What is the objective of diversity training programs that focus on attitudes? A. To identify incidents that discourages employees from working up to their potential B. To teach employees to be effective at different tasks and roles C. To change organizational policies that inhibits employees' personal growth and productivity D. To improve participants' ability to interact effectively with people both up and down the organization's hierarchy E. To increase participants' awareness of cultural, ethnic, personal, and physical differences in the workforce


_____ refers to a process of systematically developing training to meet specified needs. A. Fair representation B. Orientation C. Bumping D. Instructional design E. Organization analysis


_____ refers to the option given to employees to work away from a centrally located office. A. Zero-hour contract B. Telework C. Retroactive overtime D. Flextime E. Compressed workweek


_____ refers to the ways an organization's people encourage training. A. Situational constraint B. Employee orientation C. Benchmarking D. Social support E. Experiential programing


_____ requires that employees actually learn the content of the training program and that the necessary conditions are in place for employees to apply what they learned. A. Behavior modeling B. Transfer of training C. Simulation D. Virtual reality E. Action learning


A telework arrangement is generally difficult to set up for _____. A. editors B. software programmers C. manufacturing workers D. graphic designers E. accountants


A typing test for an administrative assistant's job is an example of a(n) _____ test. Question options: A. job performance B. cognitive ability C. physical ability D. personality inventories E. emotional intelligence


What does a correlation coefficient of 0 indicate? Question options: A. A perfect positive relationship B. A perfect negative relationship C. A partial correlation D. No correlation E. An indefinite correlation


Hugh & Co., a manufacturer of widgets, has entered into a contract with a third party to perform a few functions of its supply chain management. Hugh & Co. can be said to be engaged in: A. offshoring. B. consolidation. C. licensing. D. merger. E. outsourcing.


In general, the results of reference checks for job applicants will be most valid if the employer _____. A. contacts many references B. relies exclusively on the list provided by the applicant C. avoids direct contact with the reference D. restricts contact with the references through e-mails E. receives positive opinions about the employee from the reference


In general, the results of reference checks for job applicants will be most valid if the employer _____. Question options: A. contacts many references B. relies exclusively on the list provided by the applicant C. avoids direct contact with the reference D. restricts contact with the references through e-mails E. receives positive opinions about the employee from the reference


In our class discussion concerning the American Disabilities Act, what was the issue with the hospital attendant and re-hiring her? A. Previous employment reference checks showed an average performance. B. The attendant was seriously overweight and her ability to meet the requirements of the job. C. The ADA did not cover her because of a pre-existing back injury. D. A shortage of hospital funds for hiring were suddenly unavailable.


A reliable test would be one for which scores by people with similar attributes have a correlation close to _____. Question options: A. 1.0 B. 0 C. -1.0. D. -10.0 E. ∞


At which stage in the selection process are supervisors and team members often involved? Question options: A. Administering tests B. Receiving résumés from various sources C. Screening applications D. Reference and background checks E. Interviewing candidates


Behavior modeling is especially useful for improving: A. quantitative skills. B. interpersonal skills. C. spatial skills. D. clerical skills. E. cognitive skills.


If a former employer gives a glowing statement about a candidate and the new employer later learns of misconduct on the part of the employee during his/her previous employment, the new employer may sue the former for _____. Question options: A. negligence B. misrepresentation C. defamation D. misappropriation E. libel


In the human resource planning process, which of the following is the immediate next step of the forecasting step? A. Goal setting and strategic planning B. Evaluation and feedback C. Program implementation D. Program evaluation E. Performance evaluation


Job specifications differ from job descriptions in that job specifications primarily describe: A. the list of the tasks and responsibilities that the job entails. B. the observable actions that comprise the various job demands. C. the reporting relationships within the division which includes the job. D. the functional needs of the position under study. E. the qualities a person performing the job must possess.


The controversial practice that treats a range of scores as being similar and thus allows the employer to give preference to underrepresented groups within these "similar" scores is known as _____. Question options: A. banding B. generalizing C. affirmative action D. sensitizing


To compute _____, find the cost of using a particular recruitment source for a particular type of vacancy. Then divide that cost by the number of people hired to fill that type of vacancy. A. cost per hire B. yield ratio C. return on investment D. total cost of hiring E. hiring conversion rate


Which of the following best describes content validity? A. It is the extent to which something provides economic value greater than its cost. B. It is the extent to which a measurement is free from random error. C. It is the consistency between the test items or problems and the kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job. D. It is the consistency between a high score on a test and high level of a construct such as intelligence or leadership ability, as well as between mastery of this construct and successful performance of the job. E. It is the measure of validity based on showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance scores.


Which of the following is a characteristic of task analysis? A. It does not require knowledge of the work environment. B. It is independent of time constraints or deadlines. C. It results in an assessment of employees' readiness for training. D. It is usually conducted along with person analysis. E. It helps in determining individuals' needs for training.


Which of the following is a concern relating to the use of cognitive ability tests? Question options: A. Lack of validity of the tests for complex jobs B. Lack of reliable and commercially available tests C. Legal issues related to administering the tests D. Lack of validity of the tests for those jobs that require adaptability E. Relatively high cost


Which of the following is an advantage of statistical forecasting methods? A. They are particularly useful in dynamic environments. B. Under the right conditions, they provide predictions that are much more precise than judgmental methods. C. They are particularly useful in predicting important events that have no historical precedent. D. They are invariably better than the "best guesses" of experts. E. They can be used to reduce dependence on secondary data for making forecasts and predictions.


Which of the following is an element in the final stage of human resources planning? A. Estimating labor demand B. Estimating labor supply C. Estimating labor surplus/shortage D. Strategic planning E. Evaluating outcomes


Which of the following is true about cognitive ability tests? Question options: A. They are especially valid for jobs requiring adaptability. B. They are relatively expensive compared to the other tests. C. They measure strength, endurance, psychomotor abilities, and other physical abilities. D. They are free from legal complications. E. They are especially valid for simple jobs.


Which of the following is true about content validity? Question options: A.It is usually measured on the basis of expert judgment. B.It indicates how free a measurement is from random errors. C.It is most suitable for tests that measure abstract qualities. D.A test that scores high on content validity tends to score low on generalizability. E.It is useful for tests that measure intelligence and leadership quality.


Which of the following is true of downsizing? A. Downsizing improves long-term organizational effectiveness. B. The negative effect of downsizing is especially low among firms that engage in high-involvement work practices. C. Downsizing often disrupts the social networks through which people are creative and flexible. D. The negative impact of downsizing is especially low for those organizations that emphasize research and development. E. Downsizing campaigns only eliminate people who are replaceable.


