Human A&P Exam 4

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the viscera

"Somatosensory" does not refer to sensory signals from _________. -bones and muscles -joints -proprioceptors -the viscera


A cholinergic synapse uses _________ as its neurotransmitter. -monoamine -acetylcholine -epinephrine -norepinephrine -catecholamine


A ganglion is a swelling along a nerve containing the cell bodies of peripheral neurons. True or False

afferent; efferent fibers

A mixed nerve consists of both _________ and _________. -myelinated; unmyelinated fibers -glial cells; nerve cells -afferent; efferent fibers -interneurons; efferent neurons

lipids and proteins

A myelin sheath is composed primarily of _________. -lipids and proteins -carbohydrates and proteins -glycoproteins and carbohydrates -proteins and glycoproteins -polysaccharides and proteins


A nerve fiber is enclosed in its own fibrous sleeve called perineurium. True or False

flexor (withdrawal)

A nurse pricks your finger to type your blood. You flinch at the pain, pulling your hand back. This is called the _________ reflex. -painful -stretch -flexor (withdrawal) -tendon


A reflex in which the sensory input and motor output are on opposite sides of the spinal cord is called _________. -intersegmental -contralateral -ipsilateral -polysynaptic


About 90% of the neurons in the nervous system are _________ neurons. -sensory -motor -afferent -efferent -inter-


Acetylcholine (ACh) binds to both muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. True or False


Acetylcholine triggers the synthesis of the second messenger cAMP only in neurons of the PNS. True or False

they are released into the bloodstream before reaching the postsynaptic cell

All of the following are typical characteristics of neurotransmitters except _________. -they are synthesized by a presynaptic neuron -they are released in response to stimulation -they are released into the bloodstream before reaching the postsynaptic cell -they bind to specific receptors on the postsynaptic cell -they alter the physiology of the postsynaptic cell

gastrointestinal motility

Antagonistic effects of the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system are exemplified in the control of _________. -blood clotting -blood flow to the skeletal muscles -sweating -hair erection -gastrointestinal motility

maintaining tonicity of the muscles of the neck

Autonomic nervous system fibers are involved in all of the following except _________. -changing the diameter of the pupil -adjusting heart rate and force -altering salivary mucus secretion -regulating gastrointestinal motility -maintaining tonicity of the muscles of the neck


Binding of norepinephrine (NE) to an alpha-adrenergic receptor is usually excitatory, and binding to a beta-adrenergic receptor is usually inhibitory. True or False

arachnoid mater and pia mater

Cerebrospinal fluid fills the space between the _________. -dural sheath and dura mater -dural sheath and vertebral bones -dura mater and arachnoid mater -arachnoid mater and pia mater


Dietary fat is unimportant to CNS development because myelin is made of protein. True or False

No stimulus of any strength will trigger a new action potential.

During the absolute refractory period which of the following is true? -If a neuron reaches threshold, the action potential goes to completion. -The neuron fires at its maximum voltage if a stimulus depolarizes the neuron to threshold. -The signal grows weaker with distance. -It is possible to trigger a new action potential, but only with an unusually strong stimulus. -No stimulus of any strength will trigger a new action potential.


Eyes and ears are innervated by _________ fibers. -white -visceral -somatic -special -general


Gap junctions are electrical synapses. True or False

depolarization of the plasma membrane

In a neuron, the opening of sodium gates typically leads to _________. -repolarization of the plasma membrane -hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane -depolarization of the plasma membrane -drifting of plasma membrane voltage toward a more negative value -plasma membrane voltage returning to the resting membrane potential


In most neurons, action potentials occur in the axon. True or False

The cell body and at least some neurolemma intact

In order to regenerate, a PNS axon must have which of the following? -All dendrites intact -At least half the length of the axon intact -At least the entire axon and neurolemma intact -The cell body and at least some neurolemma intact -At least part of the cell body intact


In the brain, neurons are more abundant than neuroglia. True or False

contract; relax

In the patellar tendon reflex arc, the patellar ligament is stretched, which stretches the quadriceps femoris muscle of the thigh. This reflex will cause the quadriceps femoris to _________ and the hamstrings to _________. -contract; relax -contract; contract -relax; contract -relax; relax


