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Lotus Domino

client/server platform supported across mult platforms notes DB contains the data records called documents and design elements, the most common being forms and views.


Online Transaction Processing

TP monitor advantages

Ensures that a transaction processes completely, or if an error occurs, that appropriate actions are taken

JIT compiler

"Just in Time" Compiler. Combines CPU instructions by interpreting bytecode executing at runtime. Optimized version just for z/OS - inclusion of XML, Java Security and J2EE security APIs "IBM SDK for z/OS, Java Technology Edition"

Open System Requirements

- Application and skill portability - interoperability among systems in a heter env - access to data, no matter where it resides - a vendor-ind env or architecture - investment protection of: --data --applications --skills --equipment

Transaction Processing Communications (3 Types)

1. RPC 2. Peer-to-peer 3. Queing


A Java program designed to be embedded into an HTML document, transferred over the Web, from the server and EXECUTED IN THE BROWSER! CANNOT access local files and resources w/out special perm / special security features are used. cannot call other languages, C, C++ etc. Step: 1. Server delivers HTML data stream (text and tags) 2. Java Applet is referenced in the HTML 3. Browser parses data and display on client 4. Browser loads applet into JVM 5. JVM executes Java applet code Limited rights defined in the sandbox Java environment in the browser.

Java Servlet

A Java program that is stored on a server - webserver or WAS (WebSphere Application Server WAS) and contains the business and database logic for a Java-based application. WAS running the Java Servlet, can bypass the Web server, and deliver directly to the Client's Web Client, using the the HTTP Transport Handler inside WAS can be used instead to establish connection to the J2EE enc and the servlet in WAS for performance reasons. Servlets can perform a wide range of functions. They can create a HTML web page containing dynamic content based on the nature of the client request, typically, presentation logic. They can also communicate with other server resources, including db and Java-based apps. This would normally be done through an EJB.

relational database RDMBS

A database that represents data as a collection of tables in which all data relationships are represented by common values in related tables "RELATION" = TABLE - rows and columns XLS for example SQL is standard language Relational DB uses attribute values to associate data from different tables rather than explicit pointers. Relational DB tech dominates the current DB market. Unlike the hierarchical DB, a relational DB does not predefined relationships between the data elements. Relationships are formed dynamically by matching the data rather than following a path chosen when the DB was defined, allowing greater flexibility in the use of the data. SQL tells RDBMS WHAT to do, but not HOW to do it, and can READ, ADD, CHANGE or REMOVE data, depending on the application used.

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

A language used by many databases for inputting or exporting data. XML uses formatting rules to describe the data. a subset of SGML, XML is a standard way of sharing structured data, which is key to enabling On Demand Business. XML enables a new gen of web-based data viewing and manipulation apps. It is extensible bc it provides users the ability to create tags for new and unforeseen purposes. In other words, it allows users to write their own markup language. In XML, the user can define an unlimited set of tags.


A set of operations that transforms data from one consistent state to another. It is sometimes referred to as a logical unit of work, or LUW

zFS File System

A zFS aggregate is a container that can contain one or more zFS file systems. It's a Virtual Storage Access Method, or VSAM, dataset of a vertain structure called Linear Data Set or VSAM LDS. An aggregate can only have one SCAM LDS, but it can contain an unlimited number of file systems. The name of the aggregate is the same as the SCAM LDS name. Also: - an aggregate contains one or more zFS file systems - An aggregate is a VSAM linear data set (LDS) - 2 types of aggregates: --HFS compatibility mode: Contains 1 zFS file system --Multiple file systems mode: Contains 1 or more zFS file systmes ---Space sharing between file systems in same aggregate zFS advantages / provides: - Improved performance: -- for long-running jobs -- for sequential reads of large files -- for random i/os - Underlying arch to support add functions: -- space sharing between FS in the same zFS aggregate --FS max size as a logical volume -- FS cloning (making a read-only copy) - improved crash recovery: -- immediate asynchronous writes to disk -- zFS is a logging FS that logs metadata updates. On a system crash, the log is replayed to bring the FS to a consistent state.

