HWST 107 Midterm 2

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Pele in Hawaii is known as the goddess of?

flowing lava

the Kumulipo Chant was considered a ____ chant.


what is another term used to describe large-scale landslides?


in Satawal Micronesia the shark god provided for which of the following?

spirituality food economy

Aumakaa and the Kumulipo chant are examples of the close ____ relationship that Hawaiians have with their environment


King tides

term for annual rise of tide on Atoll islands

the path of Piko o Wakea or Orions belt divides the night sky into which of the following?

into the northern and southern hemispheres

throughout the world, rain is the primary source of water. on volcanic islands in Oceania, the source of this rainfall comes as

orographic rainfall

changes in precipitation reflects changes in which of the following?

rainfall absorption ground-water recharge fog zones streams

what would a properly constructed fishpond eventually become?

self sufficient

in Satawal Micronesia the mend had a close relationship with their god who was in the form of a ____


the sacred Kumulipo chant from Hawaii tells the evolution of life between the

1. land 2. gods 3. kings 4. man

The Basal lens sits or floats above which of the following?

salt water

What is the name of the horizontal well that access fresh water in the mountain dike rock?

Dike Well

A traditional food production method in Hawaii that developed tree and root crops was non as which of the following?

Dryland or non-irrigated cultivation

Atolls are part of which stage of the growth cycle of a volcano?

End stages

Sea mounts are part of which stage of the volcano growth cycle?

End stages

Regarding the Auwai system, the control of the water was a great engineering feet to prevent which of the following events?


Within the cosmogonic chant known as the Kumulipo is the creation story of Papa and Wakea. How many generations descend from Papa and Wakea?


during which centuries is it thought he fishponds were constructed?


the Hawaiian cosmogonic chant is told in Wa (great period of time). how many Wa are there?


An Ahupuaa is a land division but it also which of the following?

A pig alter marking the boundaries of the land division Represents the 86 different watersheds on the island of Oahu Provides resources to the people cultivating and living on the land

Taputapuatea was a sacred place used for which of the following purposes?

A place to learn navigation

In Olelo Hawaii, what does Kinolau refer to?

A plant or animal form of the gods

the creation story of Papatuanuku and Rangiatea originates from which geographic area?


In Aotearoa why did Tawhiri one of the children of Papatuanuku and Rangi want to prevent his parents from being torn apart and allowing light into the world?

Fear of a pleasant and beautiful world

the cosmogonic story of Taaroa originates in which geographic area?

French Polynesia

Fresh water sources from the mountains was important to the livelihood of the fishponds. Why was the freshwater so important?

Fresh water allowed seaweed to grow that fish feed on

The fishponds and the art of cultivating fish can be found in which areas of Oceania?


the sacred stone structures found in Hawaii are known as which of the following?


The phases of the moon are important in knowing the passage of time as well as the honoring of gods and knowing when to fish and farm. The moon was also governed by a beautiful goddess who gave birth to the great trickster god and both mother and son are known throughout Polynesia. This goddess name is...?


In French Polynesia the cosmogonic story of Taaroa begins in which distinctive manner?

In an egg-shaped shell during a time of darkness in the form of an octopus

the god of fertility was important for land productivity and yields. the concepts of fecundity was embodied in the god known as Roo in Rapanui. in Hawaii he was known by which name?


a sacred gathering place in Aotearoa is known as


The construction of the fishponds is attributed to which of the following persons?

Moi (ruling chiefs)

Where will the impact of global warming be most pronounced in Hawaii?


an example of the largest known landslides on earth can be found on the coast of which areas?

Oahu and Molokai

the star constellation known as Wakea in Hawaii is also known as which of the following constellations?


throughout Polynesia the progenitor of Polynesian peoples is Mother Earth and she is a prominent figure in oral stories. in the Hawaiian IslandsMother Earth is known as

Papahanaumoku (Papa Mother who gives birth to islands)

What may be more devasting than temperature change in Hawaii?

Precipitation changes

during the 1970s a grass roots organization formed in opposition to the continued use of Kahoolawe as a training site is efforts for the return of Kahoolawe island to the Native Hawaiian people. what is the name of this grass roots organization?

Protect Kahoolawe Ohana

cognates of the god Kanaloa (olelo Hawaii) can be found in which of the following areas?

Samoa Rapa Nui Aotearoa French Polynesia

Which of the following mechanisms were used to control the flow of water into and out of the fishpond?

Sluice gates

The Auwai system was usually fed by which of the following resources?


Which of the following celestial elements can be used to measure time?

Sun and moon

what is the name of the famous Navigational Marae in French Polynesia?


The path of Orions belt in the night sky symbolizes which of the following?

The celestial equator

In regards to the Auwai system and the kalo pondfields, the speed of the water flow through the loi, kalo pondfields, was controlled by which of the following factors?

The length and slope of the ditch

Walled fishponds removed how many steps in the natural food-chain for Native Hawaiians?


Operation Bravo was one of the largest hydrogen bombs detonated in Oceania. which country was responsible for this nuclear test in Oceania?


Sky Father is known by which name

Wakea Atea Rangiatea

A traditional food production method in Hawaii that removed two steps in the natural food-chain is which of the following methods?

Walled fishponds

In Aotearoa the Maori term used to describe ones genealogy is which of the following?


a hotspot describes which of the following?

an initial eruption on the sea floor

as rainwater is absorbed in the land and filers through the mountain, it eventually collects under the cap rock in a layer or lens of fresh water. which term can be used to describe this layer?

basal lens

in Hawaii, what animal may be most vulnerable to the impact of climate change in the mountain regions?


equinox is a time when the suns positions is where?

directly above the equator

the immediate outcome of nuclear testing in Oceania was which of the following?

displacement of the Native Islanders radioactive contamination of the food sources radioactive contamination of the water resources native islanders experiences extreme health and birth defects

the gods of Hawaii can be spiritually perceived as which of the following items?

elements of the environment

the lunar calendar is important to peoples throughout the world for which of the following reasons?

fishing farming honoring the gods

in Hawaii, the god of war was also known as a god of which of the following activities?

fishing and farming

The geologic process that describes the creation of the Hawaiian islands is which of the following terms?


a dam-like structure was built in the stream to divert water into the ditches for irrigation. what type of energy did this dam-like structure create to move the water through the ditches?

hydraulic energy

the irrigated ditches for kalo crops were engineered to allow cool water to flow from one terrace to the next. why was this necessary and important to he production of the crop?

to prevent stagnation of water prevent root rot

warm air at the equator is moved by cooler air coming in from Earth poles. in the northern hemisphere, this cooler air traveling is known by which of the following terms?


the imaginary line of 23.5 degrees south of the Equator marks which of the following

tropic of capricorn

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