HTML and CSS, 6th Edition (Tutorial 1.2)

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Character Entity Reference

A short, memorable name used in place of the Encoding Number (Numeric Character Reference), when inserting a special symbol. - syntax: &char; where char is the ___ ___ ___. For copyright, the ___ ___ ___ is "copy" (©).


A ___ is used to configure a file to work in older browsers, which do not display the CSS correctly. - ex: JavaScript - one of the most useful programs to enable HTML support in older browsers is "Modernizr". - syntax: <script src="file"></script>

hgroup Element

You can indicate that an h2 heading acts as a subtitle to an h1 heading by grouping it using the ___ Element. - syntax: <hgroup>heading elements</hgroup>

Line Breaks

These are added to a Web page to add a new line. - syntax: <br />

Heading Elements

These contain the text of main headings on a Web page. They're often used for introducing new topics or for dividing the page into topical sections. - is a Grouping Element - syntax: <hn>content</hn> ... n is an integer from 1-6. Content marked with <h2> through <h6> tags is used for subheadings, and is usually displayed in progressively smaller bold text.

Text-Line Elements

These mark content within a Grouping Element. - they do not start out on a new line, but instead flow alongside of, or Inline with, the rest of the characters in the grouping element. So, grouping elements can contain other elements inside of them. - ex: a (a hypertext link); del (deleted text, which is usually displayed with a strikethrough line); mark (highlighted or marked text, which is usually displayed with a highlight through the text); small (text displayed in a smaller font than surrounding content); em (emphasized text, usually displayed as italics); strong (strongly emphasized content, usually displayed in bold font); etc...

ul Element (Unordered List)

To mark a list in which items are not expected to occur in any specific order, you create an ___ ___. - by default, most browsers display unordered lists using a bullet symbol. The exact bullet symbol depends on the browser, but most browsers use a filled-in circle. - lists can also be nested (SEE IMAGE) - syntax: <ul> <li>item1</li><li>item2</li></ul>

ol Element (Ordered Lists)

___ ___ are used for items that follow some defined sequential order, such as lists ordered from smallest to greatest or from oldest to youngest. - the beginning of an ___ ___ is marked by the <ol> tag. Each item within an ordered list is marked using the <li> (list item) tag. - by default, entries in an ___ ___ are numbered, with the numbers added automatically by the browser. - lists can also be nested (SEE IMAGE FOR ul) - syntax: <ol> <li>item1</li><li>item2</li></ol>

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

Style sheets are wirrten in the ___ ___ ___ language. - extension: .css - syntax for linking external style sheet: <link href="file" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> ... file is the filename and location of the style sheet file.

blockquote Element

An Element that is used to mark extended quotes. - most browsers render ___ ___ by indenting them to make it easier for readers to separate quoted material from the author's own words. The indent applied by the browser to the ___ ___ was also applied to any content within that element (including paragraph elements for individual quotes), so those paragraphs were indented even though browsers do not indent paragraphs by default. - syntax: <blockquote>content</blockquote>

span Element

An element used to mark a span of generic text. - syntax: <span>content</span> - browsers recognize this element but do not assign any default format to content marked with this element. This frees Web authors to develop styles for these elements without worrying about overriding any styles imposed by browsers.

div Element

An element used to mark general grouping content. - Syntax: <div>content</div> - browsers recognize this element but do not assign any default format to content marked with this element. This frees Web authors to develop styles for these elements without worrying about overriding any styles imposed by browsers. - Note: the ___ ___, used to mark sections of the page, has been superseded in HTML5 by the sectional elements such as header and article; however, you will still encounter the div element in many current and older Web sites.

Character Set

A collection of characters and symbols, all of which your browser is capable of rendering. - for English, no more than about 127 characters are needed to represent all of the upper and lower case letters, numbers, punctuation marks, spaces, and special typing symbol in the language. - the ___ ___ used for the alphabet of English characters is called ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). - another ___ ___ is the Latin-1 (also known as the ISO 8859-1), which supports 255 characters and can be used by most languages that employ the Latin alphabet, including English, French, Spanish, and Italian. - "Unicode" is the most extended ___ ___, and can support up to 65,536 symbols and can be used for any of the world's languages. - the most commonly used ___ ___ on the Web is "UTF-8", which is a compressed version of Unicode and is probably the default ___ ___ assumed by your browser. - Related to Character Encoding

address Element

Contact information such as addresses can be marked using the ___ ___. - most browsers render addresses in italic. - syntax: <address>context</address>

Grouping Elements

Elements that contain content that is viewed as a distinct block within the Web page. - Ex: p (paragraph), div (page divisions), address, blockquote (an extended quotation, ol (ordered list), etc...

Character Encoding (Numeric Character Reference)

This associates each symbol from a character set with a numeric value called the Numeric Character Reference. - Ex: the copyright symbol from the UTF-8 Character Set is encoded with the number 169. - to display the character, insert the corresponding Numeric Character Reference (169) using the syntax: &#code; , where code is the Encoding number.

img Element

This element adds a graphic image to a Web page. - because HTML files are simple text files, non-textual content such as graphics must be stored in separate files, which are then loaded by browsers as they render pages. - browsers retrieve the specified image file and display the image alongside the rest of the Web page content. The size of the image is based on the dimensions of the image itself; however, you can specify a different size using the "width" and "height" attributes, where the width and height are expressed in pixels. - inline images are considered text-level elements and thus must be placed within a grouping element such as a heading or a paragraph. - syntax: <img src="file" alt="text" />

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