Three-tiered client/server architecture

Advanced client/server architectures in which there are three logical and distinct applications - data management, presentation, and analysis - that are combined to create a single information system. Presentation servers - CLIENTS Application Servers - BUSINESS LOGIC DB Servers - DATA/RESOURCES

Root File System

Also known as the boot file system, it contains basic tools and utilities that are sufficient to keep the system going System programmer defines root file system - root file is the starting point - contains system related files - user files are mountable

Java Server Pages (JSP)

An extension of the Java servlet technology with dynamic scripting capability. JSPs enable Java or JavaBeans to be incorporated into HTML pages dynamically. They are a powerful approach to dynamic Web page content JSPs are Web pages with server-side scripting using Java. JSPs are JavaSoft's standard extension of HTML tag language for server-side scripting. A JSP can be executed when invoked by a servlet or when called directly. Java Server Pages (JSPs) - JSPs are compiled to servlet by JSP processor (WebSphere) - Have additional logic capabilities: --Java Language --JavaScript --JavaBean --EJBs --Embedded servlets - The HTML page is dynamically generated by the servlet.


An object-oriented programming language designed specifically for programs (particularly multimedia) to be used over the Internet. Java allows programmers to create small programs or applications to enhance websites. Java is a complete write once, run anywhere app prog lang. A major strength is its platform-independence. Applications can be created on one platform and immediately be ported to others. provide there is a Java VM (JVM) object-oriented platform-independent distributed arch-neutral portable multi threaded Secure Robust Looks very similar to C++ supported by Sun Microsystems The most common types of Java prog are: - Apps that run in Java-enabled browsers - Apps that run on the Java platform - Servlets, special apps that run w/in Java servers Java Program --> Compiler --> Interpreter * Java and JavaScript have very little, if anything in common, except the word Java. JavaScript was created by Netscape and is a relively simple scripting language for Web browsers. Java is a full-function programming language and a programming environment.

Traditional Programming Languages

Assembler - each line is a statement that represents one single machine instruction. - in a class of it's own, not used for app dev anymore, only used for system code. Below are much more human-friendly programming lanuguages commonly used C/C++ Cobol Fortran PL/1


Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

CPI-C - TP protocol

Common programming interface for communications half-duplex (can send both ways, only one at a time, so one in send mode, or receive mode)

Java Business Processes

Business Process: - Web service - J2EE web client - and so on... - Workflow approach builds new business processes from existing components. - Process Choreographer editor used to create them - Business processes can be short or long running - Long running processes have a saved state - J2EE component packaged in an *.ear file - Execute in a new business process container Usually build by a GUI tool such as process choreographer editor in IBM Rational Application Developer 6.0


CICS - Gerneral purpose OLTP widely used in z/OS. Provides interfaces to other system services and DBMS.

TP Mon #1: Customer Information Control Systems CICS - Transaction Server

CICS provides interfaces to DBMS and formats the info when the data is returned and sends a reply back to the user. Connects multiple CLIENTS to mult SERVERS to access mult DBs

Classes and Objects

Classes are templates for the creation of objects. - Defined in hierarchical order - Superclasses -> Subclasses - take on structure of higher-level classes. (INHERITANCE) Objects are the elements that contain real data (not only structure definitions). - They are created and filled with data during execution of object-oriented programs. - The program uses the class structure as a template for the creation of the object.