Memories are formed by neural pathways of modified synapses. True or False

The cell body

Most metabolic and regulatory functions in a neuron happen where? -The axon -The cell body -The dendrites -The axon hillock -The Schwann cell


Most neurons have multiple dendrites. True or False

descending tracts

Motor commands are carried by _________ from the brain along the spinal cord. -both anterior and posterior roots -ascending tracts -spinal nerves -cranial nerves -descending tracts


Myelinated fibers conduct signals with _____________________ conduction where the signal seems to jump from Nodes of Ranvier to Nodes of Ranvier. -unmyelinate propogation -circuit reverberations -saltatory -none of the above


Norepinephrine is a monoamine. True or False


Oligodendrocytes serve the same purpose in the CNS that satellite cells do in the PNS. True or False


Parkinson disease is a progressive loss of motor function due to the degeneration of specific neurons. These neurons secrete an inhibitory neurotransmitter that prevents excessive activity in motor centers of the brain. What neurotransmitter is this? -Serotonin -Dopamine -Acetylcholine -GABA -Glutamate

myelinated; acetylcholine (ACh)

Preganglionic axons of the autonomic efferent pathway are _________ and secrete _________. -myelinated; norepinephrine (NE) -myelinated; acetylcholine (ACh) -myelinated; acetylcholine (ACh) and norepinephrine(NE) -unmyelinated; acetylcholine (ACh)

gray matter; autonomic ganglia

Preganglionic axons run from the _________ to the _________. -posterior root ganglia; gray matter -posterior root ganglia; autonomic ganglia -gray matter; posterior root ganglia -gray matter; autonomic ganglia

decrease heart rate

Propranolol, a beta-blocker, is typically used to _________. -increase heart rate -decrease heart rate -produce vasoconstriction of the coronary arteries -produce vasodilation of blood vessels of skeletal muscle


Reflex arcs that only use two neurons are called _________ reflex arcs. -ipsilateral -contralateral -polysynaptic -monosynaptic


Resting membrane potential (RMP) exists because of unequal electrolyte distribution between extracellular fluid (ECF) and intracellular fluid (ICF). True or False


Sodium is hoarded inside the cell and potassium is hoarded outside the cell via the NA/K pump. True or False

It breaks down monoamines.

Some antidepressant drugs act by inhibiting monoamine oxidase (MAO). What is the function of this enzyme? -It binds to chloride gates. -It breaks down monoamines. -It blocks sodium channels. -It converts ATP to cyclic AMP. -It degrades acetylcholine

stimulation of digestion

Sympathetic axons are not associated with _________. -anger -stimulation of digestion -exercise -stress -arousal

longer; norepinephrine can diffuse into the bloodstream without being broken down

Sympathetic effects tend to last _________ than parasympathetic effects. One reason is that _________. -shorter; acetylcholine can diffuse into the bloodstream without being broken down -longer; norepinephrine can diffuse into the bloodstream without being broken down -about the same; the two divisions use the same neurotransmitters -shorter; acetylcholine is broken down by acetylcholinesterase (AChE)


Tendon organs are _________. -chemoreceptors -visceral receptors -proprioceptors -pain receptors

visceral motor

The _________ division carries signals to the smooth muscle in the large intestine. -visceral sensory -somatic sensory -visceral motor -somatic motor -afferent


The _________ division tends to prepare the body for action. -sensory afferent -motor afferent -somatic motor -parasympathetic -sympathetic


The _________ is an especially important center of autonomic control. -pons -medulla oblongata -hypothalamus -midbrain


The adrenal medulla is a modified sympathetic ganglion. True or False

Epinephrine (adrenaline)

The adrenal medulla secretes mostly _________. -norepinephrine (noradrenaline) -dopamine -endorphins -acetylcholine (ACh) -epinephrine (adrenaline)

skeletal muscle in the rectus abdominis

The autonomic nervous system controls all of the following except the _________. -adrenal gland -smooth muscle in the walls of the aorta -cardiac muscle in the right atrium -skeletal muscle in the rectus abdominis -parotid salivary gland

cauda equina

The bundle of nerve roots that occupy the vertebral canal from L2 to S5 is called the _________. -medullary cone -cauda equina -lumbosacral enlargement -cervical enlargement


