HST203 Midterm

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The United States used force to protect which of the following pro-American Nicaraguan leaders?

Adolfo Diaz

Palmer raids

Raids organized by head of FBI to crack down on suspected radicals in the country (Red Scare). Attorney General Mitchel Palmer

Enrique Dupuy de Lôme

Spanish Minister to Washington, insulted McKinley in a letter

Red Scare

Widespread fear in 1919- 1920 that radicals had coalesced to establish a communist government on american soil. In response, US government and private citizens undertook a campaign to identify, silence and, in some cases, imprison radicals. A time in which Americans were scared of radicals and quickly trying to suppress, capture, and deport them.

what happened to the treaty of Versailles

Wilson and fellow Democrats refused an amended treaty, so the United States never signed on to it.

Election of 1916

Wilson was anti-war Hughes was pro-war. Wilson won by a little more than 3 percent vote.


Women seeking acceptance equality dressed with low cut dress high stockings lipstick 1920s

Jane Addams

Women's Suffrage

Women's Christian Temperance Union

Women's organization founded by reformer Frances Willard and others to oppose alcohol consumption

Who won the Election of 1912?

Woodrow Wilson

Fourteen Points

Woodrow Wilson document that held allies together. Intervention to wwI. 1918. Fight for democracy and not riches and land.

League of Nations

Woodrow Wilson's idea for world peace. France, England, and Congress were very skeptical of it. Allied forces WW1. Woodrow Wilson international disputes would receive a fair trial. Peaceful solutions.. Created from 14 points

Newspaper publishers William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were charged with embellishing accounts of the Cuban-Spanish tensions using a device referred to as:

Yellow journalism

Who were the flappers?

Young, single, middle-class women seeking independence and equality

racial superiority

a belief that a particular ethnic group is entitled to control or rule those who are not of that ethnic group. WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!!

"Party of Lincoln"

a nickname for the Republican Party.

Near the turn of the 20th Century, America's nine million blacks looked toward the leadership of Booker T. Washington. He had been a slave himself and worked towards financial well being after achieving his freedom, and wrote about his life experiences in his autobiography "Up From Slavery". He founded the Tuskegee Institute in 1881 to teach African Americans the practical skills they would need for economic success. In more recent times however, Booker T. Washington has been called an ______________ because he failed to challenge the social and political situation on the South, focusing his efforts on economics instead.


Federal Reserve Board

act that brought private banks and public authority together to regulate and strengthen the nation's financial system

War Industries Board

an administrative body established by Wilson in 1917.To harness manufacturing might to the military. War production increases 33 billion dollars. 3x original price. Sold to pay for the war. Headed by Bernard Baruch, for the purpose of economics for the great war. Failed. Enabled manufacturers to charge more for their products increasing war production. This ballooned wartime spending more than 3x the expected amount.

Roosevelt coalition

an alignment of interest groups and voting blocks used to remain Democratic party in power-labor unions, minority groups involved. a combination of many different groups that wished to see Herbert Hoover defeated

"war guilt clause"

article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles, ended WW1 between German empire and allies and associated powers

The 1920's mark a significant shift in the United States. For one, the census of 1920 revealed that more Americans were living in urban, rather than rural areas. This move towards "modernism" can be witnessed in a number of cultural, social, and economic events. Historian Susan Strasser explains how two inventions, in particular, had a tremendous effect in transforming the nation into its recognizable form today. One of those inventions was the radio, which connected communities of people formerly separated by great distances who had to rely on physical newspapers and magazines for an increased access to the larger world. What was the other "invention" that significantly minimized the previous formidable barriers of space and time?


The United States sides with the Cuban rebels against Spain. In order to personify evil, General Valeriano Weyler was chosen and depicted as an animal in the American media, especially by newspaper owners such as William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer. What nickname did they use for Weyler, especially after the massive death tolls (estimates of tens to hundreds of thousands) which resulted from his policy of reconcentrating the rural population away from supporting the rebels?


According to the Supreme Court video clip, Franklin Roosevelt stuck his hands where no president ever had, in the whirring mechanisms of the national economy. (Even this video includes the bias that Herbert Hoover did nothing, which is not accurate, but not the reason I wanted you to see the clip. Regardless, you should have noticed this "problem".) President Roosevelt, with the help of Congress, vigorously pursued substantial changes in the running of the nation. With both the executive and legislative branches working together, the judicial branch played the important role in the constitutional system of checks and balances. While one point of view would be that the Supreme Court was too conservative or "out of touch", legal historian Lucas Powe notes that the federal government was taking and using powers that had never been exercised in American history. The timing of these actions is important. Hitler was doing it in Germany, Mussolini was doing it in Italy, and Stalin was doing it in Russia. FDR appeared to be doing what these un-democratic dictators were doing in their own countries, and that involved disregarding the Constitution, and instead, __________________ power ("things", says Powe).


When the US declared war on Germany, the US

had a relatively small, inexperienced army

which of the following statements best explains why Scopes had confessed to breaking the law

he wanted to challenge the constitutionality of the Tennessee anti-evolution law


highly-educated bureaucrats who make decisions based on their perceptions of technical issues rather than political ones

In the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln became the first U.S. President to officially allow black soldiers to fight in a war. In the Spanish American War, black soldiers had both reasons "to fight" and "not to fight" for the nation. Some chose not to fight for a nation which denied them rights and respect at home. Others chose to fight in order to display patriotism and earn the respect of manhood as dutiful citizens. Regardless, race also had another important role to play in this conflict, especially because of the summer climate in Cuba and the high rate if disease and death due to tropical illnesses such as yellow fever and malaria. What special phrase was used by the War Department to refer to men of tropical ancestry (half of which who were black) who were thought to be resistant to yellow fever.


Historian Douglas Brinkley explains that the presidents in between Abraham Lincoln and up to William McKinley were weak and ineffectual leaders, especially when considering Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. They were more active and influential leaders than their predecessors; however, both men suffered from shortcomings. For example, Woodrow Wilson was raised in a strict, Calvinistic household, and his father was a Christian minister. But, being only the second president from the South in a generation, and the second Democrat since the Civil War, he carried his racial prejudices with him to the presidency. He believed that the United States was a superior nation, compared to other nations of the world, and his messianic belief in the spread of democracy caused him to carry the _________________ presidency too far, according the Brinkley.


principles of association

resemblance, contiguity in time and place, and causality


People who were opposed to American growing into a world power

What did the term dollar diplomacy directly refer to?

President Taft's foreign policy strategy

Carrie Chapman Catt

President of the National American Woman Suffrage Association(NAWSA). Opposed WW1. Along with many other suffragists Catt joined in the American Union Against Militarism and pressured Wilson to stay out of the First World War.

What happened to the prices of American produce as productivity increased and demand declined in the 1920s?

Prices fell.

assembly line

Production method that breaks down a complex job into a series of smaller tasks. In a factory, an arrangement where a product is moved from worker to worker, with each person performing a single task in the making of the product.

Liberal reformers who embraced democracy committed to building on the work of which of the following groups?


Wilson asked American voters to give him a mandate for peace by voting in the 1918 midterm congressional elections. However, Wilson's wartime policies had alienated numerous groups of citizens. Which groups below were among those for whom Wilson had lost their support?

Progressives who disapproved of his wartime censorship and arrests, African Americans, especially after his support for the pro-KKK movie Birth of a Nation, Women who were pacifists and had protested against the war, Wilson's lack of support for a constitutional amendment for universal women's suffrage


Progressivism: was a reform movement that took its name from individuals who left the Republican Party in 1912 to join Theodore Roosevelt's new party, the Progressive Party. The term "progressive" however, refers to a much larger and more varied group of reformers than those who gathered around Roosevelt in 1912. - These reformers set out to cleanse/ reinvigorate an America whose politics and society they considered in decline. - They wanted to rid politics of corruption, tame the power of the "trusts", and in the process in doing so inject more liberty into American life. - Fought against prostitution, gambling, drinking, other forms of vice. - Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson placed themselves at the head of this movement. -Progressivism emerged in the early years of the 20th century from the activities of multiple groups: 4 of which were of particular importance. 1.) Young, alienated middle-class protestants; 2.) Journalists who took the name "muckrakers"; 3.) women active in the settlement house movement; 4.) an assortment of socialists.

What did the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution establish?


Protestant missionaries working in China and elsewhere in Asia sought to do all of the following except:

Promote equality among the "races" of the world

The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783

Published by Afred Thayer Mahan in 1890; a history of naval strategy and warfare.

with the Foraker Act in 1900, the US annexed the island of ________ as an unincorporated territory , representing the first time the country had annexed land without a provision for making its inhabitants citizens.

Puerto Rico

Alice Paul

Radical/suffragist, founded Congressional Union in 1913, later to become the head of the National Women's Party, picketed White House 24/7, and risked jailing to protest Wilson for abandoning his democratic principles, going as far as hunger strikes to protest while incarcerated. A key player in succeeding in the passing of the 19th amendment in 1920.