Which of the following primary variables in a person analysis can be affected by training? A. The Organization's input B. Performance feedback C. The employee's ability and skills D. Positive consequences to motivate good performance E. The employee's motivation and attitudes


Within the Job Characteristics Model, _____ refers to the job characteristic that reflects the degree to which the job allows an individual to make decisions about the way the work is carried out. A. task knowledge B. task ability C. skill variety D. autonomy E. feedback


In the context of a work flow analysis, materials, equipment, and human resources needed to perform the tasks collectively constitute the _____. A. outputs B. jobs C. work processes D. operating procedures E. inputs


In the context of work flow design, a position is _____. A. the set of duties performed by a person B. a set of related duties fulfilled by many employees C. an aggregate of similar jobs D. the set of skills and abilities that is required of a person in a job E. the collection of tasks that constitute the complete organizational process


In which of the following scenarios will workers be less motivated to perform the job? A. When the job requires a variety of skills to be performed B. When the job requires completing the whole piece of work from beginning to end C. When the job has minimal impact on the lives of other people D. When the job allows individuals to take autonomous decisions about the job E. When a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself


Information such as facts, techniques, and procedures that trainees can recall after the training, and skills that trainees can demonstrate in tests are examples of _____. A. training outcomes B. transfer of training C. return on investment on training D. training credits E. training improvements


It can be most beneficial to simplify jobs where _____. A. the employees seek challenges and new demands B. the costs of errors are severe C. the scope for errors is minimal D. the employees do not engage in multi-tasking E. the information-processing requirements of the job are minimal


Job descriptions generally contain all of the following components EXCEPT _____. A. the job title B. a list of essential duties C. a brief description of the responsibilities D. the details of pay and benefits attached to the job E. the details of the tasks involved


Job enrichment differs from job rotation in that job enrichment: A. empowers workers by adding more decision-making authority to their jobs. B. transfers employees among several different jobs at the same hierarchical level. C. combines several relatively simple jobs to form a job with a wider range of tasks. D. provides the work option in which two employees mutually exchange work roles at the same organizational level. E. assesses of the relative dollar value of each job to the organization.


Many problems with downsizing can be reduced by: A. slashing jobs across the board. B. allowing workers to choose a buyout package in exchange for leaving. C. engaging in better human resources planning. D. avoiding unionization in the organization. E. laying off only the older workers in the organization.


Marcus heads a garbage disposal firm called The Cleanout Company. Recently, his firm was under scrutiny from environmental organizations. To counter any possible negative claims by these organizations against his company, Marcus assigned 5 of his junior managers to study the issue and propose plans or initiatives that can make the company look more environmental friendly. He also instructed senior managers to mentor their juniors as they devised new ideas. Which of the following type of team training method did Marcus employ here? A. Action learning B. Adventure learning C. Cross-training D. Internship E. Apprenticeship


Martha Stevens is the HR manager of C-Soft Inc., a software company located in New York. She wants to establish the validity of a test designed for computer technicians using a predictive criterion-related validation strategy. According to this validation, Martha must administer the test to _____. Question options: A. at least half the present computer technicians in C-Soft B. people doing similar jobs in other companies C.people applying for computer technician jobs in C-Soft D. only current computer technicians in C-Soft who are performing at acceptable levels E. a random selection of computer technicians currently employed at C-Soft


Methods that provide economic value greater than the cost of using them are said to have _____. Question options: A. reliability B. utility C. validity D. generalizability E. dependability


Most direct applicants to an organization have done some research and concluded there is enough fit between themselves and the vacant position to warrant submitting an application. This process is termed: A. nepotism. B. employee referral. C. self-selection. D. internal recruitment. E. employment at will.


Needs assessment usually begins with _____. A. task analysis B. organization analysis C. person analysis D. competitor analysis E. market analysis


On-the-job use of knowledge, skills, and behaviors learned in training constitutes: A. coordination training. B. retraining. C. cross-training. D. action learning. E. transfer of training.


One form of experiential training, called _____, is a teamwork and leadership training program based on the use of challenging, structured outdoor activities. A. behavior modeling B. coordination training C. adventure learning D. cross-training E. action learning


The simplest approach to evaluating training is to: A. use only a pretest. B. calculate the ROI. C. conduct pretests and posttests on all trainees. D. use only a posttest. E. compare pretest and posttest scores of the trained group with those of an untrained group.


A _____ is a list of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) that an individual must have to perform a particular job. A. job rotation B. job definition C. job evaluation D. job scope E. job specification


A construction firm is in need of a construction superintendent, whose primary responsibilities involve organizing, supervising, and inspecting the work of several subcontractors. The firm administers a construction-error recognition test, where an applicant enters a shed that has 25 construction errors and where he/she is asked to record as many of these problems as can be detected. What type of validity is being established in this case? Question options: A. Concurrent validity B. Construct validity C. Content validity D. Representative validity E. Predictive


A correlation coefficient of -1.0 between two sets of numbers indicates _____. Question options: A. a complete lack of any correlation between the two sets B. that when one set of numbers goes up, so does the other set C. that when one set of numbers goes up, the other set goes down D. a partial correlation between the two sets E. an indefinite relationship between the two sets


A limitation in using the PAQ is that it _____. A. applies exclusively to similar job profiles B. measures only the inputs of a work process C. fails to provide computerized reports D. requires incumbents to spend time filling the questionnaires E. results in abstract reports that are of limited use


A manufacturing company hit by a slump in demand is experiencing a labor surplus. The company expects the market to improve in six months and it does not want to layoff any of its employees. Which of the following strategies is an equitable way to handle this issue that results in spreading the burden more fairly? A. Demotions B. Outsourcing C. Reduced work hours D. Overtime E. Employing temporary workers


A phased-retirement program refers to: A. laying off older employees in small batches. B. giving lucrative incentives to a large number of older employees to voluntarily retire. C. reducing the number of hours older employees work as well as the cost of these employees. D. giving older employees a certain time limit to voluntarily retire. E. offering alternative work locations and work responsibilities to older employees.


A selection method that is valid in other contexts beyond the context in which it was developed is said to be _____. A. reliable. B. generalizable. C. practical. D. utilitarian. E. dependable.


A small company that manufactures special-order wood furniture has kept its employees busy on a 40-hours-a-week schedule for the past two years. The company just received the largest contract in its history from a Saudi Arabian company, opening offices in the area. The company does not expect repeat business. In order to complete the contract in the required one month, additional skilled labor is needed at short notice. Which of the following strategies is best suited to avoid this short-term labor shortage? A. Retrained transfers B. Overtime C. Technological innovation D. New external hires E. Turnover reductions


A(n) _____ is a detailed description of a situation that trainees analyze and discuss and is designed to develop higher-order thinking skills. A. restrictive covenant B. premium only plan C. case study D. pareto chart E. avatar


A(n) _____ is an area of personal capability that enables employees to perform their work successfully. A. competency B. entity C. identity D. duty E. opportunity


According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following factors would motivate individuals the most? A. Meaningfulness of a job B. Fringe benefits in the job C. Share in company stock D. Salary and allowances E. Periodic bonuses


An applicant who applies for a vacancy without prompting from the organization is referred to as a(n): A. direct applicant. B. natural applicant. C. internal applicant. D. neutral applicant. E. referred applicant.


An assessment center: Question options: A. is a place where job applicants for manufacturing jobs undergo physical ability tests. B. conducts a single test for all job applicants to test their technical potential. C. uses multiple selection methods to rate applicants on their management potential. D. is a selection method generally used for unskilled employees. E. has the lowest validity because it combines several assessment methods.


