Ideal Gas Law

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The key phrase you want to associate with pressure is

"the number of times particles hit the walls of the container"

Gas is compressed from an initial volume of 12L to 6L. Temperature increases from 400K to 800K. What happens to the other particles?

(PVNT) N - Constant V - reduced by half T - doubled P - Increased by 4 (PK direct relation Gay-Lussac Law as temperature doubled, so did pressure; PV inverse relation Boyles Law as volume reduced by half, pressure increased by 2)

Standard Temperature

0 degrees C° 273.15 K (°C + 273.15 = K)

Standard Pressure

1.00 atm 760 mm Hg 760 torr 101.3 kPa

Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP)

A temperature of 273 K and a pressure of 1.00 atm

Explain Gay-Lussac's Law

As temperature increases, particles move faster causing collisions with the sides of the container to happen moreterm-20 often and to be stronger. This increases the pressure

What happens tp pressure, when another gas is added into a container?

As we know, gas pressure results from the number of collisions that occur between gas particles and the walls of their container. If we add more gas particles to the container, the number of collisions, and thus the pressure, will increase.

V1/n1 = V2/n2

Avogadro's Law equation V stands for volume n stands for moles of gas numbers refer to initial and final conditions

Ideal gas Law breakdown

Boyle - V & 1/p Charles - V & T Avagardo - V & N put it all together V & TN/P (Put P to other side and make constant an equal sign) PV = NRT

A balloon is filled with hot air. Once taken outside on a cold day, the volume decreases by 1/6. What is this relationship.

Charles Law; The relationship of Temperature and Volume (Direct Relation); In this case we know temperature was reduced by 1/6 (since volume reduced by 1/6) so long as P and N are constant.

V1/T1 = V2/T2

Charles law equation V stands for volume T stands for temperature numbers refer to the initial and final conditions

How do we determine the total pressure or individual pressure of one gas in a mixture of gases?

Daltons Law

P1/T1 = P2/T2

Gay-Lussac's Law equation P stands for pressure T stands for temperature numbers refer to initial and final conditions

Boyle's Law

Indicates an inverse relationship between pressure and volume when n and t are constant (PV)

Ideal Gas Law Units

P - atm V - L T - K N - mol

P1V1 = P2V2

P stands for pressure V stands for volume numbers refer to the initial and final pressures and volumes

Ideal Gas Law Formula

PV=nRT P - pressure in atm (or mmHg or torr) V- volume in liters n - number of moles of gas particles in the container R - ideal gas constant T - temperature in Kelvin

Another way to represent Dalton's Law

Px/total pressure = Xa (moles X/total moles) Px represents partial pressure over the total pressure and the fraction on the right is the mole fraction

A gas in a container has a pressure of 6.0 ATM. The container is opened until the pressure is reduced to 3.0 ATM and then closed again. What is this relationship?

The relationship of Number of particles and Pressure (Direct Relation); In this case we know N is reduced by half (since P was reduced by half) so long as T and V remain constant

Why does pressure increase when volume decreases?

This happens because when volume decreases, you are reducing the space of the container which causes the particles to collide with the side of the container more often, thereby increasing pressure (the number of times the particles hit the container)

How do we determine the pressure of one gas (Partial pressure) in a mixture of gases, when given the total pressure?

To do this, we use the mole fraction of that gas

Why does volume increase when temperature increases?

When temperature or average kinetic energy increases, particles move faster causing more and stronger collisions with the walls of the container. The volume in turn increases to keep the pressure constant

Gas Laws & Relationships

a set of laws that describe the relationship between pressure, volume, temperature, and moles of gas - Boyle's Law - Charles' Law - Gay-Lussac's Law - Avogadro's Law - The Combined Gas Law

The following Gas Laws and Relationships hold true only when the amount of gas is _______________________


Ideal Gas Law

describes the behavior of an ideal gas or describes the variables that effect gas behavior

Avogadro's Law

direct relationship between the # of moles and volume (NV)

What's the relationship between Pressure and Number of particles?

directly related; as the number of particles increases, so does the pressure when all else is constant

The higher the temperature of a substance, the ____________________ the average kinetic energy


Charles' Law

indicates that there is a direct relationship between Volume and Temperature (TV)

Volume and Pressure are ___________________ related which means .....

inversely; as pressure increases, volume decreases and as volume increases, pressure decreases

Mole Fraction (Xa)

moles of A/total moles for example, if we have a mixture of 3 mol O2 and 4 mol H2, the mole fraction of O2 = 3/(3+4) = 3/7

After finding the mole fraction, how do we determine the partial pressure of said gas?

multiply the mole fraction by the total pressure 3/7 X 7

Ideal Gas Law Constant

relates to the other four variables together and depends on the units used for pressure and volume. R = 0.0821 L•atm/mol•K when P is atm, V is L R = 8.31 J/mol•K when P is kPa, V is dm3

Why does volume increase, as number of particles increase?

same reasoning as charles law; Adding more particles to a container causes more collisions with the walls of the container and the volume increases to keep the pressure constant

Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures

states that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the pressures of all the gases in the mixture Ptotal = P1 + P2 + P3... total pressure is equal to pressure of gas 1, plus pressure of gas 2, plus....

Gay-Lussac's Law

the Pressure of a gas is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature if the volume is constant (PK)

Temperature (T)

the average kinetic energy of gas particles measured in Kelvin

Pressure (P)

the force that gas particles exert on the interior surface of the container through collisions

Moles (N)

the number of moles of gas

Volume (V)

the region of space the gas occupies

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