Which of the following accurately describes Franklin Roosevelt's "Fireside Chats"?

Radio addresses delivered by the president directed toward all Americans

who was the influential editor of the NAACP's magazine The Crisis.

W. E. B. Du Bois

Zimmerman Note

Was a telegram sent by Germany to Mexico suggesting an alliance between the two, offering the land taken by America from Mexico to be returned. They also suggested that Mexico start a war with America as a distraction from Germany. The telegram was intercepted by the British and offered to Americans and the result was America declaring war on Germany.

Taxes during World War I

Was increased to 67 percent on the wealthy to help fuel the war effort.

Which of the following did not actively drive progressive reform during the early 20th century?

Wealthy industrialists

What is the term used to describe corporate responsiveness to workers' quality of life?

Welfare capitalism

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Western hemisphere control with an interruption from European & Asian nations


-Model T Ford -massive labor

16th amendment:

Allows the federal government to collect income tax

sugar plantation owners


18th amendment

prohibition of intoxicating liquors

"gentleman's agreement"

"Agreement by which the Japanese government promised to halt the immigration of its adult male laborers to the United States in return for President Theodore Roosevelt's pledge to end the discriminatory treatment of Japanese immigrant children in California's public schools."

"forgotten American"

"The 1936 election won the Democratic Party its reputation as the party of reform and the party of the "forgotten American."

1912 presidential election

"Wilson won the November election with 42 percent of the popular vote to Roosevelt's 27 percent and Taft's 23 percent; Debs made a strong showing with 6 percent, the largest in his party's history."

skilled vs. unskilled workers

*Skilled Workers:* Workers who were trained in a *Unskilled Workers:* Workers NOT trained in a specific trade (often assigned to mindless tasks that don't require an education or training)

The Great Depression _________ the women's rights movement, partly as a result of _____________________ that the Depression intensified because _________________________________________.

- hurt - male hostility -unemployment rates were higher for men than for women

During the 1920s, economic success led some business leaders to adopt the doctrine of ___________, which resulted in the establishment of programs and policies to ____________________. The hope was that these programs and policies would lead to improved ______________ among workers and management.

- welfare capitalism -provide non-wage benefits to employees -loyalty and productivity

Examine this set of progressive reforms. Electoral Reforms: Initiative Referendum Recall

-Give citizens more control over laws and public officials -Make public officials more responsive to citizens' concerns

In which of the following ways did Roosevelt demonstrate that he supported the cause of progressive reform?

-He helped resolve labor dispute to the benefit of the labor movement. -He set aside vast tracts of land for federal protection. -He used the Sherman Antitrust Act to break up monopolies.

while Hoover was criticized for failing to battle the economic crisis, he did take some action. Which of the following did he do to battle the Depression?

-He made it easier for foreigners to convert their US dollars into gold. -He encouraged information sharing and pushed the private sector to devise policies to aid economic recovery.

During the 1920s, Mexican American culture flourished in ___________, which supported a ______________________. The cultural vibrancy of the Mexican immigrant community helped sustain many people struggling to survive in an often hostile environment, yet it did not ___________ or ______________________.

-Los Angeles -vigorous Spanish-language theater and radio scene -reduce racial discrimination -encourage Mexicans to mobilize politically

Which of the following contributed to the idea that the United States had created a "people's capitalism" in the 1920s?

-Middle-class Americans were able to own stock in profitable corporations. -A wide range of consumer goods were available to a broad cross-section of the American public.

Which of the following factors explain why political unrest increased in 1934 and 1935?

-Populist critiques of New Deal conservatism -The increasing power of labor unions

The anti-radical strain of American nativism (anti-Catholic and racial being the other two) is evident during and after WWI. After the Romanov monarchy in Russia was replaced by Communist revolutionaries led by Lenin, fear of radicalism within the United States grew. Although each of the following has some uniqueness, which of the following were grouped as "one in the same" by authorities in the federal government of the U.S., and were therefore prosecuted as potential threats?

-Socialists -Anarchists - Bolsheviks -Marxists

Which of the following factors best explains why this group had more influence than the others?

-They exhibited a higher level of political organization and unity than other groups. -They became reliable Democratic voters as a result of the benefits provided by Roosevelt.


A cultural movement embracing human empowerment and rejecting traditionalism as outdated. Rationality, industry, and technology were cornerstones of progress and human achievement.

Progressive reformers focused as much of their effort on the electorate as they did on the structure of government and election procedures. One such effort centered on the passage of personal registration laws. These laws required voters to register by _______________ and presenting ____________. These laws also often required voters to prove that they had ________________________________. These laws were meant to ______________________________ voters who showed interest in elections only on election day, when they were often brought to the polls because of _____________________. By the end of the progressive era, electoral reforms proved most beneficial to __________________ voters.

-appearing at a government office -proper identification office -lived in the state for a certain period of time -disenfranchise -the work of political parties -women

-came under attack for undermining traditional american culture -became an increasingly important source of labor for the growing economy -faced steadily worsening economic problems

-liberal protestants -mexican immigrants -farmers

in 1910, Du Bois joined with other reformers to found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). which of the following was the focus of the NAACP's activities.

-raising public awareness of violence against blacks -starting lawsuits to challenge inequality and eliminate racist practices

which does Wilson cite as an example of why the US needs to go to war? April 2 1917

-submarine warfare disrupts international commerce -neutral ships providing humanitarian aid are at risk -Germany's submarine policy violates international law

-In addition to promoting economic development through programs like the TVA, the New Deal sought to stimulate the economy directly through the use of Keynesian economics. Keynesian economists believed that the underlying reason why the Great Depression was so deep and prolonged was _______________________________ combined with ___________________________ that led to _____________________________________.

-the backlash from significant increases in tariffs -overproduction -underconsumption that stalled the economy

Mencken implies which of the following in his writings about the scopes trial?

-the trial was about much more than Scopes's guilt or innocence -Scopes was never going to get a fair trial in such an environment -Darrow tried to show that the fundamentalist position was wrong

-the cost of the war to the US was more than three times as much as the country had anticipated. -american patriotism and high wages combined to curb union membership and influence -although a draft law was passed in 1917, it was never used because so many men volunteered for military service

-true -false -false

-sell or lease land to the US to be used for naval purposes. -sign a permanent treaty with the US -reimburse the US for the costs of administering the island between 1898 and 1903

-true -true -false

San Francisco School Board

. 1906 the SAN FRANCISCO SCHOOL BOARD passed a segregation law. (1) Japanese newspapers call this a national insult and demand action from Roosevelt. (2) Roosevelt had no authority. (3) Finally the segregation order is revoked when Roosevelt agrees to do something about Japanese immigration. (4) GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT : In return for revocation of the segregation orders, the Japanese government agreed not to issue Japanese laborers want to enter the U.S. passports. (5) Does not end discrimination and problems further complicated by the fact that the Japanese couldn't understand the separation of powers between state and federal government

Which of the following precipitated the mass migration of African Americans from the South to northern cities?

A decrease in available white and immigrant labor

What form of government did President Wilson hope that Mexico would adopt?

A democratic government friendly to U.S. interests

Russo-Japanese War

1904-1905 fought between Russia and Japan over claims to Manchuria. Franklin Roosevelt worked out a peace treaty between them. Japan won Korea in this war. Roosevelt protected China against Russia and japan to leave. Roosevelt wins nobel peace prize 1906.

"He kept us out of war."

1916, Woodrow Wilson's campaign slogan.

American Expeditionary Force

1918. AEF under the command of General John J. Pershing conducted America's first offensive military campaign in Europe. The U.S. had to call a draft in order to increase its army from 100,000 to 5 million. The army was extremely diverse in ethnicities. Blacks and whites were segregated.

Johnson-Reed Act of 1924

1924 passed by Congress. Established quota systems that limited the annual number of immigrants that could immigrate from any country by 2%. Used the data collected from the 1890 Census. AKA the Immigration Restriction Act of 1924; limited immigration to the US to 165,000 per year. Shrunk Southern and Eastern European immigration and banned immigration from Eastern and Southern Asia (restricted immigrants to the British, Germans, and Scandinavians)

Dust Bowl

A drought in the 1930s that turned the Great Planes very dry.

Who were the irreconcilables?

A group of U.S. senators that opposed ratification of the Treaty of Versailles

Scopes Trial

1925 in Tennessee, fundamentalists attempted to ban theories that challenge Biblical Genesis. ACLU-backed bio teacher John Scopes arrested for admitting to teaching evolution. Clarence Darrow, defense. WJ Bryan, prosecution. Scopes' conviction led to other states following suit, and publishers removed Darwin from books. John Scopes violated Tennessee state law by teaching evolution. William Jennings Bryan, a fundamentalist, was the prosecutor. Clarence Darrow represented Scopes and the ACLU. Bryan won the case in front of a rural jury, but only after Darrow attempted to ridicule his religious beliefs.

