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['pʌlkritju:d] n.美丽 : physical comeliness(美丽动人)


['skriptʃə] n.经文,圣典 1 a (1) capitalized : the books of the Bible - often used in plural (2) often capitalized : a passage from the Bible b : a body of writings considered sacred or authoritative 2 : something written <the primitive man's awe for any scripture - George Santayana>


[fə'nɔminə] n.(复数)现象;科学研究的现象


[ju:'təupjə] n.理想国,理想的完美境界 noun 1 : an imaginary and indefinitely remote place 2 often capitalized : a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions 3 : an impractical scheme for social improvement


[ri'dautəbl] a.可敬畏的 1 : causing fear or alarm : FORMIDABLE 2 : ILLUSTRIOUS(著名的,杰出的), EMINENT broadly : worthy of respect


[pə:'vei] v.(大量)供给,供应 1 : to supply (as provisions) usually as a matter of business 2 : PEDDLE 2: to deal out or seek to disseminate(散布)


[pəs'paiə] v.流汗 : to emit matter through the skin specifically : to secrete and emit perspiration(汗)


[pəust'pəun] v.使延期,推迟 1 : to put off to a later time : DEFER(推迟;延期;听从) ! 2 a : to place later (as in a sentence) than the normal position in English <postpone an adjective> b : to place later in order of precedence, preference, or importance synonyms see DEFER


[pʌg'neiʃəs] a.好斗的 : having a quarrelsome or combative nature : TRUCULENT(残暴凶狠的) synonyms see BELLIGERENT PUGNACIOUS suggests a disposition that takes pleasure in personal combat <a pugnacious gangster>.


[pʌŋk'tiliəs] a.谨小慎微的 : marked by or concerned about precise accordance with the details of codes or conventions synonyms see CAREFUL PUNCTILIOUS implies minute, even excessive attention to fine points <punctilious observance of ritual(礼节)>.


[skeil] n.鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶


[sku:p] n.小铲,勺子;v.(用勺子)取出,舀出


[skæd] n.许多,大量 : a large number or quantity - usually used in plural <scads of money>


[ru:z] n.骗术,诡计 : a wily subterfuge(诡计) synonyms see TRICK


[ræ'prɔʃmɔŋ] n.和好,和睦 : establishment of or state of having cordial(热诚而友好的) relations


[rækɔn'tə:] n.善于讲故事的人 : a person who excels in telling anecdotes


['trʌkjulənt] a.残暴的,凶狠的 1 : feeling or displaying !ferocity(凶猛,残暴) : CRUEL, SAVAGE 2 : DEADLY(致命的,致死的), DESTRUCTIVE 3 : scathingly(伤富的,严厉的) harsh : !VITRIOLIC(尖酸刻薄的) <truculent criticism> 4 : aggressively self-assertive : !BELLIGERENT(交战的;好斗的)


['wɔfl] n.蛋奶烘饼;v.胡扯,唠叨 noun : a crisp cake of batter(糊状物) baked in a waffle iron intransitive verb 1 : EQUIVOCATE(模棱两可他说), VACILLATE(犹豫不决;摇动,摇摆) <waffled on the important issues> also : YO-YO, FLIP-FLOP 2 : to talk or write foolishly : BLATHER(胡说 瞎扯) <can waffle tiresomely off the point - Times Lit. Supp.> noun : empty or pretentious words : TRIPE(废话 胡说)


['wɔndəlʌst] n.漫游癖,旅游热 : strong longing for or impulse toward wandering


['ʌnri'zə:vd] a.无限制的;未被预定的 1 : not limited or partial : ENTIRE, UNQUALIFIED(绝对的) <unreserved enthusiasm> 2 : not cautious or !reticent(沉默不语的,保留的) : FRANK, OPEN 3 : not set aside for special use


['ʌp'rait] a.垂直的;正直的 adjective 1 a : PERPENDICULAR, VERTICAL b : erect in carriage(仪态\举止\姿势) or posture c : having the main axis or a main part perpendicular <upright freezer> 2 : marked by strong moral !rectitude(正直,公正,清廉) <an upright citizen>


[`fɑ:mə'sju:tikəl] a.制药的 : of, relating to, or engaged in pharmacy or the manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals <a pharmaceutical company> noun : a medicinal drug pharmacology [`fɑ:mə'kɔlədʒi] n.药理学,药物学


[`ʌnim'pi:tʃəbl] a.无可指摘的,无可置疑的 : not impeachable: as a : reliable(可靠的,可信的) beyond a doubt <unimpeachable evidence> <an unimpeachable source> b : not liable(应负责的) to accusation : IRREPROACHABLE <an unimpeachable reputation>


[fi'lætəli] n.集邮 : the collection and study of postage and imprinted stamps : stamp collecting


[ji:st] n.酵母;兴奋 3 : something that causes ferment or activity <were all seething(沸腾的,剧烈的) with the yeast of revolt - J. F. Dobie> intransitive verb : FERMENT, FROTH(生泡沫,发泡,吹泡)


[ju:'bikwitəs] a.无所不在的 : existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : WIDESPREAD <a ubiquitous fashion>


[p'idəl] vi.做无聊事,浪费时间,撒尿 intransitive verb: 1 : DAWDLE(闲荡;虚度), PUTTER(1 : to move or act aimlessly or idly ) 2 : URINATE(撒尿)


[paid] a.杂色的 : of two or more colors in blotches also : wearing or having a parti-colored(斑驳的) coat <a pied horse>


[rent] n.裂缝;(意见)分歧租金;v 出租


[ri'beljəs] a.反抗的,难控制的 1 a : given to or engaged in rebellion <rebellious troops> b : of, relating to, or characteristic of a rebel or rebellion <a rebellious speech> 2 : resisting treatment or management : REFRACTORY (难驾驭的\执拗的\病难治的)


[ri'bʌf] v.断然拒绝 : to reject or criticize sharply : SNUB


[ri'si:t] n.收到,接到;发票,收据 noun 1 : RECIPE 3 : the act or process of receiving 4 : something received - usually used in plural 5 : a writing acknowledging the receiving of goods or money transitive verb 1 : to give a receipt for or acknowledge the receipt of 2 : to mark as paid


[ris'plendənt] a.华丽的,辉煌的 : shining brilliantly : characterized by a glowing splendor <meadows(草地) resplendent with wildflowers - Outdoor World> synonyms see SPLENDID


[ris'pɔndənt] n.被告 noun 1 : one who responds: as a : one who maintains a thesis in reply b (1) : one who answers in various legal proceedings (as in equity cases) (2) : the prevailing party in the lower court c : a person who responds to a poll 2 : a reflex that occurs in response to a specific external stimulus adjective 1 : making response : RESPONSIVE especially : being a respondent at law 2 : relating to or being behavior or responses to a stimulus that are followed by a reward <respondent conditioning>


[ris'pɔns] n.反应,响应,回答 1 : an act of responding 2 : something constituting a reply or a reaction: as a : a verse, phrase, or word sung or said by the people or choir after or in reply to the officiant in a liturgical service b : the activity or inhibition of previous activity of an organism or any of its parts resulting from stimulation c : the output of a transducer or detecting device resulting from a given input synonyms see ANSWER


[ris'pɔnsiv] a.敏感的,反应快的 1 : giving response : constituting a response : ANSWERING <a responsive glance> <responsive aggression> 2 : quick to respond or react appropriately or sympathetically : SENSITIVE 3 : using responses <a responsive liturgy(礼拜形式)>


[se'ræfik] a.如天使般的,美丽的


[seidʒ] a.智慧的;n.智者 1 a : wise through reflection and experience 2 : proceeding from or characterized by wisdom, prudence, and good judgment <sage advice> synonyms see WISE SAGE suggests wide experience, great learning, and wisdom <the sage advice of my father>.


[sein] a.神志清楚的,明智的 1 : proceeding from a sound mind : RATIONAL 2 : mentally sound especially : able to anticipate and appraise the effect of one's actions 3 : healthy in body synonyms see WISE SANE stresses mental soundness, rationality, and levelheadedness <remained sane even in times of crises>.


[si'deit] a.镇静的 adjective: keeping a quiet steady attitude or pace : UNRUFFLED(不骚动的,不混乱的,安静的) synonyms see SERIOUS SEDATE implies a composed and !decorous(正派得体的) seriousness <remained sedate amid the commotion>. transitive verb: to dose with sedatives


[si'dju:liti] n.勤奋,勤勉 : sedulous activity : DILIGENCE


[ski:m] n.阴谋;(作品等)体系,结构 1 b : a graphic sketch or outline 2 : a concise statement or table : EPITOME(摘要;典型) 3 : a plan or program of action especially : a crafty or secret one 4 : a systematic or organized configuration : DESIGN <color scheme> synonyms see PLAN SCHEME stresses calculation of the end in view and may apply to a plan motivated by craftiness and self-interest <a scheme to defraud the government>. transitive verb : to form a scheme for intransitive verb : to form plans also : PLOT, INTRIGUE


[skript] n.剧本,脚本


[skru:] n.螺丝钉,螺旋;吝啬鬼


[skræp] n.小片,碎屑;v.废弃


[skaul] n.怒容;v.生气地皱眉,怒视 intransitive verb 1 : to contract the brow in an expression of displeasure 2 : to exhibit a threatening aspect transitive verb : to express with a scowl noun: a facial expression of displeasure : FROWN


[ski'mætik] a.纲要的,图解的 adjective: of or relating to a scheme or schema noun: a schematic drawing or diagram


[skrɔ:l] v.潦草地写,乱涂 transitive verb : to write or draw awkwardly, hastily, or carelessly <scrawled his name> intransitive verb : to write awkwardly or carelessly


[skrəul] n.卷轴,纸卷;画卷


[skrʌb] n.矮树丛;身体矮小的人;v.用力擦洗


[sku:l] n.鱼群 noun: a large number of fish or aquatic animals of one kind swimming together intransitive verb: to swim or feed in a school <bluefish are schooling>


[trim] v.修剪;a.井井有条的


[sæŋkti'məunjəs] a.假装神圣的 1 : hypocritically pious(虚伪的) or devout(虔诚的) <a sanctimonious moralist> <the king's sanctimonious rebuke - G. B. Shaw>


['(h)wi:dl] v.(用花言巧语)哄骗 transitive verb 1 : to influence or entice by soft words or flattery 2 : to gain or get by wheedling <wheedle one's way into favor> intransitive verb : to use soft words or flattery synonyms see CAJOLE synonyms CAJOLE, COAX, SOFT-SOAP, BLANDISH, WHEEDLE mean to influence or persuade by pleasing words or actions. CAJOLE suggests the deliberate use of flattery to persuade in the face of reluctance or reasonable objections <cajoled him into cheating on the final exam>. COAX implies gentle and persistent words or actions employed to produce a desired effect <coaxed the cat out of the tree>. SOFT-SOAP refers to using smooth and somewhat insincere talk usually for personal gain <politicians soft-soaping eligible(合格的) voters>. BLANDISH implies a more open desire to win a person over by effusive praise and affectionate actions <legislators blandished with promises of support>. WHEEDLE suggests more strongly than cajole the use of seductive appeal or artful words in persuading <hucksters wheedling her life's savings out of her>.


['(h)wimzikəl] a.古怪的,异想天开的 1 : full of, actuated(促使,开动) by, or exhibiting whims 2 a : resulting from or characterized by whim or caprice especially : lightly fanciful <whimsical decorations> b : subject to erratic behavior or unpredictable change


['(h)wisl] n.口哨,口哨声;汽笛声;v.吹口哨


['(h)wispə] v.耳语,低声说话 intransitive verb 1 : to speak softly with little or no vibration of the vocal cords especially to avoid being overheard(偶而听到) 2 : to make a !sibilant(发出呲呲声的) sound that resembles whispering transitive verb 1 : to address in a whisper 2 : to utter or communicate in or as if in a whisper noun 1 : something communicated by or as if by whispering especially : RUMOR <whispers of scandal> 2 a : an act or instance of whispering especially : speech without vibration of the vocal cords b : a sibilant sound that resembles whispered speech 3 : HINT, TRACE


['(h)witl] v.削(木头);削减 transitive verb 1 a : to pare or cut off chips from the surface of (wood) with a knife b : to shape or form by so paring(削皮) or cutting 2 : to reduce, remove, or destroy gradually as if by cutting off bits with a knife : PARE <whittle down expenses> intransitive verb 1 : to cut or shape something (as wood) by or as if by paring it with a knife 2 : to wear oneself or another out with fretting(侵蚀;烦恼)


['(h)wə:lpu:l] n.漩涡 1 a : a confused tumult(骚动,暴动,吵闹,情绪激动) and bustle(喧哗,匆忙) : WHIRL b : a magnetic or impelling force by which something may be engulfed <refusing to be drawn into this whirlpool of intrigue - A. D. White> 2 a : water moving rapidly in a circle so as to produce a depression in the center into which floating objects may be drawn : EDDY(漩涡), VORTEX(漩涡;旋风) b : WHIRLPOOL BATH


['fi:niks] n.凤凰,永生或再生的象征 : a legendary bird which according to one account lived 500 years, burned itself to ashes on a pyre, and rose alive from the ashes to live another period also : a person or thing likened to the phoenix If you describe someone or something as a phoenix, you mean that they return again after seeming to disappear or be destroyed. (LITERARY)


['fæntəm] n.鬼怪,幽灵;幻像 1 a : something (as a specter(幽灵)) apparent to sense but with no substantial existence : APPARITION ! b : something elusive or visionary(幻影的) : WILL-O'-THE-WISP c : an object of continual dread or abhorrence : BUGBEAR <the phantom of disease and want> 2 : something existing in appearance only 3 : a representation of something abstract, ideal, or incorporeal(非实体的 无形体的) <she was a phantom of delight - William Wordsworth>


['hwimzi] n.古怪,异想天开 1 : WHIM, CAPRICE 2 : the quality or state of being whimsical or fanciful <the designer's new line showed a touch of whimsy> 3 : a fanciful or fantastic device, object, or creation especially in writing or art


['həulsəm] a.促进健康的 1 : promoting health or well-being of mind or spirit 2 : promoting health of body 3 a : sound in body, mind, or morals b : having the simple health or vigor of normal domesticity(家庭生活,顾家) 4 a : based on well-grounded fear : PRUDENT <a wholesome respect for the law> b : SAFE <it wouldn't be wholesome for you to go down there - Mark Twain> synonyms see HEALTHFUL, HEALTHY


['ji:ldiŋ] a.弯曲自如的;柔顺的 1 : PRODUCTIVE <a high-yielding wheat> 2 : lacking rigidity or stiffness : FLEXIBLE 3 : disposed to submit or comply(顺从,答应) <a docile and yielding temperament>


['ju:nidi'menʃənl] a.一方面的;一维的 : ONE-DIMENSIONAL : 1 : having one dimension 2 : lacking depth : SUPERFICIAL <unidimensional characters>


['ju:nifai] v.统一,使成一体;使相同 : to make into a unit or a coherent whole : UNITE


['ju:nifɔ:m] n.制服;a.相同的,一致的 adjective 1 : having always the same form, manner, or degree : not varying or variable <uniform procedures> 2 : consistent in conduct or opinion <uniform interpretation of laws> 3 : of the same form with others : conforming to one rule or mode : CONSONANT(一致的,调和的,辅音的) 4 : presenting an unvaried appearance of surface, pattern, or color <uniform red brick houses> transitive verb 1 : to bring into uniformity 2 : to clothe with a uniform noun : dress of a distinctive design or fashion worn by members of a particular group and serving as a means of identification(制服) broadly : distinctive or characteristic clothing


['ju:nikɔ:n] n.(传说中的)独角兽


['ju:ʒuri] n.放高利贷 2 : the lending of money with an interest charge for its use especially : the lending of money at exorbitant interest rates 3 : an unconscionable(无节制的;不受良心控制的) or exorbitant(过度的) rate or amount of interest specifically : interest in excess of a legal rate charged to a borrower for the use of money


['jəukəl] n.乡巴佬 : a naive or !gullible(易受骗的,轻信的) inhabitant of a rural area or small town


['kweivə] v.发颤音,颤抖;n.颤音 intransitive verb 1 : TREMBLE 2 : TRILL 3 : to utter sound in tremulous(颤抖的) tones transitive verb : to utter quaveringly noun 1 : EIGHTH NOTE (八拍) 2 : TRILL 1 3 : a tremulous sound


['kweruləs] a.抱怨的,多牢骚的 1 : habitually complaining 2 : FRETFUL(烦燥的), WHINING <a querulous voice>


['kwibl] n.遁词;吹毛求疵的反对意见 intransitive verb 1 : to evade the point of an argument by caviling about words 2 a : CAVIL(挑剔,吹毛求疵), CARP b : BICKER(为琐事争吵) transitive verb : to subject to quibbles noun 1 : an evasion of or shift from the point 2 : a minor objection or criticism


['kwivə] n.箭筒,箭囊 1 : a case for carrying or holding arrows 2 : the arrows in a quiver intransitive verb : to shake or move with a slight trembling motion noun: the act or action of quivering : TREMOR


['kwizliŋ] n.卖国贼,内奸 : TRAITOR 2 : one who commits treason(叛国,通敌) COLLABORATOR A quisling is someone who helps an enemy army that has taken control of their country. (OLD-FASHIONED)


['kwɑntəm] n.量子;定量 noun 1 a : QUANTITY, AMOUNT b : PORTION, PART c : gross quantity : BULK 2 a : any of the very small increments or parcels into which many forms of energy are subdivided b : any of the small subdivisions of a quantized physical magnitude (as magnetic moment) adjective 1 : LARGE, SIGNIFICANT <a quantum improvement> 2 : of, relating to, or employing the principles of quantum mechanics <quantum physics>


['kwɔlifaid] a.有资格的;有限制的 1 a : fitted (as by training or experience) for a given purpose : COMPETENT b : having complied with the specific requirements or precedent conditions (as for an office or employment) : ELIGIBLE(有资格的,合格的) 2 : limited or modified in some way <qualified approval>


['kwɔndəri] n.困惑,进退两难 : a state of perplexity or doubt


['kwɔri] n.猎物 noun 2 : GAME specifically : game hunted with hawks 3 : one that is sought or pursued : PREY 1 : an open excavation(挖掘,发掘) usually for obtaining building stone, slate(石板), or limestone 2 : a rich source transitive verb 1 : to dig or take from or as if from a quarry <quarry marble> 2 : to make a quarry in <quarry a hill> intransitive verb : to delve(钻研;挖掘) in or as if in a quarry noun: a diamond-shaped pane of glass, stone, or tile


['kwɔrənti:n] n.隔离检疫期,隔离 1 : a period of 40 days 2 a : a term during which a ship arriving in port and suspected of carrying contagious disease is held in isolation from the shore b : a regulation placing a ship in quarantine c : a place where a ship is detained during quarantine 3 a : a restraint upon the activities or communication of persons or the transport of goods designed to prevent the spread of disease or pests b : a place in which those under quarantine are kept 4 : a state of enforced isolation transitive verb 1 : to detain in or exclude by quarantine 2 : to isolate from normal relations or communication <quarantine an aggressor> intransitive verb : to establish or declare a quarantine


['kwəutə] n.定额,配额 1 : a proportional part or share especially : the share or proportion assigned to each in a division or to each member of a body 2 : the number or amount constituting a proportional share 3 : a fixed number or percentage of minority group members or women needed to meet the requirements of affirmative action


['pailən] n.高压电线架;桥塔 Pylons are very tall metal structures which hold electric cables high above the ground so that electricity can be transmitted over long distances.


['pailət] n.飞行员;领航员;领导人 noun 1 a : one employed to steer a ship : HELMSMAN(舵手) b : a person who is qualified and usually licensed to conduct a ship into and out of a port or in specified waters c : a person who flies or is qualified to fly an aircraft or spacecraft 2 : GUIDE, LEADER 3 : COWCATCHER(排障器) 4 : a piece that guides a tool or machine part 5 : a television show produced and filmed or taped as a sample of a proposed series 6 : PILOT LIGHT 2 : a small permanent flame used to ignite gas at a burner transitive verb 1 : to act as a guide to : lead or conduct over a usually difficult course 2 a : to set and conn the course of <pilot a ship> b : to act as pilot of <pilot a plane> synonyms see GUIDE PILOT suggests guidance over a dangerous or complicated course <piloted the bill through the Senate>. adjective : serving as a guiding or tracing device, an activating or auxiliary(辅助的) unit, or a trial apparatus or operation <a pilot study>


['paiərit] n.海盗,剽窃者;v.盗印;掠夺 noun : one who commits or practices piracy(海盗行为,盗版) transitive verb 1 : to commit piracy on 2 : to take or appropriate by piracy: as a : to reproduce without authorization especially in infringement(违反,侵犯) of copyright b : to lure away from another employer by offers of betterment intransitive verb : to commit or practice piracy


['paiəs] a.虔诚的,尽责的 1 a : marked by or showing reverence(崇敬) for deity(神) and devotion to divine worship b : marked by conspicuous religiosity(笃信,假信仰,狂信) <a hypocrite(伪君子)- a thing all pious words and uncharitable(不宽恕的) deeds - Charles Reade> 2 : sacred or devotional as distinct from the profane(亵渎,玷污) or secular(世俗的) : RELIGIOUS <a pious opinion> 3 : showing loyal reverence for a person or thing : DUTIFUL 4 a : marked by sham(虚假;赝品) or hypocrisy(伪善) b : marked by self-conscious virtue : VIRTUOUS 5 : deserving commendation(嘉奖) : WORTHY <a pious effort>


['pesimizm] n.悲观;悲观主义 1 : an inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome 2 a : the doctrine that reality is essentially evil b : the doctrine that evil overbalances happiness in life


['pestilənt] a.致死的;有害的 1 : destructive of life : DEADLY 2 : injuring or endangering society : PERNICIOUS(有害的,致命的) 3 : causing displeasure or annoyance 4 : INFECTIOUS, CONTAGIOUS <a pestilent disease>


['pestl] n.杵,乳钵槌 noun 1 : a usually club-shaped implement for pounding or grinding substances in a mortar 2 : any of various devices for pounding, stamping, or pressing transitive verb archaic : to beat, pound, or pulverize with or as if with a pestle intransitive verb : to work with a pestle : use a pestle


['pestə] v.纠缠,强求 2 : to harass with petty irritations : ANNOY synonyms see WORRY


['peti] a.琐碎的;小心眼的 1 : having secondary rank or importance : MINOR, SUBORDINATE 2 : having little or no importance or significance 3 : marked by or reflective of narrow interests and sympathies : SMALL-MINDED


['petjuləns] n.发脾气,性急,暴躁 : the quality or state of being petulant : PEEVISHNESS


['petjulənt] a.性急的,暴躁的 1 : insolent or rude in speech or behavior 2 : characterized by temporary or capricious ill humor : PEEVISH


['petl] n.花瓣 : one of the modified often brightly colored leaves of the corolla of a flower


['petri`fai] v.石化;吓呆 transitive verb 1 : to convert (organic matter) into stone or a substance of stony hardness by the infiltration of water and the deposition of dissolved mineral matter 2 : to make rigid or inert like stone: a : to make lifeless or inactive : DEADEN <slogans are apt to petrify a man's thinking - Saturday Rev.> b : to confound with fear, amazement, or awe <a novel about an airline pilot that will petrify you - Martin Levin> intransitive verb : to become stone or of stony hardness or rigidity


['petrəglif] n.岩石雕刻 : a carving or inscription on a rock


['pi:kənt] a.辛辣的,开胃的;兴奋的 1 : agreeably stimulating to the palate(上颚,味觉) especially : SPICY 2 : engagingly(动人地,吸引人地) provocative(气人的,挑拨的,刺激的) also : having a lively arch charm synonyms see PUNGENT PIQUANT suggests a power to whet(磨快,刺激) the appetite or interest through tartness(酸) or mild pungency(刺激性) <a piquant sauce>.


['pidliŋ] a.琐碎的,微不足道的 adjective: TRIVIAL, PALTRY(无价值的;琐碎的)


['pigmənt] n.天然色素;干粉颜料 A pigment is a substance that gives something a particular colour. (FORMAL)


['pilgrim] n.朝圣客,香客 1 : one who journeys in foreign lands : WAYFARER(徒步旅行者) 2 : one who travels to a shrine(圣地) or holy place as a devotee


['pilə] n.柱子 noun 1 a : a firm upright support for a superstructure : POST b : a usually ornamental column or shaft especially : one standing alone for a monument 2 a : a supporting, integral, or upstanding member or part <a pillar of society> b : a fundamental precept(行为准则) <the five pillars of Islam> 3 : a solid mass of coal, rock, or ore left standing to support a mine roof 4 : a body part that resembles a column transitive verb : to provide or strengthen with or as if with pillars


['piləri] n.颈手枷;示众,嘲弄 noun 1 : a device formerly used for publicly punishing offenders consisting of a wooden frame with holes in which the head and hands can be locked 2 : a means for exposing one to public scorn or ridicule transitive verb 1 : to set in a pillory as punishment 2 : to expose to public contempt, ridicule, or scorn If someone is pilloried, a lot of people, especially journalists, criticize them and make them look stupid.= ridicule A man has been forced to resign as a result of being pilloried by some of the press.


['pin`pɔint] v.精确地找出或描述;a.非常精确的 noun 1 : something that is extremely small or insignificant 2 : the point of a pin 3 : an extremely small or sharp point adjective 1 : extremely fine or precise 2 : located, fixed, or directed with extreme precision <pinpoint targets> 3 : small as a pinpoint 1 : to locate or aim with great precision or accuracy <pinpoint a source> 2 a : to fix, determine, or identify with precision <pinpoint the cause> b : to cause to stand out conspicuously : HIGHLIGHT


['pinəkl] n.尖塔;山峰,顶峰 1 : an upright architectural member generally ending in a small spire(尖顶) and used especially in Gothic construction to give weight especially to a buttress(扶墙) 2 : a structure or formation suggesting a pinnacle specifically : a lofty peak 3 : the highest point of development or achievement : ACME synonyms see SUMMIT PINNACLE suggests a dizzying and often insecure height <the pinnacle of worldly success>.


['pistl] n.手枪 1 : a handgun whose chamber is integral with the barrel broadly : HANDGUN 2 : a notably sharp, spirited, or energetic person


['pitfɔ:l] n.陷阱,未料到的危险或困难 1 : TRAP, SNARE specifically : a pit flimsily(柔弱地) covered or camouflaged and used to capture and hold animals or men 2 : a hidden or not easily recognized danger or difficulty


['pitiful] a.值得同情的,可怜的 2 a : deserving or arousing pity or commiseration(怜悯,同情) b : exciting pitying contempt (as by meanness or inadequacy) <pitiful wages>


['pitəns] n.微薄的薪俸,少量的收入 : a small portion, amount, or allowance also : a meager(贫乏的,稀少的) wage or remuneration(报酬,补偿)


['pitʃə] n.有柄水罐 1 : a container for holding and pouring liquids that usually has a lip or spout and a handle 2 : a modified leaf of a pitcher plant(猪笼草) in which the hollowed petiole and base of the blade form an elongated receptacle : one that pitches specifically : the player who pitches in a game of baseball


['piəsiŋ] a.(寒风)刺骨的;敏锐的 adjective: PENETRATING: as a : LOUD, SHRILL(尖锐的,刺耳的) <piercing cries> b : PERCEPTIVE <piercing eyes> c : penetratingly cold : BITING <a piercing wind> d : CUTTING, INCISIVE <piercing sarcasm> noun : a piece of jewelry (as a ring or stud) that is attached to pierced flesh


['piθi] a.(讲话或文章)简练的 1 : consisting of or abounding in pith 2 : having substance and point : tersely(简洁地) cogent(有说服力的) synonyms see CONCISE synonyms CONCISE, TERSE, SUCCINCT, LACONIC, SUMMARY, PITHY, COMPENDIOUS mean very brief in statement or expression. CONCISE suggests the removal of all that is superfluous(多余的;累赘的) or elaborative <a concise description>. TERSE implies pointed conciseness <a terse reply>. SUCCINCT implies the greatest possible compression <a succinct letter of resignation>. LACONIC implies brevity to the point of seeming rude, indifferent, or mysterious <an aloof and laconic stranger>. SUMMARY suggests the statement of main points with no elaboration or explanation <a summary listing of the year's main events>. PITHY adds to SUCCINCT or TERSE the implication of richness of meaning or substance <a comedy sharpened by pithy one-liners>. COMPENDIOUS applies to what is at once full in scope and brief and concise in treatment <a compendious dictionary>.


['piθinis] n.有力,简洁


['pju(:)isns] n.权力 : STRENGTH, POWER


['pju:dʒilist] n.拳击手,拳师 : FIGHTER especially : a professional boxer


['pju:dʒilizəm] n.拳击,搏击 : BOXING


['pju:isənt] a.强有力的,强大的 : having puissance : POWERFUL


['pju:ni] a.弱小的,发育不良的 : slight or inferior in power, size, or importance : WEAK


['pjuriti] n.纯洁,纯净;纯度 1 : the quality or state of being pure 2 : SATURATION 4A : chromatic purity : freedom from dilution with white


['pjuərail] a.幼稚的;儿童的 1 : JUVENILE 2 : CHILDISH, SILLY <puerile remarks> If you describe someone or something as puerile, you mean that they are silly and childish.


['pjuərifai] v.使洁净,净化 transitive verb : to make pure: as a : to clear from material defilement(污浊,肮脏) or imperfection b : to free from guilt or moral or ceremonial blemish c : to free from undesirable elements intransitive verb : to grow or become pure or clean


['plaiəbl] a.易弯的,柔软的 1 a : supple(柔软的,灵活的) enough to bend freely or repeatedly without breaking b : yielding readily to others : COMPLAISANT(乐于顺从的,讨好的) 2 : adjustable to varying conditions synonyms see PLASTIC PLIABLE suggests something easily bent, folded, twisted, or manipulated <pliable rubber tubing>. PLIANT may stress flexibility and sometimes connote springiness <an athletic shoe with a pliant sole>.


['plaiənt] a.易受影响的;易弯的 1 : PLIABLE 1A 2 : easily influenced : YIELDING 3 : suitable for varied uses synonyms see PLASTIC


['pleidʒiəraiz] v.剽窃,抄袭 transitive verb : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source intransitive verb : to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source


['pleidʒiərizəm] n.剽窃,抄袭 1 : an act or instance of plagiarizing 2 : something plagiarized


['pleintif] n.原告 : a person who brings a legal action


['pleintiv] a.可怜的,伤心的 : expressive of suffering or woe(苦痛,不幸) : MELANCHOLY <a plaintive sigh>


['plenitju:d] n.完全;大量 1 : the quality or state of being full : COMPLETENESS 2 : a great sufficiency : ABUNDANCE


['pleθərə] n.过量,过剩 1 : a bodily condition characterized by an excess of blood and marked by turgescence(膨胀) and a florid complexion(肤色;外表)(多血症) 2 : EXCESS, SUPERFLUITY(多余;过剩) also : PROFUSION(极其丰富的状态;挥霍奢侈), ABUNDANCE


['plændʒənt] a.轰鸣的;悲哀的 1 : having a loud reverberating(起回声;反响) sound <a plangent roar> 2 : having an expressive and especially plaintive quality <plangent lyrics>


['plæsid] a.安静的,平和的 : serenely free of interruption or disturbance <placid skies> <a placid disposition> also : COMPLACENT 1 : marked by complacency : SELF-SATISFIED <a placid smile> synonyms see CALM PLACID suggests an undisturbed appearance and often implies a degree of complacency <remained placid despite the criticism>.


['plætitju:d] n.陈词滥调 1 : the quality or state of being dull or insipid(枯燥无味的) 2 : a banal(陈腐的,老套的), trite(陈词滥调的), or stale(不新鲜的) remark


['plætəu] n.高原;平稳的状态 1 a : a usually extensive land area having a relatively level surface raised sharply above adjacent land on at least one side : TABLELAND(高原,台地) b : a similar undersea feature 2 a : a region of little or no change in a graphic representation(图示) b : a relatively stable level, period, or condition 3 : a level of attainment or achievement <the 500-point plateau>


['plæŋkt(ə)n] n.浮游生物 : the passively floating or weakly swimming usually minute animal and plant life of a body of water


['plɑ:stə] n.灰泥,石膏;v.抹灰泥 noun 1 : a medicated or protective dressing that consists of a film (as of cloth or plastic) spread with a usually medicated substance <adhesive plaster> broadly : something applied to heal and soothe 2 : a pasty composition (as of lime(石灰), water, and sand) that hardens on drying and is used for coating walls, ceilings, and partitions(隔板壁) transitive verb 1 : to overlay or cover with plaster : COAT 2 : to apply a plaster to 3 a : to cover over or conceal as if with a coat of plaster b : to apply as a coating or incrustation(硬壳) c : to smooth down with a sticky or shiny substance <plastered his hair down> 4 : to fasten or apply tightly to another surface 5 : to treat with plaster of paris 6 : to affix to or place on especially conspicuously or in quantity 7 : to inflict(使...遭受) heavy damage or loss on especially by a concentrated or unremitting attack intransitive verb : to apply plaster


['plɔ:dit] v.喝彩,赞扬 1 : an act or round of applause 2 : enthusiastic approval - usually used in plural <received the plaudits of the critics>


['plɔ:zəbl] a.似是而非的,似乎合理的;嘴巧的 1 : superficially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious(似是而非的) <a plausible pretext(借口)> 2 : superficially pleasing or persuasive <a swindler(骗子), then a quack(庸医, 江湖医生), then a smooth, plausible gentleman - R. W. Emerson> 3 : appearing worthy of belief <the argument was both powerful and plausible>


['plʌmbə] n.管子工,铅管工 1 : a dealer or worker in lead 2 : one who installs, repairs, and maintains piping, fittings, and fixtures involved in the distribution and use of water in a building 3 : a person whose job is to prevent or put an end to leaks of sensitive information


['plʌmit] v.垂直或突然坠下 intransitive verb 1 : to fall perpendicularly <birds plummeted down> 2 : to drop sharply and abruptly <prices plummeted> noun : PLUMB also : PLUMB LINE


['plʌndə] v.抢劫,掠夺 transitive verb 1 a : to take the goods of by force (as in war) : PILLAGE(抢劫,掠夺), SACK <invaders plundered the town> b : to take by force or wrongfully : STEAL, LOOT <plundered artifacts from the tomb> 2 : to make extensive use of as if by plundering : use or use up wrongfully <plunder the land> intransitive verb : to commit robbery or looting noun 1 : an act of plundering : PILLAGING 2 : something taken by force, theft, or fraud : LOOT synonyms see SPOIL synonyms SPOIL, PLUNDER, BOOTY, PRIZE, LOOT mean something taken from another by force or craft. SPOIL more commonly SPOILS applies to what belongs by right or custom to the victor in war or political contest <the spoils of political victory>. PLUNDER applies to what is taken not only in war but in robbery, banditry(盗贼行为), grafting, or swindling(诈取,骗取) <a bootlegger's plunder>.


['praimit] n.灵长类(动物) The Primate of a particular country or region is the most important priest in that country or region.


['prauis] n.勇敢;不凡的能力 1 : distinguished bravery especially : military valor(英勇) and skill 2 : extraordinary ability <his prowess on the football field>


['pre'saiəns] n.预知,先见 : foreknowledge of events: a : divine omniscience b : human anticipation of the course of events : FORESIGHT


['predətə] n.食肉动物 1 : one that preys, destroys, or devours 2 : an animal that lives by predation


['predʒudis] n.偏见,成见;v.使产生偏见 1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims 2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics synonyms see PREDILECTION


['prefis] n.序言 noun 2 : the introductory remarks of a speaker or author 3 : APPROACH, PRELIMINARY intransitive verb : to make introductory remarks transitive verb 1 : to say or write as preface <a note prefaced to the manuscript> 2 : PRECEDE, HERALD! (预兆;先驱) 3 : to introduce by or begin with a preface 4 : to stand in front of <a porch prefaces the entrance> 5 : to be a preliminary to


['pregnənt] a.怀孕的;充满的 2 : abounding in fancy, wit, or resourcefulness : INVENTIVE <all this has been said by great and pregnant artists - Times Lit. Supp.> 3 : rich in significance or implication : MEANINGFUL, PROFOUND <the pregnant phrases of the Bible - Edmund Wilson> <a pregnant pause> 4 : containing a developing embryo, fetus, or unborn offspring within the body : GRAVID 5 : having possibilities of development or consequence : involving important issues : MOMENTOUS <draw inspiration from the heroic achievements of that pregnant age - Kemp Malone> 7 : FULL, TEEMING


['preisi:] n.摘要,大纲 : a concise summary of essential points, statements, or facts


['prelju:d] n.序幕,前奏


['premieə] n./v.首次公演 noun 1 : a first performance or exhibition <the premiere of a play> 2 : the chief actress of a theatrical cast transitive verb : to give a first public performance of intransitive verb 1 : to have a first public performance 2 : to appear for the first time as a star performer


['premis] n.前提


['presidʒ] n.预感;v.预示 1 : something that foreshadows or portends a future event : OMEN 2 : an intuition or feeling of what is going to happen in the future 4 : warning or indication of the future transitive verb 1 : to give an omen or warning of : FORESHADOW 2 : FORETELL, PREDICT intransitive verb : to make or utter a prediction


['presipis] n.悬崖 1 : a very steep or overhanging place 2 : a hazardous situation broadly : BRINK (陡峭处, 如峭壁顶端的边缘)


['presiŋ] a.紧迫的,迫切的;恳切要求的 1 : urgently important : CRITICAL <a pressing issue> 2 : EARNEST(真诚和认真的;严肃庄重的), WARM


['pri:'rekwizit] n.先决条件 : something that is necessary to an end or to the carrying out of a function


['pri:`dispə'ziʃən] n.倾向,癖性 If you have a predisposition to behave in a particular way, you tend to behave like that because of the kind of person that you are or the attitudes that you have. (FORMAL) If you have a predisposition to a disease or illness, it is likely that you will suffer from that disease or illness. (FORMAL)


['pri:disesə] n.前任,前辈;原先的东西 1 : one that precedes especially : a person who has previously occupied a position or office to which another has succeeded


['pri:his'tɔrik] a.史前的 1 : of, relating to, or existing in times antedating written history 2 : of or relating to a language in a period of its development from which contemporary records of its sounds and forms have not been preserved 3 : regarded as being outdated or outmoded <prehistoric attitudes>


['pri:sept] n.箴言,格言 1 : a command or principle intended especially as a general rule of action 2 : an order issued by legally constituted authority to a subordinate official synonyms see LAW PRECEPT commonly suggests something advisory and not obligatory communicated typically through teaching <the precepts of effective writing>.


['pri:tekst] n.借口 : a purpose or motive alleged or an appearance assumed in order to cloak the real intention or state of affairs synonyms see APOLOGY PRETEXT suggests subterfuge(诡计) and the offering of false reasons or motives in excuse or explanation <used any pretext to get out of work>.


['pri:vjəs] a.在先的,以前的 1 : going before in time or order : PRIOR 2 : acting too soon : PREMATURE <somewhat previous in his conclusion> synonyms see PRECEDING synonyms PRECEDING, ANTECEDENT, FOREGOING, PREVIOUS, PRIOR, FORMER, ANTERIOR mean being before. PRECEDING usually implies being immediately before in time or in place <the preceding sentence>. ANTECEDENT applies to order in time and may suggest a causal relation <conditions antecedent to the revolution>. FOREGOING applies chiefly to statements <the foregoing remarks>. PREVIOUS and PRIOR imply existing or occurring earlier, but PRIOR often adds an implication of greater importance <a child from a previous marriage> <a prior obligation>. FORMER implies always a definite comparison or contrast with something that is latter <the former name of the company>. ANTERIOR applies to position before or ahead of usually in space, sometimes in time or order <the anterior lobe of the brain>.


['prinsəp(ə)l] a.主要的,重要的 adjective 1 : most important, consequential, or influential : CHIEF <the principal ingredient> <the region's principal city> 2 : of, relating to, or constituting principal or a principal noun ?


['prinsəpl] n.原则,原理;道德准则 1 a : a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption b (1) : a rule or code of conduct (2) : habitual devotion to right principles <a man of principle> c : the laws or facts of nature underlying the working of an artificial device 2 : a primary source : ORIGIN 3 a : an underlying faculty or endowment <such principles of human nature as greed and curiosity> b : an ingredient (as a chemical) that exhibits or imparts a characteristic quality


['pristain] a.太古的;纯洁的;新鲜的 1 : belonging to the earliest period or state : ORIGINAL <the hypothetical pristine lunar atmosphere> 2 a : not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted (as by civilization) : PURE <a pristine forest> b : fresh and clean as or as if new <pristine hard-backs in uniform editions to fill our built-in bookcases - Michiko Kakutani>


['privilidʒ] n.特权,特别利益 noun: a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor : PREROGATIVE(特权) especially : such a right or immunity attached specif. to a position or an office transitive verb 1 : to grant a privilege to 2 : to accord a higher value or superior position to <privilege one mode of discourse over another>


['pru:diʃ] a.过分守礼的,假道学的 : marked by prudery : PRIGGISH(一本正经的,死板的)


['pru:dəns] n.谨慎,小心 1 : the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason 2 : sagacity(聪慧;睿智) or shrewdness(精明,机敏) in the management of affairs 3 : skill and good judgment in the use of resources 4 : caution or circumspection(慎重) as to danger or risk


['pru:dənt] a.审慎的,三思而后行的,精明的 : characterized by, arising from, or showing prudence: as a : marked by wisdom or judiciousness(明智;审慎) <prudent advice> b : shrewd in the management of practical affairs <prudent investors> c : marked by circumspection(审慎) : DISCREET(言行谨慎的) d : PROVIDENT(深谋远虑的;节俭的), FRUGAL(节约的) synonyms see WISE PRUDENT suggests exercise of the restraint of sound practical wisdom and discretion(慎重) <a prudent decision to wait out the storm>.


['prɔdidʒi] n.奇事;奇才 1 a : a portentous event : OMEN b : something extraordinary or inexplicable 2 a : an extraordinary, marvelous, or unusual accomplishment, deed, or event b : a highly talented child or youth


['prɔdigəl] a.挥霍的;n.挥霍者 1 : characterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure : LAVISH <a prodigal feast> <prodigal outlays for her clothes> 2 : recklessly spendthrift <the prodigal prince> 3 : yielding abundantly : LUXURIANT - often used with of <nature has been so prodigal of her bounty( 慷慨) - H. T. Buckle> synonyms see PROFUSE synonyms PROFUSE, LAVISH, PRODIGAL, LUXURIANT, LUSH, EXUBERANT mean giving or given out in great abundance. PROFUSE implies pouring forth without restraint <profuse apologies>. LAVISH suggests an unstinted or unmeasured profusion <a lavish party>. PRODIGAL implies reckless or wasteful lavishness threatening to lead to early exhaustion of resources <prodigal spending>. LUXURIANT suggests a rich and splendid abundance <a luxuriant beard>. LUSH suggests rich, soft luxuriance(繁茂,茂密) <a lush green lawn>. EXUBERANT implies marked vitality or vigor in what produces abundantly <an exuberant imagination>.


['prɔdju:s] n.产品;农产品 verb ? 1 a : something produced b : the amount produced : YIELD 2 : agricultural products and especially fresh fruits and vegetables as distinguished from grain and other staple crops 3 : the progeny usually of a female animal


['prɔdʒini] n.后代,子女 1 a : DESCENDANTS, CHILDREN b : offspring of animals or plants 2 : OUTCOME, PRODUCT 3 : a body of followers, disciples(信徒,门徒), or successors


['prɔfligit] a.挥金如土的;n.挥霍者 adjective 1 : completely given up to dissipation and licentiousness 2 : wildly extravagant : PRODIGAL noun: a person given to wildly extravagant and usually grossly self-indulgent expenditure


['prɔfə] n./v.献出,赠送;提议,建议 transitive verb: to present for acceptance : TENDER, OFFER\ noun : OFFER, SUGGESTION


['prɔksimit] a.最接近的,直接的 1 : immediately preceding or following (as in a chain of events, causes, or effects) <proximate, rather than ultimate, goals - Reinhold Niebuhr> 2 a : very near : CLOSE b : soon forthcoming : IMMINENT


['prɔktə] n.代理人,学监 : SUPERVISOR, MONITOR specifically : one appointed to supervise students (as at an examination)


['prɔminənt] a.显著的;著名的 1 : standing out or projecting beyond a surface or line : PROTUBERANT 2 a : readily noticeable : CONSPICUOUS b : widely and popularly known : LEADING synonyms see NOTICEABLE PROMINENT applies to something commanding notice by standing out from its surroundings or background <a doctor who occupies a prominent position in the town>.


['prɔməlgeit] v.颁布(法令);宣传 1 : to make (as a doctrine) known by open declaration : PROCLAIM 2 a : to make known or public the terms of (a proposed law) b : to put (a law) into action or force synonyms see DECLARE PROMULGATE implies the proclaiming of a dogma, doctrine, or law <promulgated an edict(法令) of religious toleration>.


['prɔsikju:t] v.告发,检举 transitive verb 1 : to follow to the end : pursue until finished <was ordered to prosecute the war with vigor - Marjory S. Douglas> 2 : to engage in : PERFORM 3 a : to bring legal action against for redress(补偿;改正) or punishment of a crime or violation of law <prosecuted them for fraud> b : to institute legal proceedings with reference to <prosecute a claim> intransitive verb : to institute and carry on a legal suit or prosecution


['prɔsilitaiz] v.使...皈依 intransitive verb 1 : to induce someone to convert to one's faith 2 : to recruit someone to join one's party, institution, or cause transitive verb : to recruit or convert especially to a new faith, institution, or cause


['prɔspərəs] a.繁荣富强的 1 : AUSPICIOUS(吉兆的,幸运的), FAVORABLE 2 a : marked by success or economic well-being b : enjoying vigorous and healthy growth : FLOURISHING


['prɔtrækt] v.延长,拖长 2 : to prolong in time or space : CONTINUE 3 : to extend forward or outward - compare RETRACT 1 synonyms see EXTEND PROLONG suggests chiefly increase in duration especially beyond usual limits <prolonged illness>. PROTRACT adds to PROLONG implications of needlessness, vexation(恼怒), or indefiniteness(不明确) <protracted litigation>.


['prɔvidənt] a.深谋远虑的;节俭的 1 : making provision for the future : PRUDENT(谨慎的,有远见的) 2 : FRUGAL(节约的), SAVING


['prɔvində] n.(牛马吃的)草料,粮秣 1 : dry food for domestic animals : FEED 2 : FOOD, VICTUALS(食物,食物供应)


['prɔvinəns] n.(艺术等的)出处,起源 1 : ORIGIN, SOURCE 2 : the history of ownership of a valued object or work of art or literature


['prəubiti] n.刚直,正直 : adherence to the highest principles and ideals : UPRIGHTNESS synonyms see HONESTY


['prəufail] n.外形;轮廓侧面像


['prəuliks] a.啰嗦的,冗长的 1 : unduly prolonged or drawn out : too long 2 : marked by or using an excess of words synonyms see WORDY


['prəulɔg] n.开场白;序幕 1 : the preface or introduction to a literary work 2 a : a speech often in verse(韵文的) addressed to the audience by an actor at the beginning of a play b : the actor speaking such a prologue 3 : an introductory or preceding event or development


['prəusi:dz] n.收入 1 : the total amount brought in <the proceeds of a sale> 2 : the net amount received (as for a check or from an insurance settlement) after deduction of any discount or charges


['prəutiən] a.变化多端的,多变的 1 : of or resembling Proteus in having a varied nature or ability to assume different forms 2 : displaying great diversity or variety : VERSATILE


['prəutəkɔl] n.外交礼节;协议,草案 1 : an original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction 2 a : a preliminary memorandum(备忘录) often formulated and signed by diplomatic negotiators as a basis for a final convention or treaty b : the records or minutes of a diplomatic conference or congress that show officially the agreements arrived at by the negotiators 3 a : a code prescribing strict adherence to correct etiquette(礼仪;礼节) and precedence (as in diplomatic exchange and in the military services) <a breach of protocol> b : a set of conventions governing the treatment and especially the formatting of data in an electronic communications system <network protocols> c : CONVENTION 3A,B a : usage or custom especially in social matters b : a rule of conduct or behavior 4 : a detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure


['prəutətaip] n.原型;典型 1 : an original model on which something is patterned : ARCHETYPE 2 : an individual that exhibits the essential features of a later type 3 : a standard or typical example 4 : a first full-scale and usually functional form of a new type or design of a construction (as an airplane)


['puli] n.滑轮;滑车 A pulley is a device consisting of a wheel over which a rope or chain is pulled in order to lift heavy objects.


['pulit] n.小母鸡 : a young hen specifically : a hen of the domestic chicken less than a year old


['pɔ:kjupain] n.豪猪,箭猪 A porcupine is an animal with many long, thin, sharp spikes on its back that stick out as protection when it is attacked.


['pɔ:rəs] a.可渗透的;多孔的 1 a : possessing or full of pores b : containing vessels <hardwood is porous> 2 a : permeable to fluids b : permeable to outside influences 3 : capable of being penetrated <porous national boundaries>


['pɔ:slin] n.瓷;瓷器


['pɔinənt] a.伤心的;尖锐的 1 : pungently(苦痛地,尖锐地) pervasive(遍及的;弥漫的) <a poignant perfume> 2 a (1) : painfully affecting the feelings : PIERCING (2) : deeply affecting : TOUCHING b : designed to make an impression : CUTTING <poignant satire(讽剌作品)> 3 a : pleasurably stimulating b : being to the point : APT synonyms see PUNGENT, MOVING


['pɔiznəs] a.有毒的;有害的 1 : DESTRUCTIVE, HARMFUL 2 : having the properties or effects of poison : VENOMOUS(有毒的) 3 : SPITEFUL(恶意的,怀恨的), MALICIOUS(恶毒的)


['pɔlin] n.花粉 1 : a mass of microspores in a seed plant appearing usually as a fine dust 2 : a dusty bloom on the body of an insect


['pɔlineit] v.给...授粉 1 : to carry out the pollination of 2 : to mark or smudge with pollen


['pɔliʃ] v.把...擦光亮,抛光;n.上光剂;(态度等)优雅 transitive verb 1 : to make smooth and glossy usually by friction : BURNISH(擦亮,磨光) 2 : to smooth, soften, or refine in manners or condition 3 : to bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state : PERFECT intransitive verb : to become smooth or glossy by or as if by friction noun 1 a : a smooth glossy surface : LUSTER b : freedom from rudeness or coarseness : CULTURE c : a state of high development or refinement 2 : the action or process of polishing 3 : a preparation that is used to produce a gloss and often a color for the protection and decoration of a surface <furniture polish> <nail polish>


['pɔmpəs] a.自大的 1 : excessively elevated or ornate(华美的;充满装饰的) <pompous rhetoric> 2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : ARROGANT <a pompous politician> 3 : relating to or suggestive of pomp(壮丽,盛观,夸耀) : MAGNIFICENT


['pɔndə] v.仔细考虑 transitive verb 1 : to weigh in the mind : APPRAISE <pondered their chances of success> 2 : to think about : reflect on <pondered the events of the day> intransitive verb : to think or consider especially quietly, soberly(清醒地,严肃地), and deeply


['pɔndərəbl] a.可估量的 : significant enough to be worth considering : APPRECIABLE synonyms see PERCEPTIBLE PONDERABLE suggests having definitely measurable weight or importance <exerted a ponderable influence on world events>.


['pɔndərəs] a.笨重的,笨拙的 1 : of very great weight 2 : unwieldy or clumsy because of weight and size 3 : oppressively or unpleasantly dull : LIFELESS <ponderous prose> synonyms see HEAVY PONDEROUS implies having great weight because of size and massiveness with resulting great inertia <ponderous elephants in a circus parade>.


['pɔntʃəu] n.斗篷;雨衣 1 : a blanket with a slit in the middle so that it can be slipped over the head and worn as a sleeveless garment 2 : a waterproof garment resembling a poncho and having an integral hood


['pɔpjuləs] a.人口稠密的 1 a : densely populated b : having a large population 2 a : NUMEROUS b : filled to capacity


['pɔsi] n.武装团队 1 : a large group often with a common interest 2 : a body of persons summoned by a sheriff(治安官) to assist in preserving the public peace usually in an emergency 3 : a group of people temporarily organized to make a search (as for a lost child) 4 : ENTOURAGE 1 随从,随行人员


['pɔstjuleit] v.假定;要求 transitive verb 1 : DEMAND, CLAIM 2 a : to assume or claim as true, existent, or necessary : depend upon or start from the postulate of b : to assume as a postulate or axiom (as in logic or mathematics) noun 1 : a hypothesis advanced as an essential presupposition, condition, or premise of a train of reasoning 2 : AXIOM 3


['pɔstʃə] n.姿势,体态;态度;v.故作姿态 noun 1 a : the position or bearing of the body whether characteristic or assumed for a special purpose <erect posture> b : the pose of a model or artistic figure 2 : state or condition at a given time especially with respect to capability in particular circumstances <maintain a competitive posture in the market> 3 : a conscious mental or outward behavioral attitude transitive verb : to cause to assume a given posture : POSE intransitive verb 1 : to assume a posture especially : to strike a pose for effect 2 : to assume an artificial or pretended attitude : ATTITUDINIZE(装腔作势)


['pɔtəri] n.制陶;陶器 1 : a place where clayware is made and fired 2 a : the art or craft of the potter b : the manufacture of clayware 3 : CLAYWARE especially : earthenware as distinguished from porcelain and stoneware and from brick and tile(瓦片,瓷砖)


['pɔzit] v.断定,认为 1 : to dispose or set firmly : FIX 2 : to assume or affirm the existence of : POSTULATE(假定...为前提) 3 : to propose as an explanation : SUGGEST


['pə:gətəri] n.炼狱;受苦受难的地方 1 : an intermediate state after death for expiatory(赎罪的,补偿的) purification specifically : a place or state of punishment wherein according to Roman Catholic doctrine the souls of those who die in God's grace may make satisfaction for past sins and so become fit for heaven 2 : a place or state of temporary suffering or misery


['pə:lju:] n.(常作复数)邻近地区 1 a : an outlying or adjacent district b plural : ENVIRONS(郊外;郊区), NEIGHBORHOOD 2 a : a frequently visited place : HAUNT b plural : CONFINES, BOUNDS


['pə:tinənt] a.有关的,相关的 : having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand


['pə:tʃəs] n.支点(阻止东西下滑)


['pə:viəs] a.可渗透的 1 : ACCESSIBLE <pervious to reason> 2 : PERMEABLE <pervious soil>


['pəudiəm] n.讲坛,指挥台 1 : a low wall serving as a foundation or terrace(天台) wall: as a : one around the arena of an ancient amphitheater serving as a base for the tiers of seats b : the masonry under the stylobate of a temple 2 a : a dais(讲台,主席台) especially for an orchestral conductor b : LECTERN(教堂中的诵经台;演讲台)


['pəulstə] n.民意测验家 : one that conducts a poll or compiles data obtained by a poll


['pəulə] a.地极的,两极的;磁极的


['pəuləraiz] v.使...两极分化 transitive verb 1 : to cause (as light waves) to vibrate in a definite pattern 2 : to give physical polarity to 3 : to break up into opposing factions or groupings <a campaign that polarized the electorate(合格选举人)> 4 : CONCENTRATE 1 <recreate(使得到休养) a cohesive rock community by polarizing an amorphous, fragmented audience ― Ellen Willis> intransitive verb : to become polarized


['pəustə] n.海报,招贴画 : a bill or placard(招贴,布告) for posting often in a public place especially : one that is decorative or pictorial


['pəutəbl] a.适于饮用的 adjective: suitable for drinking noun: a liquid that is suitable for drinking especially : an alcoholic beverage


['pəutənteit] n.统治者,当权者 : RULER, SOVEREIGN broadly : one who wields(行使,支配,挥舞) great power or sway(摇摆;动摇)


['pʌblisaiz] v.宣传,引人注意 : to bring to the attention of the public : ADVERTISE


['pʌdl] n.水坑,洼


['pʌkiʃ] a.淘气的 : IMPISH(小鬼的,心地不良的,顽皮的), WHIMSICAL(反复无常的;异想天开的) If you describe someone as puckish, you mean that they play tricks on people or tease them. (OLD-FASHIONED, WRITTEN)= impish He had a puckish sense of humour.