An organization's planned effort to help employees acquire job-related knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors is known as:_____ A. attrition. B. benchmarking. C. training. D. compensation. E. electromation.


Early-retirement programs: A. are not a popular way to reduce labor surplus. B. are very successful because most baby boomers want to retire. C. work well for knowledge based jobs and services. D. cause more human suffering than the other methods of labor reduction. E. encourage lower-performing older workers to leave voluntarily.


Carl Borden, the manager of an electronics store in California, gives his staff the authority to resolve customer complaints. He lets the staff decide whether to issue refunds or replace merchandise in case of consumer grievances. Which of the following job design techniques does Carl implement in his store? A. Job sharing B. Cross training C. Job rotation D. Job enrichment E. Job evaluation


Carla Warne is an HR executive looking for a new job. She comes across an advertisement in a newspaper seeking applications for the post of an HR manager. The advertisement exclusively highlights requirements such as strong communication skills, excellent teamwork, and leadership skills. These requirements constitute the _____. A. Knowledge B. Personality traits C. Skill D. Responsibility E. Ability


Companies that use "lead-the-market" pay strategy: A. would pay more than the current market wages for a job. B. have a recruiting disadvantage. C. would recruit lesser number of employees than needed and depend on overtime. D. provide relatively better working conditions to employees compared to competitors. E. usually have low pay, coupled with overtime and flex-time.


Determining the internal labor supply calls for a detailed analysis of: A. how many people are willing to work for the organization. B. how many people are currently in various job categories. C. the financial performance and profitability of the company. D. the future vacancies that will be available in the company. E. the compensation strategies and recruitment methods used by the company.


Diversity training programs that focus on behavior aim at: A. increasing participants' awareness of cultural and ethnic differences as well as differences in personal and physical characteristics, such as disabilities. B. teaching employees to be effective at different tasks and roles. C. sending participants directly into communities where they interact with persons from different cultures, races, and nationalities. D. changing organizational policies and individual conduct that inhibit employees' personal growth and productivity. E. making people aware of cultural differences and stereotypes.


Employee readiness characteristics for training include basic learning skills, especially _____, which includes being able to use written and spoken language, solve math problems, and use logic to solve problems. A. emotional intelligence B. psychological mindedness C. spatial ability D. psychomotor skills E. cognitive ability


Employers use application forms for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that: Question options: A. they are a low-cost way to gather basic data from many applicants. B. they ensure that the organization has certain standard categories of information. C. they are not subject to equal employment opportunity standards. D. they allow the employer to keep up-to-date records of job applicants. E. they enable organizations to rank applicants.


Evan Smith is the HR manager of a publishing company. He wants to know if a certain test of cognitive ability, used in the advertising industry, can be successfully used in his organization. In other words, he wants to know if this test is a(n) _____ method of personnel selection. Question options: A. substitutable B. evaluative C. practical D. generalizable E. nondirective


Executive search firms: A. find new jobs almost exclusively for high-level, unemployed executives. B. help organizations in on-campus recruiting. C. help only entry-level and inexperienced employees to find jobs. D. are agencies administered by the federal government or governmental organizations. E. serve as a buffer, providing confidentiality between the employer and the recruit.


For most companies, the first step in the personnel selection process is _____. Question options: A. verifying the applicants' qualifications through reference and background checks B. negotiating with the employee regarding salary and benefits C. screening the applications to see who meet the basic requirements for the job D. administering tests and reviewing work samples to rate the candidates' abilities E. inviting candidates with the best abilities to the organization for one or more interviews


Generally, the organization checks references _____. Question options: A. only if it believes the information provided by the applicant is incorrect B. immediately after the applicant submits a résumé C. after it has determined that the applicant is a finalist for the job D. because it is a legal requirement under EEO laws E. of all applicants to a job


Giving teams or work groups an actual problem, having them work on solving it and commit to an action plan, and holding them accountable for carrying out the plan describes: A. virtual reality B. self-directed learning C. action learning D. business games. E. simulations.


Helen Taylor works 10 hours a day for 4 days a week, while her colleagues work 8 hours a day for 5 days a week. Helen is utilizing a flexible work schedule option known as _____. A. the zero-hour contract B. the compressed workweek C. the flexible workweek D. retroactive overtime E. telework


If a person who is the reference gives negative information about the job candidate, there is a chance the candidate will claim _____, meaning the person damaged the applicant's reputation by making statements that cannot be proved truthful. A. defamation B. misappropriation C. fraud D. misrepresentation E. negligence


If a person who is the reference gives negative information about the job candidate, there is a chance the candidate will claim _____, meaning the person damaged the applicant's reputation by making statements that cannot be proved truthful. Question options: A. defamation B. misappropriation C. fraud D. misrepresentation E. negligence


In terms of the Job Characteristics Model, feedback refers to the extent to which _____. A. a job requires a variety of skills to carry out the tasks involved in the job and its duties B. employees are given the authority to make decisions C. performance appraisals are perceived as transparent and fair by employees D. a job requires a variety of skills to carry out the tasks involved E. a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself


In the Job Characteristics Model, task identity is defined as the _____. A. extent to which a job requires a variety of skills to carry out the tasks involved to which the job allows an individual to make decisions about the way the work will be carried out C. the extent to which a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself D. degree to which a job requires completing a "whole" piece of work from beginning to end E. extent to which the job has an important impact on the lives of other people


In the context of HR planning, implementation that ties planning and recruiting to the organization's strategy and to its efforts to develop employees becomes a complete program of: A. reengineering. B. total quality management. C. benchmarking. D. talent management. E. workforce utilization.


Organizational analysis looks at training needs with respect to the: A. readiness of employees for training. B. employee's strategy toward achieving organizational goals. C. management's support for training activities. D. monetary incentives the management has promised its employees. E. severance package deal for a particular batch of employees.


Organizational recruitment materials that emphasize due-process policies, rights of appeal, and grievance mechanisms send a message that: A. the organization has many problems. B. employee morale is low in the organization. C. job security is high in the organization. D. the organization has a vertical decision-making structure. E. the organization does not value the employees in the organization.


Organizations provide for orientation because: A. it is a legal requirement for all new employees. B. it relieves the shock and surprise experienced when starting a new job. C. most new employees do not do sufficient research on the employer before joining. D. a realistic job profile is provided during recruitment. E. it is less cost effective than organizational analysis.


Organizations typically use résumés _____. A. as substitutes for interviews B. as a basis for deciding which candidates to investigate further C. to save the cost of administering tests related to the performance on the job D. because they can control the content of the information, as well as the way it is presented E. because they are generally an unbiased source of information


Outsourcing refers to: A. contracting with another organization to perform a broad set of services. B. licensing another organization to perform an organization's business in a different country. C. using a temporary or contract employee to fill a single job vacancy. D. buying the necessary raw materials needed to perform a business from external agencies. E. moving operations away from the home location to bring about cost savings.