Labor's Non-Partisan League

1936; established by John L. Lewis and Sidney HIllman; intended to develop a labor strategy for the 1936 elections; supposed to channel labor's money, energy, and talent into Roosevelt's reelection campaign

presidential terms

2 terms max, each term is 4 years. Originally there were unlimited terms (like a Justice); FDR did 3 terms.

What is the estimated total number of casualties of World War I?

37 million

The Boxer Rebellion was launched by which of the following groups?

A Chinese organization that sought to rid China of foreign influence

General Valeriano Weyler

A Spanish general who was sent to crush the Cuban revolt. By using "brutal" methods, he caused uproar in the United States, who called for immediate action to help the Cubans. "The Butcher", a Spanish general during the Spanish American war.


A black interest group active primarily in the courts


A host of the Spanish-American war. Eventually earned its independence from America.

Bonus Army

A large collection of WW1 veterans who wanted to be paid there $1,000 bonus (which was a bond) early. Went to Washington, DC in protest, but were disbanded after their tents and cabins were destroyed by federal troops sent in by Herbert Hoover.

Ida Tarbell

A leading muckraker during the Progressive Era; best known for exposing the standard oil company. Writer (muckraker), published a series of articles into a book attacking monopolistic practices of industrial giants like Standard oil.


A movement led by Theodore Roosevelt. Conservationists wanted to manage the environment scientifically so as to ensure that the nation's resources were put to the most efficient economic use.

Roosevelt's decision to pull the United States out of the World Economic Conference in 1933 can best be described as:

A nationalist approach to international relations

installment plan

A payment plan that allows customers to make payments at set intervals over a period of time until the total debt is paid

What issue did the gentlemen's agreement settle?

A racial discrimination issue in California, wherein students were segregated and anti-immigration sentiment ran high

The TVA was established to promote economic development throughout the Tennessee Valley region. The map indicates that before the TVA was passed, the region did not have:

A sufficient supply of power to fuel economic growth

Which of the following best describes the Harlem Renaissance?

A wave of new forms of black cultural expression

Wagner Act

AKA National Labor Relations Act; Guarantees the right of private industrial workers to form unions, strikes, etc

Jack Johnson

AKA the Galveston Giant; first African American heavyweight boxing champion during the Jim Crow era. Later charged for violation of the Mann Act and otherwise targeted for his interracial relationships.

Mann Act

AKA the White-Slave Traffic Act prohibiting transportation of women and girls over borders with ill or promiscuous intent


Advocacy of a stateless society achieved by revolutionary means. Involved in the American labor movement, most notably Italian Americans. Example Sacco and Vanzetti, both Anarchists found guilty of murder(though the decision is still widely contested!) and executed.

the stock market crash of 1929

After a wild soar in profits in the stock market, it came crashing down (partly because of buying on margins) and billions of dollars were lost.

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Agreement signed in 1928 in which nations agreed not to pose the threat of war against one another. 1928 agreement in which many nations agreed to outlaw war

entangling alliances

Alliances that might get the U.S. involved in an unwanted war. George Washington warned against entangling alliances in his farewell address. This was a reason for WW1.

What happened to Sacco and Vanzetti?

Although they continued to protest their innocence, they were executed.


American Nativism-intense opposition to an internal minority on the grounds of its foreign (or unamerican) connections. 3 strains: Anti-Radical, Anti-Catholic, Racial Nativism. John Higham wrote "Strangers in the Land-Patterns of American Nativism"

Frederick Jackson Turner

American historian who said that humanity would continue to progress as long as there was new land to move into. The frontier provided a place for homeless and solved social problems.

Booker T. Washington

An African American man that sat with Theodore Roosevelt. Was for political and cultural issues. Washington was an accommodationist who later would debate with W.E.B. Du Bois, who was more radical. Early on Washington believed that "blacks should accept segregation and disenfranchisement as unavoidable and focus their energies instead on self-help and self-improvement"

Asia and the Western Hemisphere

An important market Teddy Roosevelt attempted to open for American businesses through the use of "open door" political policies

Committee on Public Information

An organization originally intended to spread propaganda to popularize the war (WW1), it was later used to crackdown on freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Original promotions created an uproar among minorities who demanded that the American Government live up to their democratic ideals at home. After the war started CPI's main objective was to assimilate the huge German immigrant population into American life. They banned all things German.

Which of the following statements describes how the Harlem Renaissance and the "Lost Generation" were similar?

Both resulted in the production of a rich body of fresh new works that influenced the future direction of American culture.

Emma Goldman

Anarchist-denounced marriage and thought it was a sort of prostitution, instead promoted "free love," the idea that you can love without contractual agreements. She was later deported to Russia. Initially supportive of that country's October Revolution that brought the Bolsheviks to power, Goldman changed her opinion in the wake of the Kronstadt rebellion; she denounced the Soviet Union for its violent repression of independent voices.

Francisco "Pancho" Villa

Angered by woodrow wilson almost starts war with Mexico, attacks civilians on bus kills 17

Historian Douglas Brinkley explains that the presidents in between Abraham Lincoln and up to William McKinley were weak and ineffectual leaders, especially when considering Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Although the two men were different in temperament, both were enthusiastic supporters of democratic capitalism. They were more active and influential leaders than their predecessors; however, both men suffered from shortcomings. For example, Roosevelt suffered from a narrow world view which promoted Eurocentric beliefs of this time, including white or ______________ superiority. This can easily be witnessed in his use of the Great White Fleet, his new navy that was sent around the world as a display of American strength and growing military superiority.



Anglo-Saxons were people from Northern European cultures. Ideology in the 1900s centered around Anglo-Saxon superiority, that immigration of non-Anglo-Saxons should be restricted, and America was a product of Anglo Saxon design.

William Jennings Bryan

Anti-imperialist, Scopes Trial prosecutor, ...former populistleader who became an ardent progressive and evangelical. Democratic Party, ran for president several times but never won. Argued the prosecution in the Scopes Trial.

Huey Long

Democratic senator and former governor of LA; attacked the New Deal and called for redistribution of wealth that would guarantee each family a $5000 estate (at least)

election-law reform

Australian Ballot (secret ballot), vote for women (19th Amendment), Pregressive era reforms


Backbone of the Central Powers during WWI, defeated, humiliated, and destroyed economically by the Treaty of Versaille


Bailed out in WW1. Germany attacks,

Which of the following tactics mentioned by Hoover in the excerpt contributed to the worsening of the Depression?

Balancing the federal budget

Why did Francisco "Pancho" Villa attack U.S. citizens in northern Mexico?

Because Wilson withdrew his support for Villa

Why did the United States worry when the Mexican Revolution broke out in 1910?

Because a democratic reform movement taking shape threatened its economic interests

Why is World War I referred to as a "total" war?

Because every country engaged had to devote all available manpower and resources to fight

Under the New Deal, Mexican Americans in urban and rural areas:

Benefitted disproportionately

whom did President Wilson appoint in March 1918 to oversee the War Industries Board?

Bernard Baruch

Volstead Act

Bill passed by Congress to enforce the language of the 18th Amendment. This bill made the manufacture and distribution of alcohol illegal within the borders of the United States.

World War I witnessed the first wartime use of all of the following except

Biological weapons

Which of the following groups made the Rough Riders' success possible?

Black American troops

What was the fate of the black nationalism movement after Marcus Garvey was arrested and deported?

Black nationalism endured despite Garvey's downfall.

Inspired by progressive gains, younger black activists questioned the accommodationist stance favored by black leaders such as:

Booker T. Washington


Boomed in the 20s with the availability of cars, telephones, tractors, washing machines, fridges, electric irons, radios, and vacuums for the middle-class. Consumer credit begins, food shelf life increases. "People's capitalism" allowed "everyone" to be involved in stocks.


Breaking up a business monopoly. Theodore Roosevelt was hailed as a "Trust Buster" after breaking up the Northern Securities Company.

Which of the following group of three nations formed the Triple Entente when hostilities in World War I began?

Britain, France, and Russia

National American Women's Suffrage Association

Brought on the 19th amendment Carrie Chapman Catt was president in 1915

Following the second Russian revolution, which led to the Bolshevik Party taking power, how did President Wilson hope to ensure a quick and decisive Allied victory?

By advancing the Fourteen Points

How did Germany respond to Wilson's overtures for peace?

By attempting to coerce Mexico into attacking the United States

Facing widespread discrimination, how did southern and eastern Europeans gain political power?

By becoming citizens and voting

Which of the following presidents conducted his office in accord with the following dictum: The best government is the government that governs least?

Calvin Coolidge

Great Depression causes/results

Caused by the 1929 stock market crash, the Hawley-Smoot Tariff caused international trade to decrease, and the government's tight money policy. President Herbert Hoover was blamed for it, and it ended when WW2 started.

theory of evolution

Charles Darwin - 1859; basis for Scopes Trial

The Spanish-American War ended in just over 100 days. The much more important debate for the United States was in its aftermath, specifically over the annexation of the Philippines. According to historian Walter LaFeber, the nation had never participated in this type of overseas occupation and use of force before. The resulting Philippine Insurrection and its effects were much more significant than the Spanish-American War had been. It lasted longer, cost more money, and resulted in many more U.S. soldier deaths. But the actual Philippines themselves were not the goal. LaFeber clearly states that President McKinley and U.S. business interests wanted access to markets in what country, in order to expand and continue economic growth? (Ironically, notice that the economic situation is largely reversed today in the 21st Century).


