Human Nutrition 2

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Scientific method

Developing a Hypothesis, Designing the Study, Double-Blind Studies, Reveiwing Human SubjectsnResearch Designs, Conducting Human reaseasrch, Analyzing Data, Drawing Conclusions, And REporing Findings


Dietary theory (dietary deficiencies can cause disease) Pellagra

Reviewing Human Subjects Research Designs

Scientists follow U.S. federal guidlines when performing research involving human subjects.


fake treatment, such as a sham pill, injection, or medical procedure, not simply sugar pills

treatment group

receives treament


they can become pregnant

placebo effect occurs

when a person reports a positive or negative reaction to a treatment even though he or she received the placebo


whether a practice is responsible for an effect

Scientific Method

1. Make observations,2. Hypothesis to explain events. 3. Design studies perform tests, collect data. 4. Analyze data draw conlusions based on the results. 5. Share results with peers. 6. Conduct more research confirm or refute previous findings

Alternative medicine

Chiropractic manipulations, Homeopathy and naturopathy, herbal products

Dietary Supplements

Nutracueticals, protein powders, herbal extracts, enrgy bars, nutrient pills multivitamin/ mineral products


The National Insitutes of Health


a disease caused by deficiency of niacin or tryptophan (or by a defect in the metabolic conversion of tryptophan to niacin)


a method of treating disease using food and exercise and heat to assist the natural healing process


a method of treating disease with small amounts of remedies that, in large amounts in healthy people, produce symptoms similar to those being treated

dietary suplement

a nonfood form of one or more nutrients

Coordinated Program CP

classroom instruction with 900 hrs of supervised practice under an R.D.

Toxic supplements

comfrey, pennyroyal, sassfras, kava, lobelia, and mahuang

Steps to become a dietician

complete accredited baccalaureate degree

control group

does not receive treatment; human subjects may receive a placebo

cohort study

epidemiologists collect and analyze various kinds of information about a large group of people over time can be retrospective or prospective

double-blind study

experimental design in which neither the participants nor the researchers are aware of each participants group assignment

Two types of epidemiological studies

experimental, observational

En vitro

experimenting on parts derived from living organisms such as cells

peer review

expert critical analysis of a research article before it is published

Designing the Study

findings of experimental research involving human subjects

control group

group being studied that does not receive a treatment

control group

group being studied that does not receive a treatment, enables svientists to compare results between the two study groups to determine whether the treatment had any effect

treatment group

group being studied that receives a treatment

control group

in an experiment, a group that serves as a standard of comparison with another group to which the control group is identical except for one factor

case-control study

individuals with a health condition such as heart disease or breast cancer are matched to persons with similiar characteristics who do not have the condition medical histories, eating habits, collected

genetic susceptibility

inherited proneness, usually influence whether the chronic disease occurs


is a systematic way of testing a hypothesis


is any substance considered a food or part of food that provides medical or healt benefit-administered orally as dietary supplements or incorporated into pet foods to approve health and well being beyond traditional nutritional benefits

breast cancer

is more common among non-hispanic, white females than among females who are members of other American racial or ethnic groups

Dr. Conrad Elvehjem

isolated a form of the vitamin niacin from liver extracts

inverse or negative correlation

occurs when one variable increases and the other one decreases ex. fruit intake increase, hypertension in population decrease

Framingham Study 1949

one of the most well-known prospective studies findings found risk factors, heart disease, elevated blood cholesterol levels, cigarette smoking, and hypertension

How to identify questionable sources of nutrition information

other generated studies must support original studie


personal characteristic or other factor that changes and can influence an outcome


personal endorsement of a product

research bias

point of view, peer review helps ensure that the scientists are as ethical and objective as possible, it is impossible to eliminate all research bias


possible explanation about an observation that guides scientific research


presentation of information masquerading as factual and obtained by scientific methods


promotion of useless medical treatments

Didactic Program in Dietetics

provides classroom instruction

Signs of Unreliable Nutrition Info

quick and easy remedies claims that sound too good scare tactics attacks on dietitians or conventional scientists statements about superiority natural dietary supplements

Reliable Nutrition Experts

regesterd dietitians, nutrition instructors, physicians generally do not have education in nutrition


regulates labels on supplements and claims allowed on them

cause and effect

relationship between two variables fewer people drank lemonade during winter than in the summer


relationship between variables, two variables change over a period of time


reports of personal experiences

placebo effect

response to a placebo


study of the occurrence , distribution, and causes of health problems in populations


study of the occurrence, distribution, and causes of health problems in populations


systemic way of testing a hypothesis

en vivo

testing on whole living organisms, such as lab rodents


to look back


to look forward

Experiments have 2 groups

treatment group, control group

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