Human Growth and Development midterm (modules 1-6)

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A child is born with a normal birth weight and length, but over the next few months, the child falls below the 20th percentile for these figures. What term most accurately describes this baby's development?

Failure to thrive

proposed was that unconscious motives and desires, fears and anxieties drive our actions. He was the first person to suggest purely psychological explanations for physical problems and mental illness

Freud's Psychoanalytic Therapy

Ariela is a dancer and gymnast. Which theory of intelligence, Gardner's or Sternberg's would most fully capture the kind of intelligence Ariela displays, and what is this type of intelligence called?

Gardner; bodily-kinesthetic

In a pre-k classroom, children are allowed time to play with toys throughout the day. The teacher encourages the girls to play with dolls, and the boys to play with toy trucks. Which of the following concepts does this reflect?

Gender role socialization.

Sam is 3 yeas old, and many of the shows she watches provide opportunities for viewers to jump and dance. Which type of motor skills development does this promote

Gross motor skills

Which of the senses is the most well-developed in a newborn at the time of birth?


Parents who opt out of vaccinating their children, and later send them to school, increase the risk to other children by reducing the overall community immunity rate, known as what?

Herd immunity

As much as Christophe's parents try to understand his temperament, even after testing, they cannot determine what his temperament type is. What does this indicate about Christophe?

His temperament would be classified as undifferentiated.

What is the difference between anoxia and hypoxia?

Hypoxia occurs when the infant is deprived of adequate oxygen and experiences mild brain damage, while anoxia occurs when the infant experiences total lack of oxygen and experiences severe brain damage

Using inferences from the puppet experiments about in-group and out-group preferences can we make about how infants as young as 8 months old choose playmates and friends?

Infants like others who express similar likes and dislikes

Parents are at an indoor playspace their five-year-old child. The parents observe the child check out the slide, then check out a play house before deciding to play on a climbing structure. According to Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, by allowing the child to explore within limits and by supporting the child's choice, these parents are helping their child successfully navigate which stage of development?

Initiative versus Guilt

In the strange situation test, baby Randall sits passively and waits until it is time to leave. His behavior is indicative of what type of attachment?


How would the theory of evolution by natural selection explain the well-developed ability of human beings to seek socialization and to socialize effectively?

It is an ability that has developed over time because it promotes survival.

How does a birthing center differ from a hospital?

It provides a more home-like environment.

Jesse lived with a foster family when she was about a year old. Now, as a six-year-old, she lives with a different family and does not recognize her former foster parents when they pass each other in the grocery store. What is the most reasonable explanation for this lack of recognition?

Jesse's memories of the foster parents were not encoded verbally, and she has lost those memories

Suppose a group of researchers wants to investigate the relationship between daily mindfulness meditation and cortisol (stress hormone) levels in the body over a 20-year time period. Which research design would allow them to measure changes with age and within individuals over time, even though it would be expensive, limited to one cohort, take a long time, and they might have people drop out of the study?

Longitudinal research design

Michael, who has an autism spectrum disorder, walks into his classroom and discovers that the teacher has rearranged the desks and he becomes highly agitated and uncomfortable. What is the best possible explanation for Michael's behavior?

Michael has difficulties adjusting to changes in routines and how things surrounding him are organized.

Kayla is 3 years old. Her teacher shows her a crayon box and asks her what she thinks is inside. She says, "crayons." The teacher opens the box, showing Kayla that there is chalk inside. She asks Kayla again what she thought was in the box at first, and Kayla says, "chalk." The teacher does the same thing with Mitch, who is 5 years old. After seeing the chalk, when asked what he thought was in the box at first, he says, "crayons." Based on their responses, which child (Kayla or Mitch) has started to develop theory of mind?


Minor failures do not destroy a child's self-concept during middle childhood. Rather, learning from failure can give the child a healthy sense of what?


Conjoined twins are also which type of twin?


Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between sexes and twin type?

Monozygotic twins are the same sex, while dizygotic twins can be different sexes.

Which of the following describes the way in which genetic material is distributed between twins?