Muckrakers wrote with the intention of prompting:

Citizens to take action to improve society

Teacher John Scopes had broken the law in the state of Tennessee by teaching the biological concept of evolution. In the resulting Scopes Monkey Trial of 1924, William Jennings Bryan served as chief prosecutor. The local crowd was enthusiastically supportive of Bryan when he took the stand to uphold the teachings of the Bible. However, the defense attorney knew that this "battle" was also being fought in the much larger realm of public opinion throughout the nation. Who was the defense attorney, hired by the American Civil Liberties Union to defend John Scopes and who challenged Bryan's religious beliefs?

Clarance Darrow

John J. "Blackjack" Pershing

Commander General of expeditionary forces. Built army from scratch in france. Saved Paris


Country under Spanish rule until 1900. Cuban revolt resurfaced in 1895 after a long history of rebellion. Spanish army forced the Cubans into concentration camps. As a result, almost an eighth of the population died from poor conditions and malnourishment in the camps. The treatment of Cubans under Spanish control sparked the interest of the American public; who sympathized with them because the "anti-colonial war" was similar to the war Americans fought against the British.

Food Administration

Created by Wilson during WWI - Led by Herbert Hoover - set up ration system to save food for soldiers

Which of the following methods did progressives favor as a way of stripping political parties of their power?

Creating city commissions


Cruise liner that got sunk by a German U-Boat carrying civilians and ammunition while crossing the Atlantic from New York to London. Greatly disturbed America. May 7, 1915, sinking of passenger liner Lusitania en route from NY to London. German U-boat killed 1,198 innocent passengers because of munitions secretly transported. Wilson continued to plead for peace, but Americans ready for WWI.

Which of the following was not a component of the theory of underconsumptionism?

Decreased social welfare expenditures

Many of the most celebrated works produced by the "Lost Generation" could best be described as projecting:

Disillusionment with American society

Amelia Earhart

Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean

square deal

Economic policy by Roosevelt that favored fair relationships between companies and workers

Socialist Eugene V. Debs has been imprisoned for speaking out against U.S. participation in WWI. But the severity of treatment that radicals were subjected to was not uniform. As politicians and reports stood cheering on the shore, what leading female anarchist (just one of over 240 detainees) was deported in 1919 and sent to Communist Russia on the U.S.S Buford?

Emma Goldman

Treaty of Versailles

Ended World War One failed 14 points at the Paris Peace Treaty. 1919. the peace treaty between nations involved in World War One that forced Germany to accept the war guilt and pay reparations


Entant nation during WWI, blockaded Germany

Who ran as the candidate for the Socialist Party in the Election of 1912?

Eugene V. Debs

The Significance of the Frontier in American History

European settlers moved west to the frontier. Became more individual and less european customs. Frederick Jackson Turner

fireside chats

FDR used the radio to talk to everyday Americans to explain in a non-authoritative way the problems that the nation faced.

New Deal

FDR's plan to end the Great Depression

Eugene V. Debs was originally a conservative and a cautious leader of the American Railways Union, a workers union attempting to improve the pay and working conditions of railroad workers. However, he undergoes a transformation after the presidential election of 1896 and becomes more radical in his outlook. As historian Douglas Brinkley discusses Eugene V. Debs, it is clear that the American Socialist Party, for which Debs became one of its leaders, and the revolution in Russia which brought about communism under the leadership of Lenin are essentially the same type of radical ideology.


Federal laws prohibited businesses from firing black employees to give their jobs to whites returning from the war.


The American troops that held Germany at the Marne had arrived in Europe just in time to defend Paris from the German assault.


The Class of the 20th Century documentary includes recollections of the past by people who actually lived through those times. Right or wrong, the Great Depression was largely blamed on Republican President Herbert Hoover. As a result, all of those who shared their 1930s experiences in the video were strong supporters of Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt.


The United States annexed Hawaii immediately upon the collapse of the monarchy.


The United States responded to the Sussex incident by declaring war against Germany.


Birth of A Nation

Film that inspired the 1915 Klan resurgence

income taxes

First enacted with the 16th Amendment.

Sherman Antitrust Act

First federal action against monopolies, it was signed into law by Harrison and was extensively used by Theodore Roosevelt for trust-busting. However, it was initially misused against labor unions

frances Perkins

First female cabinet member, secretary of Labor.

National Women's Party

Founded by Alice Paul(originally called the Congressional Union) in 1913, the NWP focused their attention on the White House, picketing Presidents Wilson's home 24 hours a day. Even after they were jailed they continued their protest by going on hunger strikes. Later, in the 1920s, they pushed for women to have equal rights in the workplace in every respect.

Ku Klux Klan

Founded in 1866, by civil war veterans. Used terror tactics and lynchings against black Americans. Anti-communist, anti-catholic, anti-immigrant, anti-black, anti-jew. Acted under the pretense that they were protecting white, protestant Americans from those seen as a threat to pure-white America. Reached its peak in the 1920s.

Which country attempted to build the Panama Canal just prior the United States taking over the project?


Court-packing plan

Franklin Roosevelt's plan to add six more, pro-New Deal justices to the Supreme Court so that his New Deal policies would pass unhindered.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Franklin's wife, helped him with political organization, public speaking, revival of political fortunes, architect of liberalism.

Which of the following established a mechanism for identifying and measuring each aspect of a worker engaged in a task?

Frederick Winslow Taylor

Which of the following posed the greatest threats to Allied vessels?

German submarines


Germany forced to pay Entente Powers after end of WWI

Central Powers

Germany, Austria hungary, ottawian empire, bulgaria and its territories.

Laissez-faire government

Government does as little as possible; "hands off". Economics: the state allowing industry total freedom from state intervention, especially by removing any tariffs

When the Europeans had used their advanced weaponry to obtain their imperial possessions, the crudely and poorly equipped colonial subjects were slaughtered. The members of the international Hague Convention believed that they could draft "humane codes of war". Today, we know the event that caused them to cancel their 1916 meeting as World War One. According to narrator Bill Moyers, it was known at that time as the __________________ War. In this conflict, the nations of the world turned their weapons on one another, leading to unimagined carnage and casualties on both sides.


labor movement

Grew out of a need to protect the common interests of American workers. In the 1920s saw a sharp decline largely due to economic prosperity, Anti-union sentiments from government and employer interests.examples; The Federation of Organized trades, the American Federation of Labor, After the depression and FDRs New Deal Unions grew stronger in influence and membership.

Black Cabinet

Group of African Americans FDR appointed to key government positions; served as unofficial advisors to the president.

in 1900 thr US extended US citizenship to the people of ___________, putting them on the path to statehood.


How did Theodore Roosevelt ascend to the presidency?

He assumed the role when President McKinley was shot and killed.

Which of the following best describes the Hoover administration's approach to government spending during the early years of the depression?

He favored assistance for banks and businesses, but not individual citizens.

How did Henry Ford address the problems that arose from techniques based on scientific management theory?

He paid workers a higher wage.

How did Vladimir Lenin change the perspectives of millions of people in the Allied countries?

He revealed that Allied nations were fighting for land and riches, not democracy.

Why did Senator Lodge not wish to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?

He wished for the United States to retain its autonomy.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne. Assassinated by Serbian Nationalist, 19-year-old Gavrilo Princip, one of the causes of the great war, Serbian nationalists were angered over the Austria-Hungary annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. July 28th, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia holding the country responsible for the Archduke's murder.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Held hearings for people discontent with certain treaties so that they can voice their feelings

Which of the following presidents created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?

Herbert Hoover

"self-made" man

Herbert Hoover.

Henry Ford

His invention, the Model T Ford allowed middle-class Americans to do much more traveling than they used to be able to do. He implemented the Assembly Line into large use and was part of the three important businessmen that met with Herbert Hoover to find a solution to ending the Great Depression. Disciple of F. W. Taylor, Scientific Management and Progressivism. Moving assembly line, Model T (1913). Set up sociology dept. to collect info. about workers to provide Americanization classes, housing subsidies, medical care, etc

How did the federal government respond to the demands of the Bonus Army?

It sent in troops to dismantle their camp and disperse the veterans.

The concept of associationalism is most closely associated with President:


Which of the following critics of the New Deal called for the redistribution of wealth by giving $5,000 to each American family?

Huey Long

What effect did the recession of the late 1930s have on the New Deal?

It stalled the creation of new programs. LAST

Historians discuss lynching and the leaders in the African American community that oppose it. Interestingly, they explain the difficulties that Booker T. Washington faced as he worked with whites in trying to get concessions and make progress for blacks, while at the same time being personally outraged at the violence. W.E.B. DuBois refused to play the role of a politician and make any compromises whatsoever. Who was the African American female civil rights leader who made it her life's work to combat lynching in her book Southern Horrors - Lynch Law in all its phases?

