HTML - UPwork Test
Select correctly written HTML elements.(Choose all that apply)
Answer: 1) < input type="submit" value="submit" > 2) < input type="submit" value="submit" disabled="false" >
Which of these element are deprecated in HTML5?
Answer: 1) <center> 2) <font>
Which of these statements are considered as best practices? (Choose all that apply)
Answer: 1) Place CSS files within the < head > element 2) Place javascript files at the bottom of < body > element.
Which of the following are important attributes that can be used with < embed > tag? (Choose all that apply)
Answer: 1) align 2) name 3) loop
Which of the following are valid input types? (Choose all that apply)
Answer: 1) button 2) date 3) email 4) range
How many elements can get automatic focus after page load?
Answer: 1
Which value of Socket.readyState indicates that the connection is going through the closing handshake?
Answer: 2
Which of the following HTML element is used to create vector graphics?
Answer: < svg />
Which HTML element could be used to display an ordered list?
Answer: <ol>
Which HTML element is used to make a dropdown selection with options divided to selection?
Answer: <optgroup>
What is used to continuously push events from the web server to the client's browser?
Answer: Server sent events
How do you make the content inside an element editable?
Answer: Setting the attribute contenteditable = "True"
Select the valid content sectioning elements:(Choose all that apply)
Answer: article, footer
Select all the valid attributes of an audio element.(Choose all that apply)
Answer: autoplay, controls, src
Which method is used to check if the browser can play the specified audio/video type?
Answer: canPlaytype
Which of the following is not core method of WebSQL Database API?
Answer: connect
Which method is used to fetch the current geographic location of the user and update it as the user moves?
Answer: getCurrentPostion()
Which of the following video formats is not supported by the video tag?
Answer: mov
Which of the following is not a valid attribute for the audio element in HTML5?
Answer: stopped
Which method is used to finish a launched worker?
Answer: terminate