HRM Exam 1

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T/F: Employee involvement increases when managers make clear, forceful decisions for subordinates.


T/F: Given the population and technology shifts occurring today, the authors foresee an end to the labor shortage within the next year or two


T/F: In a collective society such as the United States, people are primarily concerned with their own family.


T/F: In the 1920s, multinational corporations became commonplace.


T/F: Interestingly, most organizations take a 'melting pot' approach to diversity


T/F: Most organizations take a 'melting pot' approach to diversity.


T/F: Organizations do not like to use contract workers because their labor cost is unknown and their service is usually poor as compared to full-time employees.


T/F: When off the job, an employer cannot legally control an employee's behavior by prohibiting such things as riding a motorcycle, skydiving, smoking, or drinking alcohol.



management function that deals with determining what jobs are to be done and by whom, where decisions are to be made, and how to group employees

civil rights act of 1964

outlawed discrimination in public places and employment based on race, religion, or national origin

HR generalist

position responsible for all or a large number of HR functions in an organization

code of ethics

states an organization's primary values and the ethical rules it expects members to follow

contingent workforce

the part-time, temporary, and contract workers used by organizations to fill peak staffing needs or perform work not done by core employees

reverse discrimination

A claim made by white males that minority candidates are given preferential treatment in employment decisions

4/5ths rule

A rough indicator of discrimination, this rule requires that the number of minority members a company hires must equal at least 80 percent of the majority members in the population hired.

Hawthorne studies

A series of studies that provided new insights into group behavior and motivation.

training and development function

Activities in HRM concerned with assisting employees to develop up-to-date skills, knowledge, and abilities.

strategic human resource management

Aligning HR policies and decisions with the organizational strategy and mission.

reasonable accommodations

Changes to the workplace that allow qualified workers with disabilities to perform their jobs.

seniority systems

Decisions such as promotions, pay, and layoffs are made on the basis of an employee's seniority or length of service

sarbanes-oxley act

Established procedures for public companies regarding how they handle and report their finances

equal employment opportunity act

Granted enforcement powers to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

compensation and benefits

HRM function concerned with paying employees and administering the benefits package

communication programs

HRM programs designed to provide information to employees

Griggs v. DUke Power Company

Landmark Supreme Court decision stating that tests must fairly measure the knowledge or skills required for a job

work process engineering

Radical, quantum change in an organization

shared services

Sharing HRM activities among geographically dispersed divisions.

Albermarle Paper Company v. Moody

Supreme Court case that clarified the methodological requirements for using and validating tests in selection

McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green

Supreme Court case that led to a four-part test used to determine if discrimination has occurred


The Japanese term for an organization's commitment to continuous improvement.

equal employment opportunity commission

The arm of the federal government empowered to handle discrimination in employment cases

T/F: According to Thomas Friedman, there are three eras of globalization: transportation, communication, and technology.


T/F: Continuous improvement programs aim at constantly improving the quality of products and services.


T/F: Employees who work fewer than 40 hours a week are called part-time employees


T/F: Many Gen Xers and Gen Yers, while passionate about their careers, will not sacrifice family and leisure for their career.


americans with disabilities act of 1990

This act extends employment protection to most forms of disability status

age discrimination in employment act (ADEA)

This act prohibits arbitrary age discrimination, particularly among those over age 40

T/F: Quality management is an organizational commitment to continuous process of improvement that expands the definition of customer to include everyone involved in the organization


T/F: Recent corporate scandals have created a lack of trust for management.


T/F: Work process engineering focuses on radical changes in an organization.



Visual displays of HR metrics that can be quickly accessed and interpreted on a computer or tablet.

adverse (disparate) treatment

an employment situation where protected group members receive treatment different from other employees in matters such as performance evaluations and promotions

adverse impact

a consequence of an employment practice that results in a greater rejection rate for a minority group than for the majority group in the occupation

affirmative action

a practice in organizations that goes beyond discontinuance of discriminatory practices to include actively seeking, hiring, and promoting minority group member and women

SWOT analysis

a process for determining an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats


a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.

scientific management

a set of principles designed to enhance worker productivity


a set of rules or principles that define right and wrong conduct

employee relations functions

activities in HRM concerned with effective communications among organizational members

motivation function

activities in HRM concerned with helping employees exert themselves at high energy levels

maintenance function

activities in HRM concerned with maintaining employees' commitment and loyalty to the organization.

staffing function

activities in HRM concerned with seeking and hiring qualified employees


activity is an organization aimed at creating greater efficiency by eliminating certain jobs

labor union

acts on behalf of its members to secure wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment

strategic management process

analyzes the environment and creates strategies to achieve organizational goals

sexual harassment

anything of a sexual nature that creates a condition of employment, an employment consequences, or a hostile or offensive environment


assists organizations in locating and acquiring new employees.

professional employer organization

assumes all HR functions of a client company by hiring all of its employees and leasing them back to the company

5 main goals of HR management

attract employees hire employees train employees motivate employees retain employees *fire employees*

mission statement

brief statement explaining an organization's process

uniformed service employment and reemployment rights act of 1994

clarifies and strengthens the rights of veterans to return to their jobs in the private sector when they return from military service

multinational corporation (MNC)

corporation with significant operations in more than one country

information technology (IT)

creating and maintaining the technology infrastructure of an organization

civil rights act of 1991

employment discrimination law that nullified selected Supreme Court decisions. It reinstated burden of proof by the employer and allowed for punitive and compensatory damage through jury trials

strategic management

establishes long-term goals and provides direction for an organization

family and medical leave act of 1993

federal legislation that provides employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year to care for family members or for their own medical reasons

baby boom generation

individuals born between 1946 and 1965

knowledge workers

individuals whose jobs are designed around the acquisition and application of information

bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)

job requirements that are "reasonably necessary to meet the normal operations of that business or enterprise"


joining ownership of 2 organizations

pregnancy discrimination act of 1978

law prohibiting discrimination based on pregnancy


linking employee needs to organizational strategy


living, doing business, and employing individuals in a responsible and ethical way

legal compliance

making sure that all legal requirements involved in employment are met


management function concerned with directing the work of others


management function concerned with monitoring activities to ensure that goals are met


management function focusing on setting organizational goals and objectives


metrics from other businesses or industry averages used to compare performances

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

most prominent piece of legislation regarding HRM, it states the illegality of discrimination against individuals based on race, religion , color, sex, national origin

transnational corporation

organization with extensive international operations and subsidiaries in many countries, no longer identifying with a single "home" country

core employees

organization's full-time employee population

continuous imporvement

organizational commitment to constantly improving quality of products or services

quality management

organizational commitment to continuous process of improvement that expands the definition of customer to include everyone involved in the organization

core competency

organizational strengths that represent unique skills or resources


patterns or thoughts and behavior that distinguish one group of people from another


process of efficiently completing activities with and through people


process of moving jobs out of one country and into another country

genetic information nondiscrimination act (GINA)

prohibits employers from making employment decisions based on information about an employee's genetic information

competitive advantage

something unique to the organization that competitors can't imitate


quantitative assessments used to measure the effectiveness of business practices


reason and organization exists


sending work "outside" the organization to be done by individuals not employed full time with the organization

software as a service (SaaS)

software delivered on the Internet on a subscription basis

human resource information systems

systems used to gather, store, and analyze information regarding an organizations human resources


the process of bringing jobs back to the home country


transfer of ownership and control of one organization to another

talent management

using HRM best practices to recruit and retain talented employees in order to achieve organizational objectives

information systems

using information technology to improve organizational performance


valuing the contribution of everyone

workforce diversity

varied personal characteristics that make the workforce heterogeneous

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