['pʌkə] v.起皱;n.皱褶 intransitive verb : to become wrinkled or constricted transitive verb : to contract into folds or wrinkles noun : a fold or wrinkle in a normally even surface


['pʌlvəraiz] v.压成细粉;彻底击败 transitive verb 1 : to reduce (as by crushing, beating, or grinding) to very small particles : ATOMIZE <pulverize rock> 2 : ANNIHILATE(歼灭,彻底消除,使无效), DEMOLISH(毁,破坏,粉碎) intransitive verb : to become pulverized


['pʌndit] n.权威人士,专家 1 : PANDIT : a wise or learned man in India - often used as an honorary title 2 : a learned man : TEACHER 3 : a person who gives opinions in an authoritative manner usually through the mass media : CRITIC


['pʌndʒənt] a.味道刺激的;苛刻的 1 : sharply painful 2 : having a stiff and sharp point <pungent leaves> 3 a : marked by a sharp incisive quality : CAUSTIC <a pungent critic> <pungent language> b : being sharp and to the point 4 a : causing a sharp or irritating sensation especially : ACRID b : having an intense flavor or odor <a pungent chili(辣椒)> synonyms PUNGENT, PIQUANT, POIGNANT, RACY mean sharp and stimulating to the mind or the senses. PUNGENT implies a sharp, stinging, or biting quality especially of odors <a cheese with a pungent odor>.


['pʌŋktʃə] v.刺穿,刺破;n.刺孔,穿孔 transitive verb 1 : to pierce with or as if with a pointed instrument or object 2 : to make useless or ineffective as if by a puncture : DEFLATE intransitive verb : to become punctured noun 1 : an act of puncturing 2 : a hole, wound, or perforation made by puncturing 3 : a minute depression


['ra:spi] a.(声音)刺耳的;恼人的 1 : HARSH, GRATING 2 : IRRITABLE If someone has a raspy voice, they make rough sounds as if they have a sore throat or have difficulty in breathing. (LITERARY)


['raidə] n.骑手;附文,附件 1 : one that rides 2 a : an addition to a document (as an insurance policy) often attached on a separate piece of paper b : a clause appended to a legislative bill to secure a usually distinct object 3 : something used to overlie another or to move along on another piece


['raifl] n.步枪;v.抢劫 transitive verb 1 : to ransack(彻底搜索,洗劫) especially with the intent to steal 2 : to steal and carry away intransitive verb : to engage in ransacking and stealing transitive verb : to cut spiral grooves into the bore(孔) of <rifled arms> <rifled pipe> noun 1 a : a shoulder weapon with a rifled bore b : a rifled artillery(火炮,大炮) piece 2 plural : soldiers armed with rifles transitive verb : to propel (as a ball) with great force or speed


['rainstəun] n.水晶石,莱茵石 : a colorless imitation stone of high luster made of glass, paste, or gem quartz


['raipən] v.使成熟 intransitive verb : to grow or become ripe transitive verb 1 : to make ripe 2 a : to bring to completeness or perfection b : to age or cure (cheese) to develop characteristic flavor, odor, body, texture, and color c : to improve flavor and tenderness of (beef or game) by aging under refrigeration


['raivəl] n.竞争者,对手;v.与...匹敌 noun 1 a : one of two or more striving to reach or obtain something that only one can possess b : one striving for competitive advantage 3 : one that equals another in desired qualities : PEER adjective : having the same pretensions or claims : COMPETING intransitive verb : to act as a rival : COMPETE transitive verb 1 : to be in competition with 2 : to strive to equal or excel : !EMULATE(模仿并超越) 3 : to possess qualities or aptitudes that approach or equal (those of another)


['raivəlri] n.竞争,对抗 : the act of rivaling : the state of being a rival : COMPETITION


['raiət] v.参加暴动


['raiətəs] a.暴乱的;蛮横的 1 a : of the nature of a riot : TURBULENT b : participating in riot 2 : ABUNDANT, EXUBERANT <the garden was riotous with flowers>


['redi] a.机敏的,迅速的 1 a : prepared mentally or physically for some experience or action b : prepared for immediate use <dinner is ready> 2 a : willingly disposed : INCLINED <ready to agree to his proposal> b : likely to do something indicated <a house that looks ready to collapse> 3 : displayed readily and spontaneously <a ready wit> 4 : immediately available <had ready cash> synonyms see QUICK synonyms QUICK, PROMPT, READY, APT mean able to respond without delay or hesitation or indicative of such ability. READY suggests facility or fluency in response <backed by a pair of ready assistants>.


['redili] adv.不迟疑地;迅速地,轻易地 : in a ready manner: as a : without hesitating : WILLINGLY <readily accepted advice> b : without much difficulty : EASILY <for reasons that anyone could readily understand>


['redəulənt] a.芬芳的,芳香的 1 : exuding(流出,渗出) fragrance : AROMATIC 2 a : full of a specified fragrance : SCENTED(有香味的,洒有香水的) <air redolent of seaweed> b : EVOCATIVE(唤出的, 唤起的), SUGGESTIVE <a city redolent of antiquity> synonyms see ODOROUS REDOLENT applies usually to a place or thing impregnated(充满的,浸透的,饱和的) with odors <the kitchen was redolent of garlic and tomatoes>.


['regjuleit] v.管制;调整 1 a : to govern or direct according to rule b (1) : to bring under the control of law or constituted authority (2) : to make regulations for or concerning <regulate the industries of a country> 2 : to bring order, method, or uniformity to <regulate one's habits> 3 : to fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of <regulate the pressure of a tire>


['reibi:z] n.狂犬病;恐水病 Rabies is a serious disease which causes people and animals to go mad and die. Rabies is particularly common in dogs.


['reidjəs] n.半径


['reikiʃ] a.潇洒的;放荡的 : of, relating to, or characteristic of a rake(放荡者) : DISSOLUTE(放荡的) 1 : having a trim or streamlined appearance suggestive of speed <a rakish ship> 2 : dashingly or carelessly unconventional : JAUNTY(愉快的,满足的) <rakish clothes>


['reindʒə] n.森林管理员;巡逻骑警 1 a : the keeper of a British royal park or forest b : FOREST RANGER 2 : one that ranges 3 a : one of a body of organized armed men who range over a region especially to enforce the law b : a soldier specially trained in close-range fighting and in raiding tactics


['reisi] a.活泼的,生动的 1 a : full of zest or vigor b : having a strongly marked quality : PIQUANT(辛辣的,开胃的) <a racy flavor> c : RISQUÉ, SUGGESTIVE (refers to sex) <racy jokes> 2 : having the distinctive quality of something in its original or most characteristic form synonyms see PUNGENT adjective: having a body fitted for racing : long-bodied and lean <a racy dog>


['reizn] n.葡萄干 : a grape of any of several varieties that has been dried in the sun or by artificial heat


['reizə] n.剃刀,刮胡刀 : a keen-edged cutting instrument for shaving or cutting hair


['rektifai] v.改正,调正;提纯 1 : to set right : REMEDY 2 : to purify (as alcohol) especially by repeated or fractional distillation 3 : to correct by removing errors : ADJUST <rectify the calendar> 4 : to make (an alternating current) unidirectional synonyms see CORRECT RECTIFY implies a more essential changing to make something right, just, or properly controlled or directed <rectify a misguided policy>.


['rektitju:d] n.诚实,正直 1 : the quality or state of being straight 2 : moral integrity : RIGHTEOUSNESS 3 : the quality or state of being correct in judgment or procedure


['rektæŋgl] n.长方形,矩形 : a parallelogram(平行四边形) all of whose angles are right angles especially : one with adjacent sides of unequal length


['rekwizit] n.必需物;a.必要的 adjective : ESSENTIAL, NECESSARY A requisite is something which is necessary for a particular purpose. (FORMAL)


['rekəmpəns] v.报酬,赔偿 transitive verb 1 a : to give something to by way of compensation (as for a service rendered or damage incurred) b : to pay for 2 : to return in kind : REQUITE(酬劳,报答) synonyms see PAY RECOMPENSE suggests due return in amends, friendly repayment, or reward <hotel guests were recompensed for their inconvenience>. noun : an equivalent or a return for something done, suffered, or given : COMPENSATION <offered in recompense for injuries>


['rekənsail] v.和解,调和 transitive verb 1 a : to restore to friendship or harmony <reconciled the factions(派系斗争)> b : SETTLE, RESOLVE <reconcile differences> 2 : to make consistent or congruous(一致的) <reconcile an ideal with reality> 3 : to cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant <was reconciled to hardship> 4 a : to check (a financial account) against another for accuracy b : to account for intransitive verb : to become reconciled synonyms see ADAPT RECONCILE implies the demonstration of the underlying compatibility of things that seem to be incompatible <tried to reconcile what he said with what I knew>.


['religeit] v.降级,贬谪 1 : to send into exile : BANISH(放逐) 2 : ASSIGN: as a : to assign to a place of insignificance or of oblivion(被遗忘) : put out of sight or mind b : to assign to an appropriate place or situation on the basis of classification or appraisal c : to submit to someone or something for appropriate action : DELEGATE(代表) d : to transfer (a sports team) to a lower ranking division synonyms see COMMIT RELEGATE implies a consigning to a particular class or sphere often with a suggestion of getting rid of <relegated to an obscure position in the company>.


['relik] n.遗物,遗迹 1 a : an object esteemed(尊重;尊敬) and venerated(敬仰) because of association with a saint or martyr(烈士\殉道者) b : SOUVENIR(纪念品), MEMENTO(用以提醒过去的东西;遗物) 2 plural : REMAINS, CORPSE 3 : a survivor or remnant left after decay, disintegration, or disappearance 4 : a trace of some past or outmoded practice, custom, or belief


['reliʃ] n.味道;喜好;v.喜好,享受


['reləvəns] n.相关 1 a : relation to the matter at hand b : practical and especially social applicability : PERTINENCE ! (有关的,相关的) <giving relevance to college courses> 2 : the ability (as of an information retrieval system) to retrieve material that satisfies the needs of the user


['remnənt] n.残余物;零头布料 1 a : a usually small part, member, or trace remaining b : a small surviving group - often used in plural 2 : an unsold or unused end of piece goods adjective : still remaining


['rendə] v.呈递,表现;提供


['rendəriŋ] n.演出;翻译 A rendering of a play, poem, or piece of music is a performance of it.= performance A rendering of an expression or piece of writing or speech is a translation of it.


['renigeid] n.叛教者,叛徒 1 : a deserter from one faith, cause, or allegiance to another 2 : an individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior intransitive verb: to become a renegade adjective 1 : having deserted a faith, cause, or religion for a hostile one 2 : having rejected tradition : UNCONVENTIONAL


['renəuveit] v.修复,装修,翻新 1 : to restore to a former better state (as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding) 2 : to restore to life, vigor, or activity : REVIVE <the church was renovated by a new ecumenical spirit> synonyms see RENEW RENOVATE suggests a renewing by cleansing, repairing, or rebuilding <the apartment has been entirely renovated>.


['reprima:nd] n.训诫,谴责;v.训诫,谴责 : to reprove sharply or censure(责难,谴责) formally usually from a position of authority synonyms see REPROVE REPRIMAND implies a severe, formal, often public or official rebuke <reprimanded by the ethics committee>. noun: a severe or formal reproof


['reprəubeit] v.谴责,指责;adj./n.堕落的(人)


['reptil] n.爬行动物;卑鄙的人 noun 1 : an animal that crawls or moves on its belly (as a snake) or on small short legs (as a lizard) 3 : a groveling or despised person adjective : characteristic of a reptile : REPTILIAN


['repərəbl] a.能补救的,可挽回的 : capable of being repaired


['repətwɑ:] n.(剧团等)常备剧目 1 a : a list or supply of dramas, operas, pieces, or parts that a company or person is prepared to perform b : a supply of skills, devices, or expedients(权宜之计, 应急手段) <part of the repertoire of a quarterback> broadly : AMOUNT, SUPPLY <an endless repertoire of summer clothes> c : a list or supply of capabilities <the instruction repertoire of a computer> 2 a : the complete list or supply of dramas, operas, or musical works available for performance <our modern orchestral repertoire> b : the complete list or supply of skills, devices, or ingredients used in a particular field, occupation, or practice <the repertoire of literary criticism>


['resipi] n.食谱 1 : PRESCRIPTION 4A : a written direction for a therapeutic or corrective agent specifically : one for the preparation and use of a medicine 2 : a set of instructions for making something from various ingredients 3 : a formula or procedure for doing or attaining something <a recipe for success>


['reskju:] n./v.解救;把...从法律监管下强行夺回 : to free from confinement, danger, or evil : SAVE, DELIVER: as a : to take (as a prisoner) forcibly from custody(监管;照管) b : to recover (as a prize) by force c : to deliver (as a place under siege(包围)) by armed force synonyms RESCUE, DELIVER, REDEEM, RANSOM, RECLAIM, SAVE mean to set free from confinement or danger. RESCUE implies freeing from imminent danger by prompt or vigorous action <rescued the crew of a sinking ship>.


['respait] n.休息;暂缓 noun 1 : a period of temporary delay 2 : an interval of rest or relief transitive verb 1 : to grant a respite to 2 : PUT OFF, DELAY adjective : providing or being temporary care in relief of a primary caregiver <respite care> <a respite worker>


['restiv] a.不安静的,不安宁的 1 : stubbornly resisting control : !BALKY(停止不前的;倔强执拗的) 2 : marked by impatience or uneasiness : FIDGETY synonyms see CONTRARY


['restivnis] n.倔强;难以驾御


['restlis] a.不停的;不安静的 1 : lacking or denying rest : UNEASY(不安的 忧虑的) <a restless night> 2 : continuously moving : UNQUIET(不安的 不宁的 烦扰的) <the restless sea> 3 : characterized by or manifesting unrest especially of mind <restless pacing> also : CHANGEFUL, DISCONTENTED


['retinju:] n.侍从,随员团 : a group of retainers or attendants


['retisənt] a.沉默不语的 1 : inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech : RESERVED 2 : restrained in expression, presentation, or appearance <the room has an aspect of reticent dignity- A. N. Whitehead> 3 : RELUCTANT synonyms see SILENT SILENT implies a habit of saying no more than is needed <the strong, silent type>. RETICENT implies a reluctance to speak out or at length, especially about one's own affairs <was reticent about his plans>.


['retərik] n.修辞学,浮夸的言语 1 : the art of speaking or writing effectively: as a : the study of principles and rules of composition formulated by critics of ancient times b : the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion 2 a : skill in the effective use of speech b : a type or mode of language or speech also : insincere or grandiloquent language(浮夸的言语) 3 : verbal communication : DISCOURSE(演说)


['retʃid] a.可怜的 1 : deeply afflicted, !dejected(沮丧的;失望的), or distressed in body or mind 2 : extremely or deplorably(可叹地,悲惨地) bad or distressing <was in wretched health> <a wretched accident> 3 a : being or appearing mean, miserable, or contemptible <dressed in wretched old clothes> b : very poor in quality or ability : INFERIOR <wretched workmanship>


['revinju:] n.总收入;国家的税收收入 1 : the total income produced by a given source <a property expected to yield a large annual revenue> 2 : the gross income returned by an investment 3 : the yield of sources of income (as taxes) that a political unit (as a nation or state) collects and receives into the treasury for public use(财政收入) 4 : a government department concerned with the collection of the national revenue


['revlri] n.狂欢 : noisy partying or merrymaking


['revəri] n.幻想,梦幻曲 1 : DAYDREAM : a pleasant visionary usually wishful creation of the imagination 2 : the condition of being lost in thought


['rezidju:] n.剩余 : something that remains after a part is taken, separated, or designated or after the completion of a process : REMNANT, REMAINDER: as a : the part of a testator's(立遗嘱之人) estate remaining after the satisfaction of all debts, charges, allowances, and previous devises and bequests b : the remainder after subtracting a multiple of a modulus from an integer or a power of the integer that can appear as the second of the two terms in an appropriate congruence <2 and 7 are residues of 12 modulo 5> c : a constituent structural unit (as a group or monomer) of a usually complex molecule <amino acid residues from hydrolysis of protein>


['rezidənt] n.居民;a.定居的,常驻的 adjective 1 a : living in a place for some length of time : RESIDING b : serving in a regular or full-time capacity <the resident engineer for a highway department> also : being in residence 2 : PRESENT, INHERENT 3 : not migratory <resident species> noun 1 : one who resides in a place 2 : a diplomatic agent residing at a foreign court or seat of government especially : one exercising authority in a protected state as representative of the protecting power 3 : a physician serving a residency


['rezənənt] a.(声音)洪亮的;共鸣的 1 : continuing to sound : ECHOING 2 a : capable of inducing resonance b : relating to or exhibiting resonance 3 a : intensified and enriched by or as if by resonance <a resonant voice> b : marked by grandiloquence(夸大之词)


['ri:'kɔnstitju:t] v.再组成;用水泡 : to constitute again or anew especially : to restore to a former condition by adding water


['ri:'vaitəlaiz] v.使重新充满活力 : to give new life or vigor to


['ri:beit] n.折扣,回扣 noun: a return of a part of a payment transitive verb 1 : to reduce the force or activity of : DIMINISH 2 : to reduce the sharpness of : BLUNT 3 a : to make a rebate of b : to give a rebate to intransitive verb : to give rebates


['ri:bəs] n.(以音、画等提示的)字谜,画谜 : a representation of words or syllables by pictures of objects or by symbols whose names resemble the intended words or syllables in sound also : a riddle(谜语) made up of such pictures or symbols


['ri:di'rekt] v.改寄(信件);改变方向 : to change the course or direction of


['ri:distri'bju:ʃən] n.重新分配 1 : to alter the distribution of : REALLOCATE 2 : to spread to other areas


['ri:gres] v.使倒退,复原,逆行 noun 1 a : an act or the privilege of going or coming back b : REENTRY 1 2 : movement backward to a previous and especially worse or more primitive state or condition 3 : the act of reasoning backward intransitive verb 1 a : to make or undergo regress : RETROGRADE b : to be subject to or exhibit regression 2 : to tend to approach or revert to a mean transitive verb : to induce a state of psychological regression in


['ri:in'steit] v.恢复(原职) 1 : to place again (as in possession or in a former position) 2 : to restore to a previous effective state


['ri:pə] n.收割者 : one that reaps especially : any of various machines for reaping grain


['ri:teil] v.零售;n.零售 transitive verb 1 : to sell in small quantities directly to the ultimate consumer 2 : TELL, RETELL intransitive verb : to sell at retail noun : the sale of commodities or goods in small quantities to ultimate consumers also : the industry of such selling adjective : of, relating to, or engaged in the sale of commodities at retail <retail trade> adverb : in small quantities : from a retailer


['ribəld] a.下流的,粗鄙的 adjective 1 : CRUDE, OFFENSIVE <ribald language> 2 : characterized by or using coarse indecent humor synonyms see COARSE noun: a ribald person


['ridikju:l] n.奚落;v.嘲笑 noun: the act of ridiculing : DERISION(嘲笑,嘲弄), MOCKERY transitive verb: to make fun of synonyms RIDICULE, DERIDE, MOCK, TAUNT mean to make an object of laughter of. RIDICULE implies a deliberate often malicious belittling <consistently ridiculed everything she said>.


['ridl] n.谜语 noun 1 : a mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or guessed : CONUNDRUM(谜语(答案为双关语),难题), ENIGMA(谜语;费解的事物) 2 : something or someone difficult to understand synonyms see MYSTERY intransitive verb : to speak in or propound(提议) riddles transitive verb 1 : to find the solution of : EXPLAIN 2 : to set a riddle for : PUZZLE noun: a coarse sieve(筛) transitive verb 1 : to separate (as grain from chaff) with a riddle : SCREEN 2 : to pierce with many holes <riddled the car with bullets> 3 : to spread through : PERMEATE <a book riddled with errors>


['ridʒid] a.硬性的,刚硬的 1 a : deficient in or devoid of flexibility <rigid price controls> <a rigid bar of metal> b : appearing stiff(僵硬的;不灵活的) and unyielding <his face rigid with pain> 2 a : inflexibly set in opinion b : strictly observed <adheres to a rigid schedule> 3 : firmly inflexible rather than lax(懒散的;松弛的) or indulgent(纵容的) <a rigid disciplinarian> 4 : precise and accurate in procedure <rigid control of the manufacturing process> 5 of an airship : having the outer shape maintained by a fixed framework synonyms RIGID, RIGOROUS, STRICT, STRINGENT mean extremely severe or stern. RIGID implies uncompromising inflexibility <rigid rules of conduct>. RIGOROUS implies the imposition of hardship and difficulty <the rigorous training of recruits>. STRICT emphasizes undeviating conformity to rules, standards, or requirements <strict enforcement of the law>. STRINGENT suggests severe, tight restriction or limitation <stringent standards of admission>. synonym see in addition STIFF RIGID applies to something so stiff that it cannot be bent without breaking <a rigid surfboard>.


['rigə] n.严酷;严格,苛刻;严密,精确 1 a (1) : harsh inflexibility in opinion, temper, or judgment : SEVERITY (2) : the quality of being unyielding or inflexible : STRICTNESS (3) : severity of life : AUSTERITY(节俭,严格节约,经济紧缩;简朴) b : an act or instance of strictness, severity, or cruelty 2 : a tremor(震动,颤动) caused by a chill 3 : a condition that makes life difficult, challenging, or uncomfortable especially : extremity of cold 4 : strict precision : EXACTNESS <logical rigor> 5 b : rigidness or torpor(麻木,无感觉) of organs or tissue that prevents response to stimuli c : RIGOR MORTIS : temporary rigidity of muscles occurring after death


['rikiti] a.不牢靠的,摇摇欲坠的 1 : affected with rickets(软骨病,佝偻病) 2 a : lacking stability or firmness : SHAKY 2A: lacking stability : PRECARIOUS(不稳定的) <a shaky economy> <performed well after a shaky start> <a rickety coalition> b : in unsound physical condition <rickety veterans(老兵)> <rickety stairs>


['ritʃuəl] n.仪式,例行习惯 adjective 1 : of or relating to rites or a ritual : CEREMONIAL <a ritual dance> 2 : according to religious law <ritual purity> 3 : done in accordance with social custom or normal protocol <ritual handshakes> <ritual background checks> noun 1 : the established form for a ceremony specifically : the order of words prescribed for a religious ceremony 2 a : ritual observance specifically : a system of rites b : a ceremonial act or action c : an act or series of acts regularly repeated in a set precise manner


['rivit] n.铆钉;v.吸引(注意力) n.? transitive verb 1 : to fasten with or as if with rivets 2 : to upset the end or point of (as a metallic pin, rod, or bolt) by beating or pressing so as to form a head 3 : to fasten or fix firmly <stood riveted by fright> 4 : to attract and hold (as the attention) completely


['rivitiŋ] a.非常精彩的 : having the power to fix the attention : ENGROSSING, FASCINATING <a riveting story>


['rivən] a.撕裂的,分裂的 If a country or organization is riven by conflict, it is damaged or destroyed by violent disagreements.


['riðmik] a.有节奏的 1 : marked by or moving in pronounced rhythm 2 : of, relating to, or involving rhythm


['riŋkl] n.皱纹;窍门 noun 1 : a small ridge or furrow(犁沟;皱纹) especially when formed on a surface by the shrinking or contraction of a smooth substance : CREASE specifically : one in the skin especially when due to age, worry, or fatigue 2 a : METHOD, TECHNIQUE b : a change in a customary(合乎习俗的) procedure or method c : something new or different : INNOVATION 3 : IMPERFECTION, IRREGULARITY intransitive verb : to become marked with or contracted into wrinkles transitive verb : to contract into wrinkles : PUCKER(使收缩成皱褶;噘嘴)


['riŋlit] n.卷发 1 : a small ring or circle 2 : CURL especially : a long curl of hair


['ru:bikənd] a.(脸色)红润的 : RUDDY 1 : having a healthy reddish color 2 : RED, REDDISH


['ru:bɑ:b] n.(植物)大黄;v./n.喧闹争吵 3 : a heated dispute or controversy


['ru:minənt] a.(动物)反刍的;沉思的 1 a (1) : chewing the cud (2) : characterized by chewing again what has been swallowed b : of or relating to two suborders (Ruminantia and Tylopoda) of herbivorous even-toed hoofed mammals (as sheep, oxen, deer, and camels) that chew the cud and have a complex 3- or 4-chambered stomach 2 : given to or engaged in contemplation : MEDITATIVE <stood there in this attitude of ruminant relish ― Thomas Wolfe>


['ru:nik] a.北欧古代文字的;神秘的 1 : any of the characters of any of several alphabets used by the Germanic peoples from about the 3d to the 13th centuries 2 : MYSTERY, MAGIC


['ru:θlisnis] n.无情,残忍 : having no pity : MERCILESS, CRUEL <a ruthless tyrant>


['ruki] n.新兵,新手 1 : RECRUIT(新兵;新成员) also : NOVICE(生手,新手) 2 : a first-year participant in a major professional sport


['ruərəl] a.乡村的 : of or relating to the country, country people or life, or agriculture


['ræbid] a.患狂犬病的;失去理性的 1 a : extremely violent : FURIOUS(狂怒的,狂暴的) b : going to extreme lengths in expressing or pursuing a feeling, interest, or opinion <rabid editorials> <a rabid supporter> 2 : affected with rabies You can use rabid to describe someone who has very strong and unreasonable opinions or beliefs about a subject, especially in politics.


['ræbl] n.乌合之众;下等人 1 : a disorganized or confused collection of things 2 a : a disorganized or disorderly crowd of people : MOB b : the lowest class of people transitive verb : to insult or assault by or as a mob


['ræfiʃ] a.粗俗的;俗艳的 1 : marked by or suggestive of flashy(浮华的) vulgarity(粗俗,低级) or crudeness 2 : marked by a careless unconventionality(反传统;异常) : RAKISH(放荡的)


['ræfl] n.(尤指为公益事业举办的)抽奖售物(活动) noun : a lottery in which the prize is won by one of numerous persons buying chances : RUBBISH especially : a jumble or tangle of nautical(航海的) equipment intransitive verb : to engage in a raffle transitive verb : to dispose of by means of a raffle <raffle off a turkey>


['rægid] a.破烂的 1 : roughly unkempt(凌乱的,不整洁的) 2 : having an irregular edge or outline 3 a : torn or worn to tatters b : worn-out from stress and strain <ran herself ragged> 4 : wearing tattered clothes 5 a : STRAGGLY(零乱四散的) b : executed in an irregular or uneven manner c of a sound : HARSH, DISSONANT(不谐和的,刺耳的)


['rægtaim] n.拉格泰姆音乐;a.使人发笑的,滑稽的 1 : rhythm characterized by strong syncopation in the melody with a regularly accented accompaniment in stride-piano style 2 : music having ragtime rhythm


['ræli] v.召集,集会;n.召集;集会 transitive verb 1 a : to muster(集合) for a common purpose b : to recall to order 2 a : to arouse for action b : to rouse from depression or weakness intransitive verb 1 : to come together again to renew an effort 2 : to join in a common cause 3 : RECOVER, REBOUND <rallied briefly from his illness> 4 : to engage in a rally noun ? transitive verb: to attack with raillery(善意的嘲弄、取笑或逗弄) : BANTER


['ræm`ʃækl] a.摇摇欲坠的 1 : appearing ready to collapse : RICKETY(摇摇欲坠的) 2 : carelessly or loosely constructed <a ramshackle plot>


['ræmbl] n./v.漫步 intransitive verb 1 a : to move aimlessly from place to place b : to explore idly 2 : to talk or write in a desultory(散漫的) or long-winded wandering fashion 3 : to grow or extend irregularly transitive verb : to wander over : ROAM synonyms see WANDER RAMBLE stresses carelessness and indifference to one's course or objective <the speaker rambled on without ever coming to the point>. noun 1 : a leisurely excursion for pleasure especially : an aimless walk 2 : a rambling story or discussion


['ræmifai] v.分支,分叉 intransitive verb 1 : to split up into branches or constituent parts 2 : to send forth branches or extensions transitive verb 1 : to cause to branch 2 : to separate into divisions


['ræmpeidʒ] v.狂暴地乱冲;n.暴怒 intransitive verb: to rush wildly about noun: a course of violent, riotous, or reckless action or behavior


['ræmpɑ:t] n.壁垒;城墙 1 : a protective barrier : BULWARK(堡垒) 2 : a broad embankment(堤岸,路基) raised as a fortification and usually surmounted by a parapet 3 : a wall-like ridge (as of rock fragments, earth, or debris)


['ræmpənt] a.蔓生的,猖獗的 1 a : rearing upon the hind legs with forelegs extended b : standing on one hind foot with one foreleg raised above the other and the head in profile - used of a heraldic animal 2 a : marked by a menacing(威胁的) wildness, extravagance, or absence of restraint <rampant rumors> b : profusely widespread <rampant weeds>


['rændəm] a.没有明确目的、计划或者目标的;偶然的,随便的 noun : a haphazard(任意的;偶然的) course at random : without definite aim, direction, rule, or method <subjects chosen at random> adjective 1 a : lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern b : made, done, or chosen at random <read random passages from the book> 2 a : relating to, having, or being elements or events with definite probability of occurrence <random processes> b : being or relating to a set or to an element of a set each of whose elements has equal probability of occurrence <a random sample> also : characterized by procedures designed to obtain such sets or elements <random sampling> synonyms RANDOM, HAPHAZARD, CASUAL mean determined by accident rather than design. RANDOM stresses lack of definite aim, fixed goal, or regular procedure <a random selection of books>. HAPHAZARD(任意的;偶然的) applies to what is done without regard for regularity or fitness or ultimate consequence <a haphazard collection of rocks>. CASUAL suggests working or acting without deliberation, intention, or purpose <a casual collector>.


['rænglə] n.口角者,争论者;牧马者 1 : a bickering disputant 2 : a ranch(牧场) hand who takes care of the saddle(鞍) horses broadly : COWBOY


['rænsid] a.不新鲜的,变味的 1 : having a rank(恶臭的) smell or taste 2 : OFFENSIVE


['rænsəm] n.赎金;赎身;v.赎回 noun 1 : a consideration paid or demanded for the release of someone or something from captivity 2 : the act of ransoming transitive verb 1 : to deliver especially from sin or its penalty 2 : to free from captivity or punishment by paying a price synonyms see RESCUE RANSOM specif. applies to buying out of captivity <tried to ransom the kidnap victim>. rant [rænt] v.咆哮;口出狂言 intransitive verb 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory(演说口吻的,雄辩的) manner 2 : to scold vehemently(热烈地) transitive verb : to utter in a bombastic(夸大的,言过其实的) declamatory fashion noun 1 a : a bombastic extravagant speech b : bombastic extravagant language


['ræpidz] n.急流,湍流 Rapids are a section of a river where the water moves very fast, often over rocks.


['rætl] v.使格格作响;使慌乱


['rævidʒ] v.摧毁,使荒废 noun 1 : an act or practice of ravaging 2 : damage resulting from ravaging : violently destructive effect <the ravages of time> transitive verb : to wreak(发泄怒火;报仇) havoc(大破坏;浩劫) on : affect destructively <a land ravaged by war> intransitive verb : to commit destructive actions synonyms RAVAGE, DEVASTATE, WASTE, SACK, PILLAGE, DESPOIL mean to lay waste by plundering(抢劫,掠夺) or destroying. RAVAGE implies violent often cumulative depredation(劫掠,蹂躏) and destruction <a hurricane ravaged the coast>.


['rævinəs] a.饿极了的,贪婪的 1 : RAPACIOUS <ravenous wolves> 2 : very eager or greedy for food, satisfaction, or gratification <a ravenous appetite> synonyms see VORACIOUS RAVENOUS implies excessive hunger and suggests violent or grasping methods of dealing with food or with whatever satisfies an appetite <a nation with a ravenous lust for territorial expansion>.


['ræviʃiŋ] a.令人陶醉的 : unusually attractive, pleasing, or striking


['rævəl] v.纠缠,纠结;拆开,拆散 transitive verb 1 a : to separate or undo the texture of : UNRAVEL b : to undo the intricacies(复杂, 错综) of : DISENTANGLE 2 : ENTANGLE, CONFUSE intransitive verb 2 : to become unwoven, untwisted, or unwound : FRAY 3 : BREAK UP, CRUMBLE noun : an act or result of raveling: as a : something tangled b : something raveled out specifically : a loose thread


['ræŋkl] v.怨恨;激怒 intransitive verb 1 : to cause anger, irritation, or deep bitterness 2 : to feel anger and irritation transitive verb : to cause irritation or bitterness in


['ræŋkə(r)] n.深仇,怨恨 : bitter deep-seated ill will synonyms see ENMITY


['ræʃən] n.定量配给;v.配给 noun 1 a : a food allowance for one day b plural : FOOD, PROVISIONS 2 : a share especially as determined by supply transitive verb 1 : to supply with or put on rations 2 a : to distribute as rations - often used with out b : to distribute equitably c : to use sparingly


['ræʃənl] a.理性的;合理的 adjective 1 a : having reason or understanding b : relating to, based on, or agreeable to reason : REASONABLE <a rational explanation> <rational behavior> 2 : involving only multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction and only a finite number of times 3 : relating to, consisting of, or being one or more rational numbers <a rational root of an equation> noun: something rational specifically : RATIONAL NUMBER


['rɑ:ftə] n.椽子 : any of the parallel beams that support a roof 1 : one who maneuvers logs into position and binds them into rafts 2 : one who travels by raft


['rɔ:kəs] a.(声音)沙哑的,粗糙的 1 : disagreeably harsh or strident(刺耳的) : HOARSE <raucous voices> 2 : boisterously(狂暴的,汹涌的) disorderly <a raucous frontier town - Truman Capote>


['rɔiəlti] n.版税 1 a : royal status or power : SOVEREIGNTY(主权,统治权) b : a right or perquisite(特权) of a sovereign (as a percentage paid to the crown of gold or silver taken from mines) 2 : regal(帝王的;华丽的) character or bearing : NOBILITY 3 a : persons of royal lineage b : a person of royal rank <how to address royalties - George Santayana> c : an elite class 4 : a right of jurisdiction granted to an individual or corporation by a sovereign 5 a : a share of the product or profit reserved by the grantor(授予者, 让渡人) especially of an oil or mining lease b : a payment to an author or composer for each copy of a work sold or to an inventor for each item sold under a patent (版税,专利费)


['rɔndivu:] n.约会;约会地点 noun 1 a : a place appointed for assembling or meeting b : a place of popular resort : HAUNT(常去的地方) 2 : a meeting at an appointed place and time 3 : the process of bringing two spacecraft together intransitive verb : to come together at a rendezvous transitive verb 1 : to bring together at a rendezvous 2 : to meet at a rendezvous


['rɔstrəm] n.讲台,讲坛 1 a : an ancient Roman platform for public orators b : a stage for public speaking c : a raised platform on a stage 2 : the curved end of a ship's prow(船头) especially : the beak of a war galley 3 : a bodily part or process suggesting a bird's bill: as a : the beak, snout(鼻口部,猪嘴), or proboscis(喙) of any of various insects or arachnids(蛛形类) b : the often spinelike anterior median prolongation of the carapace(甲壳) of a crustacean(甲壳类动物) (as a crayfish or lobster)


['rɔtn] a.腐败的;糟糕的 adjective 1 : having rotted : !PUTRID (已腐烂的;道德败坏的) 2 : morally corrupt 3 : extremely unpleasant or inferior <a rotten day> <a rotten job> 4 : very uncomfortable <feeling rotten> 5 : of very poor quality : LOUSY(可鄙的,差劲的), ABOMINABLE <a rotten show> <what rotten luck> adverb : to an extreme degree <spoiled rotten>


['rəustə] n.值班表,花名册 1 a : a roll or list of personnel b : such a list giving the order in which a duty is to be performed <a duty roster> c : the persons listed on a roster 2 : an itemized list


['rʌdə] n.船舵;领导者 1 : an underwater blade that is positioned at the stern of a boat or ship and controlled by its helm and that when turned causes the vessel's head to turn in the same direction 2 : a movable auxiliary airfoil(方向舵) on an airplane usually attached at the rear end that serves to control direction of flight in the horizontal plane 3 : a guiding force or strategy


['rʌfiən] n.恶棍,歹徒;a.残暴的 : a brutal person : BULLY


['rʌfl] v.弄皱;激怒;n.皱边(装饰衣服) transitive verb 1 a : ROUGHEN, ABRADE b : TROUBLE, VEX <is not ruffled by such barbs - Bruce Anderson> 2 : to erect (as feathers) in or like a ruff 3 a : to flip through (as pages) b : SHUFFLE 4 : to make into a ruffle intransitive verb : to become ruffled <their dispositions ruffle perceptibly - Life> noun 1 : COMMOTION(骚乱), BRAWL(争吵) 2 : a state or cause of irritation 3 a : a strip of fabric gathered or pleated on one edge b : 2RUFF 2 : a fringe or frill of long hairs or feathers growing around or on the neck of an animal 4 : an unevenness or disturbance of surface : RIPPLE


['rʌfən] v.变得粗糙,变得不平 transitive verb : to make rough or rougher <her hands were roughened by work - Ellen Glasgow> intransitive verb : to become rough


['rʌmpl] v.弄皱,弄乱 noun: FOLD, WRINKLE transitive verb 1 : WRINKLE, CRUMPLE 2 : to make unkempt(凌乱的,不整洁的) : TOUSLE(弄皱,弄乱) intransitive verb : to become rumpled


['rʌptʃə] n./v.破裂,断裂 noun 1 : breach of peace or concord(和睦;和平友好关系的条约) specifically : open hostility or war between nations 2 a : the tearing apart of a tissue <rupture of the heart muscle> <rupture of an intervertebral disk> b : HERNIA(疝气,脱肠) 3 : a breaking apart or the state of being broken apart transitive verb 1 a : to part by violence : BREAK, BURST b : to create or induce a breach of 2 : to produce a rupture in intransitive verb : to have or undergo a rupture


['rʌstik] a.乡村的,乡土气的 1 : of, relating to, or suitable for the country : RURAL <rustic rolling farmland> 2 a : made of the rough limbs of trees <rustic furniture> b : finished by rusticating(下乡,过乡村生活) <a rustic joint in masonry> 3 a : characteristic of or resembling country people b : lacking in social graces or polish 4 : appropriate to the country (as in plainness(明白,率直) or sturdiness(强健,坚固)) <heavy rustic boots>


['saiki] n.心智,精神 In psychology, your psyche is your mind and your deepest feelings and attitudes. (TECHNICAL)


['saizmik] a.地震的 1 : of, subject to, or caused by an earthquake also : of or relating to an earth vibration caused by something else (as an explosion or the impact of a meteorite) 2 : of or relating to a vibration on a celestial body (as the moon) comparable to a seismic event on earth 3 : having a strong or widespread impact : EARTHSHAKING <seismic social changes>


['saiən] n.嫩芽;子孙 1 : a detached living portion of a plant (as a bud or shoot) joined to a stock in grafting and usually supplying solely aerial parts to a graft 2 a : DESCENDANT, CHILD especially : a descendant of a wealthy, aristocratic, or influential family b : HEIR 1 <scion of a railroad empire>


['sedimənt] n.沉淀物,渣 noun 1 : the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid 2 : material deposited by water, wind, or glaciers transitive verb : to deposit as sediment intransitive verb 1 : to settle to the bottom in a liquid 2 : to deposit sediment


['sedjuləs] a.聚精会神的,勤勉的 1 : involving or accomplished with careful perseverance(坚定不移) <sedulous craftsmanship> 2 : diligent in application or pursuit <a sedulous student> synonyms see BUSY SEDULOUS implies painstaking(艰苦的) and persevering application <a sedulous investigation of the murder>.


['sedəntəri] a.久坐的 1 : not migratory : SETTLED <sedentary birds> <sedentary civilizations> 2 a : doing or requiring much sitting <a sedentary job> b : not physically active <a sedentary lifestyle> 3 : permanently attached <sedentary barnacles(藤壶)>


['sedətiv] a.(药物)镇静的;n.镇静剂 adjective: tending to calm, moderate, or tranquilize nervousness or excitement noun: a sedative agent or drug


['seif`gɑ:d] n.防范措施 noun 1 a : PASS, SAFE-CONDUCT b : !CONVOY(护航), !ESCORT(护送;护航) 2 a : a precautionary measure, stipulation(条款), or device b : a technical contrivance(机械装置或用具) to prevent accident


['seikrid] a.神圣的,庄严的 1 a : dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity <a tree sacred to the gods> b : devoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose) <a fund sacred to charity> 2 a : worthy of religious veneration(尊敬) : HOLY b : entitled to reverence and respect 3 : of or relating to religion : not secular(世俗的) or profane(亵渎) <sacred music> 5 a : UNASSAILABLE, INVIOLABLE b : highly valued and important <a sacred responsibility>


['seiljənt] a.显著的,突出的 1 : moving by leaps or springs : JUMPING 2 : jetting upward <a salient fountain> 3 a : projecting beyond a line, surface, or level b : standing out conspicuously : PROMINENT especially : of notable significance <similar to Prohibition, but there are a couple of salient differences - Tony Gibbs> synonyms see NOTICEABLE SALIENT applies to something of significance that merits the attention given it <the salient points of the speech>.


['seintli] a.圣徒似的,极为圣洁的 : relating to, resembling, or befitting a saint : HOLY


['seipiənt] a.有智慧的 : possessing or expressing great sagacity synonyms see WISE SAPIENT suggests great sagacity and discernment <the sapient musings of an old philosopher>.


['seiʃieitid] a.厌倦的,生腻的,饱足的


['sekjulə] a.世俗的,尘世的 1 a : of or relating to the worldly(世俗的) or temporal(现世的) <secular concerns> b : not overtly(明显地,公开地) or specif. religious <secular music> c : not ecclesiastical(基督教会的) or clerical(牧师的) <secular courts> <secular landowners> 2 : not bound by monastic vows or rules specifically : of, relating to, or forming clergy not belonging to a religious order or congregation <a secular priest> 3 a : occurring once in an age or a century b : existing or continuing through ages or centuries c : of or relating to a long term of indefinite duration <secular inflation> noun 1 : a secular ecclesiastic(神职者,牧师) (as a diocesan priest) 2 : LAYMAN(俗人(对僧侣而言))


['sembləns] n.外貌;相似 1 a : outward and often specious(似是而非的) appearance or show : FORM <wrapped in a semblance of composure - Harry Hervey> b : MODICUM(少量) <has been struggling to get some semblance of justice for his people - Bayard Rustin> 2 : ASPECT, COUNTENANCE (面容,表情) 3 a : a phantasmal(幻影的,幽灵一样的) form : APPARITION(鬼,幽灵,幻影) b : IMAGE, LIKENESS 4 : actual or apparent resemblance <her story bears some semblance to the truth>


['seminəri] n.神学院,发源地 1 : an environment in which something originates and from which it is propagated <a seminary of vice and crime> 2 a : an institution of secondary or higher education b : an institution for the training of candidates for the priesthood, ministry, or rabbinate


['sensitaiz] v. 使敏感,使具有感光性 transitive verb : to make sensitive or hypersensitive intransitive verb : to become sensitive


['sensəbl] a.明智的;可感觉到的


['sentimənt] n.多愁善感;思想感情 1 a : an attitude, thought, or judgment prompted by feeling : !PREDILECTION(爱好,偏袒) b : a specific view or notion : OPINION 2 a : EMOTION b : refined feeling : delicate sensibility especially as expressed in a work of art c : emotional idealism d : a romantic or nostalgic(怀旧的,乡愁的) feeling verging(边缘) on sentimentality 3 a : an idea colored by emotion b : the emotional significance of a passage or expression as distinguished from its verbal context synonyms see FEELING, OPINION Compared to FEELING SENTIMENT often implies an emotion inspired by an idea <her feminist(女权运动者) sentiments are well known>. Compared to OPINION SENTIMENT suggests a settled opinion reflective of one's feelings <her feminist sentiments are well-known>.


['sentinl] n.哨兵,卫兵 noun : SENTRY(卫兵,哨兵) transitive verb 1 : to watch over as a sentinel 2 : to furnish with (供给装备) a sentinel 3 : to post as sentinel


['senʃənt] a.有知觉的;知悉的 1 : responsive to or conscious of sense impressions <sentient beings> 2 : AWARE 3 : finely sensitive in perception or feeling


['septik] a.受感染的,腐败的 1 : of, relating to, or causing putrefaction(由微生物引起的腐坏,腐败) 2 : relating to, involving, caused by, or affected with sepsis(脓毒病, 脓血症) <septic patients> 3 : used for sewage(脏水,污水) treatment and disposal <a septic system> also : of or relating to a septic system <septic effluents(废水)>


['sepəreit] v.使分开;a.不同的;独自的


['si:dliŋ] n.幼苗 1 : a young plant grown from seed 2 a : a young tree before it becomes a sapling(小树苗) b : a nursery(托儿所) plant not yet transplanted


['si:krətiv] a.守口如瓶的 : disposed to secrecy : not open or outgoing in speech, activity, or purposes synonyms see SILENT RESERVED implies reticence(沉默) and suggests the restraining influence of caution or formality in checking easy informal conversational exchange <greetings were brief, formal, and reserved>. SECRETIVE too, implies reticence but usually carries a suggestion of deviousness(迂回) and lack of frankness or of an often ostentatious(卖弄的,夸耀的) will to conceal <the secretive research and development division>.


['si:mi] a.肮脏的,恶劣的 2 a : UNPLEASANT b : DEGRADED, SORDID(肮脏的,卑鄙的) <the seamy side of urban life>


['si:minl] a.有创意的 1 : of, relating to, or consisting of seed or semen(精液, 精子) 2 : containing or contributing the seeds of later development : CREATIVE, ORIGINAL <a seminal book>


['si:mli] a.得体的,适宜的 1 a : GOOD-LOOKING, HANDSOME b : agreeably fashioned : ATTRACTIVE 2 : conventionally proper : DECOROUS(正派得体的;彬彬有礼的) <not seemly to brag about oneself> 3 : suited to the occasion, purpose, or person : FIT


['si:znd] a.有经验的,训练有素的 You can use seasoned to describe a person who has a lot of experience of something. For example, a seasoned traveller is a person who has travelled a lot.


['si:zniŋ] n.调味品,佐料 : something that serves to season especially : an ingredient (as a !condiment(调味品), spice, or herb) added to food primarily for the savor(味道,气味,滋味) that it imparts


['sizə] n.剪刀 1 : a cutting instrument having two blades whose cutting edges slide past each other 2 a : a gymnastic feat in which the leg movements suggest the opening and closing of scissors b : SCISSORS HOLD : to cut, cut up, or cut off with scissors or shears(大剪刀,剪床) <scissored the paper into strips>


['sizəm] n.组织分裂 1 : DIVISION, SEPARATION also : DISCORD, DISHARMONY <a schism between political parties> 2 a : formal division in or separation from a church or religious body b : the offense of promoting schism


['siəriəl] a.连续的,一系列的 adjective 1 : of, relating to, consisting of, or arranged in a series, rank, or row <serial order> 2 : appearing in successive parts or numbers <a serial story> 3 : belonging to a series maturing periodically rather than on a single date <serial bonds> noun 1 a : a work appearing (as in a magazine or on television) in parts at intervals b : one part of a serial work : INSTALLMENT(分期连载中的一部) 2 : a publication (as a newspaper or journal) issued as one of a consecutively numbered and indefinitely continued series


['sju:dənim] n.假名,笔名 : a fictitious name especially : PEN NAME


['skeiðiŋ] a.苛刻的,严厉的 : bitterly severe <a scathing condemnation> synonyms see CAUSTIC SCATHING implies indignant attacks delivered with fierce severity <a scathing satire>.


['skeəsiti] n.不足,缺乏 : the quality or state of being scarce especially : want(缺乏) of provisions for the support of life


['ski:mətaiz] v.扼要表示 1 : to form or to form into a scheme or systematic arrangement 2 : to express or depict schematically


['skribl] v.乱写,乱涂 transitive verb 1 : to write hastily or carelessly without regard to legibility(清晰,易读) or form 2 : to cover with careless or worthless writings or drawings intransitive verb : to write or draw hastily and carelessly


['skru:draivə] n.螺丝起子;改锥 1 : a tool for turning screws 2 : vodka(伏特加酒) and orange juice served with ice


['skru:pl] n.顾忌,迟疑;v.顾忌 noun 2 : a minute part or quantity : IOTA 1 : an ethical consideration or principle that inhibits action 2 : the quality or state of being scrupulous(谨慎小心的;有顾虑的) 3 : mental reservation synonyms see QUALM synonyms QUALM, SCRUPLE, COMPUNCTION, DEMUR mean a misgiving about what one is doing or going to do. QUALM implies an uneasy fear that one is not following one's conscience or better judgment <no qualms about plagiarizing(剽窃,抄袭)>. SCRUPLE implies doubt of the rightness of an act on grounds of principle <no scruples against buying stolen goods>.


['skrutinaiz] v.详细检查;细读 transitive verb : to examine closely and minutely intransitive verb : to make a scrutiny synonyms SCRUTINIZE, SCAN, INSPECT, EXAMINE mean to look at or over. SCRUTINIZE stresses close attention to minute detail <scrutinized the hospital bill>.


['skræpi] a.碎片的;好斗的;坚毅的 : consisting of scraps <scrappy meals> 1 : QUARRELSOME 2 : having an aggressive and determined spirit : FEISTY(强有力的)


['skæbəd] n.(刀剑)鞘 : a sheath for a sword, dagger(匕首), or bayonet(枪刺)


['skæfəuld] n.脚手架(造房时搭的架子) 1 a : a temporary or movable platform for workers (as bricklayers, painters, or miners) to stand or sit on when working at a height above the floor or ground b : a platform on which a criminal is executed (as by hanging or beheading) c : a platform at a height above ground or floor level 2 : a supporting framework


['skændl] n.丑闻;恶意诽谤


['skætə] v.散开,驱散 transitive verb 1 a : to cause to separate widely b : to cause to vanish 3 : to distribute irregularly 4 : to sow(播种;散播) by casting in all directions : STREW(四处散播) 5 a : to reflect irregularly and diffusely b : to cause (a beam of radiation) to diffuse or disperse 6 : to divide into ineffectual small portions intransitive verb 1 : to separate and go in various directions : DISPERSE 2 : to occur or fall irregularly or at random


['skɔ:ldiŋ] a.滚烫的 1 : hot enough to scald <scalding water> 2 a : having or producing the feeling of being burned <scalding sun> <scalding sand> b : SCATHING(严厉的) <scalding criticism>


['skɔ:piən] n.蝎子 A scorpion is a small creature which looks like a large insect. Scorpions have a long curved tail, and some of them are poisonous.


['skə:vi] a.卑鄙的,可鄙的 : a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C and characterized by spongy gums, loosening of the teeth, and a bleeding into the skin and mucous membranes (坏血病) adjective: arousing disgust or scorn : CONTEMPTIBLE, DESPICABLE <a scurvy trick> synonyms see CONTEMPTIBLE


['skʌlptə(r)] n.雕刻家 : an artist who makes sculptures


['skʌri] v.急跑,疾行 1 : to move in or as if in a brisk pace : SCAMPER 2 : to move around in an agitated, confused, or fluttering manner


['skʌriləs] a.下流的 1 a : using or given to coarse language b : vulgar and evil <scurrilous imposters(冒名顶替者) who used a religious exterior to rob poor people - Edwin Benson> 2 : containing obscenities(猥亵的话), abuse, or slander <scurrilous accusations>


['sæbətɑ:ʒ] n.阴谋破坏,颠覆活动 noun 1 : destruction of an employer's property (as tools or materials) or the hindering of manufacturing by discontented workers 2 : destructive or obstructive action carried on by a civilian or enemy agent to hinder a nation's war effort 3 a : an act or process tending to hamper or hurt b : deliberate subversion transitive verb : to practice sabotage on


['sædl] n.鞍,马鞍 noun ? transitive verb 1 : to put a saddle on 2 a : to place under a burden or encumbrance(阻碍,累赘) b : to place (an onerous responsibility) on a person or group intransitive verb : to mount a saddled horse


['sædn] v.使伤心,使悲哀 transitive verb : to make sad intransitive verb : to become sad


['sæfaiə] n.青石,蓝宝石;a.天蓝色的 1 a : a gem variety of corundum(刚玉) in transparent or translucent crystals of a color other than red especially : one of a transparent rich blue b : a gem of such corundum 2 : a deep purplish-blue color


['sækrifais] n.牺牲;v.宰牲祭神 noun 1 : an act of offering to a deity something precious especially : the killing of a victim on an altar(圣坛) 2 : something offered in sacrifice 3 a : destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else b : something given up or lost <the sacrifices made by parents> 4 : LOSS <goods sold at a sacrifice> transitive verb 1 : to offer as a sacrifice 2 : to suffer loss of, give up, renounce, injure, or destroy especially for an ideal, belief, or end 3 : to sell at a loss 5 : to kill (an animal) as part of a scientific experiment intransitive verb 1 : to make or perform the rites of a sacrifice


['sækrilidʒ] n.亵渎,冒犯神灵 1 : a technical and not necessarily intrinsically outrageous violation (as improper reception of a sacrament) of what is sacred because consecrated to God 2 : gross irreverence toward a hallowed person, place, or thing


['sækərin] n.糖精


['sæljutəri] a.有益的,有益健康的 1 : producing a beneficial effect : REMEDIAL <salutary influences> 2 : promoting health : CURATIVE synonyms see HEALTHFUL SALUTARY describes something corrective or beneficially effective, even though it may in itself be unpleasant <a salutary warning that resulted in increased production>.


['sælvidʒ] n./v.(从灾难中)抢救,海上救助 1 a : compensation paid for saving a ship or its cargo from the perils of the sea or for the lives and property rescued in a wreck b : the act of saving or rescuing a ship or its cargo c : the act of saving or rescuing property in danger (as from fire) 2 a : property saved from destruction in a calamity (as a wreck or fire) b : something extracted (as from rubbish) as valuable or useful transitive verb: to rescue or save especially from wreckage or ruin


['sæmən] n.大麻哈鱼;鲜肉色 2 : the variable color of salmon's flesh averaging a strong yellowish pink


['sændl] n.凉鞋,拖鞋 1 : a shoe consisting of a sole strapped to the foot 2 : a low-cut shoe that fastens by an ankle strap 3 : a strap to hold on a slipper or low shoe 4 : a rubber overshoe cut very low


['sæniti] n.神志清楚 : the quality or state of being sane especially : soundness or health of mind


['sætaiə] n.讽刺(作品) 1 : a literary work holding up human vices(坏习惯 坏毛病) and follies(愚蠢 愚笨) to ridicule or scorn 2 : trenchant(一针见血的) wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly synonyms see WIT SATIRE applies to writing that exposes or ridicules conduct, doctrines, or institutions either by direct criticism or more often through irony, parody(诙谐模仿的言语文字), or caricature <a satire on the Congress>.


['sætə(:)nain] a.忧郁的,阴沉的 1 : born under or influenced astrologically by the planet Saturn 2 a : cold and steady in mood : slow to act or change b : of a gloomy or surly disposition c : having a !sardonic(嘲笑的) aspect <a saturnine smile> synonyms see SULLEN SATURNINE describes a heavy forbidding aspect or suggests a bitter disposition <a saturnine cynic(犬儒主义者) always finding fault>.


['sætʃəreit] v.浸透;使充满 1 : to satisfy fully : SATIATE(饱足,过分满足) 2 : to treat, furnish, or charge with something to the point where no more can be absorbed, dissolved, or retained <water saturated with salt> 3 a : to fill completely with something that permeates or pervades <book is saturated with Hollywood - Newgate Callendar> b : to load to capacity 4 : to cause to combine until there is no further tendency to combine synonyms see SOAK SATURATE implies a resulting effect of complete absorption until no more liquid can be held <a saturated sponge>.