The crossed extension reflex is the contraction of the extensors on one side of the body when the flexors are contracted on the other side. True or False

monoamine oxidase (MAO)

The enzyme that breaks down norepinephrine (NE) is called _________. -noradrenalinase -adenosine -monoamine oxidase (MAO) -norepinephrinase -norepinephrine hydroxylase

arachnoid mater

The middle layer of the meninges is called the _________. -gray matter -white matter -dura mater -arachnoid mater


The motor pathway of the autonomic nervous system usually involves _________neurons. -no -one -two -three

brain and sacral

The parasympathetic division arises from the _________ regions of the spinal cord. -brain, thoracic, and lumbar -brain, sacral, and coccygeal -brain, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal -sacral and lumbar -brain and sacral


The parasympathetic division stimulates digestion. True or False


The signals that control your handwriting travel down the spinal cord in the _________ tracts. -tectospinal -corticospinal -lateral vestibulospinal -medial vestibulospinal

the celiac and mesenteric ganglia

The solar plexus is used as a name for the _________. -spinal nerve route -carotid plexus -the celiac and mesenteric ganglia -splanchic nerves


The somatic nervous division carries signals to glands, cardiac and smooth muscle. True or False


The tendon reflex is the inhibition of a muscle's contraction that occurs when its tendon is excessively stretched. True or False


There are _________blank pairs of spinal nerves. -12 -24 -31 -35


These lie entirely within CNS connecting motor and sensory pathways (about 90% of all neurons). -bipolar neurons -multipolar neurons -satellite cells -interneurons

multiple sclerosis

This disease removes myelin from the nerves, is autoimmune and can cause muscle weakness, blindness and tremors. -multiple sclerosis -tay-sach's disease -myasthenia gravis -muscular dystrophy


This neuroglial cell regulates chemical composition of tissue fluid by absorbing excess neurotransmitters and ions and is part of the blood brain barrier -astrocyte -microglial -schwann cell -ependymal

Schwann cell

This neuroglial cell wraps the nerve fibers in PNS in myelin. -Microglial -Oligodendrocyte -Schwann cell -astrocyte


This piece of a neuron are branches that come off the neurosoma and are the primary site for receiving signals from other neurons. -axon -dendrites -schwann cell -synaptic knob

anterior horn

Voluntary motor impulses leave the spinal cord via the _________ of gray matter. -anterior horn -posterior horn -anterior funiculus -posterior funiculus -lateral horn

γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA)

What is the most common inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain? -γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) -Noradrenaline -Epinephrine -Acetylcholine -Norepinephrine


What is the most common type of neuron? -Multipolar -Bipolar -Unipolar -Anaxonic -Dendritic

The dendrites

What is the primary site on a neuron for receiving signals from other neurons? -The axon terminals -The axons -The axon collaterals -The cell bodies -The dendrites

In the PNS

Where are axons surrounded by Schwann cells found? -In the PNS -In the CNS -In the PNS and CNS -Nowhere. Axons are never surrounded by Schwann cells. -In the CNS, but only during early development.

Schwann cells

Which glial cell is found wrapped around axons in the PNS? -Oligodendrocytes -Schwann cells -Satellite cells -Nodes of Ranvier -Ependymal cells

all the above

Which neurotransmitter is a monoamine -Epinephrine -norepinephrine -dopamine -all the above

Posterior (dorsal) root

Which of the following branches of a spinal nerve has the cell bodies of only sensory neurons? -Posterior (dorsal) root -Anterior (ventral) root -Posterior ramus -Anterior ramus

A fracture of vertebra L4

Which of the following fractures would be the least likely to cause a spinal cord injury? -A fracture of vertebra C2 -A fracture of vertebra C6 -A fracture of vertebra T5 -A fracture of vertebra T12 -A fracture of vertebra L4