Planners need to combine statistical forecasts of labor supply with expert judgments because: A. it would motivate the experts in the organization. B. subjective judgments are always more reliable than historical data. C. historical data may not always reliably indicate future trends. D. statistical methods fail to account for historical trends. E. statistical forecasts work well only in a dynamic environment.


Predictive validation is more accurate than concurrent validation because _____. A. the research administers tests to people who currently hold the job B. test performance is influenced by firsthand experience with the job C. the group is more likely to include people who perform poorly on the test D. it is less time-consuming and relatively simple E. test takers tend to be less motivated to do well on the tests


Predictive validation is more accurate than concurrent validation because _____. Question options: A. the research administers tests to people who currently hold the job B. test performance is influenced by firsthand experience with the job C.the group is more likely to include people who perform poorly on the test D. it is less time-consuming and relatively simple E.test takers tend to be less motivated to do well on the tests


Questions such as "Where did people who were in each job category go?" and "Where did people now in each job category come from?" can be answered with the help of: A. propensity analysis. B. leading indicators. C. trend analysis. D. multiple regression. E. a transitional matrix.


Readiness for training depends on two broad characteristics of the work environment: situational constraints and _____. A. employee ability B. employees' incentive package C. training curriculum D. social support E. employee attitude


Realistic job previews: A. are proven to "inoculate" employees against the negative features of a job. B. have a weak and inconsistent effect on turnover. C. exaggerate the positive qualities of vacancies and downplay their negative qualities. D. lead to unmet job expectations and high employee turnover. E. are the most effective at helping organizations minimize turnover among new employees.


Recruitment is defined as: A. the process of screening a pool of applicants who have applied for a specific position. B. the process of evaluating the performance of an employee. C. the activities carried out to identify and attract potential employees. D. the process of identifying the skills required for successfully performing an organizational role. E. the process of determining the labor supply and labor demand in an organization.


Review of résumés is most valid when the content of the résumés is evaluated in _____. A. terms of the elements of a job description B. comparison with other applicants' qualifications C. terms of the incumbent's competencies D. terms of the industrial benchmarks E. comparison with other employees in the organization


Ricky Jones, a 33-year old unemployed software engineer, had applied for a job in SeaTech Inc., a Florida-based software company. He had mentioned his former project manager as his reference in the application form. But he was rejected soon after the HR of SeaTech called his former manager and learnt that Ricky was involved in an issue of sexual misconduct. Sensing this to be the reason for his rejection at SeaTech, Ricky threatened to sue his former manager on charges of _____. Question options: A. misappropriation B. fraud C. misrepresentation D. defamation E. negligence


Sharon wants to apply for a job vacancy. She calls the recruiter who had advertised this vacancy to know more about the job. The recruiter gives some background information to Sharon about the positive and negative qualities of the job. Which of the following terms refers to the job information given by the recruiter? A. Vacancy Analysis B. Substantive Job Criticism C. Pragmatic job survey D. Realistic Job Preview E. Role Examination


Skill is defined as _____. A. the past experience a person has in performing similar jobs B. the factual or procedural information that is necessary for successfully performing a task C. an individual's level of proficiency at performing a particular task D. the personality traits such as someone's persistence or motivation to achieve E. the tangible aspects of an employee's abilities like licenses or certifications


Team training in which team members understand and practice each other's skills so that they are prepared to step in and take another member's place is referred to as: A. coordination training. B. experiential training. C. behavior modeling. D. cross-training. E. action learning.


Tech-Marketing Inc., an advertising firm located in Ohio, requires its employees to be at work between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This work rule allows employees to work additional hours before or after the time period in order to work the full day. Identify the job design method implemented at Tech-Marketing. A. Zero-hour contract B. Flextime C. Compressed workweek D. Telework E. Retroactive overtime


Temporary employment is popular with employers because: A. it gives them flexibility in operations. B. it allows them to comply with the requirement of affirmative action imposed by the government. C. the quality of work is usually far superior. D. it is most effective for key customer service jobs. E. the temporary workers are more committed to the organization.


Temporary employment: A. is costlier compared to most other methods of overcoming labor shortage. B. is not suitable when demand for the employers' products changes rapidly. C. is less flexible compared to the other methods of overcoming labor shortage. D. it is most effective for key customer service jobs. E. is not a popular method of overcoming labor shortage.


Tests designed to measure such mental skills as verbal skills, quantitative skills, and reasoning ability are referred to as _____ tests. Question options: A. job performance B. honesty C. personality inventories D. cognitive ability E. physical ability


The U.S. Army's "Army Strong" campaign, designed to create a generally favorable impression of the Army as a good place to work in, is an example of: A. general advertising. B. image advertising. C. saturation advertising. D. proactive advertising. E. adventure advertising.


The _____ of a type of measurement indicates how free that measurement is from random error. A. reliability B. validity C. generalizability D. utility E. verifiability


The _____ of a type of measurement indicates how free that measurement is from random error. Question options: A. reliability B. validity C. generalizability D. utility ' E. verifiability


The _____ of an employment test is indicated by the extent to which the test scores relate to the actual job performance. A. reliability B. validity C. generalizability D. utility E. dependability


The difficulty level of written materials is known as: A. severability. B. scalability. C. modularity. D. interoperability. E. readability.


The final stage in work flow analysis is to identify the _____. A. tangible outputs of a particular work unit B. operating procedures to be applied in production C. work processes used to generate the outputs of the work unit D. inputs used in the development of the work unit's product E. market forces of demand and supply for the outputs


The first step in the human resource planning process is: A. forecasting. B. goal setting. C. program implementation. D. program evaluation. E. performance evaluation.


The first step in the instructional design process is: A. implementing a training program. B. conducting a needs assessment. C. selecting training methods. D. ensuring employees' readiness for training. E. planning a training program.


The goals that are set in the human resource planning process should come directly from: A. the mid-level managers. B. the analysis of labor supply and demand. C. the judgments and choices made by the technical experts in the organization. D. the feedback provided by the organization's customers. E. the line workers at the grassroots level.


The industrial engineering approach is most likely to emphasize _____. A. elaborate work arrangements and reporting requirements B. streamlining jobs to make them simpler, efficient, and automatic C. designing jobs in such a way that they require minimal specialization D. exploring new and diverse ways of doing the same job E. creating complex and challenging jobs that require innovative employees


The manager of a local grocery store places a short conveyor belt that allows customers to place items on it prior to billing. This saves the cashier from the physical strain of bending forward and reaching into carts to retrieve the items. This change is congruent with the _____ approach to job design. A. telecommuting B. job enrichment C. ergonomics D. flextime E. job sharing


The most accurate way to evaluate the training program is to: A. use only a pretest. B. conduct pretests and train only part of the employees. C. conduct pretests and posttests on all trainees. D. use only a posttest. E. check trainees' performance, knowledge, and attitudes only after training.


The most important source of recruits for entry-level professional and managerial vacancies is: A. on-campus interviewing. B. public employment agencies. C. advertisements in newspapers and magazines. D. private employment agencies. E. employee referrals.


