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What is another name for the nativist party/Know Nothing?

American Party

Most Asian immigrants entered the US at ____________ rather than at Ellis Island.

Angel Island

The dictator of Fascist Italy was: a) Franciso Franco b) Antonio Gramsci c) Benito Mussolini d) Fiorello LaGuardia

Benito Mussolini

Sacco and Vanzetti were convicted of murder primarily because they were: a) Italian immigrants b) anarchists c) Both a and b d) neither a nor b

Both a and b

In 1856, on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Congressman Preston Brooks of South Carolina almost beat to death Senator ___ of Massachusetts. a) Thaddeus Stevens b) John C Calhoun c) Charles Sumner D) Zachary Taylor

Charles Sumner

WWII brought a mass migration of African-Americans from farms in the South to: a) farms in the West b) Cities in the South c) Cities in the North and West d) Farms in the North

Cities in the North and West

Which of the following territories did America NOT gain from the treaty following the end of the Spanish American War? a) Guam b) Puerto Rico c) Cuba d) Philippines


The Supreme Commander of Allied forced in Europe was: a) George Patton b) Chester Nimitz c) George C. Marshall d) Dwight D Eisenhower

Dwight D Eisenhower

At the end of WWII, Japan surrendered before Germany surrendered. T or F


Before the US entered the war, American investors had loaned great amounts of money to the Central Powers and little to the Triple Entente. T or F


Hitler surrendered to the Allies on board the battleship Missouri. T or F


Immigrants had an easy time assimilating into American society. T or F


In the presidential election of 1916, Republicans used the slogan "He kept us out of war" against Wilson. T or F


Most native-born Americans welcomed immigrants with open arms. T or F


The Zimmerman Telegram, sent to the Mexican governments from the White House, was intercepted by the Germans. T or F


Henry Clay was the Democratic presidential candidate in 1844

False; James K Polk

The United States annexed California during Tyler's presidency

False; James K Polk

Most free soilers eventually ended up in the Democratic Party. T or F

False; free labors

The leader of the Committee on Public Information was: a) Eugene Debs b) Robert Lansing c) George Creel d) Herbert Hoover

George Creel

The __________ symbolized the flowering of African-American culture in the 1920s. a) growth of the NAACP b) Flapper era c) Harlem Renaissance d) expatriates

Harlem Renaissance

____________ served as the Imperial Wizard of the Klan from 1922 to 1939.

Hiram Evans

WWII officially began in Europe when: a) Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 b) Hitler occupied Austria in 1938 c) Germany attacked Russia in 1941 d) Germany attacked France in 1940

Hitler invaded Poland in 1939

The phrase yellow journalism is derived from the first color newspaper cartoon called?

Hogan's Alley

Jane Addams was a founder of: a) The South End House in Boston b) the Henry Street Settlement in New York c) Golden Home in San Francisco d) Hull House in Chicago

Hull House in Chicago

Who coined the phrase "Manifest Destiny"?

John O'Sullivan

The nativist third party that opposed immigration was known as the: a) Whig Party b) Republican Party c) Know-Nothing Party d) Southern Democratic Party

Know-Nothing Party

The "free-state" capital of Kansas was at: a) Lecompton b) Kansas City c) Lawrence d) Wichita


The "Slave-state" capital of Kansas was at: a) Lecompton b) Kansas City c) Lawrence d) Wichita


The 1915 German sinking of the ___________ cost 128 American lives and enraged the American public.


In 1931, Japan invaded _____________.


The Foreign policy initiative calling for an end to all European colonization efforts in the Western Hemisphere was known as the __________________.

Monroe Doctrine

The name of Rosa Parks is usually identified with the: a) citizens councils b) civil rights act of 1957 c) Montgomery bus boycott d) school desegregation cases

Montgomery bus boycott

What does Nazi stand for?

National Socialist German Workers Party

US troops first went into combat German troops in: a) Italy b) France c) Greece d) North Africa

North Africa

As a result of the ______________ decision, African American education was to be separate but equal.

