Hwst 107 Final Exam

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Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono

"The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness" Hawaii's state motto

Committee of Safety (C.O.S.) (Who are they? What is their role in the Bayonet Constitution?)

13 member group of the Annexation Club lead by lorrin thurston, planned the over throw and wrote the bayonet constitution.

What is the Wilcox Rebellion?

A brief war lead by Hawaiian's that opposed the overthrow and installment of the provisional government.

Why is the Apology Bill a hallmark event? ○ What is the significance of this law? ○ Who signed this law into effect?

Bases for the modern Hawaiian sovereignty movement. To acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the 1893 overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii, and to offer an apology to Native Hawaiians on behalf of the United States for the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Signed by Bill Clinton.

How do U.S. military interests influence the acquisition of Pacific territories during the early 20th century period of empire building?

Being a "stepping stone" for military access to the east and a barrier between them and us.

Where does a bulk of military controlled lands in Hawaiʻi come from?

Ceded lands that were taken unconstitutionally and stolen from the Hawaiian Government.

How much ʻāina is under military stewardship?

Covers 5.7% of total land in Hawaii and 22.4% of O'ahu.

Explain the metaphor used by Dr. Trask to describe Hawaiʻiʻs tourism industry

Culture is "exploited" to sell Hawaiʻi to tourists. -exploitation refers to the use of culture as a resource, with little or no consideration for its well-being.

What is the difference between Decolonization & Deoccupation?

Decolonization: undoing colonialism- provides a pathway for decolonization. Deoccupation: removal of occupying force.

Identify: DERP, FUDS o Why do critics claim that DERP reports fall short of their intended purpose?

Defense Environmental Restoration Program - an act to restore the FUDS (Formerly Used Defense sites), the anual Derp report sent to congress does not include the FUDS or US installation of foreign soil.

Treaty of Rarotonga Flaws

Does not address uranium mining in Australia 2. Fails to limit movement of nuclear vessels within the zone 3. Fails to limit transportation of nuclear weapons within zone 4. Does not ban testing of ballistic missiles that carry nuclear warheads 5. Does not ban nuclear facilities or network within the Pacific 6. Does not cover Micronesia

What is the Hawaiian Organic Act of 1900? (What does it establish?)

Establishes Territory of Hawaii government. Hawaii citizens are now US citizens and under territorial laws. Ceded lands from the Hawaiian government.

What is the "Stepping-Stones Theory" and what was the intent behind it?

Explains why US desired to acquire Islands in the Pacific. They are used as "Stepping Stones" to the Asian markets (mainly china).

What is the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875

Free trade agreement between the US and Hawaii, allowing Hawaii free access to US markets and gave the US Pearl Harbor.

Lā Kūʻokoʻa

Hawaii's Independence day; November 28th, 1843. the day they won their independence from France and UK

Why would Hawaiians be more susceptible to homelessness over other ethnic groups in Hawaiʻi?

Historical abuse of Hawaiian people that has carried down to the current generations; alcohol and drug abuse, mistrust of school and education, ect...

Why has Hawaiʻi been considered one of the meanest states with regard to homeless people? ○ Why is Honolulu criticized for the way it has chosen to deal with the homeless problem over recent years?

Instead of Helping Homeless people they just tried to make them leave, act 50 criminalized homelessness, other more recent laws have made it illegal to sit or lie on sidewalks and authorities can seize homeless people's belongings left in public.

Why is Hawaiʻi considered the most militarized state in the union?

It has the Largest percentage of it's population in the military.

Why is Kahoʻolawe the best example of military mismanagement of ʻāina?

It was literally used as a target for practice and test bombing. Extreme mistreatment of the aina.

Who does President Cleveland send to lead a Presidential Investigation into the overthrow and what does he do upon arrival in Hawaiʻi?

James Blunt. His findings: . US forces responsible for overthrow • Minister Stevens abused authority • Provisional government lacked support • Overthrow & annexation were unpopular

What is PACOM and where is it based? ○ List 2 statistics regarding PACOM in Hawaiʻi

Largest of the US's unified commands. Covers more than 50% of the earth surface, all of the pacific and most of east asia. Based in Pearl Harbor. and contains 300,000 military personnel.