The primary reason organizations engage in downsizing is to: A. attain larger profit margins. B. promote future competitiveness. C. bring in additional skills to the organization. D. thwart unionizing efforts within a given facility. E. strengthen the social networks in the organization.


The process of _____ creates a buffer between planning and the actual selection of new employees. A. recruiting B. HR plan evaluation C. induction D. outsourcing E. training


The process of analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product or service is termed as _____. A. ergonomics B. work flow design C. utilization analysis D. industrial engineering E. break-even analysis


The process of communicating information about a job vacancy on company bulletin boards, in employee publications, on corporate intranets, and anywhere else the organization communicates with employees is referred to as: A. job postings. B. external hiring. C. employment referral. D. a workforce utilization review. E. direct sourcing.


The process of getting detailed information about jobs is known as _____. A. job analysis B. job definition C. job training D. job swapping E. job rotation


The use of a neutral-appearing selection method that damages a protected group is _____. Question options: A. legal if the employer has a turnover of less than $100,000 B. legal if the company using the selection method has 100 or more employees C. legal if the employer can show that there is a business necessity for using that method D. illegal and prohibited under all circumstances E. legal if the company using the selection method operates in the software industry


To gather information about worker requirements, the Fleishman Job Analysis System typically asks _____ to evaluate a job in terms of the abilities required to perform the job. A. subject-matter experts B. supervisors C. HR specialists D. external analysts E. the top management


To test the validity of the selection test for advanced widget designers, Correll-Techno Inc. administers the test to the present widget makers in the company. The test results are then compared with the employees' latest performance appraisal scores. In this instance, what type of validation does Correll-Techno implement? Question options: A. Predictive validation B. Concurrent validation C. Content validation D. Construct validation E. Diagnostic validation


Trainees are likely to respond more positively to which of the following approaches of diversity training? A. Increasing participants' awareness of cultural and ethnic differences as well as differences in personal and physical characteristics, such as disabilities. B. Teaching employees skills for constructively handling communication barriers, conflicts, and misunderstandings that arise when different people try to work together C. Sending participants directly into communities where they interact with persons from different cultures, races, and nationalities. D. A program that clearly demonstrates that it values diversity and minorities over the average white male employee. E. Making people aware of cultural differences and their stereotypes about those differences to avoid letting stereotypes influence their interactions with people.


Training designed to prepare employees to perform their jobs effectively, learn about the organization, and establish work relationships is known as: A. orientation. B. benchmarking. C. sensitivity training. D. bumping. E. conditioning.


Using avatars for training purposes would be an example of _____. A. benchmarking B. action learning C. adventure learning D. simulation E. orientation


What is race norming? Question options: A.Treating a range of scores as being similar B.Establishing different norms for hiring members of different racial groups C.A legal quota system that protects interests of people with disabilities D.Basing selection decisions on a common norm for all races, regardless of impact E.Use of cognitive tests that discriminate against women and people with disabilities


What is the result of an organization structure that is strongly based on function? A. Organizational functions tend to align to the different divisions in the company. B. Jobs tend to involve teamwork or broad responsibility. C. Focus tends to be primarily on products or customer groups. D. Workers tend to work alone at highly specialized jobs. E. Decision-making tends to be highly decentralized.


When should a training program be evaluated? A. Before the request for proposal is developed. B. When the organization ensures readiness. C. After the program has been developed. D. During the implementation of the program. E. When the program is being developed.


When using an outside expert, a complete _____ should indicate funding for the project and the process by which the organization will determine its level of satisfaction. A. cohabitation agreement B. letter of intent C. certificate of occupancy D. articles of incorporation E. request for proposal


Which act prohibits preferential treatment in favor of minority groups? Question options: A. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 199191 B. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 C. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 D. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 E.The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938


Which of the following HR activities is similar to analyzing a job that does not yet exist? A. Human resource planning B. Career development C. Job evaluation D. Work redesign E. Selection


Which of the following arrangements would qualify as job rotation? A. A receptionist is required to perform the jobs of file clerk and typist. B. Training housekeeping staff in front office functions through periods of alternating work arrangements. C. Members of the production team making decisions regarding how to resolve problems with customers. D. A manager participating in a meeting while on vacation with his family. E. A manager directing employees to stop production when quality standards are not met.


Which of the following aspects of recruitment is most likely to affect the nature of the positions that are vacant? A. Recruitment sources B. Personnel policies C. Recruiter traits D. Recruiter behavior E. Applicant characteristics


Which of the following best describes ergonomics? A. The study of the interface between individuals' physiology and the characteristics of the physical work environment. B. The study of jobs to find the simplest way to structure work in order to maximize efficiency. C. The study of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities for employees in a new job. D. The study of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the job. E. The study of the relationship between intrinsic rewards and employee motivation in the context of human resource management.


Which of the following characteristics would make diversity training more effective? A. It must be separated from the work context. B. It should be tied to business objectives. C. It should not last for more than a day. D. It should emphasize more on learning skills than behaviors. E. It should be unstructured.


Which of the following considers an organization's strategy and the resources available for training important before starting any training program? A. Task analysis B. Person analysis C. Organization analysis D. Employee readiness analysis E. Skills analysis


Which of the following job design techniques involving the addition of decision-making authorities to a job is credited to Frederick Herzberg? A. Job extension B. Job rotation C. Job enrichment D. Job enlargement E. Job sharing


Which of the following defines an avatar used in training by simulation? A. A computer-based technology that provides an interactive three-dimensional learning experience. B. A computer application that automates the administration and delivery of a training program. C. A computer depiction of employees that can be manipulated in an online role-play. D. A computer application that conducts needs assessments for an organization. E. A technology that provides access to skills training, information, and expert advice when a problem occurs on the job.


Which of the following defines needs assessment in the context of training? A. It is the process of evaluating the organization, individual employees, and employees' tasks to determine what kinds of training are necessary. B. It is a combination of employee characteristics and positive work environment that permit training. C. It is a process that evaluates the monetary needs of employees that can motivate them to undertake a training program. D. It is an application that automates the administration and delivery of a company's training program. E. It is the process to determine employees' characteristics to ensure their readiness for training.


Which of the following details need to be asked in an application form to gather information about suitable candidates? Question options: A. Marital status B. History of disabilities C. Number of children D. Educational background E. Applicant's race


Which of the following guidelines should companies follow to achieve success with outsourcing agencies? A. Concentrate mainly on the cost-savings, and not on the internal environment at the agency. B. Primarily outsource work that is proprietary in nature. C. Start by outsourcing a significant chunk of work with minimal monitoring. D. Outsource work in areas that will promote growth. E. Do not enter into an outsourcing agreement with a partner located in the same country.


Which of the following help a manager identify which employees need training? A. Person analysis B. Organization analysis C. Task analysis D. Trend analysis E. Regression analysis


Which of the following holds good under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986? A. Employers must verify and maintain records on the legal rights of applicants to work in the United States. B. Employers must file a completed Form I-9 with the Immigration and Naturalization Service and retain the documents for at least ten years. C. Employers can pay lower wages to the immigrant workers. D. Employers must verify the legal age of employees who do not hold American citizenship. E. Employers are allowed to discriminate against persons on the basis of citizenship status.