Plessy vs Ferguson

In the Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court decision was largely the work of: a) Roger Taney b) John Marshall c) Stephen Douglass d) William Marbury

Roger Taney

What bothered nativists most about the Irish and German immigrants was that so many of them were: a) anti-American b) Roman Catholic c) Poor d) Jewish

Roman Catholic

All of the following were members of the Central Powers except: a) Austria-Hungary b) Germany c) Ottoman Empire d) Russia


The Roosevelt Corollary: a) encouraged American bankers to help finance the shaky Latin American government b) States the US would intervene in the affairs of Western Hemisphere countries to forestall the intervention of other powers c) rescinded most of the provisions of the Monroe Doctrine d) Justified American intervention in the Far East

States the US would intervene in the affairs of Western Hemisphere countries to forestall the intervention of other powers

A founder of the National American Woman Suffrage Association was: a) Rheta Childe Dorr b) John H Kellogg c) Charlotte Gilman d) Susan B Anthony

Susan B Anthony

Which one of the following states actually existed for 10 years an independent nation before its admission to the Union? a) CA b) NM c) CO d) TX

TX, Texas

WWII helped to officially end ________________________.

The Great Depression

To get needed supplies to Great Britain and Russia in 1941 without antagonizing isolationists in America, FDR launched: a) the United Nations b) The Lend-Lease program c) secret submarine attacks on German ships d) The US invasion of North Africa

The Lend-Lease program

"Butcher" Weyler was the nickname given to the general who detained insurrectionary Cubans in the reconcentrado centers. T or F


Black American soldiers usually served in segregated units in WWII. T or F


From the 1850s to the 1890s, an isolationist mood swept the United States. T or F


John Quincy Adams helped write the Monroe Doctrine. T or F


The Dred Scott decisions of 1857 declared the MO compromise of 1820 unconstitutional and denied that African Americans were citizens of the US. T or F


The Pottowatomie Massacre was part of the conflict between proslavery and antislavery forces in Kansas. T or F


In response to an insulting letter (about President McKinley) from the Spanish Ambassador, the American government sent the U.S. battleship __________________ to the Havana Harbor.

USS Maine

Passed in 1920, the __________ made it illegal for anyone to make, sell, or transport any drink that contained more than one-half of one-percent of alcohol by volume. a) Volstead Act b) Hay-McCarran Bill c) 19th Amendment d) Sedition Act

Volstead Act

Wilson's first secretary of state was ________________________.

Williams Jennings Bryan

The American capture of Mexico City was led by a) John C Fremont b) Zachary Taylor c) Winfield Scott d) John D Sloat

Winfield Scott

The speech "Ain't I A Woman?" was given by Sojourner Truth at the _________________.

Women's Convention in 1850

In the 1870s, the ___________________ of California motto was "the Chinese must go!"

Working Men's Party

The controversy over admitting Missouri as a state arose because: a) there were more slave states than free states b) there were more free states than slave states c) in the convention of 1818 the US had, in part, agreed to exclude slavery from the western territories d) a NY congressman tried to exclude slavery from Missouri after it had become a state

a NY congressman tried to exclude slavery from Missouri after it had become a state

The Double V was: a) the flying formation used for the strategic bombing of German targets b) a slogan that meant victory abroad over Hitler and victory at home over racial discrimination c) a group of cryptanalysts (code breakers) d) the code name for the atomic bomb

a slogan that meant victory abroad over Hitler and victory at home over racial discrimination

Which of the following groups were targets of the KKK violence in the 1920s? a) Blacks b) Jews c) Catholics d) all of the above

all of the above

Which one of the following was an unimportant premise of Manifest Destiny? a) God supported American expansion b) the notion of free development c) population growth required new territories d) all of the above

all of the above

During WWII, Germany, Italy, and Japan were collectively known as the ________ powers.


