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give two examples of electrical current flowing thru a gas or liquid?

Batteries and fluorescent lighting

What is an electrolyte?

An electrolyte is a chemical compound capable of conducting electrical current by being broken down into ions. Electrolytes can be acids or alkalis.

What is a negative ion? What is a positive ion?

A negative ion is an atom that has gained extra electrons. A positive ion are atoms that have a deficiency of electrons

What is an ion?

An ion is a charged atom

electroplating is the process of?

Depositing atoms of one type of metal on another

What is electrolysis?

Electrolysis refers to the process of separating elements electrically.

Upon what does conduction through a gas depend?

Ionization of gas molecules.

What is ionization potential?

Ionization potential is the amount of voltage or potential an electron must possess to cause ionization.

Conduction in a liquid depends on the movement of?


What is one of the uses for electroplating?

One of the uses for electroplating is the production of pure metals.

Name three uses for ionization in a gas?

Production of a light, x-rays, and a cathode ray tube

The process of ionization in a liquid is produced by adding one of what three substances to pure water?

Salt, acid, and alkalis

What is the negative terminal of a power source called? The positive terminal?

The negative terminal of a power source is called a cathode. The positive terminal of a power source is called an anode.

What determines the density of the molecules in a gas environment?

The pressure inside the tube determines the density of the molecules in a gas environment.

What determines the color of light emitted by a gas-filled tube? Give three examples.

The type of gas determines the color of light. Sodium vapor, mercury vapor, and neon

Name two factors that determine the speed an electron attains inside a gas environment?

Two factors that determines the speed of an electron attains inside a gas environment are applied, voltage, and the distance it travels.

What is the most important factor in the ionization of a gas?

the most important factor in the ionization of a gas is the electron impact.

What determines the thickness of the coating during an electroplating process?

the thickness of the coating during an electroplating process is determined by the length of time the process is permitted to continue.

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