Humanities Exam 3 Judaism

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After Paul, the single most important expounder of Christian doctrine was ______________. -For him, human beings can only know true ideas the they are illuminated in the soul by God. -Dismissed knowledge from sense experience -In early adulthood, Augustine lived a life of self-indulgence. His Confessions describe his dissatisfaction with this way of life, his search for spiritual fulfillment, and finally his conversion to Christianity

Creation Dome

Among the celebrated mosaics of St Mark's the most famous is the __________ ___________ -Narrative begins in center with the creation of heaven and earth. The story of Adam and Eve occupies the second circle and outermost circle.

Roman Paganism Home Hearth soldiers

Another background to which early Christianity derived rituals and borrowed traditions was that of ___________ _____________; Itself a blend of local and borrowed traditions and religious practices Among these was the recognition of Roman Gods and Goddesses: The household gods protected the _________ Vesta protected the __________ The locus genii protected the outside areas of a place Mars, god of war, was the protection of ___________


As a religion that would share a large part of its scriptures with _____________, Christianity leaned heavily on Jewish traditions and beliefs -Shared vision of universal deity, a God who made moral demands on his subjects -Strong ethical standards -Bonds linked Jewish and Christian ritualistic traditions; The connection between Jewish Passover and Christian Easter -Both religions embrace the idea of a weekly holy day

Confessions Piers Divine Comedy

Augustine's ___________ were enormously influential. -Throughout the Middle Ages the book was read, copied, and imitated -The books image of the spiritual journey influenced medieval poems of pilgrimage such as __________ Ploughman and Dante's _________ _____________paved the way for the Renaissance rediscovery of the self

Islam Mediterranean

Byzantium continued to thrive for hundreds of years, although the seventh century it had to compete with the rising civilization of _________ for the control of the ______________ basin

Madonna and Child Enthroned

Characteristic of this Byzantine styles is this __________ and _________ _____________. Egg tempera - pigment mixed with egg yolk-was the standard medium used to paint on wood throughout the Middle ages -Icon,(Mary) a painted image of a religious figure or religious scene used in worship -Face is wistful or melancholy expression -Jesus's proportions are those of a tiny adult, and acts as a tiny adult

Decius Theodosius I

Christian Struggles in the Roman Empire: -Was a period of slow growth for Christianity -___________ expelled Christians from Rome -They had a problem with Christians for their refusal to worship the Roman Gods alongside their own God -First great turning point, Constantine granted toleration of Christianity as a religion -______________ declared Christianity the Roman state religion, banning all other cults

Converts First Missionary

Christianity seeks _____________ From its earliest days in the __________ century a ___________ religion, seeking to attract as many followers as possible

martys and missionaries

Christianity spread throughout the Mediterranean due to the efforts of __________ and __________.

averse Bible's

Christianity was first ______ to art because it served the worship of idols. However, Christians recognized that art could help illustrate the _________'s teachings to illiterate followers


Constantinople was ___________ controlled. Its customs duties were high and restrictive. -Demands for its goods was maintained by limiting their supply and by keeping prices high. -Well situated to transport goods between East and West. Yet mutual distrust between Constantinople and the West

Heaven and Earth Adam and Eve disobey gods word in the Garden of Eden and eat the forbidden fruit.

Creation: The Hebrews believed that God created _________ and ___________ The bible describes both the world and the human beings that originally populated it as "good." Why does humankind not live in the original paradise anymore?

Judah (North) Israel (South) Soloman

David extend his control over the neighboring tribes, however, failed to unite the kingdoms of ________ in the north and __________ in the south. Having his rule challenged by his son Absalom, David eventually turned over his kingdoms and capital city to __________, son of David and Bathsheba

No, the Hebrew scriptures represented God's words to his Chosen people -The scriptures emphasized a special national destiny, privilege, and responsibility

Did Judaism seek converts?