Monozygotic twins share 100% of their genetic material.

According to the theory of evolution by natural selection, which of the following statements would be true?

Mothers form a bond with their babies because doing so facilitates successful development and survival.

This layer of fatty tissue protects axons and speeds transmission of information from one neuron to another.

Myelin sheath

Scott is talking to his friends about what he has learned in his psychology class. They want to hear more about the theory of evolution by natural selection. What should Scott tell them is the main idea of the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Organisms that are best suited for their environments will prevail in survival and reproduction.

Danny is 5 years old. He has been taught in school that adding an "ed" to the end of a word means it's past tense, or something that's already happened. After learning this, Danny begins applying the rule to all words, even those that are supposed to be exceptions. What is this called?


A pediatrician provides parents with a chart that plots changes in their child's height and weight over time. This growth chart represents a ___ in human development

Physical domain

This portion of the brain, responsible for planned decision-making and emotional regulation, is the last to develop in an infant's brain.

Prefrontal cortex

Children in kindergarten are usually between 4 and 6 years of age. Which one of Piaget's developmental stages does this coincide with?


A shy student, Lila, shows up for her first day at a new school. She would prefer to slip to the back of the class unnoticed. Instead, a friendly, outgoing student, Alex, approaches Lila and invites her to sit at the same table together. Throughout that day, Lila was much more engaged with other students than she would normally have been. Which aspect of Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory does this demonstrate?

Reciprocal Determinism

Jill, who is in third grade, is studying her multiplication times tables, repeating the information over and over again in an attempt to store these figures in her long term memory, quizzing herself regularly. What strategy is Jill using?


In this type of attachment, a child views the parent as a safe base from which to explore the world around themselves.


8-month-old Marvin cries when his father drops him off at daycare every day, even though they do this every day. What does Marvin display?

Separation anxiety

Before placing a child diagnosed with a learning disability into a special program, what additional esteem need should be considered for the child?

Social considerations

Simon believes his toddler is learning language to interact with others and to survive in the world. Which language learning theory does Simon likely subscribe to?

Social pragmatics

Eight-month-old Howard meets his great-aunt for the first time. He clings to his mother, uncertain of this new person. What does Howard exhibit?

Stranger wariness

Kodi is 4 years old. Throughout potty training his parents have been harsh and ridiculed him often for mistakes. According to Freud's theory, which of the following is Kodi likely to be as an adult?

Stubborn, neat, and stingy.

The average day of third-grade students places them in what state, as described by Brofenbrenner's ecological systems model, for the majority of the time?

Student state

Sue just told Teresa that she has reached the end of stage 1. Which event marks the end of stage 1 of a normal delivery?

The dilation of the cervix to 10 cm

You hear an annoying beeping sound if you try to exit your car with the keys still in the ignition. The next time you park your car, you are more likely to take your keys out of the ignition before exiting. What principle of operant conditioning does this reflect?

The law of effect

9-month old Fred concentrates on picking up small pieces of round cereal and placing them in a cup. What motor skill is he practicing?

The pincer grasp

An infant smiles when something feels good and cries when something feels bad. The infant's parent, a psychotherapist whose work is based on Sigmund Freud's theory, jokes, "This baby is all id." Which of Freud's principles is this parent referring to?

The pleasure principle

What is the difference between a sperm and an egg?

The sperm is the male gamete, while the egg is the female gamete.

What is "hidden curriculum?"

The underlying values and belief systems of the school and its members that do not constitute formal curriculum, but affect children's learning experience.

What is the primary focus of evolutionary psychology?

The ways in which universal patterns of behavior and cognitive processes have evolved over time

A researcher studies how children make sense of new information either by making it fit into known information (e.g., calling all round objects "ball") or by modifying their thinking (e.g., learning new words for various round objects). This researcher's work is grounded in Piaget's ________.

Theory of Cognitive Development

Petersen designed a correlational study to determine if time spent playing video games is related to obesity. What was the objective of this research?

To formally test whether a relationship exists between two or more variables.

