Human Ev Exam 3 Mine

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Homo Sapiens is latin for (2011) A. "wise man" or "knowing man" B. "running man" C. "handy man" D. "upright walking man"

A. "wise man" or "knowing man"

the large teeth, jaws, and chewing muscles of the robust australopiths reflects adaption to (2011) A. A hard diet B. a high altitude environment C. meat eating D. defence against carnivores

A. A hard Diet

The earliest hominids (sahelanthropos, Orrin, Ardipithecus) were found in (2011) A. Africa B. Asia C.Africa and Asia D. Africa, Asia, and Europe

A. Africa

among living humans, the level of genetic diversity declines with increasing distance from (2011) A. africa B. South Asia C. East Asia D. Europe

A. Africa

Which of the following hypothesis of primate dispersal to south america is most likely? (2014) A. An anthropoid primate rafted on a floating island from Africa to the new world B. They evolved conversantly with african and asian primates C. They evolved from North American Eocene primates D. An Animal similar to Purgatories rafted on a floating island from Europe to the New World

A. An anthropoid primate rafted on a floating island from Africa to the new world (Check)

The Grasping hands and lack of stereoscopic vision found in Carpolestes simpsoni supported which model of primate evolution? (2014) A. Angiosperm Coevolution Hypothesis B. Nocturnal Visual Predation Hypothesis C. Both A and B D. None of the above

A. Angiosperm Coevolution Hypothesis

The abbreviation of "B.P." means (2013) A. Before present B. Before the paleocene C. Before the Pleistocene D. Before Primates

A. Before Present

Ardipithecus and Orrorin Share which of the following characteristics (2014) A. Use of control fire B. Large brain relative to body size C. Bipedal locomotion D. Distribution throughout South America

A. Bipedal Locomotion

According to Allen's rule, individuals with shorter and bulkier limbs are more adaptive in (2011) A. Cold climates B. hot climates C. high-altitude environments D. Malarial Environments

A. Cold Climates

Variability selection suggests that evolutionary adaptations within our lineage (2014) A. emerged in diverse and changeable settings B. Slowed in response to shifting climates C. are unrelated to environmental challenges D. Emerged only during periods of prolonged climatic stability

A. Emerged in diverse and changeable settings

This historical figure studied comparative anatomy and was adamant that there was an intermediate between apes and humans. Despite discouragement from academic colleagues, he joined the Dutch army at age 29 and arranged to be posted in Indonesia. After eight years of intense fossil hunting, he discovered "java man." This describes which historical figure? (2013) A. Eugene Dubois B. Robert Broom C. Raymond Dart D. Louis Leakey

A. Eugene Dubois

Neanderthals lived (2013) A. Europe and the middle east B. Africa, Europe and the middle east C. Africa and the Middle east D. Africa and Europe

A. Europe and the middle east

which of the following is NOT one of the main hypothesis explaining why primates evolved from more ancient forms of insectivorous mammals? (2013) A. expensive tissue hypothesis B. nocturnal visual predation hypothesis C. Narrow niche hypothesis D. angiosperm coevolution hypothesis

A. Expensive tissue hypothesis

________ Species of apes live today than lived between 5 to 23 million years ago in the miocene period (2011) A. Fewer B. More C. the exact same number of D. None of the above

A. Fewer

Discovery of primates in the new world with dental patterns similar to some old world primates raised questions about the origin of primates in South America. The scenario favored by many scientists is that (2012) A. Floating islands that contained primates made the trans-atlantic trip B. Neotropircal primates evolved conversantly with african and asian forms C. Neotropical primates are derived from North American forms, who then migrated South D. None of the above

A. Floating islands that containted primates made the trans-atlantic trip (None of the above?)

Which of the following is NOT a hypothesis used to explain primate evolution? (2012) A. Grasping-Leaping hypothesis B. Angiosperm Coevolution Hypothesis C. Nocturnal Visual Prediction Hypothesis D. None of the above

A. Grasping-Leaping Hypothesis

Imagine you discover a fossil hominin that is an obligate biped with a cranial capacity of 1000 cc. to what genus would you assign this individual? (2014) A. homo B. Ardipithecus C. Sahelanthropus D. Australopithecus

A. Homo

The Hominid to leave Africa was (2012) A. Homo Erectus B. Homo Sapiens C. Australopithecus Afarensis D. Homo Habilis

A. Homo Erectus

some paleoanthropologist consider the variation in Homo Habilis specimens as evidence of another species named (2011) A. Homo Rudolfensis B. Homo ergaster C. Homo erectus D. Homo Sapien

A. Homo Rudolfensis

Which of the following is a true statement about morphological integration (2014) A. It coordinates variation among interacting parts of organisms, and this ensures organismal function B. it indicates that structures evolve as completely independent modules, and in response to separate selection pressures C. It is impossible to asses in phenotypic traits D. It only applies to post cranial features associated with the evolution of bipedalism