During David reign, the city defenses were ____________ through... -The extension of the city's walls -Erection of defensive towers -Arranged to have the Ark of the Covenant brought to Jerusalem and housed in a special tent

instrumental liturgical (music used in religious ritual)

Early Christianity prohibited ________________ accompaniment of any kind. Up until the 4th century early Christian _________ music was based exclusively on sacred texts


Figures in this creation dome are doll like and stocky with big heads. Intended to express the ____________ nature of the subject portrayed. Simplest manner possible to convey the ideas

Split in two Israel Judah

Following the death of Soloman the kingdom was __________ The North Kingdom retained the name ________ The South Kingdom retained the name _________

Gods Chosen People Promised Land Joshua (who led them into Canaan once again)

For ancient Hebrews, divine acts like the conferring of the Ten Commandments were acknowledgments of their status as __________ ________ __________. Though the Hebrews wandered for forty years "in the wilderness" of the Sinai, they were delivered to the _________ __________, the land of "milk and honey" by the patriarch ______________


Gospel of _________: Only gospel that describes Jesus's birth in a manger in Bethlehem -Focuses more on women -Mary, mother of Jesus


Gospel of __________: This gospel is the most theological, the one most attuned to the religious and philosophical implications of Jesus's work and words -"Jesus is the Logos" -"Jesus is the living water who quenches spiritual thirst"


Gospel of ___________: Emphasizes Jesus as the Messiah referred to in the Old Testament prophecies -The one who would complete Jewish communities destiny

Abraham, Issac, and Jacob

Historicized Fiction: -Includes stories of the patriarchs __________, ________ and _________

-Aligned himself with neighboring territories by taking wives from competing tribes -Increased his countries foreign trade and exploited natural resources of iron and copper -Used slave labor to fortify the city -Slaves to build a magnificent palace and an elaborate temple to house the Ark of the Covenant

How was Soloman politically astute?

Church of the Holy Wisdom

In Constantinople, one of the most magnificent and religious buildings ever constructed was ___________ of the ___________ ________, or Hagia Sophia , built by Justinian and Theodora Well into the ninth and tenth centuries Constantinople remained the largest, richest, and most sophisticated city in the world

On Christian Doctrine City

In addition to Confessions, Augustine wrote _____ ____________ ______________, which analyses and explains the central tenets of Christian teaching, and the _______ of God. in which he explores the relationship between faith and reason. -Explains two opposite visions of life: An earthly city and a heavenly one

Stoicism and Neoplatonism Stoicism Neoplatonism

Influences on early Christianity include Greek Philosophical ideas, especially those of ____________ and ____________. _____________: emphasized self-control and human brotherhood, which became hallmarks of Christian thinking _____________: emphasized the refined spiritual nature of reality, with a special emphasis on the spiritual union of the individual soul with the "One" or ultimate reality that underlay the physical appearances


It spread the work of God through _____________, meaning "bearer of good news"

Jewish Messiah or Anointed One Judaea

Jesus and his Message: -Jesus was ____________ -His followers whoo identified him as the Christ -which means "_________" or "___________ _______" were the first Christians -Jesus was born in ___________, a land under the political control of the Romans, during the reign of the emperor Augustus

-To lov God above all 2) And to love others as one loves oneself

Jesus's teaching can be reduced to what two essentials?

Gods Chosen People Quran God and Savior

Jews believe they are _______ ________ ________ Muslims with the __________, is the word of God Christians believe Jesus is _______ and _________

First Golden Age Catherine

Justinian patronized the arts that his reign referred to as the __________ ___________ __________ of Byzantine Art, with Constantinople as its artistic capital. -Much of the art survives outside of the capital, mostly in Revenna and of St. ______________ built by Justinian at Mount Sinai

Abraham Monotheistic Yahweh , a name so sacred they never speak or write it

Led by ___________, the Hebrews settled in Canaan and became their homeland and was, the Hebrews believed, was promised to them by their God. Hebrews were ________________. What was the name of their God?

mystery cults

Many _________ _________ performed symbolic rituals to enact the birth, death, and rebirth of deities. Some included symbolic reenactments.