Gracile fasciculus

Which of the following is an ascending tract of the spinal cord? Multiple Choice -Lateral tectospinal tract -Medial reticulospinal tract -Ventral corticospinal tract -Vestibulospinal tract -Gracile fasciculus

Reduced urinary output

Which of the following is associated with the "flight-or-fight" reaction? -Pupillary constriction -Glycogen synthesis -Increased gastric motility -Reduced urinary output

Cell bodies, dendrites, and proximal parts of axons of neurons

Which of the following is contained within gray matter? -Glial cells, axons of motor neurons, and Schwann cells -Glial cells and myelinated fibers -Cell bodies, dendrites, and proximal parts of axons of neurons -The distal part of axons of lower order motor neurons

Opening of sodium channels

Which of the following is most likey to cause a rapid depolarization? -Opening of chloride channels -Opening of sodium channels -Opening of potassium channels -Inactivation of sodium channels -Closing of sodium channels

It has short preganglionic axons

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the parasympathetic division of the ANS? -Its effects are local. -The terminal ganglia are very close to or within their target organs. -It arises from the craniosacral regions of the CNS. -It has short preganglionic axons.

It has long preganglionic axons

Which of the following is not a feature of the sympathetic division of the ANS? -It arises from the thoracolumbar region of the spinal cord. -It has long postganglionic axons. -It has long preganglionic axons.

Protect neurons in both the ascending and descending tracts

Which of the following is not a function associated with the spinal cord? -Protect neurons in both the ascending and descending tracts -Mediate a reflex, such as the withdrawal of a hand from pain -Conduct sensory information up to the brain -Conduct motor information down the cord -Coordinate the alternating contraction of several muscle groups associated with locomotion

Reflexes do not require a stimulus

Which of the following is not a property of reflexes? -Reflex responses are very predictable. -Reflexes are responses to sensory inputs. -Reflexes are quick responses of the nervous system. -Reflexes are not voluntary. -Reflexes do not require a stimulus

White matter

Which of the following structures is the richest in lipid content? -Gray matter -White matter -Arachnoid mater -Dura mater

Sympathetic preganglionic axon

Which of the following structures releases neurotransmitter molecules in a paravertebral ganglion? -Sympathetic preganglionic axon -Sympathetic postganglionic axon -Somatic motor axon -Parasympathetic preganglionic axon

Somatic receptor → afferent nerve fiber → interneuron → efferent nerve fiber → skeletal muscle

Which one of the following best describes the order of a somatic reflex? -Somatic receptor → interneuron → afferent nerve fiber → efferent nerve fiber → skeletal muscle -Somatic receptor → efferent nerve fiber → interneuron → afferent nerve fiber → skeletal muscle -Somatic receptor → afferent nerve fiber → interneuron → efferent nerve fiber → skeletal muscle

Sensory receptor → afferent nerve fiber → interneuron → efferent nerve fiber → gland

Which one of the following best describes the order of a visceral reflex? -Sensory receptor → interneuron → afferent nerve fiber → efferent nerve fiber → gland -Sensory receptor → efferent nerve fiber → interneuron → afferent nerve fiber → gland -Sensory receptor → afferent nerve fiber → interneuron → efferent nerve fiber → gland

Both systems are dedicated to maintaining stable internal conditions by detecting and responding to stimuli.

Which statement about the nervous and endocrine systems is true? -Both systems are dedicated to maintaining stable internal conditions by detecting and responding to stimuli. -The endocrine system helps maintains stable internal conditions, while the nervous system is dedicated to affecting change. -The nervous system helps maintains stable internal conditions, while the endocrine system is dedicated to affecting change. -The nervous system monitors internal conditions but cannot alter them. To affect change, it must activate the endocrine system. -The endocrine system monitors internal conditions but cannot alter them. To affect change, it must activate the nervous system.


You go to the movies after a long day and you begin to nod off as soon as the movie starts. Your head starts to lower a little, but a reflex causes your head to rise. This is called the _________ reflex. -tendon -crossed extension -withdrawal -stretch (myotatic)

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