A. It coordinates variation among interacting parts of organisms, and this ensures organismal function Check

Refutation of the expensive tissue hypothesis is based on what evidence? (2014) A. Mammalian brain size is not negatively correlated with the mass of the digestive track B. Humans have reduced masticatory anatomy C. Compared to raw diets, cooked diets increase energy availability D. Compared to those of other mammals, Human brains consume more energy

A. Mammalian brain size is not negatively correlated with the mass of the digestive track

Early anthropoids such as aegyptopithecus and Apidium differentiated into which of the following? (2014) A. New world monkeys and Old World Monkeys B. Lemurs and Lorises C. Tarsiers D. All living primate

A. New World Monkeys and Old World Monkeys

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Neanderthals (2014) A. Small Nasal Regions B. Short, Stocky Build C. Large Brains D. Presence of Brow Ridges

A. Small Nasal Regions

are humans continuing to evolve (2011) A. Yes B. only some select populations C. No D. it is currently unknown at this time

A. Yes

Homo Floresiensis (often referred to as "the hobbit"), is most likely (2011) A. a dwarf species of Homo Erectus B. a microcephalic individual C. a hoax D. a population of australopithecines that has been incorrectly dated

A. a dwarf species of homo erectus

Oldowan Tools (2011) A. are produced by removing a few flakes off of a stone B. are symmetric, with a clear shape C. are made using a bifacial technology D. all of the above

A. are produced by removing a few flakes off of a stone

Dating a fossil specimen by stratigraphy (2012) A. assumes that older materials are found deeper in the earth than younger materials B. assumes that younger materials are found deeper in the earth than older materials C. provides an "exact" date for fossils D. Both B and C

A. assumes that older materials are found deeper in the earth than younger materials

the robust australopiths (2011) A. became extinct roughly one million years ago B. evolved into homo sapiens C. evolved into homo erectus D. Left Africa roughly one million years ago

A. became extinct roughly one million years ago

Experiments have shown that, at normal walking speeds, (2011) A. Bipeds are more energy efficient than quadrupeds B. Bipeds are less energy efficient than quadrupeds C. Quadrupeds are more energy efficient than climbers D. quadrupeds are less energy efficient than climbers

A. bipeds are more energy efficient than quadrupeds

Which of the following is TRUE about bipedalism? (2013) A. bipeds are more energy efficient than quadrupeds covering the same distance B. bipeds are less energy efficient than quadrupeds covering the same distance C. there is no difference in energy efficient between quadrupeds and bipeds D. none of the above, as it is not possible to compare energy efficiency of quadrupedalism and bipedalism

A. bipeds are more energy efficient than quadrupeds covering the same distance

The shape of the anatomically modern human skull is (2011) A. high and well-rounded B. low and long, similar to that found in homo heidelbergensis C. distinct because of the presence of an occipital bun D. more like that of the austrapoliths than other species in the genus homo, such as homo Erectus and homo heidelbergensis

A. high and well-rounded

Which of the following was a result of humans shifting from a hunter-gatherer to an agriculturalist lifestyle (2013) A. increase in population size B. rapid decrease in population size C. slow decrease in population size D. no change in population size

A. increase in population size

skin color in human beings (2011) A. a continous distribution B. appears in three basic "colors" C. appears in five basic "colors" D. appears in between three and seven basic "colors" but the exact number is not yet clear

A. is a continous spectrum

Imagine that paleoanthropologist at a site in kenya discover stone tools dating back to five million years ago. What would be notable about this find? (2014) A. it would be the earliest record of stone tool use, as the oldest evidence of stone tool technology currently dates back to about 3 million years B. it would contradict evidence of Homo erectus was the only hominin species to make tools, as H. erectus was not found in Kenya C. It would expand the geographic range of stone tool use, as paleoanthropologist have not previously discovered stone tools in Africa D. All of the above

A. it would be the earliest record of stone tool use, as the oldest evidence of stone tool technology currently dates back to about 3 million years

In a study of raw-foodists, the absence of menstrual cycling in women of reproductive age was related to (2013) A. percent raw food in diet and duration of raw-foodsim B. whether raw food diets also included raw animal foods C. both A and B D. none of the above

A. percent raw food in diet and duration of raw-foodism

when humans living in low altitudes enter a high-altitude environment, which of the following physiological changes may occur? (2013) A. respiration initially increases, but returns to normal in a few days B. red blood cell production decreases for 2 years C. differences in aerobic capacity are required in both children and adults that migrate to high-altitude environments D. all of the above

A. respiration initially increases, but returns to normal in a few days

In humans, mutations of the FOXP2 gene cause (2013) A. severe speech and language disorders B. short stature C. Lactase persistence D. All of the above

A. severe speech and language disorders

Studies of the hyoid bone suggest that the vocal anatomy of neanderthals was (2012) A. similar to modern humans B. Similar to gracile australopiths C. similar to the earliest hominids D. No neanderthal hyoid bones have ever been found recored in the fossil record