['sætʃəreitid] a.渗透的,饱和的 1 : full of moisture : made thoroughly wet 2 a : being a solution that is unable to absorb or dissolve any more of a solute at a given temperature and pressure b : being an organic compound having no double or triple bonds between carbon atoms <saturated fats> 3 of a color : having high saturation : PURE


['sævi] a.有见识和精明能干的 noun : practical know-how <political savvy> verb : UNDERSTAND


['sævənt] n.博学之士,大学士 1 : a person of learning especially : one with detailed knowledge in some specialized field (as of science or literature) 2 : IDIOT SAVANT 1


['sæŋgwin] a.乐观的;脸色红润的 adjective 1 : BLOODRED 2 a : consisting of or relating to blood b : BLOODTHIRSTY, SANGUINARY c of the complexion(肤色) : RUDDY 3 : having blood as the predominating bodily humor also : having the bodily conformation and temperament held characteristic of such predominance and marked by sturdiness, high color, and cheerfulness 4 : CONFIDENT, OPTIMISTIC noun: a moderate to strong red


['sæŋktifai] v.使神圣 1 : to set apart to a sacred purpose or to religious use : CONSECRATE(奉献) 2 : to free from sin : PURIFY 3 a : to impart or impute sacredness, inviolability, or respect to b : to give moral or social sanction to 4 : to make productive of holiness or piety <observe the day of the sabbath, to sanctify it - Deut 5:12(DV)>


['sæŋkʃən] n./v.批准,认可 noun : ? transitive verb 1 : to make valid or binding usually by a formal procedure (as ratification(正式批准)) 2 : to give effective or authoritative approval or consent to synonyms see APPROVE


['sɑ:mplə] n.刺绣花样;取样员 : a decorative piece of needlework typically having letters or verses embroidered on it in various stitches as an example of skill 1 : one that collects, prepares, or examines samples 2 : something containing representative specimens or selections <a sampler of nineteen poets - K. E. Judd> also : ASSORTMENT


['sɔ:dʌst] n.锯屑 : fine particles (as of wood) made by a saw in cutting


['sɔ:ntə] n./v.闲逛,漫步 : to walk about in an idle or leisurely manner : STROLL <sauntered slowly down the street>


['taidi] a.整齐的,整洁的 adjective 1 : properly filled out : PLUMP 2 : adequately satisfactory : ACCEPTABLE, FAIR <a tidy solution to their problem> 3 a : neat and orderly in appearance or habits : well ordered and cared for b : METHODICAL, PRECISE <a tidy mind> 4 : LARGE, SUBSTANTIAL <a tidy profit>(相当大的, 可观的) transitive verb : to put in order <tidy up a room> intransitive verb : to make things tidy <tidying up after supper> noun 1 : a usually compartmentalized receptacle for various small objects (盛零星物件的容器) 2 : a piece of fancywork used to protect the back, arms, or headrest of a chair or sofa from wear or soil


['taimli] a.适时的,及时的 adverb 2 : in time : OPPORTUNELY <the question was not timely raised in the state court - W. O. Douglas> adjective 1 : coming early or at the right time <a timely decision> <timely payment> 2 : appropriate or adapted to the times or the occasion <a timely book>


['taipəu] n.排印错误 noun : an error (as of spelling) in typed or typeset material


['taitfistid] a.吝啬的 : reluctant to part with money


['taiə] n.轮胎(tyre);v.疲劳 intransitive verb : to become weary transitive verb 1 : to exhaust or greatly decrease the physical strength of : FATIGUE 2 : to wear out the patience of : BORE synonyms TIRE, WEARY, FATIGUE, EXHAUST, JADE, FAG mean to make or become unable or unwilling to continue. TIRE implies a draining of one's strength or patience <the long ride tired us out>. noun 1 : a metal hoop forming the !tread(车轮胎面) of a wheel 2 : a rubber cushion that fits around a wheel (as of an automobile) and usually contains compressed air


['taiərənt] n.暴君 1 a : an absolute ruler unrestrained(无限制的,放纵的) by law or constitution(宪法;章程;构造) b : a usurper of sovereignty 2 a : a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally b : one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power


['taiərəu] n.新手 : a beginner in learning : !NOVICE = beginner = neophyte synonyms see AMATEUR synonyms AMATEUR, DILETTANTE, DABBLER, TYRO mean a person who follows a pursuit without attaining proficiency or professional status. AMATEUR often applies to one practicing an art without mastery of its essentials <a painting obviously done by an amateur> in sports it may also suggest not so much lack of skill but avoidance of direct remuneration(报酬,赔偿,补偿) <remained an amateur despite lucrative offers>. !DILETTANTE(半瓶醋;业余爱好者) may apply to the lover of an art rather than its skilled practitioner but usually implies elegant trifling in the arts and an absence of serious commitment <had no patience for dilettantes>. !DABBLER suggests desultory(散漫的,不连贯的) habits of work and lack of persistence <a dabbler who started novels but never finished them>. TYRO implies inexperience often combined with !audacity(大胆,鲁莽) with resulting crudeness or blundering <shows talent but is still a mere tyro>.


['timbə] n.木材;(人)品质 noun 1 a : growing trees or their wood b used interjectionally to warn of a falling tree 2 : wood suitable for building or for carpentry 3 : MATERIAL, STUFF especially : a person or type of person qualified for a particular position or status <managerial timber> 4 a : a large squared or dressed piece of wood ready for use or forming part of a structure b British : LUMBER(笨重的杂物) 2A c : a curving frame branching outward from the keel of a ship and bending upward in a vertical direction that is usually composed of several pieces united : RIB transitive verb : to frame, cover, or support with timbers


['timbə] n.音色,音质 noun : the quality given to a sound by its overtones: as a : the resonance by which the ear recognizes and identifies a voiced speech sound b : the quality of tone distinctive of a particular singing voice or musical instrument


['timid] a.胆怯的 1 : lacking in courage or self-confidence <a timid person> 2 : lacking in boldness or determination <a timid policy>


['timərəs] a.胆小的,胆怯的 1 : of a timid disposition : FEARFUL <reproached myself with being so timorous and cautious - Daniel Defoe> 2 : expressing or suggesting timidity <proceed with doubtful and timorous steps - Edward Gibbon>


['tində] n.火绒,火种 1 : a very flammable substance adaptable for use as kindling(点火,可燃物) 2 : something that serves to incite or inflame <that rhetoric was ready tinder for revolution - Margaret Peters>


['tirəni] n.暴政,专制统治;暴行 1 : oppressive power <every form of tyranny over the mind of man - Thomas Jefferson> especially : oppressive power exerted by government <the tyranny of a police state> 2 a : a government in which absolute power is vested(既定的) in a single ruler especially : one characteristic of an ancient Greek city-state b : the office, authority, and administration of a tyrant 3 : a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force <living under the tyranny of the clock - Dixon Wecter> 4 : a tyrannical act <workers who had suffered tyrannies>


['tisju:] n.细胞组织;薄纸,棉纸 1 a : a fine lightweight often sheer fabric b : MESH, NETWORK, WEB <a tissue of lies> 2 : a piece of soft absorbent tissue paper used especially as a handkerchief or for removing cosmetics 3 : an aggregate of cells usually of a particular kind together with their intercellular substance that form one of the structural materials of a plant or an animal


['titjulə] a.有名无实的,名义上的 adjective 1 a : existing in title only especially : bearing a title derived from a !defunct(死亡了的;不存在了的) ecclesiastical(基督教会的,教士的) jurisdiction(司法权,审判权,管辖权,控制权) (as an episcopal see) <a titular bishop> b : having the title and usually the honors belonging to an office or dignity without the duties, functions, or responsibilities <the titular head of a political party> 2 : bearing a title : TITLED 3 : of, relating to, or constituting a title <the titular hero of the play> noun : a person holding a title


['tiŋkə] n.补锅工人;v.拙劣修补 noun 1 a : a usually itinerant(巡回的,流动的) mender of household !utensils(厨房用具) b : an unskillful mender : BUNGLER intransitive verb : to work in the manner of a tinker especially : to repair, adjust, or work with something in an unskilled or experimental manner : FIDDLE <always tinkering with his car> transitive verb : to repair, adjust, or experiment with


['tju:bə] n.块茎,球根 1 a : a short fleshy usually underground stem bearing minute scale leaves each of which bears a bud in its axil and is potentially able to produce a new plant - compare BULB, CORM b : a fleshy root or rhizome(根茎,根状茎) resembling a tuber 2 : TUBEROSITY(有块茎,块茎状,结节)


['tju:mʌlt] n.乱哄哄 1 a : disorderly agitation or milling about of a crowd usually with uproar(喧闹,骚动) and confusion of voices : COMMOTION(骚乱) b : a turbulent uprising : RIOT 2 : !HUBBUB(喧闹声;嘈杂声), !DIN(喧闹声,嘈杂声) 3 a : violent agitation of mind or feelings b : a violent outburst


['tju:tə] n.助教;监护人;v.辅导 noun : a person charged with the instruction and guidance of another: as a : a private teacher b : a teacher in a British university who gives individual instruction to undergraduates transitive verb 1 : to have the guardianship(监护,保护,守护), tutelage(监护,指导), or care of 2 : to teach or guide usually individually in a special subject or for a particular purpose : COACH intransitive verb 1 : to do the work of a tutor 2 : to receive instruction especially privately


['traifl] n.微不足道,琐事 noun 1 : something of little value, substance, or importance 2 : a dessert typically consisting of plain or sponge cake often soaked with wine or spirits (as brandy or rum) and topped with layers of preserves, custard, and cream a trifle : to some small degree : SLIGHTLY <a trifle annoyed> intransitive verb 1 a : to talk in a jesting or mocking manner or with intent to delude(欺骗,哄骗) or mislead(误导) b : to treat someone or something as unimportant 2 : to handle something idly transitive verb : to spend or waste in trifling or on trifles


['traipɔd] n.画架,三脚架 1 : a vessel (as a cauldron) resting on three legs 2 : a stool(凳子), table, or altar(圣坛,祭坛) with three legs 3 : a three-legged stand (as for a camera)


['traiəmf] v./n.凯旋,胜利,欢欣 noun 1 : a ceremony attending the entering of Rome by a general who had won a decisive victory over a foreign enemy 2 : the joy or !exultation(狂喜,大悦,欢欣) of victory or success 3 a : a victory or conquest by or as if by military force b : a notable success <the party was a triumph>


['trauəl] 泥刀,小铲子 noun: any of various hand tools used to apply, spread, shape, or smooth loose or plastic material also : a scoop-shaped or flat-bladed garden tool for taking up and setting small plants transitive verb : to smooth, mix, or apply with or as if with a trowel


['treitə] n.卖国贼,叛徒 1 : one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty 2 : one who commits treason(通敌,背叛,叛国罪)


['tremə] n.震动,地震 1 a : a trembling or shaking usually from physical weakness, emotional stress, or disease b : nervous excitement <the exhibit caused a tremor in the artistic community> 2 : a !quivering(颤抖) or vibratory motion especially : a discrete small movement following or preceding a major !seismic(地震的;震撼世界的) event 3 a : a feeling of uncertainty or insecurity <a tremor of hesitation> b : a cause of such a feeling


['trentʃənt] a.一针见血的 1 : KEEN, SHARP 2 : vigorously effective and articulate <a trenchant analysis> also : CAUSTIC(刻薄的) <trenchant remarks> 3 a : sharply perceptive : PENETRATING <a trenchant view of current conditions> b : CLEAR-CUT(轮廓鲜明的,清晰的), DISTINCT <the trenchant divisions between right and wrong - Edith Wharton>


['trespəs] v.侵犯,闯入私人领地 noun 1 a : a violation of moral or social ethics : !TRANSGRESSION(违反;犯罪) especially : SIN b : an unwarranted(没有根据的) !infringement(违反(侵犯)) 2 a : an unlawful act committed on the person, property, or rights of another especially : a wrongful entry on real property(不动产) b : the legal action for injuries resulting from trespass intransitive verb 1 a : !ERR, !SIN b : to make an unwarranted or uninvited !incursion(侵犯,入侵 ) 2 : to commit a trespass especially : to enter unlawfully upon the land of another transitive verb : VIOLATE <trespass the bounds of good taste> tribunal [trai'bju:nl] n.法庭,裁判所 1 : 2 TRIBUNE : a !dais(讲台) or platform from which an assembly is addressed 2 : a court or forum of justice 3 : something that decides or determines <the tribunal of public opinion>


['tretʃərəs] a.背叛的,叛逆的,奸诈的 1 : characterized by or manifesting treachery : !PERFIDIOUS(不忠的,背信弃义的) 2 a : likely to betray trust : UNRELIABLE <a treacherous memory> b : providing insecure footing or support <treacherous quicksand(流沙,危险状态)> c : marked by hidden dangers, hazards, or !perils(极大的危险) synonyms see FAITHLESS


['tri:ti] n.条约;协议 1 : the action of treating and especially of negotiating 2 a : an agreement or arrangement made by negotiation: (1) : PRIVATE TREATY(财产转让契约) (2) : a contract in writing between two or more political authorities (as states or sovereigns) formally signed by representatives duly authorized and usually !ratified(批准的,认可的) by the lawmaking authority of the state b : a document in which such a contract is set down


['tri:tiz] n.论文 1 : a systematic exposition or argument in writing including a methodical discussion of the facts and principles involved and conclusions reached <a treatise on higher education>


['tri:zn] n.叛国罪 1 : the betrayal of a trust : TREACHERY 2 : the offense of attempting by overt(公开的,非秘密的) acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign(元首) or the sovereign's family


['tri:əu] n.三重奏,三重唱;三人一组 1 a : a musical composition for three voice parts or three instruments b : the secondary or episodic(插曲式的,偶然发生的) division of a minuet(小步舞,小步舞曲) or scherzo(谐谑曲), a march, or of various dance forms 2 : the performers of a musical or dance trio 3 : a group or set of three


['tribju:t] n.赞辞;贡物 1 a : a payment by one ruler or nation to another in acknowledgment of submission or as the price of protection also : the tax !levied(征税,召集) for such a payment b (1) : an excessive tax, rental(租费,租借), or !tariff(关税) imposed by a government, sovereign, lord, or landlord (2) : an !exorbitant(过度的) charge levied by a person or group having the power of coercion(强迫,威压,高压政治) c : the liability to pay tribute 2 a : something given or contributed voluntarily as due or deserved especially : a gift or service showing respect, gratitude, or affection <a floral tribute> b : something (as material evidence or a formal attestation) that indicates the worth, virtue, or effectiveness of the one in question <the design is a tribute to his ingenuity> synonyms see ENCOMIUM(高度赞扬) synonyms ENCOMIUM, EULOGY, PANEGYRIC, TRIBUTE, CITATION mean a formal expression of praise. ENCOMIUM(赞辞;颂辞) implies enthusiasm and warmth in praising a person or a thing <received encomiums from literary critics>. EULOGY(对死者的颂词;高度的赞扬) applies to a prepared speech or writing extolling the virtues and services of a person <delivered the eulogy at the funeral service>. PANEGYRIC suggests an elaborate often poetic compliment <her lyrical(抒情的) memoir(传记,实录) was a panegyric to her mentor>. TRIBUTE implies deeply felt praise conveyed either through words or through a significant act <the concert was a musical tribute to the early jazz masters>. CITATION applies to the formal praise of a person offered in a military dispatch or in awarding an honorary degree <earned a citation for bravery>.


['trigə] n.扳机;v.引发,导致 noun 1 a : a piece (as a lever) connected with a catch(捕捉,捕获物,陷阱) or detent(制动器) as a means of releasing it especially : the part of the action moved by the finger to fire a gun b : a similar movable part by which a mechanism is actuated(促使,开动) <trigger of a spray gun> 2 : something that acts like a mechanical trigger in initiating a process or reaction transitive verb 1 a : to release or activate by means of a trigger especially : to fire by pulling a mechanical trigger <trigger a rifle> b : to cause the explosion of <trigger a missile with a proximity fuse> 2 : to initiate, actuate, or set off by a trigger <an indiscreet remark that triggered a fight> <a stimulus that triggered a reflex> intransitive verb : to release a mechanical trigger


['trikl] v.一滴滴地流;n.细流 1 a : to issue or fall in drops b : to flow in a thin gentle stream 2 a : to move or go one by one or little by little <customers began to trickle in> b : to dissipate slowly <his enthusiasm trickled away> noun : a thin, slow, or intermittent(断断续续的,间歇的) stream or movement


['trilədʒi] n.三部曲 : a series of three dramas or literary works or sometimes three musical compositions that are closely related and develop a single theme


['triviəl] a.琐细的 1 : COMMONPLACE, ORDINARY 2 a : of little worth or importance <a trivial objection> <trivial problems> b : relating to or being the mathematically simplest case specifically : characterized by having all variables equal to zero <a trivial solution to a linear equation> 3 : SPECIFIC 4 : of, relating to, or constituting a species and especially a biological species


['triŋkit] n.小装饰品;不值钱的珠宝 1 : a small ornament (as a jewel or ring) 2 : a small article of equipment 3 : a thing of little value : TRIFLE


['tru:ənsi] n.逃学,旷课 : an act or instance of playing truant : the state of being truant truant ['tru:ənt] n.逃学者,逃避者 a.逃避责任的 vi.偷懒,旷课 noun : one who shirks duty especially : one who stays out of school without permission adjective 1 : shirking(逃避,规避) responsibility 2 : being, resembling, or characteristic of a truant


['trædʒidi] n.悲剧,惨事,灾难 1 a : a medieval narrative poem or tale typically describing the downfall of a great man b : a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist(主角,主唱者) and a superior force (as destiny) and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that elicits pity or terror c : the literary genre of tragic dramas 2 a : a disastrous event : CALAMITY b : MISFORTUNE 3 : tragic quality or element


['træktəbl] a.易于驾驭的,温顺的 1 : capable of being easily led, taught, or controlled : DOCILE <a tractable horse> 2 : easily handled, managed, or wrought : !MALLEABLE(可塑的;有延展性的;顺从的) synonyms see OBEDIENT synonyms OBEDIENT, DOCILE, TRACTABLE, AMENABLE mean submissive to the will of another. OBEDIENT implies compliance with the demands or requests of one in authority <obedient to the government>. DOCILE implies a predisposition to submit readily to control or guidance <a docile child>. TRACTABLE suggests having a character that permits easy handling or managing <tractable animals>. AMENABLE suggests a willingness to yield or to cooperate either because of a desire to be agreeable or because of a natural open-mindedness <amenable to new ideas>.


['træmpl] v.踩坏,践踏 intransitive verb 1 : TRAMP especially : to tread heavily so as to bruise, crush, or injure 2 : to inflict injury or destruction especially contemptuously(傲慢地,蔑视地) or ruthlessly(无情的,残忍的) - usually used with on, over, or upon <trampling on the rights of others> transitive verb : to crush, injure, or destroy by or as if by treading(践踏) <trampled the flowers>


['trænsitəri] a.短暂的 1 : tending to pass away : not persistent 2 : of brief duration : TEMPORARY <the transitory nature of earthly(现世的;尘世的) joy> synonyms see TRANSIENT TRANSIENT applies to what is actually short in its duration or stay <a hotel catering primarily to transient guests>. TRANSITORY applies to what is by its nature or essence bound to change, pass, or come to an end <fame in the movies is transitory>.


['trænziəns] n.短暂 : the quality or state of being transient


['trænziənt] a.短暂的,转瞬即逝的 adjective 1 a : passing especially quickly into and out of existence : TRANSITORY <transient beauty> b : passing through or by a place with only a brief stay or sojourn <transient visitors> 2 : affecting something or producing results beyond itself synonyms TRANSIENT, TRANSITORY, EPHEMERAL, MOMENTARY, FUGITIVE, FLEETING, EVANESCENT mean lasting or staying only a short time. TRANSIENT applies to what is actually short in its duration or stay <a hotel catering primarily to transient guests>. noun 1 : one that is transient: as a : a transient guest b : a person traveling about usually in search of work 2 a : a temporary oscillation that occurs in a circuit because of a sudden change of voltage or of load b : a transient current or voltage


['trævisti] v./n.歪曲模仿,曲解 noun 1 : a burlesque(滑稽的,可笑的) translation or literary or artistic imitation usually grotesquely(奇异风格的) incongruous(不协调的,不一致的) in style, treatment, or subject matter 2 : a debased(质量低劣的,品质恶劣的), distorted, or grossly inferior imitation <a travesty of justice> synonyms see CARICATURE synonyms CARICATURE, BURLESQUE, PARODY, TRAVESTY mean a comic or grotesque imitation. !CARICATURE implies ludicrous(荒唐可笑的) exaggeration of the characteristic features of a subject <caricatures of politicians in cartoons>. !BURLESQUE implies mockery especially through giving a serious or lofty(高的,崇高的) subject a frivolous(轻浮的,琐屑的) treatment <a nightclub burlesque of a trial in court>. !PARODY(模仿性嘲弄文章或表演) applies especially to treatment of a trivial or ludicrous(荒唐可笑的) subject in the exactly imitated style of a well-known author or work <a witty parody of a popular novel>. TRAVESTY implies that the subject remains unchanged but that the style is extravagant or absurd <this production is a travesty of the opera>.


['trævə:s] v.横穿过,横跨 noun 1 : something that crosses or lies across 2 : OBSTACLE(障碍), ADVERSITY(不幸,灾难) 3 : a formal denial of a matter of fact alleged by the opposing party in a legal pleading 4 a : a compartment or !recess(壁凹) formed by a partition(分割,划分), curtain, or screen b : a gallery(画廊,顶层楼座) or loft(阁楼,顶楼) providing access from one side to another in a large building 5 : a route or way across or over: as a : a zigzag course of a sailing ship with contrary winds b : a curving or zigzag way up a steep grade c : the course followed in traversing 6 : the act or an instance of traversing : CROSSING 7 : a protective projecting wall or bank of earth in a trench(沟,沟渠) 8 a : a lateral movement (as of the saddle of a lathe carriage) also : a device for imparting such movement b : the lateral movement of a gun about a pivot or on a carriage to change direction of fire 9 : a line surveyed across a plot of ground transitive verb 1 a : to go against or act in opposition to : OPPOSE, THWART(阻挠,使...受挫) b : to deny (as an allegation of fact or an indictment) formally at law 2 a : to go or travel across or over b : to move or pass along or through <light rays traversing a crystal> 3 : to make a study of : EXAMINE 4 : to lie or extend across : CROSS <the bridge traverses a brook> 5 a : to move to and fro over or along b : to ascend, descend, or cross (a slope or gap) at an angle c : to move (a gun) to right or left on a pivot(枢,核心) 6 : to make or carry out a survey of by using traverses intransitive verb 1 : to move back and forth or from side to side 2 : to move or turn laterally : SWIVEL 3 a : to climb at an angle or in a zigzag course b : to ski across rather than straight down a hill 4 : to make a survey by using traverses


['trəufi] n.奖品,战利品 noun 1 : something gained or given in victory or conquest especially when preserved or mounted as a memorial 2 a : a memorial of an ancient Greek or Roman victory raised on the field of battle or on the nearest land for a naval victory b : a representation of such a memorial (as on a medal) also : an architectural ornament representing a group of military weapons 3 : a game animal or fish suitable for mounting as a trophy - usually used attributively 4 : one that is prized for qualities that enhance prestige or social status - usually used attributively <a trophy wife> <a trophy house> noun combining form: nutrition : nurture : growth <dystrophy>


['trʌmpit] n.喇叭,小号 noun b : a musical instrument (as a !cornet(短号)) resembling a trumpet 2 : a trumpet player 3 : something that resembles a trumpet or its tonal quality: as a : a funnel(漏斗)-shaped instrument (as a megaphone(扩音器)) for collecting, directing, or intensifying sound b (1) : a !stentorian(指声音极响亮的) voice (2) : a penetrating cry (as of an elephant) intransitive verb 1 : to blow a trumpet 2 : to make a sound suggestive of that of a trumpet transitive verb : to sound or proclaim on or as if on a trumpet <trumpet the news>


['trʌst`wə:ði] a.值得信赖的,可靠的 : worthy of confidence : DEPENDABLE <a trustworthy guide> <trustworthy information>


['trʌŋkeit] v.把(某物)截短,去尾 adjective : having the end square or even <truncate leaves> transiitve verb 1 : to shorten by or as if by cutting off 2 : to replace (an edge or corner of a crystal) by a plane


['tu:mstəun] n.墓碑,墓石 : GRAVESTONE


['tu:pei] n.男用假发 1 : a curl or lock of hair made into a topknot(鸟的冠毛,鸟冠,顶髻) on a periwig(假发) or natural coiffure(发型) also : a periwig with such a topknot 2 : a wig or section of hair worn to cover a bald spot


['tuəniket] n.止血带 : a device (as a band of rubber) that checks bleeding or blood flow by compressing blood vessels


['tuənəmənt] n.比赛;(旧时)骑士比武大会 1 a : a knightly(骑士般的) sport of the Middle Ages between mounted combatants armed with blunted lances or swords and divided into two parties contesting for a prize or favor bestowed by the lady of the tournament b : the whole series of knightly sports, jousts(马上长枪比武,厮打), and tilts occurring at one time and place 2 : a series of games or contests that make up a single unit of competition (as on a professional golf tour), the championship play-offs of a league or conference, or an invitational event


['tɔ:ment] n.折磨,痛苦 1 : the infliction(强加于人身的痛苦,刑罚) of torture (as by rack(拷问) or wheel) 2 : extreme pain or anguish of body or mind : AGONY 3 : a source of vexation(困扰;苦恼) or pain transitive verb 1 : to cause severe usually persistent or recurrent distress of body or mind to <cattle tormented by flies> 2 : DISTORT(扭曲,弄歪), TWIST synonyms see AFFLICT AFFLICT is a general term and applies to the causing of pain or suffering or of acute annoyance, embarrassment, or any distress <ills that afflict the elderly>. TORMENT suggests !persecution(迫害,烦扰) or the repeated inflicting of suffering or annoyance <a horse tormented by flies>. TORTURE adds the implication of causing unbearable pain or suffering <tortured by a sense of guilt>.


['tɔ:pid] a.懒散的,死气沉沉的 1 a : having lost motion or the power of exertion(努力,发挥,运用) or feeling : DORMANT, !NUMB (麻木的;无动于衷的) b : sluggish(行动迟钝的;懒惰的.antonym: alacritous) in functioning or acting <a torpid frog> <a torpid mind> 2 : lacking in energy or vigor : APATHETIC(缺乏兴趣的;冷漠的), DULL


['tɔ:pə] n.死气沉沉 1 a : a state of mental and motor inactivity with partial or total insensibility b : a state of lowered physiological activity typically characterized by reduced metabolism, heart rate, respiration, and body temperature that occurs in varying degrees especially in hibernating and estivating(度夏,过夏天,夏眠) animals 2 : APATHY, DULLNESS synonyms see LETHARGY synonyms LETHARGY, LANGUOR, LASSITUDE, STUPOR, TORPOR mean physical or mental inertness. TORPOR implies a state of suspended animation as of hibernating animals but may suggest merely extreme sluggishness <a once alert mind now in a torpor>. !LETHARGY implies such drowsiness or aversion to activity as is induced by disease, injury, or drugs <months of lethargy followed my accident>. !LANGUOR suggests inertia induced by an enervating(无力的,衰弱的) climate or illness or love <languor induced by a tropical vacation>. LASSITUDE stresses listlessness(不留心,不注意,不想活动,无精打采) or indifference resulting from fatigue or poor health <a depression marked by lassitude>. STUPOR implies a deadening(麻木) of the mind and senses by shock, narcotics(麻醉毒品,麻醉剂), or intoxicants(致醉物) <lapsed into an alcoholic stupor>.


['tɔ:tjuəs] a.弯弯曲曲的 1 : marked by repeated twists, bends, or turns : WINDING <a tortuous path> 2 a : marked by devious(不直接的;步入歧途的;迂回的) or indirect tactics(策略,战术) : CROOKED(弯曲的,歪的,不老实的), TRICKY <a tortuous conspiracy> b : CIRCUITOUS(迂回的), INVOLVED(棘手的,复杂的,涉及的) <the tortuous jargon of legal forms>


['tɔksik] a.有毒的,中毒的 1 : containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious !debilitation(衰弱) <toxic waste> <a toxic radioactive gas> <an insecticide highly toxic to birds> 2 : exhibiting symptoms of infection or toxicosis(中毒) <the patient became toxic two days later> 3 : extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful <toxic !sarcasm(讥讽;嘲笑)>


['tɔksin] n.毒素,毒质 : a poisonous substance that is a specific product of the metabolic activities of a living organism and is usually very unstable, notably toxic when introduced into the tissues, and typically capable of inducing antibody formation


['tɔlərəns] n.容许量,公差;容忍,忍受 noun 1 : capacity to endure pain or hardship : ENDURANCE, FORTITUDE(刚毅,坚毅,不屈不挠), !STAMINA(体力,耐力) 2 a : sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own b : the act of allowing something : TOLERATION 3 : the allowable deviation from a standard especially : the range of variation permitted in maintaining a specified dimension in machining a piece 4 a (1) : the capacity of the body to endure or become less responsive to a substance (as a drug) or a physiological insult especially with repeated use or exposure <developed a tolerance to painkillers> also : the immunological state marked by unresponsiveness to a specific antigen (2) : relative capacity of an organism to grow or thrive when subjected to an unfavorable environmental factor b : the maximum amount of a pesticide residue that may lawfully remain on or in food


['tɔn] n.身体强壮,肌肉结实 9 a : the state of a living body or of any of its organs or parts in which the functions are healthy and performed with due vigor b : normal tension or responsiveness to stimuli specifically : muscular tonus(肌紧张) 10 a : healthy elasticity : RESILIENCY b : general character, quality, or trend <a city's upbeat tone> c : frame of mind : MOOD


['tɔnik] n.增进健康之物,补品;a.滋补的 adjective 1 a : characterized by tonus(强直性) <tonic contraction of muscle> also : marked by prolonged muscular contraction <tonic convulsions> b : producing or adapted to produce healthy muscular condition and reaction of organs (as muscles) 2 a : increasing or restoring physical or mental tone : REFRESHING b : yielding a tonic substance 3 : relating to or based on the first tone of a scale(音阶) <tonic harmony> 4 of a syllable(音节) : bearing a principal stress or accent 5 : of or relating to speech tones or to languages using them to distinguish words otherwise identical noun 1 : the first tone of a major or minor scale : KEYNOTE 2 a : an agent (as a drug) that increases body tone b : one that invigorates(增添活力,鼓舞,激励), restores, refreshes, or stimulates <a day in the country was a tonic for him> c : a liquid preparation for the scalp(头皮) or hair d chiefly New England : a carbonated flavored beverage e : TONIC WATER 3 : a voiced sound


['tɔpl] v.倾覆,推倒 intransitive verb : to fall from or as if from being top-heavy(头重脚轻的,不稳定的) transitive verb 1 : to cause to topple 2 a : OVERTHROW 2 : to cause the downfall of : BRING DOWN, DEFEAT <topple a dictator> b : DEFEAT 3 : to win victory over : BEAT <topple the opposing team>


['tɔrənt] n.洪流,急流 noun 1 : a !tumultuous(喧哗的,骚动的,激动的) outpouring(倾泻,流出,流露) : RUSH 2 : a violent stream of a liquid (as water or lava) 3 : a channel of a mountain stream adjective : TORRENTIAL


['tɔtə] v.摇摇欲坠;步履蹒跚 intransitive verb 1 a : to tremble or rock as if about to fall : !SWAY(摇摆;动摇) b : to become unstable : threaten to collapse 2 : to move unsteadily : STAGGER, !WOBBLE(摇晃,动摇,不稳定,犹豫) noun : an unsteady gait : WOBBLE


['tə:bjulənt] a.导致动乱的;骚乱的 1 : causing unrest, violence, or disturbance <a set of mischievous, turbulent rebels - Anne Brönte> 2 a : characterized by agitation or tumult : TEMPESTUOUS(狂暴的;有暴风雨的) <a turbulent marriage> b : exhibiting physical turbulence <turbulent air>


['tə:dʒid] a.浮肿的,肿胀的;浮夸的 1 : being in a state of !distension(膨胀;延伸) : SWOLLEN, !TUMID <turgid limbs> especially : exhibiting turgor(细胞(组织)的膨胀,肿胀,浮夸,夸张) 2 : excessively embellished(修饰的,装饰的) in style or language : BOMBASTIC, POMPOUS <turgid prose>


['tə:kwɔiz] n.绿松石;a.碧绿的 1 : a mineral that is a blue, bluish-green, or greenish-gray hydrous basic phosphate of copper and aluminum, takes a high polish, and is valued as a gem when skyblue 2 : a light greenish blue


['tə:mɔil] n.混乱,骚乱 : a state or condition of extreme confusion, agitation, or commotion


['tə:nkəut] n.背叛者,变节者 : one who switches to an opposing side or party specifically : !TRAITOR(卖国贼,叛徒)


['tə:pitju:d] n.邪恶,卑鄙(行为) : inherent baseness(卑鄙) : DEPRAVITY( 堕落,腐败,邪恶) <moral turpitude> also : a base act


['təudi] n.谄媚者,马屁精 noun : one who flatters in the hope of gaining favors : !SYCOPHANT synonyms see PARASITE synonyms PARASITE, SYCOPHANT, TOADY, LEECH, SPONGE mean a usually obsequious(谄媚的,奉承的) flatterer or self-seeker. PARASITE applies to one who clings to a person of wealth, power, or influence or is useless to society <a jet-setter with an entourage(随行人员) of parasites>. SYCOPHANT adds to this a strong suggestion of fawning(奉承的;摇尾乞怜的), flattery, or adulation(奉承,谄媚) <a powerful prince surrounded by sycophants>. TOADY emphasizes the servility and snobbery of the self-seeker <cultivated leaders of society and became their toady>.


['təutəm] n.图腾,徽章 noun 1 a : an object (as an animal or plant) serving as the !emblem(象征;标志) of a family or clan and often as a reminder of its ancestry also : a usually carved or painted representation of such an object b : a family or clan identified by a common totemic(图腾的) object 2 : one that serves as an emblem or revered symbol


['tʌrit] n.塔楼,角塔 noun 1 : a little tower specifically : an ornamental structure at an angle of a larger structure 2 a : a pivoted(转动的,回转的) and revolvable holder in a machine tool b : a device (as on a microscope or a television camera) holding several lenses 3 a : a tall building usually moved on wheels and formerly used for carrying soldiers and equipment for breaching or scaling a wall b (1) : a gunner's fixed or movable enclosure in an airplane (2) : a revolving armored structure on a warship that protects one or more guns mounted within it (3) : a similar upper structure usually for one gun on a tank


['tʌsl] v./n.扭打,搏斗;争辩 noun 1 : a physical contest or struggle : SCUFFLE(混战) 2 : an intense argument, controversy, or struggle intransitive verb : to struggle roughly : SCUFFLE


['tʌtʃi] a.敏感的,易发脾气的 1 : marked by readiness to take offense on slight provocation <he's a little touchy about his past> 2 a of a body part : acutely sensitive or irritable b of a chemical : highly explosive or inflammable 3 : calling for tact, care, or caution in treatment <a touchy subject>


['vAərigeit] v.使...多样化 1 : to diversify in external appearance especially with different colors : DAPPLE(使有斑纹) 2 : to enliven or give interest to by means of variety


['vAəriəns] n.矛盾;不同 1 : the fact, quality, or state of being variable or variant : DIFFERENCE, VARIATION <yearly variance in crops> 2 : the fact or state of being in disagreement : !DISSENSION(意见分歧;不同意), DISPUTE 3 : a disagreement between two parts of the same legal proceeding that must be consonant(一致的,调和的,辅音的) 4 : a license to do some act contrary to the usual rule <a zoning(分区制;区域制) variance> 5 : the square of the standard deviation(方差) synonyms see DISCORD DISCORD implies an intrinsic or essential lack of harmony producing quarreling, factiousness, or antagonism <a political party long racked by discord>. VARIANCE implies a clash between persons or things owing to a difference in nature, opinion, or interest <cultural variances that work against a national identity>. at variance : not in harmony or agreement


['va:ntidʒ] n.优势,有利地位 2 : superiority in a contest 3 : a position giving a strategic advantage, commanding perspective, or comprehensive view 4 : ADVANTAGE 4


['vaibreit, vai'breit] v.颤动,振动 transitive verb 1 : to swing or move to and fro 2 : to emit with or as if with a vibratory motion 3 : to mark or measure by oscillation <a pendulum vibrating seconds> 4 : to set in vibration intransitive verb 1 a : to move to and fro or from side to side : OSCILLATE b : FLUCTUATE, !VACILLATE(犹豫不决;摇动,摇摆) <vibrate between two choices> 2 : to have an effect as or as if of vibration <music, when soft voices die, vibrates in the memory ― P. B. Shelley> 3 : to be in a state of vibration : !QUIVER(颤抖) 4 : to respond sympathetically : THRILL(使震颤,兴奋,激动) <vibrate to the opportunity> synonyms see SWING VIBRATE suggests the rapid oscillation of an elastic body under stress or impact <the vibrating strings of a piano>.


['vaibrənsi] n.生机勃勃,活泼 : the quality or state of being vibrant


['vaibrənt] a.振动的;明快的;生机勃勃的 1 a (1) : oscillating or pulsating(脉动的,节奏强的) rapidly (2) : pulsating with life, vigor, or activity <a vibrant personality> b (1) : readily set in vibration (2) : RESPONSIVE, SENSITIVE 2 : sounding as a result of vibration : RESONANT <a vibrant voice> 3 : BRIGHT 4 : of high saturation or lightness <vibrant colors> <a vibrant orange>


['vaiiŋ] a.竞争的 vie ['vai] intransitive verb : to strive for superiority : CONTEND, COMPETE


['vairəl] a.病毒性的 : of, relating to, or caused by a virus <a viral infection>


['vaitl] a.极其重要的;充满活力的 1 a : existing as a manifestation of life b : concerned with or necessary to the maintenance of life <vital organs> <blood and other vital fluids> 2 : full of life and vigor : ANIMATED 3 : characteristic of life or living beings 4 a : fundamentally concerned with or affecting life or living beings: as (1) : tending to renew or refresh the living : !INVIGORATING(精神充沛的) (2) : destructive to life : MORTAL b : of the utmost importance <a vital clue> <vital resources> 5 : recording data relating to lives 6 : of, relating to, or constituting the staining of living tissues synonyms see ESSENTIAL VITAL suggests something that is necessary to a thing's continued existence or operation <cut off from vital supplies>.


['vaitəlaiz] v.激发活力 : to endow with vitality : ANIMATE


['vaiəbl] a.可行的;能活下去的 1 : capable of living especially : having attained such form and development as to be normally capable of surviving outside the mother's womb(子宫) <a viable fetus> 2 : capable of growing or developing <viable seeds> <viable eggs> 3 a : capable of working, functioning, or developing adequately <viable alternatives> b : capable of existence and development as an independent unit <the colony is now a viable state> c (1) : having a reasonable chance of succeeding <a viable candidate> (2) : financially sustainable <a viable enterprise>


['vaiədʌkt] n.高架桥 : a long elevated roadway usually consisting of a series of short spans supported on arches, piers(桥墩,支柱), or columns


['vaiəleit] v.违反,触犯 1 : BREAK, DISREGARD <violate the law> 2 : to do harm to the person or especially the chastity(贞节,纯洁) of specifically : RAPE 2 : to commit rape(强奸,破坏,蹂躏) on 3 : to fail to show proper respect for : !PROFANE(亵渎,玷污) <violate a shrine> 4 : INTERRUPT, DISTURB <violate the peace of a spring evening - Nancy Larter>


['vaiəlit] a.紫罗兰色的;n.紫罗兰 A violet is a small plant that has purple or white flowers in the spring. Something that is violet is a bluish-purple colour. If you say that someone is no shrinking violet, you mean that they are not at all shy.


['vaiərəs] n.病毒 ... 3 : something that poisons the mind or soul <the force of this virus of prejudice - V. S. Waters> 4 : a computer program that is usually hidden within another seemingly !innocuous(无害的) program and that produces copies of itself and inserts them into other programs and usually performs a malicious action (as destroying data)


['veigrənsi] n.游荡,流浪 noun 1 : VAGARY(奇想;反复无常的行为) 2 : the state or action of being vagrant 3 : the offense of being a vagrant


['veigrənt] a.漂泊的;n.流浪汉,无赖 noun 1 a : one who has no established residence and wanders idly from place to place without lawful or visible means of support b : one (as a prostitute(娼妓,为赚钱而作坏事的人) or drunkard(酒鬼)) whose conduct constitutes statutory(法令的,法定的,触犯法令的) vagrancy(漂泊,流浪) 2 : WANDERER, ROVER(漂泊者,流浪者) adjective 1 : wandering about from place to place usually with no means of support 2 a : having a fleeting(短暂飞逝的), wayward(任性的,不定的,刚愎的), or inconstant quality <a vagrant impulse> b : having no fixed course : RANDOM <a vagrant breeze>


['veigəri] n.奇想,异想天开 : an !erratic(不稳定的;古怪的;游移的), unpredictable, or !extravagant(奢侈的;无节制的) manifestation, action, or notion synonyms see CAPRICE(反复无常;变化无常) synonyms CAPRICE, WHIM, VAGARY, CROTCHET mean an irrational or unpredictable idea or desire. CAPRICE stresses lack of apparent motivation and suggests willfulness(任性) <by sheer caprice she quit her job>. WHIM implies a fantastic, capricious turn of mind or inclination <an odd antique that was bought on a whim>. VAGARY stresses the erratic, irresponsible character of the notion or desire <recently he had been prone to strange vagaries>.


['veipəraiz] v.(使)蒸发 transitive verb 1 : to convert (as by the application of heat or by spraying(喷雾)) into vapor 2 : to cause to become dissipated 3 : to destroy by or as if by converting into vapor <a tank vaporized by a shell(炮弹)> intransitive verb 1 : to become vaporized 2 : VAPOR 2 : to indulge in bragging, blustering, or idle talk


['veipərəs] a.无实质的 1 : consisting or characteristic of vapor 2 : producing vapors : VOLATILE(脾气等反复无常的;挥发性的;不稳定的) 3 : containing or obscured by vapors : MISTY 4 a : ETHEREAL(轻飘虚空无形的;非物质的,精神的), UNSUBSTANTIAL b : consisting of or indulging in vaporings(大话)


['vendɔ:] n.小贩 1 : one that vends : SELLER 2 : VENDING MACHINE(自动贩卖机)


['vendʒful] a.报复的,复仇心理的 : REVENGEFUL: as a : seeking to avenge(为...报仇) b : serving to gain vengeance


['vendʒəns] n.报仇,报复 : punishment inflicted in retaliation(报复,反击) for an injury or offense : RETRIBUTION(报应;惩罚) with a vengeance 1 : with great force or vehemence(热烈,猛烈) <undertook reform with a vengeance> 2 : to an extreme or excessive degree <the tourists are back with a vengeance>


['ventileit] v.使...通风,透风 transitive verb 1 a : to examine, discuss, or investigate freely and openly : EXPOSE <ventilating family quarrels in public> b : to make public : UTTER <ventilated their objections at length(终于(最后,详细地))> 3 a : to expose to air and especially to a current of fresh air for purifying, curing, or refreshing <ventilate stored grain> also : OXYGENATE, !AERATE(充气,让空气进入, 向...供氧) <ventilate blood in the lungs> b : to subject the lungs to ventilation <artificially ventilate a patient in respiratory distress(呼吸窘迫)> 4 a of a current of air : to pass or circulate through so as to freshen b : to cause fresh air to circulate through (as a room or mine) 5 : to provide an opening in (a burning structure) to permit escape of smoke and heat


['venəm] n.毒液;恶毒,痛恨 noun 1 : poisonous matter normally secreted by some animals (as snakes, !scorpions(蝎子), or bees) and transmitted to prey or an enemy chiefly by biting or stinging broadly : material that is poisonous 2 : ILL WILL, MALEVOLENCE


['venəreit] v.崇敬,敬仰 transitive verb 1 : to regard with reverential(虔诚的,表示尊敬的) respect or with admiring deference(听从;尊敬) 2 : to honor (as an icon(肖像,偶像,象征,图符) or a relic(神圣的遗物,遗迹,纪念物)) with a ritual act of devotion


['verifai] v.证明,证实 1 : to confirm or substantiate(证实;使实体化) in law by oath 2 : to establish the truth, accuracy, or reality of <verify the claim> synonyms see CONFIRM CONFIRM implies the removing of doubts by an authoritative statement or indisputable fact <confirmed the reports>. VERIFY implies the establishing of correspondence of actual facts or details with those proposed or guessed at <all statements of fact in the article have been verified>.


['verifaid] a.检验的,核实的


['veritəbl] a.确实的,名副其实的 : being in fact the thing named and not false, unreal, or imaginary - often used to stress the !aptness(适合性,倾向,才能) of a metaphor <a veritable mountain of references>


['vesl] n.血管;容器;船只 noun 1 a : a container (as a cask(桶,木桶), bottle, kettle, cup, or bowl) for holding something(容器) b : a person into whom some quality (as grace) is infused <a child of light, a true vessel of the Lord - H. J. Laski> 2 : a watercraft(水上体育活动,船,水运工具) bigger than a rowboat(划艇,小舟) especially : SHIP 1 3 a : a tube or canal (as an artery) in which a body fluid is contained and conveyed or circulated b : a conducting tube in the xylem(木质部) of a vascular plant formed by the fusion and loss of end walls of a series of cells


['vestidʒ] n.痕迹,遗迹 1 a (1) : a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something (as an ancient city or a condition or practice) vanished or lost (2) : the smallest quantity or trace b : FOOTPRINT 1 : an impression of the foot on a surface 2 : a bodily part or organ that is small and degenerate or imperfectly developed in comparison to one more fully developed in an earlier stage of the individual, in a past generation, or in closely related forms


['vestmənt] n.(作礼拜时教士的)法衣,官服 1 a : an outer garment especially : a robe of ceremony or office b plural : CLOTHING, GARB 2 : a covering resembling a garment 3 : one of the articles of the ceremonial !attire(衣服) and !insignia(徽章,袖章) worn by ecclesiastical officiants(主祭) and assistants as indicative of their rank and appropriate to the rite being celebrated


['vetərinəri] a.兽医的 : of, relating to, practicing, or being the science and art of prevention, cure, or alleviation of disease and injury in animals and especially domestic animals noun : VETERINARIAN(兽医)


['vetərən] n.老兵,老手;a.经验丰富的 1 a : an old soldier of long service b : a former member of the armed forces 2 : a person of long experience usually in some occupation or skill (as politics or the arts)


['vi:ikl] n.交通工具;传播媒介 1 a : an inert medium (as a syrup(糖浆)) in which a medicinally active agent is administered b : any of various media acting usually as solvents, carriers, or binders for active ingredients or pigments 2 : an agent of transmission : CARRIER 3 : a medium through which something is expressed, achieved, or displayed <an investment vehicle> especially : a work created especially to display the talents of a particular performer 4 : a means of carrying or transporting something <planes, trains, and other vehicles>: as a : MOTOR VEHICLE b : a piece of mechanized equipment


['vi:niəl] a.(错误等)轻微的,可原谅的 : of a kind that can be remitted(免除,汇出,缓和,延迟) : FORGIVABLE, PARDONABLE(可原谅的,可宽恕的) also : !meriting(博得,值得或应得) no particular censure or notice : EXCUSABLE <venial faults>


['vi:nl] a.惟利是图的,贪赃枉法的 1 : capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration : PURCHASABLE(可买到的) especially : open to corrupt influence and especially bribery : !MERCENARY(惟利是图的,以获取金钱或物质为唯一动机的) <a venal legislator> 2 : originating in, characterized by, or associated with corrupt bribery <a venal arrangement with the police>


['vi:təu] n.否决,禁止 noun 1 : an authoritative prohibition : INTERDICTION(封锁,禁止) 2 a : a power of one department or branch of a government to forbid or prohibit finally or provisionally the carrying out of projects attempted by another department especially : a power vested(既定的) in a chief executive to prevent permanently or temporarily the enactment of measures passed by a legislature b (1) : the exercise of such authority (2) : a message communicating the reasons of an executive and especially the president of the U.S. for vetoing a proposed law transitive verb : to refuse to admit or approve : PROHIBIT also : to refuse assent to (a legislative bill) so as to prevent enactment(设定;制定法律) or cause reconsideration


['vidʒilənt] a.机警的,警惕的 : alertly watchful especially to avoid danger synonyms see WATCHFUL VIGILANT suggests intense, unremitting, wary(小心的,机警的,谨慎的) watchfulness <eternally vigilant in the safeguarding of democracy>.


['vigərəs] a.精力旺盛的,健壮的 1 : possessing vigor : full of physical or mental strength or active force : STRONG <a vigorous youth> <a vigorous plant> 2 : done with vigor : carried out forcefully and energetically <vigorous exercises> synonyms VIGOROUS, ENERGETIC, STRENUOUS, LUSTY, NERVOUS mean having or showing great vitality and force. VIGOROUS further implies showing no signs of depletion or diminishing of freshness or robustness <as vigorous as a youth half his age>.


['viktimaiz] v.使受害,迫害 1 : to make a victim of 2 : to subject to deception or fraud : CHEAT


['vikə] n.教区牧师 A vicar is an Anglican(英国国教的) priest who is in charge of a church and the area it is in, which is called a parish(教区). (mainly BRIT) A vicar is a priest who is in charge of a !chapel(小教堂) that is associated with a parish church in the Episcopal Church(英国圣公会) in the United States. (AM)


['vilifai] v.辱骂,诽谤 1 : to lower in estimation or importance 2 : to utter !slanderous(诽谤性的) and abusive statements against : DEFAME synonyms see MALIGN VILIFY implies attempting to destroy a reputation by open and direct abuse <no criminal was more vilified in the press>.


['vindikeit] v.为...平反;证明...正确 2 : !AVENGE(为...报仇) 3 a : to free from allegation or blame b (1) : CONFIRM, SUBSTANTIATE (2) : to provide justification(辩护,证明正当,释罪) or defense for : JUSTIFY c : to protect from attack or !encroachment(侵蚀,侵犯) : DEFEND 4 : to maintain a right to synonyms see EXCULPATE, MAINTAIN Compared to Exculpate VINDICATE may refer to things as well as persons that have been subjected to critical attack or !imputation(归咎,归罪) of guilt, weakness, or !folly(愚蠢), and implies a clearing effected by proving the unfairness of such criticism or blame <her judgment was vindicated>. Compared to Maintain VINDICATE implies successfully defending <his success vindicated our faith in him>.


['vintnə] n.酒商 1 : a wine merchant 2 : a person who makes wine


['virulənt] a.剧毒的;恶毒的 1 a : marked by a rapid, severe, and destructive course <a virulent infection> b : able to overcome bodily defensive mechanisms : markedly pathogenic <virulent bacteria> 2 : extremely poisonous or venomous(恶意的,有毒的) 3 : full of malice : MALIGNANT <virulent racists> 4 : objectionably harsh or strong <virulent criticism>


['visid] a.粘性的 1 a : having an adhesive quality : STICKY b : having a !glutinous(粘的,胶状的) consistency : VISCOUS 2 : covered with a sticky layer


['viskəs] a.粘的 1 : VISCID 2 : having or characterized by viscosity <viscous lava>


['vistə] n.远景;展望 1 : a distant view through or along an avenue or opening : PROSPECT 2 : an extensive mental view (as over a stretch of time or a series of events)


['vitrifai] v.使成玻璃 transitive verb : to convert into glass or a glassy substance by heat and fusion intransitive verb : to become vitrified


['vivid] a.清晰的,鲜艳的;大胆的,活泼的,逼真的 1 of a color : very strong : very high in chroma(色度,浓度) 2 : having the appearance of vigorous life or freshness : LIVELY <a vivid sketch> 3 : producing a strong or clear impression on the senses : SHARP, INTENSE specifically : producing distinct mental images <a vivid description> 4 : acting clearly and vigorously <a vivid imagination> synonyms see GRAPHIC


['viʃieit] v.削弱,损害 1 : to make faulty or defective : IMPAIR <the comic impact is vitiated by obvious haste - William Styron> 2 : to debase in moral or aesthetic status <a mind vitiated by prejudice> 3 : to make ineffective <fraud vitiates a contract> synonyms see DEBASE VITIATE implies a destruction of purity, validity, or effectiveness by allowing entrance of a fault or defect <a foreign policy vitiated by partisanship(党派性,党派偏见)>.


['viʃəs] a.残酷的,危险的 1 : having the nature or quality of vice(恶习,邪恶,缺点) or immorality(道德败坏) : DEPRAVED(堕落的,颓废的,卑鄙的) 2 : DEFECTIVE(有缺陷的), FAULTY also : INVALID 3 : IMPURE, NOXIOUS(有害的,有毒的) 4 a : dangerously aggressive : SAVAGE(凶猛的;原始的未开化的;野蛮的) <a vicious dog> b : marked by violence or ferocity(凶猛,残暴) : FIERCE <a vicious fight> 5 : MALICIOUS, SPITEFUL(恶意的,怀恨的) <vicious gossip> 6 : worsened by internal causes that reciprocally augment each other <a vicious wage-price spiral(工资售价节节升高之现象)(旋涡)>


['viʒənəri] a.有远见的;幻想的;n.空想家 adjective 1 a : of the nature of a vision : ILLUSORY b : incapable of being realized or achieved : UTOPIAN <a visionary scheme> c : existing only in imagination : UNREAL 2 a : able or likely to see visions b : disposed to !reverie(幻想;白日梦) or imagining : DREAMY 3 : of, relating to, or characterized by visions or the power of vision 4 : having or marked by foresight and imagination <a visionary leader> <a visionary invention>


['vækjuəs] a.发呆的,愚笨的 adjective 1 : emptied of or lacking content 2 : marked by lack of ideas or intelligence : STUPID, INANE(无意义的;无内容的;空洞的) <a vacuous mind> <a vacuous movie> 3 : devoid of serious occupation : IDLE synonyms see EMPTY VACUOUS suggests the emptiness of a vacuum and especially the lack of intelligence or significance <a vacuous facial expression>.


['væksineit] v.给...接种疫苗 transitive verb : to administer a vaccine to usually by injection intransitive verb : to perform or practice vaccination


['vælideit] v.使...生效 1 a : to make legally valid : !RATIFY(认可;批准) b : to grant official sanction(官方批准;认可) to by marking <validated her passport> c : to confirm the validity of (an election) also : to declare (a person) elected 2 a : to support or corroborate(使坚固,确证) on a sound or authoritative basis <experiments designed to validate the hypothesis> b : to recognize, establish, or illustrate the worthiness or legitimacy of <validate his concerns> synonyms see CONFIRM VERIFY implies the establishing of correspondence of actual facts or details with those proposed or guessed at <all statements of fact in the article have been verified>. AUTHENTICATE implies establishing genuineness by adducing(引证,举出) legal or official documents or expert opinion <handwriting experts authenticated the diaries>. VALIDATE implies establishing validity by authoritative affirmation or by factual proof <validated the hypothesis by experiments>.


['vælidikʃən] n.告别演说 1 : an act of bidding farewell 2 : VALEDICTORY 1 : an address or statement of farewell or leave-taking


['væljənt] a.勇敢的,英勇的 adjective 1 : possessing or acting with bravery or boldness : COURAGEOUS <valiant soldiers> 2 : marked by, exhibiting, or carried out with courage or determination : HEROIC <valiant feats> noun : a valiant person


['vælərəs] a.勇敢的,勇武的,刚勇的 : VALIANT


['vændlaiz] v.肆意破坏 : to subject to vandalism : DAMAGE


['vændəliz(ə)m] n.(对公物等)恶意破坏 : willful(任性的,故意的,有意的) or malicious destruction or !defacement(毁损物,磨损,污损) of public or private property


['væniti] n.虚荣,自负 noun 1 : something that is vain, empty, or valueless 2 : the quality or fact of being vain 3 : inflated pride in oneself or one's appearance : !CONCEIT(自负) 4 : a fashionable trifle or knickknack(小玩意儿) 5 a : 3COMPACT A: a small cosmetic case (as for compressed powder) b : a small case or handbag for toilet articles used by women 6 a : DRESSING TABLE(梳妆台) b : a bathroom cabinet containing a sink(沟渠,污水槽) and usually having a countertop(厨房的工作台面) adjective 1 : of, relating to, or being a work (as a book or recording) whose production cost is paid by the author or artist 2 : of, relating to, or being a showcase for a usually famous performer or artist who is often also the project's creator or driving force <write, direct, and star in a vanity film>


['væpid] a.索然无味的 : lacking liveliness, tang(强烈的味道,特殊的香味), briskness(敏捷,活泼), or force : FLAT, DULL <a gossipy, vapid woman, obsessed by her own elegance - R. F. Delderfield> <London was not all vapid dissipation - V. S. Pritchett> synonyms see INSIPID INSIPID implies a lack of sufficient taste or savor(味道,气味,滋味) to please or interest <an insipid romance with platitudes on every page>. VAPID suggests a lack of liveliness, force, or spirit <an exciting story given a vapid treatment>.


