ICS 124 Finals Exam

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Three categories of risks are A) business risks, personnel risks, budget risks B) project risks, technical risks, business risks C) planning risks, technical risks, personnel risks D) management risks, technical risks, design risks


Which measurement activity is missing from the list below? Formulation Collection Analysis Interpretation A) design B) feedback C) measurement D) quantification


Which of the following is not a measurable characteristic of an object-oriented design? A) completeness B) efficiency C) size D) volatility


Which of the following is not one of the guiding principles of software project scheduling: A) compartmentalization B) market assessment C) time allocation D) effort validation


Which of these software characteristics is not a factor contributing to project coordination difficulties? A) interoperability B) performance C) scale D) uncertainty


Risk projection attempts to rate each risk in two ways A) likelihood and cost B) likelihood and impact C) likelihood and consequences D) likelihood and exposure


Software risk always involves two characteristics A) fire fighting and crisis management B) known and unknown risks C) uncertainty and loss D) staffing and budget


Effective risk management plan needs to address which of these issues? A) risk avoidance B) risk monitoring C) contingency planning D) all of the above


The first step in project planning is to A) determine the budget. B) select a team organizational model. C) determine the project constraints. D) establish the objectives and scope.


When can selected common process framework activities be omitted during process decomposition? A) when the project is extremely small in size B) any time the software is mission critical C) rapid prototyping does not require their use D) never—the activities should always occur


Which of the following software quality factors is most likely to be affected by radical changes to computing architectures? A) operation B) transition C) revision D) none of the above


In agile software development estimation techniques focus on the time required to complete each A) increment B) function C) task D) all of the above


Component-level metrics include measures of(Choose 3) A) complexity B) coupling C) module cohesion D) performance


Which factors should be considered in choosing the organizational structure for a software team? (Choose 3) A) degree of communication desired B) predicted size of the resulting program C) rigidity of the delivery date D) size of the project budget


Architectural design metrics focus on(Choose 2) A) architectural structure B) data structural relationships C) internal module complexity D) module effectiveness


Which of the following items are not measured by software project metrics? A) inputs B) markets C) outputs D) results


The IEEE software maturity index is used to provide a measure of the A) maintainability of a software product based on its availability B) relative age of a software product being considered for retirement C) reliability of a software product following regression testing D) stability of a software product as it is modified during maintenance


Which of the following is not generally considered a player in the software process? A) customers B) end-users C) project managers D) sales people


Small agile teams have no place in modern software development.


Object-oriented project measures may be combined with historical project data to provide metrics that aid in project estimation.


A task set is a collection of A) engineering work tasks, milestones, deliverables B) task assignments, cost estimates, metrics C) milestones, deliverables, metrics D) responsibilities, milestones, documents


FP-based estimation techniques require problem decomposition based on A) information domain values B) project schedule C) software functions D) process activities


One of the best ways to avoid frustration during the software development process is to A) give team members more control over process and technical decisions. B) give team members less control over process and technical decisions. C) hide bad news from the project team members until things improve. D) reward programmers based on their productivity.


One of the most important attributes for a software product metric is that it should be A) easy to compute B) qualitative in nature C) reliable over time D) widely applicable


Which of the following is not a measure that can be collected from a Web application project? A) Customization index B) Number of dynamic objects C) Number of internal page links D) Number of static web pages


The best project team organizational model to use when tackling extremely complex problems is the A) closed paradigm B) open paradigm C) random paradigm D) synchronous paradigm


Software project estimation techniques can be broadly classified under which of the following headings?(Choose 2) A) automated processes B) decomposition techniques C) empirical models D) regression models


LOC-based estimation techniques require problem decomposition based on A) information domain values B) project schedule C) software functions D) process activities


The 40-20-40 rule suggests that the least of amount of development effort be spent on A) estimation and planning B) analysis and design C) coding D) testing


Which of these software characteristics are used to determine the scope of a software project? A) context, lines of code, function B) context, function, communication requirements C) information objectives, function, performance D) communications requirements, performance, information objectives


Process-based estimation techniques require problem decomposition based on(Choose 2) A) information domain values B) project schedule C) software functions D) process activities, actions and/or tasks


Process framework activities are populated with A) milestones B) work products C) QA points D) All of the above


Function points are of no use in developing estimates for object-oriented software.


A software quality metric that can be used at both the process and project levels is defect removal efficiency (DRE).


Most technical software metrics described in this chapter represent indirect measures of software attributes that are useful in the quantitative assessment of software quality.


Most testing metrics actually focus on the process of testing rather than the technical characteristics of the tests themselves.


Organizations that achieve high levels of maturity in people management have a higher likelihood of implementing effective software engineering processes.


The software metrics chosen by an organization are driven by the business or technical goals an organization wishes to accomplish.


Timeline charts assist project managers in determining what tasks will be conducted at a given point in time.