A. similar to modern humans

the argument between "lumpers" and "splitter" is concerned with (2011) A. the number of species represented in a set of fossil remains B. the best method of extracting a fossil from a rock matrix C. ideas about whether the subfields of anthropology should be separate academic disciplines D. different methods of extracting ancient DNA

A. the number of species represented in a set of fossil remains

Which of the following is a reason why Plesiadapiformes are not categorized as primates (2012) A. they have no post-orbital bar or closure B. they have nails instead of claws C. the locations where their fossils are recovered D. they have no diastema

A. they have no post-orbital bar or closure

The last common ancestor between humans and chimpanzees was likely (2011) A. to have been a quadrupedal knuckle walker B. to have not been capable of climbing into trees C. to have eaten meat as a large percentage (greater than 50%) of its diet D. to have had a brain size of approximately 950cc

A. to have been a quadrupedal knucklewalker

According to optimal foraging theory, which of the following would be the most optimal choice after you finish taking this exam in Lab Sciences 300? (2013) A. walking to the DUC (located on campus) and getting a cheeseburger B. Walking to the edge of forest park and foraging for berries C. Drinking a gallon of water from the fountain in the hallway of the Lab Science building D. Walk to the nearest Schnucks grocery store and buying a head of lettuce

A. walking to the DUC (located on campus) and getting a cheeseburger

The fossil known as "Piltdown man" (2013) A. was a hoax, consisting of a human-like cranium with an ape-like jaw which supported the prevailing notion in england that human evolution began with the Brain B. was not a hoax, but represented a severely pathological individual who was not representative of the broader trend in past hominin populations C. was not a hoaxx, but an unintentional cataloguing error detected by Franz Weidenreich at the natural history museum of London D. Was a hoax, consisting of an ape-like cranium with an ape-like haw which supported the prevailing notion in england that human evolution began with the brain

A. was a hoax, consisting of a human-like cranium with an ape-like jaw which supported the prevailing notion in england that human evolution began with the Brain

the earliest evidence of adornment appears (2011) A. 2,000 to 4,000 years ago B. 100,000 to 135,000 years ago C. 500,000 to 800,000 years ago D. more than 2,000,000 years ago

B. 100,000 to 135,000

Agriculture first began roughly____years ago (2011) A. 2,000 B. 12,000 C. 200,000 D. 1,500,000

B. 12,000

The oldest fossil evidence of New World Monkeys is approximately (2013) A. 60 million years ago B. 27 million years ago C. 2 million years ago D. 27 thousand years ago

B. 27 million years ago

Across the human genome (2011) A. 3% to 17% of human variation is found within populations, 83% to 97% is found between populations B. 83% to 97% of human variation is found within populations, 3% to 17% is found between populations C. 50% of human variation is found within populations, 50% is found between populations D. none of the above, as it is not possible to measure variation between human populations

B. 83% to 97% of human variation is found within populations, 3% to 17% is found between populations

Which of the following fossil primate species is oldest? (2011) A. Proconsul B. Aegyptopithecus C. Orrorin D. Sivapithecus

B. Aegyptopithecus

Which of the following fossil primate species is oldest? (2013) A. proconsul B. aegyptopithecus C. Sivapithecus D. orrorin

B. Aegyptopithecus

Which of the following is NOT a gracile australopithecine (2012) A. Australopithecus anamensis B. Australopithecus boise C. Australopithecus Afarensis D. Australopithecus Africanus

B. Australopithecus boise

Dating a fossil based on the similarity of animal remains that are found in the same stratum is (2013) A. Stratigraphy B. Biostratigraphy C. paleomagnetic reversal dating D. Dendrochronology

B. Biostratigraphy

the progression of developments in our lineage is as follows (from oldest to newest development) (2011) A. large brain size, bipedality, art and symbolism, acheulian tool tradition B. Bipedality, large brain size, acheulian tool tradition, art and symbolism C. large brain size, bipedality, Acheulian tool tradition, art and symbolism D. bipedality, large brain size, art and symbolism, acheulian tool tradition

B. Bipedality, large brain size, acheulian tool tradition, art and symbolism

Which of the following dating methods is most precise? A. Flourine Dating B. Carbon-14 dating C. Biostratigraphy D. Stratigraphy

B. Carbon -14 Dating

Define "Hominin" (2014) A. Humans, Bonobos, Chimpanzees, and their ancestors since the divergence from the common ancestor with gorillas B. Humans and their ancestors since the divergence from the common ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos C. Only Members of the genus Homo, Including modern humans D. Members of the superfamily Hominoid, both present and past, today comprising humans, gibbons, and great apes

B. Humans and their ancestors since the divergence from the common ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos Check

Using our knowledge of stratigraphy, what can we generally assume about objects found during a paleontological excavation (2014) A. We can never make determinations about age using depth B. Older objects are found beneath newer/younger objects C. Newer/younger objects are found beneath older objects D. relative dating is no longer used because we can now use chronometric dating for all sites

B. Older objects are found beneath newer/younger objects

Homo Habilis has been found in associated with (2013) A. mousterian tools B. oldowan tools C. acheulian tools D. composite tools, such as atlatls