Christian churches Local Bishops Patriarch Priests; Celibate

Most important were the deep rooted differences between the ___________ __________ of the West and the East In Rome, the early church was ruled by local ____________ In Constantinople, the church was controlled by a ___________ who was appointed and disposed of by the emperor In the West, __________ were encouraged to be ___________

Narthex Nave Aisles Apse

Next, the visitor passed through the ________, an entrance hall or vestibule Having now reached the actual church, the visitor entered the _______, a large rectangular space for the masses of people, and flanked on both sides by one or two ________ The ______ is a semicircular space at the end of the church. A visitor would have to walk from one end to the other to reach the altar located in front of the apse

Assyrians Babylonians ; Nebuchadnezzar

North Kingdom fell to the _____________; The South Kingdom was overrun by the ______________ under the command of _________________, who destroyed Soloman's magnificent temple

Justinian Theodora

Of the early Byzantine emperors, ____________ exerted the greatest cultural and political influence. -defeated Germanic tribes Most important, was his rebuilding of in Constantinople itself. It was his wife, _____________ who persuaded her husband not to abandon Constantinople Together they sought to restore the grandeur of the empire and of their capital Constantinople


Of the surviving gospels, Gospel of _________ is the earliest. -Portrays Jesus as a miracle worker -And as a dynamic and vibrant social reformer -Action centered, moving quickly from one event to the next , describing Jesus's life, ministry, passion and death


One element of Christian faith: -The belief that Jesus rose from the dead after being crucified by the _____________

San Vitale, of Ravenna -Imprints the influential of Constantinople and Justinian. -Octagonal in shape, Contains mosaics of Justinian and Theodora , shown as good Christian rulers -Figures are shown in representation of the Byzantine facial type: Everyone looks alike, with big dark eyes, curved eyebrows, long noses, and small mouths -Realism is not the goal

One especially important accomplishment in the First Golden Age was ....


Over the next 2 hundred years they gained control of the region and called themselves _____________ , after the patriarch Jacob who named himself Israel

Apocalypse -Seven seals, Seven lamps, The Great Beast, The Seven Bowls, and the woman, child and dragon

Revelation also known as the "___________" presents a visionary account at the end of the world. -Symbolic vision of the future What were some of the symbols used?

Riches; Morals Split Nebuchadnezzar

Solomans reign was peaceful: _____________ accumulated, but ___________ began to decay With Soloman's death, the country __________, and the Babylonian King ________________, captured the city inaugurating a period known as from earlier the Babylonian Captivity. *GOLDEN AGE ENDED*

iconography Ex) Angels holding a staff, a symbol of Jesus's passion and an orb or globe with a cross which signifies Jesus's domination of the world

Some features of Madonna and Child Enthroned are examples of _______________, the language of symbols, which was particularly useful in an era where few people were literate

dark tesserae

St Marks space is quite ________. It is illuminated by windows in the base of the domes and by flickering candles. Yet, all the surfaces glitter, for they are covered with mosaics, many of which are made with gold ____________- (the small cubes of color material that are pressed into wet plaster to make mosaics

Greek cross gilt copper

St. Marks plan is a _________ ________-that is a cross with four arms of equal length. A dome over center and each arm. All five domes are covered with wood and gilt ____________, making them striking

David John the Baptist

The Becoming of Christianity: -Judaism was fundamental to the emergence of Christianity -With its belief hat a Messiah would come into the world and dave humankind, fulfilling God's promises -Hebrew writings of the book of ___________, predicted the coming of a Savior -_______ the Baptist further prepared the way for Jesus ministry by preaching that a Messiah was at hand -Those who saw that Kingdom was represented in Jesus, became the first Christians

Roman Old St. Peters

The Early Christian basilica was derived from the __________ basilica. _______ ___________'s im Rome is the quintessential example

"Iconoclastic Controversy" Iconophiles ; Second Golden Age

The First Golden Age ended with the "___________ ___________" Yet, the __________-lovers of artistic images- triumphed over the iconoclasts, and a ___________ _________ __________ of Byzantine art began


The Hebrews carried the Decalogue, carved it into stone tablets called ______ of the Covenant

Theocracy Jews of the Diaspora

The Hebrews remained in exile for over 60 years. Those who returned then rebuilt the temple. After rebuilding the Temple, the Jews established a _______________ (A religiously governed state) Although many exiles returned to Judah, many others remained outside Judah and were known as _______ of the __________