When agreement between estimates is poor the cause may often be traced to inadequately defined project scope or inappropriate productivity data.


Baseline data must be collected in an on-going manner and cannot be computed by formal study of historical project data.


Generic risks require far more attention than product-specific risks.


Risk information sheets (RIS) are never an acceptable substitute for a full risk mitigation, monitoring, and management (RMMM) plan.


The hardware required for most computer-based systems is more costly to purchase than the software.


The only reason an estimate may be unreliable is lack of experience with the application on the part of the estimator.


There is no need to reconcile LOC and FP measures since each is meaningful in its own right as a project measure.


Unlike a LOC or function point each person's "use-case" is exactly the same size.


Use-case oriented metrics are computed directly from UML diagrams and they are often used as normalization measures.


WebApp projects only require the creation of a macro schedule.


In many cases metrics for one model may be used in later software engineering activities (e.g., design metrics may be used in test planning).


Individual team members can make their own estimate for a risk probability and then develop a consensus value.


It is possible to use a modified function point technique to develop estimates for Web applications.


Project scope is defined as a means of bounding the system so that cost and schedule can be estimated effectively.


Putnam's software equation is a dynamic empirical model that has two independent parameters: a size estimate and an indication of project duration in calendar months or years.


Software quality and functionality must be measured indirectly.


Testing effort can also be estimated using metrics derived from cylcomatic complexity.


Using a statistical technique like decision tree analysis can provide some assistance in sorting out the true costs associated with the make-buy decision.


COCOMO II is an example of a suite of modern empirical estimation models that require sizing information expressed as: A) function points B) lines of code C) object points D) any of the above


Hazard analysis focuses on the identification and assessment of potential hazards that can cause A) project termination B) schedule slippage C) cost overruns D) an entire system to fail


Process indicators enable a software project manager to A) assess the status of an on-going project B) track potential risks C) adjust work flow or tasks D) all of the above


Reusable software components must be A) catalogued for easy reference. B) standardized for easy application. C) validated for easy integration. D) all of the above.


Software risk impact assessment should focus on consequences affecting A) planning, resources, cost, schedule B) marketability, cost, personnel C) business, technology, process D) performance, support, cost, schedule


Which of the following is not one of three software product aspects addressed by McCall's software quality factors? A) ability to undergo change B) adaptability to new environments C) operational characteristics D) production costs and scheduling


Which of the following provide useful measures of software quality? A) correctness, business relevance, integrity, usability B) reliability, maintainability, integrity, sales C) correctness, maintainability, size, satisfaction D) correctness, maintainability, integrity, usability


A risk item checklist would contain known and predictable risks from which of these categories? A) product size B) development environment C) staff size D) process definition E) All of the above


Because the class is the dominant unit in OO systems, there is no call for the definition of class-oriented metrics.


Conformance to implicit requirements and customer expectations has no place in modern software quality assurance work.


Doubling the size of your software project team is guaranteed to cut project completion time in half.


Interface metrics are used to assess the complexity of the module's input and output relationships with external devices.


Outsourcing always provides a simple means of acquiring software at lower cost than onsite development of the same product.


Proactive risk management is sometimes described as fire fighting.


Project management is less important for modern software development since most projects are successful and completed on time.


Risk monitoring involves watching the risk indicators defined for the project and not determining the effectiveness of the risk mitigation steps themselves.


Since iterative process model work best for object-oriented projects it is impossible to determine whether an increment will be completed on time or not.


Since project estimates are not completely reliable, they can be ignored once a software development project begins.


Small software organizations are not likely to see any economic return from establishing software metrics program.


Software projects are inevitably late and there is nothing that can explain why.


Tasks that lie on the critical path in a task network may be completed in any order as long as the project is on schedule.


The ISO 9126 quality standards for computer software are useful because they lend themselves to direct measurement of software attributes.


The best person to hire as a project team leader is the most competent software engineering practitioner available.


The function point metric is an example of metric that can be used to assist with technical decision-making based on the analysis model information, without making use of historical project data.


The reason for refining risks is to break them into smaller units having different consequences.


The size estimate for a software product to be built must be based on a direct measure like LOC.


The terms measure, measurement, and metric all share the same definition according to the IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terms.


Because the class is the dominant unit in OO systems, relatively few metrics have been proposed for operations that reside within a class.


Earned value analysis is a technique that allows managers to take corrective action before a project crisis develops.


It is unethical to undertake a project that you know in advance cannot be completed by the customer's deadline, unless you inform the customer of the risk and establish a project plan that can deliver the needed system incrementally.


Product and process decomposition often occurs simultaneously as the project plan evolves.


The Goal/Question/Metric (GQM) paradigm was developed as a technique for assigning blame for software failures.