Margaret Sanger is most closely associated with the: a) birth control movement b) conservation movement c) free trade movement d) African-American civil rights movement

birth control movement

The purpose of the Open Door Policy was: a) ensure that China would not be carved up into European colonies b) guarantee the US would be the primary trading partner with China c) Maintain a balance of trade between the US and China d) block europeans from open markets in China

block europeans from open markets in China

Yellow Journalism encompasses the: a) use of native reporters in the press coverage of the battle in the Philippines b) press coverage of the trails of 3 cubans accused of accepting bribes c) circulation war between 2 New York newspapers d) use of propaganda in underground newspapers

circulation war between 2 New York newspapers

Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917-1918: a) there were 25 prosecutions and 10 convictions b) speaking and writing against Germany and Italy became a crime c) criticism of government leaders or war policies was a crime d) censorship was aimed more at middle America

criticism of government leaders or war policies was a crime

With the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, FDR: a) immediately declared war in Germany b) declared American neutrality c) loaned massive quantities of war supplies to France and England d) warned Germany that if France were attacked, the US would declare war

declared American neutrality

The purpose of the War Production Board was to: a) direct industrial conversion to war production b) finance the building of war plants c) oversee military scientific research and development d) publish and distribute American propaganda

direct industrial conversion to war production

Immigrants to the US in the early 1900s: a) were generally received with open arms b) were easily assimilated into American society c) encountered considerable hostility from American nativists d) faced few problems adapting to their new environment

encountered considerable hostility from American nativists

On the issue of slavery, Republicans defended the rights of: a) Industrialists b) the south c) slaves d) free labor

free labor

The US strategy against Japan in the Pacific can be described as _____________________.

island hopping

The Committee on Public Information: a) had little influence on public perceptions b) exerted a positive influence on the public c) called for understanding from the American people d) launched a vitriolic campaign against Germany

launched a vitriolic campaign against Germany

The impact of the 19th Amendment on women was: a) to thrust women into the political arena b) to dramatically increase the number of women in government c) to take women out of the home d) less than women had hoped

less than women had hoped

Which of the following best summarizes the addition of Hawaii to the US? a) the US Navy was sent establish American supremacy of the region b) local white farmers seized the land and handed it over to the US which willingly annexed it c) the Hawaiian monarchy sought annexation by the United States in order to block inroads by Europeans d) all of the above

local white farmers seized the land and handed it over to the US which willingly annexed it

What was Hitler's "final solution"?

plan to exterminate all Jews

In the Kansas-Nebraska Act, there was an attempt to set up territorial government on the basis of: a) the compromise of 1850 b) popular sovereignty c) congressional approval or disapproval of slavery d) presidential approval or disapproval of slavery

popular sovereignty

Underlying the rapid growth of the Republican growth the Republican Party was its: a) appeal to anti immigrant elements b) support of agriculture expansion c) position of slavery in the territories d) excellent candidates

position of slavery in the territories

The Missouri Compromise: a) was debated almost wholly on moral grounds b) brought Vermont into the Union as a free state c) allowed for the freedom of all slaves in Missouri at the age of 25 d) prohibited slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Territory north of Missouri's southern border

prohibited slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Territory north of Missouri's southern border

The immigration restrictions of the 1920s: a) were a realistic response to the problems of immigrants b) reflected the strength of nativism in America c) Did little to stem the tide of immigrants d) did not favor immigrants from any one country

reflected the strength of nativism in America

According to the principle of popular sovereignty: a) congress would determine whether a territory would have slavery b) territorial legislatures would determine whether a territory would have slavery c) settlers would determine whether a territory would have slavery d) the Supreme Court would determine whether a territory would have slavery

settlers would determine whether a territory would have slavery

Which of the following statements best describes the status of women's suffrage at the turn on the century? a) women could vote in a few northeastern cities, but no state had adopted women's suffrage b) several states, all in the West, had adopted women's suffrage c) women could generally vote in presidential and other national elections, but not in local or state elections d) women's suffrage was confined to the South

several states, all in the West, had adopted women's suffrage

At the beginning of WWI, Great Britain: a) respected American neutrality b) made few attempts to influence American policy c) sought the military aid of the US d) sought to restrict American trade with Germany