Why are toxic military dumps in the ocean surrounding Hawaiʻi a potential problem for the community? o What types of things/chemicals have been dumped into our oceans?

Much of it is radioactive and much of Hawaii's food comes from the ocean, also radioactive waste has washed up on the beach before. Dumps include: Conventional explosives, old vehicles, ammunition, and more than 8,000 tons of chemical weapons.

Treaty of Rarotonga & What are some of the treaty's flaws?

Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in the South Pacific. Bans testing of Nuclear Weapons and use or threat of use to any nation under the treaty. Does not address uranium mining in Australia, Fails to limit movement of nuclear vessels within the zone.

What is the difference between Operation Crossroads and Operation Castle? Identify: Bravo Shot

Operation crossroads was to test the effects Of nuclear bombs on ships and materials. Operation Castle was a series of tests of the hydrogen bomb. Bravo Shot-First of these tests; Near lethal fallout. Powdered 236 inhabitants of Rongelap and Utrik.

How has the tourism industry commodified Hawaiian culture? Why does it do this?

Over sexualizing hula, making Hawaiians seem like they live more primitive lives, changing scenery... ect. To make the Hawaii more appealing to tourists.

Queen liliuokalani's trial and outcome

Queen lilioukalani was arrested for treason for false ties to the wilcox rebellion. She was imprisoned in 'lolani palace and sentenced to five years of manual labor.

How were the Marshallese people affected by the nuclear testing in and around their islands? What types of health problems have resulted? What are "jellyfish babies"?

Rogelap is still uninhabitable 90% of the children developed thyroid tumors Marshallese = world's highest rate of thyroid abnormalities Babies born without bones and limbs, a phenomenon only found in the marshal islands.

What are Insular cases?

Series of decisions by the supreme court about how to govern territories. Deemed that territory citizens, while US citizens, aren't given all the constitutional rights.

How much has Hawaiʻiʻs population increased since statehood? ○ On average, how many tourists relative to Native Hawaiians does Hawaiʻi have on an annual basis?

Sky rocketed; 31 to 1

Free Association

Sovereignty model, Colonized nation enters into a political relationship with the colonizing nation - maintains international relations but allows for US military


Sovereignty model, Precedent set by various tribes, only requires state of hawaii approval. but it provides the least governing authority out of the 4 models.

What event took place in 1898 that ultimately led to Hawaiian annexation?

The Spanish American War- Made Americans realizes the value of imperialism by how much the Philipines helped them.

Why did the U.S. hastily push a vote for statehood through in June and August of 1959? ○ Identify: Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples aka the Declaration on Decolonization

The UN was about to submit the Declaration on Decolonization which could have forced the US to give up Hawaii.

Why was the statehood vote unlawful in term of the question asked and those who were allowed to vote?

The ballot only had the choice between statehood and remaining a territory. No option for independence appeared on the ballot as was required under the UN charter. Only U.S. citizens allowed to vote - including military.

How was Kahoʻolawe returned to the State of Hawaiʻi? What is the P.K.O. and what role does it play with regard to Kahoʻolawe?

The government had promised to clean the island before returning it, but they only cleaned a small portion. The Protect Kaho'olawe 'Ohana protested the Islands bombing by moving onto the island and begining restoration.

How does the vicious cycle of cultural misrepresentation at the hands of the tourism industry work?

The industry fabricates an image and sells that image. Visitors expect that image. Industry brings the image to life.

How does the large military presence affect housing in the islands especially on Oʻahu? o Why is it difficult for local non-military residents to compete with military personnel for off-base housing?

The military drives up housing demand by sheer population and they are well payed and given housing money on top which means renters can charge more than locals can afford.


The supreme, absolute, and uncontrollable power by which any independent state is governed; supreme political authority

Why is the Halawa Fuel Storage Facility of particular concern to the local community? What makes it different from other fuel storage facilities?

There have been leaks and the tanks sit 100ft above an aquifer that supplies 25% of Honolulu's water. It can store 252 million gallons of fuel.