B. Oldowan Tools

In order of age (oldest to newest) what is the correct order of the stone tool traditions we find in the Hominid Lineage? (2012) A. Acheulian, Oldowan, Mousterian B. Oldowan, Acheulian, Mousterian C. Oldowan, Mousterian, Acheulian D. Mousterian, Oldowan, Acheulian

B. Oldowan, Acheulian, Mousterian

Both existing fossil evidence and recent genetic studies support which of the following models of human origins (2013) A. a combination of both the "multi regional hypothesis" and "out of Africa with assimilation hypothesis" B. "out of Africa and assimilation hypothesis" C. multiregional hypothesis A combination of both the multi regional hypothesis and out of africa with replacement hypothesis

B. Out of Africa with assimilation hypothesis

some of the bones from animals butchered by homo erectus have both animal tooth marks and stone tool cut marks. In most cases the stone tool cut marks overlay the animal tooth marks, suggesting that Homo Erectus was a (2011) A. hunter B. Scavenger C. vegetarian D. Cannibal

B. Scavenger

Acclimation is (2012) A. genetic adaptation (natural selection) B. short-term physiological adaptation to stress, occurs within minutes or hours C. long-term adaptation that occurs during physical growth, changes in organ or body structure D. long-term physiological adaptation E. Long-Term physiological responses to stress, occurs within days or months

B. Short-term physiological adaptation (combined 2012 and 2013 question)

Which of the following is a potential life history advantage of fire and cooking for humans? (2011) A. later weaning B. Shorter Birth intervals C. Longer birth intervals D. None of the above

B. Shorter Birth Intervals

Robin Dunbar's research showed that primate brain size (more specifically, neocortex region) scales with (2011) A. day range distance B. social group size C. number of tools used D. degree of bipedality

B. Social group size (check)

________ is the study of what happens to plants and animals after they die (2011) A. Paleoecology B. Taphonomy C. Biostratigraphy D. Taxonomy

B. Taphonomy

A saggital crest is frequently found in (2011) A. Australopithecus Afarensis B. The Robust Australopiths C. Australopithecus Africanus D. Homo Sapiens

B. The Robust Australopiths

Which of the following would NOT be considered evidence that hominids were scavenging on meat from animals killed by large carnivores: (2014) A. Stone tool cut marks overlay tooth marks of large carnivores on animal carcasses B. Tooth marks of large carnivores overlay stone tool cut marks on bones of animal carcasses C. Animal carcasses consisting only of the lower portions of legs recovered at hominin fossil sites D. All of the above

B. Tooth marks of large carnivores overlay stone tool cut marks on bones of animal carcasses

the anatomy of carpolestes support the view that (2013) A. grasping hands and stereoscopic vision evolved at the same time B. grasping evolved before stereoscopic vision C. grasping hands evolved after stereoscopic vision D. none of the above, as the fossil materials are not complete enough to make assessments

B. grasping hands evolved before stereoscopic vision

The Levallois Technique of tool making (2012) (2013) A. is very inefficient-it requires more raw material to make a single tool than previous techniques B. is very efficient-it allows more tools to be made from a given amount of raw material than previous techniques C. is only used for shaping bamboo knives, it is very limited in its usage D. is useful for only making hand-axes, it is very limited E. it is very broad in its usage, as it is the only tool manufacture technique to make needles

B. is very efficient-it allows more tools to be made from a given amount of raw material than previous techniques Combined question from 2012 and 2013

the principal of stratigraphy shows (2011) A. the relative age of layers-fossils found deeper are younger B. the relative age of layers-fossil found deeper are older C. the difference in concentration of fluorine D. similarities in faunal distribution with sites of known age

B. the relative age of layers-fossils found deeper are older

Louis Leakey assigned homo habilis to the genus Homo because (2011) A. the species had a post cranial anatomy like modern humans, with long legs and short arms B. the species has a larger brain than earlier hominins and was associated with stone tools C. archeological evidence at the site indicated that this species used fire D. similar finds at the site had previously been assigned to Homo Rudolfensis

B. the species had a larger brain than earlier hominins and was associated with stone tools

At any given latitude, optional skin color is a balance between (2011) A. the need for lighter skin to protect against photo destruction of folate; the need for darker skin to facilitate vitamin D synthesis B.the need for Darker skin to protect against photo destruction of folate; the need for Lighter skin to facilitate vitamin D synthesis C. the need for darker skin to protect against nickel cell anemia; the need for lighter skin to facilitate vitamin D synthesis D. the need for lighter skin to protect against hypoxia; the need for darker skin to protect against photo destruction of folate

B.the need for Darker skin to protect against photo destruction of folate; the need for Lighter skin to facilitate vitamin D synthesis

Eugéne Dubois left his academic posting in Europe t move to Indonesia, and then discovered (2012) A. "nutcracker man" B. "Taung Child" C. "Java Man" D. all of the above

C. "Java Man"

What is the approximate date of the divergence of humans and african apes...(2011) A. 60,000 years ago B. 600,000 years ago C. 6,000,000 years ago D. 60,000,000 years ago