Ida B Wells

What role was the city manager expected to play in local city politics during the Progressive Era?

Implement policies set by city commissioners

What did President Roosevelt suggest the government should do to ensure industrial giants played by the rules?

Impose and enforce regulations

Launched in 1910, which of the following organizations dedicated itself to fighting racial discrimination and prejudice?


During the 1920s the average income of Americans increased, yet:

Income inequality between the wealthiest and poorest greatly increased

Tariff policy->

Increased protections for domestic producers-->Retaliation that dried up foreign trade


Investigative journalists, often Protestant, who rode a wave of magazine popularity. Caused progressive ideals to crystallize in the middle-class. (Ida Tarbell- shady monopoly of Rockefeller's Standard Oil. Lincoln Steffens- bribery and corruption in local gov. George Kibbe Turner- prostitution and family disintegration in ghettos. Upton Sinclair- "The Jungle" changed the meat industry.). Many disaffected Protestants found a focus for their alienation in the work of investigative journalists known as "muckrakers", so-called because of their determination to dredge up the "much" permeating important institutions of American life.

Broadly speaking, what impact did World War I have on the American economy?

It benefitted the economy.

What effect did Secretary Knox's failed attempt to increase trade with China have on that country?

It contributed to the unrest that brought about the Chinese Revolution of 1911.

Which of the following best describes the effect the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act had on international trade?

It had a negative impact.

How did the Wilson administration seek to make up for revenue lost to tariff reductions?

It implemented the progressive policy of requiring wealthier Americans to pay more taxes

What did the Selective Service Act do?

It instituted a draft to fill the ranks of the American military.

Western Hemisphere

North and South America

How did the Supreme Court ultimately rule on two of the most important New Deal programs: the Wagner Act and Social Security Act?

It upheld them.

How did the Senate vote on the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles?

It voted against ratification, which was the death knell for the League of Nations.

Which of the following spoke out in favor of American democracy when others questioned its continued relevance?

John Dewey

National Recovery Act

Killed by Supreme Court who deemed it unconstitutional NRA persuaded industrialists and businessmen to raise wages and had a max on hours they could work a week in order to slow production and boost the economy. It also allowed fair competition in the industries. -Limitations on number of hours worked and production. Gave hourly raise and encouraged a fair code and price. Initially worked but then died out.


Large asian country, large markets for US products, Open Door Policy; hold majority of US debt :)

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia

Last Emperor of Russia, assasination of the entire royal family, Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution.

Emilio Aguinaldo

Leader of an anticolonial movement in Philippines. Us trying to take Philippines. Naval base Manilla

Eugene Debs

Leader of the Socialist party, 1912 election.Jailed but released by Harding. American Union Leader, one of the founders of the International Labor Union and the Industrial Workers of the world. Many time Socialist Party of America Presidential Candidate.

Joseph Pulitzer

Leader of the yellow press, engaged in a sensationalist competition for headlines with William Randolph Hearst. Most notably the coverage of the Cuban revolution, and whipping up support for America going to war with Spain.

wartime repression

Leading up to and during WWI conformity was enforced in the US (Sedition Act).

Many Americans today do not know how powers are delegated in the Constitution. In this case, it is extremely important to know that the Senate must vote to approve any foreign treaties. Wilson could sign any piece of paper (he DID sign the Treaty of Versailles), but it held no power over the United States. There was no obligation for the federal government in Washington D.C. to comply with any of its requirements, UNLESS it was ratified by the Senate, which it never was. Both of these cartoons illustrate this fact and do so using the examples of a wedding and the arrival of Europeans to the New World, specifically the English to Jamestown in 1607. WHAT item is clearly the main objection in both cartoons - in the Senate "wedding objector" on the left and the Republican "indians" on the right?

League of Nations

Wilson's support for an international parliament dedicated to the pursuit of peace, security, and justice for all the world's peoples later came to be known as the:

League of Nations

1902 coal miners' strike

Led by U.S. mine workers in anthracite coal fields of eastern Pennsylvania. Struck for higher wages, shorter work days, and recognition of. Union

Woodrow Wilson unwisely failed to include any Republicans in his entourage to Europe and Versailles. In the 1918 midterm elections, Republicans had won control of the Senate by a single seat, but that was enough to make a Republican congressman serve as chair of the committee charged with ratifying the treaty. In an interesting historical episode, antagonist human personalities played a large role, including historian Thomas Knock stating that "I think it is safe to say that Wilson and 'this Republican' hated each other's guts." Who was this Republican Senator who was largely responsible for Wilson's eventual defeat in his attempt to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and join Wilson's beloved League of Nations?


This is Congressman George White from North Carolina. In order to confront the terrorism that African Americans experienced in the years following the Civil War and Reconstruction, he proposed a bill to make ____________ a federal crime. Unfortunately, as the only remaining black politician in Washington, this bill was opposed by numerous southern congressmen and was never passed to become the law of the land.


Serving as Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt had supported going to war with Spain. As a member of a younger generation, he and others wanted the opportunity to display heroism in the fact of battle. He was also influenced by the a book titled "The Influence of Sea Power on History". Who wrote this book which supported the idea that powerful nations needed to construct large naval fleets in order to have influence over world affairs and become involved in numerous areas across the globe?


"Boxer Rebellion"

May 1900, a Chinese organization known as the "Boxers" rejected Western influence in China, which resulted in an "uprising" that killed hundreds of Europeans and Chinese men and women who had converted to Christianity.

Before 1898, which important politician opposed going to war with Spain over Cuba? In fact, he was influenced by events in his own life, having been the last American president to serve in war and who remembered the tragic loss of life that war brings. He had sought peaceful, diplomatic solutions to the crisis before the sinking of the Battleship Maine forced his choice as commander-in-chief of the armed forces.


Ottoman Empire

Member of the triple alliance. Committed acts of genocide against Armenian nationals.


Member of the triple entente that joined WW1 after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.

What stance did the Anti-Imperialist League take in regard to U.S. interests in the Philippines?

Members believed that acquisition of the Philippines would violate American principles.

During the early years of the Great Depression, the federal government repatriated a large number of which of the following groups in an attempt to open up more jobs for American citizens?


Which of the following became a critical source of labor in the United States after the Johnson-Reed Act of 1924?


President Woodrow Wilson wanted US troops to work in _________, which he believed was capable of democratic self-rule. As a result, he changes his strategy several times as the country went through political turmoil following its 1910 revolution.


McClure's magazine

Muckrakers produced a series of startling exposes; was the leading journal for Muckraking articles

League of Women Voters

National American Women's Suffarge led to this. Helped older, disabled, poor people vote.

A claim that is frequently being made today, and one that I often hear, is that the United States has "always" welcomed immigrants. I hope this history class has made it clear to all students that this is a very inaccurate and false claim, based on the realities of the historical record. Professor Moran discusses the difference between immigrants and American ethnics, and specifically credits a law that was passed by the government which essentially excluded undesirable immigrants from southern and eastern Europe (mostly Catholic). What was the name of this 1924 legislation?

National Origins Act

Your textbook lists Protestant missionaries, businessmen, and imperialists as the most important groups wanting to extend the nation's interests abroad. However, the 30 year old video clip on the causes of imperialism focuses on other reasons. Which of the following were included in this list of reasons?

Nationalism, End of the frontier, Industrialization, Advocates of a big Navy, The Press

Alfred Thayer Mahan

Naval officer and author wrote "The influence of sea power upon the French Revolution and Empire", an influential naval strategist who believed in a strong US Navy.

Spanish-American War

Nicknamed a "Splendid little war" because it didn't last long. The U.S. went to war with Spain after news of the de Lome letter and the sinking of the Maine became widespread. As a result, the U.S. took Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines from Spain in return for money. Begun in April, it ended in August. More than 1 million men volunteered to fight, and fewer than 500 were killed or wounded in combat. The American victory over Spain was complete, not just in Cuba but in the neighboring island of Puerto Rico and in the Philippines, Spain's strategic possession in the Pacific.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Only President to serve more than four terms. He is sometimes credited for getting the U.S. out of the Great Depression although that is not true. Famous for his New Deal which he thought would help America out of the depression. Democrat, had polio became paralyzed waist down,"only thing we have to fear, is fear itself"

One of the stated goals of scientific management was to:

Pair each worker with a task that suited them best

voting participation rates

Participation rates fell sharply in the 20's and 30's (Jim Crow)

Agricultural Adjustment Act

Parts of the New Deal. 1933. Based on the idea that curtailing production would return the balance of Market Forces. Created the Agricultural Adjustment Association (AAA) who sought to protect farmers from price drops through government subsidies, so they would reduce production. It also included the Soil Conservation Service who conducted educational programs to teach farmers how to reduce soil erosion. Roosevelt considered this to be one of the most important legislation passed during his Hundred Days. Resulted in many farmers and farm laborers being out of work. A disproportionate amount of these were African Americans who were forced out of work.