['væsileit] v.游移不定,踌躇 1 a : to sway through lack of equilibrium b : FLUCTUATE, OSCILLATE 2 : to waver in mind, will, or feeling : hesitate in choice of opinions or courses synonyms see HESITATE synonyms HESITATE, WAVER, VACILLATE, FALTER mean to show irresolution(无决断,优柔寡断) or uncertainty. HESITATE implies a pause before deciding or acting or choosing <hesitated before answering the question>. !WAVER implies hesitation after seeming to decide and so connotes weakness or a retreat <wavered in his support of the rebels>. VACILLATE implies prolonged hesitation from inability to reach a firm decision <vacillated until events were out of control>. !FALTER implies a wavering or stumbling and often connotes nervousness, lack of courage, or outright fear <never once faltered during her testimony>.


['væskjulə] a.血管的,脉管的,充满活力的 1 : of or relating to a channel for the conveyance of a body fluid (as blood of an animal or sap of a plant) or to a system of such channels also : supplied with or made up of such channels and especially blood vessels <a vascular tumor> <a vascular system> 2 : marked by vigor and ardor : PASSIONATE


['væŋkwiʃ] v.征服 1 : to overcome in battle : subdue(征服;压制;减轻) completely 2 : to defeat in a conflict or contest 3 : to gain mastery over (an emotion, passion, or temptation) <vanquish your fear>


['vɑ:niʃ] n.清漆;v.涂上清漆 noun 1 a : a liquid preparation that when applied to a surface dries to form a hard lustrous typically transparent coating b : the covering or glaze given by the application of varnish c (1) : something that suggests varnish by its gloss(光泽=sheen) (2) : a coating (as of deposits in an internal combustion engine) comparable to varnish 2 : outside show : GLOSS 3 chiefly British : a liquid nail polish transitive verb 1 : to apply varnish to 2 : to cover or conceal (as something unpleasant) with something that gives an attractive appearance : GLOSS a : to mask the true nature of : give a deceptively attractive appearance to - used with over <the misery was general, where not glossed over by liberal application of alcohol - Marston Bates> 3 : ADORN, EMBELLISH


['vɔ:ntiŋ] a.吹嘘的,骄慢的 vaunt [vɔ:nt] v.吹嘘;炫耀,过度的自我赞扬 intransitive verb : to make a vain display of one's own worth or attainments : BRAG transitive verb : to call attention to pridefully and often boastfully <people who vaunt their ingenuity(创造力;想象力)> synonyms see BOAST


['vɔli] n.齐发,群射;v.齐发,群射;(足球、网球)截击 noun 1 a : a flight of missiles (as arrows) b : simultaneous discharge of a number of missile weapons c : one round per gun in a battery(炮组) fired as soon as a gun is ready without regard to order d (1) : the flight of the ball (as in volleyball or tennis) or its course before striking the ground also : a return of the ball before it touches the ground (2) : a kick of the ball in soccer before it rebounds (3) : the exchange of the shuttlecock(羽毛球) in badminton following the serve 2 a : a burst or emission of many things or a large amount at once <received a volley of angry letters> <a volley of praise> b : a burst of simultaneous or immediately sequential nerve impulses passing to an end organ, synapse, or center transitive verb 1 : to discharge in or as if in a volley 2 : to propel (an object) while in the air and before touching the ground especially : to hit (a tennis ball) on the volley intransitive verb 1 : to become discharged in or as if in a volley 2 : to make a volley specifically : to volley an object of play (as in tennis)


['vɔljub(ə)l] a.健谈的;易旋转的 1 : easily rolling or turning : ROTATING 2 : characterized by ready or rapid speech : GLIB(流利圆滑的,善辩的), FLUENT synonyms see TALKATIVE synonyms TALKATIVE, LOQUACIOUS, GARRULOUS, VOLUBLE mean given to talk or talking. TALKATIVE may imply a readiness to engage in talk or a disposition to enjoy conversation <a talkative neighbor>. LOQUACIOUS(多嘴的;非常健谈的) suggests the power of expressing oneself articulately, fluently, or glibly <a loquacious spokesperson>. GARRULOUS implies prosy(平淡无奇的), rambling, or tedious loquacity <garrulous traveling companions>. VOLUBLE suggests a free, easy, and unending loquacity <a voluble raconteur(善于讲故事的人)>.


['vɔlətail] a.反复无常的;挥发性的 adjective 1 : readily vaporizable at a relatively low temperature 2 : flying or having the power to fly 3 a : LIGHTHEARTED(愉快的;无忧无虑的), LIVELY b : easily aroused <volatile suspicions> c : tending to erupt into violence : EXPLOSIVE <a volatile temper> 4 a : unable to hold the attention fixed because of an inherent lightness or fickleness of disposition b : characterized by or subject to rapid or unexpected change <a volatile market> 5 : difficult to capture or hold permanently : EVANESCENT(渐渐消失的;短暂的), TRANSITORY(短暂的) noun : a volatile substance


['və:biidʒ] n.罗嗦,冗长 1 : a profusion(极其丰富的状态;挥霍奢侈) of words usually of little or obscure content <such a tangled maze of evasive verbiage as a typical party platform - Marcia Davenport> 2 : manner of expressing oneself in words : DICTION(措辞,发音) <sportswriters guarded their verbiage so jealously - R. A. Sokolov>


['və:bəl] a.口头的;与言辞有关的 adjective 1 a : of, relating to, or consisting of words <verbal instructions> b : of, relating to, or involving words rather than meaning or substance <a consistency that is merely verbal and scholastic(学术的,学习的) - B. N. Cardozo> c : consisting of or using words only and not involving action <verbal abuse> 2 : of, relating to, or formed from a verb <a verbal adjective> 3 : spoken rather than written <a verbal contract> 4 : VERBATIM(逐字的,一字不差的,直译的), WORD-FOR-WORD(逐字的,逐字翻译的) <a verbal translation> 5 : of or relating to facility(灵巧,容易,熟练) in the use and comprehension of words <verbal aptitude> noun: a word that combines characteristics of a verb with those of a noun or adjective


['və:digris] n.铜锈,铜绿 1 a : a green or greenish-blue poisonous pigment resulting from the action of acetic acid on copper and consisting of one or more basic copper acetates b : normal copper acetate Cu(C2H3O2)2·H2O 2 : a green or bluish deposit especially of copper carbonates formed on copper, brass, or bronze surfaces


['və:dikt] n.判决,决定 noun 1 : the finding or decision of a jury on the matter submitted to it in trial 2 : OPINION, JUDGMENT


['və:dənt] a.青葱的,翠绿的 1 a : green in tint or color b : green with growing plants <verdant fields> 2 : unripe(未成熟的,没准备的) in experience or judgment : GREEN 9 a : deficient in training, knowledge, or experience <green recruits> b : deficient in sophistication and savoir faire(才干,机智,手腕) : NAIVE


['və:sətail] a.多才多艺的;多用途的 1 : changing or fluctuating readily : VARIABLE <a versatile disposition> 2 : embracing a variety of subjects, fields, or skills also : turning with ease from one thing to another 3 a (1) : capable of turning forward or backward : REVERSIBLE <a versatile toe of a bird> (2) : capable of moving laterally and up and down <versatile antennae(天线,触须,触角,直觉)> b of an anther : having the filaments attached at or near the middle so as to swing freely 4 : having many uses or applications <versatile building material>


['və:teks] n.(三角形等)顶角;顶点 1 : the top of the head 2 a : the point opposite to and farthest from the base in a figure b : a point (as of an angle, polygon, polyhedron, graph, or network) that terminates a line or curve or comprises the intersection(交集,十字路口,交叉点) of two or more lines or curves c : a point where an axis of an ellipse, parabola(抛物线), or hyperbola(双曲线) intersects the curve itself 3 : a principal or highest point : SUMMIT <the vertex of the hill>


['və:tigəu] n.眩晕 1 a : a sensation of motion in which the individual or the individual's surroundings seem to whirl dizzily b : a dizzy confused state of mind 2 : disordered vertiginous(旋转的,眩晕的,眼花的) movement as a symptom of disease in lower animals also : a disease (as gid([兽医]眩倒病)) causing this


['və:tikəl] a.垂直的 1 a : situated at the highest point : directly overhead or in the zenith(顶点, 天顶, 最高点) b of an aerial photograph : taken with the camera pointing straight down or nearly so 2 a : perpendicular to the plane of the horizon or to a primary axis : UPRIGHT b (1) : located at right angles to the plane of a supporting surface (2) : lying in the direction of an axis : LENGTHWISE(纵长的) 3 a : relating to, involving, or integrating economic activity from basic production to point of sale <a vertical monopoly> b : of, relating to, or comprising persons of different status <the vertical arrangement of society>


['və:tjuəl] a.实质上的,实际上的 1 : being such in essence or effect though not formally recognized or admitted <a virtual dictator> 2 : of, relating to, or using virtual memory(虚拟内存) 3 : of, relating to, or being a hypothetical particle whose existence is inferred from indirect evidence <virtual photons> - compare REAL 3 of a particle : capable of being detected 4 : being on or simulated on a computer or computer network <print or virtual books> <a virtual keyboard>: as a : occurring or existing primarily online <a virtual library> <virtual shopping> b : of, relating to, or existing within a virtual reality <a virtual world> <a virtual tour>


['və:tjuəs] a.有美德的;自命清高的 1 : POTENT, EFFICACIOUS(有效的,灵验的) 2 a : having or exhibiting virtue b : morally excellent : RIGHTEOUS <a virtuous decision> 3 : CHASTE(贞洁的,纯洁的,朴素的) synonyms see MORAL VIRTUOUS implies moral excellence in character <not a religious person, but virtuous nevertheless>.


['vəukəlist] n.流行歌手,声乐家 A vocalist is a singer who sings with a pop group. = singer


['vəutəri] n.崇拜者,热心支持者 noun 2 a : ENTHUSIAST, DEVOTEE b : a !devoted(虔诚的;热情的;投入的) admirer 3 a : a !devout(虔诚的;忠诚的) or zealous worshipper b : a staunch(坚定而忠实可靠的) believer or advocate


['vʌlgə] a.无教养的 1 a : generally used, applied, or accepted b : understood in or having the ordinary sense <they reject the vulgar conception of miracle - W. R. Inge> 2 : VERNACULAR(本国语,地方语) <the vulgar name of a plant> 3 a : of or relating to the common people : !PLEBEIAN(平民;平民的;粗俗的) b : generally current : PUBLIC <the vulgar opinion of that time> c : of the usual, typical, or ordinary kind 4 a : lacking in cultivation, perception, or taste : COARSE b : morally crude, undeveloped, or unregenerate(灵魂未得再生的;不知悔改的) : !GROSS c : ostentatious or excessive in expenditure or display : PRETENTIOUS 5 a : offensive in language : EARTHY b : lewdly(好色的) or profanely indecent(粗野的, 下流的, 猥亵的) synonyms see COMMON, COARSE Compared to Common POPULAR applies to what is accepted by or prevalent among people in general sometimes in contrast to upper classes or special groups <a writer of popular romances>. VULGAR otherwise similar to POPULAR is likely to carry derogatory(贬低的 毁损的) connotations (as of inferiority or coarseness) <souvenirs(纪念品) designed to appeal to the vulgar taste>. Compared to Coarse COARSE implies roughness, rudeness, or crudeness of spirit, behavior, or language <found the coarse humor of coworkers offensive>. VULGAR often implies !boorishness(粗野的) or ill-breeding <a loud vulgar belch(打嗝)>. GROSS implies extreme coarseness and insensitiveness(麻木不仁) <gross eating habits>.


['vʌlnərəb(ə)l] a.易受攻击的 1 : capable of being physically or emotionally wounded 2 : open to attack or damage : ASSAILABLE (暴露於危险面前的 易受攻击的 无防御的)<vulnerable to criticism> 3 : liable to increased penalties but entitled to increased bonuses after winning a game in contract bridge


['vʌltʃə(r)] n.秃鹫 1 : any of various large birds (families Accipitridae and Cathartidae) that are related to the hawks, eagles, and falcons(猎鹰) but have weaker claws and the head usually naked and that subsist chiefly or entirely on !carrion(腐肉;腐臭的尸体) 2 : a rapacious(强夺的,贪欲的,贪婪的) or predatory person


['wAəhaus] n.仓库,货栈 noun : a structure or room for the storage of !merchandise(商品) or commodities transitive verb 1 : to deposit, store, or stock in or as if in a warehouse 2 : to confine or house (a person) in conditions suggestive of a warehouse


['waili] a.狡猾的 : full of wiles(诡计) : !CRAFTY(狡猾的,熟练的,巧妙的) <a wily negotiator> synonyms see SLY WILY implies skill and deception in maneuvering <the wily !fugitive(逃犯) escaped the !posse(有武装的) 民防团)>.


['waindiŋ] a.蜿蜒的,迂回的 noun 1 : material (as wire) wound or coiled about an object (as an armature) also : a single turn of the wound material 2 a : the act of one that winds b : the manner of winding something 3 : a curved or !sinuous(迂回的,复杂的) course, line, or progress adjective : marked by winding: as a : having a curved or spiral course or form <a winding stairway> b : having a course that winds <a winding road>


['weistrəl] n.挥霍无度的人 1 : VAGABOND(流浪者\漂泊者\无业游民,无赖), WAIF(无家可归的人\流浪儿) 2 : one who expends resources foolishly and self-indulgently : !PROFLIGATE(挥金如土的,挥霍者)


['weivə] v.摇摆,犹豫 intransitive verb 1 : to vacillate irresolutely(优柔寡断的) between choices : fluctuate in opinion, allegiance, or direction 2 a : to weave or sway unsteadily to and fro : REEL(摇摇晃晃地移动 摇摆 蹒跚), TOTTER(走得或动得不稳 踉跄 蹒跚) b : !QUIVER(轻微快速地颤抖), !FLICKER(火焰闪烁,摇曳) <wavering flames> c : to hesitate as if about to give way : FALTER(不坚定,动摇;支吾地讲话) 3 : to give an unsteady sound : QUAVER(发颤音,颤抖) synonyms see SWING, HESITATE Compared to Swing SWING implies a movement of something attached at one end or one side <the door suddenly swung open>. WAVER stresses irregular motion suggestive of reeling(摇摆 蹒跚) or tottering(踉跄 蹒跚) <the exhausted runner wavered before collapsing>. Compared to Hesitate HESITATE implies a pause before deciding or acting or choosing <hesitated before answering the question>. WAVER implies hesitation after seeming to decide and so connotes weakness or a retreat <wavered in his support of the rebels>.


['wel'gru:md] a.非常整洁的 1 : well-dressed and !scrupulously(小心翼翼地,多顾虑地,严谨地) neat <well-groomed men> 2 : made neat, tidy, and attractive down to the smallest details <a well-groomed lawn>


['weltə] n.混乱,杂乱无章 intransitive verb 1 a : WRITHE(扭曲,翻腾,受苦), TOSS(投掷,摇荡,辗转) also : WALLOW(打滚,沉溺于,船等颠簸) b : to rise and fall or toss about in or with waves 2 : to become deeply sunk, soaked, or involved 3 : to be in turmoil(混乱;极端骚动的状态) noun 1 : a state of wild disorder : TURMOIL 2 : a chaotic mass or jumble(混杂;搞乱) <a bewildering welter of data>


['weðə] v.经受住,平安度过危难 noun 1 : the state of the atmosphere with respect to heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness 2 : state or vicissitude(自然变化,人事变迁兴衰) of life or fortune 3 : disagreeable atmospheric conditions: as a : RAIN, STORM b : cold air with dampness 4 : WEATHERING(风化) transitive verb 1 : to expose to the open air : subject to the action of the elements 2 : to bear up against and come safely through <weather a storm> <weather a crisis> intransitive verb : to undergo or endure the action of the elements adjective : of or relating to the side facing the wind


['weəri] a.谨慎的,小心翼翼的 : marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchfulness especially in detecting and escaping danger synonyms see CAUTIOUS WARY emphasizes suspiciousness and alertness in watching for danger and cunning in escaping it <keeps a wary eye on the competition>.


['wi:zl] n.黄鼠狼,鼬;v.逃避 noun ... 2 : a light self-propelled tracked vehicle(履带式汽车) built either for traveling over snow, ice, or sand or as an amphibious vehicle 3 : a sneaky, untrustworthy, or insincere person intransitive verb 1 : to use weasel(: a word used in order to evade or retreat from a direct or !forthright(直率的;直截了当的) statement or position) words : EQUIVOCATE 2 : to escape from or evade a situation or obligation - often used with out transitive verb : to manipulate shiftily(诡诈地)


['wikid] a.极坏的;淘气的 1 : morally very bad : EVIL 2 a : FIERCE(凶猛的,残暴的), VICIOUS(邪恶的,堕落的) <a wicked dog> b : disposed to or marked by mischief : ROGUISH(捣蛋的,无赖的) <does wicked impersonations(扮演,装扮,模仿)> 3 a : disgustingly unpleasant : VILE(天气恶劣的;人卑鄙的) <a wicked odor> b : causing or likely to cause harm, distress, or trouble <a wicked storm> 4 : going beyond reasonable or predictable limits : of exceptional quality or degree <throws a wicked fastball> adverb : VERY, EXTREMELY <wicked fast>


['wilful] a.任性的;故意的 1 : obstinately and often perversely self-willed <a stubborn and willful child> 2 : done deliberately : INTENTIONAL <willful disobedience> synonyms see UNRULY


['wiləu] n.柳树 1... 2 : an object made of willow wood especially : a cricket bat(板球拍)


['wiləui] a.苗条的 1 : abounding with willows 2 : resembling a willow: a : !PLIANT(受影响的,易弯曲的,顺从的) b : gracefully tall and slender <a willowy actress>


['windbæg] n.饶舌之人 : an exhaustively talkative person


['windi] a.有风的;长篇累牍的 1 a (1) : WINDSWEPT <a windy coast> (2) : marked by strong wind or by more wind than usual <a windy day> b : VIOLENT, STORMY 2 : FLATULENT(肠胃气胀的) 1 <a windy bellyache> 3 a : VERBOSE(冗长的,罗嗦的), BOMBASTIC(夸大的,言过其实的) <a windy politician> b : lacking substance : EMPTY <windy promises> : WINDING(蜿蜒的,卷绕的) <a windy path>


['winsəm] a.媚人的,漂亮的 1 : generally pleasing and engaging often because of a childlike charm and innocence <a winsome smile> 2 : CHEERFUL, LIGHTHEARTED(愉快的;无忧无虑的)


['winəu] v.把(谷物)的杂质吹掉,扬去 transitive verb 1 a (1) : to remove (as chaff) by a current of air (2) : to get rid of (something undesirable or unwanted) : REMOVE - often used with out <winnow out certain inaccuracies - Stanley Walker> b (1) : SEPARATE, SIFT(筛撒,纷落,详察) <an old hand at winnowing what is true and significant - Oscar Lewis> (2) : SELECT 2 a : to treat (as grain) by exposure to a current of air so that waste matter is eliminated b : to free of unwanted or inferior elements : !PARE(剥,削,消减) c : NARROW, REDUCE <winnowed the field to four contenders> 3 : to blow on : FAN <the wind winnowing his thin white hair - Time> intransitive verb 1 : to separate chaff from grain by fanning 2 : to separate desirable and undesirable elements noun 1 : a device for winnowing 2 a : the action of winnowing b : a motion resembling that of winnowing


['wistful] a.惆怅的,渴望的 1 : full of yearning(向往,思慕,渴望) or desire tinged(淡色的,略微的) with melancholy(忧郁的) also : inspiring such yearning <a wistful memoir(传记,实录)> 2 : musingly(沉思地,冥想地) sad : PENSIVE <a wistful glance>


['witisizəm] n.妙语,俏皮话 : a cleverly witty and often biting or ironic remark


['witnis] n.目击者;v.目击 noun 1 : attestation of a fact or event : TESTIMONY 2 : one that gives evidence specifically : one who testifies in a cause or before a judicial tribunal(法庭;法官席) 3 : one asked to be present at a transaction(处理;交易) so as to be able to testify to its having taken place 4 : one who has personal knowledge of something 5 a : something serving as evidence or proof : SIGN b : public affirmation by word or example of usually religious faith or conviction <the heroic witness to divine life - Pilot> 6 capitalized : a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses(耶和华见证会) transitive verb 1 : to testify to : !ATTEST(证明,证实) 2 : to act as legal witness of 3 : to furnish proof of : !BETOKEN(预示,表示) 4 a : to have personal or direct cognizance(认知) of : see for oneself <witnessed the historic event> b : to take note of <our grammar - witness our verb system - is a marvel of flexibility, variety, and exactitude - Charlton Laird> 5 : to constitute the scene or time of <structures which this striking Dorset hilltop once witnessed - Times Lit. Supp.> intransitive verb 1 : to bear witness : TESTIFY 2 : to bear witness to one's religious convictions <opportunity to witness for Christ - Billy Graham> synonyms see CERTIFY WITNESS applies to the subscribing of one's own name to a document as evidence of its genuineness <witnessed the signing of the will>.


['wizn] v. 干涸,使干枯 adj. 凋谢的,枯萎的 intransitive verb : to become dry, shrunken, and wrinkled often as a result of aging or of failing vitality transitive verb : to cause to wizen <a face wizened by age> adjective: that is wizened


['wiznd] a.干皱的,干巴巴的 A wizened person is old and has a lot of lines on their skin.


['wiðə] v.枯萎,凋零 intransitive verb 1 : to become dry and sapless especially : to shrivel(使枯萎和起皱) from or as if from loss of bodily moisture 2 : to lose vitality, force, or freshness <public support for the bill is withering> transitive verb 1 : to cause to wither 2 : to make speechless or incapable of action : STUN <withered him with a look - Dorothy Sayers>


['wiəri] a.疲劳的,令人厌倦的;v.厌烦 adjective 1 : exhausted in strength, endurance, vigor, or freshness 2 : expressing or characteristic of weariness <a weary sign> 3 : having one's patience, tolerance, or pleasure exhausted - used with of 4 : WEARISOME intransitive verb : to become weary transitive verb : to make weary synonyms see TIRE


['wiərisʌm] a.使人感到疲倦或厌倦的 : causing weariness : TIRESOME


['wægiʃ] a.诙谐的,滑稽的 1 : resembling or characteristic of a wag(诙谐幽默者) <a waggish friend> <a waggish prose style> 2 : done or made in waggery or for sport : HUMOROUS <waggish spoofs(轻松幽默的模仿) of popular songs>


['wɔ:drəub] n.衣橱;全部服装\衣室 1 a : a room or closet where clothes are kept b : CLOTHESPRESS : a receptacle for clothes c : a large trunk in which clothes may be hung upright 2 a : a collection of wearing apparel(精致的衣服,尤指外套;盛装) (as of one person or for one activity) <a summer wardrobe> b : a collection of stage costumes and accessories 3 : the department of a royal or noble household entrusted(委托) with the care of wearing apparel, jewels, and personal articles


['wɔ:lrəs] n.海象 A walrus is a large, fat animal which lives in the sea. It has two long teeth called tusks that point downwards.


['wɔ:mʌŋgə] n.好战者,战争贩子 : one who urges or attempts to stir up war


['wɔ:təʃed] n.分水岭,转折点 1 a : DIVIDE 2A : an act of dividing b : a region or area bounded peripherally by a divide and draining ultimately to a particular watercourse or body of water 2 : a crucial dividing point, line, or factor : TURNING POINT


['wɔbl] v.动摇;犹豫 intransitive verb 1 a : to move or proceed with an irregular rocking or staggering motion or unsteadily and clumsily from side to side b : TREMBLE(颤抖), QUAVER(发颤音,因虚弱颤抖) 2 : WAVER(摇摆;犹豫), !VACILLATE(犹豫不决;摇动,摇摆) transitive verb : to cause to wobble


['wɔdl] v.(鸭子等)摇摇摆摆地走 noun : an awkward clumsy swaying gait intransitive verb 1 : to walk with short steps swinging the forepart of the body from side to side 2 : to move clumsily in a manner suggesting a waddle


['wɔrənt] n.正当理由;许可证 noun 1 a (1) : SANCTION(官方批准;认可), AUTHORIZATION also : evidence for or token of authorization (2) : GUARANTEE, SECURITY b (1) : GROUND, JUSTIFICATION (2) : CONFIRMATION, PROOF 2 a : a commission or document giving authority to do something especially : a writing that authorizes a person to pay or deliver to another and the other to receive money or other consideration b : a precept(规范 准则) or writ(由法院发布的书面命令) issued by a competent magistrate(地方法官 治安官) authorizing an officer to make an arrest, a seizure, or a search or to do other acts incident to(伴随...而来) the administration of justice c : an official certificate of appointment issued to an officer of lower rank than a commissioned officer d (1) : a short-term obligation of a governmental body (as a municipality) issued in anticipation of revenue(总收入) (2) : an instrument issued by a corporation giving to the holder the right to purchase the stock of the corporation at a stated price either prior to a stipulated(规定的) date or at any future time transitive verb 1 a : to declare or maintain with certainty : be sure that <I'll warrant he'll be here by noon> b : to assure (a person) of the truth of what is said 2 a : to guarantee to a person good title to and undisturbed possession of (as an estate) b : to provide a guarantee of the security of (as title to property sold) usually by an express covenant(契约) in the deed of conveyance(产权转让) c : to guarantee to be as represented d : to guarantee (as goods sold) especially in respect of the quality or quantity specified 3 : to guarantee security or immunity to : SECURE <I'll warrant him from drowning - Shakespeare> 4 : to give warrant or sanction(官方批准;认可) to : AUTHORIZE <the law warrants this procedure> 5 a : to give proof of the authenticity or truth of b : to give assurance of the nature of or for the undertaking of : GUARANTEE 6 : to serve as or give adequate ground or reason for <promising enough to warrant further consideration>


['wɔrənti] n.保证;辩解;有正当理由;批准 1 a : a real covenant binding the grantor of an estate and the grantor's heirs to warrant and defend the title b : a collateral(平行的;旁系的) undertaking that a fact regarding the subject of a contract is or will be as it is expressly or by implication declared or promised to be 2 : something that authorizes, sanctions, supports, or justifies : WARRANT 3 : a usually written guarantee of the integrity of a product and of the maker's responsibility for the repair or replacement of defective parts


['wɔrəntid] a.保证的;凭正当理由的


['wə:ʃip] v./n.崇拜,敬仰 noun 1 chiefly British : a person of importance - used as a title for various officials (as magistrates(地方官员) and some mayors) 2 : !reverence(崇敬) offered a divine being or supernatural power also : an act of expressing such reverence 3 : a form of religious practice with its !creed(信条,教义) and ritual(仪式,典礼) 4 : extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem <worship of the dollar>


['zefə] n.和风;西风 1 a : a breeze from the west b : a gentle breeze 2 : any of various lightweight fabrics and articles of clothing


['zelətri] n.狂热行为 : excess of zeal : !fanatical(狂热的,不理智的热情的) devotion


['zeniθ] n.天顶;极点 1 : the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the !nadir(最低点;天底) and vertically above the observer - see AZIMUTH illustration 2 : the highest point reached in the heavens by a celestial body 3 : culminating(达绝顶的,终极的,最后的) point : ACME <at the zenith of his powers - John Buchan>


['zenəfəub] n.惧外者;排外者 : one unduly(过度地,不适当地) fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin


['zigzæg] n./a.之字形(的);v.弯弯曲曲地行进 noun : one of a series of short sharp turns, angles, or alterations in a course also : something having the form or character of such a series <a blouse with green zigzags> <endured the zigzags of policy - Richard Bernstein> adverb : in or by a zigzag path or course adjective : having short sharp turns or angles <a zigzag trail> transitive verb : to form into a zigzag or move along a zigzag course intransitive verb : to lie in, proceed along, or consist of a zigzag course


['ziərəfait] n.旱生植物 : a plant adapted for life and growth with a limited water supply


['ə:dʒənt] a.迫切的,紧急的 1 a : calling for immediate attention : PRESSING <urgent appeals> <an urgent need> b : conveying a sense of urgency 2 : urging insistently : IMPORTUNATE(缠扰不休的,频频要索的)


['ʌgli] a.难看的,可怕的 adjective 1 : FRIGHTFUL(可怕的,吓人的), !DIRE(与死亡有关的:可怕的\紧急的;急需的\悲惨的,阴惨的) 2 a : offensive to the sight : HIDEOUS b : offensive or unpleasant to any sense 3 : morally offensive or objectionable <corruption-the ugliest !stain of all> 4 a : likely to cause inconvenience or discomfort <the ugly truth> b : !SURLY(气暴躁的), QUARRELSOME <an ugly disposition> <the crowd got ugly> adverb : in an ugly manner <was acting ugly>


['ʌlsə] n.溃疡;腐烂物 1 : a break in skin or mucous membrane with loss of surface tissue, disintegration and necrosis of epithelial tissue, and often pus 2 : something that !festers(溃烂;化脓) and corrupts like an open sore


['ʌltimit] a.最后的 adjective 1 a : most remote in space or time : FARTHEST b : last in a progression or series : FINAL <their ultimate destination was Paris> c : EVENTUAL 2 : taking place at an unspecified later time : ultimately resulting <they hoped for ultimate success> d : the best or most extreme of its kind : UTMOST <the ultimate sacrifice> 2 : arrived at as the last result <the ultimate question> 3 a : BASIC, FUNDAMENTAL <the ultimate nature of things - A. N. Whitehead> b : ORIGINAL 1 : of, relating to, or constituting an origin or beginning : INITIAL<the ultimate source> c : incapable of further analysis, division, or separation synonyms see LAST ULTIMATE implies the last degree or stage of a long process beyond which further progress or change is impossible <the ultimate collapse of the system>. noun 1 : something ultimate especially : FUNDAMENTAL(基本原理,基础) 2 : !ACME(最高点,顶点) verb : END


['ʌmbridʒ] n.不快,愤怒 1 : SHADE, SHADOW 2 : shady branches : FOLIAGE(树叶;一簇叶子) 3 a : an indistinct indication : vague suggestion : HINT b : a reason for doubt : SUSPICION 4 : a feeling of pique(不满,愤怒) or resentment at some often fancied(空想的,虚构的) slight(轻蔑;怠慢) or insult <took umbrage at the speaker's remarks> synonyms see OFFENSE UMBRAGE may suggest hurt pride, resentment, or suspicion of another's motives <took umbrage at the offer of advice>.


['ʌmpaiə] n.裁判;v.对...进行仲裁 noun 1 : one having authority to decide finally a controversy or question between parties: as a : one appointed to decide between !arbitrators(仲裁人,公断者) who have disagreed b : an impartial third party chosen to arbitrate disputes arising under the terms of a labor agreement 2 : an official in a sport who rules on plays 3 : a military officer who evaluates maneuvers(演习,调遣,策略) transitive verb : to supervise or decide as umpire intransitive verb : to act as umpire


['ʌn'bend] v.弄直;放松 transitive verb 1 : to free from flexure(屈曲,弯曲部分,褶缝) : make or allow to become straight <unbend a bow> 2 : to cause (as the mind) to relax 3 a : to unfasten (as a sail) from a spar(船柱) or stay b : to cast loose (as a rope) : UNTIE intransitive verb 1 : to relax one's severity, stiffness, or !austerity(节俭) 2 : to cease to be bent : become straight


['ʌn'faundid] a.无事实根据的 : lacking a sound basis : GROUNDLESS, UNWARRANTED <an unfounded accusation>


['ʌn'flæpəbl] a.不惊慌的,镇定的 : marked by assurance and self-control


['ʌn'fɑ:sn] v.解开 : to make loose: as a : UNPIN, UNBUCKLE(解开) b : UNDO <unfasten a button> c : DETACH <unfasten a boat from its moorings(系泊处)>


['ʌn'grʌdʒiŋ] a.慷慨的,情愿的 : being without envy or reluctance <ungrudging efforts>


['ʌn'kempt] a.(衣服、头发)不整洁的 1 : not combed <unkempt hair> 2 : deficient in order or neatness <unkempt individuals> <unkempt hotel rooms> also : ROUGH, UNPOLISHED <unkempt prose>


['ʌn'kwɔlifaid] a.无资格的;无限制的,绝对的 1 : not fit : not having requisite qualifications 2 : not modified or restricted by reservations : COMPLETE <an unqualified denial>


['ʌn'li:ʃ] v.发泄,释放 1 : to free from or as if from a !leash(系狗的绳子;项圈) : let loose <unleash the dogs> <unleashing his anger> 2 : to throw, shoot, or set in motion forcefully <unleashed a superb shot to earn his side a point - N.Y. Times>


['ʌn'mu:vd] a.无动于衷的,冷漠的;镇定的 If you are unmoved by something, you are not emotionally affected by it.


['ʌn'nəutist] a.不引人注意的 If something happens or passes unnoticed, it is not seen or noticed by anyone.


['ʌn'saund] a.不结实的,不坚固的;无根据的 : not sound: as a : not healthy or whole <an unsound horse> b : not mentally normal : not wholly sane <of unsound mind> c : not firmly made, placed, or fixed <structurally unsound> d : not valid or true : INVALID, !SPECIOUS(似是而非的) <unsound beliefs>


['ʌn'setl] v.使不安宁,搅乱 transitive verb 1 : to loosen or move from a settled state or condition : make unstable : !DISORDER(扰乱) 2 : to perturb or agitate mentally or emotionally : !DISCOMPOSE(使慌张不安;扰乱) intransitive verb : to become unsettled(未处理的,未决定的)


['ʌn'setliŋ] a.令人不安的,扰乱的,使窘困的 : having the effect of upsetting, disturbing, or discomposing <unsettling images of the war>


['ʌn'si:mli] a.不适当的,不宜的 adjective : not seemly(得体的;适宜的;礼貌的): as a : not according with established standards of good form or taste <unseemly bickering> b : not suitable for time or place : INAPPROPRIATE, UNSEASONABLE synonyms see !INDECOROUS(无礼的) INDECOROUS suggests a violation of accepted standards of good manners <indecorous behavior>. IMPROPER applies to a broader range of transgressions(违反;犯罪) of rules not only of social behavior but of ethical practice or logical procedure or prescribed method <improper use of campaign contributions>. UNSEEMLY adds a suggestion of special inappropriateness to a situation or an offensiveness to good taste <remarried with unseemly haste>.


['ʌn'skeiðd] a.未受损伤的,未遭伤害的 : wholly unharmed : not injured


['ʌn'spɔtid] a.清白的,无污点的 1 : not spotted : free from spot or stain 2 : free from moral stain <an unspotted reputation>


['ʌn'stintiŋ] a.极为慷慨的,大方的 : not restricting or holding back : giving or being given freely or generously <an unstinting volunteer> <unstinting praise> Unstinting help, care, or praise is great in amount or degree and is given generously.


['ʌn'tju:təd] a.未经教育的 1 a : having no formal learning or training b : NAIVE, UNSOPHISTICATED(质朴无华的,天真无邪的) 2 : not produced or developed by instruction : NATIVE <untutored shrewdness(精明,刁钻,剧烈)> synonyms see IGNORANT UNLETTERED implies ignorance of the knowledge gained by reading <an allusion meaningless to the unlettered>. UNTUTORED may imply lack of schooling in the arts and ways of civilization <strange monuments built by an untutored people>. UNLEARNED suggests ignorance of advanced subjects <poetry not for academics but for the unlearned masses>.


['ʌn'təuld] a.无数的,数不清的 1 a : not told or related b : kept secret 2 : too great or numerous to count : INCALCULABLE(不可数的,无数的,无法预料的), VAST


['ʌn'wɔrəntid] a.没有根据的 If you describe something as unwarranted, you are critical of it because there is no need or reason for it. (FORMAL)


['ʌn'wə:ldli] a.非世俗的;精神上的 1 : not of this world : UNEARTHLY(奇异的;超自然的) specifically : SPIRITUAL 2 a : not wise in the ways of the world : NAIVE b : not !swayed(摇动,支配,影响) by !mundane(尘世的,世俗的) considerations


['ʌn'ə:θ] v.挖出;发现 1 : to dig up out of or as if out of the earth : !EXHUME(掘出;发掘) <unearth treasure> <unearth an old photo album> 2 : to make known or public : bring to light <unearth a scandal> synonyms see DISCOVER UNEARTH implies bringing to light something forgotten or hidden <unearth old records>.


['ʌn'θretəniŋ] a.善意的,不威胁的


['ʌnbi'kʌmiŋ] a.不合身的;不得体的 : not becoming(合适的,适当的,好看的) <an unbecoming dress> especially : not according with the standards appropriate to one's position or condition of life <unbecoming conduct> synonyms see INDECOROUS !INDECOROUS suggests a violation of accepted standards of good manners <indecorous behavior>. UNBECOMING suggests behavior or language that does not suit one's character or status <conduct unbecoming to an officer>.


['ʌndi'rektid] a.未受指导的,无收件人姓名的 adjective : not directed : not planned or guided <undirected efforts>


['ʌndi'zaiərəbl] a.令人不悦的,讨厌的 adjective : not desirable : UNWANTED <undesirable side effects> noun : one that is undesirable


['ʌndə'bid] v.要价过低 transitive verb 1 : to bid less than (a competing bidder) 2 : to bid (a hand of cards) at less than the strength of the hand warrants intransitive verb : to bid too low


['ʌndə'gə:d] v.加强 2 : to form the basis or foundation of : STRENGTHEN, SUPPORT <facts and statistics subtly undergird his commentary - Susan Q. Stranahan>


['ʌndə'laiiŋ] a.在下面的,根本的 adjective 1 a : lying beneath or below <the underlying rock is shale> b : BASIC, FUNDAMENTAL <an investigation of the underlying issues> 2 : evident only on close inspection : IMPLICIT 3 : anterior and prior in claim <underlying mortgage(抵押)> 4 : of or being present in deep structure <underlying word order>


['ʌndə'plei] v.淡化...的重要性;表演(角色)不充分 intransitive verb : to play a role with subdued force transitive verb 1 : to act or present (as a role or a scene) with restraint : PLAY DOWN(降低,贬低,减弱,淡化) 2 : to play a card lower than (a held high card)


['ʌndə'steit] v.掩饰地说,轻描淡写地说 1 : to represent as less than is the case <understate taxable income> 2 : to state or present with restraint especially for effect


['ʌndə'steitid] a.不完全陈述的,轻描淡写的 : avoiding obvious emphasis or embellishment <a powerful understated performance>


['ʌndə`stʌdi] n.预备演员,替角;v.充当...的替角 noun: one who is prepared to act another's part or take over another's duties intransitive verb : to study another actor's part in order to substitute in an emergency transitive verb : to prepare (as a part) as understudy also : to prepare as understudy to (as an actor)


['ʌndədɔg] n.受欺负者,弱者 1 : a loser or predicted loser in a struggle or contest 2 : a victim of injustice or persecution(迫害,烦扰)


['ʌndəhændid] a.不光明的,卑鄙的 adverb : UNDERHAND 1 a : in a clandestine manner 2 : with an underhand motion <bowl underhanded> <pitch underhanded> adjective : marked by secrecy, !chicanery(诡计多端,欺骗), and deception : not honest and aboveboard : !SLY(狡诈虚伪的) <an underhanded attempt to gain power> synonyms see SECRET UNDERHANDED stresses fraud or deception <an underhanded trick>.


['ʌndəkʌt] v.削价与(竞争者)抢生意


['ʌndəliŋ] n.下属,手下 : one who is under the orders of another : SUBORDINATE, INFERIOR


['ʌndər'estimeitid] a.低估的 1 : to estimate as being less than the actual size, quantity, or number 2 : to place too low a value on : UNDERRATE


['ʌndərait] v.同意负担...的费用;为...保险 transitive verb 1 : to write under or at the end of something else 2 : to set one's name to (an insurance policy) for the purpose of thereby becoming answerable for a designated loss or damage on consideration of receiving a premium percent : insure on life or property also : to assume liability(倾向;债务) for (a sum or risk) as an insurer 3 : to subscribe to(订阅,同意,支持,捐赠) : agree to 4 a : to agree to purchase (as security issue) usually on a fixed date at a fixed price with a view to public distribution b : to guarantee financial support of <underwrite a project> intransitive verb : to work as an underwriter(保险商,承诺支付者,承购人)


['ʌnik'sepʃənəbl] a.无可非议的 : not open to objection or criticism : beyond reproach : !UNIMPEACHABLE(无可置疑的,无可指责的) <unexceptionable integrity>


['ʌnim'pæʃənd] a.没有激情的 : not filled with passion or zeal : not showing great warmth or intensity of feeling


['ʌnin'laitnd] a.愚昧无知的;不文明的


['ʌnkə'mitid] a.不受约束的,不承担责任的 : not committed specifically : not pledged(保证,发誓) to a particular belief, allegiance(忠诚,拥护), or program <uncommitted voters>


['ʌnpri'mediteitid] a.非预谋的 : not previously and deliberately considered or planned


['ʌnprə'dʌktiv] a.徒然的,无成效的 Something that is unproductive does not produce any good results.


['ʌnprə'vəukt] a.(生气等)无缘无故的 (esp of verbal or physical violence) without provocation(激怒,刺激,挑拨) not caused by previous action If someone makes an unprovoked attack, they attack someone who has not tried to harm them in any way.


['ʌnri'kwaitid] a.无报答的 : not requited : not reciprocated(互换,交换,报答,往返运动) or returned in kind <unrequited love>


['ʌnri'mitiŋ] a.不间断的,持续的 : not remitting(缓和,减轻) : CONSTANT, !INCESSANT(无间断的;连续不断的) <unremitting pain>


['ʌnri'pentənt] a.不悔悟的,不后悔的 If you are unrepentant, you are not ashamed of your beliefs or actions.


['ʌnsəb'stænʃieitid] a.未经证实的,无事实根据的 A claim, accusation, or story that is unsubstantiated has not been proved to be valid or true. = unconfirmed ...unsubstantiated rumours about his private life.


['ʌnə'sju:miŋ] a.不摆架子的,不造作的 : not assuming : MODEST <an unassuming librarian> <an unassuming manner> <an unassuming neighborhood>


['ʌnəb'tru:siv] a.不引人注目的 : not !obtrusive(强迫人的,冒失的,莽撞的, 突出的,引人注意的) : not !blatant(显眼的,炫耀的;喧哗的), !arresting(引人注目的), or !aggressive(好斗的,侵略性的) : INCONSPICUOUS


['ʌpgreid] v.提升,给...升级 noun 1 : an upward grade or slope 2 : INCREASE, RISE 3 : IMPROVEMENT 2B : an instance of such improvement : something that enhances value or excellence transitive verb : to raise or improve the grade of: as a : to improve (livestock) by use of purebred(纯种的) sires(雄性种兽) b : to advance to a job requiring a higher level of skill especially as part of a training program c : to raise the quality of d : to raise the classification and usually the price of without improving the quality e : to extend the usefulness of (as a device) f : to assign a less serious status to <upgraded the patient's condition to good> intransitive verb : to improve or replace especially software or a device for increased usefulness


['ʌprɔ:] n.喧闹,骚动 : a state of commotion, excitement, or violent disturbance


['ʌpsteidʒ] a.骄傲的,高傲的 adverb 1 : toward or at the rear of a theatrical stage 2 : away from a motion-picture or television camera adjective 1 [3upstage] : HAUGHTY(傲慢自大的(蔑视别人或以恩赐态度相待的=arrogant=supercilious) 2 : of or relating to the rear of a stage transitive verb 1 : to draw attention away from <upstaging the competition> 2 : to force (an actor) to face away from the audience by staying upstage 3 : to treat !snobbishly(势利地) noun : the part of a stage that is farthest from the audience or camera


['ʌpswiŋ] n.上升,增长 1 : an upward swing 2 : a marked increase or improvement <a dramatic upswing in profits> - often used in the phrase on the upswing <her career is on the upswing>


['ʌtə] a.完全的;v.发出声音 adjective : carried to the utmost(极度的,最远的) point or highest degree : ABSOLUTE, TOTAL <utter darkness> <utter strangers> transitive verb 2 a : to send forth as a sound <utter a sigh> b : to give utterance(说话,发表,说话的方式) to : PRONOUNCE, SPEAK <refused to utter his name> c : to give public expression to : express in words <utter an opinion> 3 : to put (as currency) into circulation specifically : to circulate (as a counterfeit note(伪造的钞票)) as if legal or genuine <utter false tokens(代币)> 4 : to put forth or out : DISCHARGE(解雇) intransitive verb : to make a statement or sound synonyms see EXPRESS UTTER implies the use of the voice not necessarily in articulate speech <utter a !groan(呻吟)>.


['ʌŋgwənt] n.药膏,软膏 : a soothing or healing salve : OINTMENT(药膏,油膏,软膏)


['ʌŋktjuəs] a.油质的;油腔滑调的 1 a : FATTY, OILY b : smooth and greasy in texture or appearance 2 : PLASTIC <fine unctuous clay> 3 : full of unction(油膏,软膏,虚情假意) especially : revealing or marked by a smug(自命不凡的), ingratiating(讨人喜欢的,逢迎的), and false earnestness or spirituality (油腔滑调的)


[(h)wain] v.哀号,号哭 intransitive verb 1 a : to utter a high-pitched plaintive(哀伤的,可怜的) or distressed cry b : to make a sound similar to such a cry <the wind whined in the chimney> 2 : to complain with or as if with a whine <always whining about the weather> 3 : to move or proceed with the sound of a whine <the bullet whined across the ice - Berton Roueché> transitive verb : to utter or express with or as if with a whine noun 1 a : a prolonged high-pitched cry usually expressive of distress or pain b : a sound resembling such a cry 2 : a complaint uttered with or as if with a whine


[(h)wet] v.磨快;刺激 transitive verb 1 : to sharpen by rubbing on or with something (as a stone) <whet a knife> 2 : to make keen or more acute : EXCITE, STIMULATE <whet the appetite> <whetted her curiosity> noun 1 dialect a : a spell of work done with a !scythe(长柄镰刀) between the time it is sharpened and the time it needs to be sharpened again b : TIME, WHILE 2 : something that sharpens or makes keen: a : GOAD(赶牛棒;刺), INCITEMENT(刺激,激励,煽动) b : APPETIZER also : a drink of liquor


[(h)wif] v./n.轻吹,轻风 noun 1 a : a quick puff or slight gust especially of air, odor, gas, smoke, or spray b : an inhalation of odor, gas, or smoke c : a slight puffing or whistling sound 2 : a slight trace or indication <a whiff of scandal> 3 : STRIKEOUT intransitive verb 1 : to move with or as if with a puff of air 2 : to emit whiffs : PUFF 3 : to inhale an odor 4 : STRIKE OUT 3 : to make an out in baseball by a strikeout transitive verb 1 a : to carry or convey by or as if by a whiff : BLOW b : to expel or puff out in a whiff : !EXHALE(呼出;散发) c : SMOKE 3 : to inhale and exhale the smoke of <whiff a cigarette> 2 : FAN 8 : to strike (a batter) out in baseball <whiffed three batters>


[(h)wim] n.多变,怪念头 1 : a capricious or eccentric and often sudden idea or turn of the mind : FANCY <quit his job on a whim> 2 : a large capstan(绞盘,卷扬机) that is made with one or more radiating arms to which a horse may be yoked(束缚) and that is used in mines for raising ore or water synonyms see CAPRICE synonyms CAPRICE, WHIM, VAGARY, CROTCHET mean an irrational or unpredictable idea or desire. !CAPRICE(反复无常,善变) stresses lack of apparent motivation and suggests willfulness <by sheer caprice she quit her job>. !WHIM(怪念头;反复无常) implies a fantastic, capricious(变化无常的) turn of mind or inclination <an odd antique that was bought on a whim>. !VAGARY(奇想;反复无常的行为) stresses the !erratic(不稳定的;古怪的;游移的), irresponsible character of the notion or desire <recently he had been prone to strange vagaries>. CROTCHET implies an eccentric opinion or preference <a serious scientist equally known for his bizarre crotchets>.


[`fiziə'lɔdʒikəl] a.生理的;生理学上的 1 : of or relating to physiology 2 : characteristic of or appropriate to an organism's healthy or normal functioning <the sodium level was physiological> 3 : differing in, involving, or affecting physiological factors <a physiological strain of bacteria>


[`fəutəu'sinθəsis] n.光合作用 Photosynthesis is the way that green plants make their food using sunlight. (TECHNICAL)


[`ju:ni'vəukəl] a.意思明确的 1 : having one meaning only 2 : UNAMBIGUOUS <in search of a morally univocal answer>


[`ju:nifi'keiʃən] n.统一,一致 noun : the act, process, or result of unifying : the state of being unified


[`ju:tili'tAəriən] a.功利的,实利的 adjective 1 : of or relating to or advocating utilitarianism(功利主义,实利主义) 2 : marked by utilitarian views or practices 3 a : of, relating to, or aiming at utility b : exhibiting or preferring mere utility <spare utilitarian furnishings> utilize [ju:'tilaiz] v.利用,使用 : to make use of : turn to practical use or account <I'm a great person for utilizing waste power - Robert Frost> synonyms see USE synonyms USE, EMPLOY, UTILIZE mean to put into service especially to attain an end. USE implies availing oneself of something as a means or instrument to an end <willing to use any means to achieve her ends>. EMPLOY suggests the use of a person or thing that is available but idle, inactive, or !disengaged(空闲的,无公务在身的) <looking for better ways to employ their skills>. UTILIZE may suggest the discovery of a new, profitable, or practical use for something <an old wooden bucket utilized as a planter>.


[`prepə'ziʃən] n.介词,前置词 : a function word that typically combines with a noun phrase to form a phrase which usually expresses a modification or predication


[`prezen'teiʃən] n.表演,介绍,描述


[`pri'litərit] a.文字出现以前的 1 a : not yet employing writing as a cultural medium b : lacking the use of writing 2 : antedating the use of writing


[`pri:di'lekʃən] n.偏袒,爱好 : an established preference for something synonyms PREDILECTION, PREPOSSESSION, PREJUDICE, BIAS mean an attitude of mind that predisposes one to favor something. PREDILECTION implies a strong liking deriving from one's temperament or experience <a predilection for travel>.


[`pri:mə'niʃən] n.预感,预兆 1 : previous notice or warning : FOREWARNING 2 : anticipation of an event without conscious reason : PRESENTIMENT


[`pri:sʌpə'ziʃ(ə)n] n.预先假定,臆测 A presupposition is something that you assume to be true, especially something which you must assume is true in order to continue with what you are saying or thinking. (FORMAL) presuppose 1 : to suppose beforehand 2 : to require as an antecedent in logic or fact


[`pri:tə(:)'nætʃərəl] a.异常的);超自然的 1 : existing outside of nature 2 : exceeding what is natural or regular : EXTRAORDINARY <wits trained to preternatural acuteness by the debates - G. L. Dickinson> 3 : inexplicable(无法解释的) by ordinary means especially : PSYCHIC(灵魂的,精神的,通灵的) <preternatural phenomena>


[`prɔdʌk'tiviti] n.生产力;生产率 1 : the quality or state of being productive 2 : the rate per unit area or per unit volume at which biomass consumable as food by other organisms is made by producers


[`prɔfi'tiə] n.奸商,牟取暴利者 : one who makes what is considered an unreasonable profit especially on the sale of essential goods during times of emergency


[`prɔmi'nɑ:d] v./n.散步;开车兜风 intransitive verb 1 : to take or go on a promenade 2 : to perform a promenade in a dance transitive verb : to walk about in or on noun 1 : a place for strolling 2 : a leisurely walk or ride especially in a public place for pleasure or display 3 a : a ceremonious opening of a formal ball consisting of a grand march of all the guests b : a figure in a square dance in which couples move counterclockwise in a circle


[`prɔpə'geiʃən] n.繁殖 : the act or action of propagating: as a : increase (as of a kind of organism) in numbers b : the spreading of something (as a belief) abroad or into new regions c : enlargement or extension (as of a crack) in a solid body


[`prɔpə'ziʃən] n.看法;提议 1 a (1) : something offered for consideration or acceptance : PROPOSAL (2) : a request for sexual intercourse b : the point to be discussed or maintained in argument usually stated in sentence form near the outset c : a theorem or problem to be demonstrated or performed 2 a : an expression in language or signs of something that can be believed, doubted, or denied or is either true or false b : the objective meaning of a proposition 3 : something of an indicated kind to be dealt with <the farm was never a paying proposition>


[`prɔsi'kju:ʃən] n.起诉;实行,经营 1 : the act or process of prosecuting specifically : the institution and continuance of a criminal suit involving the process of pursuing formal charges against an offender to final judgment 2 : the party by whom criminal proceedings are instituted or conducted 3 obsolete : PURSUIT the prosecution of sth carrying out or being occupied with sth <In the prosecution of his duties he had met with a good deal of resistance.>


[`prɔvə'keiʃən] n.挑衅,激怒 1 : the act of provoking : INCITEMENT 2 : something that provokes, arouses, or stimulates


[`pə:ti'neiʃəs] a.固执的;无法驾御的;不妥协的 1 a : adhering resolutely(果断地,坚决地) to an opinion, purpose, or design b : perversely(乖张的,倔强的) persistent 2 : stubbornly unyielding or tenacious(坚韧不拔的;顽固的) synonyms see OBSTINATE PERTINACIOUS suggests an annoying or irksome(烦人的) persistence <a pertinacious salesclerk refusing to take no for an answer>.


[`refju(:)'dʒi:] n.难民,流亡者 : one that flees especially : a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution


[`refə'ri:] n.裁判员;仲裁者 noun 1 : one to whom a thing is referred: as a : a person to whom a legal matter is referred for investigation and report or for settlement b : a person who reviews a paper and especially a technical paper and recommends that it should or should not be published c chiefly British : REFERENCE 4: one referred to or consulted: as a: a person to whom inquiries as to character or ability can be made 2 : a sports official usually having final authority in administering a game transitive verb 1 : to conduct (as a match or game) as referee 2 a : to arbitrate (as a legal matter) as a judge or third party b : to review (as a technical paper) before publication intransitive verb : to act as a referee


[`rekə'lekʃən] n.记忆力;记忆中的往事 1 a : tranquillity of mind b : religious contemplation 2 a : the action or power of recalling to mind b : something recalled to the mind synonyms see MEMORY RECOLLECTION adds an implication of consciously bringing back to mind often with some effort <after a moment's recollection he produced the name>.


[`remi'nis] v.追忆,怀旧 If you reminisce about something from your past, you write or talk about it, often with pleasure. (FORMAL) : to indulge in reminiscence synonyms see REMEMBER REMINISCE implies a casual often nostalgic recalling of experiences long past and gone <old college friends like to reminisce>.