C. 6,000,000 years ago

The oldest indication of controlled fire in the archaeological record dates back to (2013) A. 12,000 years ago B. 25,000 years ago C. 790,000 years ago D. 6 t 7 million years ago

C. 790,000 years ago

The Cranial and dental features observed in the robust Australopithecines are likely to result of an adaption to which of the following? (2014) A. An environment in which the brain needed extra protection provided by a heavily built skull B. A Diet consisting of soft, easy to process and high quality foods C. A Diet consisting of tough, Difficult to process and low quality foods D. Interspecies conflict

C. A Diet consisting of tough, Difficult to process and low quality foods

Adapids and Omomyids are found in the fossil record of (2013) A. africa, asia and australia B. Africa, North America and South America C. Africa, North America and Asia D. Africa, Asia and South America

C. Africa, Asia, and North America (Also in Europe)

Which of the following modern continents has no evidence of primates (fossil primates) prior to the genus Homo? (2014) A. Asia B. Europe C. Australia D. North America

C. Australia

The fossil known as Lucy belongs to the species A. ardipithecus ramidus (2011) B. Australopithecus Anamensis C. Australopithecus Afarensis D. Australopithecus Africanus

C. Australopithecus Afarensis

The discovery of Lucy provided evidence that _____ evolved before_____ (2012) A. Hunting, Culture B. Culture, Opposable Thumbs C. Bipedalism, Large Brains D. Controlled Fire, Stone Tools

C. Bipedalism, Large Brains

Humans are unique in A. Complexity of our culture (2014) B. Extent to which we depend on culture for our survival C. Both A and B D. None of the Above

C. Both A and B

which of the following is an evolutionary trade-off that has affected our lineage (2011) A. the evolution of vocal anatomy B. the evolution of bipedality and complications associated with childbirth C. Both A and B D.none of the above

C. Both A and B

Fossils may be assigned to the genus homo based on: (2014) A. Tooth shape B. Type of locomotion C. Brain Size D. Evidence of tool use

C. Brain Size

The Atlatl is an example of a (2012) A. Oldowan Tool B. Acheulian Tool C. Composite tool D. Mousterian Tool

C. Composite Tool

Which of the following is the most effective mechanism of heat loss in hot temperatures (2013) A. Radiation B. Convection C. Evaporation D. Conduction

C. Evaporation

In comparative studies of other animal taxa, brain size was found to be related to which of the following (2012) A. tool using abilities B. Dietary diversity C. Long-term cooperative relationships D. abilities to deceive others

C. Long-term cooperative relationships Check

The Expensive Tissue Hypothesis proposes that (2012) A. the relative lengthening of our legs for bipedal locomotion has been accompanied by a shortening of our arms B. The costs of gestating a metabolically expensive fetus are offset by switching to bipedalism-less costly form of locomotion C. Metabolic requirements of large brains are offset with a corresponding reduction of the gut, made possible by a high quality diet D. the potential health problems eating raw meat are mitigated by the ability to control fire and cooking hunted or scavenged game

C. Metabolic requirements of large brains are offset with a corresponding reduction of the gut, made possible by a high quality diet

The _______ tool tradition is associated with Neanderthals (2012) A. Oldowan B. Solutrean C. Mousterian D. Acheulian

C. Mousterian

Many hypotheses regarding the origin of bipedalism have assumed that the first bipeds evolved in the savanna. Why has this idea been recently challenged? (2011) A. The discovery of stone tools associated with some australopiths B. Evidence for fossil chimpanzees has been discovered in a savanna environment C. New Evidence shows that the earliest hominids evolved in a woodland environment D. None of the above

C. New Evidence shows that the earliest hominids evolved in a woodland environment

You discover a fossil in North America that does not have a post oribital bar or closure, it has a large diastema, and claws. This fossil can be classified as (2013) A. Adapid or Omomyid B. Miocene Ape C. Plesiadapiform D. none of the above, as the diagnostic information does not allow us to distinguish between these groups

C. Plesiadapiform

Paleontologists discover a primate fossil which has a foramen magnum placed well under the base of the skull/brain case, a bowl-shaped pelvis, and a big toe aligned with the other toes. What can they infer from these characteristics? (2014) A. the individuals was primarily frugiviorous B. The individual was originated in East Africa C. The individual was bipedal D. The individual was male

C. The individual was bipedal

What do the fossilized post-cranial bones of ardipithecus radius tell us about their locomotor patterns? (2012) A. these hominins were quadrumanous, much like orangutans B. these hominins were knuckle walkers, very similar to chimpanzees and gorillas C. These hominins had divergent big toes that aided in both climbing and bipedal walking D. these hominins were vertical clingers and leapers, similar to lemurs

C. These hominins had divergent big toes that aided in both climbing and bipedal walking

The fossil known as "Piltdown Man" (2011) A. represents the oldest known evidence of bipedalism B. Has recently been reclassified into the species Kenyanthropus platyops C. was a hoax D. is the most complete fossil hominid discovered during the Pliocene epoch