What is the Hui Kalaiʻāina and Hui Aloha ʻĀina and how do their efforts derail annexation efforts?

They were patission's circulating around the Hawaiian Islands that fought annexation and supported the queen. They helped to defeat Thurston's annexation treaty in the senate.

Declaration Regarding Non-Self Governing Territories According to the UN what are the responsibilities a colonial power has to the people of a territory under its care? How did the U.S. Nuclear testing program in Micronesia violate the UN declaration?

To recognize and promote the interests, health and culture of the inhabitants. To assist the development of self government. The nuclear testing did not promote the interests and health of the inhabitants.

Why does Hawaiʻi face a homeless epidemic despite having one of the lowest unemployment rates in the U.S.?

Tourism Jobs are very low paying.

Define the term Corporate Tourism. ○ Why is corporate tourism not as beneficial for the people of Hawaiʻi as some would think? ○ Why do some experts liken Hawaiʻiʻs economy to that of a 3rd world country?

Tourism that is not controlled by the local people. Jobs in tourism are usually low pay and only 50% of Tourism generated revenue reaches Hawaiis internal economy. Hawaii has the highest rate of homelessness in the US.

Identify the: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. o How did the U.S. come into control of it? o What is the status of the territory today?

Trusteeship granted by the UN after WW2; Marshall Islands, Caroline Islands, and Mariana Islands. Today they are 4 sovereign states.

What are the findings of the Morgan Report with regard to the overthrow?

US forces weren't responsible • Minister Stevens exonerated • Queen Liliʻuokalani identified as solely responsible for overthrow

What kind of monetary compensation do they receive from the U.S. government? Is it enough? Why or why not?

US provided 150 million to Marshalls for Nuclear Claim Fund. 46% of affected islanders died before they were fully paid for their injuries so no, not enough.

What U.S. president comes to power in 1897 that supports Hawaiian annexation?

William McKinley

Bayonet Constitution of 1887

Written by Lorrin Thurston who formed the Hawaiian League, it was a constitution forced on King Kalakaua at gunpoint and stipped him of his power and gave the power to haules. It based citizenship and the right to vote off land ownership, something not many native hawaiians had.

Did the U.S. intentionally expose Micronesians to radioactive fallout in order to use them as test subjects? If so, what evidence is there to prove this?

Yes; the military had predicted the wind path would carry the radioactive fallout to a Micronesian Island, but didn't have the island evacuated and after the fact stated that the winds did not fallow the predicted path (when they had).

What is the Newlands Joint-Resolution?

based on Thurston's Annexation documents. Gave the US control of Hawaii without "Annexing it" because constitutionally you need the majority of a countries citizens to be in favor of annexation, and the Ku'e Petitions proved this wasn't true for hawaii.

Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea

former national holiday celebrated on July 31 during the Kingdom of Hawaii, which commemorated the restoration of Hawaiian sovereignty following the occupation of Hawaii by Great Britain

What is the Turpie Resolution and how do the Blount & Morgan Reports influence it?

gave U.S. a natural stance in hawaii. this was bad because the ball was in the U.S.'s court. The Blount Report convinced president Cleveland that the hawaiian throne should be restord, but that was only possible by force and the Morgan Report made acting with force against the provisional government very unpopular among US citizens.


legal right of people to decide their own destiny in the international order

Honolulu Rifles (Who are they? What is their role in the Bayonet Constitution?)

most disciplined and well trained militia in Honolulu, forced the bayonet constitution on King kalakaua

parties in the Treaty of Rarotononga are...

not to test any nuclear explosive device anywhere within the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone. not to use or threaten to use any nuclear explosive device against: a) Parties to the Treaty; or b) any territory within the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone


sovereignty model, Precedent; protected under the US. But, still under US control and no access to international community


sovereignty model, total separation from US

Why do some including the governor believe laws passed to curb homelessness will not solve the homeless problem?

they are just enforcing and moving people from location to location you are not really reducing or solving the problem.

What is the main reason for homelessness in Hawaiʻi?


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