The idea that children are resilient helps compensate for possible missteps or downright failures in caregiving early in life. If a baby is resilient and learns to believe the world is a safe place, which Eriksonian task has the child tackled?

Trust vs. mistrust

A sticker chart designed to reward a child for every ten stickers earned for doing household chores is an example of what?

a token economy

Negative, stressful events in childhood that have profound and lasting sociological, psychological, and physiological effects are referred to as what?

adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Which of Baumrind's parenting styles involves parents who hold high expectations for their children but are also responsive to their children's needs?


is often associated with difficulty reading and interpreting social cues and communication

autism spectrum disorder

Which disorder is commonly associated with very low birth weight babies?

cerebral palsy

Parents track the number of new words their toddler learns each day and are surprised by how many new words their child has learned at the end of one month. By charting their child's language development, these parents are showing an interest in the ________ of human development.

cognitive domain

A parent tells a school counselor, "I am concerned that my child has developed an inferiority complex. My child feels like he does not measure up to peers." According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, this child may be struggling to accomplish the developmental task of the Industry versus Inferiority stage of development, which is ________.


if a child is able to demonstrate an understanding of cause and effect, as well as size and distance. they are in Piaget's stage of

concrete operational thought

When deciding on a restaurant, a friend explains, "I used to enjoy shrimp. Then one day, I ate shrimp, and the next day, I got really sick, like I had a stomach flu. Since then, just the sight of shrimp makes me nauseous." According to Pavlov's classical conditioning paradigm, the shrimp is a(n) ________.

conditioned stimulus

Brain training programs, which are used to reverse cognitive decline seen in aging, capitalize on the brain's lifelong capacity to reorganize cortical tissue, which aligns with Baltes' key principle of lifespan development that ________.

development is plastic

This refers to development that takes place in unique stages and that occurs at specific times or ages. With this type of development, the change is more sudden.

discontinuous development

is a neurobiological disorder which makes it difficult for individuals to read, spell, or decipher words


this includes ages 20 to 40, and it is a time of focusing on the future with respect to relationships, education, and career as well as taking on adult roles and identity

early adulthood

Teresa believes her cultural practices are the best and right ones, and it is difficult for her to understand the cultural practices of other societies. Tanya expresses an appreciation for cultural differences and a willingness to consider the perspectives of people in other cultures. Teresa's view demonstrates ________, while Tanya's view demonstrates ________.

ethnocentrism; cultural relativity

this type of research helps to establish cause and effect relationships


a child is born with a normal birth weight and length, but over the next few months, the child falls below the 20th percentile for thee figures. What term most accurately describes this baby's development

failure to thrive

Children who are seriously reflecting on the future, imagining what they want to be when they grow up and planning what it might take to get there have reached Piaget's ________ stage of cognitive development.

formal operational

the underlying values and belief systems of the school and its members that do not constitute formal curriculum, but affect childdren's learning experience

hidden curriculum

About what percentage of children are obese in middle childhood?


At which point during prenatal development are the internal organs developed fully enough to allow the baby to survive outside the womb if born prematurely (age of viability)?

24 weeks

Twelve-month old Dennis accidentally knocks his bowl off the table. The bowl spins on the floor before coming to a stop. Dennis's mom picks up the bowl and places it back on the table, so he knocks it down again to see if it will spin. Dennis knocks the bowl down each time his mother picks it up. What substage of sensorimotor development does this behavior reflect?

Active experimentation

Which of the following is not one of the multiple intelligences proposed in Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences?


Erikson and Freud disagreed on many aspects of child-rearing, including the amount of attention the parent should give a child. According to Freud, overindulging the child would leave the child orally fixated. Erikson, however, believed children would accomplish what task?

Believing the world is a safe place

Which of the following is NOT a reason boys tend to report sexual abuse less often than girls?

Boys are more likely to be abused by someone outside the family

A child therapist believes that it is important to understand all the forces that shape and impact children's lives: individual, family, neighborhood, society, and culture. This therapist subscribes to which approach to development?

Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems model

A researcher conducted an in depth study of a child who was raised in isolation and had no contact with same-age peers until age 10. This researcher detailed the child's development in a number of spheres: physical/motor, language/cognitive, social and emotional. What kind of research method is this?

Case study

Many children learn sign language as infants and toddlers. How does this enhance their communication abilities?

Children understand more than they can vocalize, and gestures help convey meaning.

In a prenatal education class, an instructor informs parents that their child's development will be influenced by many factors, including biological, cognitive, social, and emotional factors. This instructor is addressing which of Baltes' key principles of lifespan development?

Development is multidimensional.

Parents exclaim, "One day my baby was crawling around on the floor, and the next day my toddler was wobbling around the house on two feet! It all happened so suddenly." Which approach to describing how developmental changes occur does the parents' statement reflect?

Discontinuous development

this theory includes working memory, sensory memory, and long-term memory

information of processing theory

A couple arrives at a research lab to participate in a research study of psychosocial factors related to relationship satisfaction. After they learn about the study, they are asked to review a(n) ________, which reviews the procedures to be used in the research, any expected risks or benefits, and serves as a contract stating that they agree to participate in research.

informed consent statement

A person seeks psychotherapy because of difficulty establishing and maintaining emotionally satisfying relationships. The therapist's approach is grounded in humanistic psychology, and the therapist conceptualizes that the client's behavior is motivated by a need for ________.

love and belonging

Which of the following situations is most likely to be a positive stressor and learning experience?

meeting a new friend and forming a connection

In a psychotherapy session, Adrienne talks with her therapist about the stress of raising two young children who are involved in competitive sports and preparing for standardized tests, while caring for her elderly parents who are experiencing ill health, including early signs of dementia. Adrienne's therapist normalizes her experience as part of the "sandwiched generation," sandwiched between caring for young kids and aging parents. Adrienne is in the ________ period of human development.

middle adulthood

this type of twins share 100% of their genetic material

monozygotic twins

One of Baltes' key principles is that a complex interplay of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional factors that influence development across the lifespan


behavior controlled by its consequences is referring to

operant conditioning

the area of the brain behind the forehead that helps us to think, strategize, and control emotions is the ___

prefrontal cortex

Sam is 3 years old, and his brother, Dan is 2 years old. What is Sam likely to have that Dan does not?

primary teeth

McKinley does not like Parker, but McKinley treats Parker in an excessively friendly manner. Freud would say that McKinley is using the defense mechanism, ________.

reaction formation

Which of the following describes an effect of tobacco to an unborn baby?

reduced blood oxygen levels

Shaylesa is learning about various approaches to childbirth. She is most interested in hypno-birthing and Lamaze. What is a key theme in both hypno-birthing and the Lamaze method?

relaxation and breathing

in this type of attachment, a child views the parent as a safe base from which to explore the world around themselves.


Jacqueline just found out that she is pregnant. She is aware that exposure to harmful substances can damage her baby. During which period of prenatal development is the baby most vulnerable to damage if exposed to harmful substances?

the embryonic period

Zaria and Kalvin recently received the results of the prenatal screening conducted for their unborn baby. They were provided with a risk score. What does a risk score tell expecting parents about their baby?

the probability of a birth defect being present

what does a risk score tell expecting parents about their baby

the probability of a birth defect being present

Ruben is a middle school teacher. He spend a great deal of energy thinking about how to get his budding scientists to work on challenging tasks that they can't easily do on their own, but they can do with the help of their peers. Ruben is relying on which psychological concept?

the zone of proximal development

a set of well-developed ideas that propose an explanation for observed phenomena, which can be used to make predictions about future observations


a sticker chart designed to reward a child for every ten stickers earned for doing household chores is an example of what

token economy

Dendrites grow rapidly in infancy, making complicated neural networks possible, through process called

transient exuberance

if a baby is resilient and learns to believe the world is a safe place, which Eriksonian task has the child tackled

trust vs. mistrust

behavioral geneticists study?

what is the individual differences that occur through the interaction of genes and the environment

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