[`repju'teiʃən] n.名声 1 a : overall quality or character as seen or judged by people in general b : recognition by other people of some characteristic or ability <has the reputation of being clever> 2 : a place in public esteem or regard : good name <trying to protect his reputation>


[`repri'hensəbl] a.应受谴责的 : worthy of or deserving reprehension : CULPABLE(有罪的,该受谴责的)


[`repɑ:'ti:] n.机灵的回答 1 a : a quick and witty reply b : a succession or interchange of clever retorts : amusing and usually light sparring with words 2 : adroitness and cleverness in reply : skill in repartee


[`repə'reiʃən] n.赔偿,补偿 1 a : a repairing or keeping in repair b plural : REPAIRS 2 a : the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury b : something done or given as amends or satisfaction 3 : the payment of damages : INDEMNIFICATION specifically : compensation in money or materials payable by a defeated nation for damages to or expenditures sustained by another nation as a result of hostilities with the defeated nation - usually used in plural


[`repə'tɔ:riəl] a.记者的;纪实的


[`respi'reiʃən] n.呼吸 1 a : the placing of air or dissolved gases in intimate contact with the circulating medium of a multicellular organism (as by breathing) b : a single complete act of breathing 2 : the physical and chemical processes by which an organism supplies its cells and tissues with the oxygen needed for metabolism and relieves them of the carbon dioxide formed in energy-producing reactions 3 : any of various energy-yielding oxidative reactions in living matter


[`resti'tju:ʃən] n.归偿;赔偿 1 : an act of restoring or a condition of being restored(恢复的): as a : a restoration of something to its rightful owner b : a making good of or giving an equivalent for some injury 2 : a legal action serving to cause restoration of a previous state


[`retri'bju:ʃən] n.报应,惩罚 1 : RECOMPENSE, REWARD 2 : the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment especially in the hereafter 3 : something given or exacted in recompense especially : PUNISHMENT


[`revi'leiʃən] n.显示;泄露的事实 1 a : an act of revealing or communicating divine truth b : something that is revealed by God to humans 2 a : an act of revealing to view or making known b : something that is revealed especially : an enlightening or astonishing disclosure <shocking revelations> c : a pleasant often enlightening surprise <her talent was a revelation>


[`rezig'neiʃən] n.听从,顺从;辞职 1 a : an act or instance of resigning something : SURRENDER b : a formal notification of resigning 2 : the quality or state of being resigned : SUBMISSIVENESS


[`rezə'rekt] v.使复活;复兴 1 : to raise from the dead 2 : to bring to view, attention, or use again


[`reəri'fækʃən] n.稀薄 1 : the action or process of rarefying 2 : the quality or state of being rarefied 3 : a state or region of minimum pressure in a medium traversed by compressional waves (as sound waves)


[`ri:'fə:biʃ] v.刷新,擦亮 : to brighten or freshen up : RENOVATE


[`ri:'kɑ:st] v.重铸;更换演员 : to cast again <recast a gun> <recast a play> also : REMODEL, REFASHION <recasts his political image to fit the times>


[`ri:(h)ə'biliteit] v.修复,恢复(职业等) 1 a : to restore to a former capacity : REINSTATE b : to restore to good repute : reestablish the good name of 2 a : to restore to a former state (as of efficiency, good management, or solvency) <rehabilitate slum areas> b : to restore or bring to a condition of health or useful and constructive activity


[`ri:im'bə:s] v.偿还 1 : to pay back to someone : REPAY <reimburse travel expenses> 2 : to make restoration or payment of an equivalent to <reimburse him for his traveling expenses> synonyms see PAY REIMBURSE implies a return of money that has been expended for another's benefit <reimbursed employees for expenses>.


[`ri:in'fɔ:s] v.加强力量,增援 transitive verb 1 : to strengthen by additional assistance, material, or support : make stronger or more pronounced <reinforce levees> <reinforce the elbows of a jacket> <reinforce ideas> 2 : to strengthen or increase by fresh additions <reinforce our troops> <were reinforcing their pitching staff> 3 : to stimulate (as an experimental animal or a student) with a reinforcer also : to encourage (a response) with a reinforcer intransitive verb : to seek or get reinforcements


[`ri:kə'pitjuleit] v.扼要重述 transitive verb 1 a : to restate briefly : SUMMARIZE b : to give new form or expression to 2 : to repeat the principal stages or phases of <the view that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny> intransitive verb : SUM UP


[`ri:læk'seiʃən] n.松弛,消遣 1 : the act of relaxing or state of being relaxed 2 : a relaxing or recreative state, activity, or pastime : DIVERSION(消遣, 娱乐) 3 : the lengthening that characterizes inactive muscle fibers or muscles


[`ri:pə(:)'kʌʃən] n.反响;影响;回声 1 : REFLECTION, REVERBERATION = echo 2 a : an action or effect given or exerted in return : a reciprocal action or effect b : a widespread, indirect, or unforeseen effect of an act, action, or event - usually used in plural


[`rikæn'teiʃn] n.改变宗教信仰


[`riə'lain] v.重新组合(排列) : to align again especially : to reorganize or make new groupings of


[`sensi'tiviti] n.敏感,灵敏性 : the quality or state of being sensitive: as a : the capacity of an organism or sense organ to respond to stimulation : IRRITABILITY b : the quality or state of being hypersensitive c : the degree to which a radio receiving set responds to incoming waves d : the capacity of being easily hurt e : awareness of the needs and emotions of others <a book written with just the right mix of empathy(移情作用,共鸣) and sensitivity - L. C. Brown>


[`sensitai'zeiʃən] n.敏化 1 : the action or process of sensitizing 2 : the quality or state of being sensitized (as to an antigen)


[`sæbə'tə:] n.从事破坏活动者 : one that practices sabotage


[`taipə'græfikəl] a.印刷上的 adjective: of, relating to, or occurring or used in typography or typeset matter <a typographic character> <a typographical error>


[`trepi'deiʃən] n.恐惧,惶恐 2 : timorous(胆小的,充满恐惧的) uncertain agitation : APPREHENSION <trepidation about starting a new job> synonyms see FEAR DREAD usually adds the idea of intense reluctance to face or meet a person or situation and suggests aversion as well as anxiety <faced the meeting with dread>. TREPIDATION adds to DREAD the implications of timidity, trembling, and hesitation <raised the subject with trepidation>.


[`træktə'biliti] n.驯良,温顺,易处理


[`trænsen'dentl] a.超越经验的 1 a : TRANSCENDENT 1B b : SUPERNATURAL c : ABSTRUSE, ABSTRACT d : of or relating to transcendentalism(超验主义) 2 a : incapable of being the root of an algebraic equation with rational coefficients <π is a transcendental number> b : being, involving, or representing a function (as sin x, log x, ex) that cannot be expressed by a finite number of algebraic operations <transcendental curves> 3 in Kantian philosophy a : of or relating to experience as determined by the mind's makeup b : transcending experience but not human knowledge 4 : TRANSCENDENT 1A : exceeding usual limits : SURPASSING


[`təutæli'teəriən] a.极权主义的 adjective 1 a : of or relating to centralized control by an !autocratic(独裁的,专制的,独断专行的) leader or hierarchy : !AUTHORITARIAN(独裁主义者), DICTATORIAL especially : DESPOTIC(专制的,暴虐的)(autocratic = tyrannical) b : of or relating to a political regime based on subordination of the individual to the state and strict control of all aspects of the life and productive capacity of the nation especially by coercive(强迫的,威压的,高压政治的) measures (as censorship and terrorism) 2 a : advocating or characteristic of totalitarianism b : completely regulated by the state especially as an aid to national mobilization in an emergency c : exercising autocratic powers : tending toward monopoly noun : an advocate or practitioner of totalitarianism


[`vaiə'biliti] n.生存能力,存活力 noun : the quality or state of being viable : the ability to live, grow, and develop


[`veipərai'zeiʃən] n.蒸发 : the action or process of vaporizing : the state of being vaporized


[`veri'similə] a.好像真实的;可能的 1 : having the appearance of truth : PROBABLE 2 : depicting realism (as in art or literature)


[`veəriə'geiʃən] n.杂色,班驳 noun : the act of variegating : the state of being variegated especially : diversity of colors


[`vitri'ɔlik] a.刻薄的,强烈的 If you describe someone's language or behaviour as vitriolic, you disapprove of it because it is full of bitterness and hate, and so causes a lot of distress and pain.= venomous(恶意的,有毒的) vitriol 1 a : a sulfate of any of various metals (as copper, iron, or zinc) especially : a glassy hydrate of such a sulfate b : OIL OF VITRIOL : concentrated sulfuric acid 浓硫酸 2 : something felt to resemble vitriol especially in caustic quality especially : virulence of feeling or of speech


[`væli'diktəri] a.告别的,离别的 adjective : of or relating to a valediction : expressing or containing a farewell noun 1 : an address or statement of farewell or leave-taking 2 : VALEDICTION 1 : an act of bidding farewell


[`və:tju'ɔsiti] n.精湛技巧,高超 1 : a taste for or interest in virtu(艺术品,古董) 2 : great technical skill (as in the practice of a fine art)


[`ʌn'sentid] a.无气味的,无香味的 (without scent)


[`ʌn'witiŋ] a.无心的,不经意的,不知情的,无意的 1 : not knowing : UNAWARE <kept the truth from their unwitting friends> 2 : not intended : INADVERTENT(不注意的,疏忽的) <an unwitting mistake>


[`ʌndə'ju:tilaizd] a.未充分利用的 : to utilize less than fully or below the potential use


[`ʌndə'main] v.破坏,损坏 transitive verb 1 : to excavate(挖掘;挖空) the earth beneath : form a mine under : SAP(消弱(堡垒的基础);逐渐耗尽精力) 2 : to wash away supporting material from under 3 : to subvert or weaken insidiously(隐伏地,阴险地) or secretly <trying to undermine his political rivals> 4 : to weaken or ruin by degrees synonyms see WEAKEN UNDERMINE and SAP suggest a weakening by something working surreptitiously(偷偷摸摸地,暗中地) and insidiously <a poor diet undermines your health> <drugs had sapped his ability to think>.


[`ʌndə'skɔ:] v.在...之下划线;强调 transitive verb 1 : to draw a line under : UNDERLINE 2 : to make evident : EMPHASIZE, STRESS <arrived early to underscore the importance of the occasion> 3 : to provide (action on film) with accompanying music noun 1 : a line drawn under a word or line especially for emphasis or to indicate intent to italicize 2 : music accompanying the action and dialogue of a film


[`ʌndə'steitmənt] n.轻描淡写的陈述,不充分的陈述 If you say that a statement is an understatement, you mean that it does not fully express the extent to which something is true. Understatement is the practice of suggesting that things have much less of a particular quality than they really have.


[`ʌnə'fektid] a.自然的,不矫揉造作的 1 : not influenced or changed mentally, physically, or chemically 2 : free from affectation(做作,虚假) : !GENUINE(真诚的,非做作的)


[fi'lætəlist] n.集邮家 : a specialist in philately : one who collects or studies stamps


[fi'nɔminl] a.显著的,非凡的 : relating to or being a phenomenon: as a : known through the senses rather than through thought or intuition b : concerned with phenomena rather than with hypotheses c : EXTRAORDINARY, REMARKABLE synonyms see MATERIAL


[filən'θrɔpik] a.博爱的 1 : of, relating to, or characterized by philanthropy(博爱主义,善心,慈善事业) : HUMANITARIAN 2 : dispensing or receiving aid from funds set aside for humanitarian purposes


[fleg'mætik] a.冷静的,冷淡的 1 : resembling, consisting of, or producing the humor phlegm(痰液) 2 : having or showing a slow and stolid(无动于衷的) temperament synonyms see IMPASSIVE PHLEGMATIC implies a temperament or constitution hard to arouse <a phlegmatic man unmoved by tears>.


[fəu'netik] a.语音的 1 a : of or relating to spoken language or speech sounds b : of or relating to the science of phonetics 2 : representing the sounds and other phenomena of speech


[ju(:)'næniməs] a.全体意见一致的 1 : being of one mind : AGREEING 2 : formed with or indicating unanimity : having the agreement and consent of all


[ju:'ni:k] a.独一无二的,独特的;无与伦比的 1 : being the only one : SOLE <his unique concern was his own comfort> <I can't walk away with a unique copy. Suppose I lost it? - Kingsley Amis> <the unique factorization(因式分解) of a number into prime factors> (独一无二的) 2 a : being without a like or equal : UNEQUALED(无敌的,无比的,不等同的) <could stare at the flames, each one new, violent, unique - Robert Coover> b : distinctively characteristic : PECULIAR 1 : characteristic of only one person, group, or thing : DISTINCTIVE <this is not a condition unique to California - Ronald Reagan> 3 : UNUSUAL <a very unique ball-point pen> <we were fairly unique, the sixty of us, in that there wasn't one good mixer in the bunch - J. D. Salinger> synonyms see STRANGE UNIQUE implies singularity and the fact of being without a known parallel <a career unique in the annals of science>.


[ju:'təupjən] a.乌托邦式的,梦想的 adjective 1 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a utopia especially : having impossibly ideal conditions especially of social organization 2 : proposing or advocating impractically ideal social and political schemes <utopian idealists> 3 : impossibly ideal : !VISIONARY(空想的;幻想的;白日做梦的) <recognised the utopian nature of his hopes - C. S. Kilby> 4 : believing in, advocating, or having the characteristics of utopian socialism(空想社会主义) <utopian doctrines> <utopian novels>


[ju:'zə:p] v.篡夺,霸占 transitive verb 1 a : to seize and hold (as office, place, or powers) in possession by force or without right <usurp a throne> b : to take or make use of without right <usurped the rights to her life story> 2 : to take the place of by or as if by force : !SUPPLANT(排挤;篡夺...的位置) <must not let stock responses based on inherited prejudice usurp careful judgment> intransitive verb : to seize or exercise authority or possession wrongfully


[jɑ:n] n.纱线 1 a : a continuous often plied strand composed of either natural or man-made fibers or filaments and used in weaving and knitting(编织) to form cloth b : a similar strand of another material (as metal, glass, or plastic) 2 : a narrative of adventures especially : a tall tale(荒诞故事) <a roaring good yarn>


[jɔ:n] v.打呵欠 intransitive verb 1 : to open wide : GAPE(裂口,张嘴,打哈欠) 2 : to open the mouth wide and take a deep breath usually as an involuntary reaction to fatigue or boredom transitive verb 1 : to utter with a yawn 2 : to accomplish with or !impel(迫使行动;推动,推进) by yawns <his grandchildren yawned him to bed - L. L. King>


[jɔt] n.帆船,游艇 noun : any of various recreational watercraft(水上体育活动,船,水运工具): as a : a sailboat used for racing b : a large usually motor-driven craft used for pleasure cruising intransitive verb: to race or cruise in a yacht


[jə:n] v.盼望,渴望 1 : to long persistently, !wistfully(惆怅地;渴望地), or sadly <yearns to make a difference> 2 : to feel tenderness(温柔,娇嫩,柔软) or compassion(同情怜悯) synonyms see LONG synonyms LONG, YEARN, HANKER, PINE, HUNGER, THIRST mean to have a strong desire for something. LONG implies a wishing with one's whole heart and often a striving to attain <longed for some rest>. YEARN suggests an eager, restless, or painful longing <yearned for a stage career>. HANKER suggests the uneasy promptings of unsatisfied appetite or desire <always hankering for money>. PINE implies a !languishing(衰弱下去的) or a fruitless longing for what is impossible <pined for a lost love>. HUNGER and THIRST imply an insistent or impatient craving(强烈的渴望) or a compelling need <hungered for a business of his own> <thirsted for power>.


[jəuk] n.牛轭;v.控制,束缚 noun 1 a : a wooden bar or frame by which two draft animals(耕畜) (as oxen) are joined at the heads or necks for working together b : an arched device formerly laid on the neck of a defeated person c : a frame fitted to a person's shoulders to carry a load in two equal portions d : a bar by which the end of the tongue of a wagon or carriage is suspended from the collars of the harness e (1) : a crosspiece(横木,横档) on the head of a boat's rudder(舵,方向舵) (2) : an airplane control operating the elevators and ailerons(副翼) f : a frame from which a bell is hung g : a clamp or similar piece that embraces two parts to hold or unite them in position 2 plural usually yoke : two animals yoked or worked together 3 a (1) : an oppressive(压迫的,沉重的,压抑的) agency (2) : SERVITUDE(苦役,奴役), !BONDAGE(奴役,束缚) b : TIE, LINK especially : MARRIAGE 4 : a fitted or shaped piece at the top of a skirt or at the shoulder of various garments transitive verb 1 a (1) : to put a yoke on (2) : to join in or with a yoke b : to attach a draft animal to also : to attach (a draft animal) to something 2 : to join as if by a yoke 3 : to put to work intransitive verb : to become joined or linked


[ki:] n.码头 : a structure built parallel to the bank of a waterway for use as a landing place


[kju:] v.排队;n.长队 noun 1 : a braid of hair usually worn hanging at the back of the head 2 : a waiting line especially of persons or vehicles 3 a : a sequence of messages or jobs held in temporary storage awaiting transmission or processing b : a data structure that consists of a list of records such that records are added at one end and removed from the other transitive verb : to arrange or form in a queue intransitive verb : to line up or wait in a queue - often used with up


[kwai'esənt] a.不动的,静止的 1 : marked by inactivity or repose : tranquilly at rest 2 : causing no trouble or symptoms <quiescent gallstones(胆石)> synonyms see LATENT synonyms LATENT, DORMANT, QUIESCENT, POTENTIAL mean not now showing signs of activity or existence. LATENT applies to a power or quality that has not yet come forth but may emerge and develop <a latent desire for success>. DORMANT suggests the inactivity of something (as a feeling or power) as though sleeping <their passion had lain dormant>. QUIESCENT suggests a usually temporary cessation of activity <the disease was quiescent>. POTENTIAL applies to what does not yet have existence or effect but is likely soon to have <a potential disaster>.


[kweil] v.畏惧,颤抖 noun : any of numerous small gallinaceous(鹑鸡类的) birds: as a : an Old World migratory game bird (Coturnix coturnix) b : BOBWHITE intransitive verb 1 b : to give way : FALTER(蹒跚,动摇) <his courage never quailed> 2 : to recoil in dread or terror : COWER <the strongest quail before financial ruin - Samuel Butler †1902> transitive verb archaic : to make fearful synonyms see RECOIL


[kweint] a.离奇有趣的 2 a : marked by skillful design <quaint with many a device in India ink - Herman Melville> b : marked by beauty or elegance 3 a : unusual or different in character or appearance : ODD <figures of fun, quaint people - Herman Wouk> b : pleasingly or strikingly old-fashioned or unfamiliar synonyms see STRANGE QUAINT suggests an old-fashioned but pleasant oddness <a quaint fishing village>.


[kwel] v.制止,镇压 transitive verb 1 : to thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission or passivity <quell a riot> 2 : QUIET, PACIFY <quell fears>


[kwentʃ] v.熄灭(火);抑制(欲望) If someone who is thirsty quenches their thirst, they lose their thirst by having a drink.


[kwest] v.搜寻,探求;n.探求 noun 1 a : a jury(陪审团) of inquest b : INVESTIGATION 2 : an act or instance of seeking: a : PURSUIT, SEARCH b : a chivalrous(骑士的) enterprise in medieval romance usually involving an adventurous journey intransitive verb 1 of a dog a : to search a trail b : BAY(低沉地吠叫) 2 : to go on a quest transitive verb 1 : to search for 2 : to ask for


[kwik'sɔtik] a.不切实际的,空想的 1 : foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals especially : marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action 2 : CAPRICIOUS, UNPREDICTABLE synonyms see IMAGINARY QUIXOTIC implies a devotion to romantic or chivalrous ideals unrestrained by ordinary prudence and common sense <a quixotic crusade(运动或斗争)>.


[kwil] n.(豪猪等动物的)刺 A quill is a pen made from a bird's feather. A bird's quills are large, stiff feathers on its wings and tail. The quills of a porcupine(豪猪,箭猪) are the long sharp points on its body.


[kwæk] n.冒充内行之人;庸医 noun 1 : CHARLATAN 2 (江湖郎中) 2 : a pretender to medical skill adjective : of, relating to, or used by quacks <quack cancer cures> intransitive verb : to act like a quack intransitive verb : to make the characteristic cry of a duck noun : a noise made by quacking


[kwɑ:f, kwɔf] v.痛饮,畅饮 intransitive verb : to drink deeply transitive verb : to drink (a beverage) deeply


[kwɑ:mz] n.疑虑(尤指有关良心问题的) 1 : a sudden attack of illness, faintness, or nausea(恶心,反胃) 2 : a sudden access of usually disturbing emotion (as doubt or fear) 3 : a feeling of uneasiness about a point especially of conscience or propriety


[kwɔ:'tet] n.四重奏,四重唱 1 : a musical composition for four instruments or voices 2 : a group or set of four especially : the performers of a quartet


[kwɔʃ] v.镇压;取消 : to suppress or extinguish summarily(仓促草率地) and completely <quash a rebellion> : to nullify especially by judicial action <quash an indictment(控告)>


[kwə:k] n.奇事;怪癖 1 a : an abrupt twist or curve b : a peculiar trait : IDIOSYNCRASY(特质,个性) c : ACCIDENT, VAGARY(奇想;反复无常的行为) <a quirk of fate> 2 : a groove separating a bead or other molding from adjoining members A quirk is something unusual or interesting that happens by chance. A quirk is a habit or aspect of a person's character which is odd or unusual.


[kwəu'tidiən] a.每日的;平凡的 1 : occurring every day <quotidian fever> 2 a : belonging to each day : EVERYDAY <quotidian routine> b : COMMONPLACE, ORDINARY <quotidian drabness(乏味;无聊)>


[pain] n.松树;v.(因疾病等)憔悴;渴望 1 : to lose vigor, health, or flesh (as through grief) : LANGUISH(衰弱;萎靡不振) 2 : to yearn intensely and persistently especially for something unattainable <they still pined for their lost wealth> synonyms see LONG PINE implies a languishing or a fruitless longing for what is impossible <pined for a lost love>.


[paiə] n.火葬用的柴堆 : a combustible heap(堆) for burning a dead body as a funeral rite broadly : a pile of material to be burned <a pyre of dead leaves>


[paut] v.噘嘴,板脸 intransitive verb 1 a : to show displeasure by thrusting out the lips or wearing a sullen(忧郁的) expression b : SULK 2 : PROTRUDE transitive verb : to cause to protrude <pouted her lips> noun 1 : a protrusion of the lips expressive of displeasure 2 plural : a fit of pique(不满,愤怒)


[pest] n.害虫;讨厌的人或物 1 : an epidemic disease associated with high mortality specifically : PLAGUE 2 : something resembling a pest in destructiveness especially : a plant or animal detrimental to humans or human concerns (as agriculture or livestock production) 3 : one that pesters or annoys : NUISANCE


[pi'tiʃən] n.请愿;请愿书 1 : an earnest request : ENTREATY(恳求) 2 a : a formal written request made to an official person or organized body (as a court) b : a document embodying such a formal written request 3 : something asked or requested


[pi'tiʃənə(r)] n.请愿人 A petitioner is a person who presents or signs a petition. A petitioner is a person who brings a legal case to a court of law. (LEGAL) The judge awarded the costs of the case to the petitioners.


[pi'trɔlədʒi] n.岩石学 : a science that deals with the origin, history, occurrence, structure, chemical composition, and classification of rocks


[pi'trəuliəm] n.石油 Petroleum is oil which is found under the surface of the earth or under the sea bed.


[pi'ɑ:nəu] a.(音乐)轻柔的 adjective : at a soft volume : SOFT - used as a direction in music noun : a musical instrument having steel wire strings that sound when struck by felt(毛毡)-covered hammers operated from a keyboard A piece of music that is played piano is played quietly. (TECHNICAL)


[pi:k] n./v.(因自尊心受伤害而导致的)不悦,愤怒;v.冒犯 noun : a transient feeling of wounded vanity(虚荣心,浮华,无价值的东西) : RESENTMENT(怨恨,愤恨) <a fit of pique> synonyms see OFFENSE transitive verb 1 : to arouse anger or resentment in : IRRITATE <what piques linguistic conservatives - T. H. Middleton> 2 a : to excite or arouse especially by a provocation, challenge, or rebuff(断然拒绝) <sly remarks to pique their curiosity> b : PRIDE <he piques himself on his skill as a cook> synonyms see PROVOKE PIQUE suggests stimulating by mild irritation or challenge <that remark piqued my interest>.


[pik'tɔ:riəl] a.绘画的;有图片的,用图片表示的 adjective 1 : of or relating to a painter, a painting, or the painting or drawing of pictures <pictorial perspective> 2 a : of, relating to, or consisting of pictures <pictorial records> b : illustrated by pictures <pictorial weekly> c : consisting of or displaying the characteristics of pictographs d : suggesting or conveying visual images <pictorial poetry> noun : a periodical(杂志) having much pictorial matter


[pintʃ] v.捏,掐;n.一撮,一点 transitive verb 1 a : to squeeze between the finger and thumb or between the jaws of an instrument b : to prune(修剪) the tip of (a plant or shoot) usually to induce branching c : to squeeze or compress painfully d : to cause physical or mental pain to e (1) : to cause to appear thin, haggard(憔悴的), or shrunken(皱缩的) (2) : to cause to shrivel(枯萎,起皱) or wither(枯萎;凋零) 2 a : to subject to strict economy or want : STRAITEN(使为难,使穷困) b : to restrain or limit narrowly : CONSTRICT 3 a : STEAL b : ARREST 4 : to sail too close to the wind intransitive verb 1 : COMPRESS(压缩), SQUEEZE 2 : to be miserly(吝啬的) or closefisted(小气的) 3 : to press painfully 4 : NARROW, TAPER(逐渐变细) <the road pinched down to a trail - Cecelia Holland> noun 1 a : a critical juncture(关头) : EMERGENCY b (1) : PRESSURE, STRESS (2) : HARDSHIP, PRIVATION(缺乏,穷困) c : DEFICIT(赤字,亏空) 2 a : an act of pinching : SQUEEZE b : as much as may be taken between the finger and thumb <a pinch of snuff(鼻烟)> c : a very small amount 3 : a marked thinning of a vein or bed 4 a : THEFT b : a police raid also : ARREST synonyms see JUNCTURE PINCH implies urgency or pressure for action to a less intense degree than EXIGENCY or EMERGENCY <come through in a pinch>.


[piru'et] n./v.(舞蹈)脚尖立地的旋转 : a rapid whirling about of the body especially : a full turn on the toe or ball of one foot in ballet


[pitʃ] n.沥青,柏油;音调 noun 1 : a black or dark viscous substance obtained as a residue in the distillation of organic materials and especially tars transitive verb: to cover, smear, or treat with or as if with pitch transitive verb 1 : to erect and fix firmly in place <pitch a tent> 2 : to throw usually with a particular objective or toward a particular point <pitch hay onto a wagon>: as a : to throw (a baseball) to a batter b : to toss (as coins) so as to fall at or near a mark <pitch pennies> c : to put aside or discard by or as if by throwing <pitched the trash into the bin> <decided to pitch the whole idea> 3 a : to present or advertise especially in a high-pressure way : PLUG, PROMOTE b : to attempt to persuade especially with a sales pitch c : to present (a movie or program idea) for consideration (as by a TV producer) 4 a (1) : to cause to be at a particular level or of a particular quality <a test pitched at a 5th-grade reading level> (2) : to set in a particular musical key b : to cause to be set at a particular angle : SLOPE 5 : to utter glibly(流利圆滑) and insincerely 6 a : to use as a starting pitcher b : to play as pitcher([棒球]投手) 7 : to hit (a golf ball) in a high arc with backspin so that it rolls very little after striking the green 8 : THROW 14 <pitch a fit> to indulge in : give way to <pitch a temper tantrum> intransitive verb 1 a : to fall precipitately or headlong(轻率鲁莽) b (1) of a ship : to have the bow alternately plunge precipitately and rise abruptly (2) of an aircraft, missile, or spacecraft : to turn about a lateral axis so that the forward end rises or falls in relation to the after end c : BUCK 1 2 : ENCAMP (宿营,扎营) 3 : to hit upon or happen upon something <pitch upon the perfect gift> 4 : to incline downward : SLOPE 5 a : to throw a ball to a batter b : to play ball as a pitcher c : to pitch a golf ball 6 : to make a sales pitch synonyms see THROW noun 1 a : SLOPE also : degree of slope : RAKE b : the distance between any of various things: c : the theoretical distance a propeller would advance longitudinally in one revolution d : the number of teeth or of threads per inch e : a unit of width of type based on the number of times a letter can be set in a linear inch 2 : the action or a manner of pitching(船等上下颠簸) especially : an up-and-down movement 4 a : the relative level, intensity, or extent of some quality or state <tensions rose to a feverish pitch> b (1) : the property of a sound and especially a musical tone that is determined by the frequency of the waves producing it : highness or lowness of sound (2) : a standard frequency for tuning instruments c (1) : the difference in the relative vibration frequency of the human voice that contributes to the total meaning of speech (2) : a definite relative pitch that is a significant phenomenon in speech 5 a : a steep place : DECLIVITY(倾斜面,斜坡) b : the portion of a route (as in mountain climbing or caving) between belay points 6 chiefly British a : an outdoor site (as for camping or doing business) b : PLAYING FIELD 1 8 a : an often high-pressure sales presentation b : ADVERTISEMENT c : RECOMMENDATION, PLUG(推销广告) <made a pitch for tax cuts>


[piəs] v.刺透;穿过 transitive verb 1 a : to run into or through as a pointed weapon does : STAB(刺穿;刺伤) b : to enter or thrust into sharply or painfully 2 : to make a hole through : PERFORATE 3 : to force or make a way into or through 4 : to penetrate with the eye or mind : DISCERN(辨别,看清楚) 5 : to penetrate so as to move or touch the emotions of intransitive verb : to force a way into or through something synonyms see ENTER PIERCE means an entering or cutting through with a sharp pointed instrument <pierced the boil(疖子) with a lancet>.


[piθ] n.精髓,要点 1 a : a usually continuous central strand of spongy(像海绵的) tissue in the stems of most vascular plants that prob. functions chiefly in storage b : any of various loose spongy plant tissues that resemble true pith c : the soft or spongy interior of a part of the body 2 a : the essential part : CORE b : substantial quality (as of meaning) 3 : IMPORTANCE transitive verb 1 a : to kill (as cattle) by piercing or severing the spinal cord b : to destroy the spinal cord or central nervous system of (as a frog) usually by passing a wire or needle up and down the vertebral canal 2 : to remove the pith from (a plant stem)


[pju:si'læniməs] a.胆小的 : lacking courage and resolution : marked by contemptible timidity synonyms see COWARDLY synonyms COWARDLY, PUSILLANIMOUS, CRAVEN, DASTARDLY mean having or showing a lack of courage. COWARDLY implies a weak or ignoble(不光彩的) lack of courage <a cowardly failure to stand up for principle>. PUSILLANIMOUS suggests a contemptible lack of courage <the pusillanimous fear of a future full of possibility>. CRAVEN suggests extreme defeatism(失败主义) and complete lack of resistance <secretly despised her own craven yes-men>. DASTARDLY(懦弱的,欺善怕恶的) often implies behavior that is both cowardly and treacherous(背叛的) or skulking(躲躲闪闪) or outrageous <a dastardly attack on unarmed civilians>.


[plait] n.困境,苦境 noun: a solemnly given pledge : ENGAGEMENT(约定) : an unfortunate, difficult, or precarious(不稳的) situation transitive verb: to put or give in pledge : ENGAGE <plight his troth(宣誓)> (宣誓,保证)


[plau] n.犁;v.犁地 transitive verb 1 a : to turn, break up, or work with a plow b : to make (as a furrow) with a plow 2 : to cut into, open, or make furrows or ridges in with or as if with a plow 3 : to cleave the surface of or move through (water) <whales plowing the ocean> 4 : to clear away snow from with a snowplow <plow the street> 5 : to spend or invest (money) in substantial amounts - used with into <plows most of her income into mutual funds> intransitive verb 1 a : to use a plow b : to bear or admit of plowing 2 a : to move in a way resembling that of a plow <the car plowed into a fence(栅栏, 围墙)> b : to proceed steadily and laboriously <had to plow through a stack of letters>


[pledʒ] n.誓言,保证;v.发誓 1 a : a bailment(保释) of a chattel(动产) as security for a debt or other obligation without involving transfer of title b : the chattel so delivered c : the contract incidental to(附带的, 伴随的) such a bailment 2 a : the state of being held as a security or guaranty(保证 保证书) b : something given as security for the performance of an act 3 : a token(表征,记号), sign, or earnest of something else 4 : a gage(象征挑战而扔下的手套) of battle 5 : TOAST 3 : an act of proposing or of drinking in honor of a toast 6 a : a binding promise or agreement to do or forbear(忍耐,停止) b (1) : a promise to join a fraternity(兄弟会), sorority(妇女联谊会), or secret society (2) : a person who has so promised transitive verb 1 : to make a pledge of especially : PAWN(典当,以...为担保) 2 : to drink to the health of 3 : to bind by a pledge 4 : to promise the performance of by a pledge


[pleig] n.瘟疫;讨厌的人或物;v.烦扰 noun 1 a : a disastrous evil or affliction : CALAMITY b : a destructively numerous influx <a plague of locusts(蝗虫)> 2 a : an epidemic disease causing a high rate of mortality : PESTILENCE(瘟疫) b : a virulent contagious febrile(发热的) disease that is caused by a bacterium (Yersinia pestis) and that occurs in bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic forms(鼠疫) - called also black death 3 a : a cause of irritation : NUISANCE b : a sudden unwelcome outbreak <a plague of burglaries(盗窃行为)> transitive verb 1 : to smite(重击,彻底击败), infest(侵扰,骚扰), or afflict with or as if with disease, calamity(大灾祸), or natural evil 2 a : to cause worry or distress to : HAMPER, BURDEN b : to disturb or annoy persistently synonyms see WORRY PLAGUE implies a painful and persistent affliction <plagued all her life by poverty>.


[plein] a.简单的;清楚的;n.平原 noun 1 a : an extensive area of level or rolling treeless country b : a broad unbroken expanse(苍天,宽阔的区域,广阔) 2 : something free from artifice, ornament, or extraneous matter adjective 2 : lacking ornament : UNDECORATED 3 : free of extraneous matter : PURE 4 : free of impediments(障碍) to view : UNOBSTRUCTED 5 a (1) : evident to the mind or senses : OBVIOUS <it's perfectly plain that they will resist> (2) : CLEAR <let me make my meaning plain> b : marked by outspoken candor : free from duplicity(不诚实) or subtlety : BLUNT <plain talk> 6 a : belonging to the masses : COMMON b : lacking special distinction or affectation : ORDINARY 7 : characterized by simplicity : not complicated <plain home-cooked meals> 8 : lacking beauty or ugliness synonyms see COMMON, EVIDENT, FRANK


[plein] n.刨子;平面;v.刨 transitive verb 1 a : to make smooth or even : LEVEL b : to make smooth or even by use of a plane(刨) 2 : to remove by or as if by planing - often used with away or off intransitive verb 1 : to work with a plane 2 : to do the work of a plane noun : a tool for smoothing or shaping a wood surface 2 : a level of existence, consciousness, or development <on the intellectual plane> 3 a : one of the main supporting surfaces of an airplane b [by shortening] : AIRPLANE adjective 1 : having no elevations or depressions : FLAT 2 a : of, relating to, or dealing with geometric planes b : lying in a plane <a plane curve> synonyms see LEVEL PLANE applies to any real or imaginary flat surface in which a straight line between any two points on it lies wholly within that surface <the plane sides of a crystal>. intransitive verb 1 a : to fly while keeping the wings motionless b : to skim across the surface of the water 2 : to travel by airplane


[pli:d] v.恳求,提出...为理由 intransitive verb 1 : to argue a case or cause in a court of law 2 a : to make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding especially : to answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts b : to conduct pleadings 3 : to make a plea of a specified nature <plead not guilty> 4 a : to argue for or against a claim b : to entreat(恳求;乞求) or appeal earnestly transitive verb 1 : to maintain (as a case or cause) in a court of law or other tribunal 2 : to allege in or by way of a legal plea 3 : to offer as a plea usually in defense, apology, or excuse


[pli:t] n.(衣服上的)褶 : a fold in cloth made by doubling material over on itself also : something resembling such a fold transitive verb 1 : FOLD especially : to arrange in pleats <pleat a skirt> 2 : PLAIT 2 a : to interweave the strands or locks of : BRAID b : to make by plaiting <pleat a basket>


[plinθ] n.柱脚,底座 1 a : the lowest member of a base : SUBBASE b : a block upon which the moldings of an architrave or trim are stopped at the bottom 2 : a usually square block serving as a base broadly : any of various bases or lower parts 3 : a course of stones forming a continuous foundation or base course


[plu:'tɔkrəsi] n.财阀统治 1 : government by the wealthy 2 : a controlling class of the wealthy


[plu:m] n.羽毛;v.整理羽毛;搔首弄姿 noun 1 : a feather of a bird: as a : a large conspicuous or showy feather b : CONTOUR FEATHER(正羽) c : PLUMAGE(羽毛;华丽的衣服) d : a cluster of distinctive feathers 2 a : material (as a feather, cluster of feathers, or a tuft of hair) worn as an ornament b : a token(表征,记号) of honor or prowess(英勇,勇敢) : PRIZE transitive verb 1 a : to provide or deck with feathers b : to array showily 2 : to indulge (oneself) in pride with an obvious or vain display of self-satisfaction 3 of a bird a : to preen(整理羽毛) and arrange the feathers of (itself) b : to preen and arrange (feathers)


[plæt] n.发辫;v.编成辫 noun 1 : PLEAT(褶,褶状物) 2 : a braid of material (as hair or straw) specifically : PIGTAIL(辫子!) 1 : PLEAT 1 : FOLD especially : to arrange in pleats <plait a skirt> 2 a : to interweave the strands or locks of : BRAID b : to make by plaiting <plait a basket>


[plɑ:k] n.匾;血小板 1 a : an ornamental brooch(胸针,领针) especially : the badge of an honorary order b : a flat thin piece (as of metal) used for decoration c : a commemorative(纪念的) or identifying inscribed tablet 2 a : a localized abnormal patch on a body part or surface b : a sticky usually colorless film on teeth that is formed by and harbors bacteria c : an atherosclerotic(动脉粥样硬化的) lesion(伤口;损害) d : a histopathologic lesion of brain tissue that is characteristic of Alzheimer's disease and consists of a dense proteinaceous core composed primarily of beta-amyloid that is often surrounded and infiltrated by a cluster of degenerating axons and dendrites 3 : a clear area in a bacterial culture produced by viral destruction of cells


[plɔd] v.重步走;吃力地干 intransitive verb 1 : to work laboriously and monotonously : DRUDGE(作苦工) 2 a : to walk heavily or slowly : TRUDGE(涉,吃力地走) b : to proceed slowly or tediously <the movie just plods along> transitive verb : to tread(践踏) slowly or heavily along or over


[plɔi] n.花招,策略 1 : ESCAPADE(大胆行为,恶作剧), FROLIC(调皮) 2 a : a tactic intended to embarrass or frustrate an opponent b : a devised or contrived move : STRATAGEM <a ploy to get her to open the door - Robert B. Parker>


[plɔt] n.情节;阴谋;策划 noun 1 a : a small area of planted ground <a vegetable plot> b : a small piece of land in a cemetery(坟墓,公墓) c : a measured piece of land : LOT 2 : GROUND PLAN, PLAT 3 : the plan or main story (as of a movie or literary work) 4 : a secret plan for accomplishing a usually evil or unlawful end : INTRIGUE 5 : a graphic representation (as a chart) synonyms PLOT, INTRIGUE, MACHINATION, CONSPIRACY, CABAL mean a plan secretly devised to accomplish an evil or treacherous(背叛的) end. PLOT implies careful foresight in planning a complex scheme <an assassination plot>. INTRIGUE suggests secret underhanded maneuvering(机动) in an atmosphere of duplicity <backstairs intrigue>. MACHINATION implies a contriving of annoyances, injuries, or evils by indirect means <the machinations of a party boss>. CONSPIRACY implies a secret agreement among several people usually involving treason(叛逆,通敌) or great treachery <a conspiracy to fix prices>. CABAL typically applies to political intrigue involving persons of some eminence <a cabal among powerful senators>. transitive verb 1 a : to make a plot, map, or plan of b : to mark or note on or as if on a map or chart 2 : to lay out in plots 3 a : to locate (a point) by means of coordinates b : to locate (a curve) by plotted points c : to represent (an equation) by means of a curve so constructed 4 : to plan or contrive especially secretly 5 : to invent or devise the plot of (as a movie or a literary work) intransitive verb 1 : to form a plot : SCHEME 2 : to be located by means of coordinates <the data plot at a single point>


[plə'keit] v.抚慰,平息(愤怒) : to soothe or mollify especially by concessions : APPEASE synonyms see PACIFY PLACATE suggests changing resentment or bitterness to goodwill <a move to placate local opposition>.


[plə'si:bəu] n.安慰剂 1 a : a usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder b : an inert or innocuous(无害的;无毒的) substance used especially in controlled experiments testing the efficacy of another substance (as a drug) 2 : something tending to soothe


[plə'tɔnik] a.理论的;纯精神上的,没有感官欲望的 1 capitalized : of, relating to, or characteristic of Plato or Platonism(柏拉图哲学,柏拉图主义,精神恋爱) 2 a : relating to or based on platonic love also : experiencing or professing platonic love b : of, relating to, or being a relationship marked by the absence of romance or sex 3 : NOMINAL(名义上的,不重要的), THEORETICAL


[plʌk] n.在困难面前足智多谋的勇气,胆量;精力;v.拔毛;弹拉 transitive verb 1 : to pull or pick off or out 2 a : to remove something (as hairs) from by or as if by plucking <pluck one's eyebrows> b : ROB, FLEECE(骗取) 3 : to move, remove, or separate forcibly or abruptly <plucked the child from the middle of the street> 4 a : to pick, pull, or grasp at b : to play by sounding the strings with the fingers or a pick intransitive verb : to make a sharp pull or twitch noun 1 : an act or instance of plucking or pulling 2 : the heart, liver, lungs, and trachea of a slaughtered animal especially as an item of food 3 : courageous readiness to fight or continue against odds : dogged resolution


[plʌm] adv.精确地;v.深入了解;测水深 noun: a lead weight attached to a line and used to indicate a vertical direction adverb 1 : straight down or up : VERTICALLY 3 : in a direct manner : EXACTLY also : without interval of time : IMMEDIATELY transitive verb 1 : to weight with lead 2 a : to measure the depth of with a plumb b : to examine minutely and critically <plumbing the book's complexities> 3 : to adjust or test by a plumb line 4 : to seal with lead intransitive verb : to work as a plumber adjective 1 : exactly vertical or true 2 : THOROUGH, COMPLETE synonyms see VERTICAL PLUMB stresses an exact verticality determined (as with a plumb line) by earth's gravity <make sure that the wall is plumb>.


[plʌndʒ] v.投入;俯冲 transitive verb 1 : to cause to penetrate or enter quickly and forcibly into something <plunged the dagger(匕首)> 2 : to cause to enter a state or course of action usually suddenly, unexpectedly, or violently <plunged the nation into economic depression> intransitive verb 1 : to thrust or cast oneself into or as if into water 2 a : to become pitched or thrown headlong(莽撞的) or violently forward and downward also : to move oneself in such a manner <plunged off the embankment> b : to act with reckless haste : enter suddenly or unexpectedly <plunges into project after project> c : to bet or gamble heavily and recklessly 3 : to descend or dip suddenly <the stock's value plunged> noun: an act or instance of plunging : DIVE also : SWIM


[plʌʃ] a.豪华的 : a fabric with an even pile longer and less dense than velvet pile(割绒) 1 : relating to, resembling, or made of plush 2 a : notably luxurious b : RICH, FULL <the plush sound of his saxophone playing> <a plush, ripe wine>


[prai'veiʃən] n.丧失,贫困 1 : an act or instance of depriving : DEPRIVATION 2 : the state of being deprived especially : lack of what is needed for existence


[prai'ɔriti] n.在先,居前;优先权 1 a (1) : the quality or state of being prior (2) : precedence in date or position of publication - used of taxa b (1) : superiority in rank, position, or privilege (2) : legal precedence in exercise of rights over the same subject matter 2 : a preferential rating especially : one that allocates rights to goods and services usually in limited supply <that project has top priority> 3 : something given or meriting attention before competing alternatives


[prai] v.刺探;撬开 intransitive verb: to look closely or inquisitively also : to make a nosy or presumptuous(放肆的,专横的,冒昧的) inquiry transitive verb 1 : to raise, move, or pull apart with a lever : PRIZE 2 : to extract, detach, or open with difficulty <pried the secret out of my sister> noun 1 : a tool for prying 2 : LEVERAGE


[praim] n.全盛时期;a.首先的;最好的


[praul] v.潜行于,偷偷地漫游 intransitive verb : to move about or wander stealthily in or as if in search of prey transitive verb : to roam(漫游, 闲逛) over in a predatory manner nou : an act or instance of prowling on the prowl : in the act of prowling also : in search of something <his fourth wife had just left him, and he was on the prowl again - Mary McCarthy>


[prei] n.被捕食的动物 intransitive verb 1 : to make raids for the sake of booty(赃物,战利品) 2 a : to seize and devour prey b : to commit violence or robbery or fraud 3 : to have an injurious, destructive, or wasting effect <worry preyed upon his mind> noun 2 a : an animal taken by a predator as food b : one that is helpless or unable to resist attack : VICTIM <was prey to his own appetites> 3 : the act or habit of preying


[preit] v.瞎扯,胡说 : to talk long and idly : CHATTER


[premə'tjuə] a.过早的,早熟的 : happening, arriving, existing, or performed before the proper, usual, or intended time especially : born after a gestation period of less than 37 weeks <premature babies>


[pres'ti:dʒəs] a.有名望的,有威信的 2 : having prestige : HONORED


[pres'ti:ʒ] n.威信,威望,声望 1 : standing or estimation in the eyes of people : weight or credit in general opinion 2 : commanding position in people's minds synonyms see INFLUENCE PRESTIGE implies the ascendancy(优势地位\统治权) given by conspicuous excellence or reputation for superiority <the prestige of the newspaper>.


[pres] v.挤压


[pri'destin] v.注定 : to destine, decree(判决, 裁定), determine, appoint, or settle beforehand especially : PREDESTINATE 1 : to foreordain(注定) to an earthly or eternal lot or destiny by divine decree


[pri'dikəmənt] n.困境,窘境 1 : the character, status, or classification assigned by a predication specifically : CATEGORY 1 2 : CONDITION, STATE especially : a difficult, perplexing, or trying situation


[pri'dɔmineit] v.支配,统治;占优势 adjecitve: PREDOMINANT intransitive verb 1 : to hold advantage in numbers or quantity 2 : to exert controlling power or influence : PREVAIL transitive verb : to exert control over : DOMINATE


[pri'dɔminənt] a.有势力的 1 : having superior strength, influence, or authority : PREVAILING 2 : being most frequent or common synonyms see DOMINANT PREDOMINANT applies to something that exerts, often temporarily, the most marked influence <a predominant emotion>.


[pri'keəriəs] a.不稳的,危险的 1 : depending on the will or pleasure of another 2 : dependent on uncertain premises : DUBIOUS! <precarious generalizations> 3 a : dependent on chance circumstances, unknown conditions, or uncertain developments b : characterized by a lack of security or stability that threatens with danger synonyms see DANGEROUS synonyms DANGEROUS, HAZARDOUS, PRECARIOUS, PERILOUS, RISKY mean bringing or involving the chance of loss or injury. PRECARIOUS suggests both insecurity and uncertainty <earned a precarious living by gambling>.


[pri'klu:d] v.避免,排除 2 : to make impossible by necessary consequence : rule out in advance


[pri'kəuʃəs] a.早熟的 1 : exceptionally early in development or occurrence <precocious puberty> 2 : exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age <a precocious child>


[pri'liminəri] a.预备的;初步的,开始的 noun : something that precedes or is introductory or preparatory: as a : a preliminary scholastic examination b plural British : FRONT MATTER c : a preliminary heat or trial (as of a race) d : a minor match preceding the main event (as of a boxing card) adjective: coming before and usually forming a necessary prelude to something else <preliminary studies> <preliminary results>


[pri'pɔndəreit] v.(重量上,重要性上)压倒,超过 intransitive verb 1 : to exceed in weight 2 : to exceed in influence, power, or importance 3 : to exceed in numbers adjective : PREPONDERANT 1 : having superior weight, force, or influence 2 : having greater prevalence synonyms see DOMINANT


[pri'pɔstərəs] a.荒谬的 : contrary to nature, reason, or common sense : ABSURD


[pri'rɔgətiv] n.特权 1 a : an exclusive or special right, power, or privilege: as (1) : one belonging to an office or an official body (2) : one belonging to a person, group, or class of individuals (3) : one possessed by a nation as an attribute of sovereignty 2 : a distinctive excellence


[pri'sais] a.精确的 1 : exactly or sharply defined or stated 2 : minutely exact 3 : strictly conforming to a pattern, standard, or convention 4 : distinguished from every other <at just that precise moment> synonyms see CORRECT EXACT stresses a very strict agreement with fact, standard, or truth <exact measurements>. PRECISE adds to EXACT an emphasis on sharpness of definition or delimitation(给...定界限或边界) <precise calibration>.


[pri'sipiteit] v.加速,促成;a.鲁莽的


[pri'sipitənt] n.沉淀剂 noun: a precipitating agent especially : one that causes the formation of a precipitate adjective: PRECIPITATE 1 a : falling, flowing, or rushing with steep descent b : PRECIPITOUS, STEEP 2 : exhibiting violent or unwise speed PRECIPITANT stresses lack of due deliberation and implies prematureness of action <the army's precipitant withdrawal>.


[pri'skripʃən] n.处方(上的药)


[pri'tend] v.假装;装扮 adjective 1 : IMAGINARY, MAKE-BELIEVE <had a pretend pal(伙伴,好朋友) with whom he talked> 2 : not genuine : MOCK <pretend pearls> 3 : being a nonfunctional imitation <a pretend train for the children to play in>


[pri'tenʃəs] a.自抬身价的 1 : characterized by pretension: as a : making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value or standing) <the pretentious fraud(骗子) who assumes a love of culture that is alien to him - Richard Watts> b : expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature <pretentious language> <pretentious houses> 2 : making demands on one's skill, ability, or means : AMBITIOUS <the pretentious daring of the Green Mountain Boys in crossing the lake - American Guide Series: Vt.>


[pri'veil] v.战胜;盛行 1 : to gain ascendancy(优势地位) through strength or superiority : TRIUMPH 2 : to be or become effective or effectual 3 : to use persuasion successfully <prevailed on him to sing> 4 : to be frequent : PREDOMINATE <the west winds that prevail in the mountains> 5 : to be or continue in use or fashion : PERSIST <a custom that still prevails>


[pri'værikeit] v.支吾其词,说谎 : to deviate from the truth : EQUIVOCATE synonyms see LIE LIE is the blunt term, imputing dishonesty <lied about where he had been>. PREVARICATE softens the bluntness of LIE by implying quibbling or confusing the issue <during the hearings the witness did his best to prevaricate>. EQUIVOCATE implies using words having more than one sense so as to seem to say one thing but intend another <equivocated endlessly in an attempt to mislead her inquisitors>.


[pri'zaid] v.担任主席;负责;指挥 1 : to exercise guidance, direction, or control 2 a : to occupy the place of authority : act as president, chairman, or moderator b : to occupy a position similar to that of a president or chairman 3 : to occupy a position of featured instrumental performer - usually used with at <presided at the organ>


[pri'zentə] n.主持人 A radio or television presenter is a person who introduces the items in a particular programme. (mainly BRIT\ in AM, usually use host, anchor) Most people think being a television presenter is exciting...


[pri'zju:m] v.假定,认定 transitive verb 1 : to undertake without leave or clear justification : DARE 2 : to expect or assume especially with confidence 3 : to suppose to be true without proof <presumed innocent until proved guilty> 4 : to take for granted : IMPLY intransitive verb 1 : to act or proceed presumptuously or on a presumption 2 : to go beyond what is right or proper


[pri'zə:vətiv] a.防腐的;n.防腐剂 noun: something that preserves or has the power of preserving specifically : an additive used to protect against decay, discoloration, or spoilage adjective: having the power of preserving


[pri'zʌmpʃən] n.冒昧,专横;假定 1 : presumptuous attitude or conduct : AUDACITY(大胆,鲁莽) 2 a : an attitude or belief dictated by probability : ASSUMPTION b : the ground, reason, or evidence lending probability to a belief 3 : a legal inference as to the existence or truth of a fact not certainly known that is drawn from the known or proved existence of some other fact


[pri(:)'eminənt] a.出类拔萃的 : having paramount rank, dignity, or importance : OUTSTANDING, SUPREME


[pri(:)'empt] v.以先买权取得);取代 transitive verb 1 : to acquire (as land) by preemption 2 : to seize upon to the exclusion of others : take for oneself <the movement was then preempted by a lunatic(极蠢的;精神错乱的) fringe> 3 : to replace with something considered to be of greater value or priority : take precedence over <the program did not appear, having been preempted by a baseball game - Robert MacNeil> 4 : to gain a commanding or preeminent place in 5 : to prevent from happening or taking place : FORESTALL, PRECLUDE intransitive verb : to make a preemptive bid in bridge


[pri(:)'kə:sə] n.先驱,先兆 1 a : one that precedes and indicates the approach of another b : PREDECESSOR(前任,先辈) 2 : a substance, cell, or cellular component from which another substance, cell, or cellular component is formed synonyms see FORERUNNER PRECURSOR applies to a person or thing paving the way for the success or accomplishment of another <18th century poets like Burns were precursors of the Romantics>.


[pri(:)'mediteit] v.预先想过,预谋 transitive verb : to think about and revolve in the mind beforehand intransitive verb : to think, consider, or deliberate beforehand


[pri(:)'mediteitid] a.预谋的,事先计划的 : characterized by fully conscious willful intent and a measure of forethought and planning <premeditated murder>


[pri(:)'si:d] v.在...之前,早于 transitive verb 1 : to surpass in rank, dignity, or importance 2 : to be, go, or come ahead or in front of 3 : to be earlier than 4 : to cause to be preceded : PREFACE intransitive verb : to go or come before


[pri(:)`ɔkju'peiʃən] n.全神贯注;使人专注的东西 1 : an act of preoccupying : the state of being preoccupied 2 a : extreme or excessive concern with something b : something that preoccupies one


[pri:'tenʃən] n.自命不凡,夸耀 1 : an allegation of doubtful value : PRETEXT 2 : a claim or an effort to establish a claim 3 : a claim or right to attention or honor because of merit 4 : an aspiration or intention that may or may not reach fulfillment <has serious literary pretensions> 5 : VANITY(虚荣心,浮华), PRETENTIOUSNESS synonyms see AMBITION synonyms AMBITION, ASPIRATION, PRETENSION mean strong desire for advancement. AMBITION applies to the desire for personal advancement or preferment and may suggest equally a praiseworthy or an inordinate(过度的) desire <driven by ambition>. ASPIRATION implies a striving after something higher than oneself and usually implies that the striver is thereby ennobled <an aspiration to become president someday>. PRETENSION suggests ardent desire for recognition of accomplishment often without actual possession of the necessary ability and therefore may imply presumption <has literary pretensions>.