Espionage, Sabotage, and Sedition Acts

Passed by Congress and signed by President Wilson. Despite blatantly violating the bill of rights, these acts were used to punish anti-war speech and efforts. made it a federal offense to use "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the Constitution, the government, the American uniform, or the flag. The government prosecuted over 2,100 people under these acts.Allows the gov to investigate and arrest people suspected of radical ideas. Used during the Red Scare to suppress socialists, communists, and many others

Social Security Act of 1935

Pay to get old. Unemployment system, disability insurance, old-age pension, and child welfare benefits.

Warren G. Harding

Ran and was elected President After W. Wilson. Known for being very handsome and very corrupt. The 29th president (1921-1923), republican; most significantly: released Eugene V. Debs from prison, calmed the Red Scare, and was involved in the Teapot Dome Scandal. Died in office and replaced by Calvin Coolidge

Nineteenth Amendment

Ratified 1920, Women's suffrage. Did not come with equality.

Which of the following groups experienced the greatest growth in political influence during the New Deal period?

Recent European immigrants

The postwar repression of radicalism in the United States occurred during a period known as the:

Red Scare

What did the Dawes Plan do?

Reduced the German war debt and provided for investment in the German economy

The Reciprocal Trade Agreement of 1934 opened up international trade by:

Reducing tariffs

Which of the following arenas served as an initial battleground for change at the local level during the Progressive Era?

Reforming municipal transportation networks and utilities


Rejects modernism. Adhering to traditional values. William Jennings Bryan argued this side in the Scopes Monkey Trial.

Henry Cabot Lodge

Republican Senator from Massachusetts who led the campaign to reject the treaty of versailles

Republican "Old Guard"

Republicans who have been in politics for a long time. Taft's allies. Hated the progressive republicans.

anti-German propaganda

Resulted in increased discrimination

Nobel Peace Prize

Roosevelt wins for stopping war.

Rough Riders

Roosevelt's troops-mainly white some indians, fought in splendid little war, stormed Santiago 100 casualties bailed out by 9 and 10 negro calvaries

Panama Canal

Roosevelt- Inguinenity and willpower. Cut the distance by 8000 miles. Purchased from french. 1914 opened from columbia paid 25 million

Theodore Roosevelt

Rough Rider 2 terms, took office after Mckinley was assassinated. A progressive imperialist. conservationist

Germany invaded France in response to what country's mobilization of troops?


W.E.B. Dubois

Scholar, an activist, co-founded the NAACP. Black leader- flamboyant. Believed political power necessary for black equality. NAACP

Jews and Catholics

Seen by KKK and Progressive groups as undesirable, legislation passed to restrict immigration to the US (Johnson-Reed Act), found some acceptance in the government during the New Deal.

War Labor Board

Set standards for wages, set hours, and working conditions.

What was the impetus behind President Roosevelt's enthusiastic protections of the environment?

So that Americans could continue to learn from it to develop their national character

In his interview, Historian David Kennedy provides a level of detailed explanation of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal that is not given the written space by the authors of your textbook in Chapter 25. In short, he claims that FDR and his reforms were more "moderate" and "American" than his opponents, who claimed that the New Deal was revolutionary and radical, would have you believe. He believes these criticisms to be unfair. For an example, Kennedy uses the governmental program of ___________________________________ to support this point, revealing how different the U.S. pension system is than those of almost every other country. And although he himself was subjected to a very strong anti-Hoover bias, especially because his own father was unemployed for seven years during the Great Depression, he also admits that many of the criticisms against Hoover are unfair, given the circumstances.

Social Security

settlement house movement

Social movement designed to get the rich and poor in society to live more closely together. Settlement houses were located in poorer neighborhoods and staffed by middle class workers who hoped to share their knowledge and alleviate poverty

American worker during World War I

Sparked a Labor movement for "Industrial Democracy." Large influx of African American's from the south as well as Mexicans fleeing war in Mexico as well as women contributed to the workforce at home.

Herbert Hoover

Started as the secretary of commerce and then later became the 31st President during the Great Depression. Represented the self-made man, and was blamed for the Great Depression.

Which of the following methods did workers use to protest poor treatment by employers during the 1930s?


Yellow journalism

Style of reporting based more on sensationalism than factual reporting. Was at a pinnacle in the late 19th century and factored into the United States entering the Spanish American War in Cuba and the Philippines. Newspaper journalists Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst participated in this ruse motivated by profit-driven reporting of world events.

Simply put, which of the following drove imperialists to promote the U.S. acquisition of Hawaii?


Social Darwinism

Survival of the fittest. Used to justify colonial expansion.

Which of the following pieces of legislation passed during the Second New Deal required states to set up welfare funds for some of their most vulnerable citizens?

The Social Security Act


Taken as a US territory due to entangling economic interests and to conform with the ideology laid out in Alfred Mayer Mahan's Influence of Sea Power on the History of the World.

Calvin Coolidge

The 30th president, Republican, led the nation through most of the 20s. Took office after the death of Warren G. Harding. Believed in Laissez-Faire style governing; small non-interfering federal government. Passed the Revenue Act of 1924 cutting high-income taxes on the wealthy. He also invalidated many progressive laws that improved the working conditions of many people.

Which of these statements best compares the approach of the TVA with the approach of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)?

The AAA attempted to limit farm production rather than foster development in rural regions.

Which of the following parties gained fairly significant traction during the depression?

The Communist Party

What was the first piece of legislation passed during the Roosevelt administration?

The Emergency Banking Act

Which of the following pieces of legislation served to maintain the health of banks?

The Federal Reserve Act

Reflecting a commitment to a more internationalist approach, Roosevelt made attempts to recognize the autonomy of various states in Latin America, an approach known as:

The Good Neighbor Policy

Which of the following pieces of legislation recognized the rights of Native American tribes to chart their own political, cultural, and economic futures?

The Indian Reorganization Act

Which of the following pieces of legislation reinforced nativism in the United States?

The Johnson-Reed Act

Black leaders who shared a commitment to freedom of speech, the brotherhood of all men, and respect for the workingman were part of a wave called:

The Niagara movement

After he left office, Theodore Roosevelt and his supporters formed which of the following parties?

The Progressive Party

The formal declaration that the United States possessed a right to intervene in the domestic affairs of nations in the Western Hemisphere to quell disorder and forestall European intervention is known as:

The Roosevelt Corollary

UCLA instructor Lee Ohanian, PhD. in Economics presents a list of causes (small and large) of the Great Depression. This list almost matches the list of reasons provided by the historians with PhD's who wrote your textbook for this class. Select only those reasons below that are included in both sources.

The Stock Market Crash, The Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930, The Federal Reserve reducing the supply of money in circulation, The Federal Reserve raising interest rates/tightening of credit

Why was the war with Spain referred to as the "splendid little war"?

The United States benefitted a great deal while expending very little.

What was the outcome of the American-Filipino War?

The United States secured control of the Philippines.

Which of the following organizations formed in the hopes of forging a separate black nation?

The Universal Negro Improvement Association

During the second half of the 1930s, the federal government directed much of its relief money into:

The Works Progress Administration

anti-German hostility

The Zimmerman telegram caused a great deal of Anti-German sentiment. 8% of the US population was German-American and became the targets of lynchings, tar and feathering, and rumor.

Triple Entente

The alliance of Britain, France, and Russia in World War One. One set of combatants in World War I, consisting of Britain, France, and Russia. As the war went on, this side came to be known as the Allies or Allied Powers.

Triple Alliance

The alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy. Italy was later replaced by the Ottoman Empire. One set of combatants in World War I, consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. When Italy left the alliance, this side became known as the Central Powers.

Treaty of Paris of 1898

The armistice required Spain to relinquish its claim to Cuba, cede Puerto Rico and the Pacific island of Guam to the United States, and tolerate the American occupation of Manila until a peace conference could be convened in Paris on October 1, 1898. At that conference, American diplomats startled their Spanish counterparts by demanding that Spain also cede the Philippines to the United States. After two months of stalling, the Spanish government agreed to relinquish its coveted Pacific colony for $20 million. The transaction was sealed by the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898. The peace treaty between the U.S. and Spain ending the Spanish American War.

What event proved to be the spark that ignited World War I?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914


The determination to help oneself even if others will not help. The right of a nation to set its own borders and chose their form of governance.

Which of the following mechanisms allowed voters to choose candidates for election?

The direct primary

100 Days

The early period of FDR's presidency. The first phase of the New Deal. FDR hoped that prompt action of a broad array of economic measures would provide relief to millions of poor Americans; He persuaded Congress to pass 15 major pieces of legislation to help bankers, farmers, industrialists, workers, homeowners, the unemployed, and the hungry; as well as repeal Prohibition.

Frederick Jackson Turner's essay "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" suggested that:

The frontier had been essential to the growth of the economy and to the cultivation of democracy in the United State

Which of the following mechanisms allowed voters to have a direct voice on proposals without waiting for governing bodies to act?