Which of the following holds good under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986? Question options: A. Employers must verify and maintain records on the legal rights of applicants to work in the United States. B. Employers must file a completed Form I-9 with the Immigration and Naturalization Service and retain the documents for at least ten years. C. Employers can pay lower wages to the immigrant workers. D. Employers must verify the legal age of employees who do not hold American citizenship. E. Employers are allowed to discriminate against persons on the basis of citizenship status.


Which of the following is NOT a strategy used by OSHA to increase ergonomic job design? A. Issuing regulations and guidelines for industries B. Directing ergonomic research along specific lines C. Providing licenses to new companies only when they ensure the highest levels of ergonomically designed jobs D. Enforcing violations of its requirement that employers protect employees from work-related hazards E. Performing advisory functions in the area of ergonomic designing of occupational environments


Which of the following is a difference between apprenticeship and internship? A. Apprenticeship is on-the-job training, whereas internship is a classroom-based training method. B. Apprenticeship is a unstructured training method, whereas internship is a structured training method. C. Apprenticeship is sponsored by employee unions, whereas internship is sponsored by educational institutions. D. Most apprenticeship programs are for professions like accountants and lawyers, whereas most internship programs are in blue-collar jobs. E. Apprenticeship does not provide an income, whereas internship provides an income while teaching a trade.


Which of the following is a disadvantage of downsizing? A. It cannot be used to reduce the number of managers. B. It would result in reduced future competitiveness. C. It cannot provide an immediate solution to labor surplus. D. It hurts long-term organizational effectiveness. E. It does not have an immediate effect on costs.


Which of the following is a disadvantage of using résumés as a source of information about job applicants? Question options: A. It is a relatively expensive method of gathering information. B. It does not allow applicants to highlight accomplishments. C. Review of résumés is least valid when the content of the résumés is evaluated in terms of the elements of a job description. D. It is biased in favor of the employer. E. The content of the information is controlled by applicants.


Which of the following is a disadvantage of using temporary and contract workers? A. Revocability of this method is lesser compared to other methods of avoiding labor shortage. B. These kinds of workers cannot be hired through an agency. C. These methods are a relatively slow solution to labor shortage. D. These workers tend to be relatively less committed to the organization. E. These workers work well in key jobs but not in those jobs that supplement the permanent employees.


Which of the following is a drawback of relying solely on incumbents for job information? A. They lack in-depth knowledge of the tasks and duties of the job. B. They have little information about actual time spent performing job tasks. C. They may have an incentive to exaggerate what they do. D. They are less accurate in reporting safety-related risk factors. E. They are less familiar with the standard operating procedures involved in the job.


Which of the following is a fast option that can be used to avoid a labor surplus with only a moderate amount of suffering caused to the employees? A. Pay reductions B. Transfers C. Demotions D. Early retirement E. Retraining


Which of the following is a form of diversity training provided by some organizations that involves sending employees directly into communities where they have to interact with persons from different cultures, races, and nationalities? A. Community service B. Acculturation C. Cultural immersion D. Cultural health E. Ethnology


Which of the following is a permissible question for job applications and interviews? Question options: A. How would you feel about working for someone younger than you? B. Are you a citizen of the United States? C. What religious holidays do you observe? D. Where were you born? E. Will you need any reasonable accommodation for this hiring process


Which of the following is a process used to determine whether there are any subgroups whose proportion in a given job category within a company is substantially different from their proportion in the relevant labor market? A. Adverse Treatment Analysis B. Workforce Utilization Review C. Subgroup Reconciliation D. Discrimination Analysis E. Disparity Analysis


Which of the following is a reason why many of the downsizing efforts fail? A. Surviving employees could become self-absorbed. B. The company may become less competitive in the industry. C. The overall costs incurred by the company may increase. D. Governmental interference could cause problems. E. Downsizing could result in decreased diversity.


Which of the following is a strategy of avoiding a labor surplus where the amount of human suffering caused is high? A. Retraining B. Demotions C. Hiring Freeze D. Early Retirement E. Natural Attrition


Which of the following is a strategy to avoid labor shortage where the results can be obtained fast? A. Technological Innovation B. Retrained Transfers C. Turnover Reductions D. Outsourcing E. New External Hires


Which of the following is a way to simplify a job's mental demands? A. Enforcing stringent quality control standards B. Training employees to multi-task between different job duties C. Providing social-media tools to simplify information sharing D. Providing comfortably designed office chairs E. Enhancing the information processing functions of the job


Which of the following is a work-study training method that teaches job skills through a combination of on-the-job training and classroom training? A. Bumping B. Benchmarking C. Apprenticeship D. Co-employment E. Onboarding


Which of the following is an appropriate course of action while formulating job descriptions? A. Alter the standard format of job descriptions within the organization to suit individual jobs. B. Prohibit using the phrase "and other duties as requested" in job descriptions because it leads to ambiguity. C. Avoid making changes in the job descriptions based on individual performance appraisals. D. Prepare a new job description whenever a new job is created in the organization. E. Once standardized and created, a job description must not be changed.


Which of the following is an employment principle which states that if there is no specific employment contract saying otherwise, the employer or employee may end an employment relationship at any time, regardless of cause? A. Due-process B. Employment flexibility C. Rule of fair treatment D. Psychological contract E. Employment at will


Which of the following is an example of an on-the-job training method? A. Bumping B. Benchmarking C. Apprenticeship D. Adventure learning E. Action learning


Which of the following is an example of the cross-training method? A. Mary, who is a cashier, is being trained to stock shelves in case there is a shortage of employees. B. Stan and his work colleagues take part in a rafting course sponsored by the company. C. Jenna and 5 other managers are tasked to study a business problem and present recommendations. D. Jenson is asked to review videos of other employees exhibiting certain important behaviors related to the workplace. E. Katherine uses an online persona to make decisions in game simulations involving job-related situations.


Which of the following is an internal source of recruitment? A. Employee Referrals B. Direct Applicants C. Employment Agencies D. Job Postings E. Personal Interviews


Which of the following is an on-the-job training program that is generally sponsored by an educational institution as a component of an academic program? A. Internship. B. Coordination training. C. Apprenticeship. D. Experiential training. E. Simulation training.


Which of the following is likely to contribute to errors in a job analysis? A. Use of multiple analysis methods to obtain a detailed job analysis. B. Inputs from multiple sources like incumbents and supervisors. C. Fixed and unchanging job descriptions for various jobs. D. Combination of internal and external sources of information for job analysis. E. Creation of comprehensive and detailed job description.


Which of the following is most likely to be an advantage of relying on internal recruitment sources? A. They are likely to promote diversity in terms of race and sex. B. They minimize the impact of political considerations in the hiring decision. C. They are generally cheaper and faster than other means. D. They expose the organization to new ideas or new ways of doing business. E. They are well-suited to recruit specialized upper-level positions.