[pri:'vju:] v./n.预演,预展 transitive verb 1 : to see beforehand specifically : to view or to show in advance of public presentation 2 : to give a preliminary survey of noun 1 : an advance statement, sample, or survey 2 : an advance showing or performance (as of a motion picture or play) 3 : a showing of clips from a motion picture advertised for appearance in the near future


[pri:'æmbl] n.前言,序言;先兆 1 : an introductory statement especially : the introductory part of a constitution or statute(法规,法令,条例) that usually states the reasons for and intent of the law 2 : an introductory fact or circumstance especially : one indicating what is to follow


[pri:n] v.整理羽毛;(人)打扮修饰 transitive verb 1 of a bird : to groom with the bill especially by rearranging the barbs and barbules of the feathers and by distributing oil from the uropygial gland 2 : to dress or smooth (oneself) up : PRIMP 3 : to pride or congratulate (oneself) for achievement intransitive verb 1 : to make oneself sleek(光滑而有光泽的) 2 : GLOAT, SWELL


[pri:tʃ] v.传教,讲道 intransitive verb 1 : to deliver a sermon(说教,训诫,布道) 2 : to urge acceptance or abandonment of an idea or course of action specifically : to exhort(力劝;勉励) in an officious or tiresome manner transitive verb 1 : to set forth in a sermon <preach the gospel(绝对真理)> 2 : to advocate earnestly <preached revolution> 3 : to deliver (as a sermon) publicly 4 : to bring, put, or affect by preaching <preached the church out of debt - American Guide Series: Va.>


[pri`sipi'teiʃən] n.降水(量) 1 : the quality or state of being precipitate : HASTINESS 2 : an act, process, or instance of precipitating especially : the process of forming a precipitate 3 : something precipitated: as a : a deposit on the earth of hail(冰雹), mist, rain, sleet(雨夹雪), or snow also : the quantity of water deposited b : PRECIPITATE 1: a substance separated from a solution or suspension by chemical or physical change usually as an insoluble amorphous or crystalline solid


[prim] a.端庄的,整洁的 adjective 1 a : stiffly formal and proper : DECOROUS!(正派得体的) b : PRUDISH(过分守礼的) 2 : NEAT, TRIM <prim hedges> intransitive veb 1 : to give a prim or demure(矜持的) expression to <primming her thin lips after every mouthful - John Buchan> 2 : to dress primly


[primp] v.(妇女)刻意打扮 transitive verb : to dress, adorn, or arrange in a careful or finicky manner intransitive verb : to dress or groom oneself carefully <primps for hours before a date>


[pris'kraib] v.开处方;规定


[pru:d] n.过分守礼的人 : a person who is excessively or priggishly attentive to propriety or decorum ! especially : a woman who shows or affects extreme modesty


[pru:n] n.梅干;v.修剪 noun: a plum dried or capable of drying without fermentation transitive verb 1 a : to reduce especially by eliminating superfluous matter <pruned the text> <prune the budget> b : to remove as superfluous <prune away all ornamentation> 2 : to cut off or cut back parts of for better shape or more fruitful growth <prune the branches> intransitive verb : to cut away what is unwanted or superfluous(多余的)


[præg'mætik] a.实际的,实用主义的 2 : relating to matters of fact or practical affairs often to the exclusion of intellectual or artistic matters : practical as opposed to idealistic <pragmatic men of power have had no time or inclination to deal with social morality - K. B. Clark> 3 : relating to or being in accordance with philosophical pragmatism


[præk'tiʃənə] n.开业者;从事某种手艺者 1 : one who practices especially : one who practices a profession and esp. medicine 2 Christian Science : an authorized healer Doctors are sometimes referred to as practitioners or medical practitioners. (FORMAL)


[præŋk] n.恶作剧,玩笑 noun: TRICK: b : a mildly mischievous act c : a ludicrous(荒唐可笑的) act intransitive verb : to show oneself off transitive verb : to dress or adorn gaily or showily


[prɔd] v.刺,捅;激励 transitive verb 1 a : to thrust a pointed instrument into : PRICK b : to incite(煽动) to action : STIR 2 : to poke or stir as if with a prod intransitive verb : to urge someone on noun 1 : a pointed instrument used to prod 2 : an incitement to act <needed a few prods to remember her lines>


[prɔg'nəusis] n.预后,对疾病的发作及结果的预言(forecast of the likely course of a disease or an illness) 1 : the prospect of recovery as anticipated from the usual course of disease or peculiarities of the case 2 : FORECAST, PROGNOSTICATION


[prɔklə'meiʃ(ə)n] n.宣布,公告 1 : the action of proclaiming : the state of being proclaimed 2 : something proclaimed specifically : an official formal public announcement


[prɔmpt] v.促使,激起;a.敏捷的,迅速的


[prɔp] n.支撑物,靠山;v.支持 noun: something that props or sustains : SUPPORT transitive verb 1 a : to support by placing something under or against - often used with up b : to support by placing against something 2 : SUSTAIN, STRENGTHEN - often used with up <a government propped up by the military> noun 1 : PROPERTY 3: an article or object used in a play or motion picture except painted scenery and costumes <stage props> 2 : something used in creating or enhancing a desired effect <buy books as cultural props because they want to appear literate - John Powers> noun: PROPELLER


[prɔs'periti] n.繁荣;幸运;健康 : the condition of being successful or thriving especially : economic well-being


[prɔs'treit] a.俯卧的;沮丧的;v.使下跪鞠躬 adjective 1 : stretched out with face on the ground in adoration or submission also : lying flat 2 : completely overcome and lacking vitality, will, or power to rise <was prostrate from the heat> 3 : trailing on the ground : PROCUMBENT(平伏的,匍匐的) <prostrate shrubs> synonyms see PRONE PROSTRATE implies lying full-length as in submission, defeat, or physical collapse <a runner fell prostrate at the finish line>. transitive verb 1 : to throw or put into a prostrate position 2 : to put (oneself) in a humble and submissive posture or state <the whole town had to prostrate itself in official apology - Claudia Cassidy> 3 : to reduce to submission, helplessness, or exhaustion <was prostrated with grief>


[prɔvi'denʃəl] a.幸运的;恰到好处的 1 : of, relating to, or determined by Providence 3 : occurring by or as if by an intervention of Providence <a providential escape> synonyms see LUCKY PROVIDENTIAL more definitely implies the help or intervention of a higher power <a providential change in the weather>.


[prə'didʒəs] a.巨大的 1 b : resembling or befitting a prodigy : STRANGE, UNUSUAL 2 : exciting amazement or wonder 3 : extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree : ENORMOUS synonyms see MONSTROUS


[prə'dʒektail] n.抛射物,发射体 noun 1 : a body projected by external force and continuing in motion by its own inertia especially : a missile for a weapon (as a firearm) 2 : a self-propelling weapon (as a rocket) adjective 1 : projecting or impelling forward <a projectile force> 2 : capable of being thrust forward


[prə'dʒektə] n.电影放映机,幻灯机 1 : one that plans a project specifically : PROMOTER 2 : one that projects: as a : a device for projecting a beam of light b : an optical instrument for projecting an image upon a surface c : a machine for projecting motion pictures on a screen 3 : an imagined line from an object to a surface along which projection takes place


[prə'dʒekʃən] n.凸出物


[prə'faund] a.深的,深刻的;渊博的,深奥的


[prə'fein] v.亵渎,玷污 transitive verb 1 : to treat (something sacred) with abuse, irreverence(不虔诚,不尊敬), or contempt : DESECRATE (亵渎,污辱) 2 : to debase by a wrong, unworthy, or vulgar use adjective 1 : not concerned with religion or religious purposes : SECULAR(世俗的) 2 : not holy because unconsecrated, impure, or defiled : UNSANCTIFIED(未神圣化的,不圣洁的) 3 a : serving to debase or defile what is holy : IRREVERENT(不敬的,不逊的,无礼的) b : OBSCENE(淫秽的,猥亵的), VULGAR(粗俗的) 4 a : not being among the initiated b : not possessing esoteric(秘传的) or expert knowledge


[prə'fetik] a.先知的,预言的,预示的 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy 2 : foretelling events : PREDICTIVE


[prə'fiʃənt] a.熟练的,精通的 : well advanced in an art, occupation, or branch of knowledge synonyms PROFICIENT, ADEPT, SKILLED, SKILLFUL, EXPERT mean having great knowledge and experience in a trade or profession. PROFICIENT implies a thorough competence derived from training and practice <proficient in translating foreign languages>.


[prə'fju:s] a.很多的;浪费的 1 : pouring forth liberally : EXTRAVAGANT <profuse in their thanks> 2 : exhibiting great abundance : BOUNTIFUL <a profuse harvest> synonyms PROFUSE, LAVISH, PRODIGAL, LUXURIANT, LUSH, EXUBERANT mean giving or given out in great abundance. PROFUSE implies pouring forth without restraint <profuse apologies>.


[prə'hibitiv] a.抑制的;价格贵得买不起的 1 : tending to prohibit or restrain 2 : tending to preclude use or purchase <prohibitive costs> 3 : almost certain to perform as predicted <a prohibitive favorite>


[prə'kjuə] v.取得,获得 transitive verb 1 a : to get possession of : obtain by particular care and effort b : to get and make available for promiscuous sexual intercourse 2 : BRING ABOUT, ACHIEVE <procured the prisoner's release> intransitive verb : to procure women


[prə'kjuəmənt] n.获得,接收 : the act or process of procuring especially : the obtaining of military supplies by a government


[prə'kleim] v.宣告,宣布;显示 1 a : to declare publicly, typically insistently, proudly, or defiantly(藐视地) and in either speech or writing : ANNOUNCE b : to give outward indication of : SHOW <his manner proclaimed his !genteel(举止优雅的) upbringing> 2 : to declare or declare to be solemnly, officially, or formally <proclaim an amnesty(大赦,特赦)> <proclaim the country a republic> 3 : to praise or glorify openly or publicly : EXTOL <proclaimed the rescue workers' efforts> synonyms see DECLARE PROCLAIM implies declaring clearly, forcefully, and authoritatively <the president proclaimed a national day of mourning>.


[prə'lifik] a.多产的,多结果的 1 : producing young or fruit especially freely : FRUITFUL 3 : marked by abundant inventiveness or productivity <a prolific composer> synonyms see FERTILE synonyms FERTILE, FECUND, FRUITFUL, PROLIFIC mean producing or capable of producing offspring or fruit. FERTILE implies the power to reproduce in kind or to assist in reproduction and growth <fertile soil>\applied figuratively, it suggests readiness of invention and development <a fertile imagination>. FECUND(多产的;丰饶的) emphasizes abundance or rapidity in bearing fruit or offspring <a fecund herd>. FRUITFUL adds to FERTILE and FECUND the implication of desirable or useful results <fruitful research>. PROLIFIC stresses rapidity of spreading or multiplying by or as if by natural reproduction <a prolific writer>.


[prə'lɔŋ] v.延长,拉长 1 : to lengthen in time : CONTINUE 2 : to lengthen in extent, scope, or range synonyms see EXTEND PROLONG suggests chiefly increase in duration especially beyond usual limits <prolonged illness>.


[prə'məut] v.提升;促进


[prə'naunst] a.(观点等)强硬的,明显的 : strongly marked : DECIDED <a pronounced dislike>


[prə'pel] v.推进 : to drive forward or onward by or as if by means of a force that imparts motion


[prə'pelə] n.螺旋桨;推进器 : one that propels especially : a device that consists of a central hub with radiating blades placed and twisted so that each forms part of a helical surface and that is used to propel a vehicle (as a ship or airplane)


[prə'pensiti] n.嗜好,习性 : an often intense natural inclination or preference synonyms see LEANING PROPENSITY implies a deeply ingrained(根深蒂固的) and usually irresistible inclination <a propensity to offer advice>. prophecy ['prɔfisi] n.预言


[prə'piʃieit] v.讨好;抚慰 : to gain or regain the favor or goodwill of : APPEASE, CONCILIATE


[prə'piʃəs] a.吉利的;顺利的 1 : favorably disposed : BENEVOLENT(善心的,仁心的) 2 : being a good omen : AUSPICIOUS(吉兆的;幸运的) <propitious sign> 3 : tending to favor : ADVANTAGEOUS synonyms see FAVORABLE PROPITIOUS may also apply to beginnings but often implies a continuing favorable condition <a propitious time for starting a business>.


[prə'praiəti] n.礼节;适当 3 : the quality or state of being proper : APPROPRIATENESS 4 a : conformity to what is socially acceptable in conduct or speech b : fear of offending against conventional rules of behavior especially between the sexes c plural : the customs and manners of polite society


[prə'praiətəri] a.私有的


[prə'pəuzəl] n.提案,建议 1 : an act of putting forward or stating something for consideration 2 a : something proposed : SUGGESTION b : OFFER specifically : an offer of marriage


[prə'pʌlʃən] n.推进力 1 : the action or process of propelling 2 : something that propels


[prə'seʃən] n.行列;前进 1 a : a group of individuals moving along in an orderly often ceremonial way b : SUCCESSION, SEQUENCE 2 a : continuous forward movement : PROGRESSION b : EMANATION(散发) <the Holy Spirit's procession from the Father>


[prə'spekt, 'prɔspekt] v.勘探;n.期望;前景 2 a (1) : an extensive view (2) : a mental consideration : SURVEY b : a place that commands an extensive view : LOOKOUT c : something extended to the view : SCENE 4 a : the act of looking forward : ANTICIPATION b : a mental picture of something to come : VISION c : something that is awaited or expected : POSSIBILITY d plural (1) : financial expectations (2) : CHANCES 5 : a place showing signs of containing a mineral deposit 6 a : a potential buyer or customer b : a likely candidate for a job or position in prospect : possible or likely for the future : Compare in retrospect : in considering the past or a past event synonyms PROSPECT, OUTLOOK, ANTICIPATION, FORETASTE mean an advance realization of something to come. PROSPECT implies expectation of a particular event, condition, or development of definite interest or concern <the prospect of a quiet weekend>. intransitive verb : to explore an area especially for mineral deposits transitive verb : to inspect (a region) for mineral deposits broadly : EXPLORE


[prə'test, 'prəutest] v./n.抗议,反对


[prə'tju:bərəns] n.凸出,隆起 1 : something that is protuberant 2 : the quality or state of being protuberant synonyms see PROJECTION PROTUBERANCE implies a growing or swelling out in rounded form <a skin disease marked by warty protuberances>.


[prə'tju:bərənt] a.突出的,隆起的 : thrusting out from a surrounding or adjacent surface often as a rounded mass : PROMINENT <protuberant eyes>


[prə'vinʃəl] a.偏狭的,粗俗的 noun 1 : the superior of a province of a Roman Catholic religious order 2 : one living in or coming from a province 3 a : a person of local or restricted interests or outlook b : a person lacking urban polish or refinement adjective 1 : of, relating to, or coming from a province 2 a : limited in outlook : NARROW b : lacking the polish of urban society : UNSOPHISTICATED 3 : of or relating to a decorative style (as in furniture) marked by simplicity, informality, and relative plainness especially : FRENCH PROVINCIAL


[prə'viʒən] n.(粮食)供应;(法律等)条款 1 a : the act or process of providing b : the fact or state of being prepared beforehand c : a measure taken beforehand to deal with a need or contingency(偶发事件) : PREPARATION <made provision for replacements> 2 : a stock of needed materials or supplies especially : a stock of food - usually used in plural 3 : PROVISO(附文,条件), STIPULATION(条款规定的东西) transitive verb: to supply with provisions


[prə'viʒənl] a.暂时的,临时的 : serving for the time being : TEMPORARY <a provisional government> noun: a postage stamp for use until a regular issue appears


[prəu'bɔsis] n.(象)长鼻;(昆虫等)吸管 1 a : the trunk of an elephant also : any long flexible snout(鼻口部,猪嘴,鼻状物) b : the human nose especially when prominent 2 : any of various elongated or extensible tubular processes (as the sucking organ of a butterfly) of the oral region of an invertebrate


[prəu'kræstineit] v.耽搁,拖延 transitive verb : to put off intentionally and habitually intransitive verb : to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done synonyms see DELAY


[prəu'lifəreit] v.繁殖;激增 intransitive verb 1 : to grow by rapid production of new parts, cells, buds, or offspring 2 : to increase in number as if by proliferating : MULTIPLY transitive verb 1 : to cause to grow by proliferating 2 : to cause to increase in number or extent as if by proliferating


[prəu'liksəti] n.罗嗦 Prolixity in language refers to speech or writing which uses an excess of words, synonymous with verbosity.


[prəu'skraib] v.禁止 1 : to publish the name of as condemned to death with the property of the condemned forfeited to the state 2 : to condemn or forbid as harmful or unlawful : PROHIBIT


[prəu'tægənist] n.提议者,支持者 1 a : the principal character in a literary work (as a drama or story) b : a leading actor, character, or participant in a literary work or real event 2 : a leader, proponent, or supporter of a cause : CHAMPION


[prəu'zeiik] a.单调的,无趣的 1 a : characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry : FACTUAL b : DULL, UNIMAGINATIVE <prosaic advice> 2 : EVERYDAY, ORDINARY <heroic characters wasted in prosaic lives - Kirkus Reviews>


[prəub] v.探索,探测 noun: ? transitive verb 1 : to search into and explore very thoroughly : subject to a penetrating investigation 2 : to examine with a probe <unmanned vehicles probed space> intransitive verb : to make a searching exploratory investigation synonyms see ENTER


[prəun] a.俯卧的;倾向于...的 1 : having a tendency or inclination : being likely <prone to forget names> <accident-prone> 2 a : having the front or ventral surface downward b : lying flat or prostrate


[prəuz] n.散文 1 a : the ordinary language people use in speaking or writing b : a literary medium distinguished from poetry especially by its greater irregularity and variety of rhythm and its closer correspondence to the patterns of everyday speech 2 : a prosaic style, quality, or condition adjective 1 : of, relating to, or written in prose 2 : PROSAIC intransitive verb 1 : to write prose 2 : to write or speak in a prosaic manner


[pɔ'lemik] n.争论,论战 1 a : an aggressive attack on or refutation(驳斥) of the opinions or principles of another b : the art or practice of disputation or controversy - usually used in plural but singular or plural in construction 2 : an aggressive controversialist : DISPUTANT (争论者)


[pɔ:'tentəs] a.凶兆的,有危险的 1 : of, relating to, or constituting a portent (前兆,预示) <suspense, portentous foreshadowing, hints of sinister and violent mysteries - Francine Prose> 2 : eliciting amazement or wonder : PRODIGIOUS (巨大的) 3 a : being a grave or serious matter <portentous decisions> b : self-consciously solemn or important : POMPOUS (爱炫耀的;浮华的) <portentous declamation unsalted by the least trace of humor - W. H. Pritchard> c : ponderously excessive <that discipline's overwrought, portentous phrases - R. M. Coles> synonyms see OMINOUS PORTENTOUS suggests being frighteningly big or impressive but now seldom definitely connotes forewarning of calamity <an eerie and portentous stillness>.


[pɔ:'trei] v.描绘,描述 1 : to make a picture of : DEPICT 2 a : to describe in words b : to play the role of : ENACT


[pɔ:] n.毛孔,气孔 intransitive verb 1 : to gaze intently 2 : to read or study attentively - usually used with over 3 : to reflect or meditate(想,考虑,计划) steadily noun 1 : a minute opening especially in an animal or plant especially : one by which matter passes through a membrane 2 : a small interstice(细裂缝;空隙) (as in soil) admitting absorption or passage of liquid


[pɔ:t'fəuljəu] n.文件夹;股份单 1 : a hinged cover or flexible case for carrying loose papers, pictures, or pamphlets(不装订的小册子) 2 : the office and functions of a minister of state or member of a cabinet 3 : the securities held by an investor : the commercial paper held by a financial house (as a bank) 4 : a set of pictures (as drawings or photographs) usually bound in book form or loose in a folder 5 : a selection of a student's work (as papers and tests) compiled over a period of time and used for assessing performance or progress


[pɔiz] v.使相等,使平衡;n.泰然自若,镇定 transitive verb 1 a : BALANCE especially : to hold or carry in equilibrium <carried a water jar poised on her head> b : to hold supported or suspended without motion in a steady position <poised her fork and gave her guest a knowing look - Louis Bromfield> 2 : to hold or carry (the head) in a particular way 3 : to put into readiness : BRACE intransitive verb 1 : to become drawn up into readiness 2 : HOVER 1 : a stably balanced state : EQUILIBRIUM <a poise between widely divergent impulses - F. R. Leavis> 2 a : easy self-possessed assurance of manner : gracious tact in coping or handling also : the pleasantly tranquil interaction between persons of poise <no angry outbursts marred the poise of the meeting> b : a particular way of carrying oneself : BEARING, CARRIAGE synonyms see TACT synonyms TACT, ADDRESS, POISE, SAVOIR FAIRE mean skill and grace in dealing with others. TACT implies delicate and considerate perception of what is appropriate <questions showing a lack of tact>. POISE may imply both tact and address but stresses self-possession and ease in meeting difficult situations <answered the accusations with unruffled poise>.


[pɔm'pɔsiti] n.自大的行为,傲慢,自命不凡 1 : pompous demeanor(行为, 风度), speech, or behavior 2 : a pompous gesture, habit, or act


[pɔn'tifikit] v.自大武断地做或说 noun : the state, office, or term of office of a pontiff intransitive verb 1 a : to officiate(主持) as a pontiff( 大祭司) b : to celebrate pontifical mass 2 : to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way


[pɔn'tifikəl] a.自以为是的;武断的 adjective 1 a : of or relating to a pontiff(罗马教皇, 主教) or pontifex b : celebrated by a prelate(主教) of episcopal rank with distinctive ceremonies <pontifical mass> 2 : POMPOUS (傲慢的,自大的,浮华的) 3 : pretentiously dogmatic (教条的,武断的)


[pə'lemikəl] a.挑起论战的 1 : of, relating to, or being a polemic : CONTROVERSIAL 2 : engaged in or addicted to polemics : DISPUTATIOUS


[pə'ru:z] v.细读,精读 1 a : to examine or consider with attention and in detail : STUDY b : to look over or through in a casual or cursory(草率的) manner 2 : READ especially : to read over in an attentive(注意的,留意的) or leisurely manner


[pə'sju:] v.追赶,追求,追踪 transitive verb 1 : to follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, or defeat 2 : to find or employ measures to obtain or accomplish : SEEK <pursue a goal> 3 : to proceed along <pursues a northern course> 4 a : to engage in <pursue a hobby> b : to follow up or proceed with <pursue an argument> 5 : to continue to afflict : HAUNT <was pursued by horrible memories> 6 : 2CHASE 1C : an earnest or frenzied seeking after something desired <pursued by dozens of fans> intransitive verb : to go in pursuit synonyms see CHASE synonyms CHASE, PURSUE, FOLLOW, TRAIL mean to go after or on the track of something or someone. CHASE implies going swiftly after and trying to overtake something fleeing or running <a dog chasing a cat>. PURSUE suggests a continuing effort to overtake, reach, or attain <pursued the criminal through narrow streets>.


[pə'tein] v.属于;关于 1 a (1) : to belong as a part, member, accessory, or product (2) : to belong as an attribute, feature, or function <the destruction and havoc pertaining to war> (3) : to belong as a duty or right <responsibilities that pertain to fatherhood> b : to be appropriate to something <the criteria will be different from those that pertain elsewhere - J. B. Conant> 2 : to have reference <books pertaining to birds>


[pə'tenʃ(ə)l] a.潜在的,有可能性的


[pə'tenʃieit] v.加强(力量,效果) : to make effective or active or more effective or more active also : to augment the activity of (as a drug) synergistically(协同地,协作地)


[pə'zest] a.着迷的;疯狂的 1 a (1) : influenced or controlled by something (as an evil spirit, a passion, or an idea) (2) : MAD, CRAZED b : urgently desirous(渴望的;期望的) to do or have something 3 : SELF-POSSESSED: composed in mind or manner : CALM


[pə(:)'veid] v.弥漫,普及 : to become diffused throughout every part of


[pə:'lɔin] v.偷窃 : to appropriate(盗用) wrongfully and often by a breach of trust


[pə:'pɔ:tid] a.谣传的,声张的,号称的 : REPUTED, ALLEGED <took gullible tourists to purported ancient sites>


[pə:dʒ] v.清洗,洗涤 transitive verb 1 a : to clear of guilt b : to free from moral or ceremonial defilement(弄脏) 2 a : to cause evacuation from (as the bowels) b (1) : to make free of something unwanted <purge a manhole of gas> <purge yourself of fear> (2) : to free (as a boiler) of sediment or relieve (as a steam pipe) of trapped air by bleeding c (1) : to rid (as a nation or party) by a purge (2) : to get rid of <the leaders had been purged> intransitive verb 1 : to become purged 2 : to have or produce frequent evacuations(撤离) 3 : to cause purgation noun 1 : something that purges especially : PURGATIVE(通便\催泻) 2 a : an act or instance of purging b : the removal of elements or members regarded as undesirable and especially as treacherous(背叛的) or disloyal


[pəu'daiətrist] n.足医 : the medical care and treatment of the human foot


[pəu'læriti] n.极端性,二极分化 1 : the quality or condition inherent in a body that exhibits opposite properties or powers in opposite parts or directions or that exhibits contrasted properties or powers in contrasted parts or directions : the condition of having poles 2 : attraction toward a particular object or in a specific direction 3 : the particular state either positive or negative with reference to the two poles or to electrification 4 a : diametrical opposition b : an instance of such opposition


[pəu'puri(:)] n.混杂;杂文集 1 : a mixture of flowers, herbs, and spices that is usually kept in a jar and used for scent(香味) 2 : a miscellaneous(多方面的,性质混杂的) collection : MEDLEY <a potpourri of the best songs and sketches ― Current Biog.>


[pəu'teiʃən] n.畅饮;饮料 1 : a usually alcoholic drink or brew(酿造酒,蕴酿) 2 : the act or an instance of drinking or inhaling(吸气) also : the portion taken in one such act


[pəu'zə:] n.装模作样的人 : a person who pretends to be what he or she is not : an affected or insincere person


[pəul] n.民意测验;选举投票 1 : HEAD 2 a : the top or back of the head b : NAPE 3 : the broad or flat end of a striking tool (as a hammer) 4 a (1) : the casting or recording of the votes of a body of persons (2) : a counting of votes cast b : the place where votes are cast or recorded - usually used in plural <at the polls> c : the period of time during which votes may be cast at an election d : the total number of votes recorded <a heavy poll> 5 a : a questioning or canvassing(民意调查;拉选票;仔细检查) of persons selected at random or by quota to obtain information or opinions to be analyzed b : a record of the information so obtained


[pəuz] v.摆姿势;造作 transitive verb 1 a : to set forth or offer for attention or consideration <let me pose a question> b : to come to attention as : PRESENT <smoking poses a health risk> 2 a : to put or set in place b : to place (as a model) in a studied attitude intransitive verb 1 : to assume a posture or attitude usually for artistic purposes 2 : to affect an attitude or character usually to deceive or impress <posed as a doctor to gain access to the ward> 1 : a sustained posture especially : one assumed for artistic effect 2 : an attitude, role, or characteristic assumed for effect synonyms POSE, AIR, AIRS, AFFECTATION, MANNERISM mean an adopted way of speaking or behaving.


[pʌlp] n.果肉酱;纸浆\木髓,牙髓 noun 1 : ?... 2 : pulverized ore mixed with water 3 a : pulpy condition or character b : something in such a condition or having such a character 4 : a magazine or book printed on cheap paper (as newsprint) and often dealing with sensational material also : sensational or tabloid(小报) writing - often used attributively <pulp fiction> transitive verb 1 : to reduce to pulp <pulped unsold copies of the book> 2 : to cause to appear pulpy 3 : to deprive of the pulp intransitive verb : to become pulp or pulpy


[pʌls] v.搏动,跳动;n.脉搏;脉冲


[pʌn] n.双关语 noun: the usually humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more of its meanings or the meaning of another word similar in sound intransitive verb: to make puns


[pʌntʃ] v.以拳猛击;打洞


[rai] a.扭曲的;冷嘲性幽默的 intransitive verb : TWIST, WRITHE(挣扎,痛苦地扭曲) transitive verb : to pull out of or as if out of proper shape : make !awry(扭曲的,走样的,歪斜的 =!askew(歪斜的) = cockeyed;不走正道的) adjective 1 : having a bent or twisted shape or condition <a wry smile> also : turned abnormally to one side <a wry neck> 2 : !WRONGHEADED(坚持错误的;固执的) 1: stubborn in adherence to wrong opinion or principles <wry in his opinions> 3 : cleverly and often ironically or !grimly(严格地,冷酷地,可怕地) humorous


[raif] a.流行的,普遍的 1 : prevalent especially to an increasing degree <suspicion and cruelty were rife - W. E. B. DuBois> 2 : ABUNDANT, COMMON 3 : copiously supplied : ABOUNDING - usually used with with <rife with rumors>


[rail] v.使...恼火,激怒 1 : to make agitated and angry : UPSET 2 : ROIL 1 a : to make turbid by stirring up the sediment or dregs of b : to stir up : DISTURB, DISORDER <changes that have riled the country> synonyms see IRRITATE RILE implies inducing an angry or resentful agitation <the new work schedules riled the employees>.


[raim] n.押韵;v.押韵


[raind] n.(西瓜等)外皮 1 : the bark of a tree 2 : a usually hard or tough outer layer : PEEL, CRUST <grated lemon rind>


[rait] n.(宗教的)仪式 1 a : a prescribed form or manner governing the words or actions for a ceremony b : the ceremonial practices of a church or group of churches 2 : a ceremonial act or action <initiation rites>


[raiv] v.撕开,分裂 transitive verb 1 a : to wrench open or tear apart or to pieces : !REND(撕裂,猛拉) b : to split with force or violence <lightning rived the tree> 2 a : to divide into pieces : SHATTER <nations riven by civil war> b : FRACTURE intransitive verb : to become split : CRACK synonyms see TEAR RIVE occurs most often in figurative use <a political party riven by conflict>.


[rei'ʒi:m] n.政权,政治制度 1 a : REGIMEN 1 b : a regular pattern of occurrence or action (as of seasonal rainfall) c : the characteristic behavior or orderly procedure of a natural phenomenon or process 2 a : mode of rule or management b : a form of government <a socialist regime> c : a government in power <predicted that the new regime would fall> d : a period of rule


[reid] n.突然袭击 1 a : a hostile or predatory incursion(侵犯,入侵) b : a surprise attack by a small force 2 a : a brief foray(突袭,偷袭) outside one's usual sphere b : a sudden invasion by officers of the law c : a daring operation against a competitor d : the recruiting of personnel (as faculty, executives, or athletes) from competing organizations 3 : the act of mulcting(抢夺) public money 4 : an attempt by professional operators to depress stock prices by concerted selling


[reidʒ] n.盛怒;v.激怒 1 a : violent and uncontrolled anger b : a fit of violent wrath(想复仇的愤怒,大怒) 2 : violent action (as of wind or sea) 3 : an intense feeling : PASSION 4 : a fad(狂热;时尚) pursued with intense enthusiasm <was all the rage> synonyms see ANGER, FASHION Compared with ANGER RAGE suggests loss of self-control from violence of emotion <screaming with rage>. Compared with FASHION RAGE and CRAZE stress intense enthusiasm in adopting a fad <Cajun food was the rage nearly everywhere for a time> <crossword puzzles once seemed just a passing craze but have lasted>.


[reil] n.栏杆;铁轨;v.咒骂,猛烈指责 noun 1 a : a bar extending from one post or support to another and serving as a guard or barrier b : a structural member or support 2 a : RAILING 1 : a barrier consisting of a rail and supports(栏杆) b : a light structure serving as a guard at the outer edge of a ship's deck c : a fence bounding a racetrack 3 a : a bar of rolled steel forming a track for wheeled vehicles b : TRACK c : RAILROAD transitive verb: to provide with a railing : FENCE intransitive verb: to revile(辱骂) or scold in harsh, insolent(粗野的,无礼的), or abusive language


[rein] n.统治时期;王朝;领域 1 a : royal authority : SOVEREIGNTY <under the reign of the Stuart kings> b : the dominion(统治 管辖), sway(摇摆;动摇), or influence of one resembling a monarch(君主) <the reign of the Puritan ministers> 2 : the time during which one (as a sovereign) reigns intransitive verb 1 a : to possess or exercise sovereign power : RULE b : to hold office as chief of state although possessing little governing power <in England the sovereign(最高统治者) reigns but does not rule> 2 : to exercise authority in the manner of a monarch 3 : to be predominant or prevalent <chaos reigned in the classroom>


[rein] n.缰绳;v.控制 noun 1 : a strap fastened to a bit by which a rider or driver controls an animal - usually used in plural 2 a : a restraining influence : CHECK <kept a tight rein on the proceedings> b : controlling or guiding power - usually used in plural <the reins of government> 3 : opportunity for unhampered activity or use <gave full rein to her imagination> transitive verb 1 : to control or direct with or as if with reins 2 : to check or stop by or as if by a pull at the reins <reined in her horse> <couldn't rein his impatience> intransitive verb 2 : to stop or slow up one's horse or oneself by or as if by pulling the reins


[reiv] n.热切赞扬;v.狂语 1 : an act or instance of raving 2 : an extravagantly favorable criticism <the play received the critics' raves> 3 : a large overnight dance party featuring techno music and usually involving the taking of mind-altering drugs intransitive verb 1 a : to talk irrationally in or as if in delirium(精神错乱,发狂) b : to speak out wildly c : to talk with extreme enthusiasm <raved about its beauty> 2 : to move or advance violently : STORM <the iced gusts still rave and beat - John Keats> transitive verb : to utter in madness or frenzy


[reiz] v.彻底破坏 1 b : to scrape, cut, or shave off 2 : to destroy to the ground : DEMOLISH <raze an old building>


[relm] n.王国;领域,范围 1 : KINGDOM 2 2 : SPHERE, DOMAIN <within the realm of possibility> 3 : a primary marine or terrestrial biogeographic division of the earth's surface


[rend] v.撕裂;猛拉 transitive verb 1 : to remove from place by violence : WREST(抢夺) 2 : to split or tear apart or in pieces by violence 3 : to tear (the hair or clothing) as a sign of anger, grief, or despair 4 a : to ! lacerate(撕裂) mentally or emotionally b : to pierce with sound c : to divide (as a nation) into contesting factions intransitive verb 1 : to perform an act of tearing or splitting 2 : to become torn or split synonyms see TEAR REND implies very violent or ruthless severing or sundering <an angry mob rent the prisoner's clothes>.


[rentʃ] v.扭,拧;n.板钳,扳手 intransitive verb 1 : to move with a violent twist also : to undergo twisting 2 : to pull or strain at something with violent twisting transitive verb 1 : to twist violently 2 : to injure or disable by a violent twisting or straining <wrenched her back> 3 : CHANGE especially : !DISTORT, PERVERT(误用,歪曲,曲解,败坏) 4 a : to pull or tighten by violent twisting or with violence b : to snatch(强夺,攫取) forcibly : !WREST(取得;武力篡夺) 5 : to cause to suffer mental anguish : RACK(折磨,使痛苦,拷问)


[rep'tiliən] a.爬虫类的;卑下的 1 : resembling or having the characteristics of the reptiles 2 : of or relating to the reptiles 3 : cold-bloodedly treacherous(背叛的) <a reptilian villain(坏蛋) -Theodore Dreiser>


[repri'hend] v.谴责,责难 : to voice disapproval of : CENSURE(责难,谴责) synonyms see CRITICIZE REPREHEND implies both criticism and severe rebuking <reprehends the self-centeredness of today's students>.


[ri'bju:k] v.指责,谴责 1 a : to criticize sharply : REPRIMAND(训诫,谴责) b : to serve as a rebuke to 2 : to turn back or keep down : CHECK synonyms see REPROVE REBUKE suggests a sharp or stern reproof <the papal letter rebuked dissenting clerics>.


[ri'bʌtəl] n.反驳,反证 : the act of rebutting especially in a legal suit also : argument or proof that rebuts


[ri'demptiv] a.赎回的,救赎的,救世的 : of, relating to, or bringing about redemption <redemptive suffering>


[ri'di:m] v.赎罪 1 a : to buy back : REPURCHASE b : to get or win back 2 : to free from what distresses or harms: as a : to free from captivity by payment of ransom b : to extricate from or help to overcome something detrimental c : to release from blame or debt : CLEAR d : to free from the consequences of sin 3 : to change for the better : REFORM 4 : REPAIR, RESTORE 5 a : to free from a lien by payment of an amount secured thereby b (1) : to remove the obligation of by payment <the U.S. Treasury redeems savings bonds on demand> (2) : to exchange for something of value <redeem trading stamps> c : to make good : FULFILL 6 a : to atone(赎罪,补偿) for : EXPIATE <redeem an error> b (1) : to offset(抵销) the bad effect of (2) : to make worthwhile : RETRIEVE(重新寻回) synonyms see RESCUE REDEEM implies releasing from bondage or penalties by giving what is demanded or necessary <job training designed to redeem school dropouts(退学生) from chronic unemployment>.


[ri'dres] n.改正,修正 1 a (1) : to set right : REMEDY <looked to charity, not to legislation, to redress social wrongs - W. R. Inge> (2) : to make up for : COMPENSATE b : to remove the cause of (a grievance or complaint) c : to exact reparation for : AVENGE(为...报仇) synonyms see CORRECT REDRESS implies making compensation or reparation for an unfairness, injustice, or imbalance <redress past social injustices>. noun 1 a : relief from distress b : means or possibility of seeking a remedy <without redress> 2 : compensation for wrong or loss : REPARATION(赔偿, 弥补, 恢复) 3 a : an act or instance of redressing b : RETRIBUTION(报应;惩罚), CORRECTION


[ri'dʌndənsi] n.过剩;备份;似乎多余其实重要的后备力量 1 a : the quality or state of being redundant : SUPERFLUITY b : the use of redundant components also : such components c chiefly British : dismissal from a job especially by layoff 2 : PROFUSION, ABUNDANCE 3 a : superfluous repetition : PROLIXITY(令人厌烦地罗嗦) b : an act or instance of needless repetition 4 : the part of a message that can be eliminated without loss of essential information


[ri'dʌndənt] a.累赘的,多余的 1 a : exceeding what is necessary or normal : SUPERFLUOUS b : characterized by or containing an excess specifically : using more words than necessary c : characterized by similarity or repetition <a group of particularly redundant brick buildings> d chiefly British : no longer needed for a job and hence laid off 2 : PROFUSE, LAVISH 3 : serving as a duplicate for preventing failure of an entire system (as a spacecraft) upon failure of a single component


[ri'dʒu:vineit] v.使返老还童 transitive verb 1 a : to make young or youthful again : give new vigor to b : to restore to an original or new state <rejuvenate old cars> 2 a : to stimulate (a stream) to renewed erosive activity especially by uplift b : to develop youthful features of topography(地形学) in intransitive verb : to cause or undergo rejuvenescence(: a renewal of youthfulness or vigor ) synonyms see RENEW


[ri'dʒɔis] v.喜欢,高兴 transitive verb : to give joy to : GLADDEN intransitive verb : to feel joy or great delight


[ri'fainəri] n.提炼厂,精炼厂 : a building and equipment for refining or processing (as oil or sugar)


[ri'fektəri] n.(学院)餐厅,食堂 : a dining hall (as in a monastery or college) : a long table with heavy legs


[ri'fju:t] v.驳斥 1 : to prove wrong by argument or evidence : show to be false or erroneous 2 : to deny the truth or accuracy of <refuted the allegations>


[ri'flekt] v.反射;仔细考虑


[ri'frein] v.抑制;n.歌曲的反复句,叠句 intransitive verb : to keep oneself from doing, feeling, or indulging in something and especially from following a passing impulse <refrained from having dessert> : a regularly recurring phrase or verse especially at the end of each stanza or division of a poem or song : CHORUS also : the musical setting of a refrain


[ri'freʃ] v.消除...的疲劳,使精神振作 transitive verb 1 : to restore strength and animation to : REVIVE 2 : to freshen up : RENOVATE 3 a : to restore or maintain by renewing supply : REPLENISH b : AROUSE, STIMULATE <let me refresh your memory> 4 : to run water over or restore water to 5 : to update or renew (as an image, a display screen, or the contents of a computer memory) especially by sending a new signal intransitive verb 1 : to become refreshed 2 : to take refreshment 3 : to lay in fresh provisions synonyms see RENEW


[ri'fræktəri] a.倔强的;反应迟钝的 1 : resisting control or authority : STUBBORN, UNMANAGEABLE 2 a : resistant to treatment or cure <a refractory lesion(伤口)> b : unresponsive to stimulus c : IMMUNE, INSUSCEPTIBLE <after recovery they were refractory to infection> 3 : difficult to fuse, corrode, or draw out especially : capable of enduring high temperature synonyms see UNRULY REFRACTORY stresses resistance to attempts to manage or to mold <special schools for refractory children>.


[ri'frækʃən] n.折射 1 : deflection from a straight path undergone by a light ray or energy wave in passing obliquely(倾斜地) from one medium (as air) into another (as glass) in which its velocity is different 2 : the change in the apparent position of a celestial body due to bending of the light rays emanating from it as they pass through the atmosphere also : the correction to be applied to the apparent position of a body because of this bending 3 : the action of distorting an image by viewing through a medium also : an instance of this


[ri'fʌldʒənt] a.辉煌的,灿烂的 : a radiant or resplendent quality or state : BRILLIANCE


[ri'geil] v.款待;使...享受 transitive verb 1 : to entertain sumptuously : feast with delicacies 2 : to give pleasure or amusement to <regaled us with tall tales> intransitive verb : to feast oneself : FEED noun 1 : a sumptuous(豪华奢侈的) feast 2 : a choice piece especially of food


[ri'gresiv] a.退步的,退化的 1 : tending to regress or produce regression 2 : being, characterized by, or developing in the course of an evolutionary process involving increasing simplification of bodily structure 3 : decreasing in rate as the base increases <a regressive tax>


[ri'hə:s] v.排练,预演;详述 transitive verb 1 a : to say again : REPEAT b : to recite aloud in a formal manner 2 : to present an account of : RELATE <rehearse a familiar story> 3 : to recount in order : ENUMERATE(列举;枚举) <rehearsed their demands> 4 a : to give a rehearsal of b : to train or make proficient by rehearsal 5 : to perform or practice as if in a rehearsal intransitive verb : to engage in a rehearsal


[ri'hə:səl] n.排演,演习 1 : something recounted or told again : RECITAL 2 a : a private performance or practice session preparatory to a public appearance b : a practice exercise : TRIAL


[ri'kju:pəreit] v.恢复(健康),复原 transitive verb 1 : to get back : REGAIN 2 : to bring back into use or currency : REVIVE <recuperate old traditions> intransitive verb : to regain a former state or condition especially : to recover health or strength


[ri'kleim] v.纠正;开垦(土地) 1 a : to recall from wrong or improper conduct : REFORM b : TAME, SUBDUE(征服;压制) 2 a : to rescue from an also : to restore to a previous natural state <reclaim mining sites> b : to make available for human use by changing natural conditions <reclaim swampland> 3 : to obtain from a waste product or by-product : RECOVER <reclaimed plastic> 4 a : to demand or obtain the return of b : to regain possession of synonyms see RESCUE


[ri'klu:s] n.隐士;a.隐居的 adjective: marked by withdrawal from society : SOLITARY noun: a person who leads a secluded(隐僻的,隐蔽的) or solitary life


[ri'kwait] v.报答;报复 1 a : to make return for : REPAY b : to make retaliation for : AVENGE 2 : to make suitable return to for a benefit or service or for an injury synonyms see RECIPROCATE


[ri'kwest] n.要求,请求;v.要求,请求 noun 1 : the act or an instance of asking for something 2 : something asked for <granted her request> 3 : the condition or fact of being requested <available on request> 4 : the state of being sought after : DEMAND transitive verb 1 : to make a request to or of <requested her to write a paper> 2 : to ask as a favor or privilege <requests to be excused> 4 : to ask for <requested a brief delay> synonyms see ASK REQUEST implies greater formality and courtesy <requests the pleasure of your company>.


[ri'kælsitrənt] a.顽抗的 1 : obstinately defiant(挑战的,挑衅的) of authority or restraint 2 a : difficult to manage or operate b : not responsive to treatment c : RESISTANT <this subject is recalcitrant both to observation and to experiment - G. G. Simpson> synonyms see UNRULY RECALCITRANT suggests determined resistance to or defiance(反抗;藐视) of authority <acts of sabotage(妨害,破坏) by a recalcitrant populace>.


[ri'kænt] v.改变,放弃(以前的信仰) transitive verb 1 : to withdraw or repudiate(否认,拒绝接受) (a statement or belief) formally and publicly : RENOUNCE (断绝关系) 2 : REVOKE intransitive verb : to make an open confession of error synonyms see ABJURE RECANT stresses the withdrawing or denying of something professed or taught <if they recant they will be spared>.


[ri'kɔ:l] v.回想,回忆起;收回;n.唤回


[ri'kɔ:s] n.求助,依靠 1 a : a turning to someone or something for help or protection <settled the matter without recourse to law> b : a source of help or strength : RESORT <had no recourse left> 2 : the right to demand payment from the maker or endorser of a negotiable instrument (as a check)


[ri'kɔil] v.退却,退缩 1 a : to fall back under pressure b : to shrink back physically or emotionally 2 : to spring back to or as if to a starting point : REBOUND synonyms RECOIL, SHRINK, FLINCH, WINCE, BLENCH, QUAIL mean to draw back in fear or distaste. RECOIL implies a start or movement away through shock, fear, or disgust <recoiled at the suggestion of stealing>.


[ri'kɔndait] a.深奥的 1 : hidden from sight : CONCEALED 2 : difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend : DEEP <a recondite subject> 3 : of, relating to, or dealing with something little known or obscure <recondite fact about the origin of the holiday - Floyd Dell>


[ri'kɔnisəns] n.侦察,预先探索 : a preliminary survey to gain information especially : an exploratory military survey of enemy territory


[ri'kʌmbənt] a.侧卧的;休息的 1 a : suggestive of repose(休息;安睡) : LEANING, RESTING b : lying down 2 : representing a person lying down <a recumbent statue> synonyms see PRONE RECUMBENT implies the posture of one sleeping or resting <a patient comfortably recumbent in a hospital bed>.


[ri'laiəns] n.信赖,信任 1 : the act of relying : the state of being reliant 2 : something or someone relied on


[ri'leit] v.讲述;有关联


[ri'lent] v.动怜悯心;减弱 intransitive verb 1 a : to become less severe, harsh, or strict usually from reasons of humanity b : to cease resistance : GIVE IN 2 : LET UP, SLACKEN(使松弛,使松懈) transitive verb obsolete : SOFTEN, MOLLIFY(安慰脾气或情绪;软化) synonyms see YIELD synonyms YIELD, SUBMIT, CAPITULATE, SUCCUMB, RELENT, DEFER mean to give way to someone or something that one can no longer resist. YIELD may apply to any sort or degree of giving way before force, argument, persuasion, or entreaty(恳求) <yields too easily in any argument>. RELENT implies a yielding through pity or mercy by one who holds the upper hand <finally relented and let the children stay up late>.


[ri'lentiŋ] a.减弱的,仁慈的;怜悯的


[ri'lentlis] a.无情的,残酷的 : showing or promising no abatement(减少,减轻) of severity, intensity, strength, or pace : UNRELENTING <relentless pressure> <a relentless campaign>


[ri'li:s] v.释放,放出;n.释放


[ri'li:vd] a.宽慰的,如释重负的 : experiencing or showing relief especially from anxiety or pent-up emotions


[ri'lidʒən] n.宗教,信仰 1 a : the state of a religious <a nun(修女\尼姑) in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance 2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices 4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith


[ri'liŋkwiʃ] v.放弃,废除 1 : to withdraw or retreat from : leave behind 2 : GIVE UP <relinquish a title> 3 a : to stop holding physically : RELEASE <slowly relinquished his grip on the bar> b : to give over possession or control of : YIELD <few leaders willingly relinquish power> synonyms RELINQUISH, YIELD, RESIGN, SURRENDER, ABANDON, WAIVE mean to give up completely. RELINQUISH usually does not imply strong feeling but may suggest some regret, reluctance(勉强;不情愿), or weakness <relinquished her crown>. YIELD implies concession or compliance or submission to force <the troops yielded ground grudgingly>.


[ri'læps] n.旧病复发;再恶化;v.旧病复发,再恶化 noun 1 : the act or an instance of backsliding, worsening, or subsiding(下陷) 2 : a recurrence of symptoms of a disease after a period of improvement intransitive verb 1 : to slip or fall back into a former worse state 2 : SINK, SUBSIDE <relapse into deep thought>


[ri'maində] n.提醒人记忆之物 Something that serves as a reminder of another thing makes you think about the other thing. (WRITTEN) A reminder is a letter or note that is sent to tell you that you have not done something such as pay a bill or return library books. (mainly BRIT)


[ri'meində] n.剩余物 1 : an interest or estate in property that follows and is dependent on the termination of a prior intervening possessory estate created at the same time by the same instrument 2 a : a remaining group, part, or trace b (1) : the number left after a subtraction (2) : the final undivided part after division that is less or of lower degree than the divisor 3 : a book sold at a reduced price by the publisher after sales have slowed adjective: LEFTOVER, REMAINING transitive verb : to dispose of as remainders


[ri'meins] n.遗址,废墟 2 : a remaining part or trace 3 : a dead body


[ri'mis] a.疏忽的,不留心的 1 : negligent in the performance of work or duty : CARELESS 2 : showing neglect or inattention : LAX(懒散的) synonyms see NEGLIGENT REMISS implies blameworthy carelessness shown in slackness, forgetfulness, or neglect <had been remiss in their familial duties>.


[ri'mju:nərətiv] a.报酬高的,有利润的 1 : serving to remunerate(给与报酬,赔偿,酬劳) 2 : providing remuneration : PROFITABLE


[ri'mu:v] v.移走;脱掉;迁移 transitive verb 1 a : to change the location, position, station, or residence of <remove soldiers to the front> b : to transfer (a legal proceeding) from one court to another 2 : to move by lifting, pushing aside, or taking away or off <remove your hat> 3 : to dismiss from office 4 : to get rid of : ELIMINATE <remove a tumor surgically> intransitive verb 1 : to change location, station, or residence <removing from the city to the suburbs> 2 : to go away 3 : to be capable of being removed noun 1 : REMOVAL specifically : MOVE 2C : one of a pattern of dance steps 2 a : a distance or interval separating one person or thing from another b : a degree or stage of separation


[ri'mɔ:s] n.懊悔,悔恨 1 : a ! gnawing(咬的;令人苦恼的) distress arising from a sense of guilt for past wrongs : SELF-REPROACH synonyms see PENITENCE REMORSE suggests prolonged and insistent self-reproach and mental anguish for past wrongs and especially for those whose consequences cannot be remedied <thieves untroubled by feelings of remorse>.


[ri'naun] n.名望,声誉 noun 1 : a state of being widely acclaimed and highly honored : FAME transitive verb : to give renown to


[ri'nauns] v.(正式)放弃 transitive verb 1 : to give up, refuse, or resign usually by formal declaration <renounce his errors> 2 : to refuse to follow, obey, or recognize any further : REPUDIATE(拒绝接受...的效力或权力;抛弃) <renounce the authority of the church> intransitive verb 1 : to make a renunciation 2 : to fail to follow suit in a card game synonyms see ABDICATE, ABJURE Compared to ABDICATE synonyms ABDICATE, RENOUNCE, RESIGN mean to give up a position with no possibility of resuming it. ABDICATE implies a giving up of sovereign power or sometimes an evading of responsibility such as that of a parent <abdicated the throne>. RENOUNCE may replace it but often implies additionally a sacrifice for a greater end <renounced her inheritance by marrying a commoner>. Compared to ABJURE synonyms ABJURE, RENOUNCE, FORSWEAR, RECANT, RETRACT mean to withdraw one's word or professed belief. ABJURE implies a firm and final rejecting or abandoning often made under oath <abjured the errors of his former faith>. RENOUNCE often equals ABJURE but may carry the meaning of disclaim(放弃权利;拒绝承认与别人的关系) or disown(断绝关系, 脱离关系) <renounced abstract art and turned to portrait painting>.


[ri'ni:g] v.背信,违约 transitive verb : DENY, RENOUNCE(放弃如头衔;断绝关系) intransitive verb 1 obsolete : to make a denial 2 : REVOKE(废除;取消) 3 : to go back on a promise or commitment


[ri'pain] v.不满,心中抱怨 1 : to feel or express dejection or discontent : COMPLAIN 2 : to long for something


[ri'pel] v.击退,使...反感 transitive verb 1 a : to drive back : REPULSE(驱逐,击退;使...产生反感) b : to fight against : RESIST 2 : TURN AWAY, REJECT <repelled the insinuation(旁敲侧击;含沙射影)> 3 a : to drive away : DISCOURAGE <foul words and frowns must not repel a lover - Shakespeare> b : to be incapable of adhering to, mixing with, taking up, or holding c : to force away or apart or tend to do so by mutual action at a distance 4 : to cause aversion in : DISGUST intransitive verb : to cause aversion


[ri'pelənt] a.令人厌恶的 1 : serving or tending to drive away or ward off - often used in combination <a mosquito-repellent spray> 2 : arousing aversion or disgust : REPULSIVE noun : something that repels especially : a substance that repels insects


[ri'pi:l] v.废除(法律) 1 : to rescind(废除) or annul by authoritative act especially : to revoke or abrogate(撤消,废除) by legislative enactment(设定;制定法律) 2 : ABANDON, RENOUNCE 3 obsolete : to summon to return : RECALL


[ri'pju:dieit] v.拒绝,抛弃 1 : to divorce or separate formally from (a woman) 2 : to refuse to have anything to do with : DISOWN(断绝关系, 脱离关系) 3 a : to refuse to accept especially : to reject as unauthorized or as having no binding force <repudiate a contract> b : to reject as untrue or unjust <repudiate a charge> 4 : to refuse to acknowledge or pay <repudiate a debt> synonyms see DECLINE REPUDIATE implies a casting off or disowning as untrue, unauthorized, or unworthy of acceptance <teenagers who repudiate the values of their parents>.


[ri'pju:t] n.名声,名誉 transitive verb : BELIEVE, CONSIDER noun 1 : the character or status commonly ascribed to one : REPUTATION 2 : the state of being favorably known, spoken of, or esteemed


[ri'pleniʃ] v.补充,再装满 transitive verb 1 a : to fill with persons or animals : STOCK c : to fill with inspiration or power : NOURISH 2 a : to fill or build up again <replenished his glass> b : to make good : REPLACE intransitive verb : to become full : fill up again


[ri'pli:t] a.饱满的,塞满的 1 : fully or abundantly provided or filled <a book replete with delicious details - William Safire> 2 a : abundantly fed b : FAT, STOUT 3 : COMPLETE synonyms see FULL REPLETE implies being filled to the brim or to satiety <replete with delightful details>.


[ri'praiz] n.(音乐剧中)乐曲的重复;重复 noun 1 : a deduction(扣除) or charge made yearly out of a manor(庄园) or estate - usually used in plural 2 : a recurrence, renewal, or resumption(重新开始, 继续进行) of an action 3 a : a musical repetition: (1) : the repetition of the exposition preceding the development (2) : RECAPITULATION 3 b : a repeated performance : REPETITION transitive verb 3 a : to repeat the performance of b : to repeat the principal points or stages of : RECAPITULATE(扼要重述)


[ri'praizəl] n.(政治或军事的)报复 1 a : the act or practice in international law of resorting to force short of war in retaliation for damage or loss suffered b : an instance of such action 3 : the regaining of something (as by recapture) 4 : something (as a sum of money) given or paid in restitution(赔偿;归还) - usually used in plural 5 : a retaliatory act


[ri'prest] a.被压制的,被压抑的 1 : subjected to or marked by repression 2 : characterized by restraint


[ri'pri:v] v.缓刑,暂时解救;n.缓刑,暂时解救 transitive verb 1 : to delay the punishment of (as a condemned prisoner) 2 : to give relief or deliverance(被释放 被拯救) to for a time noun 1 a : the act of reprieving : the state of being reprieved b : a formal temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence especially of death 2 : an order or warrant for a reprieve 3 : a temporary respite(解除痛苦的短暂间歇) (as from pain or trouble)


[ri'pru:f] n.责斥,责备 : criticism for a fault : REBUKE


[ri'pru:v] v.责骂,申斥 transitive verb 1 : to scold or correct usually gently or with kindly intent 2 : to express disapproval of : CENSURE(责难,谴责) <it is not for me to reprove popular taste - D. W. Brogan> intransitive verb : to express rebuke or reproof


[ri'prəutʃ] n.谴责,责骂


[ri'pəuz] n./v.躺着休息,安睡 transitive verb : to lay at rest intransitive verb 1 a : to lie at rest b : to lie dead <reposing in state> c : to remain still or concealed 2 : to take a rest 4 : to rest for support : LIE noun 1 a : a state of resting after exertion or strain especially : rest in sleep b : eternal or heavenly rest <pray for the repose of a soul> 2 a : a place of rest b : PEACE, TRANQUILLITY <the repose of the bayous> c : a harmony in the arrangement of parts and colors that is restful to the eye 3 a : lack of activity : QUIESCENCE b : cessation or absence of activity, movement, or animation <the face in repose is grave and thoughtful> 4 : composure of manner : POISE transitive verb 2 a : to place (as confidence or trust) in someone or something b : to place for control, management, or use


[ri'pʌgnəns] n.嫌恶,反感 1 a : the quality or fact of being contradictory or inconsistent b : an instance of such contradiction or inconsistency 2 : strong dislike, distaste, or antagonism


[ri'pʌgnənt] a.令人厌恶的 1 : INCOMPATIBLE, INCONSISTENT 3 : exciting distaste or aversion <repugnant language> <a morally repugnant practice>


[ri'pʌls] v.驱逐,击退;厌恶;n.驱逐,击退,厌恶 transitive verb 1 : to drive or beat back : REPEL 2 : to repel by discourtesy, coldness, or denial 3 : to cause repulsion in noun 1 : REBUFF, REJECTION 2 : the action of repelling an attacker : the fact of being repelled


[ri'pʌlʃən] n.厌恶,反感;排斥力 1 : the action of repulsing : the state of being repulsed 2 : the action of repelling : the force with which bodies, particles, or like forces repel one another 3 : a feeling of aversion : REPUGNANCE


[ri'saitl] n.独奏;吟诵 1 a : a detailed account : ENUMERATION(细目) <a recital of names and dates> b : the act or process or an instance of reciting c : DISCOURSE(演说), NARRATION(叙述) <a colorful recital of a night on the town> 2 a : a concert given by an individual musician or dancer or by a dance troupe b : a public exhibition of skill given by music or dance pupils


[ri'septiv] a.善于接受的;从善如流的 1 : able or inclined to receive especially : open and responsive to ideas, impressions, or suggestions 2 a of a sensory end organ : fit to receive and transmit stimuli b : SENSORY 3 of a female animal : willing to copulate with a male <a receptive mare(母马;母驴)>


[ri'septəkl] n.容器\插座 1 : one that receives and contains something : CONTAINER 2 a : the end of the flower stalk upon which the floral organs are borne b : a structure or tissue (as of a fungus or fern) bearing spores or sporangia 3 : a mounted female electrical fitting that contains the live parts of the circuit


[ri'ses] n.壁凹(墙上装的架子、柜子等凹处);休假 noun 1 : the action of receding : RECESSION 2 : a hidden, secret, or secluded place or part 3 a : INDENTATION(锯齿状;凹进处), CLEFT(裂缝) <a deep recess in the hill> b : ALCOVE(凹室) <a recess lined with books> 4 : a suspension of business or procedure often for rest or relaxation <children playing at recess> transitive verb 1 : to put into a recess <recessed lighting> 2 : to make a recess in 3 : to interrupt for a recess intransitive verb : to take a recess


[ri'sesiv] a.隐性遗传的;后退的 1 a : tending to recede b : WITHDRAWN 2 : socially detached and unresponsive : exhibiting withdrawal : INTROVERTED(内向的, 含蓄的) <a shy and withdrawn child> 2 a : producing little or no phenotypic effect when occurring in heterozygous condition with a contrasting allele <recessive genes> b : expressed only when the determining gene is in the homozygous condition <recessive traits> <a recessive disease> noun 1 : an organism possessing one or more recessive characters 2 : a recessive character or gene


[ri'seʃən] n.经济萧条时期;撤回,退回 1 : the act or action of receding : WITHDRAWAL 2 : a departing procession (as of clergy and choir at the end of a church service) 3 : a period of reduced economic activity : the act of ceding back to a former possessor


[ri'si:d] v.后退,收回(诺言) 1 a : to move back or away : WITHDRAW <a receding hairline> b : to slant backward 2 : to grow less or smaller : DIMINISH, DECREASE <a receding deficit> synonyms RECEDE, RETREAT, RETRACT, BACK mean to move backward. RECEDE implies a gradual withdrawing from a forward or high fixed point in time or space <the flood waters gradually receded>.