Customer Information Control System

Data Access in WebSphere Application Server Env (WAS)

DATA ACCESS 1. Relational -Ex: DB2, Oracle, Sybase, Infomix, Cloudscape, Derby -Uses JDBC: Java Data Base Connectivity -For DB2: JDBC drivers come with installed DB2 2. Non-relational -Ex: CICS, IMS, SAP, PeopleSoft -Uses JCA: Java Connector Architecture -For CICS: Resource adapter comes w/ seperate product: "CICS Transaction Gateway" -For IMS: Downloadable from 3. Messaging -Ex: JMS or MQ -Default mess. provider simply part of the WebSphere z/OS product -WebSphere z/OS comes w/ code that allows client mode connection to MQ -Otherwise, you can config in connection code using what is supplied w/ MQ installation. 4. OTHER -Web Services (SOAP) -Access to other apps, Calling another EJB (IIOP) -Direct access of data files

DB2 Database

DB2 or DB2 Universal DB, or UDB for z/OS is a relational DBMS. a popular, enterprise-class DBMS product from IBM It uses tables, which are collections of unordered rows, to store info about entities entities are singular subjects, objects, or concepts about which you want to store info. Columns in the tables contain the properties of the entities. DB2 uses table spaces to store tables, and index spaces to store indexes. It provides concurrency, allowing multiple applications and users to access a table's data at the same time while maintaining strict data integrity. The logical structure of data is the entities and their relationships; the physical data structure is the SW implementation of the entities and their relationships. Logical design is the process of listing entities and mapping their relationships.


Database management system a software suite designed to organize and search data. - Responsible for data storage - Allow mult independent users to have concurrent access to ventral info - provide concurrency, security and data integrity -- concurrency = two systems using the same data at the same time - concurrency must control updates so no overwriting/updating at same time - DBMS used by z/OS usually use a hierarchical or relational DB design


Distributed Computing Environment

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

Framework for organizing, defining, and standardizing the business processes necessary to effectively plan and control an organization so the organization can use its internal knowledge to seek external advantage. all facets of the business: planning, manufacturing, sales, marketing, etc. deployed to integrate business processes about all communicating in realtime

HFS (Hierarchical File System)

HFS data sets: - are allocated as z/OS data sets DSNTYPE=HFS - can be multi-volume data sets - can reside on the same volumes as other z/OS data sets - Can be up to 2GB x 59 volumes in size - can be shared by multiple systems as read-only, or read-write in a sysplex with the shared HFS function - can only be opened by UNIX System Services Kernel operations.

IMS database = IMS DB

Information Management Systems / Enterprise Systems Architecture DB Mgr or IMS DB, is the db mgment component of the IMS product. Data Language/1, or DL/1, is the management facility that serves as an interface between an application program and a DB. DL/1 calls provide the means to create and access IMS DBs The IMS hierarchical structure allows for a very efficient processing of the data and supports very high transaction rates. IMS allows DB to be shared concurrently by applications running on mult 0 or z/OS images. IMS Control is also called IMS Control Region. It is also called IMS TM (IMS Transaction Manager). IMS Batch = IMS BMP, IMS batch message program IMS Online = IMS MPP, IMS message processing program

Transaction Processing Communications

Inter-process communications need to: - Break up an application program into separate processes - Programs have to comm between processes - Programs have to exchange messages. 3 MODELS: 1. RPC - Remote Procedure Calls - Mimics the behavior of local procedure calls within a single process. When a program in one process calls a program in another process in another address space, it does so by calling a procedure and getting a value returned just as if two procedures were running within a single address space. - Messages are used for communication between processes - Typical example of RPC messaging: -- Issue call, wait, get return code, proceed 2. Peer-to-Peer - Conversational style, programs executing simultaneously - Uses architecture interfaces such as SNA APPC, CPI-C, and TCP/IP - Conversation half-duplexed, 3. MQ - Message Queue - messages placed on a separate queue, programs execute independently - Enqueue message | Dequeue message - The queue is a transactional resource - Operations to the queues are made permanent or undone depending on whether the transaction that is issued the operations commits or aborts. - usually persistent and stored on non-volatile storage device

Business Transaction

Interagction where something is exchanged. It could involve, money, products, info, service requests, etc. Usually recorded

Language Environment

It provides a common Runtime env and removed all system dependencies for certain high--level languages for z/OS, namely: - C, C++, COBOL, PL/1, FORTRAN Before each language / lang env needed their own runtime library. Now the lang env combines commonly used runtime services for message handling, condition handling, storage mgmt, date and time, and mathematics.