The initiative


The killing of mainly blacks but also other unwanted ethnic groups. 1880-1967. The execution of an individual by a mob without legal permission

Which of the following groups did President Wilson appeal to with a slew of legislation in advance of the Election of 1916?

The labor community

Clarence Darrow

The lawyer who represented John Scopes and the ACLU in the Scopes Monkey Trial. His aim was to expose Bryan as a fool for believing that the Bible was a source of literal truth and thus to embarrass the fundamentalists. Spent considerable time in the Hull House

Which of the following groups began to grow weary of the New Deal as the 1930s wore on?

The middle class

Hull House and other settlement houses like it were intended to provide a space where:

The middle class could help the poor and working class

scientific management

The practice of using science to improve worker efficiency, Fredrick Winslow Taylor founder, Henry Ford major practitioner.

Wilson won an overwhelming electoral victory in 1912, with 82 percent of the electoral vote, but he did so with only 41.9 percent of the popular vote. Which of the following statements best explains why Wilson's electoral and popular vote margins were so different?

The presence of another progressive candidate sapped some of Wilson's support in the popular vote but made it easier for him to win the most votes in nearly every state.

Which of the following mechanisms allowed voters to remove elected officials from office?

The recall


The system for selecting individuals for compulsory military service, first implemented in the Civil War

Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

The tariff that raised tariffs on imported goods, was not successful, because it decreased Americans' demand for foreign products which caused other countries to raise their tariffs. Ultimately making trade between America and other countries weaken, and worsened the Great Depression

"Big Three"

The three great allied powers, Great Britain, United States, and the Soviet Union. Did not have common political aims.

What happened following the sinking of the Maine in Havana Harbor?

The yellow press demanded retribution.

imperial power

There desire to control ports and territory beyond its borders. Join britain, france, germany, russia imperial powers. Alfred Thayer Mahan

Which of the following best describes the impact of the policies of the Federal Reserve during the early years of the depression?

They hurt domestic and international markets.

Under what pretenses did anti-imperialists support the U.S. war with Spain?

They sought to secure Cuban independence from Spain.

How did most Americans respond to President Wilson's stated desire to remain neutral during the war?

They supported it


This Central Power empire during WWI, started the war with their invasion of Serbia after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 . It was made up of Austria, Hungary and several other nations and territories. After World War I it split up into several nations.

American Socialist Party

This radical surge did not mean, however, that leftists had fashioned themselves into a single movement or political party. On the contrary, the Russian Revolution had split the American Socialist Party.


Those (mostly female) who were active in seeking voting rights for women as an inherent right for all individuals in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Actions by the Federal Reserve ->

Tightened the money and credit supple--> Harder for debtors to pay creditors


To not take sides during a war. 23-2 America in world war 1 tried to remain neutral. Woodrow Wilson told Americans that this was a European war; neither side was threatening a vital American interest. The United States would therefore proclaim its neutrality and maintain normal relations with both sides while seeking to secure peace. Normal relations meant that the United States would continue trading with both camps. Wilson's neutrality policy met with opposition, especially from Theodore Roosevelt

What was the intent of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration?

To reduce production of crops and livestock

In his inflammatory and now infamous telegram, Arthur Zimmermann proposed that, in the event of war between Germany and the United States, Mexico should attack the United States. What did Germany offer in exchange?

To regain for them Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, as well as a large fee

Why did President Woodrow Wilson send U.S. troops to occupy Veracruz?

To weaken Mexican president Victoriano Huerta

According to the comedian John Oliver, who spoke on imperialism, the British historical example and its wide-ranging effects were much more widespread and impacted more people than that practiced by the United States at the turn of the 20th Century. As a matter of fact, even the authors of your textbook propose this as one interpretation of U.S. history and come to a similar conclusion at the end of Chapter 22.


Candidates committed to reform dominated the popular vote. 1912 election.


The rise of the Fundamentalists during the late 19th and early 20th centuries mirrored the rise of:

Urban-industrial society

I hate to admit it, but even historical documentaries and never completely free of the their producers' bias. For example, in The Great Depression series, I asked you to watch an urban/city and a rural/country clip. You should know that these were the extreme case examples. Please don't leave this class thinking all protesting, unemployed people were gunned down and everyone ate dog heads during the 1930s. However, using extremes makes for more compelling film footage that keeps the viewer's attention. Unemployment in Detroit and Toledo were 50% and 80%, yet the national average was 25% (still bad, of course). The starvation rates were given for Arkansas only, one of the very poorest of all of the states in the nation. Even with these shortcomings, it is important that the stories of the people who lived at the time have been captured on film, making them available to a wider audience. In an important way, it preserves the past and provides connection for our common humanities.


Like his Republican predecessor Abraham Lincoln had done in the Civil War, Democratic President Woodrow Wilson suspended or denied numerous constitutional rights in the U.S. and pursued a policy of conformity by any means necessary. According the historian David Kennedy, this is not a lovely chapter in the history of civil liberties.


Many people today make plenty of mistakes concerning their knowledge of U.S. History, that is, if they are familiar with it at all. The Scopes Trial is one of those events. Perhaps this due to the strange nature of the case, such as the trial being held outside (which would never happen today), the judge allowing one lawyer to be questioned on the stand by the opposition lawyer (which would cause an immediate mistrial and therefore, absolutely, never happen today), and the overall "circus" nature surrounding the case (okay, sometimes the media attention can be frivolous, scandalous, and overwhelming today). In the end, though, it is important to know that William Jennings Bryan won the case and John Scopes was found guilty.


The Sacco and Vanzetti case, even more than the examples of Eugene V. Debs and Emma Goldman reveal the lengths to which the anti-radical strain of American nativism will go. In their case, it was the death penalty for these two foreign born radicals. Historian Mary Anne Trasciatti address an important "spectrum" issue, and that is the tension that exists between individual civil liberties and collective national security. For the United States, she claims, the path is not an easy one for a society such as ours which is constantly renewing itself through immigration and the influx of foreigners.


The United States' quest to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama contributed to the Panamanian revolution.


The invention of the machine gun depersonalized the art of killing. Instead of a rifleman picking out a human target and lining him up within his gun sights, the machine gunner was more like a fisherman, according to military historian John Keegan. A fisherman has no particular fish in mind when he casts his net into the sea.


Wilson's support was strongest in the South.


Sacco and Vanzetti

Two Italian extremists. Sentenced to death. Global recognition for trial. Unfair. liberals.Charged with arm robbery and murder. Claimed innocence. 2 Catholic, Italian Americans, charged with the murder of 2 people during a robbery at a shoe store. ., Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, weak case but both men were eventually executed in the electric chair. The case seems to exemplify the racism and hysteria of the red scare.


US political party, would become the party of Progressivism around the time of WWI taking that title from the Republican Party

William McKinley

US president during the Spanish-American War, assassinated, Teddy Roosevelt took office.

U.S. battleship Maine

USS Maine was an American ship which exploded and sank on Havana Harbor in 1898; The Spanish were blamed for it, though it seems they may not have been to blame. This event led to the to declare war; the Spanish-American War

Woodrow Wilson's proposal of the Fourteen Points was a significant reason that the fighting in WWI had stopped. His proposals of self determination and freedom of the seas were entirely new concepts in the way nations of the world should deal with one another. Many smaller and less powerful countries had high aspirations for achieving this type of equality. Civil Rights activist W.E.B. Dubois hope Wilson would apply these principles to Africa, and even a young Ho Chi Minh has asked Wilson for independence for Vietnam. Unfortunately, as renowned foreign policy historian Walter Lafeber points out, Woodrow Wilson discovers that the world is much more ________________________ than this. In the end, Wilson had to make so many compromises that the final treaty bore little resemblance to his original Fourteen Points. LaFeber emphasizes later how angry the Germans were that Wilson was unable to deliver on his promises.



conservative isolationists who wanted to preseve its isolation from europe.

As historians Brinkley and Miller discuss socialism in America, the conversation quickly expands to include many related people and events that occur throughout the entire 20th century. The conversation includes how socialism and communism are, perhaps unfairly, grouped together with the Red Scare of the 1920's after the end of WWI. In fact, the United States did not even give official recognition to the Soviet Union as a country until the 1930's. After a brief period of working together to defeat Hitler in WWII, the Cold War began in 1945 and continued until the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. Given all of the "isms" (governmental forms), by the end of the century, Brinkley claims that it was _____________ that emerged victorious and seemed to be what most of the people of the world were looking for.


American investments

dollar diplomacy Diplomatic strategy formulated under President Taft that focused on expanding American investments abroad, especially in Latin America and East Asia.

William Howard Taft

dollar diplomat. 1909-1913. Chief justice and President. A "conservative and cautious leader." Known for his "dollar diplomacy" foreign policy aimed towards expanding opportunities for corporate investment overseas. Lacked diplomatic expertise and therefore his leadership suffered.