[ri'sind] v.废除,取消 1 : to take away : REMOVE 2 a : TAKE BACK, CANCEL <refused to rescind the order> b : to abrogate(废除) (a contract) and restore the parties to the positions they would have occupied had there been no contract 3 : to make void (as an act) by action of the enacting authority or a superior authority : REPEAL


[ri'sipiənt] n.接受者,收受者 : one that receives : RECEIVER


[ri'siprəkeit] v.回报,答谢 transitive verb 1 : to give and take mutually 2 : to return in kind or degree <reciprocate a compliment gracefully> intransitive verb 1 : to make a return for something <we hope to reciprocate for your kindness> 2 : to move forward and backward alternately <a reciprocating valve> synonyms RECIPROCATE, RETALIATE, REQUITE, RETURN mean to give back usually in kind or in quantity. RECIPROCATE implies a mutual or equivalent exchange or a paying back of what one has received <reciprocated their hospitality by inviting them for a visit>.


[ri'siprəkəl] a.相互的,互惠的 A reciprocal action or agreement involves two people or groups who do the same thing to each other or agree to help each another in a similar way. (FORMAL)


[ri'siʒən] n.废除 : an act of rescinding


[ri'sɔ:sful] a.机智的 : able to meet situations : capable of devising ways and means <a resourceful leader>


[ri'sə:dʒəns] n.再起,复活,再现 : a rising again into life, activity, or prominence : RENASCENCE


[ri'sʌsiteit] v.使复活,使苏醒 transitive verb : to revive from apparent death or from unconsciousness also : REVITALIZE intransitive verb : COME TO, REVIVE


[ri'taiəriŋ] a.隐居的,不喜欢社交的 : RESERVED, SHY Someone who is retiring is shy and avoids meeting other people.


[ri'tein] v.保留,保持;留住 1 a : to keep in possession or use b : to keep in one's pay or service specifically : to employ by paying a retainer c : to keep in mind or memory : REMEMBER 2 : to hold secure or intact synonyms see KEEP


[ri'teinə] n.侍从 noun 1 a : a person attached or owing service to a household especially : SERVANT b : EMPLOYEE 2 : one that retains 3 : a device or structure that holds something in place: as a : the part of a dental replacement (as a bridge) by which it is made fast to adjacent natural teeth b : a dental appliance used to hold teeth in correct position especially following orthodontic treatment noun 1 : the act of a client by which the services of a lawyer, counselor, or adviser are engaged 2 : a fee paid to a lawyer or professional adviser for advice or services or for a claim on services when needed


[ri'treis] v.回顾,追想 If you retrace your steps or retrace your way, you return to the place you started from by going back along the same route.


[ri'trentʃ] v.节省,紧缩费用 transitive verb 1 a : CUT DOWN, REDUCE b : to cut out : EXCISE 2 : to pare away : REMOVE intransitive verb : to make retrenchments(节省,削减) specifically : ECONOMIZE synonyms see SHORTEN RETRENCH suggests a reduction in extent or costs of something felt to be excessive <declining business forced the company to retrench>.


[ri'tri:t] n./v.撤退;隐居处


[ri'tri:v] v./n.寻回,取回;挽回(错误)


[ri'trækt] v.缩回,收回 transitive verb 1 : to draw back or in <cats retract their claws> 2 a : TAKE BACK, WITHDRAW <retract a confession> b : DISAVOW(否认,抵赖,不想承担责任) intransitive verb 1 : to draw or pull back 2 : to recant or disavow something synonyms see ABJURE, RECEDE


[ri'tælieit] v.报复,反击 transitive verb : to repay (as an injury) in kind intransitive verb : to return like for like especially : to get revenge(报仇,复仇,报复) synonyms see RECIPROCATE RECIPROCATE implies a mutual or equivalent exchange or a paying back of what one has received <reciprocated their hospitality by inviting them for a visit>. RETALIATE usually implies a paying back of injury in exact kind, often vengefully(报仇性的) <the enemy retaliated by executing their prisoners>.


[ri'tɑ:d] v.妨碍;减速 transitive verb 1 : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment : IMPEDE 2 : to delay academic progress by failure to promote intransitive verb : to undergo retardation synonyms see DELAY RETARD suggests reduction of speed without actual stopping <language barriers retarded their progress>.


[ri'tɔ:t] v.反驳 transitive verb 1 : to pay or hurl back : RETURN <retort an insult> 2 a : to make a reply to b : to say in reply 3 : to answer (as an argument) by a counter argument intransitive verb 1 : to answer back usually sharply 2 : to return an argument or charge 3 : RETALIATE(报复,反击)


[ri'vail] v.辱骂,恶言相向 transitive verb : to subject to verbal abuse : VITUPERATE(批评,指责) intransitive verb : to use abusive language : RAIL synonyms see SCOLD REVILE implies a scurrilous(恶言诽谤的), abusive attack prompted by anger or hatred <an alleged killer reviled in the press>.


[ri'vaiv] v.使苏醒;再流 intransitive verb : to return to consciousness or life : become active or flourishing again transitive verb 1 : to restore to consciousness or life 2 : to restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state : bring back 3 : to renew in the mind or memory


[ri'vaiz] n./v.改变,修正 transitive verb 1 a : to look over again in order to correct or improve <revise a manuscript> b British : to study again : REVIEW 2 a : to make a new, amended, improved, or up-to-date version of <revise a dictionary> b : to provide with a new taxonomic arrangement <revising the alpine ferns> intransitive verb British : REVIEW 1 : to study material again : make a review <revise for a test> synonyms see CORRECT AMEND, REFORM, REVISE imply an improving by making corrective changes, AMEND usually suggesting slight changes <amend a law>, REFORM implying drastic change <plans to reform the court system>, and REVISE suggesting a careful examination of something and the making of necessary changes <revise the schedule>. noun 1 : an act of revising : REVISION 2 : a printing proof that incorporates changes marked in a previous proof


[ri'vendʒ] n.报复,报仇 transitive verb 1 : to avenge (as oneself) usually by retaliating(报复,反击) in kind or degree 2 : to inflict injury in return for <revenge an insult> noun 1 : a desire for revenge <motivated by revenge> 2 : an act or instance of retaliating in order to get even <plotted her revenge> 3 : an opportunity for getting satisfaction <sought revenge through a rematch(复赛)>


[ri'vi:liŋ] a.暴露的,裸露的;揭露性的 : allowing a look at or an understanding of something inner or hidden <a revealing confession> also : tending to expose more typically hidden parts of the body <a revealing halter top>


[ri'viə] v.尊敬 : to show devoted !deferential(顺从的,恭顺的) honor to : regard as worthy of great honor <revere the aged> <revere tradition> synonyms REVERE, REVERENCE, VENERATE, WORSHIP, ADORE mean to honor and admire profoundly and respectfully. REVERE stresses deference and tenderness of feeling <a professor revered by her students>.


[ri'vju:] n.时事讽刺剧 : a theatrical production consisting typically of brief loosely connected often satirical(讽刺的,爱挖苦的) skits(小品;讽刺短文), songs, and dances


[ri'və:bəreit] v.起回声,反响 transitive verb 1 : REFLECT 2 : REPEL 3 : ECHO intransitive verb 1 a : to become driven back b : to become reflected 2 : to continue in or as if in a series of echoes : RESOUND <an historic event that still reverberates today> adjective : REVERBERANT(起回声的,回响的)


[ri'və:s] n.反面;相反;v.倒车;反转


[ri'və:t] v.恢复,回复到;重新考虑 1 : to come or go back (as to a former condition, period, or subject) 2 : to return to the proprietor(所有人,业主) or his or her heirs at the end of a reversion 3 : to return to an ancestral type


[ri'vəult] v.叛乱,造反;反感 intransitive verb 1 : to renounce(放弃;断绝关系) allegiance or subjection (as to a government) : REBEL 2 a : to experience disgust or shock b : to turn away with disgust transitive verb : to cause to turn away or shrink with disgust or abhorrence(憎恶) noun 1 : a renouncing of allegiance (as to a government or party) especially : a determined armed uprising 2 : a movement or expression of vigorous dissent(不同意;不服从) synonyms see REBELLION REBELLION implies an open formidable resistance that is often unsuccessful <open rebellion against the officers>. REVOLT and INSURRECTION imply an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds <a revolt by the Young Turks that surprised party leaders> <an insurrection of oppressed laborers>.


[ri'wɔ:d] n.酬报,奖赏;v.酬谢,奖赏 transitive verb 1 : to give a reward to or for 2 : RECOMPENSE(补偿;赔偿) noun 1 : something that is given in return for good or evil done or received or that is offered or given for some service or attainment <the police offered a reward for his capture> 2 : a stimulus administered to an organism following a correct or desired response that increases the probability of occurrence of the response


[ri'wɔ:diŋ] a.有益的,值得做的 1 : yielding or likely to yield a reward : VALUABLE, SATISFYING <a rewarding experience> 2 : serving as a reward <a rewarding smile of thanks>


[ri'zaid] v.居住 1 a : to be in residence as the incumbent of a benefice or office b : to dwell permanently or continuously : occupy a place as one's legal ?domicile(住所,住宅) 2 a : to be present as an element or quality b : to be vested as a right


[ri'zain] transitive verb 1 : RELEGATE(把...降级;放逐), CONSIGN(托运;托人看管) especially : to give (oneself) over without resistance <resigned herself to her fate> 2 : to give up deliberately especially : to renounce(放弃) (as a right or position) by a formal act intransitive verb 1 : to give up one's office or position : QUIT 2 : to accept something as inevitable : SUBMIT synonyms see RELINQUISH(放弃,松开,放手), ABDICATE(让位,放弃) Compared to RELINQUISH RELINQUISH usually does not imply strong feeling but may suggest some regret, reluctance, or weakness <relinquished her crown>. RESIGN emphasizes voluntary relinquishment or sacrifice without struggle <resigned her position>. Compared to ABDICATE ABDICATE implies a giving up of sovereign power or sometimes an evading of responsibility such as that of a parent <abdicated the throne>. RESIGN applies to the giving up of an unexpired office or trust <resigned from the board>.


[ri'zaind] a.逆来顺受的,顺从的 If you are resigned to an unpleasant situation or fact, you accept it without complaining because you realize that you cannot change it.


[ri'zaund] v.回荡着声音;鸣响 intransitive verb 1 : to become filled with sound : REVERBERATE(起回声;反响) 2 a : to sound loudly <the gunshot resounded> b : to produce a sonorous or echoing sound 3 : to become renowned transitive verb 1 : to extol(颂扬;吹捧) loudly or widely : CELEBRATE 2 : ECHO, REVERBERATE 3 : to sound or utter in full resonant tones


[ri'zent] v.憎恶,愤恨 transitive verb : to feel or express annoyance or ill will at <resented the implication> : to send again or back


[ri'zentmənt] n.愤恨,怨恨 : a feeling of indignant(愤慨的;易怒的) displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury synonyms see OFFENSE RESENTMENT suggests lasting indignation or ill will <harbored a lifelong resentment of his brother>.


[ri'zidjuəl] a.残余的,剩余的 1 : REMAINDER, RESIDUUM: as a : the difference between results obtained by observation and by computation from a formula or between the mean of several observations and any one of them b : a residual product or substance c : an internal aftereffect of experience or activity that influences later behavior especially : a disability remaining from a disease or operation 2 : a payment (as to an actor or writer) for each rerun after an initial showing (as of a TV show)


[ri'ziliəns] n.弹性,弹力 1 : the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress 2 : an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change


[ri'ziliənt] a.有弹性的;能恢复活力的,适应力强的 : characterized or marked by resilience: as a : capable of withstanding shock without permanent deformation or rupture b : tending to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change synonyms see ELASTIC ELASTIC implies the property of resisting deformation by stretching <an elastic waistband>. RESILIENT implies the ability to recover shape quickly when the deforming force or pressure is removed <a resilient innersole>.


[ri'zju:m] v.重新开始,继续 transitive verb 1 : to assume or take again : REOCCUPY <resumed his seat by the fire - Thomas Hardy> 2 : to return to or begin again after interruption <resumed her work> 3 : to take back to oneself 4 : to pick up again 5 : REITERATE(重申), SUMMARIZE intransitive verb : to begin again something interrupted résumé [r'ezjumei] noun 1 : SUMMARY 2 : CURRICULUM VITAE : a short account of one's career and qualifications prepared typically by an applicant for a position 3 : a set of accomplishments <a musical resume>


[ri'zɔ:t] n.度假胜地 noun 1 a : one that affords aid or refuge : RESOURCE <went to them as a last resort> b : RECOURSE (求助;依靠)1A <have resort to outside help> 2 a : frequent, habitual, or general visiting <a place of popular resort> b : persons who frequent a place : THRONG c (1) : a frequently visited place : HAUNT (2) : a place providing recreation and entertainment especially to vacationers synonyms see RESOURCE transitive verb 1 : to go especially frequently or habitually : REPAIR 2 : to have recourse <resort to force>


[ri'zə:v] n.储备(物),储藏量;缄默,谨慎;v.保留,储备,预订


[ri'æktənt] n.反应物 : a substance that enters into and is altered in the course of a chemical reaction


[ri(:)'eidʒənt] n.试剂(导致化学反应) : a substance used (as in detecting or measuring a component, in preparing a product, or in developing photographs) because of its chemical or biological activity


[ri(:)'ækʃənəri] a.保守的,反动的 : relating to, marked by, or favoring reaction especially : ultraconservative in politics ≠ radical


[ri:'itəreit] v.重申,反复地说 : to state or do over again or repeatedly sometimes with wearying effect


[ri:'pætrieit] v.(自异国)遣返 : to restore or return to the country of origin, allegiance, or citizenship <repatriate prisoners of war>


[ri:'tʌtʃ] v.修描;润色 transitive verb 1 : to rework in order to improve : TOUCH UP 2 : to alter (as a photographic negative) to produce a more desirable appearance 3 : to color (new growth of hair) to match previously dyed, tinted, or bleached hair intransitive verb : to make or give retouches noun : the act or process or an instance of retouching(润饰,修正) especially : the retouching of a new growth of hair


[ri:d] n.芦苇;簧片 Reeds are tall plants that grow in large groups in shallow water or on ground that is always wet and soft. They have strong, hollow stems that can be used for making things such as mats or baskets. A reed is a small piece of cane or metal inserted into the mouthpiece of a woodwind instrument. The reed vibrates when you blow through it and makes a sound.


[ri:k] v.发臭味;冒烟 noun 2 : VAPOR, FOG 3 : a strong or disagreeable fume or odor intransitive verb 1 : to emit smoke or vapor 2 a : to give off or become permeated with a strong or offensive odor <a room reeking of incense(香)> b : to give a strong impression of some constituent quality or feature <a neighborhood that reeks of poverty> 3 : EMANATE(发出,散发) transitive verb 1 : to subject to the action of smoke or vapor 2 : EXUDE, GIVE OFF <a politician who reeks charm>


[ri:kəm'bain] v.重组,再结合 1 : to combine again or anew(重新) 2 : to cause to undergo recombination intransitive verb : to undergo recombination


[ri:l] n.卷轴,旋转;v.卷...于轴上


[ri:m] n.令(纸张的计数单位) If you say that there are reams of paper or reams of writing, you mean that there are large amounts of it. (INFORMAL)


[ri:p] v.收割,收获 transitive verb 1 a (1) : to cut with a sickle(镰刀), scythe(长柄镰刀), or reaping machine (2) : to clear of a crop by reaping b : to gather by reaping : HARVEST 2 : OBTAIN, WIN intransitive verb : to reap something


[rib] n.肋骨;伞骨


[ridʒ] n.脊(如屋脊,山脊等);隆起物 noun 1 : an elevated body part or structure 2 a : a range of hills or mountains b : an elongate elevation on an ocean bottom 3 : an elongate crest or a linear series of crests(冠,饰毛) 4 : a raised strip (as of plowed ground) 5 : the line of intersection at the top between the opposite slopes or sides of a roof transitive verb : to form into a ridge intransitive verb : to extend in ridges


[rift] n.裂口,断裂;矛盾 noun 1 a : FISSURE, CREVASSE(裂缝,破口) b : FAULT 5 2 : a clear space or interval 3 : BREACH, !ESTRANGEMENT(疏远) intransitive verb: to burst open transitive verb 1 : CLEAVE, DIVIDE <hills were rifted by the earthquake> 2 : PENETRATE


[rig] v.欺骗,舞弊,伪造


[ris'pɔnsivnis] n.应答,响应 : the quality or state of being responsive


[ris'trein] v.克制,抑制 1 a : to prevent from doing, exhibiting, or expressing something <restrained the child from jumping> b : to limit, restrict, or keep under control <try to restrain your anger> 2 : to moderate or limit the force, effect, development, or full exercise of <restrain trade> 3 : to deprive of liberty especially : to place under arrest or restraint synonyms RESTRAIN, CHECK, CURB, BRIDLE mean to hold back from or control in doing something. RESTRAIN suggests holding back by force or persuasion from acting or from going to extremes <restrained themselves from laughing>.


[ris'treint] n.克制 1 a : an act of restraining : the state of being restrained b (1) : a means of restraining : a restraining force or influence (2) : a device that restricts movement <a restraint for children riding in cars> 2 : a control over the expression of one's emotions or thoughts


[ris'tɔ:] v.使回复,恢复;修复,修补 1 : GIVE BACK, RETURN 2 : to put or bring back into existence or use 3 : to bring back to or put back into a former or original state : RENEW 4 : to put again in possession of something synonyms see RENEW RENEW implies a restoration of what had become faded or disintegrated so that it seems like new <efforts to renew the splendor of the old castle>. RESTORE implies a return to an original state after depletion or loss <restored a fine piece of furniture>.


[ris'tɔ:d] a.恢复的,复修的


[rist] n.腕,腕关节 1 : the joint or the region of the joint between the human hand and the arm or a corresponding part on a lower animal 2 : the part of a garment or glove covering the wrist


[rit] n.命令状,书面命令 1 : something written : WRITING <Sacred Writ> 2 a : a formal written document specifically : a legal instrument in epistolary(书信体的) form issued under seal in the name of the English monarch b : an order or !mandatory(命令的,强制的) process in writing issued in the name of the sovereign or of a court or judicial officer commanding the person to whom it is directed to perform or refrain from performing an act specified therein <writ of detinue(非法占有)> <writ of entry> <writ of execution> c : the power and authority of the issuer of such a written order - usually used with run <outside the United States where our writ does not run - Dean Acheson>


[ru:] n.后悔,遗憾 noun: REGRET, SORROW <with rue my heart is laden - A. E. Housman> transitive verb : to feel penitence, remorse, or regret for intransitive verb : to feel sorrow, remorse, or regret


[ru:di'mentəri] a.初步的,未充分发展的 1 : consisting in first principles : FUNDAMENTAL <had only a rudimentary formal education -D. J. Boorstin> 2 : of a primitive kind <the equipment of these past empire-builders was rudimentary - A. J. Toynbee> 3 : very imperfectly developed or represented only by a vestige(遗迹;退化器官) <the rudimentary tail of a hyrax>


[ræ'pɔ:t] n.和睦,意见一致 : RELATION especially : relation marked by harmony, conformity, accord, or affinity If two people or groups have a rapport, they have a good relationship in which they are able to understand each other's ideas or feelings very well.


[ræg] n.旧布,碎布;破旧衣服 1 a : a waste piece of cloth b plural : clothes usually in poor or ragged condition c : CLOTHING <the rag trade> 2 : something resembling a rag 3 : NEWSPAPER especially : a sleazy(破旧的,肮脏的) newspaper transitive verb 1 : to rail at : SCOLD 2 : TORMENT, TEASE


[ræm'bʌŋkʃəs] a.骚乱的;(兴奋)控制不了的 : marked by uncontrollable exuberance(繁茂;生气勃勃;精力充沛) : UNRULY


[ræm] n.公羊;撞锤,猛击;填塞


[ræpt] a.专心致志的,全神贯注的 1 : lifted up and carried away 2 : transported with emotion : ENRAPTURED(狂喜的,出神的) 3 : wholly absorbed : ENGROSSED(全神贯注的) verb: ?? noun: ??


[rɔ:t] a.做成的,精炼的,装饰的,激动的 1 : worked into shape by artistry or effort <carefully wrought essays> 2 : elaborately embellished : ORNAMENTED 3 : processed for use : MANUFACTURED <wrought silk(丝织品)> 4 : beaten into shape by tools : HAMMERED - used of metals 5 : deeply stirred : EXCITED - often used with up <gets easily wrought up over nothing>


[rɔil] v.煽动,搅浑 transitive verb 1 a : to make turbid by stirring up the sediment or dregs of b : to stir up : DISTURB, DISORDER <changes that have roiled the country> 2 : RILE 1 : to make agitated and angry : UPSET intransitive verb : to move turbulently <a roiling sea> : be in a state of turbulence or agitation <conflicting emotions roiling inside her>


[rə'bʌst] a.健壮的


[rə'peiʃəs] a.强夺的,贪婪的 1 : excessively grasping or covetous(贪婪的) 2 : living on prey 3 : RAVENOUS(饿极了的,贪婪的) <a rapacious appetite> synonyms see VORACIOUS synonyms VORACIOUS, GLUTTONOUS, RAVENOUS, RAPACIOUS mean excessively greedy. VORACIOUS applies especially to habitual gorging with food or drink <teenagers are often voracious eaters>. RAPACIOUS often suggests excessive and utterly selfish acquisitiveness or avarice(贪财, 贪婪) <rapacious developers indifferent to environmental concerns>.


[rə'vi:n] n.深谷,峡谷 : a small narrow steep-sided valley that is larger than a gully and smaller than a canyon and that is usually worn by running water = gorge


[rəu'teit] v.旋转,转动;轮流,交替


[rəu] n.鱼卵 : DOE : the adult female of various mammals (as a deer, rabbit, or kangaroo) of which the male is called buck 1 : the eggs of a fish especially when still enclosed in the ovarian membrane 2 : the eggs or ovaries of an invertebrate (as the coral of a lobster)


[rəub] n.长袍,礼服 noun 1 a : a long flowing outer garment especially : one used for ceremonial occasions or as a symbol of office or profession b : a loose garment (as a bathrobe) for informal wear especially at home 2 : COVERING, !MANTLE(披风) <peaks on the axis of the range in their robes of snow and light - John Muir> 3 : a covering of pelts(皮毛) or fabric for the lower body used while driving or at outdoor events transitive verb : to clothe or cover with or as if with a robe intransitive verb 1 : to put on a robe 2 : DRESS


[rʌŋ] n.梯子横挡,梯级 1 a : a rounded crosspiece between the legs of a chair b : one of the crosspieces of a ladder 3 : a spoke(幅条) of a wheel 4 : a level in a hierarchy <rise a few rungs on the social scale - H. W. Van Loon>


[sai'kɔlədʒi] n.心理学,心理状态 1 : the science of mind and behavior 2 a : the mental or behavioral characteristics of an individual or group b : the study of mind and behavior in relation to a particular field of knowledge or activity 3 : a theory or system of psychology <Freudian psychology> <the psychology of Jung>


[saið] n.大镰刀 noun : A scythe is a tool with a long curved blade at right angles to a long handle. It is used to cut long grass or grain. intransitive verb : to use a scythe transitive verb : to cut with or as if with a scythe <scything cornstalks>


[sein] n.拉网,大捕鱼网 noun: a large net with sinkers on one edge and floats on the other that hangs vertically in the water and is used to enclose and catch fish when its ends are pulled together or are drawn ashore intransitive verb : to fish with or catch fish with a seine transitive verb : to fish for or in with a seine


[seit] v.使心满意足,使厌腻 1 : to cloy(腻) with overabundance : GLUT(使吃得过饱) 2 : to appease (as a thirst) by indulging to the full synonyms see SATIATE synonyms SATIATE, SATE, SURFEIT, CLOY, PALL, GLUT, GORGE mean to fill to repletion. SATIATE and SATE may sometimes imply only complete satisfaction but more often suggest repletion that has destroyed interest or desire <years of globe-trotting had satiated their interest in travel> <readers were sated with sensationalistic stories>.


[sen'seiʃən] n.知觉;轰动(的事) 1 a : a mental process (as seeing, hearing, or smelling) resulting from the immediate external stimulation of a sense organ often as distinguished from a conscious awareness of the sensory process - compare PERCEPTION(洞察力) b : awareness (as of heat or pain) due to stimulation of a sense organ c : a state of consciousness due to internal bodily changes <a sensation of hunger> d : an indefinite bodily feeling <a sensation of buoyancy> 2 : something (as a physical stimulus, sense-datum, or afterimage) that causes or is the object of sensation 3 a : a state of excited interest or feeling <their elopement(潜逃,私奔) caused a sensation> b : a cause of such excitement <the show was the musical sensation of the season> especially : one (as a person) in some respect exceptional or outstanding <the rookie(新兵;无经验的人) hitting sensation of the American League>


[si'kjuə] a.安全的;稳固的;v.固定;使安全 1 b : easy in mind : CONFIDENT c : assured in opinion or expectation : having no doubt 2 a : free from danger b : free from risk of loss c : affording safety <a secure hideaway(隐避处)> d : TRUSTWORTHY, DEPENDABLE <a secure foundation> 3 : ASSURED 1 : characterized by certainty or security : GUARANTEED <a secure victory> transitive verb 1 a : to relieve from exposure to danger : act to make safe against adverse contingencies(意外) <secure a supply line from enemy raids> b : to put beyond hazard of losing or of not receiving : GUARANTEE <secure the blessings of liberty - U.S. Constitution> c : to give pledge(誓言) of payment to (a creditor) or of (an obligation) <secure a note by a pledge of collateralI(担保物)> 2 a : to take (a person) into custody(监管;照管) : hold fast : PINION(绑住或固定住某人或某人的胳膊) b : to make fast <secure a door> <secure a bike to a tree> 3 a : to get secure usually lasting possession or control of <secure a job> b : BRING ABOUT, EFFECT 4 : to release (naval personnel) from work or duty intransitive verb 1 of naval personnel : to stop work : go off duty 2 of a ship : to tie up : BERTH(停泊) synonyms see ENSURE SECURE implies action taken to guard against attack or loss <sent reinforcements to secure their position>.


[si'kjuəritiz] n.证券,股票证券总称


[si'kri:t] v.隐藏;分泌 transitive verb : to form and give off (a secretion) 1 : to deposit or conceal in a hiding place 2 : to appropriate secretly : ABSTRACT synonyms see HIDE SECRETE suggests a depositing in a place unknown to others <secreted the amulet(护身符) inside his shirt>.


[si'kwestə] v.(使)隐退;使隔离 1 a : to set apart : SEGREGATE <sequester a jury> b : SECLUDE(隔离,隔绝), WITHDRAW <widely spaced homes are forbiddingly grand and sequestered - Don Asher> 2 a : to seize especially by a writ(法院颁布的书面命令) of sequestration(隔离,扣押,查封,没收) b : to place (property) in custody especially in sequestration 3 : to hold (as a metallic ion) in solution usually by inclusion in an appropriate coordination complex(配合物)


[si'kwinʃəl] a.连续的,一连串的


[si'nɑ:riəu] n.剧情说明书;剧本 If you talk about a likely or possible scenario, you are talking about the way in which a situation may develop. The scenario of a film is a piece of writing that gives an outline of the story. = outline


[si'pʌlkrəl] a.坟墓的;阴深的,忧郁的 1 : of or relating to a sepulchre(坟墓) <sepulchral inscriptions> 2 : suited to or suggestive of a sepulchre : FUNEREAL <spoke in sepulchral whispers>


[si'ri:n] a.清澈的,晴朗的,安静的 1 a : clear and free of storms or unpleasant change <serene skies> b : shining bright and steady <the moon, serene in glory- Alexander Pope> 2 : AUGUST(因年龄或地位高受人尊敬的) ― used as part of a title <His Serene Highness> 3 : marked by or suggestive of utter calm and unruffled(不骚动的,不混乱的,安静的) repose or quietude(安静,平静) <a serene smile> synonyms see CALM


[si'si:d] v.正式脱离或退出(组织) : to withdraw from an organization (as a religious communion or political party or federation)


[si:m] n.缝,接缝


[si:p] v.(液体等)渗漏 intransitive verb 1 : to flow or pass slowly through fine pores or small openings : !OOZE(渗出) <water seeped in through a crack> 2 a : to enter or penetrate slowly <fear of nuclear war had seeped into the national consciousness - Tip O'Neill> b : to become diffused or spread <a sadness seeped through his being - Agnes S. Turnbull> noun 1 a : a spot where a fluid (as water, oil, or gas) contained in the ground oozes slowly to the surface and often forms a pool b : a small spring 2 : SEEPAGE(泄漏,渗出的量)


[si:ð] v.沸腾,汹涌 transitive verb 2 : to soak or saturate in a liquid intransitive verb 2 a : to be in a state of rapid agitated movement b : to churn(搅拌,搅动) or foam(起泡沫,吐口沫,沸腾) as if boiling 3 : to suffer violent internal excitement <seethe with jealousy> noun: a state of seething : EBULLITION(沸腾,迸发)


[siə] a.干枯的,凋萎的 adjective 1 : being dried and withered noun: a series of ecological communities formed in ecological succession = sear


[siə] v.(以烈火)烧灼 intransitive verb : to cause withering(枯萎;凋零) or drying transitive verb 1 : to make withered and dry : !PARCH(烘烤;烤焦) 2 a : to burn, scorch, mark, or injure with or as if with sudden application of intense heat b : to cook the surface of quickly with intense heat <sear a steak(牛排)> noun: a mark or scar left by searing adjective 1 : being dried and withered noun: a series of ecological communities formed in ecological succession


[skænt] a.不足的,缺乏的 adjective 2 a : barely or scarcely sufficient especially : not quite coming up to a stated measure <a scant teaspoon> b : lacking in amplitude or quantity <scant growth> 3 : having a small or insufficient supply <he's fat, and scant of breath - Shakespeare> synonyms see MEAGER transitive verb 1 : to provide an incomplete supply of 2 : to make small, narrow, or meager(贫乏的) 3 : to give scant attention to : SLIGHT 4 : to provide with a meager(贫乏的,稀少的) or inadequate portion or supply : STINT


[skɑ:f] n.围巾,披肩 A scarf is a piece of cloth that you wear round your neck or head, usually to keep yourself warm.


[skɔ:] n.乐谱 6 a : the copy of a musical composition in written or printed notation b : a musical composition specifically : the music for a movie or theatrical production c : a complete description of a dance composition in choreographic notation


[skɔ:n] n.轻蔑;v.轻蔑,瞧不起 noun 1 : open dislike and disrespect or derision often mixed with indignation(愤怒,愤慨) 2 : an expression of contempt or derision 3 : an object of extreme disdain(轻视,鄙视), contempt, or derision : something contemptible transitive verb : to treat with scorn : reject or dismiss as contemptible or unworthy <scorned local traditions> <scorned to reply to the charge> intransitive verb : to show disdain or derision : SCOFF synonyms see DESPISE SCORN implies a ready or indignant contempt <scorns the very thought of retirement>.


[skɔ:tʃ] v.烤焦,烧焦 transitive verb 1 : to burn a surface of so as to change its color and texture 2 a : to dry or shrivel(枯萎,干枯,皱缩) with or as if with intense heat : !PARCH(烘烤;烤焦) b : to afflict painfully with censure or sarcasm 3 : DEVASTATE especially : to destroy (as property of possible use to an advancing enemy) before abandoning - used in the phrase scorched earth intransitive verb 1 : to become scorched 2 : to travel at great and usually excessive speed 3 : to cause intense heat or mental anguish <scorching sun> <scorching fury(暴怒;狂怒)>


[skɔf] v.嘲笑;狼吞虎咽;n.嘲笑,笑柄 noun 1 : an expression of scorn, derision, or contempt : GIBE(嘲弄) 2 : an object of scorn, mockery, or derision intransitive verb: to show contempt by derisive acts or language <scoffed at the idea> transitive verb : to treat or address with derision : MOCK


[skɔtʃ] v.镇压,粉碎


[skə:dʒ] n.鞭笞;磨难;v.鞭笞,磨难 noun 1 : WHIP especially : one used to inflict pain or punishment 2 : an instrument of punishment or criticism 3 : a cause of wide or great affliction transitive verb 1 : FLOG, WHIP 2 a : to punish severely b : AFFLICT(使苦恼,折磨) c : to drive as if by blows of a whip d : CHASTISE(通过痛打严厉惩罚;严厉批评)


[skəup] n.眼界;范围 noun 1 : INTENTION, OBJECT 2 : space or opportunity for unhampered motion, activity, or thought 3 : extent of treatment, activity, or influence 4 : range of operation: as a : the range of a logical operator : a string in predicate calculus that is governed by a quantifier b : a grammatical constituent that determines the interpretation of a predicate or quantifier synonyms see RANGE SCOPE is applicable to an area of activity, predetermined and limited, but somewhat flexible <as time went on, the scope of the investigation widened>. noun 1 : any of various instruments for viewing: as a : MICROSCOPE b : TELESCOPE c : a telescope mounted on a firearm for use as a sight 2 : HOROSCOPE(占星,诞生时的星位) transitive verb : to look at especially for the purpose of evaluation - often used with out <scoped her out from across the room - Tim Allis>


[skʌf] v.拖着脚走


[skʌlpt] v.雕刻 : CARVE, SCULPTURE


[sækri'lidʒəs] a.亵渎神圣的 If someone's behaviour or actions are sacrilegious, they show great disrespect towards something holy or towards something that people think should be respected.


[sælju(:)'teiʃən] n.招呼,致意,敬礼 1 a : an expression of greeting, goodwill, or courtesy by word, gesture, or ceremony b plural : REGARDS 2 : the word or phrase of greeting (as Gentlemen or Dear Sir or Madam) that conventionally comes immediately before the body of a letter


[sæp] n.树液;活力;v.消弱,耗尽


[sæʃ] n.肩带 A sash is a long piece of cloth which people wear round their waist or over one shoulder, especially with formal or official clothes.


[sɑ:'kæstik] a.讽刺的 1 : having the character of sarcasm(讽刺,轻蔑) <sarcastic criticism> 2 : given to the use of sarcasm : CAUSTIC <a sarcastic critic> synonyms SARCASTIC, SATIRIC, IRONIC, SARDONIC mean marked by bitterness and a power or will to cut or sting. SARCASTIC implies an intentional inflicting of pain by deriding, taunting, or ridiculing <a critic known for his sarcastic remarks>.


[sɑ:'tɔ:riəl] a.裁缝的,缝制的 : of or relating to a tailor or tailored clothes broadly : of or relating to clothes <poor sartorial taste>


[sɑ:v] n.药膏;v.减轻,缓和 noun 1 : an unctuous(油质的) adhesive substance for application to wounds or sores 2 : a remedial or soothing influence or agency <a salve to their hurt feelings> transitive verb 1 : to remedy (as disease) with or as if with a salve 2 : QUIET, ASSUAGE(缓和,减轻) <give him a raise in salary to salve his feelings - Upton Sinclair> : SALVAGE : to rescue or save especially from wreckage or ruin


[sə'geiʃəs] a.聪明的,睿智的 2 a : of keen and farsighted penetration and judgment : DISCERNING <sagacious judge of character> b : caused by or indicating acute discernment <sagacious purchase of stock> synonyms see SHREWD synonyms SHREWD, SAGACIOUS, PERSPICACIOUS, ASTUTE mean acute in perception and sound in judgment. SHREWD stresses practical, hardheaded cleverness and judgment <a shrewd judge of character>. SAGACIOUS suggests wisdom, penetration, and farsightedness <sagacious investors got in on the ground floor>. PERSPICACIOUS implies unusual power to see through and understand what is puzzling or hidden <a perspicacious counselor saw through the child's facade>. ASTUTE suggests shrewdness, perspicacity, and diplomatic skill <an astute player of party politics>.


[sə'laivə] n.唾液,口水 Saliva is the watery liquid that forms in your mouth and helps you to chew and digest food.


[sə'lju:briəs] a.有益健康的 : favorable to or promoting health or well-being <salubrious habits>


[sə'lu:t] v.行举手礼;向...致意;n.敬礼


[tai'reid] n.长篇的攻击性讲话 : a !protracted(延长的,拖延的) speech usually marked by !intemperate(无节制的,放纵的), !vituperative(尖刻的辱骂性责备的), or harshly censorious(挑剔的) language


[tai'tænik] a.巨人的,力大无比的 : having great magnitude, force, or power : COLOSSAL <a titanic struggle>


[taind] a.尖端的 tine [tain] n. 齿,叉,鹿角尖 1 : a slender pointed projecting part : PRONG(叉状物,耙子,干草耙) 2 : a pointed branch of an antler(鹿角,茸角)


[taut] v.招徕顾客;极力赞扬 transitive verb 1 : to spy on : WATCH 2 a British : to spy out information about (as a racing stable(赛马饲养训练场) or horse) b : to give a tip or solicit bets on (a racehorse) 3 : to solicit(勾引,乞求,设法获得某事物), peddle(兜售,沿街叫卖), or persuade importunately(缠扰不休地) <not meant to tout you off the movie - Russell Baker> 4 : to make much of : PROMOTE, TALK UP <touted as the summer's blockbuster(轰动,巨型炸弹,大片) movie> <the college's much touted women's studies program> intransitive verb 1 : to solicit patronage(赞助,光顾,任免权) 2 a chiefly British : to spy on racehorses in training to gain information for betting b : to give a tip or solicit bets on a racehorse noun : one who touts: as a : one who solicits patronage(拉赞助) b chiefly British : one who spies out racing information for betting purposes c : one who gives tips or solicits bets on a racehorse


[ti'miditi] n.胆怯 antonym : !effrontery : shameless boldness : INSOLENCE


[tif] n.吵嘴,呕气 noun : a !petty quarrel intransitive verb : to have a petty quarrel


[tilt] v.(使)倾斜;n.倾斜,斜坡 transitive verb 1 : to cause to have an inclination 2 a : to point or thrust in or as if in a tilt <tilt a lance(长矛)> b : to charge against <tilt an !adversary(对手,敌手)> intransitive verb 1 a : to move or shift so as to lean or incline : !SLANT(倾斜) b : to incline, tend, or become drawn toward an opinion, course of action, or one side of a controversy 2 a : to engage in a combat with lances : JOUST(中世纪的骑士骑着马用长矛打斗) b : to make an impetuous attack <tilt at social evils> noun 1 a : a contest on horseback in which two combatants charging with lances or similar weapons try to unhorse each other : JOUST b : a tournament(马上比武) of tilts 2 a : DISPUTE, CONTENTION b : SPEED - used in the phrase full tilt 3 a : the act of tilting : the state or position of being tilted b : a sloping surface c : !SLANT(偏见), BIAS <a tilt toward military involvement> 4 : any of various contests resembling or suggesting tilting with lances transitive verb : : to cover or provide with a tilt noun : a canopy for a wagon, boat, or !stall


[tint] n.色泽;v.给...淡淡地着色 noun 1 a : a usually slight or pale coloration : HUE b : any of various lighter or darker shades of a color : TINGE(淡淡的色调或痕迹) 2 : a variation of a color produced by adding white to it and characterized by a low saturation with relatively high lightness 3 : a usually slight modifying quality or characteristic : TOUCH 4 : a shaded effect in engraving produced by fine parallel lines close together 5 : a panel of light color serving as background 6 : dye for the hair transitive verb : to impart or apply a tint to : COLOR


[trait] a.陈腐的,陈词滥调的 : hackneyed or boring from much use : not fresh or original synonyms TRITE, HACKNEYED, STEREOTYPED, THREADBARE mean lacking the freshness that evokes attention or interest. TRITE applies to a once effective phrase or idea spoiled from long familiarity <"you win some, you lose some" is a trite expression>. HACKNEYED stresses being worn out by overuse so as to become dull and meaningless <all of the metaphors and images in the poem are hackneyed>. STEREOTYPED(老一套的) implies falling invariably into the same pattern or form <views of minorities that are stereotyped and out-of-date>. THREADBARE applies to what has been used until its possibilities of interest have been totally exhausted <a mystery novel with a threadbare plot>.


[treit] n.人的显著特性 1 a : a stroke of or as if of a pencil b : TOUCH, TRACE 2 a : a distinguishing quality (as of personal character) <curiosity is one of her notable traits> b : an inherited characteristic


[trend] v./n.趋势,倾向 intransitive verb 1 a : to extend in a general direction : follow a general course <mountain ranges trending north and south> b : to veer(转向,改变) in a new direction : BEND <a coastline that trends westward> 2 a : to show a tendency : INCLINE <prices trending upward> b : to become deflected(偏离;使转向) : SHIFT <opinions trending toward conservatism> noun 1 : a line of general direction or movement <the trend of the coast turned toward the west> 2 a : a prevailing tendency or inclination : DRIFT(趋势,潮流) <current trends in education> b : a general movement : SWING <the trend toward suburban living> c : a current style or preference : VOGUE(风行 流行) <new fashion trends> d : a line of development : APPROACH 3 : the general movement over time of a statistically detectable change also : a statistical curve reflecting such a change synonyms see TENDENCY


[tri'mendəs] a.惊人的;巨大的 1 : being such as may excite trembling or arouse !dread(恐惧;担忧), awe, or terror 2 a : notable by reason of extreme size, power, greatness, or excellence <tremendous problems> <a writer of tremendous talent> - often used as a generalized term of approval <had a tremendous time> b : unusually large : HUGE <a tremendous number of people> synonyms see MONSTROUS MONSTROUS implies a departure from the normal (as in size, form, or character) and often carries suggestions of deformity, ugliness, or fabulousness <the monstrous waste of the project>. TREMENDOUS may imply a power to terrify or inspire awe <the tremendous roar of the cataract(瀑布;倾盆大雨;大洪水)>. STUPENDOUS(巨大的,大得惊人的) implies a power to stun or astound, usually because of size, numbers, complexity, or greatness beyond description <a stupendous volcanic eruption>. PRODIGIOUS suggests a marvelousness exceeding belief, usually in something felt as going far beyond a previous maximum (as of goodness, greatness, intensity, or size) <made a prodigious effort and rolled the stone aside>.


[tru:p] n.歌唱团,剧团 noun : COMPANY, TROOP especially : a group of theatrical performers intransitive verb : to travel in a troupe also : to perform as a member of a theatrical troupe


[tru:s] n.停战,休战(协定) noun 1 : a suspension of fighting especially of considerable duration by agreement of opposing forces : !ARMISTICE(休战,停战), CEASE-FIRE 2 : a respite(间歇,休息,暂缓) especially from a disagreeable or painful state or action intransitive verb : to make a truce transitive verb : to end with a truce


[træk] n.足迹,踪迹;轨道;小道;v.跟踪


[trækt] n.传单;大片土地 noun 1 : extent or lapse of time 2 : an area either large or small: as a : an indefinite stretch of land b : a defined area of land 3 a : a system of body parts or organs that act together to perform some function <the digestive tract> b : a bundle of nerve fibers having a common origin, termination, and function noun : a pamphlet or leaflet of political or religious propaganda(宣传,宣传的内容) also : a piece of writing that is suggestive of such a tract


[træn'send] v.超越,胜过 transitive verb 1 a : to rise above or go beyond the limits of b : to triumph over the negative or restrictive aspects of : OVERCOME c : to be prior to, beyond, and above (the universe or material existence) 2 : to outstrip(超过,跑过) or outdo(超过,胜过) in some attribute, quality, or power intransitive verb : to rise above or extend notably beyond ordinary limits synonyms see EXCEED TRANSCEND implies a rising or extending notably above or beyond ordinary limits <transcended the values of their culture>.


[træn'sendənt] a.超越的,卓越的,出众的 1 a : exceeding usual limits : SURPASSING b : extending or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience(经验) c in Kantian(康德的) philosophy : being beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge 2 : being beyond comprehension 3 : transcending the universe or material existence Compare IMMANENT 2 :being within the limits of possible experience or knowledge 4 : universally applicable or significant <the antislavery movement recognized the transcendent importance of liberty - L. H. Tribe>


[træn'ziʃən] n.过渡时期,转变 noun 1 a : passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another : CHANGE b : a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another 2 a : a musical modulation(调音,抑扬) b : a musical passage leading from one section of a piece to another 3 : an abrupt change in energy state or level (as of an atomic nucleus or a molecule) usually accompanied by loss or gain of a single quantum of energy


[træn'zækʃən] n.办理,交易 noun 1 a : something transacted especially : an exchange or transfer of goods, services, or funds <electronic transactions> b plural : the often published record of the meeting of a society or association 2 a : an act, process, or instance of transacting b : a communicative action or activity involving two parties or things that reciprocally(相互地,互易地) affect or influence each other


[træns'figə] v.美化,改观 : to give a new and typically exalted(尊贵的,高位的,高尚的) or spiritual appearance to : transform outwardly and usually for the better synonyms see TRANSFORM TRANSFIGURE implies a change that exalts or glorifies <joy transfigured her face>.


[træns'fə:] v.转移,传递;调任,转让


[træns'gres] v.冒犯,违背 intransitive verb 1 : to violate a command or law : SIN 2 : to go beyond a boundary or limit transitive verb 1 : to go beyond limits set or prescribed by : VIOLATE <transgress divine law> 2 : to pass beyond or go over (a limit or boundary) transgression [træns'greʃən] n.违法,罪过 : an act, process, or instance of transgressing: as a : infringement(违反,侵犯) or violation of a law, command, or duty b : the spread of the sea over land areas and the consequent unconformable deposit of sediments on older rocks


[træns'kraib] v.抄写,转录 1 a : to make a written copy of b : to make a copy of (dictated(听写的) or recorded matter) in longhand(: HANDWRITING) or on a machine (as a typewriter) c : to paraphrase or summarize in writing d : WRITE DOWN, RECORD 2 a : to represent (speech sounds) by means of phonetic symbols b : TRANSLATE 2A : to turn into one's own or another language c : to transfer (data) from one recording form to another d : to record (as on magnetic tape) for later broadcast 3 : to make a musical transcription of 4 : to cause (as DNA) to undergo genetic transcription


[træns'peərənt] a.透明的;直率的 1 a (1) : having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies lying beyond are seen clearly : !PELLUCID (2) : allowing the passage of a specified form of radiation (as X-rays or ultraviolet light) b : fine or sheer enough to be seen through : !DIAPHANOUS(精致的,几乎透明的) 2 a : free from pretense or deceit : FRANK b : easily detected or seen through : OBVIOUS c : readily understood d : characterized by visibility or accessibility of information especially concerning business practices synonyms see CLEAR


[træns'pɔ:t] v.运输;n.狂喜 transitive verb 1 : to transfer or convey from one place to another <transporting ions across a living membrane> 2 : to carry away with strong and often intensely pleasant emotion(为强烈的情绪所激动) 3 : to send to a penal colony overseas(流放) synonyms see BANISH synonyms BANISH, EXILE, DEPORT, TRANSPORT mean to remove by authority from a state or country. BANISH implies compulsory removal from a country not necessarily one's own <banished for seditious activities>. EXILE may imply compulsory removal or an enforced or voluntary absence from one's own country <a writer who exiled himself for political reasons>. DEPORT implies sending out of the country an alien who has illegally entered or whose presence is judged !inimical(充满敌意的;不友善的) to the public welfare <illegal aliens will be deported>. TRANSPORT implies sending a convicted criminal to an overseas penal colony <a convict who was transported to Australia>. noun 1 : an act or process of transporting : TRANSPORTATION 2 : strong or intensely pleasurable emotion <transports of joy>(狂喜) 3 a : a ship for carrying soldiers or military equipment b : a vehicle (as a truck or airplane) used to transport persons or goods c : TRANSPORTATION 3 4 : a transported convict(流放的囚犯) synonyms see !ECSTASY(狂喜) synonyms ECSTASY, RAPTURE, TRANSPORT mean intense exaltation of mind and feelings. ECSTASY and RAPTURE both suggest a state of trance(恍惚) or near immobility produced by an overpowering emotion. ECSTASY may apply to any strong emotion (as joy, fear, rage, adoration) <religious ecstasy>. RAPTURE usually implies intense bliss or !beatitude(至福) <in speechless rapture>. TRANSPORT applies to any powerful emotion that lifts one out of oneself and usually provokes !vehement(猛烈的;强烈的) expression or frenzied action <in a transport of rage>.


[træns'pəuz] v.变换位置,调换 transitive verb 1 : to change in form or nature : TRANSFORM 2 : to render into another language, style, or manner of expression : TRANSLATE 3 : to transfer from one place or period to another : SHIFT 4 : to change the relative place or normal order of : alter the sequence of <transpose letters to change the spelling> 5 : to write or perform (a musical composition) in a different key 6 : to bring (a term) from one side of an algebraic equation to the other with change of sign synonyms see REVERSE synonyms REVERSE, TRANSPOSE, INVERT mean to change to the opposite position. REVERSE is the most general term and may imply change in order, side, direction, meaning <reversed his position on the trade agreement>. TRANSPOSE implies a change in order or relative position of units often through exchange of position <transposed the letters to form an !anagram(变位词)>. INVERT applies chiefly to turning upside down or inside out <a stamp with an inverted picture of an airplane>. trapeze [trə'pi:z] n.空中秋千 : a gymnastic or acrobatic apparatus consisting of a short horizontal bar suspended by two parallel ropes


[trænz'lju:snt] a.(半)透明的 1 : permitting the passage of light: a : CLEAR, TRANSPARENT <translucent water> b : transmitting and diffusing light so that objects beyond cannot be seen clearly 2 : free from disguise or falseness <his translucent patriotism - Newsweek> synonyms see CLEAR synonyms CLEAR, TRANSPARENT, TRANSLUCENT, LIMPID mean capable of being seen through. CLEAR implies absence of cloudiness, haziness, or muddiness <clear water>. TRANSPARENT implies being so clear that objects can be seen distinctly <a transparent sheet of film>. TRANSLUCENT implies the passage of light but not a clear view of what lies beyond <translucent frosted glass>. LIMPID suggests the soft clearness of pure water <her eyes were limpid pools of blue>.


[trænz'mit] v.传送,传播 transitive verb 1 a : to send or convey from one person or place to another : FORWARD b : to cause or allow to spread: as (1) : to convey by or as if by inheritance or heredity : HAND DOWN (2) : to convey (infection) abroad or to another 2 a (1) : to cause (as light or force) to pass or be conveyed through space or a medium (2) : to admit the passage of : CONDUCT <glass transmits light> b : to send out (a signal) either by radio waves or over a wire intransitive verb : to send out a signal either by radio waves or over a wire


[trænz'mju:t] v.变化,变作 transitive verb 1 : to change or alter in form, appearance, or nature and especially to a higher form 2 : to subject (as an element) to transmutation(变形,变化,嬗变,换变) intransitive verb : to undergo transmutation synonyms see TRANSFORM TRANSMUTE implies transforming into a higher element or thing <attempted to transmute lead into gold>.