C. Was a hoax

Archaic humans and Neanderthals evolved during time periods when (2013) A. had no glacial period B. had no interglacial periods C. alternated between glacial and interglacial periods D. are not associated with any information on paleoclimates such as glacial and interglacial periods

C. alternated between glacial and interglacial periods

The body proportions of Neanderthals (2011) A. improve their efficiency as long distance runners B. are tall and thin, which is an adaptation to cold climates C. are short and stocky, which is an adaptation to cold climates D. suggest they often climb trees

C. are short and stocky, which is an adaptation to cold climates

At high temperatures, most heat loss in humans is through (2011) A. radiation B. convection C. evaporation D. conduction

C. evaporation

the body proportions of the homo erectus skeleton known as the "turkana boy" suggest a smaller gut than earlier hominids, which provides support for the _____ hypothesis (2011) A. aquatic ape B. Knuckle-walking ancestry C. expensive tissue D. none of the above

C. expensive tissue

the genus Homo evolved (2011) A. only in a prolonged glacial period B, only in a prolonged interglacial period C. in alternating glacial and interglacial periods D. in parts of the world that were not concerned with glacial and interglacial climatic shifts

C. in alternating glacial and interglacial periods

Natural selection has favored lactase persistence among modern humans in association with dairy farming in which region? (2012) A. only in Europe B. only in Africa C. in two different parts of the world, Europe and Africa D. None of the above

C. in two different parts of the world, Europe and Africa

the genus Homo is specifically defined in terms of (2013) A. similar brain size to gracile Australopithecines, but incorporation of meat in the diet B. similar brain size to gracile Australopithecines, but increased reliance on cultural adaptation C. increased brain size, and increased reliance on cultural adaptation D. increased brain size, and hunting with spears

C. increased brain size, and increased reliance on cultural adaptation

Developmental acclimatization is (2011) A. short term physiologic adaptation B. long term physiologic adaption C. long-term adaptation that occurs during physical growth D. genetic adaptation (natural selection)

C. long-term adaptation that occurs during physical growth

What impact did the extinction of the dinosaurs (65 million years ago) have on the evolution of mammals? (2012) A. mammals became extinct B. the remaining dinosaur species interbred with mammals C. many environments, formerly occupied by the dinosaurs, were now available to mammals D. Mammals caused the extinction of dinosaurs

C. many environments, formerly occupied by the dinosaurs, were not available to mammals

Which of the following is a suggested reason for the adoption of bipedal locomotion by early hominins (2012) A. more effective processing of nutrients in cooked food B. More frequent cooperation with group members C. more efficient in traveling long distances than quadrupedalism D. all of the above

C. more efficient in traveling long distances than quadrupedalism

Levallois tools are characterized by (2011) A. Crudely removing a few flakes from a stone core B. bifacial flaking to form a large symmtric tool known as a hand axe C. preparation of the core, followed by the removal of a finished tool with a single blow D. removal of small flakes that are then fashioned into extremely small spear points

C. preparation of the core, followed by the removal of a finished tool with a single blow

Raymond Dart interpreted the fossil hominins that he studied as being (2013) A. organized in large, state-level societies B. more more likely to be the prey of carnivores, rather than savage hunters of large game C. savage hunters and bloodthirsty killers D. compassionate and caring for the sick and elderly in their group

C. savage hunters and bloodthirsty killers

Which bipedalism first emerged in the earliest hominins, it was (2013) A. identical to the bipedalism exhibited by anatomically modern humans B. Slightly different than bipedalism exhibited by anatomically modern humans, but early hominins were unable to climb C. slightly different than bipedalism exhibited by anatomically modern humans, and many early hominins still retained the ability to climb D. completely different from bipedalism exhibited by anatomically modern humans, and the modern form of bipedalism emerged as a separate evolutionary event much later in our lineage

C. slightly different than bipedalism exhibited by anatomically modern humans, and many early hominins still retained the ability to climb

It has been suggested that the evolution of larger brains in the genus Homo was due to (2013) A. a shift to diets comprised mostly of ripe fruits B. the reorganization of cranial structures in response to the increasing size of molar teeth C. the ability to keep track of a larger number of social relationship D. All of the above

C. the ability to keep track of a larger number of social relationships

You are most likely to find a sagittal crest in individuals representing which group of homies (2013) A. the hobbit in flores B. the neanderthals C. the robust australopithecines D. The gracile australopithecines

C. the robust australopithecines

When did the first anatomically modern humans appear (2013) A. 100,000 years ago B. 5 million years ago C. 2 million years ago D. 200,000 years ago

D. 200,000 years ago

In comparison to Homo Erectus, Homo Heidelbergensis had: (2012) A. A long, low cranium, separated by brow ridges, and a diet that included more fish than big game B. A range of restricted to the tropics, a larger brow ridge and nasal cavity, and controlled use of fire C. A more rounded cranium, a longer inter birth interval, and evidence of cave art D. A larger brain, a less projecting face, and more sophisticated tool technology including spears