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs)

Java components that run in a business container on a server; capable of performing complex, behind-the-scenes processing. EJB provides runtime enc for Enterprise beans, handling low-level prog tasks like transaction mgmt, naming, and sercuirty. EJBs are the powerful, object-oriented tech used to represent business logic and to facilitate access to non-Java systems and data. There are 2 types of Enterprise Beans 1. ENTITY BEAN encapsulates PERMANENT data that is stored in a data source, for example, a DB or a file system and the associated methods that manipulate that data. 2. SESSION BEAN encapsulates 1 or more business tasks and NON-PERMANENT data associated with a particular client. Unlike the data in an entity bean, the data in a session bean is NOT stored in a permanent data source, and no harm is caused if this data is lost.

zAAP (zOS Application Assist Processor)

Java execution env w/ zSeries App Assist Processor

WebSphere and JAVA

Java is at the heart of the WebSpere Apps Server. Java defines a virtualized runtime env called the "JVM" JVM is key bc it provides an env that is shielded from the specifics of the HW and OS w/ a layer of common Java APIs and a layer supplied by IBM that converts Java calls into native z/OS calls. The Java inside of WebSpere App Server for z/OS is written by IBM specifically for z/OS. IBM writes other versions of Java for the other platforms like AIX. Java Enterprise Edition is an open standard that extends Java to include definitions for doing enterprise-level work. This includes the specifications for things such as web applicationas and EJB apps. TA SW construction inside the JVM called a "container," provides the various interfaces and support for the servlet and EJB standards. A web container for servlets and JSPs and the EJB container for EJBs are automatically created inside every WAS for z/OS app server.


JavaBean is - a reusable SW component that can be manipulated visually in a builder tool. - is the SW component model for Java Language - are an arch and platform-neutral API used for creating and using SW components. - are written entirely in Java.

MQ / Time Independance, Queues etc.

Message Queue or Message Queueing MQI - MQ Interface Enqueue message | Dequeue message usually persistent and stored on non-volatile storage device WebSphere MQ: Provides the queue for program to program comm via an API. No req for comm, programs can execute independently of each other, no need to run at the same time. The Queue stores messages safely until the other program is ready to retrieve them. This property of WebShere MQ is called time-independence Sys1 / ProgramA ENQUEUEs MESSAGE / WS MQ Mgr Sys2 / ProgramB DEQUEUEs MESSAGE / WS MQ Mgr

On Demand Business

On Demand Business covers the scope from CRM, Supply Chain Mgmt (SCM). E-commerce strategy transactions and connections between employer and employee employee to employee suppliers, distributors & consumers The common definition for On Demand Business is doing business over the internet. This definition is end-to-end in scope, from customer to integrated business systems to supplier. A better definition is any activity that connects critical business systems directly to their critical constituencies through intranets, extranets, and over the World Wide Web. Or, in other words, On Demand Business is using the internet tech and network computing throughout a business to improve business.

OSI or OSI, TP protocol

Open Systems Interconnection ISO Standard peer-to-peer protocol, is full duplex


Open Trasaction Manager Access allows mult comm managers to connect to IMS. Using OTMA, IMS receives trans req from non-IMS sources and routes responses back. An IMS system can communicate w/ a CICS region, and that IMS TM can be coordinated w/ the CICS trans Mgr for two=phase commit between the two DB Mgrs

Oracle Database

Oracle for z/OS - a popular, enterprise-class DBMS product from Oracle Corporation Oracle apps reside in the BD. They are written using procedural extensions to SQl, or Oracle Java VM, or JServer. This provides for improved performance and scalability because the applications are close to the DB and have tight integration w/ the DB server. The same features and the same SQL statements for Oracle are guaranteed to operate in precisely the same manner on all platforms. This ensures portability between platforms. Any PL/SQL application is completely portable across all platforms.