Which of the following is one of the ways by which individuals acting as references for job applicants can minimize the risk of being sued for defamation or misrepresentation? A. By giving as much information as possible B. By exclusively giving out positive information about a candidate C. By only giving information about observable, job-related behaviors D. By giving only broad opinions E. By excluding employment dates and the employee's final salary


Which of the following is one of the ways by which individuals acting as references for job applicants can minimize the risk of being sued for defamation or misrepresentation? Question options: A. By giving as much information as possible B. By exclusively giving out positive information about a candidate C. By only giving information about observable, job-related behaviors D. By giving only broad opinions E. By excluding employment dates and the employee's final salary


Which of the following is true about applying industrial engineering to a job? A. It increases the complexity of the work. B. It eliminates the need for specialization in the job. C. It makes jobs less specialized and less repetitive. D. It provides measurable and practical benefits. E. It represents the best way to add meaningfulness to jobs.


Which of the following is true about job performance tests? A. They provide fair evaluations for applicants. B. They have the lowest level of validity compared to other tests. C. These tests are highly generalizable. D. Customization of these tests for various jobs is inexpensive. E. They are best suited for identifying the particular skills or traits the individual possesses.


Which of the following is true about knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) that are required for a job? A. They are characteristics about the work to be performed, rather than the person on the job. B. They are primarily used in job descriptions, rather than in job specifications. C. They play an important role in interviews and selection decisions. D. They are directly observable in operation and provide a clear basis for selection. E. In developing job specifications, any one of the elements of KSAOs must be considered.


Which of the following is true about predictive validation? Question options: A. It is the least effective method of measuring validity. B. It uses the test scores of all applicants and looks for a relationship between the scores and future performance. C. It involves administering a test to people who currently hold a job and comparing their scores to existing measures of job performance. D. It is the quickest and easiest method compared to other ways of measuring validity. E. It permits an employees' firsthand experience with the job to influence his performance in the test.


Which of the following is true about telework? A. Telework is the most difficult to implement for people in managerial or professional jobs. B. A telework arrangement is the easiest to set up for manufacturing workers. C. Telecommuting supports the strategy of corporate social responsibility by reducing the employee's need to commute by vehicles. D. Telework arrangements are mandatorily restricted to employees who are disabled or need to be available for children or elderly relatives. E. Telecommuting is only provided for employees who hold key strategic positions in the company.


Which of the following is true according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1991? Question options: A. The employer can ask preemployment questions to investigate disabilities. B. The interviewer is prohibited from asking a candidate if he/she can meet the attendance requirements for the job. C. The interviewer is permitted to ask the candidate the number of sick leaves he/she took at his/her previous job. D. The employer is permitted to use, for hiring decisions, employment physical exams that could reveal a psychological or physical disability. E. Employers are required to make "reasonable accommodation" to disabled individuals.


Which of the following is true of O*NET? A. It provides listings of fixed job titles and narrow task descriptions. B. It uses a common language that generalizes across jobs to describe the abilities, work styles, work activities, and work context required for various occupations. C. It represents the first attempt made by the U.S. Department of Labor to match the demand and supply of labor. D. It uses a popular Internet-based software platform to provide information about the availability of qualified labor for governmental professions only. E. It was created by the U.S. Department of Labor in the 1930s as a vehicle for helping the new public employment system link the demand and the supply of skills in the U.S. workforce.


Which of the following is true of audiovisual training? A. It is the best method to establish teams or work groups. B. It is an example of a hands-on method of training. C. It can be carried out only in a classroom. D. It does not allow users any control over the presentation. E. It is not affected by an individual trainer's goals and skills.


Which of the following is true of computer-based training? A. It is generally more expensive than classroom instruction. B. It is difficult to customize for specific training needs. C. It is a not an interactive form of training. D. It gives a company the flexibility in scheduling training. E. It is now declining in popularity.


Which of the following is true of electronic performance support systems? A. They provide expert advice when a problem occurs on the job. B. They automate the administration and delivery of a company's training programs. C. They determine the appropriateness of training by evaluating the characteristics of the organization. D. They determine individuals' readiness for training. E. They identify the tasks that training should emphasize.


Which of the following is true of internal recruitment sources? A. Research indicates that most organizational positions are filled internally. B. Internal recruitment sources expose the organization to new ideas or new ways of doing business. C. Internal recruiting minimizes the possibility of unrealistic employee expectations. D. Employee referrals are the most common source for internal recruitment. E. Internal sources are most appropriate for specialized upper-level positions.


Which of the following is true of self-managing work teams? A. Team members' job duties are narrowly defined. B. Team members usually share work assignments. C. Team members' joint responsibilities are minimal. D. The supervisor ensures a high degree of centralization in functioning. E. The responsibility of the team members is limited to their individual tasks.


Which of the following is true of temporary workers? A. Temporary employment involves higher costs. B. Using temporary workers frees the employer from many administrative tasks. C. Use of temporary workers is not suitable for small companies because extensive testing of the employees needs to be done before these companies get employees from an agency. D. Most temporary workers need to be trained by the employers every time they join a new organization. E. Temporary employment is not suitable for those employers who need to operate efficiently even when demand for their products changes rapidly


Which of the following is true of the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)? A. It considers only the inputs of a work process, ignoring the outputs. B. PAQ reports provide concrete recommendations useful for writing job descriptions or redesigning jobs. C. PAQ ratings cannot be used to compare dissimilar jobs. D. The descriptions in the PAQ reports are very clear and specific. E. The PAQ is meant to be completed only by job analysts trained in this method.


Which of the following job analysis methods requires subject-matter experts to evaluate a job in terms of abilities required to perform the job? A. Work Sampling Technique B. Participatory Observation Technique C. Fleishman Job Analysis System D. Position Analysis Questionnaire E. Conjoint Analysis Technique


Which of the following methods helps increase readability of training material? A. Replace concrete words with abstract words B. Combine two or more sentences into one long sentence C. Combine two or more paragraphs into one long paragraph D. Add checklists and illustrations to clarify the text E. Substitute written material for video, hands-on learning or other nonwritten methods


Which of the following methods is best suited to diagnose the underutilization of a certain minority group in an organization? A. Workforce Utilization Review B. Trend Analysis C. Transitional Matrix D. Yield Ratio E. Capacity Utilization Analysis


Which of the following models was developed by Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham to describe ways to make jobs more motivating? A. The Cognitive Dissonance Model B. The Situational Leadership Model C. The Job Characteristics Model D. The Push and Pull Model E. The Motivation-Hygiene Model


Which of the following observations is true of taking the services of independent contractors? A. Core competencies can be effectively outsourced to contractors. B. The company is not supposed to directly supervise the contractors. C. It is a relatively slow process with low revocability. D. The organization can achieve increased quality though the costs are more. E. It provides an organization increased control over the operations.


Which of the following options for reducing an expected labor surplus has the benefit of being a relatively fast solution, but has the disadvantage of being high in human suffering? A. Hiring Freeze B. Early Retirement C. Retraining D. Work Sharing E. Downsizing


Which of the following processes identifies the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that training should emphasize? A. Person analysis B. Task analysis C. Transactional analysis D. Trend analysis E. Regression analysis


Which of the following refers to a list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that a job entails? A. job evaluation B. job description C. utilization analysis D. conjoint analysis E. job standardization.