The Israelite _____________ spoke for God. -They did not foretell the future, instead they had been instructed by God in vision or through ecstasy -They taught importance of 10 commandments. -Voices of Conscious, confronting Israelite kings with their wrongdoings

Religion of the book

The Jews produced a "__________ of the ________" what Christians regard as the Old Testament portion of the bible, providing a spiritual and moral foundation for Western culture


The Neoplatonist philosopher ___________ was perhaps the most significant influence, especially his notion of a soul's ascent through ever higher levels of spiritual purification and perfection, an idea found in the Christian mysticism and in Dante's Paradiso

21 14 -Pauls epistles served his missionary vocation, to spread Christianity throughout the Greco-Roman world (VERY important)

The New Testament contains _______ epistles _______ of these are ascribed to the apostle Paul (The titles of Pauls Epistles are derived from their recipients: Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians, etc) The importance of Paul?

Ten -Influenced 600 and more laws recorded in the book of Leviticus -Continuing with the mortality and exploration in the name of Jesus -Provide a basis for moral reflection and analysis

The ______ Commandments contain the essence of the religious law of the ancient Judeo-Christian world.

New Testament Hebrew Scriptures Quran

The ________ __________ is for Christianity what the ___________ __________ are for Judaism and the ___________ is for Islam

Hebrew Bible 1) The Law 2) The Prophet 3) The Writings

The _________ _____________ consists of the canon of books accepted and officially sanctioned by Judaism. Consist of what 3 major groupings?

St. Marks

The biggest and most elaborate church of the Second Golden Age was the ____. _________ in Venice Its location on one side of a large piazza (open public area) is impressive

Issac Jacob

The covenant, starting with Abraham was passed to the next patriarchs. Abrahams son: _____________, Abrahams grandson: _____________


The earliest Christian art is found in the ____________- the underground cemeteries of the Christians in and around Rome. -practically underground towns of sepulchers and funeral chapels


The early ____________ of ancient Israel believed they were favored by god and consequently led lived that honored God

Saul The first book of Samuel describes Sauls kingship and the arrival of David, who saves the Israelites from there enemy, Philistines, by slaying the giant Goliath with a stone from a slingshot

The first king of Israel was ___________.


The last important Israelite king was Davids son ___________. -Famous for his wisdom -Associated with the temple he built in Jerusalem -Was a poet -Author of the biblical Song of Songs, love poem between God and his people

-Square base formed on 4 huge piers -Combined plan of the longitudinal basilica plan with those of the domed central plan -Transition of circle to square is achieved through the use of four pendentives, or pieces of triangular supporting masonry

The layout of the Hagia Sophia:

Ambrose Byzantine

The liturgy of _______________ made accommodations for active musical participation by the congregation. This required music to be relatively simple, with single notes sung to each syllable. In the ____________ liturgical music practices, it was more complex, with many notes sung to a syllable in a florid style.

Genesis Explaining the Origin of the Universe, The reason humans suffer pain and death, and the emergence of the worlds languages These Etiological stories occupy the first eleven chapters of Genesis

The narratives in the book of _____________ can be read as being literally true. Includes two categories: Prehistoric Myths and Historicized Fiction Prehistoric Myths: Stories of the Creation, Great Flood, and the Tower of Babel are myths explaining what?


The nomadic Hebrew people were forced out of the _________________ basin by the Akkadians and the ascendancy of the Babylonians

Moses Sinai Ten Commandments

The patriarch _________ then defined the pharaoh and led his people out of Egypt (The Exodus) into a peninsula between Egypt and Canaan. There on top of Mt. __________ God is said to have given the Decalogue or the ________ ______________

Water to Wine Parables

The public ministry of Jesus began when he was 30 years old, with the performance of his first miracle changing ________ into _________ Jesus taught through stories, or __________. Reveal a religious teaching They illustrate an essential Christian principle: In the case of the Good Samaritan, that believing Christians should love their "neighbors" - neighbors include all human beings


The walls of catacombs were decorated with _________, paintings made quickly on fresh applied limestone

Instruction or Teaching

Torah means :

Bathsheba Absalom

Transgressions include (going against law): -One of his soldiers, Uriah, was killed on the front line so that David could marry his widow, ____________ - Davids son __________, mounted a military rebellion against him.