Hierarchical database

Organizes data using a tree like or organizational chart type structure - root segment to dependent segments - root records own child records (links or pointers of ownership from parent to child) - Data Operations work on one record at a time. - To retrieve a set of records, the retrieval operation must be executed repetitively. - Inserting records in the DB requires building the new record and inserting it by identifying the owning record.

HTTP Server - (WebSphere HTTP Server)

Part of z/OS Part of the WebSphere platform.

TP Mon #3: MQ - WebSphere Message Queuing - Transaction Server

Provides program-to-program communication via an application programming interface.

WebSphere Application Server (WAS)

Provides to runtime env for J2EE apps a Highly: Available Secure Reliable Scalable Flow: HTTP request from client -> -> HTTP Server and into WAS -> -> handled by either -Servlet (static program) -or- -JSP in a Web Container (dynamically gen a prog to run) -> EJB will be invoked in an EJB container -> -> EJB does calls to DB2, CICS, or IMS -EJB handles the business logic -Servlet or JSP handles the presentation logic for the client's request.

Services of Language Environment

Some service functions are included as subroutines when the user program is linked. These are called resident routines or LE Resident Routines, (lang env). Other functions are called at execution time from the runtime library. These are dynamic routines or LE Dynamic Routines.

SNA APPC - TP protocol

Systems Network Architecture advanced program-to-program communications half-duplex (can send both ways, only one at a time, so one in send mode, or receive mode)

SCM (Supply Chain Management)

Systems that can help a firm manage aspects of its value chain, from the flow of raw materials into the firm, through delivery of finished products and services at the point-of-consumption.

WAS - Proximity

The proximity of the WAS to the data affects perf, sec and how the connectors are config. When considering the DATA CONNECTORS, the question of "proximity" comes up. - Network protocol such as IP - Invoke/connect directly When WAS and the data resource are on the same MVS system, you have the opp to use a direct connection - local conn is typically FASTER Terminology used is different among the various types of connectors when speaking of the local access versus the network access. Connector | Same System | Over IP JDBC | "Type 2" | "Type 4" JCA | "Local" | "Remote" JMS over MQ | "Bindings Mode" | "Client Mode"

Object-oriented Technology

The technology associated with viewing software as being made up of objects. Faster and Quality - app dev Shifts from procedural to recognition of objects that model the business - enables portability across a heterogeneous env - allows code reuse, lowers cost/time, increase quality through existing tested components - allows existing in-house, or vendor-provided objects to be put together to build an application that meets a specific business need.

Business Logic

The user applications that implement these RULES are referred to as Business Logic. how transactions/events are converted into metrics, scorecards, & dashboards

Porting Applications to z/OS USS

To ease porting of ASCII programs - compile and run programs as ASCII program: -- for handling text data in program itself -- programs must have CCSID (coded char set ID) - Let system do conversion EBCDIC/ASCII for Data files: -- for handling text data for program I/O -- files must have file tag CCSID - Autoconverstion can be contrlled at different levels: -- Global or local scope

TP monitors

Transaction processing monitors CICS IMS MQ


Translates, source code to executable code and stores it in a program library Every high-level language comes with a compiler. A computer program created to read an entire program and convert it into a lower-level language and ultimately to assembly language used by the processor.

WebSphere on z/OS: A Cell

Typically, a network deployment config spans 2 LPARs in a sysplex. It shows apps servers, nodes, node agents, and the Deployment Manager. An "application server" is comprised of at least 2 address spaces, and maybe more. This is a construction unique to WebSphere z/OS. The controller region or CR, starts when you issue the START command for the app server. It consists of native code and a JVM. The CR houses only IBM code. When the CR starts, it turns and requests WLM to start a servant region, or SR. The SR also consists of some native code and JVM, and is where the containers are launched and where your applications run. By default only 1 SR will be started. When work enters the controller region, the CR will queue it to WLM and the servant region will then take it off the WLM queue and process it. IF the work presented to the CR is too great for 1 CR to handle, WLM will start a 2nd SR. WebSphere z/OS has some unique code designed to exploit the strengths of the platform.