D. A larger brain, a less projecting face, and more sophisticated tool technology including spears

Larger body size in Homo in relation to australopithecus reflect (2014) A. An evolutionary byproduct of bipedality B. Post Cranial adaptations to drier and hotter climates that were encountered outside of Africa C. Nutritional sufficiency resulting from tool use, social cooperation, and a higher-quality diet D. All of the above

D. All of the Above

Which of the following statements characterizes the field of paleoanthropology fifty years ago? (2014) A. Transition from ape-like ancestors to modern humans was commonly explained by variations of the savanna hypothesis B. Almost all extinct hominids discovered were thought to be direct ancestors C. it was widely believed that there were few time periods with multiple hominin species D. all of the above

D. All of the Above

Evidence suggesting that homo heidelbergensis was a proficient hunter includes (2013) A. carnivore tooth marks overlay stone tool marks, indicating that humans had first access to the carcass B. the presence of many complete animal carcassses C. wooden spears found in association with butchered animal bones D. all of the above

D. All of the above

Taphonomy is likely to inform you about which of the following (2013) A. which bones are more likely to fossilize B. Which bones are most likely to be left by a predator C. Which bones might be likely to wash down a river D. all of the above

D. All of the above

What are morphological features evident in Australopithecus afarnesis suggest that this species climbed trees? (2011) A. curved phalanges B. an intermembral index between humans and chimpanzees C. the orientation of the shoulder joint D. all of the above

D. All of the above

What factors needs to be considered when determining the species to which a specific fossil specimen should be assigned? (2012) A. Sexual Dimorphism of the species B. Life history stage of the individual C. Range of variation in the species D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following is a difference between neanderthals and anatomically modern humans? A. neanderthals lack a chin B. Anatomically modern humans have less prognathic (projecting: pronounced outward slope) C. neanderthals have an occipital bun, which is not present in anatomically modern humans D. All of the above

D. All of the above

compared to other species, Homo Sapiens are outliers for which of the following reasons? (2014) A. Geographical and ecological ranges of humans are larger than any other animal B. Human biomass is eight times that of all other wild terrestrial vertebrates combined C. Within 50,000 years of dispersing from africa, humans had occupied every terrestrial habitat on earth D. All of the above

D. All of the above

which of the following species lived within the same period as homo sapiens? (2012) A. H. erectus B. H neanderthalensis C. H. Floresiensis D. all of the above

D. All of the above

In our class, How did professor Sanz Assign the domains fossil hominids? (2014) A. As a late representative of homo habilis B. As homo ergaster C. As a new species, Homo Georgics D. As an early representation of homo erectus

D. As an early representation of homo erectus Check

Imagine you are fossil hunting in east Africa and discover a primate skull with an ape-size brain (465cc) very large back teeth (approximately four time the size of modern human molars), large cheekbones (zygomatic arches) that flare out from the cranium. Based on this information, this is more likely a specimen of... (2013) A. australopithecus africans B. homo erectus C. australopithecus afarensis D. Australopithecus (paranthropus) boisei

D. Australopithecus (paranthropus) boisei

Recent discovery of Stone-tool-assisted consumption of animal tissues has been associated with which of the following taxa (2013) A. Orrorin tugenensis B. Sahelanthripus Tchadensis C. Ardipithecus Kadabba D. Australopithecus Afarensis

D. Australopithecus Afarensis

Which of the following species has the largest molars (2011) A. homo sapiens B. Homo erecuts C. Homo Habilis D. Australopithecus Boisei

D. Australopithecus Boisei

Recent Discovery of stone-tool-assisted consumption of animal tissues has been associated with which of the following Taxa? (2011) A. ardipithecus Ramidus B. Australopithecus Anamensis C. Sahelanthripus tchadensis D. Australopithecus afarensis

D. Australopithecus afarensis

In our search for a hominin ancestor to fill the gap between A. Afarensis and the Genus Homo, we were looking for a hominin with which suite of characteristics? (2013) A. biped with large canines and small molars, preferable residing in Asia during the period 12 to 13 MA, possibly using stone tools B. Biped with small canines and small molars, preferable resting in east Africa during the period 12-13 MA, possibly using stone tools C. Biped with large canines and large molars, preferably residing in Asia during the period 2-3 MA, possibly using stone tools D. Biped with small canines and small molars, preferably residing in east Africa during the period 2-3 MA, possibly using stone tools

D. Biped with small canines and small molars, preferably residing in east africa during the period 2-3 MA, possibly using stone tools

Paleo-anthropolgists more specifically define the genus homo in terms of... (2012) A. increased reliance on cultural adaptation B. increased brain size C. geographic spread D. Both A and B

D. Both A and B

Vasodilation and vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the extremities of the body are adaptive responses to____stress (2011) A. ultraviolet radiation B. High-Altitude C. Heat D. Cold

D. Cold

Many early anthropoids and Miocene apes have smaller eye orbits (relative to skull size) than earlier primates. The smaller eye orbits suggest they were (2013) A. terrestrial B. nocturnal C. arboreal D. diurnal

