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Hyperthyroidism Pathophysiology

Excessive secretion of thyroid hormones (T3/T4) leading to increased BMR, increased CV fx, increased GI fx, increased Neuro fx, weight loss, heat intolerance

Medications for Hypothyroidism

-Synthroid -Give 1 hr prior or 2 hrs after meals -Withhold if HR >100

Cardiovascular Manifestations of Hyperthyroidism

-Tachycardia -Palpitations -Chest pain -Systolic HTN -Dysrhythmias

Thyroid Storm/Crisis Pathophysiology

-Uncontrolled hyperthyroidism caused by untreated Graves Disease

Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Hypothyroidism

-Anorexia -Weight gain -Constipation -Abdominal distention

Psychological Manifestations of Hypothyroidism

-Apathy -Depression -Paranoia -Withdrawal

Indications of Total Thyroidectomy

-Certain types of CA -Pt will have to take TH forever

Psychological Manifestations of Hyperthyroidism

-Decreased attention span -Restlessness -Irritability -Manic, labile behavior

Hypothyroidism Pathophysiology

-Decreased secretion of T3/T4 hormones leads to: -Decrease production of hydrochloric acid by stomach -Reduced gastrointestinal motility -Decreased HR & CO -Impaired neurological fx -Decreased heat production -Decreased lipid metabolism -Anemia -Increased interstitial fluids (leads to pleural/cardiac effusions)

Respiratory Manifestations of Hypothyroidism

-Dyspnea -Hypoventilation -Pleural effusion

Respiratory Manifestations of Hyperthyroidism

-Dyspnea at rest or upon exertion

Indications for Subtotal Thyroidectomy

-Enough remaining tissue to produce adequate amounts of hormones

Causes of Hyperthyroidism

-Excess secretion of TSH by pituitary gland -Thyroiditis -Graves' Disease -Tumor -Excessive dose of supplemental TH

Neurological Manifestations of Hyperthyroidism

-Exophthalamus (associated w/ Graves disease) -Visual changes -Eye fatigue -Eyelid retraction -Global lag -Tremors

Clinical Manifestations of Thyroid Storm/Crisis

-Fever > 102 (can reach 105-106) -Tachycardia -Systolic HTN -HF -Shock -N/V -Agitation, confusion -Seizures

Complications from Surgery

-Hemorrhage -Respiratory distress -Parathyroid gland injury (results in hypocalcemia & tetany) -Damage to laryngeal nerves

Cardiovascular Manifestations of Hypothyroidism

-Hypotension -Bradycardia -Dysrhythmias -Periorbital edema -Facial puffiness

Metabolic Manifestations of Hyperthyroidism

-Increased BMR -Heat intolerance -Low grade fever

Gastrointestinal Manifestations for Hyperthyroidism

-Increased appetite -Weight loss -Diarrhea

Nursing Interventions for Thyroid Storm/Crisis

-Maintain patent airway and adequate ventilation -Medications that lower thyroid levels -Cardiac monitor for dysrhythmias -Monitor vitals frequently -IV fluids -Provide comfort measures

Nursing Interventions for Hyperthyroidism

-Monitor VS -Assess respiratory effort -Assess energy/activity tolerance -Monitor diet (make sure getting enough during hyper-metabolic state) -Exophthalamus education

Nursing Interventions for Hypothyroidism

-Monitor cardiac status (BP/HR regularly) -Assess hemodynamic fx (urine output/BP) -Monitor for mental status & neurologic changes -Administer hypothyroid medications as ordered -Adjust environment with blankets as needed to temperature & comfort -Encourage fluids of at least 2 L -Encourage diet high in fiber to promote regular bowel movements

Post-Surgical Nursing Interventions

-Monitor for sx of respiratory distress (tachypnea/stridor) -Inspect neck dressing every hour, then every 4 hours -Monitor amount of drainage: notify MD for bleeding -Maintain client in Semi-Fowler's position w/ ice to neck -Assess for numbness, tingling, voice quality (dysphonia), dysphagia, hypocalcemia) -Keep emergency tracheostomy kit at bedside

Musculoskeletal Manifestations of Hyperthyroidism

-Muscle weakness/wasting -Fatigue

Exophthalamus Education for pt w/ Hyperthyroidism

-Need for regular eye exams -Reports changes in vision -Protects eyes with tinted glasses -Moistens eyes frequently -Sleeps with head of bed elevated to decrease pressure on optical nerve

Medications to Lower Thyroid Hormone Levels

-Porpylthiouracil (PTU), Methimazole (Tapazole) -Iodine (blocks release & inhibits synthesis of T3/T4; decreases vasculature of thyroid gland) -Inderal/beta blockers (decreases heart activity) -Glucocorticoids (Hydrocortisone, Prednisone) -Antipyretics (Non-aspirin based)

Non-Surgical Treatment of Choice for Hyperthyroidism

-Radioactive Iodine -Make sure pt is not pregnant

Neurologic Manifestations of Hypothyroidism

-Slow, slurred speech -Decreased memory, concentration -Lethargy, somnolence -Paresthesias

Surgical Treatments for Hyperthyroidism

-Subtotal Thyroidectomy -Total Thyroidectomy

Non-Surgical Treatments for Hyperthyroidism

-Symptom management -Medications

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