[træŋ'kwiliti] n.宁静,安静 : the quality or state of being tranquil <the tranquillity of the quiet countryside>


[trɑ:ns] n.恍惚,昏睡状态 noun 1 : STUPOR(迟钝,麻痹,无知觉), DAZE(恍惚,晕眩) 2 : a sleeplike state (as of deep hypnosis(催眠状态)) usually characterized by partly suspended animation with diminished or absent sensory and motor activity 3 : a state of profound abstraction(心不在焉) or absorption(全神贯注) transitive verb : ENTRANCE, !ENRAPTURE(使狂喜)


[trə'dʒekətəri] n.(抛射物)弹道轨道 1 : the curve that a body (as a planet or comet in its orbit or a rocket) describes in space 2 : a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory <an upward career trajectory>


[trʌdʒ] v.跋涉 intransitive verb : to walk or march steadily and usually laboriously <trudged through deep snow> transitive verb : to trudge along or over noun : a long tiring walk : TRAMP


[trʌs] n.桁架,支架;干草的一捆 noun 1 : an iron band around a lower mast with an attachment by which a yard is secured to the mast 2 a : !BRACKET(支架,托架) 1 : an overhanging member that projects from a structure (as a wall) and is usually designed to support a vertical load or to strengthen an angle b : an assemblage(集合,装配) of members (as beams) forming a rigid framework 3 : a device worn to reduce a hernia(疝气) by pressure 4 : a compact flower or fruit cluster transitive verb 1 a : to secure tightly : BIND b : to arrange for cooking by binding close the wings or legs of (a fowl(家禽)) 2 : to support, strengthen, or stiffen by or as if by a truss


[trʌŋk] n.树干;大衣箱


[twig] n.小枝,嫩枝 noun 1 : a small shoot or branch usually without its leaves 2 : a minute branch of a nerve or artery transitive verb 1 : NOTICE, OBSERVE 2 : to understand the meaning of : COMPREHEND intransitive verb : to gain a grasp : UNDERSTAND <twigged instinctively about things - H. E. Bates>


[twindʒ] n.(生理,心理上的)剧痛


[tɔ'renʃəl] a.奔流的,洪流的 adjective 1 a : relating to or having the character of a torrent <torrential rains> b : caused by or resulting from action of rapid streams <torrential gravel> 2 : resembling a torrent in violence or rapidity of flow


[tɔ:'neidəu] n.飓风,龙卷风 2 a : a squall(骚动;风暴) accompanying a thunderstorm in Africa b : a violent destructive whirling wind accompanied by a funnel(漏斗)-shaped cloud that progresses in a narrow path over the land 3 : a violent windstorm : WHIRLWIND(旋风)


[tɔ:k] n.转矩;项圈 noun : a usually metal collar or neck chain worn by the ancient Gauls, Germans, and Britons noun 1 : a force that produces or tends to produce rotation or torsion <an automobile engine delivers torque to the drive shaft(驱动轴)> also : a measure of the effectiveness of such a force that consists of the product of the force and the perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the axis of rotation(力矩) 2 : a turning or twisting force transitive verb : to impart torque to : cause to twist (as about an axis)


[tɔi] v.不认真考虑,玩弄


[tɔil] v./n.辛苦,辛勤劳作 noun 2 : long strenuous(奋发的,费力的,狂热的) fatiguing labor synonyms see WORK intransitive verb 1 : to work hard and long 2 : to proceed with laborious effort : PLOD noun 1 : a net to trap game(animals under pursuit or taken in hunting) 2 : something by which one is held fast or inextricably(分不开地,无法摆脱地) involved : SNARE(罗网,诱捕), TRAP - usually used in plural <caught in the toils of the law>


[tɔn'sɔ:riəl] a.理发师的,理发的 : of or relating to a barber or the work of a barber


[tɔs] v.投,掷;使摇动 transitive verb 1 a : to fling(投掷) or heave(用力举起) continuously about, to and fro, or up and down <a ship tossed by waves> b : !BANDY 2 a : to toss from side to side or pass about from one to another often in a careless or inappropriate manner b : EXCHANGE especially : to exchange (words) argumentatively c : to discuss lightly or !banteringly(嘲弄地,半开玩笑地) d : to use in a !glib(流利圆滑的;即兴的,从容的) or !offhand manner - often used with about <toss these statistics about with considerable bravado(虚张声势) - Richard Pollak> c : to mix lightly until well coated with a dressing or until the elements are thoroughly combined <toss a salad> 2 : to make uneasy : stir up : DISTURB 3 a : to throw with a quick, light, or careless motion or with a sudden jerk(猛拉,扭曲) <toss a ball around> b : to throw up in the air <tossed by a bull> c : MATCH 5A : to flip or toss (coins) and compare exposed faces d : to send as if by throwing <tossed in jail> <tossed out of the game> e : to get rid of : THROW AWAY 4 a : to fling or lift with a sudden motion <tosses her head angrily> b : to !tilt(使倾斜) suddenly so as to empty by drinking <tossed his glass> also : to consume by drinking <toss down a drink> 5 : to accomplish, provide, or produce readily or easily <toss off a few verses(诗,韵文,诗节)> 6 : THROW 18 : to give by way of entertainment <toss a party> 7 : VOMIT 1 - often used in the phrase toss one's cookies intransitive verb 1 a : to move restlessly or turbulently especially : to twist and turn repeatedly <tossed sleeplessly all night> b : to move with a quick or spirited gesture 2 : to decide an issue by flipping a coin synonyms see THROW TOSS suggests a light or careless or aimless throwing and may imply an upward motion <tossed the coat on the bed>.


[tɔŋz] n.夹子,钳子 : any of numerous grasping devices consisting commonly of two pieces joined at one end by a pivot(支点\枢轴) or hinged like scissors hammer and tongs : with great force, vigor, or violence <went at it hammer and tongs>


[təul] n.过路(桥)费;伤亡人数,损失;v.(缓慢而有规律地)敲 noun 1 : a tax or fee paid for some liberty or privilege (as of passing over a highway or bridge) 2 : compensation for services rendered: as a : a charge for transportation b : a charge for a long-distance telephone call 3 : a grievous(极度痛苦的;严重伤害的;极凶残的) or ruinous(破坏性的,招致毁减的,零落的) price <inflation has taken its toll> especially : cost in life or health <the death toll from the hurricane> intransitive verb : to take or levy toll transitive verb 1 a : to exact part of as a toll b : to take as toll 2 : to exact a toll from (someone) transitive verb 1 : ALLURE, ENTICE(引诱;诱惑) 2 a : to entice (game) to approach b : to attract (fish) with scattered bait c : to lead or attract (domestic animals) to a desired point transitive verb 1 : to sound (a bell) by pulling the rope 2 a : to give signal or announcement of <the clock tolled each hour> b : to announce by tolling <church bells tolled the death of the bishop> c : to call to or from a place or occasion <bells tolled the congregation to church> intransitive verb : to sound with slow measured strokes <the bell tolls solemnly> noun : the sound of a tolling bell


[tʌk'si:dəu] n.礼服,无尾礼服 1 : a men's single-breasted(单排钮扣的) or double-breasted(双排钮扣的,对襟的) usually black or blackish-blue jacket 2 : a semiformal evening suit for men


[tʌsk] n.(象)长牙 noun 1 : an elongated greatly enlarged tooth (as of an elephant or walrus) that projects when the mouth is closed and serves especially for digging food or as a weapon broadly : a long protruding tooth 2 : one of the small projections on a tusk tenon(凸榫,榫舌) transitive verb : to dig up with a tusk also : to !gash(砍得很深的伤口;很深的裂缝) with a tusk


[vai'keəriəs] a.替代的,代理的 1 a : serving instead of someone or something else b : that has been delegated(代表) <vicarious authority> 2 : performed or suffered by one person as a substitute for another or to the benefit or advantage of another : SUBSTITUTIONARY <a vicarious sacrifice> 3 : experienced or realized through imaginative or sympathetic participation in the experience of another 4 : occurring in an unexpected or abnormal part of the body instead of the usual one <vicarious menstruation(月经,月经期间) manifested by bleeding from the nose>


[vai] v.竞争 transitive verb archaic : WAGER, HAZARD also : to exchange in rivalry : MATCH intransitive verb : to strive for superiority : CONTEND, COMPETE


[vail] a.恶劣的,卑鄙的 1 a : morally despicable or abhorrent <nothing is so vile as intellectual dishonesty> b : physically repulsive : FOUL <a vile slum(贫民窟)> 2 : of little worth or account : COMMON also : MEAN 3 : tending to degrade <vile employments> 4 : disgustingly or utterly bad : OBNOXIOUS(可憎的,不愉快的,讨厌的), CONTEMPTIBLE <vile weather> <had a vile temper>


[vautʃ] v.担保,证明 transitive verb 1 : to summon(传唤;召集) into court to warrant or defend a title 4 a : PROVE, SUBSTANTIATE(证实;使实体化) b : to verify (a business transaction) by examining documentary evidence intransitive verb 1 : to give a guarantee : become surety(担保人 担保 保证 保证金) 2 a : to supply supporting evidence or testimony(证词,声明) b : to give personal assurance synonyms see CERTIFY


[veig] a.模糊的 1 a : not clearly expressed : stated in indefinite terms <vague accusations> b : not having a precise meaning <a vague term of abuse> 2 a : not clearly defined, grasped, or understood : INDISTINCT <only a vague notion of what's needed> also : SLIGHT <a vague hint of a thickening waistline(腰围)> <hasn't the vaguest idea> b : not clearly felt or sensed : somewhat subconscious(潜意识的,下意识的) <a vague longing> 3 : not thinking or expressing one's thoughts clearly or precisely <vague about dates and places> 4 : lacking expression : VACANT(空的,空虚的,木然的) <vague eyes> <a vague stare> 5 : not sharply outlined : HAZY(朦胧的,烟雾弥漫的,不清楚的) <met by vague figures with shaded torchlights - Earle Birney> synonyms see OBSCURE synonyms OBSCURE, DARK, VAGUE, ENIGMATIC, CRYPTIC, AMBIGUOUS, EQUIVOCAL mean not clearly understandable. OBSCURE implies a hiding or veiling of meaning through some inadequacy of expression or withholding of full knowledge <obscure poems>. VAGUE implies a lack of clear formulation due to inadequate conception or consideration <a vague sense of obligation>. ENIGMATIC(谜一般的;难以捉摸的) stresses a puzzling, mystifying quality <enigmatic occult writings>. CRYPTIC(秘密的,不公开的;神秘的) implies a purposely concealed meaning <cryptic hints of hidden treasure>. AMBIGUOUS applies to language capable of more than one interpretation <an ambiguous directive(指令)>. EQUIVOCAL applies to language left open to differing interpretations with the intention of deceiving or evading <moral precepts(教规) with equivocal phrasing>.


[veil] n.面纱;遮蔽物,掩蔽物;v.以面纱掩盖 noun 1 a : a length of cloth worn by women as a covering for the head and shoulders and often especially in Eastern countries for the face specifically : the outer covering of a nun's(尼姑,修女) headdress b : a length of veiling(面纱,面纱布料) or netting worn over the head or face or attached for protection or ornament to a hat or headdress <a bridal veil> c : any of various liturgical(礼拜式的) cloths especially : a cloth used to cover the chalice(圣餐杯;大高脚酒杯) 2 : the life of a nun - often used in the phrase take the veil(做修女) 3 : a concealing curtain or cover of cloth 4 : something that resembles a veil <a veil of stars> especially : something that hides or obscures like a veil <lift the veil of secrecy(秘密,保密)> 5 : a covering body part or membrane: as a : VELUM(盖膜,软口盖 菌膜) b : CAUL(胎膜, 大网膜)


[vein] a.自负的;徒劳的 adjective 1 : having no real value : IDLE, WORTHLESS <vain pretensions> 2 : marked by !futility(无用,无益) or ineffectualness : UNSUCCESSFUL, USELESS <vain efforts to escape> 4 : having or showing undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements : CONCEITED(自负的,幻想的) synonyms see FUTILE synonyms FUTILE, VAIN, FRUITLESS mean producing no result. FUTILE may connote completeness of failure or unwisdom(无知,愚昧) of undertaking <resistance had proved so futile that surrender was the only choice left>. VAIN usually implies simple failure to achieve a desired result <a vain attempt to get the car started>. FRUITLESS comes close to VAIN but often suggests long and arduous effort or severe disappointment <fruitless efforts to obtain a lasting peace>. in vain 1 : to no end : without success or result <her efforts were in vain> 2 : in an irreverent(不敬的,不逊的,无礼) or blasphemous(不敬神的,亵渎神明的) manner <you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain - Deut 5:11 (RSV)> synonyms VAIN, NUGATORY, OTIOSE, IDLE, EMPTY, HOLLOW mean being without worth or significance. VAIN implies either absolute or relative absence of value <vain promises>.


[vek'seiʃən] n.困扰,苦恼 1 : the act of harassing or vexing : TROUBLING 2 : the quality or state of being vexed : IRRITATION 3 : a cause of trouble : AFFLICTION


[veks] v./n.恼火 1 a : to bring trouble, distress, or agitation to <the restaurant is vexed by slow service> b : to bring physical distress to <a headache vexed him all morning> c : to irritate or annoy by petty provocations(激怒,刺激,挑拨) : HARASS <vexed by the children> d : PUZZLE, BAFFLE(使困惑,使为难) <a problem to vex the keenest wit> 2 : to shake or toss about synonyms see ANNOY VEX implies greater provocation and stronger disturbance and usually connotes anger but sometimes perplexity or anxiety <vexed by her son's failure to clean his room>.


[ven'detə] n.世仇,宿怨 1 : BLOOD FEUD 2 : an often prolonged series of retaliatory(报复的,报复性的), vengeful(复仇心重的,报复的), or hostile acts or exchange of such acts <waged a personal vendetta against those who opposed his nomination>


[ven'triləkwist] n.口技表演者,会口技的人 : one who uses or is skilled in ventriloquism(腹语术,口技) especially : one who provides entertainment by using ventriloquism to carry on an apparent conversation with a hand-manipulated dummy(傀儡,假人,哑巴,笨蛋,仿制品)


[vent] v.发泄(情绪);开孔;n.孔,口 noun 1 : an opening for the escape of a gas or liquid or for the relief of pressure: as a : the external opening of the rectum(直肠) or cloaca(泄殖腔) : ANUS(肛门) b (1) : PIPE 3C : the eruptive channel opening into the !crater(火山口) of a volcano , FUMAROLE(火山区的喷气孔) (2) : HYDROTHERMAL VENT(海底热泉口) c : an opening at the breech of a muzzle-loading gun through which fire is touched to the powder d chiefly Scottish : CHIMNEY, FLUE(烟道,暖气管) 2 : an opportunity or means of escape, passage, or release : OUTLET <finally gave vent to his pent-up hostility>


[ves'tidʒiəl] a.退化的,遗迹的,退化的 Vestigial is used to describe the small amounts of something that still remain of a larger or more important thing. (FORMAL)


[vi'lɔsiti] n.速度;迅速 1 a : quickness of motion : SPEED <the velocity of sound> b : rapidity of movement <[my horse's] strong suit is grace &personal comeliness(美丽动人), rather than velocity - Mark Twain> c : speed imparted to something <the power pitcher relies on velocity - Tony Scherman> 2 : the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time : the derivative of position with respect to time 3 a : rate of occurrence or action : RAPIDITY <the velocity of historical change - R. J. Lifton> b : rate of turnover <the velocity of money>


[vi'siniti] n.附近,接近 1 : the quality or state of being near : PROXIMITY 2 : a surrounding area or district : NEIGHBORHOOD 3 : NEIGHBORHOOD 3B : an approximate amount, extent, or degree <cost in the neighborhood/ vicinity of $100>


[vi'tju:pəreit] v.痛斥,辱骂 transitive verb : to abuse or censure severely or abusively : BERATE(批评;严厉指责) intransitive verb : to use harsh condemnatory(非难的,处罚的) language synonyms see SCOLD VITUPERATE suggests a violent reviling <was vituperated for betraying his friends>.


[vi'veiʃəs] a.活泼的,快活的 : lively in temper, conduct, or spirit : !SPRIGHTLY(愉快活泼的) synonyms see LIVELY


[vi`sisi'tju:dinəs] a.有变化的,变迁的 : marked by or filled with vicissitudes vicissitude [vi`sisi'tju:d] n. 变化,变迁,兴败, 盛衰 1 a : the quality or state of being changeable : MUTABILITY(易变性,性情不定) b : natural change or mutation visible in nature or in human affairs 2 a : a favorable or unfavorable event or situation that occurs by chance : a fluctuation of state or condition <the vicissitudes of daily life> b : a difficulty or hardship attendant(伴随的) on a way of life, a career, or a course of action and usually beyond one's control c : alternating change : SUCCESSION(演替)


[vin'diktiv] a.报复性的 1 a : disposed(愿意的,想干的,有...倾向的) to seek revenge : VENGEFUL(复仇心重的,报复的) b : intended for or involving revenge 2 : intended to cause anguish or hurt : SPITEFUL


[viə] v.转向,改变(话题等) intransitive verb 1 : to change direction or course <the economy veered sharply downward> 2 of the wind : to shift in a clockwise direction 3 : to wear ship transitive verb : to direct to a different course specifically : WEAR 7 : to cause (a ship) to go about with the stern presented to the wind synonyms see SWERVE synonyms SWERVE, VEER, DEVIATE, DEPART, DIGRESS, DIVERGE mean to turn aside from a straight course. SWERVE may suggest a physical, mental, or moral turning away from a given course, often with abruptness <swerved to avoid hitting the dog>. VEER implies a major change in direction <at that point the path veers to the right>. DEVIATE implies a turning from a customary or prescribed course <never deviated from her daily routine>. DEPART suggests a deviation from a traditional or conventional course or type <occasionally departs from his own guidelines>. DIGRESS(离题) applies to a departing from the subject of one's discourse <a professor prone to digress>. DIVERGE may equal DEPART but usually suggests a branching of a main path into two or more leading in different directions <after school their paths diverged>.


[vælv] n.活门,阀门 A valve is a device attached to a pipe or a tube which controls the flow of air or liquid through the pipe or tube A valve is a small piece of tissue in your heart or in a vein which controls the flow of blood and keeps it flowing in one direction only.


[vɔ:lt] n.拱顶;地窖 A vault is a secure room where money and other valuable things can be kept safely. A vault is a room underneath a church or in a !cemetery(坟墓,公墓) where people are buried, usually the members of a single family. A vault is an arched roof or ceiling. If you vault something or vault over it, you jump quickly onto or over it, especially by putting a hand on top of it to help you balance while you jump.


[vɔid] a.空的,缺乏的;n.空隙,空处;空虚感 adjective 1 a : not occupied : VACANT(空的,空虚的,木然的) <a void bishopric> b : not inhabited : DESERTED 2 : containing nothing <void space> 3 : IDLE, LEISURE(闲的) 4 a : being without something specified : DEVOID <a nature void of all malice> 5 : VAIN, USELESS 6 a : of no legal force or effect : NULL <a void contract> b : VOIDABLE synonyms see EMPTY VOID suggests absolute emptiness as far as the mind or senses can determine <a statement void of meaning>. noun 1 a : OPENING, GAP b : empty space : EMPTINESS, VACUUM 2 : the quality or state of being without something : LACK, ABSENCE 3 : a feeling of want(缺乏,需求品) or hollowness(空洞,无趣,寂寞)


[və'lju:minəs] a.长篇的;多产的 1 : consisting of many folds, coils, or convolutions(盘绕 拳曲) : WINDING 2 a : having or marked by great volume or bulk : LARGE <long voluminous tresses(一绺头发)> also : FULL <a voluminous skirt> b : NUMEROUS <trying to keep track of voluminous slips of paper> 3 a : filling or capable of filling a large volume or several volumes <a voluminous literature on the subject> b : writing or speaking much or at great length <a voluminous correspondent>


[və'lʌptuəs] a.撩人的;沉溺于酒色的 1 a : full of delight or pleasure to the senses : conducive to or arising from sensuous(刺激感官的) or sensual(肉体上享乐的) gratification : LUXURIOUS(奢侈的 极舒适的) <a voluptuous dance> <voluptuous ornamentation> <a voluptuous wine> b : suggesting sensual pleasure by fullness and beauty of form <voluptuous nudes> 2 : given to or spent in enjoyment of luxury, pleasure, or sensual gratifications <a long and voluptuous holiday - Edmund Wilson> synonyms see SENSUOUS LUXURIOUS suggests the indulgence of sensuous pleasure inducing bodily ease and languor(衰弱无力) <a luxurious hotel>. VOLUPTUOUS implies more strongly an abandonment especially to sensual pleasure <a voluptuous feast>.


[və'nilə] n.香草,香子兰 noun 1 a : VANILLA BEAN b : a commercially important extract of the vanilla bean that is used especially as a !flavoring (调味品) 2 : any of a genus (Vanilla(香草)) of tropical American climbing epiphytic(附生植物的) orchids(兰花,淡紫色)


[və'niə] n.(镶于劣质东西上的)镶面板;外表 noun 1 : a thin sheet of a material: as a : a layer of wood of superior value or excellent grain to be glued to an inferior wood b : any of the thin layers bonded together to form plywood c : a plastic or porcelain coating bonded to the surface of a cosmetically(装饰性的) imperfect tooth 2 : a protective or ornamental facing (as of brick or stone) 3 : a superficial or deceptively attractive appearance, display, or effect : FACADE(不真实的外表), GLOSS(注解;光泽;掩盖,假象,虚饰) <a veneer of tolerance> transitive verb 1 : to overlay or plate (as a common wood) with a thin layer of finer wood for outer finish or decoration broadly : to face with a material giving a superior surface 2 : to cover over with a veneer especially : to conceal (as a defect of character) under a superficial and deceptive attractiveness


[və'nækjulə] n.本国语,地方语


[və'reiʃəs] a.狼吞虎咽的,贪婪的 1 : having a huge appetite : !RAVENOUS(饿极了的,贪婪的) 2 : excessively eager : !INSATIABLE(不能满足的 极贪心的) <a voracious reader> synonyms VORACIOUS, GLUTTONOUS, RAVENOUS, RAPACIOUS mean excessively greedy. VORACIOUS(贪婪的,狼吞虎咽的) applies especially to habitual gorging with food or drink <teenagers are often voracious eaters>. GLUTTONOUS applies to one who delights in eating or acquiring things especially beyond the point of necessity or satiety <an admiral(海军将官 舰队司令) who was gluttonous for glory>. RAVENOUS(饿极了的,贪婪的) implies excessive hunger and suggests violent or grasping methods of dealing with food or with whatever satisfies an appetite <a nation with a ravenous lust for territorial expansion>. RAPACIOUS(强夺的;贪婪的) often suggests excessive and utterly selfish acquisitiveness or avarice(贪财, 贪婪) <rapacious developers indifferent to environmental concerns>.


[və'reiʃəs] a.诚实的,说真话的 1 : TRUTHFUL(真实的;诚实的), HONEST 2 : marked by truth : ACCURATE


[və'ræsiti ] n.贪婪 : the quality or state of being voracious


[və'ræsiti] n.真实性,诚实 1 : devotion to the truth : TRUTHFULNESS(真实;坦率) antonym: mendacity 2 : power of conveying or perceiving truth 3 : conformity with truth or fact : ACCURACY 4 : something true <makes lies sound like veracities>


[və:'bəus] a.冗长的,罗嗦的 1 : containing more words than necessary : WORDY <a verbose reply> also : impaired by wordiness <a verbose style> 2 : given to wordiness <a verbose orator(演说者,演讲者,雄辩家)> synonyms see WORDY WORDY may also imply loquaciousness or garrulity <a wordy speech>. VERBOSE suggests a resulting dullness, obscurity, or lack of incisiveness(切入,锐利,尖锐,深刻,透彻) or precision <the verbose position papers>.


[və:s] n.诗歌 v.使精通 noun 1 : a line of metrical(韵律的,有韵律的,测量的) writing 2 a (1) : metrical language (2) : metrical writing distinguished from poetry especially by its lower level of intensity (3) : POETRY 2 b : POEM c : a body of metrical writing (as of a period or country) 3 : !STANZA(诗节) 4 : one of the short divisions into which a chapter of the Bible is traditionally divided intransitive verb : to make verse : VERSIFY transitive verb 1 : to tell or celebrate in verse 2 : to turn into verse transitive verb : to familiarize by close association, study, or experience <well versed in the theater>


[və:tju'əuzəu] n.演艺精湛的人 1 : an experimenter or investigator especially in the arts and sciences : !SAVANT(博学之士;专家) 2 : one skilled in or having a taste for the fine arts 3 : one who excels in the technique of an art especially : a highly skilled musical performer (as on the violin) 4 : a person who has great skill at some endeavor <a computer virtuoso> <a virtuoso at public relations>


[və:v] n.(艺术作品的)神韵;(人)生机 2 a : the spirit and enthusiasm animating artistic composition or performance : VIVACITY(快活,活泼,精神充沛) b : ENERGY, VITALITY(活力,生命力)


[vəu'keiʃən] n.擅长;工作,职业 1 a : a summons(传唤,传票,召唤) or strong inclination to a particular state or course of action especially : a divine call to the religious life b : an entry into the priesthood(神职) or a religious order 2 a : the work in which a person is regularly employed : OCCUPATION b : the persons engaged in a particular occupation 3 : the special function of an individual or group


[vəu'liʃən] n.决断力,意志 1 : an act of making a choice or decision also : a choice or decision made 2 : the power of choosing or determining : WILL


[vəug] n.时髦,时尚;a.流行的 noun 2 a : popular acceptation or favor : POPULARITY b : a period of popularity 3 : one that is in fashion at a particular time synonyms see FASHION VOGUE stresses the wide acceptance of a fashion <short skirts are back in vogue>. intransitive verb : to strike poses in campy(装模作样的,不自然的) imitation of fashion models especially as a kind of dance


[weidʒ] v.开始,进行(战争,运动) transitive verb : to engage in or carry on <wage war> <wage a campaign> intransitive verb : to be in process of occurring <the riot(暴乱) waged for several hours - American Guide Series: Md.>


[wein] v.减少,衰微 intransitive verb 1 : to decrease in size, extent, or degree : DWINDLE(逐渐缩小;衰落): as a : to diminish in phase or intensity - used chiefly of the moon, other satellites, and inferior planets b : to become less brilliant or powerful : DIM c : to flow out : EBB(退潮;衰退) 2 : to fall gradually from power, prosperity, or influence synonyms see ABATE noun 1 a : the act or process of waning <strength on the wane> b : a period or time of waning specifically : the period from the full moon to the new moon


[weist] v.使身体消瘦,损耗 transitive verb 1 : to lay waste especially : to damage or destroy gradually and progressively <!reclaiming(开垦;回收利用) land wasted by strip-mining> 2 : to cause to shrink in physical bulk or strength : !EMACIATE(使憔悴;减肥,由于饥饿使极瘦), ENFEEBLE(使衰弱) <a body wasted by disease> 3 : to wear away or diminish gradually : CONSUME 4 a : to spend or use carelessly : !SQUANDER(浪费,挥霍) <waste valuable resources> b : to allow to be used inefficiently or become dissipated(驱散;挥霍浪费) <a writer wasting her talent> 5 : KILL also : to injure severely intransitive verb 1 : to lose weight, strength, or vitality - often used with away <was wasting away from illness> 2 a : to become diminished in bulk or substance b : to become consumed 3 : to spend money or consume property extravagantly or improvidently synonyms see RAVAGE synonyms RAVAGE, DEVASTATE, WASTE, SACK, PILLAGE, DESPOIL mean to lay waste by plundering(抢劫,掠夺) or destroying. !RAVAGE(彻底毁灭) implies violent often cumulative !depredation(劫掠,蹂躏) and destruction <a hurricane ravaged the coast>. !DEVASTATE implies the complete ruin and desolation(荒凉) of a wide area <an earthquake devastated the city>. !WASTE may imply producing the same result by a slow process rather than sudden and violent action <years of !drought(干旱) had wasted the area>. SACK implies carrying off all valuable possessions from a place <barbarians(野蛮人) sacked ancient Rome>. !PILLAGE implies ruthless plundering at will but without the completeness suggested by SACK <settlements pillaged by Vikings(北欧海盗)>. DESPOIL applies to looting or robbing without suggesting accompanying destruction <the Nazis despoiled the art museums>.


[weld] v.焊接,熔接;结合 intransitive verb : to become or be capable of being welded transitive verb 1 a : to unite (metallic parts) by heating and allowing the metals to flow together or by hammering or compressing with or without previous heating b : to unite (plastics) in a similar manner by heating c : to repair (as an article) by this method d : to produce or create as if by such a process 2 : to unite or reunite closely or intimately <architecture that welds the past and the present> noun 1 : a welded joint 2 : union by welding : the state or condition of being welded


[wi:d] n.杂草,野草;v.除草 noun ...... 2 a : an obnoxious growth, thing, or person b : something like a weed in detrimental(有害的) quality especially : an animal unfit to breed from intransitive verb : to remove weeds or something harmful transitive verb 1 a : to clear of weeds <weed a garden> b (1) : to free from something hurtful or offensive (2) : to remove the less desirable portions of 2 : to get rid of (something harmful or superfluous(多余的;累赘的)) - often used with out <weed out the troublemakers>


[wi:ld] v.支配,掌权 1 chiefly dialect : to deal successfully with : MANAGE 2 : to handle (as a tool) especially effectively <wield a broom(扫帚)> 3 a : to exert one's authority by means of <wield influence> b : have at one's command or disposal <did not wield appropriate credentials - G. W. Bonham>


[wi:n] v.(孩子)断奶;戒掉 1 : to accustom (as a young child or animal) to take food otherwise than by nursing 2 : to detach from a source of dependence <being weaned off the medication> <wean the bears from human food - Sports Illus.> also : to free from a usually unwholesome(有害身体的) habit or interest <wean him off his excessive drinking> <settling his soldiers on the land... , weaning them from habits of violence - Geoffrey Carnall> 3 : to accustom to something from an early age - used in the passive especially with on <students weaned on the Internet for research> <I was weaned on greasepaint(演员化妆用油) - Helen Hayes> <the principles upon which he had been weaned - J. A. Michener>


[wik] n.蜡烛芯;灯芯 noun ...... transitive verb: to absorb or drain (as a fluid or moisture) like a wick <a fabric that wicks away perspiration(汗)>


[wilt] v.使...凋谢,枯萎 intransitive verb 1 a : to lose turgor(细胞,组织的膨胀) from lack of water <the plants wilted in the heat> b : to become !limp(跛行 松软的) 2 : to grow weak or faint : !LANGUISH(衰弱,变得消瘦) transitive verb : to cause to wilt


[wins] v.避开,畏缩 : to shrink back involuntarily (as from pain) : FLINCH synonyms see RECOIL WINCE suggests a slight involuntary physical reaction (as a start or recoiling) <winced in pain>.


[wit] n.智力,机智 1 a : MIND, MEMORY b : reasoning power : INTELLIGENCE 2 a : SENSE 2A : the faculty of perceiving by means of sense organs - usually used in plural <alone and warming his five wits, the white owl in the belfry sits - Alfred Tennyson> b (1) : mental soundness : SANITY(神智健全,头脑清楚,健全) - usually used in plural (2) : mental capability and resourcefulness : INGENUITY 3 a : astuteness(机敏,精明) of perception or judgment : ACUMEN(敏锐,明智) b : the ability to relate seemingly disparate things so as to !illuminate(启发) or amuse c (1) : a talent for banter(玩笑;开玩笑) or persiflage(挖苦,嘲弄) (2) : a witty utterance or exchange d : clever or humor 4 a : a person of superior intellect : THINKER b : an imaginatively perceptive and articulate individual especially skilled in banter or persiflage synonyms WIT, HUMOR, IRONY, SARCASM, SATIRE, REPARTEE mean a mode of expression intended to arouse amusement. WIT(,妙语) suggests the power to evoke laughter by remarks showing verbal !felicity(巨大的幸福;极乐状态) or !ingenuity(创造性能力;想象力) and swift perception especially of the incongruous <a playful wit>. HUMOR(幽默,风趣) implies an ability to perceive the !ludicrous(荒谬的,可笑的,滑稽的), the comical, and the absurd in human life and to express these usually without bitterness <a sense of humor>. IRONY(反讽,讽剌) applies to a manner of expression in which the intended meaning is the opposite of what is seemingly expressed <the irony of the title>. SARCASM(讥讽;嘲笑) applies to expression frequently in the form of irony that is intended to cut or wound <given to heartless sarcasm>. SATIRE(讽剌作品) applies to writing that exposes or ridicules conduct, doctrines, or institutions either by direct criticism or more often through irony, !parody(模仿性嘲弄文章或表演), or !caricature(讽刺画,讽刺文章) <a satire on the Congress>. REPARTEE(机灵的回答) implies the power of answering quickly, pointedly, or wittily <a dinner guest noted for repartee>.


[wið'drɔ:] v.撤退,收回;隐居 transitive verb 1 a : to take back or away : REMOVE <pressure upon educational administrators to withdraw academic credit - J. W. Scott> b : to remove from use or cultivation c : to remove (money) from a place of deposit d : to turn away (as the eyes) from an object of attention <withdrew her gaze> e : to draw (as a curtain) back or aside 2 a : to remove from consideration or set outside a group <withdrew his name from the list of nominees> <withdrew their child from the school> b (1) : TAKE BACK, RETRACT(缩回,收回,否认) (2) : to recall or remove (a motion) under parliamentary procedure intransitive verb 1 a : to move back or away : RETIRE b : to draw back from a battlefield : RETREAT 2 a : to remove oneself from participation b : to become socially or emotionally detached <had withdrawn farther and farther into herself - Ethel Wilson> 3 : to recall a motion under parliamentary procedure


[wið'həuld] v.扣留,保留 transitive verb 1 : to hold back from action : CHECK 3 : to refrain from granting, giving, or allowing <withhold permission> 4 : to deduct (withholding tax(预扣税)) from income intransitive verb : FORBEAR(阻止,克制), REFRAIN(节制,避免,克制) <withhold from commenting> synonyms see KEEP synonyms KEEP, RETAIN, DETAIN, WITHHOLD, RESERVE mean to hold in one's possession or under one's control. KEEP may suggest a holding securely in one's possession, !custody(监管;照管), or control <keep this while I'm gone>. RETAIN implies continued keeping, especially against threatened seizure or forced loss <managed to retain their dignity even in poverty>. DETAIN suggests a delay in letting go <detained them for questioning>. WITHHOLD implies restraint in letting go or a refusal to let go <withheld information from the authorities>. RESERVE suggests a keeping in store for future use <reserve some of your energy for the last mile>.


[wið'stænd] v.顶住;经受住 1 a : to stand up against : oppose with firm determination especially : to resist successfully b : to be proof against : resist the effect of <withstand the impact of a landing - Current Biog.> synonyms see OPPOSE synonyms OPPOSE, COMBAT, RESIST, WITHSTAND mean to set oneself against someone or something. OPPOSE can apply to any conflict, from mere objection to bitter hostility or warfare <opposed the plan>. COMBAT stresses the forceful or urgent countering of something <combat disease>. RESIST implies an !overt(公开的,非秘密的) recognition of a hostile or threatening force and a positive effort to counteract or repel it <resisting temptation>. WITHSTAND suggests a more passive resistance <trying to withstand peer pressure>.


[wiŋk] v.使眼色;n.眨眼 intransitive verb 1 : to shut one eye briefly as a signal or in teasing 2 : to close and open the eyelids quickly 3 : to avoid seeing or noting something - usually used with at 4 : to !gleam(闪光) or flash intermittently(间歇地) : TWINKLE <her glasses winking in the sunlight - Harper Lee> 5 a : to come to an end - usually used with out b : to stop shining - usually used with out 6 : to signal a message with a light transitive verb 1 : to cause to open and shut 2 : to affect or influence by or as if by blinking the eyes noun 1 : a brief period of sleep : NAP <catching a wink> 2 a : a hint or sign given by winking b : an act of winking 3 : the time of a wink : INSTANT <quick as a wink> 4 : a flicker of the eyelids : BLINK


[wu:] v.向(女人)求爱;争取...的支持 transitive verb 1 : to sue for the affection of and usually marriage with : COURT(求爱) 2 : to solicit(恳求) or entreat(恳求) especially with importunity(硬要,强求,胡搅蛮缠) <woo new customers> 3 : to seek to gain or bring about intransitive verb : to court a woman


[wæg] v.(狗尾巴等)摆动;n.诙谐幽默者 intransitive verb 1 : to be in motion : STIR 2 : to move to and fro or up and down especially with quick jerky(迅猛,突然) motions 3 : to move in chatter or gossip(唠 喋喋不休) <scandal caused tongues to wag> 5 : WADDLE(摇摇摆摆地走) transitive verb 1 : to swing to and fro or up and down especially with quick jerky motions : SWITCH <a dog wagging its tail> specifically : to nod (the head) or shake (a finger) at (as in assent or mild reproof(责斥;责备)) 2 : to move (as the tongue) animatedly in conversation noun : an act of wagging : SHAKE noun 1 : WIT(智力;智者), JOKER(爱开玩笑的人)


[wæks] n.蜡;v.给...打蜡;盈,增大 noun ...... 3 : something likened to wax as soft, impressionable(易受影响的), or readily molded 4 : a waxy secretion especially : EARWAX 5 : a phonograph recording transitive verb 1 a : to treat or rub with wax usually for polishing, stiffening(硬化), or reducing friction b : to apply wax to (as legs) as a depilatory(脱毛药) 2 : to record on phonograph(留声机,电唱机) records intransitive verb 1 a : to increase in size, numbers, strength, prosperity, or intensity b : to grow in volume or duration c : to grow toward full development 2 : to increase in phase or intensity - used chiefly of the moon, other satellites, and inferior planets 3 : to assume a (specified) characteristic, quality, or state : BECOME <wax !indignant(愤慨的;易怒的)> <wax !poetic(富有诗情的)> noun : INCREASE, GROWTH - usually used in the phrase on the wax noun : a fit of(一阵) temper : RAGE


[wɑ:f] v.飘浮,飘荡 intransitive verb : to move or go lightly on or as if on a buoyant medium <heavenly !aromas(芳香) wafted from the kitchen> transitive verb : to cause to move or go lightly by or as if by the impulse of wind or waves noun 1 : something (as an odor) that is wafted : !WHIFF(轻吹;清风) 2 : a slight breeze : PUFF 3 : the act of waving 4 : a pennant(用于航海信号的信号旗) or flag used to signal or to show wind direction


[wɔ:p] v./n.翘起,弯曲 noun 1 a : a series of yarns(纱线) extended lengthwise in a loom(织布机) and crossed by the weft(纬纱, 纬线) b : FOUNDATION, BASE <the warp of the economic structure is agriculture - American Guide Series: N.C.> 2 : a rope for warping or mooring a ship or boat 3 a : a twist or curve that has developed in something orig. flat or straight <a warp in a door panel> b : a mental aberration(毛病\ 差错) transitive verb 1 : to arrange (yarns) so as to form a warp 2 a : to turn or twist out of or as if out of shape especially : to twist or bend out of a plane b : to cause to judge, choose, or act wrongly or abnormally : PERVERT(入邪路﹑ 反常或堕落) c : DISTORT <intellect and learning warped by prejudices - Irving Wallace> <warps space and time> d : to deflect(偏离;使转向) from a course 3 : to move (as a ship) by hauling on a line attached to a fixed object intransitive verb 1 : to become warped 2 : to move a ship by warping synonyms see DEFORM WARP indicates physically an uneven shrinking that bends or twists out of a flat plane <warped floorboards>.


[wɔn] a.虚弱的;病态的 adjective 1 a : suggestive of poor health : SICKLY, !PALLID(苍白的,没血色的;文章没有生气的) b : lacking vitality : FEEBLE(虚弱的,缺乏力量的) 2 : DIM, FAINT(微弱的 模糊的 暗淡的 隐约的) 3 : LANGUID(没精打采的) <a wan smile>


[wɔnt] n.缺乏,贫困,需要 noun 1 a : DEFICIENCY, LACK <suffers from a want of good sense> b : grave and extreme poverty that deprives one of the necessities of life 2 : something wanted : NEED, DESIRE 3 : personal defect : FAULT synonyms see POVERTY synonyms POVERTY, INDIGENCE, PENURY, WANT, DESTITUTION mean the state of one with insufficient resources. POVERTY may cover a range from extreme want of necessities to an absence of material comforts <the extreme poverty of the slum dwellers>. !INDIGENCE(贫穷;缺衣少食) implies seriously straitened circumstances <the indigence of her years as a graduate student>. PENURY(极度缺乏或贫穷) suggests a cramping or oppressive lack of money <a catastrophic illness that condemned them to years of penury>. WANT and DESTITUTION imply extreme poverty that threatens life itself through starvation or exposure <lived in a perpetual state of want> <the widespread destitution in countries beset(困扰 威胁) by famine(饥荒)>.


[wəu] n.悲痛,苦难 1 : a condition of deep suffering from misfortune, affliction, or grief 2 : ruinous trouble : CALAMITY, AFFLICTION <economic woes> interconj: used to express grief, regret, or distress synonyms see SORROW WOE is deep or inconsolable(无法安慰的) grief or misery <cries of woe echoed throughout the bombed city>.


[zest] n.刺激性;热心,兴趣 1 : a piece of the peel(水果皮) of a citrus(柑橘属果树) fruit (as an orange or lemon) used as flavoring 2 : an enjoyably exciting quality : PIQUANCY(辛辣,辣味,痛快) <adds zest to the performance> 3 : keen enjoyment : RELISH(味道;喜好), GUSTO(爱好,嗜好,由衷的高兴) <has a zest for living>


[zəun] v.分成区 transitive verb 1 : to surround with a zone : ENCIRCLE(包围,环绕) 2 : to arrange in or mark off into zones specifically : to partition (a city, borough, or township) by ordinance(法令,条例) into sections reserved for different purposes (as residence or business) adjective 1 : ZONAL 1 : of, relating to, affecting, or having the form of a zone <a zonal boundary> 2 : of, relating to, or occurring in a zone defense <a zone press(区域紧逼)> <a zone blitz>


[ʌn'dʒʌstifaid] a.未被证明为正当的,无法解释的 If you describe a belief or action as unjustified, you think that there is no good reason for having it or doing it.


[ʌn'dʒʌstli] adv.不义地,不法地 unjust adjective 1 : characterized by injustice : UNFAIR


[ʌn'feiliŋ] a.无尽的,无穷的 : not failing or liable to fail: a : CONSTANT, UNFLAGGING(不衰的,不屈不挠的,不松弛的) <unfailing courtesy> b : EVERLASTING, INEXHAUSTIBLE <a subject of unfailing interest> c : !INFALLIBLE(不可能犯错误的;绝对可靠的), SURE <an unfailing test>


[ʌn'feind] a.真实的;不作假的 : not feigned(假装的;不真诚的;编造的;虚构的) or hypocritical : GENUINE synonyms see SINCERE UNFEIGNED stresses !spontaneity(自发性) and absence of pretense <her unfeigned delight at receiving the award>.


[ʌn'fəuld] v.展开,打开;逐渐呈现 transitive verb 1 a : to open the folds of : spread or straighten out : EXPAND <unfolded the map> b : to remove (as a package) from the folds : UNWRAP 2 : to open to the view : REVEAL especially : to make clear by gradual disclosure and often by recital intransitive verb 1 a : to open from a folded state : open out : EXPAND b : BLOSSOM 2 : DEVELOP, EVOLVE <as the story unfolds> 3 : to open out gradually to the view or understanding : become known <a !panorama(全景;详细描述) unfolds before their eyes>


[ʌn'geinli] a.笨拙的 1 a : lacking in smoothness or dexterity : CLUMSY <ungainly movements> b : hard to handle : UNWIELDY(笨重的;难以携带或操作的) <an ungainly contraption(精巧的设计, 装置)> 2 : having an awkward appearance <a large ungainly bird>


[ʌn'ku:θ] a.粗野笨拙的 2 a : strange or clumsy in shape or appearance : OUTLANDISH(古怪的, 奇异的) b : lacking in polish and grace : RUGGED <uncouth verse(诗歌)> c : awkward and uncultivated in appearance, manner, or behavior : RUDE


[ʌn'kæni] a.神秘的,不可思议的 1 a : seeming to have a supernatural character or origin : EERIE(不可言状的因迷信:可怕的;阴森恐怖的), MYSTERIOUS b : being beyond what is normal or expected : suggesting superhuman or supernatural powers <an uncanny sense of direction> 2 chiefly Scottish : SEVERE, PUNISHING synonyms see WEIRD synonyms WEIRD, EERIE, UNCANNY mean mysteriously strange or fantastic. WEIRD may imply an unearthly or supernatural strangeness or it may stress queerness(奇妙,不快) or oddness(奇怪,古怪) <weird creatures from another world>. EERIE suggests an uneasy or fearful consciousness that mysterious and malign(恶毒的) powers are at work <an eerie calm preceded the bombing raid>. UNCANNY implies disquieting(引起不安的) strangeness or mysteriousness <an uncanny resemblance between total strangers>.


[ʌn'kɔnʃənəbl] a.无节制的,过度的 1 : not guided or controlled by conscience : UNSCRUPULOUS(肆无忌惮的,不道德的) <an unconscionable villain(坏人,恶根)> 2 a : EXCESSIVE, UNREASONABLE <found an unconscionable number of defects in the car> b : shockingly unfair or unjust <unconscionable sales practices>


[ʌn'kɔnʃəs] a.不省人事的;未意识到的 adjective 1 a : not knowing or perceiving : not aware b : free from self-awareness(自我意识) 2 a : not possessing mind or consciousness(知觉;清醒状态) <unconscious matter> b (1) : not marked by conscious thought, sensation, or feeling <unconscious motivation> (2) : of or relating to the unconscious c : having lost consciousness(不省人事) <was unconscious for three days> 3 : not consciously held or deliberately planned or carried out <an unconscious bias> noun : the part of mental life that does not ordinarily enter the individual's awareness yet may influence behavior and perception or be revealed (as in slips of the tongue or in dreams)


[ʌn'mitigeitid] a.未缓和的,未减轻的,全然的 1 : not lessened : UNRELIEVED <sufferings unmitigated by any hope of early relief> 2 : being so definitely what is stated as to offer little chance of change or relief <an unmitigated disaster>


[ʌn'prinsəpld] a.肆无忌惮的 : lacking moral principles : UNSCRUPULOUS(肆无忌惮的,不道德的) without moral principles


[ʌn'pælətəbl] a.令人讨厌的 1 : not !palatable(美味的;令人愉快的) : DISTASTEFUL <unpalatable wines> 2 : UNPLEASANT, DISAGREEABLE <raising income tax rates is politically unpalatable - Mary Rowland>


[ʌn'regjuleitid] a.未受管理的,未受约束的,不规范的,紊乱的,未校准的


[ʌn'rævəl] v.解开,拆散 1 a : to !disengage(解开,分开) or separate the threads of : DISENTANGLE(解脱出来;澄清,解决) b : to cause to come apart by or as if by separating the threads of 2 : to resolve the intricacy(纷乱,复杂,错综), complexity, or obscurity(不清楚;不出名) of : clear up <unravel a mystery> intransitive verb : to become unraveled


[ʌn'skru:pjuləs] a.肆无忌惮的 : not scrupulous(谨慎小心的=!painstaking;有顾虑的) : UNPRINCIPLED


[ʌn'skru:pjuləsnis] n.狂妄,肆无忌惮


[ʌn'spɔild] a.未损坏的,未宠坏的 If you describe a place as unspoiled, you think it is beautiful because it has not been changed or built on for a long time.


[ʌn'taimli] a.过早的;不适时的 adverb 1 : at an inopportune(失去时机的,不合时机的,不适当的) time : UNSEASONABLY(不合时宜地) 2 : before the due, natural, or proper time : PREMATURELY(过早地,早熟地) <went untimely to the grave> adjective 1 : INOPPORTUNE, UNSEASONABLE <an untimely joke> <untimely frost> 2 : occurring or done before the due, natural, or proper time : too early : PREMATURE <an untimely death>


[ʌn'tæpt] a.未开发的,未利用的 1 : not subjected to tapping <an untapped keg(小桶)> 2 : not drawn upon or utilized <as yet untapped markets> An untapped supply or source of something has not yet been used.


[ʌn'təuəd] a.不幸的,(坏事)没料到的 1 : difficult to guide, manage, or work with : UNRULY(不受拘束的;蛮横的), INTRACTABLE(倔强不驯的) 2 a : marked by trouble or unhappiness : UNLUCKY b : not favorable : ADVERSE, !UNPROPITIOUS(不吉利的,恶运的) <untoward side effects> 3 : IMPROPER, !INDECOROUS(无礼的)


[ʌn'wi:ldi] a.笨重的,笨拙的 : not easily managed, handled, or used (as because of bulk, weight, complexity, or awkwardness) : !CUMBERSOME(笨拙的,累赘的)


[ʌn'wəuntid] a.不寻常的,不习惯的 1 : being out of the ordinary : RARE, UNUSUAL 2 : not accustomed by experience


[ʌn'ə:θli] a.奇异的 : not earthly: as a : not !mundane(现世的,世俗的,普通的) : IDEAL <unearthly love> b : not !terrestrial(地球的,地上的) <unearthly radio sources> c : PRETERNATURAL(异常的;超自然的;异乎寻常的), SUPERNATURAL <an unearthly light> d : WEIRD, EERIE(不可言状的因迷信可怕的;阴森恐怖的) <unearthly howls(咆哮)> e : ABSURD, UNGODLY(不敬神的,邪恶的,不能容忍的) <gets up at an unearthly hour>


[ʌndi'zə:vd] a.不应得的 If you describe something such as a reaction, treatment, or result as undeserved, you mean that the person who experiences it has not earned it and should not really have it.


[ʌndə'reit] v.低估,轻视 : to rate too low : UNDERVALUE: 1 : to value, rate, or estimate below the real worth <underrate stock> 2 : to treat as having little value <was underrated as a poet>


[ʌni'niʃieitid] a.外行的,缺乏经验的 You can refer to people who have no knowledge or experience of a particular subject or activity as the uninitiated.


[ʌnpri'tenʃəs] a.不炫耀的 : free from ostentation(卖弄,夸耀,摆阔,讲排场), elegance, or affectation : MODEST <unpretentious homes> <an unpretentious celebrity>


[ʌnpri:pə'zesiŋ] a.不吸引人的 If you describe someone or something as unprepossessing, you mean that they look rather plain or ordinary, although they may have good or special qualities that are hidden. (FORMAL)


[ʌnri'dʒenərət] a.不知悔改的 1 : not regenerate(改过自新的) <the unregenerate condition of humanity> <unregenerate !pagans(没有宗教信仰的人;异教徒)> 2 a : not reformed : UNRECONSTRUCTED( 脑筋转不过来的,旧思想的) <unregenerate liberals> <unregenerate Confederates(同盟者,同盟国,同伙)> b : OBSTINATE, STUBBORN <struggling against unregenerate impulses> <his unregenerate competitiveness>


[ʌp'breid] v.斥责,责骂 1 : to criticize severely : find fault with(挑剔,吹毛求疵,抱怨) 2 : to reproach severely : scold vehemently(猛烈地;强烈地) synonyms see SCOLD UPBRAID implies censuring on definite and usually justifiable grounds <upbraided her assistants for poor research>.


[ʌp'hi:vəl] n.动乱,大变动 1 : the action or an instance of upheaving(举起,推上去使上升,使隆起) especially of part of the earth's crust 2 : extreme agitation or disorder : radical change also : an instance of this


[ʌp'həuld] v.维护,支持 1 a : to give support to b : to support against an opponent 2 a : to keep elevated b : to lift up synonyms see SUPPORT synonyms SUPPORT, UPHOLD, ADVOCATE, BACK, CHAMPION mean to favor actively one that meets opposition. SUPPORT is least explicit about the nature of the assistance given <supports waterfront development>. UPHOLD implies extended support given to something attacked <upheld the legitimacy of the military action>. ADVOCATE stresses urging or pleading <advocated prison reform>. BACK suggests supporting by lending assistance to one failing or falling <refusing to back the call for sanctions>. CHAMPION suggests publicly defending one unjustly attacked or too weak to advocate his or her own cause <championed the rights of children>.


[ʌp'rɔ:riəs] a.骚动的,喧嚣的;令人捧腹的 1 : marked by uproar 2 : very noisy and full 3 : extremely funny <an uproarious comedy>

synonyms see IMAGINARY

synonyms IMAGINARY, FANCIFUL, VISIONARY, FANTASTIC, CHIMERICAL, QUIXOTIC mean unreal or unbelievable. IMAGINARY applies to something which is fictitious and purely the product of one's imagination <an imaginary desert isle>. !FANCIFUL suggests the free play of the imagination <a teller of fanciful stories>. !VISIONARY stresses impracticality or incapability of realization <visionary schemes>. !FANTASTIC implies incredibility or strangeness beyond belief <a fantastic world inhabited by monsters>. CHIMERICAL(空想的,荒诞的) combines the implication of VISIONARY and FANTASTIC <chimerical dreams of future progress>. !QUIXOTIC implies a devotion to romantic or chivalrous ideals unrestrained by ordinary prudence and common sense <a quixotic crusade>.

synonyms see REVERE

synonyms REVERE, REVERENCE, VENERATE, WORSHIP, ADORE mean to honor and admire profoundly and respectfully. REVERE stresses deference and tenderness of feeling <a professor revered by her students>. REVERENCE presupposes an intrinsic merit and inviolability in the one honored and a similar depth of feeling in the one honoring <reverenced the academy's code of honor>. VENERATE implies a holding as holy or sacrosanct(神圣不可侵犯的) because of character, association, or age <heroes still venerated>. WORSHIP implies homage(敬意或尊重) usually expressed in words or ceremony <worships their memory>. ADORE implies love and stresses the notion of an individual and personal attachment <we adored our doctor>.


['pə:gətiv] n.泻药 adjective: purging or tending to purge noun: a purging medicine : CATHARTIC


['pestisaid] n.杀虫剂 : an agent used to destroy pests


['prɔpəgeit] v.繁殖;传播


['pɔpjuləs] n.民众,老百姓 1 : the common people : MASSES 2 : POPULATION


['rezin] n.树脂


['ripl] v.起涟漪;n.细浪,涟漪


['segmənt] n.部分,片断 vt. 分割


['sensitiv] a.敏感的


['skru:təbl] a.可以理解的 : capable of being deciphered : COMPREHENSIBLE


['trænsplɑ:n'teiʃən] n.移植


['sætiraiz] v.讽刺 intransitive verb : to utter or write satire transitive verb : to censure or ridicule by means of satire


[kwəut] v.引用,引述


[pɔd] n.豆荚;v.剥掉(豆荚)


[ri'kru:t] n.新兵;新成员;v.征募


[vi'tjupərətiv] a.辱骂的 : uttering or given to censure : containing or characterized by verbal abuse


['plænit] n.行星 2 : a celestial body held to influence the fate of human beings 3 : a person or thing of great importance : LUMINARY(杰出人物,名人,发光体)


[prə'vaizəri] a.有附带条件的 1 : containing or subject to a proviso(限制性条款, 附文, 附带条件 ) : CONDITIONAL 2 : PROVISIONAL

synonyms CERTIFY, ATTEST, WITNESS, VOUCH mean to testify to the truth or genuineness of something.

CERTIFY usually applies to a written statement, especially one carrying a signature or seal <certified that the candidate had met all requirements>. ATTEST applies to oral or written testimony usually from experts or witnesses <attested to the authenticity of the document>. WITNESS applies to the subscribing(签字, 签署) of one's own name to a document as evidence of its genuineness <witnessed the signing of the will>. VOUCH applies to one who testifies as a competent authority or a reliable person <willing to vouch for her integrity>.

synonyms GRAPHIC, VIVID, PICTURESQUE mean giving a clear visual impression in words.

GRAPHIC stresses the evoking of a clear lifelike picture <a graphic account of combat>. VIVID suggests an impressing on the mind of the vigorous aliveness of something <a vivid re-creation of an exciting event>. PICTURESQUE suggests the presentation of a striking or effective picture composed of features notable for their distinctness and charm <a picturesque account of his travels>.


[`rætifi'keiʃən] n.正式批准 The ratification of a treaty or written agreement is the process of ratifying it. ratify [r'ætifai] vt.认可;批准 : to approve and sanction formally : CONFIRM <ratify a treaty>


[`rætiɔsi'neiʃən] n.推理;推论 1 : the process of exact thinking : REASONING 2 : a reasoned train of thought


['filistain] n.庸人,市侩 1 : a native or inhabitant of ancient Philistia 2 often not capitalized a : a person who is guided by materialism and is usually disdainful(轻蔑的) of intellectual or artistic values b : one uninformed in a special area of knowledge


['væksi:n] n.牛痘苗,疫苗 : a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent(有毒的,有害的) organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease


['primjəm] n.保险费;奖金


['prɔfit] n.先知,预言家


['rivjulit] n.小溪,小河 : a small stream


['skælpəl] n.外科手术刀,解剖刀 : a small straight thin-bladed knife used especially in surgery


['sævidʒ] a.凶猛的,野蛮的


['treisəbl] a.可追踪的


[pəuk] v.刺,戳;嘲弄


[ri`tæli'eiʃən] n.报复


[ʌn'presidəntid] a.前所未有的 : having no precedent : NOVEL, !UNEXAMPLED(空前的;史无前例的)

synonyms see BASE

synonyms BASE, LOW, VILE mean deserving of contempt because of the absence of higher values. BASE stresses the ignoble and may suggest cruelty, treachery(叛逆,背叛,变节), greed, or grossness <base motives>. LOW may connote crafty cunning, !vulgarity(粗俗,低级), or immorality and regularly implies an outraging(凌辱,激怒) of one's sense of decency(得体,礼貌,体面) or propriety <refused to listen to such low talk>. VILE the strongest of these words, tends to suggest disgusting depravity(堕落,腐败,邪恶) or filth(下流,猥亵) <a vile remark>.

synonyms see TRACE

synonyms TRACE, VESTIGE, TRACK mean a perceptible sign made by something that has passed. !TRACE may suggest any line, mark, or discernible effect <a snowfield pockmarked(有痘疮的) with the traces of caribou(北美驯鹿)>. !VESTIGE applies to a tangible reminder such as a fragment or remnant of what is past and gone <boulders that are vestiges of the last ice age>. TRACK implies a continuous line that can be followed <the fossilized tracks of dinosaurs>.


v.事先(在某方面)影响某人 transitive verb 1 : to dispose in advance <a good teacher predisposes children to learn> 2 : to make susceptible <malnutrition predisposes one to disease> intransitive verb : to bring about susceptibility synonyms see INCLINE

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