D. Diurnal

What type of habitat did hominids likely evolve in? (2012) A. open grassland B. desert C. Swamp D. forest/woodland

D. Forrest/ woodland

According to Richard Wrangham, which species shows the most biological traits consistent with the consumption of cooked foods? (2013) A. Homo Habilis B. Australopithecus Afarensis C. Australopithecus (paranthripus) Boisei D. Homo Erectus

D. Homo Erectus

Which of the following had the largest geographic range? (2012) A. Homo Habilis B. Homo Floresiensis C. Homo Neanderthalensis D. Homo Erectus

D. Homo Erectus

which of the following is the earliest species that shows biological traits consistent with the consumption of cooked foods? (2011) A. homo heidelbergensis B. Homo neanderthalensis C. Homo Sapiens D. Homo Erectus

D. Homo Erectus

Which of the following did NOT live within the same time period as homo sapiens? (2014) A. Homo Erectus B. Homo Habilis C. Homo Neanderthalensis D. Homo Floresiensis

D. Homo Habilis

The general trend in the fossil record shows that homo sapiens evolved directly from (2011) A. Australopithecus Africans B. Homo Neanderthalensis C. Homo Habilis D. Homo Heidelbergensis

D. Homo Heidelbergensis

During its time of discovery, one reason why the Piltdown man was so attractive as a human ancestor was because: (2012) A. it provided clear evidence that humans were hunting big game by 1 million years ago B. it showed that hominids in europe were the first to control the use of fire in our lineage C. it supported the notion that human evolution began with bipedality occurring before brain size increase D. it supported the notion that human evolution began with brain size increase occurring before bipedality

D. It supported the notion that human evolution began with brain size increase occurring before bipedality

When examining a broad range of species beyond primates, researchers did not find a positive relationships between group size and brain size (with the exception of horses). Rather, brain size in other organisms was related to (2014) A. Short-Term Promiscuous relationships B. Short-Term Cooperative relationships C. erial Relationships D. Long-Term cooperative relationships

D. Long-Term cooperative relationships (Check)

Which of following does NOT align with Richard Lewontins concept of Niche Construction? (2014) A. Organisms are active constructs of their environment B. Organisms define and create their niches C. There are reciprocal relationships between organisms and their environments D. Organisms are passive recipients of environmental influences

D. Organisms are passive recipients of environmental influences

We are currently in which eon, era, period? (2011) A. Hadean Eon, Mesozoic Era, Pleistocene Period B. Hadean Eon, Cenozoic Era, Holocene period C. Phanerozoic Eon, Mesozoic era, Miocene period D. Phanerozoic eon, Cenozoic era, Holocene Period

D. Phanerozoic eon, Cenozoic era, Holocene Period

Which of the following are hominin features...(2011) A. bipedal B. small canines C. Big Brains D.all of the above

D. all of the above

how can cooking food increase an individual's overall fitness? (2012) A. improved digestibility of particular starches and proteins B. increase in net energy gain from softening hard foods C. reduction in bacteria and parasites in food D. all of the above

D. all of the above

scientists have attempted to examine the emergence of language through(2011) A. fossil endocasts of brain structure B, changes in vocal anatomy C. expression of the FOXP2 D. all of the above

D. all of the above

to maximize energy gain, primates may regulate which of the following (2011) A. patch choices B. Foraging time C. processing methods D. all of the above

D. all of the above

The Narrow-Niche Hypothesis proposes that: (2012) A. Neanderthals went extinct because their tool technology did not enable them to exploit a broad range of environments B. Dinosaurs went extinct as a result of drastically altered climatic conditions following a massive meteor impact with the earth C. robust australopiths went extinct because their dentition was too specialized D. primate morphological characteristics evolved not just from selection for fine branch use, but also from a lack of engagement in other activities

D. primate morphological characteristics evolved not just from selection for fine branch use, but also from a lack of engagement in other activities

Carbon-14 dating works best in situations that involve (2012) A. testing organisms that were herbivorous B. samples older than 1 million years C. testing organisms that were carnivorous D. samples that are no older than 50,000 years

D. samples that are no older than 50,000 years

Why is it impossible to use molecular data to reconstruct ancestor-dependent relationships among australopiths and early homo? (2012) A. taking a DNA sample would destroy the fossil, and most paleoanthropologist do not advocate this approach B. the DNA is all too similar among these species to determine how they are related C. too much cross-contamination has been introduced during the excavation process D. the ancient bones have mineralized to fossil, and there is no longer any DNA remaining

D. the ancient bones have mineralized to fossil, and there is no longer any DNA remaining

While working in at a fossil site in east africa, you discover a primate skull which has a cranial capacity of 433 cubic centimeters. This individual was also bipedal and had canines larger than modern humans. It could be a representative of (2012) A. the genus Homo B. the genus Carpolestes C. the genus Pan D. the genus Australopithecus

D. the genus Australopithecus

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