Which of the following statements is true of apprenticeship? A. Apprenticeship is completely devoid of any presentation training methods. B. Apprentices can earn an income while learning a trade. C. Apprenticeship does not offer hands-on learning and practice. D. Apprenticeship cannot be sponsored by institutes or groups outside of the firm. E. Apprenticeship is mostly used for teaching management and interpersonal skills.


Which of the following statements is true of case studies? A. Case studies stimulate learning by actively involving participants and mimicking the competitive nature of business. B. Cases practice trainees in weighing and acting on uncertain outcomes after evaluating a case. C. Trainees play a largely passive role while being trained with case studies. D. Case studies do not encourage trainees to take risks. E. Training with case studies does not require any interaction among trainees.


Which of the following statements is true of simulators used in training? A. They must have elements identical to those found in the work environment. B. They cannot be used when the risks of a mistake on a job are great. C. They are used for on-the-job training. D. They are inexpensive to develop. E. They do not need constant updating.


Which of the following statements is true regarding referrals? A. Referrals fall under the category of internal source of recruitment. B. The use of referrals tends to increase the likelihood of exposing the organization to fresh viewpoints. C. The use of referrals tends to promote nepotism. D. Referrals cost much more than other formal recruiting efforts. E. Referrals are the least preferred sources of new hires.


Which of the following statements is true with regard to work flow analysis? A. Information cannot be considered to be an input as it is not tangible. B. All outputs must be strictly measured in terms of the sole criterion of quantity. C. Quality standards are not a key criterion in the process of work flow analysis. D. Outputs may be tangible or intangible products of different work processes. E. Inputs and outputs are the two stages that represent the complete work flow cycle.


Which of the following strategies could be used to avoid a labor shortage? A. Reduced pay B. Work sharing C. Hiring freeze D. Transfers E. Retrained transfers


Which of the following terms is a chart that lists job categories held in one period and shows the proportion of employees in each of those job categories in a future period? A. Trend Analysis B. Leading Indicator Method C. Propensity Analysis D. Transitional Matrix E. Labor Bureau Statistics


Which of the following terms refers to objective measures that accurately predict future labor demand? A. Performance indicators B. Transitional matrices C. Functional pointers D. Coincident pointers E. Leading indicators


Which of the following tests assess how well a person can learn or acquire skills and abilities? Question options: A. Personality inventories tests B. Work sample tests C. Achievement tests D. Aptitude tests E. Physical ability tests


Which of the following training methods is used for conveying facts or comparing alternatives? A. Hands-on methods B. Presentation methods C. Group-building methods D. On-the-job training programs E. Object class methods


Which of the following training methods uses techniques like lectures, workbooks, video clips, podcasts, and Web sites? A. Group building methods B. Hands-on methods C. Presentation methods D. Object class methods E. Experiential programs


Which of the following types of jobs would most likely force an organization to use external recruitment methods? A. Technical positions B. Business analyst positions C. Supervisory positions D. Entry-level positions E. Middle-management positions


Which of the following types of professions would typically have an apprenticeship? A. Accountant B. Journalist C. Bricklayer D. Nurse E. Lawyer


Which of the following types of professions would typically have an internship? A. Electrician B. Doctor C. Carpenter D. Plumber E. Welder


Which of the following would qualify as a compressed workweek? A. Employees are required to be at work from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and can choose additional hours before/after this period. B. Two part-time employees work in different shifts and share the tasks of a specific job. C. Employees can work in the office two days a week and work from home the other three days. D. Employees can choose to work away from a centrally located work area. E. Employees are permitted to work 10 hours a day, Monday through Thursday.


Why is hiring new employees for every labor shortage not preferable? A. The process will lead to an artificial scarcity in the labor market. B. It would lead to reduced organizational control over the workers and process. C. Selecting new employees attracts too many discrimination law suits. D. If the shortage becomes a surplus, the organization may have to lay off employees. E. The process may result in reduced quality and may affect standardization.


You manage a car dealership. Given the increasing complexity and variety of today's automobiles, it is impossible to train your mechanics on the details of every potential repair problem. So you provide the mechanics a training program to familiarize them with the basics of engine, emission, and other types of repair, and in case of a particular problem, seek expert advice through an online computer application program. This learning approach is known as a(n): A. e-learning simulation B. electronic performance support system. C. experiential behavior modeling program. D. virtual reality-based simulation program. E. online help.


_____ are people who apply for a vacancy because someone in the organization prompted them to do so. A. Direct applicants B. Natural applicants C. Neutral applicants D. Referrals E. Internal applicants


_____ are the activities that a team's members engage in to produce a given output. A. Work processes B. Task identities C. Group dynamics D. Job analyses E. Ergonomic activities


_____ are the products of any work unit. A. Outputs B. Inputs C. Tasks D. Jobs E. Processes


_____ formally lay out the steps an employee may take to appeal an employer's decision to terminate that employee. A. Leading indicators B. Psychological contracts C. Implicit contracts D. Due-process policies E. Employment-at-will contracts


_____ influence the kinds of job applicants an organization reaches. A. Personnel policies B. Recruitment sources C. Characteristics of the recruiter D. Financial sources E. Operational policies


_____ involves assessing the relative dollar value of each job to the organization in order to set up fair pay structures. A. Job evaluation B. Career planning C. Training D. Performance appraisal E. Job rotation


_____ involves training sessions in which participants observe other people demonstrating the desired behavior, then have opportunities to practice the behavior themselves. A. Random testing B. Benchmarking C. Behavior modeling D. Experiential training E. Classroom learning


_____ is a combination of employee characteristics and positive work environment that permit training. A. Organization analysis B. Benchmarking C. Learning management system D. Orientation E. Readiness for training


_____ is a computer-based technology that provides an interactive, three-dimensional learning experience. A. Electronic performance support system B. Instructional design C. Learning management system D. Benchmarking E. Virtual reality


_____ is a team training method where teams are trained on how to share information and decisions to obtain the best team performance. A. Behavior modeling B. Experiential training C. Diversity training D. Coordination training E. Simulation


_____ is a training method that represents a real-life situation, with trainees making decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what would happen on the job. A. Apprenticeship B. Coordination training C. Experiential training D. Internship E. Simulation


_____ is the limit on training's effectiveness that arises from the conditions within the organization. A. Simulation B. Social support C. Situational constraint D. Psychological mindedness E. Experiential conflict


_____ is the practice of hiring relatives. A. Localism B. Nepotism C. Structuralism D. Voluntarism E. Abstractionism


_____ tests are sometimes called "intelligence tests." Question options: A. Achievement B. Psychomotor C. Adaptability D. Cognitive ability E. Endurance


_____ validity is a measure of validity based on showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance scores. A. Criterion-related B. Diagnostic C. Content D. Convergent E. Construct


_____ validity is a measure of validity based on showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance scores. Question options: A. Criterion-related B. Diagnostic C. Content D. Convergent E. Construct

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