UNIX basic structure

UNIX is widely used on various HW platforms Contains: - HW (Assembler/C) - HW Interface (Assembler/C) --HW independence for kernal - Kernel (C) --Process control/Sync, HW driver, FS (file sys) - Utilities (C) --Editor, compiler, file handling commands - Shell (C) --End-user interface, command interpreter - Application Programs (C)

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API

Used to interface DBMS and Java code. in any relational DBs - Gives database vendor independence. - Java gives platform dependence Allows: 1. Making connection to database 2. Creating SQL or MySQL statements 3. Executing SQL or MySQL queries to database 4. Viewing and modifying the resulting records.

TP Mon #2: IMS - Information Management System - Transaction Server

Uses transaction process monitor that uses a Queuing mech for handling terminal requests

z/OS Enterprise Connectors

Various ways for connecting to DB2 from WebSphere App Server for z/OS One way is through Java DB Connectivity (JBDC) Messaging has been used for many years and has become one of the prevailing means of exchanging info between apps through comm channels. Messaging is a way of loosely coupling apps by having them exchange messages in an asynchronous way. The main adv of mess is the poss to easily and reliably integrate heterogeneous app frameworks, with fewer dependencies than need to be addressed in synchronous comm protocols. The mess middleware currently proposed by IBM is WebSphere MQ, which provides a messaging service w/ a common set of APIs available for over forty diff platforms. WebSphere Servlets JSPs EJBs GW-API CGI scripts All above connect to CICS connectors IMS connectors WMQ/JMS Web Services Java connectors for CICS, IMS, MQ and DB2

J2EE and Enterprise JavaBeans

WebShere for z/OS, IBM's Java Platform, fully supports java including: - local interfaces for beans in the same Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which avoids interaction with the ORB - EJB Home methods: EJB Class Level logic - Message Driven Beans (MDB): Support asynchronous JEE application processing - Query Language: SQL query declared in deployment descriptor of an entity bean - Container Managed Relationships: Relationships between CMP Entity Beans.

Hierarchical File System

XPG4 Hierarchical File System or HFS - Similar to file system of DOS and Windows USS file system is hierarchical and byte-oriented - there is no concept of a record or a catalog that points directly to a file. Locating a file in the XPG4 FS requires a search of one or more directories. A path name identifies a file. It consists of one or mult directory names and the file name, separated by /, for example, /dir1/dir2/myfile. The pathname with can understood as a fully qualified file name can be up to 1023 bytes long. Connecting one file system to another is called MOUNTING. The root file system is the first file system mounted. Subsequent file systems can be mounted on any directory within the root file system or on a directory within any mounted file system. This is done dynamically or through the MOUNT command. The UNMOUNT command disconnects a file system.


a computer program that executes when you use the java command to launch the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). NOT EXECUTED IN THE BROWSER EXECUTED in the JVM of the CLIENT OS! CAN access w/ FULL functionality and full access to client resources. In other words, Java Applications are stand-alone apps that run on the client system outside of the browser. These apps are deployed to the user in some way, such as downloaded from the Web. CAN access local files and resources and can call native C and C++ directly and call other languages indirectly. Normally has FULL rights as an app program.

object technology

a software technology that defines a system in terms of objects that consolidate data and behavior. Conventional Programming = Program & Data separated Object-Oriented (OO) Programming = Program + Data (Logic + Data, more natural app design) A transaction is a set of operations that transforms data from one consistent state to the application code and the application data are not really stored together; to the user it just appears that way. The application code, which is the code that is defined with the classes an application uses, is normally stored in dynamic link libraries (DLLs). The application data usually resides in a database or file. Code and data are grouped into objects that each reflect one entity (for example, person, process, or object_ of the real world. Objects are built from definitions stored in classes. The avg class is rather simple, which makes it very versatile and easy to reuse. Different functions can be achieved by combining multiple classes. The application's executable code is stored with the classes and is accessible by the classes' objects. Objects must work together to accomplish the overall application goal. They do this by sending each other messages through standard interfaces. As communication is achieved through interfaces, an object's code can be changed without affecting the rest of the application; the interface does not change. This is an advantage of object technology. Standard interfaces allow messages to be built in a generic manner.