In the east priests could and often did marry. The Eastern patriarch refused to submit to the authority of the Roman pope

What caused a final and permanent schism or split between the East and West Churches?


What grew out of Judaism?

-God agrees to be the Hebrew deity -Hebrews agree to be his people and follow his will -With each patriarch, God renews the covenant (originally Abraham) -Referred to many times in the first 5 books of the bible the Torah

What is entailed in the covenant?

Santa Costanza -Known also as a mausoleum -Constructed for the emperor Constantine's daughter Constantia -has an ambulatory (circular aisle)

What is the finest example of a basilica, located in Rome?

-Genesis and Job Genesis for its fascinating narratives Job for its sublime philosophical poetry Both reflect the ideals of ancient Israel

What two books of the Hebrew Bible tower above the rest?

Responsorial and Antiphonal

What two kinds of singing developed in Christian services?

Humankind's inability to obtain salvation on its own -Only God could freely grant this grace. -Humans are not able to understand the divine complexities on their own , need authoritative teaching of the church

What was one last major influence of Augustine's ideas?

That evil does not possess reality in the same way that good does -Evil is a deficiency in good rather than something that exists in its own right -Evil entered the world through incorrect choices made by human beings -Christ redeemed humanity, : life is a spiritual pilgrimage toward God, to find salvation

What was one of Augustines central ideas?

-The idea that the world was divided into two competing and contrasting forces of Good and Evil -Forces of Light and Darkness

What were some new features during the post-exilic period of Jewish beliefs?

1) Cult Antecedents 2) Philosophical Antecedents 3) Jewish Influences

What were the three basic forms of antecedents of Christianity?


When entering a Christian Basilica, the visitor first came into the ___________, a rectangular forecourt open in the center to the sky -This area was for people not yet baptized

Abraham When God called Abraham out of the land of Ur to Canaan, Abrahams response was an immediate and total acceptance of Gods will

Who was the first patriarch?

Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel

Who were the most important biblical prophets?


With the fall of the Roman empire, the emperor Constantine established the trading city of ________________ as his new Eastern capital , renaming it Constantinople in the process

Paul Damascus

_______: was the most important of the first century Christian missionaries. -Strongly opposed to Christianity until he underwent a conversion experience on the road to ___________. -Known for spreading the Gospel to non-jewish communities

New Testament

_________ ___________: records and interprets the acts and words of the Christian Savior, Jesus Christ -Contains 4 types of writing: 1) The gospels (accounts of Jesus' life and ministry) 2) The Epistles (letters to the early Christian churches) 4) The Acts of the Apostles (A history of the spread of Christianity during the thirty years after Jesus's death and resurrection) 4) Revelation (Apocalypse, the end of the world book)

Seven (We don't know why they left Cannan to go to Egypt) (Prospered until Egyptians enslaved them)

__________ hundred years after Abraham, a renewal of the covenant took place while Hebrews were living in Egypt.

Religious Faith

___________ __________ is the consistent concern of ancient Hebrew poetry

Babylonian Captivity

____________ ____________: Period when the Southern Kingdom Hebrews were carried off into exile


____________: Called for social justice and for an end to war

Yahweh sun

_____________ was transcendant, apart from nature Thus the ______ which the Egyptians worshiped as a god, was for the for the Hebrews subject to the power of their god, who had created it


_____________: An agreement between God and his people


______________ stories: Stories about the origins and causes of things


_________________ was Israels greatest King -Time of Military success -Capture of Jerusalem (Made capital) (Chose Jerusalem as the seat of political power) -Rule didn't prevent composing poetry and music (Biblical Psalms) -Imperfect : Sinner and a penitent

Antiphonal Singing

__________________: means dividing a group of singers into two groups in such a way that they are (usually) separated spacially from each other, for example: the right and left sides of a church

Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus

___________________ of ____________ ___________: Bassus (high position administrator) converted to Christianity shortly before his death. The front is divided into two tiers of columns into 10 areas. The subjects are drawn from the Old and New Testament

Responsorial singing

___________________: means singing a response to a chanted or read verse of scripture

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