According to the introductory video for the term, American in 1900, the overall theme is one of optimism. In the 100 years between 1800 and 1900, the United States had become the most prosperous nation in the world. According to the historian, the nation had the largest industrial economy, largest agricultural economy, highest per capita income, and the highest level of ______________. On a very important note, the historian qualified that these were the experiences of most, but not all Americans. Still, he claimed that for us today, in the 21st Century, we will not be able to properly understand the history of our nation without the recognition of these circumstances and outlooks in 1900.


The Sacco and Vanzetti case has numerous connections to modern day. Even though this event occurred nearly 100 years ago, every speaker in this documentary testifies to this. Perhaps the most hopeful theme presented in the conclusion of the video is the claim that the United States has learned a great deal from this tragedy and has moved positively forward, minimizing the mistakes and abuses that occur today in the areas of immigration, legal justice, and equal treatment for all citizens.


although the Platt Amendment gave the US the right to interfere in Cuban affairs, the US did not make use of these provisions


Dollar Diplomacy

foreign policy aimed towards expanding opportunities for corporate investment overseas.

Cuban rebels

fought for Cuban freedom from Spain

IWW - "Wobblies"

industrial workers of the world Targeted by the anti-radical crusades of many citizens.

anti-lynching campaign

led by the NAACP starting in 1909, it lobbied Congress to pass legislation to stop the practice, keeping the issue in the news and helping to reduce the number that took place

Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization

made it more difficult to attain citizenship

rural Americans

many were farmers. didn't participate fully in consumer bonanzas, missed out on many forms of leisure. Generally embraced a move traditional view of religion, science, and culture.


more and more.


murder of a public figure, usually for political reasons

By following a policy of ____________________ when WWI began in 1914, Woodrow Wilson was following the advice of the founding fathers about staying out of European wars. However, as historian George Herring states, when the British navy and especially the German submarines did not respect this foreign policy position, the U.S. eventually joined the war in 1917.


entry into the war escalated anti-immigration sentiment and wartime repression. Anti-immigration sentiment extended to all of the following EXCEPT:

not allowing recent immigrants to serve in the US military.

Prior to the Great Depression and the New Deal, there was no national minimum wage in the United States. In a case, often referred to at the "Revolution of 1937", the Supreme Court put aside the "liberty of contract" doctrine that it had upheld for many years. That doctrine allowed employers the freedom to pay their employees whatever amount they chose. After all, the two sides were free to agree to that contract, or not. In 1937, the court stepped aside to let people, through their elected representative and legislatures, work out these economic issues. In doing so, they acknowledged the legitimate role the government had in economic regulation, and it does so to this day. This Supreme Court case was known as West Coast Hotel v _________________________.


buying on "margin"

paying a small percentage of a stock's price as a down payment and borrowing the rest

W.E.B. DuBois was born free and became the first black to receive a PhD from Harvard and taught sociology in Atlanta, Georgia. He would make no compromises on the issue of equal rights for all citizens, and therefore broke openly in his support for Booker T. Washington. He believed that without _____________ power, African Americans would never achieve equality, therefore he demanded the right to vote and became an activist for civil rights, eventually helping to establish the NAACP. "The problem of race", he said in 1900, "would be the problem for the 20th Century."



political movement that called for the transfer of industry from private to public control and the transfer of political power from elites to the laboring masses. In the early 20th-century "socialism" stood for the transfer of control over big businesses from the capitalists who owned them to the laboring masses who worked in them. -Socialists believed that such a transfer, usually defined in terms of government ownership and operation of corporations, would make it impossible for wealthy elites to control society. -Socialist Party of America (founded 1901) became a political force during the first 20 years of the century, and socialist ideas influenced progressivism.

Australian ballot

practice that requires citizens to vote in private rather than in public and required the government to supervise the voting process


process of barring groups of adult citizens from voting

municipal politics

redistricting once every 10 years (must be approved by feds after 1975 law, attempts to prevent racial discrimination.)


reform that gave voters the right to remove the office a public servant who had betrayed their trust

Immigration Restriction Acts

restricted the flow immigrants moving in to the US amid fears of immigrants taking too many jobs


science dealing with improving hereditary qualities

The Wilson administration supported and passed the Espionage Act, to combat the perceived threats of spies and those Americans who protested against the war. But it was the passage of the ________________ Act that limited free speech, a right supposedly protected by the first amendment. This act allowed for the arrest of anyone who spoke out against the war or opposed Wilson's policies. Socialist Eugene V. Debs was sentenced to ten years in jail for speaking out against conscription.


Progress does not always move linearly in a positive and upward direction, and a study of the history of the United States proves this. For example, after the Civil War ended in 1865, African Americans had voted, sent representatives to Congress, served as sheriffs and justices of the peace, and sat on school boards, juries, and city councils. But by 1900, those rights and privileges had been stripped away through legal and illegal manipulations by southern whites. In fact, by the turn of the century, Historian Margaret Washington reveals that South had been Jim Crowed, meaning that it was _____________________



southern Democrats who opposed Truman's position on civil rights. They caused a split in the Democratic party.

theory of evolution

states that evolutionary change comes through the production of variation in each generation and differential survival of individuals with different combinations of these variable characters. Charles Darwin - 1859

Woodrow Wilson

struggling idealist, ended WW1, globally liked, 14 Points/League of Nations, 1913-1921, Treaty of Versailles ended league of nations. 28th president. Academic, former president of Princeton. Know as a progressive reformer, highlighted by prohibiting child labor and limited railroad workers to an eight- workday. Wilsons legislation lowered tariffs, introduced the graduated federal income tax, created the Federal Trade Commission. Led the fourteen points outlined the settlement of ww1 Led the US into WW1. Wilson was an avid proponent of the League of Nations, however, the US did not join as it was opposed by the Senate (most notably it was resisted by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge).

Queen Liliuokalani

the Hawaiian queen who was forced out of power by a revolution started by American business interests; annexed by US

corporate power

the capability of corporations to influence government, the economy, and society, based on their organizational resources

majority party

the party that holds the majority of legislative seats in either the House or the Senate

which of the following was a problem that the city manager form of government was intended to address?

the practice of elected officials rewarding their support

how did the delegates to the Cuban constitutional convention respond to the Platt Amendment?

the reluctantly agreed to the agreement, which they viewed as a threat to their sovereignty.

These election maps most clearly demonstrate that ______________ during the 1920s.

the two-party system was relatively stable

April 1865 Frederick Jackson Turner writes of the end of the frontier 1897 The Maine is sent to Havana 1898 U.S. annexes Hawaii 1900 Boxer Rebellion 1903 The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty gives the United States control of Panama 1914 U.S. invades Mexican port of Veracruz April 6, 1917 United States enters World War I


August 4, 1914 Britain declares war on Germany in response to its invasion of France March 1916 A German submarine torpedoes the Sussex February 25, 1917 Britain intercepts Zimmermann telegram April 6, 1917 The United States declares war on the Central Powers Spring 1918 American troops help the Allies stop German troops at the Marne November 11, 1918 An armistice ends the war


At the Peace Conference in Versailles, Wilson was met with enthusiastic crowds. This overwhelmingly positive reception reaffirmed his own belief that he was the true "savior" of the world. However, foreign leaders, especially Clemenceau of France and Lloyd George of Britain saw Wilson very differently. They would allow Wilson to make lofty speeches, but each of these foreign leaders pursued a treaty that would benefit their own countries, at the expense of all the others.


The Presidential Election of 1900 was one which pitted not only Republicans versus Democrats, but also Imperialists versus Anti-Imperialists, with Teddy Roosevelt as the chief spokesman for the former, and William Jennings Bryan for the latter. Both made their points during speeches. Bryan sarcastically stated that we had better not educate the Filipinos, lest they read the Declaration of Independence. (They had wanted independence from Spain, and were now fighting for it against the U.S.) Roosevelt declared that the United States has always expanded, bringing it with it our democratic institutions. He pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats, noting that they were the party most responsible for supporting conquest and expansion in the 1800's (IMPORTANT, this statement about Democrats is historically true but was taught in the HST202 class chapters). If they believed in giving the Philippines back to the Filipinos, then they would have to support giving Arizona back to the Apaches, Roosevelt sarcastically declared. Look at this cartoon, if American society, ideals of freedom, and our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are represented by the woman Columbia on the left, and imperialism and war are represented by the skeleton on the right, then Uncle Sam's (America's) choice of the skeleton correctly coincides with the result of the Election of 1900.


civilize other peoples

what america was trying to do with the Phillipines

The historians discuss that even though this is an era of Progressivism and a call for positive change, that in the area of civil rights, both Roosevelt (Republican) and Wilson (Democrat) progressives have a very poor record of confronting and addressing the racial problems in the United States. African American Professor Waldo Martin Jr. even goes so far to say that many people consider this to be the WORST period of the influence of __________ in our history. (This includes the period when slavery was practiced, all of the way up until the time he gives this talk in the year 2000.)

white supremacy

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