TP - Transaction Processing, and Operations Data

are day to day and Decision Support are analyzed to make decisions - DS data pulled from historical data - Used for forecasting and predictive analytics


incident management system - Transaction Mgr. IMS TM uses queuing communication. Provides interfaces for systems services and comm.

Oracle Applications for z/OS

integrated suite of SW modules for man, supply chain mgmt, fin, projects, hr and front office. apps are fully web-enabled Oracle apps for z/OS also provide a logical three-tier design w/ a presentation server app server, and DB server. The presentation layer is implemented in Java and can run on any Java-enabled desktop. The DB server is implemented using the Oracle RDBMS. The application server can be implemented on any UNIX or Windows-based system.

mySAP ERP on System z

offers comprehensive functionality and industry-specific business processes for all standard business apps across the ent. include: financial asset mgmt controlling production planning project system quality assurance HR modules link separate business operational steps to form automated workflow chains that control the flow of info from one dept to another. they allow an ent to be linked to its customers and vendors mySAP includes a suite of client/server data processing products that is based on the concept of combining all the business act and tech processes of a company into a single, integrated SW solution. This is an example of how standard z/OS services, along with DB2 can use UNIX system services to provide a central client/server env. A three-tier approach is taken to deliver service to mySAP users.

USS Unix System Services Overview

required for z/OS supports XPG Offers: Certified (XPG4 standard) Optimized for system z supports portability across multi-vendor OS - Hierarchical file system (HFS) in a z/os env - exchangeability between z/os data sets and the UNIX byte-stream oriented file system - a UNIX-like user interface - Application threads, combines power of workstation, flex of open systems, strengths of - z/OS, offering an open interface to applications and interactive users. Benefits - portability - scalability - interoperability

Web services

software that uses standardized protocols to describe data from one company in such a way that those data can automatically be read, understood, transcribed, and processed by different computer systems in another company Started bc app developers wanted a protocol for making a services call from client to server across the internet. 1. Publish 2. Find 3. Bind (invoke) 1. Service Provider <-> Service Publishes to 2. Service Registry Registry Entry - xml w/ srvc name, parms, protocol, bind 3. Service Requester gets find data and binds to service provider published bindings mean that client can dynamically discover web service Formatted message better than HTML for inter-application requests

UNIX C89/CC Utitlity

used to compile and link-edit UNIX C apps in one step or in sep steps. used when compiling C programs written according to common usage C. UNIX System Services USS POSIX/XPG2 functions bc it ensures that the correct options are set.

DBX Debugger

utilty provides interactive debugging support for UNIX C apps DBX is invoked from the shell and debugs a program running in a different process. DBX can start this process or it can debug an already executing process. has options and sub-commands that control the process being debugged.

Why z/OS

z/Arch is very SCALABLE HW Platform from small server to a large Parallel Sysplex all on z/OS SECURITY always been a strangth POPULAR over 70% of the of the world's business data resides on z/Arch type systems.

Application Dev

z/OS, mixed applications, UNIX applications Application programming interfaces z/OS services | UNIX Services

HFS and zFS as UNIX File Systems z/OS

zSeries File System (zFS) - complementary to HFS - improved performance - improved recovery - shared zFS across a sysplex - Disk space sharing between file systems in the same data set - File system cloning HFS has been stabilized, IBM intends to provide enhancements to zFS, including RAS and perf cap.

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