The number of people required for a software project is determined A) after an estimate of the development effort is made. B) by the size of the project budget. C) from an assessment of the technical complexity of the system. D) all of the above


The software equation can be used to show that by extending the project deadline slightly A) fewer people are required B) you are guaranteed to meet the deadline C) more lines of code can be produced D) none of the above


Which of following are advantages of using LOC (lines of code) as a size-oriented metric? A) LOC is easily computed. B) LOC is a language dependent measure. C) LOC is a language independent measure. D) LOC can be computed before a design is completed.


Which of these are valid reasons for measuring software processes, products, and resources?(Choose 3) A) to characterize them B) to evaluate them C) to price them D) to improve them


Problem-based estimation is based on problem decomposition which focuses on(Choose 2) A) information domain values B) project schedule C) software functions D) process activities


Two tools for computing critical path and project completion times from activity networks are(Choose 2) A) CPM B) DRE C) FP D) PERT


Risk tables are sorted by A) probability and cost B) probability and impact C) probability and consequences D) probability and exposure


The depth of inheritance tree (DIT) metric can give an OO software designer a reading on the A) attributes required for each class B) completion time required for system implementation C) complexity of the class hierarchy D) level of object reusability achieved


The purpose of earned value analysis is to A) determine how to compensate developers based on their productivity B) provide a quantitative means of assessing software project progress C) provide a qualitative means of assessing software project progress D) set the price point for a software product based on development effort


Which of these are reasons for using technical product measures during software development? A) large body of scientific evidence supports their use B) provides software engineers with an objective mechanism for assessing software quality C) they allow all software quality information to be expressed unambiguously as a single number


To be an effective aid in process improvement the baseline data used must be:(Choose 2) A) based on reasonable guestimates from past projects B) measured consistently across projects C) drawn from similar projects D) based only on successful projects

B, C

Halstead's source code metrics are based on the number of(Choose 2) A) modules in the program B) operands in the program C) operators in the program D) volume elements in the program


The major areas of problem decomposition during the project scoping activity are the(Choose 2) A) customer workflow B) functionality to be delivered C) process used to deliver functionality D) software process model


The task (activity) network is a useful mechanism for(Choose 2) A) computing the overall effort estimate B) detecting intertask dependencies C) determining the critical path D) specifying the task set to the customer


Which factors affect the probable consequences likely if a risk does occur?(Choose 2) A) risk cost B) risk timing C) risk scope D) risk resources


Which of these are critical practices for performance-based project management?(Choose 3) A) assessing product usability B) defect tracking against quality targets C) empirical cost estimation D) formal risk management


Software testing metrics fall into two broad categories(Choose 2) A) metrics that focus on defect removal effectiveness B) metrics that focus on test coverage C) metrics that estimate the duration of the testing process D) metrics that predict the number of test cases required


Effective software project management focuses on four P's which are A) people, performance, payoff, product B) people, product, performance, process C) people, product, process, project D) people, process, payoff, product


Empirical estimation models are typically based on A) expert judgement based on past project experiences B) refinement of expected value estimation C) regression models derived from historical project data D) trial and error determination of the parameters and coefficients


If you encounter a class with a large responsibility (large class size or CS value) you should consider A) making it a base class B) making it a subclass C) partitioning the class D) starting a new class hierarchy


Software feasibility is based on which of the following A) business and marketing concerns B) scope, constraints, market C) technology, finance, time, resources D) technical prowess of the developers


The best indicator of progress on a software project is the completion A) of a defined engineering activity task B) of a successful budget review meeting on time C) and successful review of a defined software work product D) and successful acceptance of project prototype by the customer


The objective of software project planing is to A) convince the customer that a project is feasible. B) make use of historical project data. C) enable a manager to make reasonable estimates of cost and schedule. D) determine the probable profit margin prior to bidding on a project.


The specification metrics proposed by Davis address which two characteristics of the software requirements? A) functionality and performance B) performance and completeness C) specificity and completeness D) specificity and functionality


Why is it important to measure the process of software engineering and software it produces? A) It is really not necessary unless the project is extremely complex. B) To determine costs and allow a profit margin to be set. C) To determine whether a software group is improving or not. D) To make software engineering more like other engineering processes.


How does a software project manager need to act to minimize the risk of software failure?(Choose 2) A) double the project team size B) request a large budget C) start on the right foot D) track progress


Public metrics are used(Choose 2) A) to evaluate the performance of software development teams. B) to appraise the performance of individual team members. C) to make strategic changes to the software process. D) to make tactical changes during a software project


The software engineering environment (SEE) consists of which of the following?(Choose 2) A) customers B) developers C) hardware platforms D) software tools


Which of the following are advantages of using function points (FP) as a measure of the functionality delivered by a software application?(Choose 2) A) FP is easily computed. B) FP is a language dependent measure. C) FP is a language independent measure. D) FP can be computed before a design is completed.


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