sought to restrict American trade with Germany

By the end of the 19th century, most immigrants arrived from; a) southern and eastern Europe b) Mexico c) Northern and western Europe d) The Pacific

southern and eastern Europe

In the so-called Gentlemen's Agreement, President Roosevelt: a) stopped the flow of Japanese immigrants to America b) Acknowledged Japan's dominance of Korea c) agree not bring Americans armed forced into the Russo Japanese War d) Agree to help finance the Russian effort to seize Korea from the Japanese

stopped the flow of Japanese immigrants to America

The American economy in the 1920s saw explosive growth in: a) the consumer goods industries b) cotton mills c) the energy industry d) agriculture

the consumer goods industries

When black students tried to enter Little Rock's Central High School in 1957... a) the governor called out the National Guard to block them b) the governor called out 1000 paratroopers to protect them c) Eisenhower refused to intervene in what he called a "state matter" d) MLK Jr. organized a massive boycott of school buses to draw attention to continues segregation in public schools

the governor called out the National Guard to block them

All of the following statements about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo are true except: a) Mexico gave up all claims to Texas b) Mexico ceded California to the US c) The US agreed to pay Mexico $15 million d) the treaty never passed the senate

the treaty never passed the senate

The primary debate that emerged in Congress following the war was between: a) those for and against expanding the war effort into other Spanish colonies b) those for and against extending US citizenship to the Cuban and Filipino people c) those for and against annexing Spain's lost territories d) those for and against opening defeated regions to US investment

those for and against annexing Spain's lost territories

The Klu Klux Klan: a) was entirely a movement against African Americans b) was only in the south c) attacked anyone who seems different than them d) was open to any American who agreed with their idea

ttacked anyone who seems different than them

The Kansas-Nebraska Act: a) was a catastrophe for sectional harmony b) solved the problem of slavery in the territories c) smoothed out North-South differences over slavery d) had little impact on the growing, sectional bitterness

was a catastrophe for sectional harmony

The exclusion of Chinese immigrants: a) came only after the exclusion of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe b) came only after the exclusion of immigrants from northern and western Europe c) was opposed by white workers in the Far West d) was first authorized with a ten year suspension

was first authorized with a ten year suspension

The United Negro Improvement Association: a) sponsored black artists and writers b) was led by Marcus Garvey c) Promoted Booker T Washington's idea of racial peace through accommodation d) Was the forerunner of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

was led by Marcus Garvey

The development of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima: a) was opposed by most Americans b) was the responsibility of the Manhattan Project c) was the main topic of the Geneva Conference d) began in the spring of 1945

was the responsibility of the Manhattan Project

During WWII, Japanese Americans: a) were essentially ignored by the American public b) were systematically slaughtered by the thousands in concentration camps c) were forced to live as prisoners in concentration camps d) experienced about the same amount of discrimination as German Americans

were forced to live as prisoners in concentration camps

When does nativism tend to surface?

when there are waves of immigration of diversity

In the Dred Scott Case, the first questions faced by the Supreme Court was: a) whether or not Scott was a citizen b) the legality of slavery in Missouri c) The constitutionality of inheritance laws involving slaves d) whether slaves could be taken across state lines

whether or not Scott was a citizen

James K Polk a) won the presidential nomination of the Whig Party in 1844 for his expansionist stance b) Got his start in politics as a Federalist in Massachusetts c) argues that annexation of Oregon was not called for by any general expression of public opinions d) won the 1844 Democratic presidential nomination

won the 1844 Democratic presidential nomination

List the provisions of the Compromise of 1850.

1) slave trade outlawed in DC 2) popular sovereignty 3) new fugitive slave law enacted 4) CA free state

List the 3 big reasons for the boom in Imperialism during 1890-1914.

1. expansion 2. economics 3. ?

The Chinese Exclusion Act was not repealed until the year _____________.


The ______ Amendment to the Constitution provided for women's suffrage.


List the 3 themes prominent in US propaganda

1) national unity 2) loathsome character of the enemy 3) war as a grand crusade of liberty and democracy

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